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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanistic Insights into the Regulation of the E-selectin Ligand Activities of Breast Cancer Cells by microRNA-200c, Notch Signaling, and Exosomal microRNAs

Showalter, Christian A. 28 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Development of MALS methods for exosome size analysis / Utveckling av MALS-metoder för storleksanalys av exosomer

Andersson, Terese January 2022 (has links)
Exosomer är extracellulära vesiklar i nanostorlek som frigörs från cellerna till den extracellulära matrisen. Exosomer är laddade med nukleinsyror, proteiner, och lipider, och fungerar som kommunikatorer mellan celler. Det har gjort dem mycket attraktiva for forskning inom terapi, diagnostik och transport av läkemedel. För att använda exosomer i kliniska tillämpningar behöver standardiserade metoder för isolering, rening och analys av exosomer att utvecklas.  Detta projekt syftar till att sätta upp en snabb metod som använder "multiangle light scattering" (MALS) i kombination med kromatografi for att bestämma storleken på exosomer. Olika storlekskromatografi (SEC)/jonbyte (IEX)-kolonner kommer att undersökas och användas for analys av storlekar på exosomer. Partikelstorleken som erhålls från MALS kommer sedan att verifieras med nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA).  För SEC-MALS-analyserna eluerades exosomerna i dödvolymen. IEX-MALS-metoden separerade exosomerna enligt resultatet. Exosomer i storlek mellan 60-110 nm eluerades ut med 800 mM NaCl. Större exosomer och eventuella aggregat i storlek 120-200 nm eluerades ut med 1200 mN NaCl.  Resultatet visar att signalen från MALS indikerar var exosomer i kromatogrammen elueras ut och kan ge värdefull information om storleksfördelningen i en topp. SEC-MALS-resultatet är dock inte reproducerbart, eftersom det ibland sker en förändring i storleksfördelningen över toppen. Resultatet har också visat att arean for toppen i dödvolymen varierar mellan körningarna, vilket förmodligen orsakats av att exosomer interagerar med den stationära fasen eller filtret i kolonnen. Förskjutningen i storleksfördelning observerades också i IEX­MALS-metoden. Medelvärdet av partikelstorlekarna som beräknades från SEC-MALS överensstämmer med storlekarna beräknade med NTA. SEC-MALS-metoden behöver förbättras för att fa reproducerbara resultat. Den beräknade storleken från IEX-MALS stämde inte överens med storleken från NT A. Jonbytesanalysen skulle kunna upprepas och fraktioner skulle kunna analyseras med andra tekniker för att verifiera resultatet i framtida arbete. Effekten av den höga saltkoncentrationen på exosomerna behöver också undersökas ytterligare. / Exosomes are nanosized extracellular vesicles released from the cells into the extracellular space. Exosomes are loaded with nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, and work as communicators among cells. This has made them very attractive for research in therapeutics, diagnostics and drug delivery applications. Standardised exosome isolation, purification, and analysis methods need to be developed to use exosomes in clinical applications.  This project aimed to set up a quick method using multiangle light scattering (MALS) combined with chromatography techniques to determine exosome sizes. Different size exclusion (SEC)/ion exchange (IEX) columns will be investigated and used to analyse exosome sizes. The particle size obtained from MALS will then be verified with nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA).  For the SEC-MALS analysis, the exosomes were eluted in the void volume. The IEX-MALS method separated the exosome sample. The exosome eluted with 800 mM NaCl ranged between 60-110 nm in diameter. The exosomes eluted with 1200 mM NaCl ranged between 120-200 nm in diameter. The result shows that the light scattering intensity from MALS indicates where the exosomes elute in the chromatograms and gives valuable information about the size distribution in a peak. However, the SEC-MALS result is not reproducible, as sometimes, a shift in the size distribution over the peak occurs.  The result has also shown that the void peak area varies between the runs, caused mainly by the exosomes interacting with the resin or the column's filter. The shift in size distribution was also observed in the IEX-MALS method.  The average sizes calculated from SEC-MALS agree with the sizes calculated with NTA. The SEC-MALS method needs to be improved to obtain reproducible results. The calculated size from IEX-MALS did not agree with the size from NTA. The ion exchange analysis could be repeated and further analysed with other techniques to verify the result in future work. The effect of the high salt concentration on the exosomes also needs to be further investigated.

Proteomics of mature extracellular Human coronavirus OC43

Joharinia, Negar 08 1900 (has links)
Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) is a beta-coronavirus from the coronaviridae family. In contrast to SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-OC43 causes upper respiratory tract disease. However, because of their close phylogenic proximity but distinct pathologies, HCoV-OC43 is a very interesting surrogate to study and compare beta coronaviruses. As all viruses, the latter hijack cell machinery proteins to complete their life cycle. Cellular proteins, particularly those incorporated into virions are of particular interest since they often play a vital role in the virus life cycle. Our goal is to employ the proteomic pipeline we developed for HSV-1 to characterize the host proteins associated with highly purified extracellular HCoV-OC43 particles and finally expand it to SARS-CoV-2. To this end, high purity in sufficient yields is crucial as mass spectrometers pick up contaminants. The proteins present in cell culture medium serum, as well as the proteins carried by the exosomes produced by the cells or by the exosomes present in the cell culture media serum, are of particular concern. We utilized a series of methods to eliminate cell culture serum protein contaminations, enrich the viral particles, and separate exosomes from viral particles. For example, we have obtained an efficient separation of concentrated HCoV-OC43 virions from exosomes using density gradient fractionation. Mass spectrometry results on the purified fractions validated the enrichment of viral particles in the virus fraction and the lack of viral proteins in the mock samples. Most interestingly, we detected 69 host proteins unique to the virus fraction (compared to the mock), mostly regulating the RNA metabolism pathway followed by metabolite interconversion, protein modifying enzymes, and protein-binding activity modulator pathways. Since we also purified extracellular exosomes in the process, we probed whether the virus alters their protein content. Mass spectrometry revealed 51 unique proteins exclusively found in exosomes produced by HCoV-OC43 infected cells. These included translational proteins, metabolite interconversion enzymes, and scaffold proteins. Our preliminary RNA interference studies showed that knocking down 14 of these host proteins altered HCoV-OC43 titers. Studying host-virus protein interactions allows us to gain a deeper understanding of how viruses take advantage of host cells, and how we can develop novel viral therapeutics. / Le coronavirus humain OC43 (HCoV-OC43) est un bêta-coronavirus de la famille des coronaviridae. Contrairement au SRAS-CoV2, le HCoV-OC43 provoque une maladie des voies respiratoires supérieures. Cependant, en raison de leur proximité phylogénique étroite mais leur pathologie distincte, HCoV-OC43 est un substitut fort intéressant pour étudier et comparer les bêta-coronavirus. Comme tous les virus, ces derniers détournent les protéines de la machinerie cellulaire pour compléter leur cycle de vie. Les protéines cellulaires, en particulier celles incorporées dans les virions, sont particulièrement intéressantes puisqu'elles jouent souvent un rôle vital dans le cycle de vie du virus. Notre objectif est d'utiliser le pipeline protéomique que nous avons développé pour le HSV-1 afin de caractériser les protéines hôtes associées à des particules virales extracellulaires de HCoV-OC43 hautement purifiées et d'étendre cette approche au SRAS-CoV2. À cette fin, une pureté élevée avec des rendements suffisants est cruciale car les spectromètres de masse détectent les contaminants. Les protéines présentes dans le sérum du milieu de culture cellulaire, ainsi que les protéines portées par les exosomes produits par les cellules ou par les exosomes présentes dans le sérum du milieu de culture cellulaire, sont particulièrement concernées. Nous avons utilisé une série de méthodes pour éliminer les contaminations par les protéines sériques des cultures cellulaires, enrichir les particules virales et séparer les exosomes des virus. Nous avons ainsi obtenu une excellente séparation des virions HCoV-OC43 concentrés des exosomes en utilisant le fractionnement par gradient de densité. Les résultats de spectrométrie de masse sur les fractions purifiées ont validé l'enrichissement en particules virales dans la fraction virale et l'absence de protéines virales dans les échantillons contrôles. Plus intéressant encore, nous avons détecté 69 protéines hôtes uniques à la fraction virale (par rapport aux cellules non-infectées). Ces protéines sont principalement associées à la voie du métabolisme de l'ARN suivie de l'interconversion des métabolites, des enzymes modifiant les protéines et des voies modulatrices de l'activité de liaison aux protéines. Puisque nous avons séparés les exosomes des virus, nous en avons profiter pour évaluer si le virus altère leur contenu protéines. La spectrométrie de masse a de facto identifié 51 protéines uniques aux exosomes produits par les cellules infectées par HCoV-OC43. Celles-ci régulent des voies des protéines traductionnelles, des enzymes d'interconversion des métabolites et des voies des protéines d'échafaudage. Nos études préliminaires sur l’interférence ARN ont montré que l’inactivation de 14 de ces protéines hôtes modifiait le titre de HCoV-OC43. L'étude des interactions hôte-protéine virale nous permet de mieux comprendre comment les virus tirent parti des cellules hôtes et comment nous pouvons développer de nouvelles thérapies virales.

A Study of the Distal Molecular Mechanism by which Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation on a B Cell Regulates IgE Production

Padro, Caroline Jeannette January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Interleukin 1 Receptor1 signaling in Platelet Inflammatory responses Interleukin-1ß processing and secretion

Narayanan, Padmini January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The role of HLA-B27 in inflammatory arthritis

Lynch, Sarah Janice January 2009 (has links)
The MHC class I allele, HLA-B27, is strongly associated with a group of inflammatory arthritic conditions collectively known as spondyloarthropathies (SpA). Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) shows the strongest association with 90-95 % of patients being HLA-B27 positive. The relationship between HLA-B27 and SpA has been known for over 30 years, however despite ongoing research, the reason for this association has not yet been elucidated. In more recent years, research has focused on intrinsic properties of the HLA-B27 allele, in particular its propensity to misfold, forming homodimers. It has been proposed that these homodimers could be associated with the disease process through the activation of an ER stress response known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), or through aberrant recognition at the cell surface. We have investigated whether the expression of HLA-B27 is associated with the activation of the UPR. We have studied the expression of BiP, and the cleavage of XBP1 and ATF6 using stable and transiently expressing cell lines. We have also investigated the formation of non-B27 homodimers using a human cell line stably expressing HLA-B8, and finally we have studied the expression of homodimers in exosomes, small immunomodulatory vesicles released from numerous cell types. The results presented here lead us to conclude that in vitro studies of the UPR are complicated, prone to a number of technical issues, and may therefore not be appropriate for gaining information that would be of significant use when comparing to the real disease scenario. Our data suggest that non-B27 dimers may be strongly influenced by both the overexpression of MHC class I heavy chains and also the redox environment within the cell. We have isolated a novel fully folded, beta-2m-associated, MHC class I homodimer in exosomes and have detected a novel HLA-A and HLA-B mixed heavy chain dimer. Our results suggest that these dimers form through interactions between the cysteine residues in the cytoplasmic tail and that these dimers form in exosomes because they contain lower levels of the important antioxidant glutathione when compared to whole cells. Together, these results define a new MHC class I structure present on exosomes at significant levels, which could potentially influence immune recognition by both antigen-specific T cell receptors and NK family receptors. The data also poses questions about whether these novel structures, when they involve HLA-B27, could influence the pathogenesis of spondyloarthropathies.

Efeito do envelhecimento sobre a atividade de secretases e o perfil de exossomos circulantes : modulação pelo exercício físico

Bertoldi, Karine January 2016 (has links)
As vias amiloidogênica e não-amiloidogênica, representadas pelas enzimas secretases como a enzima clivadora do sítio beta da APP (BACE) e a enzima conversora do fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TACE) respectivamente, são responsáveis pela clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP). Alterações no processamento da APP associadas ao acúmulo do peptídeo β-amiloide (Aβ) parecem estar relacionadas aos déficits cognitivos observados na doença de Alzheimer (DA), no entanto, estudos avaliando a maquinaria de processamento da APP durante o envelhecimento fisiológico são raros. O Aβ é formado através da clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP) pela enzima BACE. Por outro lado, a APP pode ser clivada por secretases como a TACE gerando APPα, o qual é considerado neuroprotetor. Alguns estudos têm sugerido um envolvimento de vesículas denominadas exossomos no transporte de proteínas como o peptídeo Aβ além de um papel dos exossomos durante o estresse oxidativo e no processo de envelhecimento. No entanto, estudos avaliando a relação entre exossomos e marcadores oxidativos no envelhecimento ainda não foram realizados. Além disso, apesar de diversas evidências demonstrarem os efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, os efeitos exercidos sobre a modulação da atividade das secretases, especificamente TACE e BACE, e sobre o perfil dos exossomos durante o envelhecimento fisiológico têm sido pouco investigados. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a atividade das secretases e sobre o perfil de exossomos circulantes em ratos durante o envelhecimento. Ratos Wistar de 3, 21 e 26 meses de idade foram divididos em sedentários e exercitados, o protocolo de exercício consistiu em 20 min/ dia durante 14 dias e após a última a sessão de exercício todos os animais foram submetidos ao teste da esquiva inibitória. As estruturas cerebrais e o sangue troncular foram coletados 1h (período da tarde) e 18 h (período da manhã) após a última sessão de exercício com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos transitórios e tardios do protocolo de exercício. O hipocampo e o córtex pré-frontal foram dissecados e utilizados para quantificar o conteúdo de APP e avaliar a atividade das enzimas TACE e BACE. Os exossomos foram isolados do soro e utilizados para quantificar CD63, atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE), conteúdo de espécies reativas, atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e conteúdo de Aβ. / The amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic pathways, represented by secretases named β-site APP cleaving enzyme(BACE) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE), respectively, are responsible for amyloid protein precursor (APP) processing. APP cleavage modifications leading to increased β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide levels seem to be related to cognitive decline observed in Alzheimer disease (AD), however, works evaluating the APP processing machinery in the normal aging process are rarely studied. The Aβ is formed through APP cleavage by BACE enzyme, named amyloidogenic pathway. On the other hand, APP can be cleaved by a non-amyloidogenic pathway through secretase enzymes such as TACE producing APPα, which is a neuroprotective product. Some evidences suggested that extracellular vesicles named exosomes could carry proteins including the Aβ peptide between different cells. Yet, exosomes appear to be linked to oxidative stress and aging process. However, studies evaluating the relationship between exosomes and oxidative stress marks in the aging were not yet performed. The beneficial exercise impact in the aging process are widely described, nevertheless, its effects on secretase activities, specifically BACE and TACE, and exosome profile during normal aging remains understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise effects on secretase activities and circulating exosomes profile in the aging process. Wistar rats (3-, 21- and 26-month-old) were divided into sedentary and exercised groups; the exercise protocol consisted in a daily moderate treadmill exercise (20 min each day during 2 weeks). After the last exercise sessions, all animals were subjected to inhibitory avoidance task. To identify transitory and delayed exercise effects, specifically 1 and 18 hours after the last exercise training session, hippocampi and prefrontal cortices as well as blood were obtained at different times of day, respectively, in the afternoon and early morning. The brain areas were used to quantify the APP content and BACE and TACE activities. The circulating exosomes were isolated from serum and used to quantify CD63, reactive species and Aβ content, besides AChE and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities.

Avaliação da expressão de PrP c na interação neurônio-glia, em astrócitos e os mecanismos de secreção de STI1 / Avaliation of PrPc expression in neuron-glia crosstalk, in astrocytes and the mechanisms of STI1 secretion

Arantes, Camila Pinto 30 September 2009 (has links)
As funções fisiológicas da proteína prion (PrPc) estão sob ampla investigação e caracterização, especialmente as funções associadas ao desenvolvimento cerebral. Destaca-se que a associação de PrPc com Stress Inducible Protein 1 (STI1), induz neuritogênese e neuroproteção via proteína cinase extracelular reguladora (ERK) e proteína cinase dependente de AMPc (PKA) respectivamente. O presente estudo avaliou como a expressão de PrP cem astrócitos pode modular a interação neurônioglia e o papel de STI1 como um fator autócrino em astrócitos. PrPc modula a interação neurônio-glia, a produção de fatores tróficos solúveis e a organização da laminina secretada na matriz extracelular pelos astrócitos. Desta forma, a expressão de PrP ctanto em astrócitos quanto em neurônios é essencial para a neuritogênese e sobrevivência neuronal. O papel autócrino de STI1 em astrócitos também foi demonstrado. A interação PrPc-STI1 previne a morte celular por ativação da via de PKA, e ativa a diferenciação astrocitária, de uma forma protoplasmática para uma fibrosa pela indução de ERK1/2. De acordo com estes resultados, um menor grau de diferenciação é encontrado em camundongos deficientes para PrPc. Estes apresentam uma expresão reduzida GFAP (proteína fibrilar acídica glial) e aumentada de vimentina e nestina em comparação com aqueles derivados de animais tipo-selvagem. STI1 promove ainda parada da proliferação astrocitária ativando a via de PKC de maneira independente de PrPc. O mecanismo pelo qual STI1 é secretada por astrócitos também foi avaliado e verificou-se que este é independente da via clássica mediada pelo complexo de Golgi. STI1 secretada é encontrada numa forma solúvel e em outra associada a componentes lipídicos e foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica como vesículas que variam entre 20-200nm. Dentre as vias de secreção não clássicas dependentes de lipídeos, a via de \"shedding\" de membrana foi descartada visto que STI1 não é secretada em associação com lipoproteínas. STI1 está presente em frações positivas para o receptor de transferrina, Hsp70, Hsp90 e PrPc, sugerindo composição exossomal. Esses resultados indicam que STI1 pode ser classificada como um fator trófico que associado ao seu \"receptor\" ou \"co-receptor\", PrPc, modula a sobrevivência e diferenciação tanto de neurônios quanto de astrócitos / The physiological functions of PrPc are under intense investigation and characterization, particularly those associated with brain development. In neurons, the association of PrPc with its ligand, STI1, induces neuritogenesis and neuroprotection via ERK and PKA signaling pathways, respectively. The present study evaluated whether PrPc expression in astrocytes modulates neuron-glia crosstalk and the autocrine role of STI1 in astrocytes. PrPc modulates neuron-glia interaction, the production and secretion of soluble factors, and the organization of the laminin in the extracellular matrix. PrPc expression in neurons and astrocytes is essential to neuritogenesis and neuronal survival. The autocrine role of STI1 in astrocytes was also demonstrated. The PrPc-STI1 interaction prevents cell death in a PKA-dependent manner, and induces astrocyte differentiation, from a flat to a process-bearing morphology in an ERK1/2 dependent manner. We showed that PrPccnull astrocytes presented a slower rate of astrocyte maturation than wild-type ones, with reduced expression of GFAP and increased vimentin and nestin expression. STI1 inhibited proliferation of both wild-type and PrPCnull astrocytes in a PKC-dependent manner. The mechanisms by which STI1 can be secreted by astrocytes was avaliated and we demonstrated that this secretion is independent on the classical secretory pathway mediated by the Golgi apparatus. Secreted STI1 is found in a soluble form and associated with lipidic compartments and we characterized by electron microscopy as vesicles that range from 20-200nm. Among the non-classical lipid-dependent secretory pathways, STI1 secretion by shedding was ruled out since STI1 was not secreted with lipoprotein fractions. On the other hand, STI1 is present in fractions that are positive for transferrin receptor, Hsp70, Hsp90 and PrPc, suggesting an exosome identity. Taken together, these data indicate that STI1 acts as a neurotrophic factor whose activity is dependent on the expression of PrP c at the neuronal surface, modulating differentiation and survival of both neurons and astrocytes

The role of Syndecan-1 and extracellular vesicles in breast cancer brain metastasis

Sayyad, Megan R 01 January 2019 (has links)
Breast cancer metastasizes to the brain in 15-30% of all breast cancer cases, and metastasis is the predominant cause of breast cancer-related deaths. Patients with HER2-enriched and triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) are more likely to develop brain metastases. While targeted therapies exist for HER2-enriched breast cancers, there are no effective treatments for TNBCs. Thus, a greater understanding of how these cancers spread to the brain is critical. In order to spread to the brain, disseminated breast cancer cells must overcome 2 major steps—crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and survival and successful colonization of the distinctive and mostly cellular brain environment. Here, we report a novel role for breast cancer cell surface receptor, Syndecan-1 (Sdc1), a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, in promoting breast cancer cell transmigration across the BBB. We found that when we silenced Sdc1 expression in a highly metastatic TNBC cell line, MDA-MB-231, these cells exhibited reduced migration across an in vitro BBB model system. Further, in an in vivo experimental model of metastasis, mice injected with MDA-MB-231 Sdc1 KD (knock-down) cells developed less brain metastases than mice injected with control non-silencing (NS1) cells. Conversely, we found that overexpression of Sdc1 in a metastatic triple-negative mouse mammary carcinoma cell line, 4T1, led to an increase in brain metastases compared to empty vector control-treated mice. We predicted that a secreted factor(s) facilitated BBB disruption that allowed for Sdc1-mediated BBB transmigration, and found that silencing Sdc1 led to decreases in the production and/or release of various cytokines and chemokines implicated in BBB permeability and transmigration. In addition to supporting BBB transmigration, through an in vitro tissue section adhesion assay, we found that Sdc1 also facilitates adhesion of breast cancer cells to the brain, and not to the liver or lungs, revealing specificity for the brain. Further, we report that Sdc1 is expressed in 81% of breast cancer patient brain metastases in our tissue microarray study and that patients with TNBC and high Sdc1 expression have shorter disease-free survival based on a study performed using data from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Taken together, we predict that breast cancer cell Sdc1-regulated cytokines and chemokines promote BBB permeability and/or support transmigration to facilitate breast cancer metastasis to the brain. We also provide evidence for breast cancer-secreted extracellular vesicles, namely exosomes, in supporting the formation of a pro-metastatic brain environment. We compared exosomes derived from the metastatic 4T1 mouse mammary carcinoma cell line to a non-metastatic counterpart, the 67NR cell line, to assess their microRNA and protein composition and their effect(s) on recipient astrocytes, known mediators of brain metastasis. We found that there are inherent differences in both the microRNA and protein cargo from the metastatic 4T1 cells compared to the non-metastatic 67NR cells, whereby the metastatic 4T1 cells contained various tumor-promoting microRNAs and proteins, and also contained 4.5-fold more protein than the non-metastatic 67NR cells. Mouse astrocytes treated with the metastatic 4T1 exosomes exhibited a shift towards a pro-metastatic phenotype, characterized by upregulation of pro-inflammatory genes, and genes associated with astrocyte reactivity and cancer, whereby 67NR exosome-treated astrocytes exhibited a response profile that overlapped with untreated controls. Overall, these findings reveal an important role for exosomes in driving changes in the brain microenvironment to create a site conducive for cancer growth. Together, both studies help to elucidate how breast cancer cells can invade and colonize the unique brain environment.

Etudes moléculaires et fonctionnelles des gènes TSAP6 et TCTP

Duflaut, Dominique 15 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de mon travail de doctorat était une caractérisation fonctionnelle des gènes TCTP et TSAP6. Ces gènes sont impliqués dans la réversion tumorale et forment un complexe protéique. <br />Tpt1, codant pour la protéine TCTP, est le gène le plus sous-exprimé lors de la réversion tumorale. L'analyse du cristal de TCTP humain montre une forte homologie entre ses hélices H2-H3 et les hélices H5-H6 de Bax. Grâce à ses hélices, TCTP inhibe l'apoptose induite par Bax au niveau des mitochondries. En effet, nous démontrons que TCTP, entre autres par le biais de ces hélices, empêche la dimérisation de Bax. <br />Nous avons aussi développé une lignée de souris TCTP knockout qui présentent une létalité embryonnaire précoce.<br />En parallèle, nous avons étudié TSAP6, qui encode pour une protéine à 6 domaines transmembranaires et qui est une cible transcriptionnelle directe de la p53. Nous avons établi une lignée murine TSAP6 knockout présentant une anémie microcytaire avec une splénomégalie. Les réticulocytes issus des souris knockout présentent un retard de maturation et une anomalie de sécrétion du Récepteur à la Transferrine par les exosomes. De manière plus générale, les résultats obtenus montrent, in vivo, que TSAP6 contrôle la sécrétion des exosomes induite par activation de la P53. Nous montrons aussi que la Sertraline et la Thioridazine empêchent la formation du complexe TSAP6-TCTP.

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