Spelling suggestions: "subject:"experiencial"" "subject:"xperiencial""
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Elementos del marketing experiencial de tipo educacional sobre la decisión de compra en los bares especializados de cerveza artesanal en personas entre los 25 y 35 años del NSE AB de la zona 7 en Lima MetropolitanaArmebianchi Bustamante, Giorgio Luigi 01 July 2019 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es conocer los elementos del marketing experiencial que influyen en la intención de compra de los consumidores entre los 25 y 35 años en Lima Metropolitana, tomando en consideración las dimensiones planteadas del marketing experiencial como lo son el ambiente, el mozo, el olor, música la carta didáctica y el sabor de la cerveza artesanal ofertada.
La metodología empleada corresponde a un estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo a través de un análisis no probabilístico. En este caso se utilizó las herramientas de la entrevista a profundidad y la encuesta de un total de 150 encuestados.
Los resultados obtenidos fueron que existe relación entre las dimensiones del marketing experiencial planteados con la intención de compra, siendo el ambiente del lugar el más destacado entre ellos; por otra parte, el trato del mozo es la segunda dimensión con mayor relación con la intención de compra de los consumidores.
La dimensión con menor relación con la intención de compra fue el olor del bar y del producto. De igual forma todas las dimensiones tienen correlación positiva con la intención de compra.
El presente trabajo servirá a todos los negocios similares al objeto de estudio para poder conocer cuál es la relación de las dimensiones del marketing evaluadas para mejorar la intención de compra de sus productos. / The purpose of this research is to know the elements of experiential`s marketing that influence the purchase intention of consumers between 25 and 35 years old in Metropolitan Lima, taking into consideration the dimensions raised of experiential marketing such as the environment, the waiter, the smell, music, the didactic letter and the taste of the craft beer offered.
The methodology used corresponds to a qualitative and quantitative study through a non-probabilistic analysis. In this case, the tools of the in-depth interview and the survey of a total of 150 respondents were used.
The results were that there is a relationship between the dimensions of experiential marketing raised with the purchase intention, being the environment of the place the most prominent among them; On the other hand, the waiter's treatment is the second dimension that is more related to the intention of consumers to buy.
The dimension with the least relationship with the purchase intention was the smell of the bar and the product. Similarly, all dimensions have a positive correlation with the purchase intention.
This work will serve all businesses similar to the object of study to know what is the relationship of the dimensions of marketing evaluated to improve the purchase intention of their products. / Trabajo de investigación
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A cidade e seus patrimônios : um estudo das experiências, memórias e representações da praça central e do seu entorno em Pirassununga - SP /Prado, Gustavo Ferreira. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luciene Cristina Risso / Resumo: Pirassununga é um dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Localizado na região administrativa de Campinas, está completando seus 196 anos de história e memória. Seu surgimento e consequente desenvolvimento estão ligados às atividades produtivas em expansão na região durante o século XIX. As atividades no município impulsionaram historicamente a construção da praça central, onde há uma relação a ser estabelecida junto aos patrimônios do entorno. Assim surgiu o desejo de se estudar o espaço público central da cidade enfatizando o conceito de lugar, focando patrimônios urbanos e recontando a história do ponto de vista dos moradores com suas memórias-lembranças. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram revisão de literatura, leituras, história oral pela população mais velha e representações feitas pelos mais jovens com a análise de mapas mentais, a fim de estabelecer ressignificações através da perspectiva experiencial e contribuindo como base para a elaboração de políticas públicas que preservem e valorizem os patrimônios e espaços públicos e desse modo busca-se contribuir com a ciência geográfica e produzir um marco importante para a história de Pirassununga e de seus habitantes. / Abstract: Pirassununga is one of the municipalities of the state of São Paulo. Located in the administrative region of Campinas, is completing its 196 years of history and memory. Its emergence and consequent development are linked to the expanding productive activities in the region during the nineteenth century. Activities in the municipality have historically boosted the construction of the central square, where there is a relationship to be established with the surrounding heritage. Thus arose the desire to study the central public space of the city emphasizing the concept of place, focusing on urban heritage and retelling the story from the point of view of residents with their memoriesmemories. The methodological procedures included literature review, readings, oral history by the older population and representations made by younger people through the analysis of mind maps, in order to establish resignifications through the experiential perspective and contributing as a basis for the elaboration of public policies that preserve and value the heritage and public spaces and thus seek to contribute to geographical science and produce an important milestone for the history of Pirassununga and its inhabitants. / Mestre
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Acciones alternas de promoción a través del punto de venta en relación con la satisfacción del cliente en restaurantes temáticos de Lima Metropolitana / Experiential marketing strategies in relation to consumer satisfaction in thematic restaurants of LimaGarcía Valdivieso, Karen Lucia 17 November 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, el país atraviesa por un boom gastronómico que ha fomentado que existan numerosas opciones de restaurantes para el consumidor. Por este motivo, los negocios buscan diferenciarse cada vez más de la competencia y así, crean distintas estrategias para captar nuevos usuarios. Este es el caso de los restaurantes temáticos, que intentan crear experiencias que cautiven al consumidor y perduren en el tiempo.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las estrategias de marketing experiencial y su relación con la satisfacción del cliente en restaurantes temáticos. De esta manera, se optó por escoger dos restaurantes que utilicen una temática similar, y así se eligieron Pizza Rock y Arnold’s Burgers, ambos enfocados en recrear épocas del pasado para acudir a los recuerdos del consumidor.
En adición, se expondrán distintos conceptos que permitan al lector entender la esencia de la investigación. Además, se utilizará una metodología de investigación mixta basada en análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos. / At present, the country is going through a gastronomic boom that has encouraged the consumer to have numerous restaurant options to choose from. For this reason, businesses seek to differentiate themselves more and more from the competition and for this, they are obliged to create strategies to attract new users. This is the case of the thematic restaurants that try to create experiences that delight the consumer and last over time.
The objective of the present investigation is to analyze the experiential marketing strategies in relation to consumer satisfaction in thematic restaurants. In this way, it was decided to choose two restaurants that use a similar theme. This are Pizza Rock and Arnold's Burgers, both focused on recreating past times to get closer to the consumer memories.
In addition, different concepts that allow the reader to understand the essence of the research will be presented. And so, mixed research methodology based on interviews, focus groups and surveys will be used with real clients of both brands and experts in different subjects, in order to find information to improve research. / Trabajo de investigación
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Acciones de actuación del marketing experiencial asociados a la recompra de cervezas artesanales por parte de hombres y mujeres del Nivel Socioeconómico A, en bares de cerveza artesanal de cerveza artesanal en Lima Metropolitana / Experiential marketing related to the repurchase of craft beers from men and women that belong to the Socioeconomic level A, in Lima Metropolitan’s breweriesPalacios Guevara, Danitza Lucia 26 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación entre las variables marketing experiencial y la recompra de cervezas artesanales en los bares por parte de hombres y mujeres entre los 20 a 35 años. De esta manera, poder identificar qué variable tiene mayor correlación con la intención de compra.
Esta investigación es de alcance correlacional, ya que busca describir y relacionar los motivos de intención de compra en base a las variables y dimensiones puestas en estudio. Asimismo, se decidió investigar antecedentes, entrevistar a tres expertos en el rubro y realizar dos focus group con el público objetivo. Se halló que las variables y dimensiones de mayor relación con la recompra son la experiencia, el producto, los precios y estilo de vida.
Por último, a partir de la investigación, se ha conocido de forma más profunda al público objetivo. Los resultados con mayor relevancia son que el marketing experiencial junto a las acciones de actuaciones, son fundamentales para que el target recompre cervezas artesanales en los bares y que definitivamente, el precio influye en la decisión de compra. / The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the variables experiential marketing and the repurchase of craft beers in breweries by men and women between the ages of 20 and 35. In this way, to identify which variable has the greatest correlation with the purchase intention.
This research is based on a scope of correlational, since it seeks to describe and relate the reasons for purchase intention based on the variables and dimensions put into study. Likewise, it was decided to investigate the background, interviewed three experts in the field and conducted two focus groups with the target audience. It was found that the variables and dimensions most related to the repurchase are the experience, product, prices and the target lifestyle.
Finally, based on the research, the target has been known and studied more deeply. The results with greater relevance are that experiential marketing along with the actions of acts, are essential for the target to repurchase craft beers in the bars and that definitely, the price also influences on the purchase decision. / Trabajo de investigación
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Impacto de la experiencia de Realidad virtual en la imagen de marca en capacitaciones (B2B) en el sector minero / Impact of the Virtual Reality experience on the brand image in training (B2B) for the mining sectorPacheco Munarriz, Fiorelha Maite 21 February 2020 (has links)
El tema de la presente investigación se centra en las “Impacto de la experiencia de Realidad virtual en la imagen de marca en capacitaciones B2B”. Para su desarrollo, el contenido se ha dividido en tres partes: introducción, tres capítulos (marco teórico, metodología y campo) y finalmente, conclusiones (discusión e implicancias que se han encontrado en la investigación).
La Realidad Virtual es un tipo de tecnología que está despertando el interés de muchas empresas por su gran potencial estratégico. La experiencia VR permite penetrar en la mente del consumidor por las posibilidades de generar una experiencia vivencial de forma audiovisual de gran impacto. Gracias a ello, apareció un nuevo uso enfocado al B2B como maquinaria, capacitaciones y showrooms de muestra. El presente estudio se enfoca específicamente en las capacitaciones por ser rentables específicamente para el sector minero por el transporte a las minas que están a fuera de la ciudad. Además, abarca la imagen de marca como tema de marketing por lo mismo que para las empresas dedicadas al B2B les es relevante el estatus. A partir de ello, se desglosa en un análisis de calidad, inmersión, esfuerzo del cliente, satisfacción y notoriedad.
El diseño es no experimental de corte transversal y alcance correlacional debido a que se observa y detalla la característica de dos acciones en momentos específicos. Asimismo, se utilizó un enfoque mixto, es decir cualitativo y cuantitativo. Los descubrimientos a nivel cualitativo y cuantitativo indican que la relación es significativa; sin embargo, la teoría muestra que ciertos factores tienen una mayor significancia que en la tropicalización no corresponden de igual forma. / The subject of this research focuses on the “Impact of the Virtual Reality experience on the brand image in B2B training”. For its development, the content has been divided into three parts: introduction, three chapters (theoretical framework, methodology and field) and finally, conclusions (discussion and implications that have been found in the research).
Virtual Reality is a type of technology that is awakening the interest of many companies for its great strategic potential. The VR experience allows you to penetrate the mind of the consumer by the possibilities of generating an experience of audiovisual experience of great impact. Thanks to this, a new use focused on B2B appeared as machinery, training and sample showrooms. This study focuses specifically on training because it is profitable specifically for the mining sector due to transportation to mines that are outside the city. In addition, it encompasses the brand image as a marketing theme for the same reason that for companies dedicated to B2B, their status is relevant. From this, it is broken down into an analysis of quality, immersion, customer effort, satisfaction and notoriety.
The design is non-experimental with a cross-sectional and correlational scope because the characteristic of two actions is observed and detailed at specific times. A mixed approach was also used, that is, qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative and quantitative findings indicate that the relationship is significant; However, the theory shows that certain factors have a greater significance than in tropicalization they do not correspond in the same way. / Trabajo de investigación
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Influencia de las estrategias del marketing experiencial en la satisfacción de las mujeres millennials que acuden a tiendas retail de belleza en Lima Metropolitana / Influence of experiential marketing strategies on the satisfaction of millennial women who go to retail beauty stores in Metropolitan LimaCarranza Arbulú, Nalia Alessandra, Isla Gavonel, Illary Yolanda 27 November 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza la influencia de las estrategias del marketing experiencial en la satisfacción de las mujeres millennials que acuden a tiendas retail de belleza en Lima Metropolitana. El objetivo del paper es analizar a través de que variables el marketing experiencial se evidencia en el punto de venta. Asimismo, evaluar cómo se encuentra la categoría dentro del mercado y analizar el target al que va dirigida la investigación. En cuanto a los resultados, se observa que las importaciones de maquillaje en el 2018 tuvieron un alza del 4% con respecto al año anterior. Existen tres formas de crear experiencias: a través del producto, mediante puntos de venta y por medio del uso del producto/servicio. En la actualidad, marcas como NYX, Urban Decay, MAC ya emplean estrategias de marketing experiencial en sus tiendas retail para ser más atractivos para las consumidoras. Con estos resultados, se ofrecen aportes considerables para las empresas que están dentro de este rubro brindando información relevante a considerar. Sin embargo, aún falta incorporar la investigación a profundidad de estas acciones con el target. / This work analyzes the influence of experiential marketing strategies on the satisfaction of millennial women who go to beauty retail stores in Metropolitan Lima. The main objective of the paper is to analyze through which variables experiential marketing is evident at the point of sale. Also, evaluate how the category is developing in the market and analyze the target for which the research is aimed. As for the the results, it is observed that makeup imports in 2018 had an increase of 4%, compared to the previous year. Likewise there are three ways to create experiences: through the product, through points of sale and through the use of the product / service. Nowadays brands like NYX, Urban Decay, and MAC already use experiential marketing strategies in their retail stores in order to be more attractive to consumers. With these results, substantial contributions are offered for the companies that fall within this category, providing relevant information to consider. However, there is still a need to incorporate in-depth research of these actions with the target. / Trabajo de investigación
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[pt] A ciência oceânica carece de um diálogo estruturado entre os conhecimentos
técnico e empírico social, em particular com o esporte. São escassos os trabalhos que
estimulam e conectam cientistas do mar e esportistas aquáticos. A falta de
comunicação entre estes setores sociais inviabiliza oportunidades que agregam para a
sustentabilidade do oceano. Por conta disto, e em busca de analisar o potencial que os
esportes aquáticos possuem para o desenvolvimento da cultura oceânica no Brasil,
esse trabalho propõe uma metodologia de aprendizagem experiencial que conecta a
educação do surf a temas da sustentabilidade, oferecendo aos educadores desse
esporte uma ferramenta capaz de propagar a Cultura Oceânica. A metodologia tem
como base a Teoria da Aprendizagem Experiencial, desenvolvida em sua maior parte
por David Kolb (1984). Nesta abordagem, o aprendizado se inicia a partir da
experiência direta de cada pessoa, seguida de reflexões, conceituação e ações
estimuladas para internalização e fixação da aprendizagem. A metodologia proposta
neste trabalho conecta a aprendizagem prática do surf a reflexões, conceitos e
estímulos comportamentais ligados à Cultura Oceânica. Para compreender o contexto
do público em relação ao tema, e averiguar a importância da criação desta
metodologia, foram realizadas quinze entrevistas em profundidade: oito com
educadores do oceano e sete com educadores do surf. A abordagem teórico-metodológica do construcionismo social de Spink (2013) orientou o desenho da
pesquisa e a análise das entrevistas. Ambos os grupos de educadores concordaram
com o importante papel do esporte como ferramenta de sensibilização para
aprendizagem da sustentabilidade do oceano e disseminação da cultura oceânica. / [en] Ocean science lacks a structured dialogue between technical end empirical social knowledge, in particular with sport. There are only a few works that stimulate and connect ocean scientists and water sports enthusiasts. The absence of communication between those sectors prevents the creation of opportunities that contribute to the sustainability of the ocean. Therefore, in order to analyze the potential that water sports have for the development of Ocean Literacy in Brazil, surfing was used to build the methodology by which sport educators can propagate Ocean Literacy using scientifically based information through their own contact with the ocean. The methodology is based on the Experiential Learning Theory developed mostly by David Kolb (1984). Learning starts with the direct experience of each person, which will be the sport, along with their own experiences and the environment that surrounds them. Based on the feelings and observations generated by the practice of the sport, reflections, conceptualizations, and actions are stimulated to internalize and fix this learning. To ascertain the importance of creating this methodology, interviews were conducted, based on Spink s (2013) theoretical-methodological approach of social constructionism, with a group of eight ocean educators and seven surf educators. Both groups of educators agreed on the important role of water sports in the collaboration of Ocean Literacy, and its influence on society s understanding of the importance of ocean sustainability for their lives and the planet.
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Cambios en la experiencia subjetiva de la temporalidad a partir de las variaciones en la narrativa de un evento de violencia: un análisis desde los relatos de una paciente en el contexto de una psicoterapia psicoanalítica focalMarinelli, Francesco 29 April 2019 (has links)
Los estudios en psicoterapia han encontrado que los procesos de cambio psíquico pueden identificarse a partir de momentos de cambio que resultan significativos para que el paciente construya nuevos significados sobre la propia experiencia (Krause, 2005). En estos cambios psíquicos se destaca la importancia de una experiencia subjetiva de la temporalidad que permita vincular con mayor organización y apertura las diferentes dimensiones de la propia experiencia en el mundo (Loewald, 1972). Además, se sostiene que el proceso de construir una narrativa es un vehículo importante para la manifestación de dicha experiencia temporal (Bamberg, 2012). En este marco, el presente estudio busca analizar los cambios en la experiencia subjetiva de la temporalidad a través de las variaciones narrativas de un evento de violencia realizadas por una paciente a lo largo de un proceso de psicoterapia psicoanalítica breve. Para ello, se emplea un caso único sistematizado de un proceso de doce sesiones de un terapeuta y una paciente mujer que se encuentra en una situación de violencia de pareja. Se utilizan herramientas del análisis narrativo para profundizar en la experiencia subjetiva temporal subyacente al proceso de narrar y re-narrar un evento de violencia. Los resultados de este estudio encuentran que la experiencia temporal varía a lo largo del proceso en términos de organización, coherencia y flexibilidad en el relato de la historia de violencia. Además, las funciones de la experiencia temporal permiten una transformación en la perspectiva que la paciente asume frente a una situación atribuida inicialmente al pasado, lo que permite un cambio en la manera de concebirse a sí misma no sólo frente a dicha experiencia sino también en el presente. Se discuten las implicancias de la experiencia subjetiva de la temporalidad en relación la construcción de un sí mismo, el proceso de historización, los afectos y la experiencia de violencia a partir de una lectura psicoanalítica. / Studies in psychotherapy have found that processes of psychic change can be identified from moments of change that are significant for the patient to build new meanings about their own experience (Krause, 2005). In these psychic changes the importance of a subjective experience of temporality is highlighted, which allows to link with greater organization and openness the different dimensions of one's own experience in the world (Loewald, 1972). In addition, it is argued that the process of constructing a narrative is an important vehicle for the manifestation of such temporal experience (Bamberg, 2012). In this framework, the present study seeks to analyze the changes in the subjective experience of temporality through the narrative variations of an event of violence performed by a patient throughout a process of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy. For this, a systematized single case was used, of twelve session of a therapist and a female patient who is in a situation of partner violence. Narrative analysis tools were used to deepen the subjective temporal experience underlying the process of narrating and re-narrating an event of violence. The results of this study find that the temporal experience varies throughout the process in terms of organization, coherence and flexibility in the story of the history of violence. In addition, the functions of temporal experience allow a transformation in the perspective that the patient assumes in front of a situation attributed initially to the past, which allows a change in the way of conceiving itself not only in front of that experience but also in the present. The implications of the subjective experience of temporality in relation to the construction of a self, the process of historicization, affects and the experience of violence from a psychoanalytic reading are discussed. / Tesis
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Ensino de empreendedorismo: estudo exploratório sobre a aplicação da teoria experiencial / Teaching entrepreneurship: an exploratory study on the application of the experiential theoryKrakauer, Patricia Viveiros de Castro 25 November 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou como a experiência pode ser o alicerce para o ensino de empreendedorismo, de forma que a aprendizagem tenha significado para os jovens graduandos. O ensino de empreendedorismo ainda é muitas vezes apenas focado na abertura de pequenas empresas, tendo o plano de negócios como sua base. Este alicerce utilizou as teorias da aprendizagem experiencial e aprendizagem significativa, conceituando o ensino de empreendedorismo pela articulação de ambas as teorias. Alguns aspectos foram estudados em profundidade e constituíram os objetivos específicos da presente tese: compreender o que deve ser ensinado em empreendedorismo na graduação, elaborar e testar um conjunto de propostas de aulas para a disciplina de empreendedorismo, levantar os estilos de aprendizagem das turmas investigadas e discutir as premissas da aprendizagem experiencial no âmbito do ensino de empreendedorismo. Por ser um tema ainda em construção, trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória, qualitativa, sendo que a mesma foi desenhada em três fases: na fase 1 realizou-se o levantamento de dados secundários que proporcionou a fundamentação teórica da tese e o desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual; a fase 2 e a fase 3 correspondem à pesquisa empírica, sendo a fase 2 voltada à aplicação do modelo em aulas de empreendedorismo, comparando os dados obtidos com dois grupos de alunos, e a fase 3 estruturada para validar os achados e discutir as premissas. Foram delineados como procedimentos metodológicos o levantamento bibliográfico, a pesquisa participante e as entrevistas semiestruturadas com especialistas. Vários resultados foram obtidos de forma a conceituar o ensino de empreendedorismo, podendo-se destacar: (1) a construção do conhecimento em rede se mostrou adequada ao ensino de empreendedorismo, (2) a teoria de aprendizagem experiencial se mostrou efetiva para o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual e estimulou a significância e a criatividade no grupo investigado, (3) várias didáticas foram analisadas, com destaque para o plano de negócios, estudo de caso, resolução de problemas, mapas mentais e narrativas, (4) plano de negócio é um meio para a aprendizagem de empreendedorismo e não o seu fim, (5) não é necessário que o professor de empreendedorismo já tenha sido proprietário de um negócio, (6) os docentes poderiam se preparar melhor pedagogicamente e (7) os alunos não gostam de aulas expositivas e querem ser protagonistas do seu aprendizado. O estudo contribui ao ser um passo para o entendimento de um contexto ainda não convergente na literatura e para que instituições de ensino e docentes tenham um novo olhar sobre o ensino de empreendedorismo, tema atual e instigante. / This study examined how experiences can be the foundation for teaching entrepreneurship, so that learning becomes meaningful to the graduates. The teaching of entrepreneurship is often focused only on opening small businesses, and has the business plan as its basis. This foundation has used the theories of experiential learning and meaningful learning, conceptualizing the teaching of entrepreneurship through the articulation of both theories. Some aspects have been studied in depth and constituted the specific objectives of this thesis: to understand what must be taught as entrepreneurship in a graduation course, to elaborate and test a set of proposals for classes concerning the subject entrepreneurship, to raise the learning styles of the investigated groups and discuss the premises of experiential learning in teaching entrepreneurship. Because such a subject is still under construction, it is a research of exploratory and qualitative nature, and it was designed in three phases: in phase 1 it was carried out a survey of secondary data which provided the theoretical foundation for the thesis and the development of the conceptual model; phase 2 and phase 3 correspond to the empirical research, being the second phase focused on the implementation of the model in entrepreneurship classes, comparing the results obtained with two groups of students and the third phase was structured to validate such results and discuss the premises. As methodological procedures were outlined the bibliographic research, the participatory research and semi-structured interviews with experts. Several results were obtained in order to conceptualize the teaching of entrepreneurship, such as: (1) the construction of knowledge in a network way was adequate to the teaching of entrepreneurship, (2) the theory of experiential learning was effective for developing a conceptual model and stimulate the significance and creativity in the investigated group, (3) several didactics were analyzed, with emphasis on the business plan, case study, problems solving, mental maps and narratives, (4) the business plan is a way for learning entrepreneurship and not its end, (5) it is not necessary for the entrepreneurship teacher to have previously been a businessman, (6) the teachers could be better prepare pedagogically and (7) the students do not like expositive classes and want to be protagonists of their learning process. The study is helpful insofar as it represents a step towards the understanding of a context not yet convergent in the literature and contributes so that schools and teachers may have a new perspective on the teaching of entrepreneurship, a current and thought-provoking theme.
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Possuir ou experienciar? : entendendo as rela??es entre o materialismo e o experiencialismo ao longo do processo de consumo de uma experi?nciaMachado, Maria Am?lia Dutra 07 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Administra??o e Neg?cios (ppgad@pucrs.br) on 2018-04-17T23:30:56Z
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MARIA_AM?LIA_DUTRA_MACHADO_DIS.pdf: 1809682 bytes, checksum: efe19f35b0f1d484fcc0e4038c25ddf5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Some studies are named experience recommendation and have suggested that experience purchase provides more welfare and happiness to consumers because gives life events for the individual. However, recent evidence argues that some consumers acquire an experience with the intention to obtaining tangible artifacts that are held in their possession. Therefore, the present work objective is comprehending which relationships exist between the dimensions of materialist and experientialist behaviors throughout the process of consumption of an experience. In this way, this exploratory qualitative investigation begins with a literature review to propose four dimensions of the materialist and experientialist consumption behavior. Then, 13 consumers are interviewed before and after they realized an international travel. Also, photographys and videos of the moments lived throughout the trip made by the own participants are analyzed. The results point the definition of materialist consumption behavior as the action of using a product with the intention of obtaining an artifact that is held in individual possess, and experientialist consumption behavior as the action of using a product with intention of obtaining events unusual in the life?s subject. Data shows that same consumer can present aspects of both behavior throughout consumption process. This study contributes in three ways to the experience recommendation theory. First, the analysis shows definitions of the actions and intentions of consumer and aspects related to materialism and experientialism. Second, the results support the proposed categorization of the products, that can be material goods and other artifacts; services provided throughout the consumption; or experiences, that are unusual activities realized by the consumer throughout process. Third, the analysis demonstrates consumption process is a set of individual action along a determined period. / Alguns estudos, nomeados pela literatura de recomenda??o da experi?ncia, t?m sugerido que a compra de experi?ncias proporciona mais bem-estar e felicidade ao consumidor, pois oportunizam eventos a serem vividos pelo indiv?duo. Entretanto, evid?ncias recentes sugerem que alguns consumidores adquirem uma experi?ncia com a inten??o de obter artefatos tang?veis que ser?o mantidos em sua posse. Por isso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender quais s?o as rela??es entre as dimens?es dos comportamentos materialista e experiencialista ao longo do processo de consumo de uma experi?ncia. Para alcan?ar esse prop?sito, este estudo explorat?rio de natureza qualitativa iniciou sua investiga??o atrav?s da revis?o de literatura, que baseou a proposi??o de quatro dimens?es dos comportamentos materialista e experiencialista de consumo. Depois, realizou-se entrevistas com 13 consumidores, antes e depois de fazerem uma viagem internacional. Tamb?m foram analisados registros em foto e v?deo dos momentos vividos durante a experi?ncia de consumo feitos pelos pr?prios participantes. Os resultados apoiam a defini??o do comportamento materialista de consumo como a a??o de usufruir um produto com a inten??o de obter artefato que ser? mantido em posse do indiv?duo e, do comportamento experiencialista, como a a??o de usufruir um produto com a inten??o de obter eventos incomuns na vida do indiv?duo. Al?m disso, os dados demonstram que o mesmo consumidor pode apresentar aspectos de ambos os comportamentos ao longo do processo de consumo. Essa evid?ncia sugere que as pessoas n?o s?o materialistas ou experiencialistas, mas agem de maneira materialista e experiencialista durante o consumo. Este trabalho contribui de tr?s formas para a teoria sobre a recomenda??o da experi?ncia. Em primeiro lugar, apresenta defini??es das a??es e inten??es do consumidor e os aspectos relacionados ao materialismo e ao experiencialismo. Em segundo lugar, os resultados apoiam a proposi??o de uma categoriza??o de produtos, que podem ser bens materiais e outros artefatos; servi?os prestados durante o consumo; ou experi?ncias, que s?o atividades incomuns realizadas pelo consumidor ao longo do processo. Em terceiro lugar, a an?lise demonstra que o processo de consumo ? um conjunto de a??es do indiv?duo durante um determinado tempo.
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