Spelling suggestions: "subject:"experiential value"" "subject:"experiential alue""
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The Physical Store Experience : A qualitative study on how in-store experiences influence store attractivenessFors, Hanna, Hyllander, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Today, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing changes, as we are moving away from a service economy towards an experience economy. These changes reshape customers´ preferences. Reatilers have shown an inability to adapt to these changes, indicating that there is a need for further insights on the subject. To address this lack of knowledge, this thesis aimed at investigating the customer experience in brick-and-mortar fashion retailers in order to obtain knowledge about how experiential offerings create perceived value and customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to store attractiveness. This study focused on investigating the customer experience holistically, by using the "Experience Economy 4E construct" together with three dimensions of perceived experiential value as a theoretical framework. The application of this holistic approach to the customer experience has until now been relatively unexplored, which justify the purpose of this thesis. This qualitative study was conducted by using six semi-structured interviews. Furthermore, the emprical data collection was analysed using a thematic analysis. This generated valuable insights to which aspects were considered to create positive as well as negative feelings, which consequently affect customer satisfaction and store attractiveness. The result showed that experiential offerings from brick-and-mortar fashion retailers create perceived experiential value, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction and store attractiveness. Furthermore, the result indicated that educational experiences, esthetic experiences and social interactions are the primary value-creating sources.
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スポーツ観戦要因のメカニズムについて : スポーツの経験価値を視点に / スポーツ カンセン ヨウイン ノ メカニズム ニツイテ : スポーツ ノ ケイケン カチ オ シテン ニ有吉 忠一, Chuichi Ariyoshi 21 March 2017 (has links)
本論文では、スポーツ振興政策を牽引するアクターとしてスポーツ観戦に注目し、そのメカニズムを明らかにすること、そのメカニズムがソーシャル・キャピタルに影響があるという仮説を提示することを目的とした。これらを明らかにすることで、スポーツ観戦需要に貢献することだけでなく、まちづくりの方向性を示すことができる。また、社会性の強い投資資金も流入することが期待され、スポーツの自立性が可能となると考えるからである。 / The purpose of this discourse is to analyze the mechanism of sport spectator through an empirical analysis and set up the hypothesis, its mechanism affecting social capital. Through those research assignments, those findings would contribute not only the demand of sport spectator but also the direction of community development. And a new social investment money would be resulted in flow to sport promotion policy to meet stake holders' expectation, and then sport would become financially independent. / 博士(経済学) / Doctor of Economics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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體驗行銷策略研究-以好市多(Costco)為例 / The Study of experiential marketing strategy: The case of costco許泓祺, Hsu, Hong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
五、顧客滿意度可以有效預測顧客忠誠度。 / Different from traditional marketing theory, experiential marketing (Schmitt 1999) focuses on customer experience, offering customer the value of sense, feel, think, act & relate to take place of traditional marketing functional value. Products & services can only touch customers’ outside, but experience can go inside customers’ hearts, and the value of experience will last for a very long time. To use experiential marketing well will help enterprise brand outperform others and memorized by customers.
This research uses Costco as the case to study the relationship of SEMs(Sense, Feel, Think, Act & Relate), experiential value(CROI, Service Excellence, Aesthetics, & Playfulness), customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Also at the end, this research will offer practical suggestions to Costco.
Our findings as following:
1.By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence all aspects of experiential value.
2.All five modules of SEMs and four aspects of experiential value can positive predict or influence customer satisfaction.
3.Relate, Feel, & Act modules can positively predict or influence customer loyalty. Relate module appealing to the coherence of brand community is the most important factor to predict customer loyalty.
4.Only Aesthetics can’t positively predict customer loyalty. For the rest, Playfulness is the most important factor to influence customer loyalty.
5.Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty.
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體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意、品牌形象與忠誠度之關係研究-以Nike運動行銷Running Club活動為例 / The Study of the Relationships among Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image and Loyalty:A Case Study of Nike's Sport Marketing Running Club楊登鈞, Yang, Teng-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
體驗行銷相當受到企業與行銷界的重視。這個趨勢乃是因應消費者對消費商品的關注不再只是停留在於對消費商品本身的考量,進而開始注重消費商品所帶來的服務和整體感受。企業開始與消費者進行對話,觀察消費者的需求,體驗行銷因而廣為應用。Nike-Running Club以活動方式,利用社群集結慢跑同好的體驗行銷模式,引發本研究之動機。採實證探討方式,研究體驗行銷、體驗價值、品牌形象、顧客滿意與忠誠度的關係。本研究分析結果如下:
(1)差異性分析顯示, 不同人口變項對體驗價值、顧客滿意、品牌形象及忠誠度的差異性是顯著的。研究顯示參與活動次數較多者在體驗價值、顧客滿意與忠誠度得分顯著高於參與活動次數較少者。
(2)實證分析體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意、品牌形象及忠誠度之內涵方面顯示: 在各不同分析層面所有的變數中情感體驗、趣味性價值的影響力是相對較強的,思考體驗及消費者投資報酬價值相對是較弱。體驗價值對品牌形象之影響力較低。
(4)體驗行銷與體驗價值呈現顯著正相關。體驗價值、品牌形象、顧客滿意與忠誠有顯著正相關。 / Experiential Marketing has received great attention from enterprises and the marketing field. This trend corresponds to the fact that there is growing number of customers paying attention, beyond consumer goods themselves, to the service and the total quality of the consumer goods they purchase. The dialogue between enterprise and customers begins with enterprise observing the needs of the customers in the way of Experience Marketing. For example, Nike-Running Club designed experiential marketing programs and memberships to attract social group participation. This research used Nike-Running Club as a case to empirically study the relationships of Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image and Brand Loyalty.
Convenience sampling methodology is used to sample customers of Nike-Running Club. ANOVA and Regression analyses are used to analyze the data collected via questionnaire. The results show:
(1)ANOVA analyses indicate, variations among different demographic variable groups are significant. Especially, the frequent participants show higher Experiential Values, Customers Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty than less frequent participants.
(2)Empirical analyses of the measures of Experience Marketing, Experience Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image and Brand Loyalty show: Among all the measurements at different analysis levels in regression models, sensing experience and playfulness have relative higher strength; thinking experience and customer return on investment experience value have less strength. Also, Experience Value has less impact on Brand Image.
(3)Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty and Brand Image mutually influence each other. Among which, Customer Satisfaction has higher impact on Brand Loyalty.
(4)Experiential Marketing and Experience Value have significant positive correlation. Experiential Value, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty have significantly positive correlation with one another.
This research also conducted interviews to collect qualitative data to support and interpret quantitative analysis results and propose suggestions for future research.
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人際與人機互動經驗沈浸的前因、狀態及後果之研究 / The study of antecedents, states, and consequences of flow in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity environments黃增隆, Huang, Tseng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
Woodruff (1997) 認為企業若沒有由建構滿意度的顧客價值 (customer value) 中做更為深入的了解,則顧客的意見將無法完全引導管理者研擬競爭策略。因此Woodruff (1997) 進而主張顧客價值才是企業當前最主要競爭優勢的來源,而非滿意度而已。Peterson (1995) 的研究指出,透過經驗所給予顧客的價值,是促使顧客願意與廠商進一步建立起長久關係的驅動因子。Spiegelman (2000) 也建議:「廠商若希望能夠將第一次消費的造訪者,進而轉變成為重複購買的顧客,則廠商必須在消費體驗的過程中不斷的傳遞價值」。換言之,體驗價值 (experiential value) 可視為提高顧客忠誠的最佳利器 (Stoel, Wickliffe and Lee, 2004)。再者,Babin, Darden, and Griffin (1994) 認為體驗價值是消費經驗後的主要結果,若研究者沒有確實掌握所知覺的體驗價值為何,則無法清楚了解消費者的消費經驗全貌。然而體驗價值雖然對於行銷研究與管理者相當重要,但有關消費者體驗價值的探討,主要都限制在網路購物的人機互動情境。關於線上人際互動情境中,將可能產生何種體驗價值,學者就較少進行探究 (Mathwick, 2002)。
Pine and Gilmore (1999) 在體驗經濟《Experiential Economics》一書中曾指出,消費者之所以能夠形成難忘且有價值的體驗,關鍵乃在於廠商是否能夠設計一個使消費者完全融入,且如同身歷其境的感受。換言之,引發消費者沈浸當下的消費情境,成為企業傳遞體驗價值給消費者的關鍵因素所在。但很遺憾的,沈浸與體驗價值的關係,過去研究較少深入的分析與探討,而且先前的研究情境卻也僅限於線上搜尋的人機互動經驗 (Mathwick and Rigdon, 2004),忽略了人際互動的體驗才是消費者最為渴望的經驗 (Spiegelman, 2000)。因此在今日人們相當渴望透過網路進行人際接觸的同時,研究更應深入討論與分析,在線上人際互動情境中,沈浸 (flow) 與各種體驗價值 (experiential value) 的關係。
在研究方法方面,有鑑於人際與人機互動的沈浸概念必須重新被審視並釐清 (Huang, 2006),並且考量消費者的沈浸狀態是具有動態且連續發生一段時間的特性,同時也由於沈浸本身是一種內心深處的感受,若訪談過程中沒有任何憑據可提供受訪者作事後的回憶,則受訪者將很難描述沈浸當時發生的所有感受與心路歷程 (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi, 1988),基於此,本研究選擇能夠幫助受訪者回憶起所有心路歷程的自發性導引法 (auto-driving) (Belk and Kozinets, 2005),為探討沈浸的質化研究方法,如此才能藉此重新釐清在人際與人機互動情境中,消費者沈浸的定義與構面。更進一步的,由於能夠更清楚掌握沈浸的本質,也才能夠使得研究者可以更為明確的探究出引發沈浸產生的人際與人機互動因子以及在沈浸歷程中消費者所知覺體驗價值類型。
另外,訪談內容的結果也顯示,人際與人機互動的沈浸經驗不只是一種最佳互動消費經驗 (Novak and Hoffman, 1996; Privette and Bundrick, 1987),同時它包含了許多豐富且多元的體驗價值 (Mathwick, et al., 2001)。換言之,當消費者全心投入在情境推想、整合思維、具象化、情緒感染與情緒激發等任一種活動時,都可以知覺到成就感、尊重、趣味性等這三種價值類型。隨著沈浸經驗本身具有多元且豐富的體驗價值,使得參與線上人際互動的消費者,更因此希望再次透過如此的經驗獲取價值。也因此,沈浸經驗提高了消費者願意再次經歷的意圖。
在經過第二階段研究中一系列沈浸量表的發展與檢測分析後,研究結果顯示,所發展的沈浸量表與體驗量表不論是在探索性因素分析、一階驗證性因素分析與二階驗證性因素分析都具備很好的信度與效度。不僅如此,藉由結構方程式模式的統計分析,研究進一步驗證五種沈浸成份間、沈浸與體驗價值間、五種沈浸成份與體驗價值間、沈浸與持續消費行為間以及五種沈浸成份與持續消費行為間的因果關係。而研究結果顯示,不僅整體模式的配適度達評鑑要求的水準,同時每一個變數彼此間的因果關係也都達顯著。 / Woodruff (1977) maintains that customers’ opinions can lead managers to plan competitive strategies if enterprises can have a profound understanding and analysis of customer value, which influences on the formation of customer satisfaction. Accordingly, it’s Woodruff’s contention that the primary source of competitive edge among present-day enterprises isn’t just concerned with “customer satisfaction”, but with “customer value” as well. According to Peterson’s research (1995), the experience-based value bestowed upon customers is an impetus to customers’ desire to develop a long-term relationship with enterprises. Furthermore, Spiegelman (2000) also suggests that enterprises have to incessantly deliver value to customers in their consumption process if enterprises expect to turn customers purchasing for the first time into those making purchase over and over again afterwards. In other words, experiential value can be seen as the best way to enhance customer loyalty (Stoel, Wickliffe, and Lee 2004). What’s more, Babin, Darden, and Griffin (1994) think that experiential value is the major result of consumption experience, and that observers won’t get a clear, and panoramic picture of the consumption experience in case they can’t tell exactly what the perceived experiential value is. However, though experiential value plays an integral part between managers and marketing research, discussions on customer’s experiential value are primarily confined to the online-shopping machine-interactivity context. As for online person-interactivity context, scholars are to put less emphasis on what experiential value can be generated and delivered to customers under such a context (Mathwick 2002).
According to the book Experiential Economics, written by Pine and Gilmore (1999), Pine and Gilmore indicate that whether enterprises can create a context for customers to fully engage themselves in and live vicarious with is the key to the formation of customer’s unforgettable and valuable experience. To put it differently, the consumption environment which can prompt customer’s flow in the present plays a pivotal role in helping enterprises deliver experiential value to their customers. However, it’s a pity that in-depth discussions and analyses of the relationship between experiential value and flow are usually overlooked by previous researchers. Besides, previous research context is limited to online-searching machine-interactivity experience (Mathwick and Rigdon 2004), neglecting that person-interactivity experience is the one that customers yearn for the most (Spiegelman 2000). Therefore, in-depth discussions and analyses of the relationship between various experiential values and flow in online person-interactivity context should be made, especially in modern times when people are desperate for personal exposure through the Internet.
As aforementioned, by choosing online games with both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity as the primary research context, the research aims to make up for the lack of discussions on flow experience shared by person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts. In the meanwhile, the research puts concepts of flow to a wide range of use, not just in the flow research between people and specific things.
As far as the research method is concerned, the research takes the facts into consideration that concepts of flow in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts need re-examining and clarifying (Huang 2006), and that customer’s flow conditions are dynamic and capable of lasting for a period of time consecutively. Moreover, since the flow is a feeling in the recesses of mind, interviewees might have a hard time delineating the course of thought developments and feelings in the flow experience if there are no reminders in the interview process for them to recall afterwards (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi 1988). Considering the above-mentioned factors, the research chooses a method called “auto-driving”, able to help interviewees recall their courses of thought developments and feelings in their consumption process (Belk and Kozinets 2005), as the qualitative research method for exploring what flow is. In this way, the definition and dimensions of customer flow experience in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts are likely to be clarified. What’s more, researchers can get a more explicit picture of what types of experiential value that customers would perceive in the process of flow are due to the fact that such a method will better the understanding of the essence of flow. Furthermore, once the elements of the flow have been confirmed, the researcher may also clearly ascertain what kinds of the person-interactivity and machine-interactivity factors triggering flow.
After the first phase interviews, the present study not only finds out components of flow, but also defines flow as consumers’ state of inferring thinking, integrated thinking, visualization, emotional contagion and emotional arousal. Besides, according to the content of consumers’ self-description about flow experience, the study also found that causal relationships among the five elements of flow which were not found in the previous flow studies. For example, emotional contagion and integrated thinking influenced simultaneously emotional arousal and visualization influenced simultaneously emotional contagion and integrated thinking. Finally, inferring thinking directly influenced visualization, integrated thinking, and emotional contagion.
Furthermore, the researcher identifies both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity factors that influence flow in base on the result of interviewees’ description about flow experience. Also, there are ludus which comes from the design of winning or losing and paidia which comes from exploring interesting content in person-interactivity factors. At the same time, the elements of ludus are competition and affiliation, and the elements of paidia are uncertainty and teasing. Finally, the machine-interactivity factors which influence flow include surprise, causality, and vividness. These findings would be practical implications for design consumers’ flow experience in further for the researcher and the management in service marketing.
The result of the interviews also proves that flow experience with both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity is not only the optimal interactive consuming experience (Novak and Hoffman, 1996; Privette and Bundrick, 1987), but also delivers the multiple and rich experiential value to consumers. (Mathwick, et al., 2001). On the other word, consumers would perceive experiential value of achievement, reputation, and playfulness when they act with total involvement in one of the inferring thinking, integrated thinking, visualization, emotional contagion, or emotional arousal. Because of flow experience including multiple and rich experiential value, consumers in online person-interactivity would like to have the same flow experience in order to perceive these experiential value again. Therefore, flow experience positively influences re-patronage intention.
The result of flow scale development and detection and analysis in the second step of this study shows flow scale is validity and reliability base on the exploratory factor analysis, the first confirmatory factor analysis and the second confirmatory factor analysis. The study further confirms causal relationships among the five elements of flow, causal relationships between flow and experiential value, causal relationships among the five elements of flow and experiential values, causal relationships between flow and re-patronage intention, and causal relationships among the five elements of flow and re-patronage intention by the statistic analysis of structure equation modeling.
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虛擬化服務體驗對於旅遊意願的影響-以虛擬紫禁城和虛擬武漢為例 / The impact of experience in service virtualization on travel intention- The case of virtual Forbidden City tour and virtual Wuhan tour梁彥璋, Liang, Yen Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討資訊科技所創造出的虛擬化體驗,是否影響顧客在虛擬旅遊的體驗價值,並進而影響顧客對實體旅遊的消費意願,最後來探討虛擬化體驗系統的複雜性對消費意願的影響程度。我們以虛擬紫禁城和虛擬武漢線上景點導覽系統為研究案例,分兩階段模式來分析使用者消費意願.系統使用前,採用計畫行為理論及涉入程度的構面來衡量觀光旅遊之消費意願;系統使用過後,用互動性和生動性來探討虛擬觀光景點之體驗價值的關係,研究結果顯示虛擬紫禁城及虛擬武漢的虛擬體驗皆對實體旅遊之消費意願有所影響。 / This paper aims to study how the experience of tourism virtualization derived from information technology affects not only the customer’s experiential value of virtual tourism, but also intention of traveling in the future. Moreover, we discuss how the complexity of virtual experience systems impacts customer intention. Two on-line tour systems, the virtual Forbidden City and the virtual Wuhan, are utilized in a sequence of experiments for tourism experience. Before using the system, the constructs of Theory of Planned Behavior and Involvement Theory are employed to measure the intention of traveling. After then, two constructs, interactivity and vividness, are adopted to explore how the experiential value of virtual tourism impacts the intention of travelling. Our research results show that experiential values of the virtual Forbidden City and the virtual Wuhan both have impacted the intention of travelling.
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黃金博物園區體驗行銷之研究 / A study on experiential marketing of gold ecological park鄭旭玲 Unknown Date (has links)
(4)價格低廉(Free & Inexpensive)
(5)市場區隔(Distinctive) / In the “Era of Experiential Economy” translated by Xia and Lu, it reads: “Consumption is a process, and when this process is over, the experiential memory is what lasts forever.” A consumer’s consumption of a physical product may end with spatial or temporal changes; however, the feeling and affect that derive from the consumption may last forever, and the difference in value in the transition from a physical product to an affect product is what all experiential marketers are trying to achieve.
After returning from a trip to the Gold Ecological Park (hereafter the “Park”), it was determined that the Park had all the necessary conditions for experiential marketing, and this study was conducted as a result. This present study is a case study of the Park using methods such as questionnaire survey and focus-group interview, aiming at the strategies of the Park’s experiential marketing.
The results yielded by the analysis are as follows:
1. The overall level of the interviewed tourists' (hereafter the “respondents”) agreement regarding the Park’s five major marketing strategies was close to 4.
2. The overall level of the respondents' agreement regarding the Park’s experiential value exceeded 3.6.
3. The overall level of the respondents’ agreement regarding the Park’s customer satisfaction and loyalty was 3.8.
4. There were no significant correlations between demographic variables, experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.
5. A tourist’s travel-related attitude and style affect how he/she feels about the five major experiential strategies.
6. The statement that there is a significantly positive correlation between experiential marketing and experiential value is partially supported.
The findings yielded by our questionnaire indicate that “there is a significantly positive correlation between sensory experiences, aesthetic values, and superiority of services.” “There is a significantly positive correlation between affective experience, aesthetic values, superiority of services, and fun.” “There is a significantly positive correlation between action-based experience, aesthetic values, superiority of services, and fun.” “There is a significantly positive correlation between thinking-based experience, aesthetic values, superiority of services, and fun.” “There is a significantly positive correlation between correlation-based experience and fun values.” However, there is no significantly positive correlation between “sensory experience and fun values” or between “correlation-based experience and aesthetic values and superiority of services.”
7. There is a significantly positive correlation between experiential values and customer satisfaction.
8. There is a significantly positive correlation between experiential values and customer loyalty.
9. There is a significantly positive correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
10. The Park has five KSF, or Key Success Factors, that serve as valuable reference for other ecological parks and museums in their experiential marketing.
(4)Free & Inexpensive
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體驗行銷對顧客參與活動態度之研究 ─以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例 / The study of the effect of experiential marketing on customers' attitude toward the activity participating:a case study of NSO piano marathon concert for 840 players曾奕寧, Tseng,Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
以往探討表演藝術體驗行銷之研究,多以被動聆賞式的表演型態為例,而國家交響樂團(NSO)於 2017 年 1 月 1 日所舉辦之《NSO 840人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》,為主動參與式的體驗,其特色為參與者可同時扮演觀眾與表演者之角色。由於針對主動參與式的表演藝術體驗活動之研究較少,因此,本研究以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例,探討顧客參與藝文活動的體驗對於整體態度的影響路徑,以補足過去主動參與式之藝文活動實證研究的不足,同時對未來藝文活動之主辦單位給予行銷策略之參考建議。
本研究採用問卷調查法進行樣本蒐集與分析,結果發現,體驗行銷中的「感官情感體驗」對於體驗價值與滿意度之提升最具顯著效果,並且能透過體驗價值的部分中介效果,影響滿意度。此外,參與者的涉入程度會透過體驗價值的部分中介效果,進而影響滿意度,而滿意度對忠誠度有顯著的正向影響。因此,建議藝文活動之主辦單位可透過整體舞台佈置的美觀性與活動路線舒適感的改善、活動趣味性的提升,以及提高參與者的涉入程度,來增進其顧客滿意,進而達到忠誠度提升之最終目的。 / The term” Experiential Marketing” was firstly developed from Schmitt’s study in 1999. As experience itself can happen in any industry or any stage of purchasing, it is important to understand the process of how customer creates value through different types of experience and how the experience influences the customers’ attitude and behavior. Previous studies also indicated that customer involvement may be another factor to influence the creation of experiential value.Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the relationship between experiential marketing, customer involvement, experiential value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
The previous studies of experiential marketing in performing arts usually applied to passively-participating audience who only “watch” the performance without interacting with the performers. This paper takes ”NSO Piano Marathon Concert for 840 Players”, which features customers’ positively participating as being both the audience and the performers in the same activity, as a study case , trying to compliment the lack of empirical research in this type of experiential marketing.
The study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The results of the analysis show that “Sensory and Emotive experience” has the most significant influence on experiential value and will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer involvement will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer satisfaction has a positive influence on customer loyalty. Therefore, the study suggests that the activity host put more attention to enhance the Sensory and Emotive experience by improving the attraction of stage layout, the whole traffic flow and the entertainment of activity. Meanwhile, enhancing the participants’ involvement will help increase the customer satisfaction as well.
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