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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Random graph processes with dependencies

Warnke, Lutz January 2012 (has links)
Random graph processes are basic mathematical models for large-scale networks evolving over time. Their systematic study was pioneered by Erdös and Rényi around 1960, and one key feature of many 'classical' models is that the edges appear independently. While this makes them amenable to a rigorous analysis, it is desirable, both mathematically and in terms of applications, to understand more complicated situations. In this thesis the main goal is to improve our rigorous understanding of evolving random graphs with significant dependencies. The first model we consider is known as an Achlioptas process: in each step two random edges are chosen, and using a given rule only one of them is selected and added to the evolving graph. Since 2000 a large class of 'complex' rules has eluded a rigorous analysis, and it was widely believed that these could give rise to a striking and unusual phenomenon. Making this explicit, Achlioptas, D'Souza and Spencer conjectured in Science that one such rule yields a very abrupt (discontinuous) percolation phase transition. We disprove this, showing that the transition is in fact continuous for all Achlioptas process. In addition, we give the first rigorous analysis of the more 'complex' rules, proving that certain key statistics are tightly concentrated (i) in the subcritical evolution, and (ii) also later on if an associated system of differential equations has a unique solution. The second model we study is the H-free process, where random edges are added subject to the constraint that they do not complete a copy of some fixed graph H. The most important open question for such 'constrained' processes is due to Erdös, Suen and Winkler: in 1995 they asked what the typical final number of edges is. While Osthus and Taraz answered this in 2000 up to logarithmic factors for a large class of graphs H, more precise bounds are only known for a few special graphs. We close this gap for the cases where a cycle of fixed length is forbidden, determining the final number of edges up to constants. Our result not only establishes several conjectures, it is also the first which answers the more than 15-year old question of Erdös et. al. for a class of forbidden graphs H.

Conception et caractérisation d’une plate-forme microfluidique pour la détection sélective de traces d’un produit de dégradation du TNT dans l’atmosphère / Conception and Characterization of a microfluidic platform for the selective detection of trace amounts of a degradation compound of TNT in the atmosphere

Mohsen, Yehya 28 March 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de concevoir et caractériser une plate-forme micro-fluidique permettant la concentration et la séparation d’un produit de dégradation du trinitrotoluène :l’ortho-nitrotoluène (ONT) considéré comme un traceur de composés explosifs. Les capteurs àbase de dioxyde d’étain (SnO2) utilisés ici comme détecteurs présentent un réel manque desélectivité et leur sensibilité peut s’avérer insuffisante pour la détection de traces de polluantsdans l’atmosphère. L’approche originale envisagée dans cette étude consiste à travailler en amontdu capteur chimique (SnO2), en particulier, en développant d’une part un micro-préconcentrateurde gaz afin d’améliorer l’aspect sensibilité et d’autre part une micro-colonne chromatographiquepour s’affranchir du manque de sélectivité.Dans un premier temps, une série d’adsorbants ont été étudiés et caractérisés pour laconcentration de l’ONT. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de sélectionner trois types de charbonsactifs (N, KL2 et KL3) et une zéolithe hydrophobe DAY.Ensuite, les micro-systèmes fluidiques ont été réalisés sur un substrat de silicium et élaborés enutilisant la technologie silicium/verre.La dernière partie de ce travail est consacrée à l’évaluation des performances d’analyse de cetteplate-forme en termes de concentration et de séparation de l’ONT. En particulier, après avoirévalué les conditions optimales de concentration et d’élution de l’ortho-nitrotoluène, le couplageentre la plate-forme micro-fluidique et le capteur à base de dioxyde d’étain a permis d’une part demontrer que la limite de détection de l’ortho-nitrotoluène est inférieure à 365 ppb. Dans ce cas,une désorption totale de la molécule cible et un facteur de concentration constant ont été obtenusavec la zéolithe DAY. D’autre part, l’utilisation de ce type de plate-forme a permis d’obtenir unebonne performance de détection et de séparation de l’ONT en présence d’un interférent (toluène)et d’un taux d’hygrométrie élevé. / The objective of this study is to develop and characterize a micro-fluidic platform allowing theconcentration and the separation of a degradation compound of trinitrotoluene: the orthonitrotoluenerecognized as an explosive taggants. Tin dioxide gas sensors (SnO2) used here asdetectors suffer from a luck of selectivity and have an insufficient sensitivity toward most ofpollutants. For that, our original approach consists to work in front of a chemical gas sensor(SnO2), in particular, by developing on the one hand a gas micro-preconcentrator to improve thesensitivity and on the other hand, a chromatographic micro-column in order to overcome the luckof selectivity.First, various adsorbents have been studied and characterized for the ONT concentration. Theobtained results allowed to select three types of activated carbons (N, KL2 and KL3) and ahydrophobic zeolite DAY. Then, the micro-system devices have been realized on a siliconsubstrate and manufactured using the silicon/glass technology.The last part of this work is devoted to the evaluation of the platform performances in terms ofconcentration and separation of ONT. In particular, after the optimization of the experimentalconditions concerning the concentration and the elution of ortho-nitrotoluene, the couplingbetween the micro-fluidic platform and a tin dioxide gas sensor allowed on the one hand to showthat the detection limit of the ONT pollutant is lower than 365 ppb. In this case, a total desorptionof the analyte and a constant concentration factor were obtained with the zeolite DAY. On theother hand, the use of this type of platform allowed to obtain a good separation and detectionperformance of ONT in presence of interferent (toluene) and at high humidity rate

Studium vlastností cementových betonů při působení vysokých teplot / Study of the properties of cement concrete at high temperatures

Žák, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on behavior of cement concrete at high temperatures. The theoretical part describes processes, which take place in concrete at thermal loading and effect of this thermal load to mechanical and physical properties of concrete. Also there was described recommendation for testing physical and mechanical of concrete at high temperatures according to RILEM TC. In experimental part mixes were made with greywacke aggregate, amphibolite aggregate and with the addition of polypropylene fibers or cellulose fibers. In these mixes was determined the effect of high temperatures on the density of concrete, compressive strength of concrete and thermal strain of concrete. Further there was tested addition of 2 kg/m3 polypropylene fibers to concrete with basalt aggregate and siliceous aggregate and influence of these fibers to density of concrete, compressive strength of concrete and dynamic modulus of elasticity.

Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt : Ett tekniskt perspektiv

Ericsson, Christian January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för ämnet <em>Krigsvetenskap</em> under författarens studier på <em>Yrkesofficersprogrammet</em> 2006-2009 till arméteknisk officer. I <em>Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt</em> ges läsaren genom deskriptiv metod en exposé över ammunitions- och minröjningens grunder, historia och nutid. Uppsatsens generella syften är att avhandla problematik som svenska ammunitions- och minröjare i sitt yrkesutövande idag kan ställas inför. Och hur delar av den tekniska organisationen och teknisk utrustning för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) och försåt kan bidra till att lösa denna problematik. Författaren genomför utifrån sina intervjuer och litteraturstudier prediktioner av den kommande utvecklingen på området. Prediktionerna innefattar bland annat tydligare teknisk stödorganisation och multisensorplattformar för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, ERW och IED. I texten redovisas viss forskning från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) och visst arbete vid Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Totalförsvarets ammunitions- och minröjningscentrum (SWEDEC).</p> / <p>This essay is written in the course of <em>War science</em> during the author’s studies to become an Officer in the technical corps, in the Swedish armed forces. Due to the descriptive method in <em>Explosive Ordnance Disposal and demining in modern conflict </em>the reader gets an exposé of the basics, history, and present time features for the Swedish EOD- and Demining personnel. The main purpose with this essay is to discuss the problems that Swedish Explosive ordnance clearance (EOC) personnel might encounter in their current daily service. The opportunities for parts of the supporting technical corps and the technical equipment for detecting, locating and classifying mines, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) and booby-traps to be at hand in the process of solving these problems are also discussed. From interviews and literature studies the author conducts predictions of the development in the subject area. The predictions contains amongst others a more understandable supporting technical corps and multi-sensing-platforms for detecting, locating and classifying mines, ERW, IED and booby-traps. Some of the research that the Swedish defence research agency (FOI), the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and the Swedish EOD- and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) have produced is presented in the essay.</p>

Tree Rings as Sensitive Proxies of Past Climate Change

Grudd, Håkan January 2006 (has links)
In the boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere, time series of tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum density in the latewood (MXD) are highly correlated to local instrumental summer-temperature data and are thus widely used as proxies in high-resolution climate reconstructions. Hence, much of our present knowledge about climatic variability in the last millennium is based on tree-rings. However, many tree-ring records have a lack of data in the most recent decades, which severely hampers our ability to place the recent temperature increase in a longer-timescale perspective of natural variability. The main objective of this thesis is to update and extend the Torneträsk TRW and MXD records in northern Sweden. Local instrumental climate-data is used to calibrate the new tree-ring records. The results show that TRW is mainly forced by temperature in the early growing season (June/July) while MXD has a wider response window (June – August) and has a higher correlation to temperature. Two reconstructions of summer temperature are made for (i) the last 7,400 years based on TRW, and (ii) the last 1,500 years based on a combination of TRW and MXD. The reconstructions show natural variability on timescales from years to several centuries. The 20th century does not stand out as a notably warm period in the long timescale perspective. A medieval period from AD 900 – 1100 is markedly warmer than the 20th century. The environmental impact from a large explosive volcanic eruption in 1628/1627 BC is analysed in the tree rings of 14C-dated bog pines in south-central Sweden and in absolutely-dated subfossil pines from Torneträsk. The results show evidence of an impact in the southern site at approximately this time but no detectable impact in the North. Subfossil trees of Fitzroya cupressoides in southern Chile were 14C-dated to approx. 50,000 years BP and amalgamated into a 1,229-year TRW chronology. This tree-ring record is the oldest in the world. The variability in this Last-glacial chronology is similar to the variability in present-day living trees of the same species. These results suggest that the growth–forcing mechanisms 50,000 years ago were similar to those at present.

Tungt reaktivt pansar : Hur ska Strv 122 möta hot där pilprojektil inte får genomslag? / Today’s explosive reactive armour : is it possible to defeat it with the Swedish tank ammunition?

Alexandersson, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att genom en jämförande modellstudie ta fram ett eller flera sätt att nedkämpa en motståndare utrustad med tungt reaktivt pansar. Reaktivt pansar har tidigare endast använts för att hindra RSV-strålar att penetrera pansar. Men teknikutvecklingen har nu medfört att dagens reaktiva pansar utöver skydd mot RSV-strålar också klarar av att reducera pilprojektilens förmåga till penetration. Amerikanarna som tidigt upptäckte att Ryssland hade tillgång till tekniken började direkt utveckla ny ammunition för att möta detta. Men vad har vi gjort i Sverige, sen detta uppdagades? Kan vår Stridsvagn 122 fortfarande lösa sin huvuduppgift: att slå ut andra stridsvagnar? I studien gör författaren antagandet att spårljuspansarprojektil 95 inte får genomslag på en stridsvagn utrustad med tungt reaktivt pansar, typ Kontakt-5. Undersökningen har sin tyngdpunkt i den jämförande modellstudie som skall jämföra tre olika scenarion. Modellstudien föregås av en beskrivande teoridel där bland annat skydd, svensk stridsvagnsammunition och reaktivt pansar beskrivs. Därefter behandlar modellstudien en duellsituation mellan Strv 122 och en motståndare utrustad med Kontakt-5. De olika modellerna jämförs i syfte att ta fram den modellen som är mest fördelaktig då man vill nedkämpa en fiende utrustad med Kontakt-5. Slutsatsen som dras utifrån studien är att normalförfarandet att initialt ha pilprojektil i kanonen bör ändras till att istället ha spränggranat. Spränggranaten kommer att skada Kontakt-5 och skapa en oskyddad yta där pilprojektilen kan få genomslag. / The purpose of this essay is to develop one or more ways to neutralize an enemy equipped with heavy reactive armour. Reactive armour has previously only protected against shaped charges. Technological advances have now led to today's reactive armour in addition to protection against shaped charges also capable of protecting against an Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS). The Americans discovered that this technology was available to the Russians and developed new types of APFSDS to deal with it. But what have we done in Sweden since this technology was discovered? In this essay, the author makes the assumption that the Swedish APFSDS can’t penetrate a tank equipped with reactive armour. A comparative model will compare three different ways to deal with this problem. Before doing the comparative model study, there will be a chapter which describes for example reactive armour, APFSDS, Kontakt-5 (a type of reactive armour), tank protection in general. The model consists of one Leopard 2A5 S (Leo 2) and one enemy tank equipped with reactive armour. By comparing different ways for the Leo 2 to defeat the enemy, the author will reach a conclusion for the problem. The conclusion drawn from this essay is that the normal procedure when the Leo 2 initially has an APFSDS loaded in the canon should be changed to it having a grenade loaded instead. Bursting a grenade towards the enemy will destroy or damage Kontakt-5 and the second projectile, which should be an APFSDS, will now penetrate the damaged Kontakt-5 and the hostile tank will be defeated.

Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt : Ett tekniskt perspektiv

Ericsson, Christian January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för ämnet Krigsvetenskap under författarens studier på Yrkesofficersprogrammet 2006-2009 till arméteknisk officer. I Ammunitions- och minröjning i modern konflikt ges läsaren genom deskriptiv metod en exposé över ammunitions- och minröjningens grunder, historia och nutid. Uppsatsens generella syften är att avhandla problematik som svenska ammunitions- och minröjare i sitt yrkesutövande idag kan ställas inför. Och hur delar av den tekniska organisationen och teknisk utrustning för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) och försåt kan bidra till att lösa denna problematik. Författaren genomför utifrån sina intervjuer och litteraturstudier prediktioner av den kommande utvecklingen på området. Prediktionerna innefattar bland annat tydligare teknisk stödorganisation och multisensorplattformar för detektion, lokalisering och klassificering av minor, ERW och IED. I texten redovisas viss forskning från Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) och visst arbete vid Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Totalförsvarets ammunitions- och minröjningscentrum (SWEDEC). / This essay is written in the course of War science during the author’s studies to become an Officer in the technical corps, in the Swedish armed forces. Due to the descriptive method in Explosive Ordnance Disposal and demining in modern conflict the reader gets an exposé of the basics, history, and present time features for the Swedish EOD- and Demining personnel. The main purpose with this essay is to discuss the problems that Swedish Explosive ordnance clearance (EOC) personnel might encounter in their current daily service. The opportunities for parts of the supporting technical corps and the technical equipment for detecting, locating and classifying mines, Explosive remnants of war (ERW), Improvised explosive device (IED) and booby-traps to be at hand in the process of solving these problems are also discussed. From interviews and literature studies the author conducts predictions of the development in the subject area. The predictions contains amongst others a more understandable supporting technical corps and multi-sensing-platforms for detecting, locating and classifying mines, ERW, IED and booby-traps. Some of the research that the Swedish defence research agency (FOI), the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and the Swedish EOD- and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) have produced is presented in the essay.

Assessment Of Velocity Of Detonation At Kumtor Open Pit Gold Mine

Duzgun, Ozkan 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
One of the most important properties of an explosive is its velocity of detonation (VOD). It is essential that the explosive should detonate at its optimum rate and release sufficient detonation pressure to get good fragmentation under the existing field conditions. The main objectives of this research study are to investigate the effects of explosive type, blast hole diameter, and degree of confinement on the VOD of bulk ANFO and bulk emulsion in Kumtor Open Pit Gold Mine. In this study, the continuous resistance wire method is employed to measure in-situ VOD of both bulk ANFO and bulk emulsion. The VOD values are measured for different hole diameters and under different confinements for both explosives. The ideality of bulk ANFO and bulk emulsion is calculated by comparing the in-situ measured VOD&rsquo / s and their ideal detonation values. It is found that the VOD of both explosives increases as the blast hole diameter and the degree of confinement increases. In addition to this, VOD of bulk ANFO decreases when it gets wet in the blast hole. Another finding is that, proportion of bulk emulsion ingredients has influence on its VOD. This research study provides a good understanding to use suitable explosive in existing rock conditions in Kumtor Open Pit Gold Mine.

Etude expérimentale de la dépressurisation rapide du C6F14 et caractéristiques du brouillard formé

Desnous, Clelia 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La vaporisation explosive, ou flashing, par dépressurisation rapide du C6F14 au travers d'une vanne à boisseau sphérique est analysée expérimentalement sur une grande plage de surchauffe. Les visualisations rapides montrent un jet s'ouvrant très largement en aval, preuve de l'existence d'un fort gradient de pression. Des mesures locales par sonde optique et par vélocimétrie phase Doppler ont permis de caractériser tailles, vitesses, concentration et flux numérique des gouttes en fonction de la surchauffe. La faible influence du degré de surchauffe sur la remontée en pression et sur les tailles et flux de gouttes suggère que le champ de pression s'adapte, et que par conséquent le liquide est soumis à une surchauffe locale bien plus faible que la surchauffe globale imposée. Différents scenarii sont discutés pour expliquer les observations, dont le fait que les tailles de gouttes sont peu sensibles à la surchauffe. Celui basé sur l'existence d'un front d'ébullition est le plus probable.

Chemical Characterisation of Nitrocellulose

Aarseth Larsson, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Nitrocellulose is the main component in many types of ammunition, propellants and explosives. The principles of production for nitrocellulose have not changed much since the 19th century when it started being industrially produced for this purpose. The character of the nitrocellulose has a large effect on the end products abilities. The aim of this study was to develop a method that would be able to characterise and distinguish between nitrocellulose from different manufacturers to be able to relate the character of the nitrocellulose to the properties of ammunition, propellants and explosives. Samples were dissolved in acetone and analysed by GC/MS and data were then analysed by multivariable statistics. FTIR was also used to characterise the nitrocellulose. Results from both methods showed very small differences when chromatograms and spectra were analysed. This study shows that GC/MS and FTIR are not suitable for this type of characterisation. The differences between the data were not sufficient to be able to separate the samples from each other. / Nitrocellulosa är den viktigaste komponenten i många typer av ammunition, drivmedel och sprängämnen. Principerna för produktionen av nitrocellulosa har inte förändrats mycket sedan det börjades produceras industriellt för detta ändamål på 1800 talet. Karaktären av nitrocellulosa har en stor inverkan på slutproduktens egenskaper. Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en metod som skulle kunna karaktärisera och skilja mellan nitrocellulosa från olika tillverkare för att kunna relatera karaktären av nitrocellulosa till egenskaperna hos ammunition, drivmedel och sprängämnen. Proverna löstes i aceton och analyserades med GC/MS och data analyserades med multivariabel statistik. FTIR användes också för att karakterisera nitrocellulosan. Resultaten för båda proverna visade mycket små skillnader när kromatogram och spektra analyserades. Denna studie visar att GC/MS och FTIR inte är lämpliga för denna typ av karaktärisering. Skillnaderna i data var inte tillräckliga för att kunna skilja proverna från varandra.

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