Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fähigkeiten"" "subject:"leitfähigkeiten""
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Creative mathematical activity of the students in the model of differentiated teaching in Russian FederationSafuanov, Ildar S., Gusev, Valery A. 09 May 2012 (has links)
In this paper, creative mathematical activities of school pupils in conditions of the differentiated teaching in Russian Federation are described. Various forms of differentiated teaching (internal – level, external – profile) are characterized. Ways of using entertaining problems for detecting and fostering mathematical abilities are revealed. New course of geometry for differentiated teaching is introduced.
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Ich denke, also bin ich (schlauer geworden)? Differenzielle Wirksamkeit eines Klauerschen Denktrainings bei Vor- und Grundschulkindern in GruppenAckermann, Anja Laura 02 September 2021 (has links)
Die induktiven Denktrainings von K. J. Klauer gehören zu den am umfangreichsten und gleichzeitig erfolgreichsten evaluierten kognitiven Trainings im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte das induktive Denktraining Keiner ist so schlau wie ich (KISSWI) für Vor- und Grundschulkinder. Studie 1 dieser Arbeit prüfte zunächst, ob ein für die Umsetzung in Gruppen adaptiertes KISSWI-Training vergleichbar wirksam ist, wie das originale KISSWI für Einzelsettings. Hierfür wurden 192 Kinder (97 Vorschulkinder und 95 Erstklassenkinder) untersucht. Es fanden sich keine Effekte des KISSWI-Gruppentrainings auf induktives Denken (dEG vs. KG(Klauer)=+0.07), kognitive Fähigkeiten im Allgemeinen (dEG vs. KG(Klauer)=–0.01) oder sozial-emotionale Fähigkeiten (dEG vs. KG(Klauer)=–0.05). In den Studien 2 und 3 wurde geprüft, ob Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem KISSWI-Gruppentraining und Need for Cognition (NFC) sowie dem Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept (FSK) der trainierenden Kinder bestehen. In Studie 2 mit 121 Kindern (60 Vorschulkinder und 61 Erstklassenkinder) wurde bei den trainierenden Kindern insgesamt ein kleiner positiver Zusammenhang (r=+.22) zwischen NFC zu Trainingsbeginn und der anschließenden Steigerung kognitiver Fähigkeiten während des KISSWI-Gruppentrainings gefunden. Außerdem steigerten die Kinder mit KISSWI-Gruppentraining ihr NFC geringfügig stärker, als ohne Training (dEG vs. KG(Klauer)=+0.21). Studie 3 (N=70 Zweitklassenkinder) fand bei allen trainierten Kindern keinen bedeutsamen Zusammenhang zwischen ihrem FSK vor Trainingsbeginn und ihrer anschließenden Steigerung kognitiver Fähigkeiten während des Trainings (r=–.07). Auch wurde kein Einfluss des KISSWI-Gruppentrainings auf die Veränderung des FSK der Kinder festgestellt (dEG vs. KG(Klauer)=+0.07).
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Developing antecedents for dynamic capabilities to achieve a competitive advantage in service-oriented organizationsBrunner, Timo Jan Joerg 30 May 2024 (has links)
At present, service-oriented organizations must confront growing challenges and competition due to the rapid pace of digital transformation and a shortage of skilled workers, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication-based dissertation project covers research on the antecedents of service innovation as dy-namic capabilities with the aim of enhancing competitive advantage, given the current business dynamics. The first section of this dissertation introduces service innovation as a dynamic capability, emphasizes the need for antecedents of service innovation, and summarizes the four research papers that make up this dis-sertation. The second section presents a qualitative research paper employing a grounded theory approach. Digital leadership-related capabilities are conceptualized and the impact on dynamic service innovation ca-pabilities in digital transformation contexts is derived using an inductive framework. The third section is a mixed-method research paper that qualitatively conceptualizes innovative new work practices in service or-ganizations and quantitatively assesses their effects on workplace attractiveness for employees. The fourth section presents a multi-method exploratory research paper that identifies digital leadership capabilities us-ing expert interviews and measures the influence of these capabilities on service innovation performance. The research paper in the fifth section uses a structural equation model as a methodological frame. It iden-tifies employee-perceived service innovations and validates customer expectations within the context of po-litical behavior. The sixth section concludes the dissertation project, summarizing the theoretical and prac-tical contribution, describing limitations, and outlining further ideas for research.
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Emotional Abilities: What do different measures predict?Hertel, Janine 03 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Teile. An ein Überblickskapitel, in welchem aktuelle Modelle und Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz vorgestellt werden, schließen sich drei empirische Studien (englischsprachig) an. In diesen werden Zusammenhänge von Fähigkeitstests und Selbstberichtverfahren zur Erfassung emotionaler Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf sozial relevante Faktoren wie Lebenszufriedenheit, Konfliktlösefähigkeiten und Freundschaft untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird geprüft, inwieweit sich Patienten verschiedener Störungsbilder von einer psychisch gesunden Kontrollgruppe als auch untereinander in ihren gezeigten emotionalen Fähigkeiten unterscheiden. Die Arbeit endet mit einer Integration der Ergebnisse dieser drei Studien. Insbesondere wird dabei auf die Probleme aktueller Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz mittels Selbstbericht und Fähigkeitstest eingegangen. Aufgrund der konzeptionellen Nähe von Sozialer Intelligenz und Emotionaler Intelligenz werden mögliche Integrationspunkte dieser beiden Forschungsfelder benannt. Ebenso werden mögliche alternative Erfassungsmethoden aufgezeigt. / This dissertation is devided into five parts. An introductory chapter explains actual self-report questionnaires and ability tests to assess emotional intelligence. The following three chapters present empirical data looking at relations between self-report measures and ability tests and important variables of social functioning like life satisfaction, conflict-management abilities, and friendship. Moreover, in another study we looked at differences between and within inpatients with different kinds of mental disorders and a clinically healthy control group. The final chapter integrates findings and conclusions focusing on the problems assessing emotional intelligence with self-report questionnaires and ability tests. As social intelligence and emotional intelligence are conceptionally related possible areas of collaborative work are discussed. Furthermore, alternative ways of assessing emotional abilities are highlighted.
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Neurokognitive Funktionen euthymer Patienten mit Bipolar I Störung / Neurocognitive functions in euthymic patients with bipolar I disorderJamrozinski, Katja 10 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Conceptualization - a necessity for effective learning of mathematics at schooldu Toit, Gawie 15 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The Exporter Wage Premium When Firms and Workers are HeterogeneousEgger, Hartmut, Egger, Peter, Kreickemeier, Udo, Moser, Christoph 14 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
We set up a trade model with heterogeneous firms and a worker population that is heterogeneous in two dimensions: workers are either skilled or unskilled, and within each skill category there is a continuum of abilities. Workers with high abilities, both skilled and unskilled, are matched to firms with high productivities, and this leads to wage differentials within each skill category across firms. Self-selection of the most productive firms into exporting generates an exporter wage premium, and our framework with skilled and unskilled workers allows us to decompose this premium into its skill-specific components. We employ linked employer-employee data from Germany to structurally estimate the parameters of the model. Using these parameter estimates, we compute an average exporter wage premium of 5 percent. The decomposition by skill turns out to be quantitatively highly relevant, with exporting firms paying no wage premium at all to their unskilled workers, while the premium for skilled workers is 12 percent.
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International evidence on school education effects -> cognitive abilityRindermann, Heiner 10 January 2020 (has links)
Vortrag auf der ICPS-Convention 2019 in Paris zu internationalen Unterschieden in Studien zu kognitiven Fähigkeiten, ihren Ursachen, Folgen sowie ihre Bedeutung im Kontext komplexer bildungssystemischer Zusammenhänge. Ein zusätzlicher Fokus wird auf methodische Ansätze zur Untersuchung des Forschungsgegenstandes gerichtet. / Presentation at the ICPS Convention 2019 in Paris on international differences in studies on cognitive ability, their causes, consequences and their importance in the context of complex causalities in educational systems. An additional focus lies on methodological approaches to investigate the research subject.
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An innovative model for developing critical thinking skills throughmathematical educationAizikovitsh, Einav, Amit, Miriam 11 April 2012 (has links)
In a challenging and constantly changing world, students are required to develop advanced
thinking skills such as critical systematic thinking, decision making and problem solving. This
challenge requires developing critical thinking abilities which are essential in unfamiliar
situations. A central component in current reforms in mathematics and science studies worldwide
is the transition from the traditional dominant instruction which focuses on algorithmic cognitive
skills towards higher order cognitive skills. The transition includes, a component of scientific
inquiry, learning science from the student''s personal, environmental and social contexts and the
integration of critical thinking. The planning and implementation of learning strategies that
encourage first order thinking among students is not a simple task. In an attempt to put the
importance of this transition in mathematical education to a test, we propose a new method for
mathematical instruction based on the infusion approach put forward by Swartz in 1992. In fact,
the model is derived from two additional theories., that of Ennis (1989) and of Libermann and
Tversky (2001). Union of the two latter is suggested by the infusion theory. The model consists of
a learning unit (30h hours) that focuses primarily on statistics every day life situations, and
implemented in an interactive and supportive environment. It was applied to mathematically
gifted youth of the Kidumatica project at Ben Gurion University. Among the instructed subjects
were bidimensional charts, Bayes law and conditional probability; Critical thinking skills such as
raising questions, seeking for alternatives and doubting were evaluated. We used Cornell tests
(Ennis 1985) to confirm that our students developed critical thinking skills.
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In what case is it possible to speak about Mathematical capability among pre-school children?Beloshistaya, Anna V. 12 April 2012 (has links)
Most of people have fatal attitude to Mathematics: some of them are capable to learn it form nature, but the others are not. So is their fate – to suffer from it for the whole of life… But it is a rude though natural mistake, as it results from means of mathematical education and its content. Most of parents and teachers are directed on these aspects both in kindergarten and at primary school. Of course, parents
are different. Nevertheless so many parents can’t possibly but speak about achievements of their children. Some start making their own children learn better by the example of success of the others.
They make their children learn long chains of figures with no understanding. It is even more sad to see how a mom asks her 4-year old son: “How much is two plus three?..’ But he replies just because he learned the answer but not calculated. Not only parents but also kindergarten tutors don’t want to understand that drilling for arithmetic has no sense. For a specialist it would take two days only…But teach him how to think logically – is a goal demanding from him, reached by different means.
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