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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

14-17 metų paauglių mokyklos baimės ir vidinės darnos sąsajos / The interface between fear of school and inner harmony of adolescents, aged from 14 to 17

Dulinskienė, Vaiva 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas ištirti 14 – 17 metų paauglių baimes provokuojančius veiksnius, mokyklos baimės apraiškas, įveikos būdus, baimės įtvirtinimo formas ir vidinę darną. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti buvo iškelti uždavinai: 1. Palyginti 14 -17 metų paauglių mokyklos baimes provokuojančius veiksnius, mokyklos baimės apraiškas, įveikos būdus ir baimės įvertinimo formos pagal amžių. 2. Palyginti 14 - 17 metų paauglių mokyklos baimes provokuojančius veiksnius, mokyklos baimės apraiškas, įveikos būdus ir baimės įvertinimo formos pagal lytį. 3. Išanalizuoti 14 - 17 metų paauglių vidinės darnos ypatumus. 4. Nustatyti 14 - 17 metų paauglių mokyklos baimes provokuojančių veiksnių, mokyklos baimės apraiškų, įveikos būdų, baimės įvertinimo formų ir vidinės darnos sąsajas. Šiame magistriniame darbe buvo siekiama patikrinti hipotezes 1. 14 metų paaugliai, būdami ankstyvosios paauglystės pirmojoje pusėje, labiau patiria mokyklos baimes provokuojančius veiksnius, labiau jaučia mokyklos baimės apraiškas nei 17 metų paaugliai. 2. 14 - 17 metų merginos labiau patiria mokyklos baimes provokuojančius veiksnius, labiau jaučia mokyklos baimės apraiškas nei 14 - 17 metų vaikinai. 3. 14 - 17 metų paauglių mokyklos baimės įveikos būdai susiję su vidine darna. Darbe buvo taikomos dvi metodikos: Mokyklos baimei tirti buvo naudojama D. H. Rost ir F.J Schermer klausimyno 14 – 17 metų vaikų, emocinėms problemoms tirti ilgoji versija. Vidinei darnai tirti buvo naudojamas Antanovsky , gyvenimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis object: the interface between fear of school and inner harmony of adolescents, aged from 14 to 17. Aim of the thesis: to explore provocative factors of fear of school, appearance of the fear, ways to overcome the fear, fixation on the fear and inner harmony of adolescents, aged from 14 to 17. Goals of the thesis: 1. To compare the provocative factors of fear of school of adolescents aged from 14 to 17, according to their age. 2. To compare the provocative factors of fear of school of adolescents aged from 14 to 17, according to their sex. 3. To analyse the peculiarities of inner harmony of adolescents aged from 14 to 17. 4. To find out the interface between provocative factors of fear of school, ways to overcome the fear, ways to estimate the fear and inner harmony. Hypotheses of the thesis: the following hypotheses were checked in the thesis: 1. 14 years old adolescents more often suffer the provocative factors and appearance of fear of school than 17 year old adolescents. 2. Girls aged from 14 to 17 more often suffer the provocative factors and appearance of fear of school than boys of the same age. 3. There is the interface between the ways of overcoming the fear of school and inner harmony of adolescents, aged from 14 to 17. Thesis methods: there were used two methods in the thesis: the questionnaire of D.H.Rost and F.J.Shermer , the longest version was used to examine the fear of school; the shortest version of Antonovsky questionnaire of life orientation was... [to full text]

Scenos baimės raiška ir jos įveikos galimybės muzikanto-atlikėjo meninės kūrybos procese / The Expression Of Scene Fair and the Possibilities to Defeat It in the Artistic Creativity Process Of a Musician- performer

Geležėlienė, Svajonė 28 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama. kaip muzikantas-atlikėjas meninės kūrybos procese išgyvena daugybę įvairiausių emocijų. Pasirodymas scenoje visada susijęs su gebėjimu susikurti tinkamą sceninę būseną. Scenos baimė – psichologinis reiškinys, kurį jaučia muzikantai-atlikėjai sceninio pasirodymo metu. Tyrimo objektas – muzikantų-atlikėjų scenos baimės raiška ir jos įveikos galimybės. Tyrimo tikslas – analizuoti muzikantų-atlikėjų scenos baimės raiškos ypatumus ir jos įveikos galimybes. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti meninės kūrybos ir muzikanto-atlikėjo profesijos specifiškumą, analizuojant mokslinę, psichologinę, pedagoginę literatūrą; 2) nustatyti psichologinę, filosofinę, teologinę baimės prigimtį; 3) apibūdinti scenos baimės apibrėžtį; 4) ištirti veiksnius, lemiančius scenos baimės atsiradimo priežastis; 5) įvardinti scenos baimės įveikos būdus, kurie padėtų muzikantui-atlikėjui siekti emocinio stabilumo sceninėje veikloje. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, kuriame dalyvavo 28 respondentai, atskleidė, kad scenos baimė egzistuoja, kuri įtakoja muzikanto-atlikėjo sceninį pasirodymą. Pagrindinėmis priežastimis, kurios lemia scenos baimės atsiradimą, tyrime dalyvavę muzikantai-atlikėjai įvardijo: • nepakankamą profesinis pasirengimą; • koncertinės patirties stoką; • individualias charakterio savybės (nepasitikėjimas savimi, valios stoka); • aplinkinių nuomonę; • nepavykusius sceninius pasirodymus. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė šiuos scenos baimės įveikos būdus: • profesinio meistriškumo kėlimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study focuses on a musician-performer‘s experiences of a lot of various emotions in his artistic creativity process. A performance on the scene is always related with the ability of creating a certain scenic state. Scene fair is a psychological phenomenon which is experienced by musician- performers while performing on the scene. The object of the investigation is the expression of scene fair of a musician- performer and the possibilities to defeat it. The aim of the investigation is to analyze specific features of the expression of the scene fair and the possibilities to defeat it. The objectives are: 1) to reveal the specific features of artistic creativity and the profession of a musician- performer while analyzing scientific, psychological, pedagogical literature; 2) to identify psychological, philosophical, theological nature of fair; 3) to characterize the definition of scene fair; 4) to investigate the factors influencing the rise of the scene fair; 5) to name the ways of coping with scene fair which would help the musician- performer to achieve emotional stability in his scenic activity. The results of the investigation, in which 28 respondents took part, showed that scene fair exists and it affects the performance of the musician- performer. As the main reasons which affect the rise of the scene fair the respondent musician- performers named the following: • insufficient professional preparation; • lack of concert experience; • individual features of character... [to full text]

A neurocomputational model of the mammalian fear conditioning circuit

Kolbeck, Carter January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a computational neural model that reproduces the high-level behavioural results of well-known fear conditioning experiments: first-order conditioning, second-order conditioning, sensory preconditioning, context conditioning, blocking, first-order extinction and renewal (AAB, ABC, ABA), and extinction and renewal after second-order conditioning and sensory preconditioning. The simulated neural populations used to account for the behaviour observed in these experiments correspond to known anatomical regions of the mammalian brain. Parts of the amygdala, periaqueductal gray, cortex and thalamus, and hippocampus are included and are connected to each other in a biologically plausible manner. The model was built using the principles of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF): a mathematical framework that allows information to be encoded and manipulated in populations of neurons. Each population represents information via the spiking activity of simulated neurons, and is connected to one or more other populations; these connections allow computations to be performed on the information being represented. By specifying which populations are connected to which, and what functions these connections perform, I developed an information processing system that behaves analogously to the fear conditioning circuit in the brain.

Empirically assessing the threat of victimization: how victimization and gender mediate the relationship between perceived risk, fear of victimization and constrained behaviour

Wortman, Shauna 22 March 2010 (has links)
There are a number of issues within the fear of crime literature, such as problems defining and measuring fear of crime, which continue to exist. Thus, the first aim of this thesis was to empirically test a new fear of crime model that consists of three components: fear of victimization (emotive), perceived risk (cognitive) and constrained behaviour (behavioural). The multiple component theory posits that a reciprocal relationship exists between the components that contribute to people feeling threatened by criminal victimization (also referred to as the threat of victimization). Past research has also indicated that gender is always a significant predictor of fear of crime, and therefore was included in the test to assess if women continue to feel threatened by victimization more than men in the new model. Finally two common theories used to explain why women fear crime more than men; specifically gender construction that equates femininity with vulnerability and masculinity with invulnerability and prior experience with intimate partner violence and stalking, were explored. The data came from the Statistics Canada General Social Survey 2004: Cycle 18, which is a Canadian telephone survey that measures fear of crime as well as various types of criminal victimization. A quantitative analysis was done using multiple logistic regressions to assess all three objectives. Results for this thesis indicate that a reciprocal relationship exists between all three components of the threat of victimization and must continue to be measured as separate constructs. Perceived risk and constrained behaviour are particularly influenced by gender construction and intimate partner violence and stalking victimization. It is concluded that accurate and consistent measures need to be created for each of the components of the threat of victimization to facilitate validity, replication and comparison. As well, (in)vulnerability linked to masculinity and femininity, appear to have negative implications for both women and men in relation to the threat of victimization, which need to be addressed through education and active resistance.

Designing for pedestrians in a landscape of rational fear: Churchill, Manitoba

Kirouac, Rachelle L. 09 April 2015 (has links)
The intent of this practicum is to improve pedestrian access in and around Churchill. Challenges and causes for rational fear in the landscape were identified and paths and mechanisms were designed to mitigate these concerns. The purpose is to make the landscape a more welcoming place that can be enjoyed and celebrated by a wider range of users.


Davis, Claude Ervin 01 January 2003 (has links)
Neuroscience research has followed two fairly distinct paths in investigating central neural mechanisms of pain and emotion. Rarely have studies been conducted which intentionally combined painful and emotional stimulation while observing brain function. Theories of emotion and pain processing predict an interaction between pain and emotion such that emotional states may serve to both increase or decrease pain. This increase or decrease may also correspond to different effects on different dimensions of the overall pain experience as defined in pain neuromatrix theory. Theories of emotion begin with emotions as interpretations of bodily states, to more contemporary theories focusing on the functions of emotions. These emotion theories predict neuroanotomic relations between emotion and pain in the brain. Similarly neuromatrix theory predicts an affective dimension of pain experience, which has been defined in terms of pain unpleasantness and secondary affect, emphasizing the role of emotion in pain experience. To further explore the relationship between pain and emotion, in the present study, painful heat stimulation is applied to the face while simultaneously conducting whole brain imaging using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Also personal episodes involving anger, fear, and neutral emotion are recalled during fMRI both with, and without, painful heat stimulation. Similar brain regions are involved in processing pain, anger, and fear, and these responses compare favorably with those in the literature. The results also demonstrate that simultaneous emotional episode recall modulates the patterns of brain activity involved in pain. Anger recall especially seems to increase pain-related activity. The study allows greater understanding about the way that the brain's emotional processing networks for fear and anger affect pain experience and how pain affects the emotional processing network to produce affective experience, such as fear and anger, related to pain. Further application of these procedures to patients with chronic pain can aid understanding of central pathological mechanisms involved.

Finding security in the face of death : does implicit activation of attachment schemas moderate mortality salience effects?

Webster, Russell J. January 2006 (has links)
Research has shown that presenting incidental reminders of death, a manipulation referred to as mortality salience, increases unconscious accessibility of death thoughts and, in turn, increases the use of various defense mechanisms to reduce such thoughts. Death-thought accessibility and use of such defense mechanisms vary based on self-reported attachment style. Because self-reports do not verify causality, the current study aimed to establish a causal relationship between attachment and terror management. It was posited that experimentally activating a secure attachment schema after mortality salience should decrease unconscious accessibility of death thoughts, whereas activating an insecure attachment schema should increase accessibility of death thoughts (i.e., there should be a Mortality Salience x Attachment Priming interaction). Lastly, these effects should not be mediated by mood. A 2 Mortality Salience vs. Control) x 3 (Priming: secure. insecure, or neutral) x 2 (Sex) ANOVA on death-thought accessibility did not show the predicted interaction. The discussion section focuses on the obstacles in accurately rneasuring death-thought accessibility and future directions for research. / Department of Psychological Science

Die rol van vrees by die swaarmoedige adolessent: 'n pastorale studie

Griessel, Janette Myrna January 2012 (has links)
The focal point in this study is the pastoral counselling and care of the heavy-hearted or depressed teenager who struggles with fear. The basic-theoretical perspective (chapter 2) emphasises the importance of counselling of the teenager from a Biblical viewpoint to be a testimony of the greatness of God. The fear that the teenager suffers from, is also described as the enemy who poses a threat to the inner being of the person. Therefore this type of threat can often lead to the total destruction of the inner being of a teenager. An intimate relationship with God enables a person to seek refuge in God from any problem he or she might experience. This relationship with God will guarantee the person of His full protection. It is of the utmost importance for an adolescent to seek wisdom and follow their parental guidelines. It is also important for young people to make the correct choices to enjoy the protection and guidance of God. They must also continually ponder over and treasure the guidance of their parents. The meta-theoretical perspective (chapters 3 and 4) focusses on the contribution and applicability of neighbouring sciences such as psychology, sociology and criminology. It was proven among other aspects that emotional hurt in different areas, was the reason for serious damage to the inner being of teenagers. In many cases the result was amongst others an identity crisis as well as a low self-esteem. At the end of this section temporary guidelines are suggested to aid the counselling of the depressed teenager who suffers from excessive fear. The section on empirical research (chapter 4) as a sub-section of the meta-theoretical research, introduced four case-studies regarding teenagers who had traumatic experiences and as a result suffered from multiple negative emotions. In all four cases it became evident that these emotions were eventually the result of a life without any joy or meaning. A very important factor regarding their negative self-image or self-perception seemed to be the absence of role-models. The further result repeatedly seemed to be a distorted relationship with God and fellow-men. In the section on practical-theoretical perspectives (chapter 5) an attempt is made to formulate an adapted practice theory through a hermeneutical interaction between basis-theoretical guidelines and meta-theoretical perspectives that can be applied to the guidance of the emotionally wounded teenager who is wrestling with fear. Included hereby is then a proposed model with some practical guidelines. / Thesis (MA (Pastoral Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die rol van vrees by die swaarmoedige adolessent: 'n pastorale studie

Griessel, Janette Myrna January 2012 (has links)
The focal point in this study is the pastoral counselling and care of the heavy-hearted or depressed teenager who struggles with fear. The basic-theoretical perspective (chapter 2) emphasises the importance of counselling of the teenager from a Biblical viewpoint to be a testimony of the greatness of God. The fear that the teenager suffers from, is also described as the enemy who poses a threat to the inner being of the person. Therefore this type of threat can often lead to the total destruction of the inner being of a teenager. An intimate relationship with God enables a person to seek refuge in God from any problem he or she might experience. This relationship with God will guarantee the person of His full protection. It is of the utmost importance for an adolescent to seek wisdom and follow their parental guidelines. It is also important for young people to make the correct choices to enjoy the protection and guidance of God. They must also continually ponder over and treasure the guidance of their parents. The meta-theoretical perspective (chapters 3 and 4) focusses on the contribution and applicability of neighbouring sciences such as psychology, sociology and criminology. It was proven among other aspects that emotional hurt in different areas, was the reason for serious damage to the inner being of teenagers. In many cases the result was amongst others an identity crisis as well as a low self-esteem. At the end of this section temporary guidelines are suggested to aid the counselling of the depressed teenager who suffers from excessive fear. The section on empirical research (chapter 4) as a sub-section of the meta-theoretical research, introduced four case-studies regarding teenagers who had traumatic experiences and as a result suffered from multiple negative emotions. In all four cases it became evident that these emotions were eventually the result of a life without any joy or meaning. A very important factor regarding their negative self-image or self-perception seemed to be the absence of role-models. The further result repeatedly seemed to be a distorted relationship with God and fellow-men. In the section on practical-theoretical perspectives (chapter 5) an attempt is made to formulate an adapted practice theory through a hermeneutical interaction between basis-theoretical guidelines and meta-theoretical perspectives that can be applied to the guidance of the emotionally wounded teenager who is wrestling with fear. Included hereby is then a proposed model with some practical guidelines. / Thesis (MA (Pastoral Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.


Young, Cheryl 16 May 2014 (has links)
Research shows that children often confuse facial expressions of fear with surprise and disgust with anger. According to the perceptual-attentional limitations hypothesis, facial expressions are confused because they share action units (Camras, 1980; Wiggers, 1982). Experiment 1 tested this hypothesis for the confusion between fear and surprise and Experiment 2 for the confusion between disgust and anger. Eye movements were monitored in both experiments. In experiment 1, the results showed that children were more accurate when two distinctive action units were presented than when the brow lowerer was the only distinctive action unit differentiating between fear and surprise. Furthermore, the results showed that participants spent more time fixating on the mouth than the eyebrows. They made more saccades when the only distinctive cue was in the eyebrows. In experiment 2, participants identified the emotion as anger when the mouth was open, and disgust when the mouth was closed, spending more time on the mouth when the mouth was open. These findings suggest that facial expressions are confused, not only because of the amount of visual similarities they share, but also because children do not allocate their attention to facial regions equally; they tend to focus on the mouth.

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