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Untersuchungen zur kationischen Polymerisation von Vinylmonomeren des Furans und ThiophensHöhne, Susanne 02 November 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die kationische Polymerisation der heterocyclischen Monomere 2-Vinylfuran, 5-Methyl-2-vinylfuran und 2-Vinylthiophen in der Gegenwart silikatischer Partikel untersucht.
Produkte dieser Reaktion sind Polymer/SiO2-Hybridpartikel und lösliche Polymere. Zu ihrer Untersuchung wurden NMR-spektroskopische Verfahren, IR-, UV/Vis-, MALDI TOF-Spektroskopie, Elementaranalyse und GPC angewandt. Damit gelang es, die Struktur der Polymere weitgehend aufzuklären.
Der Einfluß der Reaktionsbedingungen auf die Ergebnisse der kationischen Oberflächenpolymerisation wurde untersucht und diskutiert. Die Ausbildung vernetzter Polymere bei der kationischen Polymerisation von 2-Vinylfuran bewirkte eine besonders starke Anbindung der Poly(2-vinylfuran)-Schicht und hohe Polymergehalte an den SiO2-Partikeln. Im Falle des Poly(2-vinylthiophens) (PVT) waren die Polymergehalte der Hybridpartikel deutlich niedriger. Es wurde eine lineare Polymerstruktur vorgeschlagen.
Poly(2-vinylthiophen) und Poly(2-vinylthiophen)/Kieselgel-Hybridpartikel wurden in polymeranalogen Reaktionen mit Hydridakzeptoren und FeCl3 umgesetzt. Ziele dieser Reaktionen waren die Erzeugung von konjugierten Strukturelementen und die kontrollierte Vernetzung des Polymers über Bisthiopheneinheiten. Der Einfluß der Reaktionszeit und der Natur der eingesetzten Reagenzien auf die Reaktion von PVT mit Hydridakzeptoren wurde ausführlich studiert.
Der Einfluß der Reaktionsbedingungen auf die Vernetzungsreaktion mit FeCl3 wurde mit Hilfe von GPC, IR- und 13C{1H}-CP/MAS-NMR-Spektroskopie untersucht. / The following work examines the cationic polymerization of the heterocyclic monomers 2-vinylfuran, 5-methyl-2-vinylfuran und 2-vinylthiophen mediated by silica particles.
The products of this reaction are polymer/SiO2-hybridpartikels and a soluble polymer part. For characterization of the products NMR-spectroscopical methods, IR-, UV/Vis-, MALDI TOF-spectroscopy, elemental analysis and GPC were used. With the help of this methods it succeeded to clear up the polymer structure.
The influence of the reaction conditions on the results of the cationic polymerization was examined and discussed. Extensive crosslinking of the 2-vinylfuran monomer during cationic polymerization causes a very strong linkage of the poly(2-vinylfuran)-layer and a hight polymer content of the poly(2-vinylfuran)/SiO2-hybridpartikels.
In case of poly(2-vinylthiophen) (PVT) the polymer content of the hybrid particles was notedly lower. A linear polymer structure was supposed.
The reaction of poly(2-vinylthiophen) and poly(2-vinylthiophen)/silica hybrid particles with hydridacceptors and FeCl3 was studied. The objectives of this reactions were to generate conjugated structures and to cross-link the polymer by creating bisthiophene structures in a controlled manner. The influence of the reaction time and the nature of the acceptors on the reaction of PVT with the hydride acceptors was examined in detail.
The influence of the reaction conditions on the cross-linking reaction with FeCl3 was studied with the help of GPC, IR- und 13C{1H} CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy.
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Electrochemical Synthesis and Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of Novel Conducting Poly(o-phenylenediamine-co-o-/m-toluidine)Bilal, Salma 23 October 2007 (has links)
In den vergangenen Jahren löste die Nachfrage nach hochwertigen organischen Werkstoffen die Suche nach neuen Materialien mit maßgeschneiderten Eigenschaften für mögliche technische An-wendungen aus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Ansatz entwickelt, neue organische Materia-lien zu synthetisieren, wobei die Untersuchung der Copolimerisation von o-Phenylendiamin (OPD) mit o-Toluidin (OT) und m-Toluidin (MT) in wässriger Schwefelsäure im Vordergrund stand. Da-bei fand die zyklische Voltammetrie sowohl bei der elektrochemischen Synthese als auch für die Charakterisierung der Homo- und Copolymere auf einer Goldelektrode Anwendung. Die Copoly-mere wurden aus gemischten Monomerlösungen synthetisiert, die unterschiedliche OPD-Konzentrationen sowie eine konstante OT- oder MT-Konzentration aufwiesen. Die Voltammogr- amme zeigten ein unterschiedliches Verhalten für die verschiedenen OPD-Konzentrationen bei der Zugabe. Die Mischung der Monomerlösungen mit geeigneten Konzentrationen ergab ein Copolym- er mit einem großen potenziell nutzbaren Bereich der Redoxaktivität relativ zu den korrespondiere- nden Homocopolymeren. Die Homopolymere Poly-o-toluidin (POT) und Poly-m-toluidin (PMT) zeigten ähnliche elektrochemische Eigenschaften. Es wurden jedoch Unterschiede in den Eigensch- aften zwischen den OT- und MT-Copolymeren mit OPD beobachtet, die möglicherweise auf eine Abweichung in den Monomereinheiten und der Ausrichtung entlang der Copolymerkette zurückzu-
führen sind. Die Copolymerisation der OPD wird offenbar gefördert, wenn OT statt MT als einer der Comonomere verwendet wird. Weiterhin wurde der Einfluss der Vorschubgeschwindigkeit (dE/dt) und des pH-Wertes auf die elektrochemische Aktivität untersucht. Die Copolymere waren oberflächengebunden, elektrisch aktiv und zeigten sogar bei einem pH-Wert = 8,0 bei Poly(OPT-co-MT) bzw. 9,0 bei Poly(OPT-co-OT) eine gute elektrochemische Aktivität. Die Messungen der in situ Leitfähigkeit unterstützte die Herausbildung eines neuen Stoffes (Copolymer), da die Copo-lymere Elektrodenpotenzialbereiche für eine maximale Leitfähigkeit besitzen, die sich völlig von jenen der Homopolymere unterscheiden. Die Leitfähigkeitswerte der Copolymere lagen zwischen den Werten der Homopolymere.
Die in situ UV-Vis spektroelektrochemischen Untersuchungen der Copolymerisation von OPD mit OT und MT bei konstanter potenzieller Polymerisation auf mit Indiumzinnoxid (ITO) be-schichteten Glaselektroden zeigten, dass ein Kopf-Schwanz-verknüpfter p-Aminodiphenylamin (PPD)-Typ eines gemischten Dimers/Oligomers, der wahrscheinlich aus der Dimerisation der Kati-onenradikalen von OPD und OT oder MT resultiert, vorwiegend zu Beginn der Elektropolyme-
risation der Mischlösungen entsteht. Ein Absorptionspeak bei λ = 497 nm in den UV-Vis-Spektren wurde diesen Zwischenprodukten zugeordnet. Es erfolgte eine Identifizierung der charakteristi-schen UV-Vis- und Raman- (λ = 647,1 nm) Eigenschaften der Copolymere, synthetisiert mit ver-schiedenen Zugabekonzentrationen auf ITO-beschichtetem Glas bzw. auf Goldelektroden, sowie eine Diskussion ihrer Abhängigkeit vom Elektrodenpotenzial. Die spektroelektrochemischen Er-gebnisse zeigten, dass die Hauptkette des Copolymers wahrscheinlich aus einer Mischung aus Co-polymerketten mit unterschiedlichen Monomergehalten und einer signifikanten Anzahl an Block-segmenten besteht. Die Eigenschaften der Copolymere erwiesen sich als sehr sensibel gegenüber der OPD Zugabekonzentration, so dass eindeutige Änderungen in den elektrochemischen und spektroelektrochemischen Eigenschaften der Stoffe aus Mischlösungen durch bloße Variierung der OPD-Konzentration bei der Zugabe beobachtet werden konnten.
Die FT-IR-Spektralanalyse der Copolymere deutet auf die Anwesenheit von sowohl OPD- als auch OT- oder MT-Einheiten und daher auf die Copolymerbildung während der Elektrolyse der Misch-lösungen aus OPD und OT oder MT hin. Die zyklischen Strukturen des Phenazintyps erhöhen sich im Copolymer mit steigender OPD-Konzentration bei der Zugabe. / In recent years the demand for advanced organic materials has sparked the search for new materials with tailored properties for possible technological applications. In the present study an attempt has been made to synthesize new organic conducting materials by exploring the possibility of the copolymerisation of o-phenylenediamine (OPD) with o-toluidine (OT) and m-toluidine (MT) in aqueous sulfuric acid. Cyclic voltammetry was used both for the electrochemical synthesis and characterization of the homopolymers and copolymers on a gold electrode. The copolymers were synthesized from mixed solutions of the monomers having different concentrations of OPD and a constant concentration of OT or MT. The voltammograms exhibited different behavior for different concentrations of OPD in the feed. Mixing of the monomer solutions with appropriate concentrations resulted in a copolymer that shows an extended useful potential range of the redox activity relative to the corresponding homopolymers. The homopolymers poly(o-toluidine) (POT) and poly(m-toluidine) (PMT) show similar electrochemical properties. However, differences were observed in the properties between the copolymers of OT and MT with OPD that could be due to the variation in the monomer units and orientation along the copolymer chains. The copolymerization of OPD seems to be more facilitated if instead of MT, OT is present as one of the comonomers. The effect of scan rate and pH on the electrochemical activity was studied. The copolymers were surface confined, electroactive and showed good electrochemical activity even at pH 8.0 and pH 9.0 in case of poly(OPD-co-MT) and poly(OPD-co-OT), respectively. In situ conductivity measurements further suggest the formation of new material (copolymer) because the copolymers have electrode potential regions for maximum conductivity completely different from those of the homopolymers. The conductivity values of the copolymers were between the conductivities of the homopolymers.
In situ UV-Vis spectroelectrochemical studies of the copolymerization of OPD with OT and MT at constant potential polymerization on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass electrodes reveal that head to tail coupled p-aminodiphenylamine (PPD) type of mixed dimers/oligomers, presumably resulting from the dimerization of OPD and OT or MT cation radicals, are predominantly formed during the initial stages of the electropolymerization of the mixed solutions. An absorption peak at λ = 497 nm in the UV-Vis spectra was assigned to these intermediates. Characteristic UV-Vis and Raman (λex = 647.1 nm) fea-tures of the copolymers synthesized with different feed concentrations on ITO coated glass and gold electrodes, respectively, have been identified and their dependencies on the electrode potential are discussed. Spectroelectrochemical results reveal that the copolymer backbone probably consist of a mixture of copolymer chains with different monomer contents and has significant number of block segments. The properties of the copolymers were found to be very sensitive to the OPD feed concentration and clear variations in the electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties of the materials from mixed solutions can be observed just by varying the concentration of OPD in the feed.
FT-IR spectral analysis of the copolymers suggests the presence of both OPD and OT or MT units and thus formation of copolymer during the electrolysis of mixed solutions of OPD and OT or MT. The phenazine type cyclic structures increase in the copolymer with increasing OPD concentration in the feed.
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Untersuchungen zur Sauerstoffausscheidung in hoch bordotiertem SiliciumZschorsch, Markus 14 December 2007 (has links)
Die Sauerstoffausscheidung in Silicium wird durch die Höhe der Bordotierung beeinflusst. Mit dem Ziel der Aufklärung der Mechanismen bei der Ausscheidung wurden verschiedene physikalische Messmethoden angepasst und ein breiter Borkonzentrationsbereich charakterisiert. Es wurden die frühen Phasen der Ausscheidungsbildung sowie Komplexbildung als auch das Wachstum der Sauerstoffausscheidungen untersucht. Mithilfe einer neuen Methodenkombination aus alkalischem Ätzen und FTIR-Spektroskopie konnten verschiedene Bor-Komplexe nachgewiesen werden. Die Erkenntnisse über deren Existenz sowie Kinetik wurden numerisch umgesetzt. Mittels Kleinwinkel-Neutronenstreuung wurden erstmals in den frühen Phasen der Sauerstoffausscheidung deren Form und Größe in Abhängigkeit der Borkonzentration bestimmt. Die physikalischen Prozesse, die zu einem beschleunigten als auch anomalen Ausscheidungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit der Borkonzentration führen, konnten teilweise aufgeklärt werden.
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No description available.
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Influence of wood on the pyrolysis of poultry litterMante, Nii Ofei Daku 21 October 2008 (has links)
Pyrolytic oils produced from poultry litter differ in physico-chemical properties and the chemical composition. The litter is composed of manure and bedding material with traces of spilled feed and feathers. The type and amount of bedding material was varied to investigate its influence on the pyrolysis of layer manure. 400g of each feedstock: manure, wood (pine and oak), and mixtures of manure and wood in proportions (75:25 50:50, and 25:75 w/w %) respectively were subjected to fast pyrolysis at 450oC in a fluidized bed reactor. The total pyrolytic oil yield ranged from 43.3% to 64.5 wt%. The highest bio oil yield and the lowest char yield were obtained from oak wood. The manure oil had the highest HHV of 29.7 MJ/kg, the highest pH (5.89), the lowest density (1.14 g/cm3) and a relatively low viscosity of 130cSt. The oils had relatively high nitrogen content ranging from 5.88wt% to 1.36 wt%; low ash content (approximately <0.07wt %) and low sulfur content (<0.28wt %). FT-IR, 13CNMR, and 1HNMR analysis showed that manure oil was rich in aliphatic hydrocarbon and primary and secondary amides and the addition of wood introduced oxygenated compounds like aliphatic alcohols, phenols, aromatic ethers, and carbonyl/carboxylic groups into the oil. TG/DTG analysis also showed that the thermal decomposition of the oils were different depending on the amount and the type of wood in the manure/wood mixture.
The parametric variables used for the mixture of 50% manure and 50% pine wood shavings study were; temperature (400-550°C), nitrogen gas flow rate (12-24 L/min), and feed rate (160-480 g/h). The results showed that the pyrolysis product yields, physical properties and the chemical composition of the oil were influenced by all parameters. Temperature was the most influential factor and its effect on the liquid, char and gas yields were significant. It was evident that depending on the gas flow rate and the feed rate, a maximum oil yield (51.1wt.%) can be achieved between 400-500 oC. Also an increase in temperature significantly increased the oil viscosity and decreased the carbonyl/carboxylic and the primary aliphatic alcohol functional groups in the oil.
The study on the influence of wood on the stability of the oils when stored at ambient conditions for 8 months in a 30ml glass bottle showed that the viscosity of the oils increases when stored, however the manure oil was relatively more stable and the oil from the 50/50 mixture for both pine and oak was the least stable. It was found that the stability of the oils from the manure and wood mixtures were dependent on the amount and the type of wood (pine or oak) added to the manure. Also the addition of 10% solvent (methanol/ethanol) to the oil from 50% manure and 50% pine reduced the initial viscosity of the oil and was also beneficial in slowing down the increase in viscosity during storage. / Master of Science
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Estudio del comportamiento y de la influencia en el desgaste de los aceites lubricantes de baja viscosidad en MCIAMiró Mezquita, Guillermo 10 March 2017 (has links)
The current socio-economic and environmental context worldwide, with different actors and needs, requires continued progress towards energy efficiency and environmental improvements in order to create a sustainable future, and this implies a scientific and technologic effort to achieve the proposed goals.
Transport by propulsive systems based on reciprocating internal combustion engines (ICE) is one of the major agents affecting future environmental sustainability. Included in the wide research done in this area, one of the options considered is the use of low viscosity oils (LVO) as an option for increasing ICE efficiency. This technology presents a modest contribution to the efficiency target, but the excellent cost-effectiveness ratio and ease of application to current and future vehicle parc are two reasons that has driven towards research into the use of these oils.
The low viscosity oils base their contribution to improving energy efficiency by reducing mechanical losses associated with viscous friction in hydrodynamic regime. This in turn reduces energy consumption to operate the system, and it is associated with a reduction of pollutant emissions for the same performance.
The hypotheses of application of LVO are well founded, but there are a number of uncertainties surrounding the application of low viscosity oils in MCIA today. On one hand, it is possible to expect a modification of the ICE tribological performance, as well as changes in lubricant performance which ultimately could lead to a reduction in the period of useful life, an early lubrication failure or other consequences difficult to predict. Also, a reduction in viscosity may increase wear production, so there is also an interest in the remote diagnosis of lubricated system status.
In this Thesis a concise review of the state-of-the-art has been done applied to ICE tribology and lubricating oils, with special interest in the low viscosity oils development. Then, a series of different studies have been performed to deepen the understanding of oil performance and its influence on ICE wear, supported by a set of physico-chemical analytical techniques applied to diagnose the state of the lubricating oil.
The different results obtained show that the application of low viscosity oils in ICE is a viable alternative, since the results obtained in the various tests validate the different hypotheses done, and it opens a line of research possibilities around future enhancements and technology development. / La situación actual a nivel mundial, enmarcada en un contexto socioeconómico y medioambiental complejo, con diferentes actores y necesidades presentes, requiere un avance continuo hacia la eficiencia energética y las mejoras medioambientales de cara a poder crear un futuro sostenible, así como de un esfuerzo científico y tecnológico para poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos.
El transporte mediante sistemas propulsivos basados en motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA) es uno de los grandes agentes que afectan a la sostenibilidad medioambiental futura. Dentro de la profunda investigación que se realiza en éste ámbito, una de las opciones estudiadas es la del uso de aceites de baja viscosidad (LVO) como opción para el aumento de la eficiencia de los MCIA. Esta tecnología presenta una aportación modesta al objetivo de eficiencia energética, pero la excelente relación coste-beneficio y la facilidad de aplicación al parque automovilístico actual y futuro son dos razones que han impulsado a la industria hacia la investigación en el uso de estos aceites.
Los aceites de baja viscosidad basan su aportación a la mejora de la eficiencia energética en la reducción de las pérdidas mecánicas asociadas a la fricción viscosa en régimen hidrodinámico. Así, se consigue reducir el consumo de energía utilizado para hacer funcionar el sistema, y lleva asociada una reducción de las emisiones contaminantes para el mismo desempeño.
La hipótesis de aplicación de los aceites de baja viscosidad están bien fundamentadas, pero existen una serie de incertidumbres alrededor de la aplicación de los aceites de baja viscosidad en MCIA a día de hoy. Por un lado, es posible esperar una modificación del comportamiento tribológico en el propio MCIA, así como una variación del propio comportamiento del lubricante que en último lugar podría provocar una reducción del período de vida útil del mismo, un fallo temprano de lubricación u otras consecuencias difíciles de prever. Además, la bajada de viscosidad puede aumentar el fenómeno de desgaste, por lo que existe también un interés en la cuantificación y diagnóstico de manera continua y remota del estado del sistema lubricado.
Así, en esta Tesis se ha realizado un conciso trabajo de revisión del estado del arte de la tribología aplicada a MCIA y de los aceites lubricantes, poniendo especial interés en el desarrollo de la idea de los aceites de baja viscosidad. A continuación, y con el apoyo de un conjunto de técnicas analíticas físico-químicas aplicadas a diagnosticar el estado del aceite lubricante, se han planteado una serie de estudios desde diferentes ámbitos para poder profundizar en el conocimiento del comportamiento del aceite y de su influencia en el desgaste en MCIA.
Los diferentes resultados obtenidos señalan que la aplicación de los aceites de baja viscosidad en MCIA es una alternativa viable y exitosa, ya que los resultados obtenidos en los diferentes ensayos realizados validan el comportamiento de esta opción, y abre una línea de posibilidades de investigación alrededor de futuras mejoras y de desarrollo de la tecnología. / La situació actual a nivell mundial, emmarcada en un context socioeconòmic i mediambiental complex, amb diferents actors i necessitats presents, requereix d'un avanç continu cap a l'eficiència energètica i les millores mediambientals de cara a poder crear un futur sostenible, així com d'un esforç científic i tecnològic per poder assolir els objectius proposats.
El transport mitjançant sistemes propulsius basats en motors de combustió interna alternatius (MCIA) és un dels grans agents que afecten la sostenibilitat mediambiental futura. Dins de la profunda investigació que es realitza en aquest àmbit, una de les opcions estudiades és la de l'ús d'olis de baixa viscositat (LVO) com a opció per a l'augment de l'eficiència dels MCIA. Aquesta tecnologia presenta una aportació modesta a l'objectiu d'eficiència energètica, però l'excel¿lent relació cost-benefici i la facilitat d'aplicació al parc automobilístic actual i futur són dues raons que han impulsat a la indústria cap a la investigació en l'ús d'aquestos olis.
Els olis de baixa viscositat basen la seva aportació a la millora de l'eficiència energètica en la reducció de les pèrdues mecàniques associades a la fricció viscosa en règim hidrodinàmic. Així, s'aconsegueix reduir el consum d'energia utilitzat per fer funcionar el sistema, i porta associada una reducció de les emissions contaminants per a l'obtenció del mateix resultat.
Les hipòtesis d'aplicació dels olis de baixa viscositat estan ben fonamentades, però hi ha una sèrie d'incerteses al voltant de l'aplicació dels olis de baixa viscositat en MCIA a dia de hui. D'una banda, és possible esperar una modificació del comportament tribològic en el propi MCIA, així com una variació del propi comportament del lubricant que en últim lloc podria provocar una reducció del període de vida útil d'aquest, una fallada de lubricació primerenca o altres conseqüències difícils de preveure. A més, la baixada de viscositat pot augmentar el fenomen de desgast, pel que existeix també un interès en la quantificació i diagnòstic de manera contínua i remota de l'estat del sistema lubricat.
Així, en aquesta Tesi s'ha realitzat un concís treball de revisió de l'estat de l'art de la tribologia aplicada a MCIA i dels olis lubricants, posant especial interès en el desenvolupament de la idea dels olis de baixa viscositat. A continuació, i amb el suport d'un conjunt de tècniques analítiques fisico-químiques aplicades a diagnosticar l'estat de l'oli lubricant, s'han plantejat una sèrie d'estudis des de diferents àmbits per poder aprofundir en el coneixement del comportament de l'oli i de la seva influència en el desgast en MCIA.
Els diferents resultats obtinguts assenyalen que l'aplicació dels olis de baixa viscositat en MCIA és una alternativa viable, ja que els resultats obtinguts en els diferents assajos realitzats validen el comportament d'aquesta opció, i obre una línia de possibilitats d'investigació al voltant de futures millores i de desenvolupament de la tecnologia. / Miró Mezquita, G. (2017). Estudio del comportamiento y de la influencia en el desgaste de los aceites lubricantes de baja viscosidad en MCIA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/78615
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Étude des propriétés de transport dans les hydrogels de curdlanGagnon, Marc-André 12 1900 (has links)
Les hydrogels de polysaccharide sont des biomatériaux utilisés comme matrices à libération contrôlée de médicaments et comme structures modèles pour l’étude de nombreux systèmes biologiques dont les biofilms bactériens et les mucus. Dans tous les cas, le transport de médicaments ou de nutriments à l’intérieur d’une matrice d’hydrogel joue un rôle de premier plan. Ainsi, l’étude des propriétés de transport dans les hydrogels s’avère un enjeu très important au niveau de plusieurs applications.
Dans cet ouvrage, le curdlan, un polysaccharide neutre d’origine bactérienne et formé d’unités répétitives β-D-(1→3) glucose, est utilisé comme hydrogel modèle. Le curdlan a la propriété de former des thermogels de différentes conformations selon la température à laquelle une suspension aqueuse est incubée. La caractérisation in situ de la formation des hydrogels de curdlan thermoréversibles et thermo-irréversibles a tout d’abord été réalisée par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FT-IR) en mode réflexion totale atténuée à température variable. Les résultats ont permis d’optimiser les conditions de gélation, menant ainsi à la formation reproductible des hydrogels.
Les caractérisations structurales des hydrogels hydratés, réalisées par imagerie
FT-IR, par microscopie électronique à balayage en mode environnemental (eSEM) et par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), ont permis de visualiser les différentes morphologies susceptibles d’influencer la diffusion d’analytes dans les gels. Nos résultats montrent que les deux types d’hydrogels de curdlan ont des architectures distinctes à l’échelle microscopique.
La combinaison de la spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) à gradients pulsés et de l’imagerie RMN a permis d’étudier l’autodiffusion et la diffusion mutuelle sur un même système dans des conditions expérimentales similaires. Nous avons observé que la diffusion des molécules dans les gels est ralentie par rapport à celle mesurée en solution aqueuse. Les mesures d’autodiffusion, effectuées sur une série d’analytes de diverses tailles dans les deux types d’hydrogels de curdlan, montrent que le coefficient d’autodiffusion relatif décroit en fonction de la taille de l’analyte. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que l’équivalence entre les coefficients d’autodiffusion et de diffusion mutuelle dans les hydrogels de curdlan thermo-irréversibles est principalement due au fait que l’environnement sondé par les analytes durant une expérience d’autodiffusion est représentatif de celui exploré durant une expérience de diffusion mutuelle. Dans de telles conditions, nos résultats montrent que la RMN à gradients pulsés peut s’avérer une approche très avantageuse afin de caractériser des systèmes à libération contrôlée de médicaments. D’autres expériences de diffusion mutuelle, menées sur une macromolécule de dextran, montrent un coefficient de diffusion mutuelle inférieur au coefficient d’autodiffusion sur un même gel de curdlan. L’écart mesuré entre les deux modes de transport est attribué au volume différent de l’environnement sondé durant les deux mesures.
Les coefficients d’autodiffusion et de diffusion mutuelle similaires, mesurés dans les deux types de gels de curdlan pour les différents analytes étudiés, suggèrent une influence limitée de l’architecture microscopique de ces gels sur leurs propriétés de transport. Il est conclu que les interactions affectant la diffusion des analytes étudiés dans les hydrogels de curdlan se situent à l’échelle moléculaire. / Polysaccharide hydrogels are biomaterials used as controlled drug delivery matrices and serve as model scaffolds for the study of many biological systems like bacterial biofilms and mucus. In every case, the transport of drugs or nutriments across a hydrogel matrix is of prime importance. Therefore, the study of transport properties in hydrogels is an important issue for many fields of application.
In this work, curdlan, a neutral bacterial polysaccharide made of
β-D-(1→3) glucose repeating units, is used as a model hydrogel. Aqueous suspensions of curdlan can form thermogels of different conformations depending on the incubation temperature. In situ characterization of the preparation of thermo-reversible (low-set) and thermo-irreversible (high-set) curdlan hydrogels was first carried out using variable temperature attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results allowed optimization of the gelling conditions leading to reproducible gel samples.
Structural characterization of fully hydrated hydrogels, carried out by FT-IR imaging, environmental scanning electron microscopy (eSEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), allowed visualization of the different gel morphologies susceptible of influencing the diffusion of analytes in hydrogels. Our results show that both types of curdlan hydrogels have distinct microscopic architectures.
The combination of pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and NMR profiling allowed the study of self-diffusion and mutual diffusion on the same hydrogel system in similar experimental conditions. We showed that the diffusion of analytes in the gels is slower than in the aqueous solution. The diffusion experiments, carried out on a series of analytes of various sizes in both types of curdlan gels, show a decrease of the relative self-diffusion coefficient as a function of the analyte size. In addition, our results suggest that the equivalence between the self-diffusion and mutual-diffusion coefficients measured in the high-set curdlan gels is mainly due to the fact that the environment probed by the analytes during a self-diffusion experiment is representative of the one probed during a mutual-diffusion experiment. In such conditions, our results show that PFG NMR may present a valuable approach for the characterization of controlled drug release systems. Additional experiments show that the mutual-diffusion coefficient of dextran macromolecules is smaller than its self-diffusion coefficient in the same curdlan hydrogel. The difference between both transport rates is attributed to the different environment volumes probed by the analytes during the measurements.
The similarities observed between the self-diffusion and mutual-diffusion coefficients, measured in both types of curdlan gels for all investigated analytes, suggest a limited influence of the microscopic gel architecture on its transport properties. It is therefore concluded that the interactions affecting the diffusion of the investigated analytes in the curdlan hydrogels lie at the molecular scale.
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Étude des propriétés de transport dans les hydrogels de curdlanGagnon, Marc-André 12 1900 (has links)
Les hydrogels de polysaccharide sont des biomatériaux utilisés comme matrices à libération contrôlée de médicaments et comme structures modèles pour l’étude de nombreux systèmes biologiques dont les biofilms bactériens et les mucus. Dans tous les cas, le transport de médicaments ou de nutriments à l’intérieur d’une matrice d’hydrogel joue un rôle de premier plan. Ainsi, l’étude des propriétés de transport dans les hydrogels s’avère un enjeu très important au niveau de plusieurs applications.
Dans cet ouvrage, le curdlan, un polysaccharide neutre d’origine bactérienne et formé d’unités répétitives β-D-(1→3) glucose, est utilisé comme hydrogel modèle. Le curdlan a la propriété de former des thermogels de différentes conformations selon la température à laquelle une suspension aqueuse est incubée. La caractérisation in situ de la formation des hydrogels de curdlan thermoréversibles et thermo-irréversibles a tout d’abord été réalisée par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FT-IR) en mode réflexion totale atténuée à température variable. Les résultats ont permis d’optimiser les conditions de gélation, menant ainsi à la formation reproductible des hydrogels.
Les caractérisations structurales des hydrogels hydratés, réalisées par imagerie
FT-IR, par microscopie électronique à balayage en mode environnemental (eSEM) et par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), ont permis de visualiser les différentes morphologies susceptibles d’influencer la diffusion d’analytes dans les gels. Nos résultats montrent que les deux types d’hydrogels de curdlan ont des architectures distinctes à l’échelle microscopique.
La combinaison de la spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) à gradients pulsés et de l’imagerie RMN a permis d’étudier l’autodiffusion et la diffusion mutuelle sur un même système dans des conditions expérimentales similaires. Nous avons observé que la diffusion des molécules dans les gels est ralentie par rapport à celle mesurée en solution aqueuse. Les mesures d’autodiffusion, effectuées sur une série d’analytes de diverses tailles dans les deux types d’hydrogels de curdlan, montrent que le coefficient d’autodiffusion relatif décroit en fonction de la taille de l’analyte. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que l’équivalence entre les coefficients d’autodiffusion et de diffusion mutuelle dans les hydrogels de curdlan thermo-irréversibles est principalement due au fait que l’environnement sondé par les analytes durant une expérience d’autodiffusion est représentatif de celui exploré durant une expérience de diffusion mutuelle. Dans de telles conditions, nos résultats montrent que la RMN à gradients pulsés peut s’avérer une approche très avantageuse afin de caractériser des systèmes à libération contrôlée de médicaments. D’autres expériences de diffusion mutuelle, menées sur une macromolécule de dextran, montrent un coefficient de diffusion mutuelle inférieur au coefficient d’autodiffusion sur un même gel de curdlan. L’écart mesuré entre les deux modes de transport est attribué au volume différent de l’environnement sondé durant les deux mesures.
Les coefficients d’autodiffusion et de diffusion mutuelle similaires, mesurés dans les deux types de gels de curdlan pour les différents analytes étudiés, suggèrent une influence limitée de l’architecture microscopique de ces gels sur leurs propriétés de transport. Il est conclu que les interactions affectant la diffusion des analytes étudiés dans les hydrogels de curdlan se situent à l’échelle moléculaire. / Polysaccharide hydrogels are biomaterials used as controlled drug delivery matrices and serve as model scaffolds for the study of many biological systems like bacterial biofilms and mucus. In every case, the transport of drugs or nutriments across a hydrogel matrix is of prime importance. Therefore, the study of transport properties in hydrogels is an important issue for many fields of application.
In this work, curdlan, a neutral bacterial polysaccharide made of
β-D-(1→3) glucose repeating units, is used as a model hydrogel. Aqueous suspensions of curdlan can form thermogels of different conformations depending on the incubation temperature. In situ characterization of the preparation of thermo-reversible (low-set) and thermo-irreversible (high-set) curdlan hydrogels was first carried out using variable temperature attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results allowed optimization of the gelling conditions leading to reproducible gel samples.
Structural characterization of fully hydrated hydrogels, carried out by FT-IR imaging, environmental scanning electron microscopy (eSEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), allowed visualization of the different gel morphologies susceptible of influencing the diffusion of analytes in hydrogels. Our results show that both types of curdlan hydrogels have distinct microscopic architectures.
The combination of pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and NMR profiling allowed the study of self-diffusion and mutual diffusion on the same hydrogel system in similar experimental conditions. We showed that the diffusion of analytes in the gels is slower than in the aqueous solution. The diffusion experiments, carried out on a series of analytes of various sizes in both types of curdlan gels, show a decrease of the relative self-diffusion coefficient as a function of the analyte size. In addition, our results suggest that the equivalence between the self-diffusion and mutual-diffusion coefficients measured in the high-set curdlan gels is mainly due to the fact that the environment probed by the analytes during a self-diffusion experiment is representative of the one probed during a mutual-diffusion experiment. In such conditions, our results show that PFG NMR may present a valuable approach for the characterization of controlled drug release systems. Additional experiments show that the mutual-diffusion coefficient of dextran macromolecules is smaller than its self-diffusion coefficient in the same curdlan hydrogel. The difference between both transport rates is attributed to the different environment volumes probed by the analytes during the measurements.
The similarities observed between the self-diffusion and mutual-diffusion coefficients, measured in both types of curdlan gels for all investigated analytes, suggest a limited influence of the microscopic gel architecture on its transport properties. It is therefore concluded that the interactions affecting the diffusion of the investigated analytes in the curdlan hydrogels lie at the molecular scale.
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Comparação da análise de ácidos graxos TRANS em biscoito por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas (cg-em) e por espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de fourier e reflectância total atenuada (FT-IR-ATR)Mayer, Júlia Gonçalves 05 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-03-05T14:14:06Z
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JÚLIA GONÇALVES MAYER.pdf: 2883327 bytes, checksum: 6ae955490e1664e27d2c9669ad07a02c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-05T14:14:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JÚLIA GONÇALVES MAYER.pdf: 2883327 bytes, checksum: 6ae955490e1664e27d2c9669ad07a02c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os métodos analíticos utilizados para medir o percentual de ácido graxo trans (AGT) em alimentos envolvem cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção de ionização de chama (CG-DIC), espectrometria de massas (CG-EM) e espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier e refletância total atenuada (FT-IR-ATR). O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a viabilidade e a aplicabilidade do uso das técnicas de FT-IR-ATR, sem extração, com extração prévia da gordura e após hidrólise e metilação dos ácidos graxos, para avaliar o conteúdo de AGT em biscoitos recheados e comparar os resultados obtidos com os encontrados para a determinação de ácido elaídico pela técnica de CG-EM. Foram escolhidas 9 marcas de biscoitos recheados sabor chocolate e 1 pacote de gordura vegetal hidrogenada, para ser usada como padrão secundário para análise de AGT por FT-IR-ATR. As amostras foram analisadas, inicialmente, quanto aos seus conteúdos de umidade e lipídeos totais. Para todas as amostras não foi observada concentração de umidade superior a 6,03 g/100 g. Os lipídeos totais variaram de 12,51±0,58 a 23,84±0,09 g/100 g. A presença de AGT foi identificada por FT-IR-ATR pela visualização da banda próxima a 966 cm−1 e confirmada com adição de padrão às amostras. Ao analisar as amostras de biscoito homogeneizadas e sem outro preparo, não foi viável a utilização do método de FT-IR-ATR, visto que a absorção de radiação infravermelha de substâncias da amostra se sobrepõe à absorção na região das ligações duplas trans, o que demonstra que a matriz do alimento pode influenciar na análise. Quanto a presença dos AGT, ácido elaídico (C18:1, n-9 trans) foi identificado e confirmado em todas as amostras através de CG-EM. Ao comparar a quantificação pelos métodos CG-EM e FT-IR-ATR em amostras de extratos e na forma de ácidos graxos metilados (FAME), foram observadas concentrações baixas de ácido elaídico/ácidos graxos trans (de 0,03±0,01 a 0,86±0,01 g/100 g de biscoito) obtidas pelos diferentes métodos. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações de AGT determinadas pelos três métodos testados para oito das nove amostras analisadas. O presente trabalho mostrou que a técnica de FT-IR-ATR, analisando o extrato lipídico e as amostras em forma de FAME foi adequado para estimar os teores de AGT em biscoito recheado de chocolate, visto que proporciona uma análise mais rápida, com um menor número de etapas e menor consumo de reagentes em relação às análises por CG-EM / The analytical methods used to measure the percentage of trans fatty acids in foods involve gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FT-IR). The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility and applicability of ATR-FT-IR techniques, without extraction, with previous extraction of fat and after hydrolysis and methylation of fatty acids to evaluate the content of TFA in filled biscuits, and compare the results obtained with those found for the determination of elaidic acid by the CG-MS technique. Were chosen 9 marks of chocolate filled biscuit and 1 packet of hydrogenated vegetable fat to be used as a secondary standard for AGT analysis by ATR-FT-IR. The samples were initially analyzed for their moisture contents and total lipids. For all samples, no moisture content higher than 6.03 g/100 g. Total lipids ranged from 12.51 ± 0.58 to 23.84 ± 0.09 g/100g. The presence of TFA was identified by ATR-FT-IR through the visualization of the band near 966 cm−1 and confirmed with addition of standard to the samples. When analyzing the homogenized cookie samples and without further preparation, the use of the ATR-FT-IR method was not feasible because the absorption of infrared radiation from sample substances overlaps the absorption in the region of the trans double bonds, which demonstrates that the food matrix may influence the analysis. Regarding the presence of TFA, elaidic acid (C18: 1, n-9 trans) was identified and confirmed in all samples by GC-MS. When comparing quantification by GC-MS and ATR-FT-IR in samples of extracts and in the form of fatty acids methly esters (FAME), low concentrations of elaidic acid / trans fatty acids were observed (0.03 ± 0.01 to 0.86 ± 0.01 g / 100 g of biscuit) obtained by the different methods. No significant differences were found between the concentrations of TFA determined by the three methods tested for eight of the nine samples analyzed. The present study showed that the ATR-FT-IR technique, analyzing the lipid extract and the samples in the form of FAME, was adequate to estimate the TFA contents in chocolate filled biscuit, because it provides a faster analysis with a smaller number of steps and lower toxic chemicals in relation to GC-MS analyzes
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Erstcharakterisierung von Histidinkinase-Rhodopsinen aus einzelligen GrünalgenLuck, Meike 12 December 2018 (has links)
Histidinkinase-Rhodopsine (HKRs) können als besondere Gruppe der Hybrid-Histidinkinasen beschrieben werden, deren N-terminale sensorische Domäne ein mikrobielles Rhodopsin ist. HKR-codierende Sequenzen konnten in den Genomen verschiedener Algen, Pilze und Amoeben gefunden werden doch ihre Aufgaben und Wirkungsweisen sind bisher ungeklärt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die rekombinanten Rhodopsin-Domänen von zwei HKRs mit verschiedenen spektroskopischen Techniken charakterisiert. Sie zeigten mehrere Besonderheiten. Das Rhodopsin-Fragment von Cr-HKR1 aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii kann durch alternierende kurzwellige und langwellige Belichtung zwischen zwei stabilen Absorptionsformen konvertiert werden: einer Blaulicht-absorbierenden (Rh-Bl) und einer UVA-Licht-absorbierenden Form (Rh-UV). Dies resultiert aus der ungewöhnlichen thermischen Stabilität des Zustandes mit deprotonierter Schiff’scher Base. Das zweite charakterisierte HKR, die Os-HKR-Rhodopsin-Domäne aus der marinen Picoalge Ostreococcus tauri, zeigt eine Dunkelabsorption von 505 nm. Auch Os-HKR ist photochrom und die deprotonierte Spezies kann effizient akkumuliert werden. Diese P400-Absorptionsform ist jedoch nicht völlig stabil sondern es kommt nach Belichtungsende zur langsamen Dunkelzustands-Regeneration. Überraschenderweise konnte die Bindung sowie die transiente Abgabe eines Anions während des Os-HKR-Photozyklus festgestellt werden. Somit beeinflusst nicht nur das Licht, sondern auch das Salz in der Umgebung die Os-HKR-Reaktionen. Aufgrund ihrer photochromen Eigenschaften werden die HKRs als wirksame lichtinduzierte Schalter für die C-terminalen Signaltransduktionsdomänen postuliert. Schwingungsspektroskopische Analysen deckten eine Heterogenität hinsichtlich der im Protein gebundenen Retinal‐Konfiguration sowie die Existenz von zwei parallelen Photozyklen auf. Jeder dieser Photozyklen geht aus einer der beiden Retinal-Isomere hervor. / Histidine kinase rhodopsins (HKRs) can be described as hybrid histidine kinases with a microbial rhodopsin as N-terminal sensory domain. HKR-encoding sequences were found in the genomes of various unicellular organisms such as algae, fungi and amoeba but their mechanistic and physiologic function is unknown. During this work the absorptive properties of the recombinant rhodopsin domains of two HKRs were studied by the usage of different spectroscopic techniques. Both HKRs showed unusual characteristics. The rhodopsin fragment of Cr‐HKR1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be interconverted between two stable absorbance forms by the alternate application of short‐ and long‐wavelength light: a blue light-absorbing dark form (Rh-Bl) and a UVA light-absorbing form (Rh-UV). This unusual photocycle results from the uncommon thermal stability of the absorbance state with a deprotonated retinal Schiff base. The second studied HKR, the Os‐HKR rhodopsin domain from the marine picoalga Ostreococcus tauri, shows an absorbance maximum at 505 nm in darkness. Likewise Cr‐HKR1 the Os‐HKR is photochromic and the deprotonated form P400 can be efficiently accumulated. But the Os-HKR P400-form is not completely stable. A slow dark state recovery occurs. Surprisingly the dark state absorbance of Os‐HKR was found to be dependent on anion binding in the protein. Furthermore during the photocycle the transient anion release occurs and therefore not only light but also salt impacts the Os-HKR-reactions. Due to their pronounced photochromic properties, the HKRs are postulated to act as effective molecular switches for the C-terminal signal transduction domains in response to the light conditions. Vibrational spectroscopy revealed the heterogeneity with regard to the retinal configuration bound in the HKRs suggesting the existence of two parallel photocycles. Either of these photocycles originates from one of the two retinal isoforms.
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