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Investigating the influence of water in lysozyme structure and dynamics using FT-IR and XRDYousif, Rafat January 2019 (has links)
Water is “the matrix of life” for its fascinating properties. The well-known simple water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, covering most of planet earth’ssurface. It is the most studied element in science; however, its properties are still not fully understood. Another essential building block of life is proteins, which manifest naturally in aqueous environments. The protein activity is controlled by the protein folding process that is dependent on the surrounding environment. It is hypothesized that the hydrogen bond network of water plays an important role in the folding process. Here, we investigate the protein lysozyme in liquid water as well as in the crystalline state ice Ih, exploring various temperatures, using FT-IR and XRD. Our main finding is that a transition occurs at approximately T=210 K, indicative of the hypothesised protein dynamic “glass” transitionobserved by previous studies in supercooled water at similar temperatures.
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Characterisation of amorphous pharmaceutical materialsGrazier, Jeffery N. January 2013 (has links)
Small quantities of amorphous content can have a profound influence on the properties of a material, however their instability means that quantifying amorphous content over time is important for proving the stability of a drug. Quantifying amorphous content in α-lactose monohydrate by solid state 13C CP MAS NMR, has been carried out by use of proton saturation recovery relaxation and differentiating between spectra by partial least squares (PLS), however these techniques have not proved sensitive on their own, this work investigates their sensitivity in combination. Crystalline α-lactose monohydrate and a rapidly quenched melt were combined to create a set of calibration mixes, whose spectra were recorded using proton saturation recovery relaxations ranging from 2 to 60 seconds. This technique showed a limit of detection of 0.17% (LOD = intercept + 3xSy/x), with a relaxation delay of 15 s and was able to recognise amorphous materials generated by spray and freeze drying. The atmospheric effects on the proton saturation recovery relaxation times of different amorphous lactose preparations were investigated. This found that an oxygen atmosphere reduced the relaxation times, of amorphous lactose that was prepared from a rapidly quenched melt. The loss of moisture from spray dried and freeze dried samples to less than 1% removed the significance of this effect. Lactose is an important excipient in pharmaceuticals and a key ingredient of confectionary, very little research has been carried out in to the quantification of the isomers of different preparations of amorphous lactose. This work quantifies the isomer content by Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionisation Detection (GC-FID) using a DB-17 15m 0.53mm 1.00 μm column and derivatisation with N- (trimethylsilyl)imidazole.
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Etude en temps réel du processus dextraction de la Tagitinine C en fonction des caractéristiques physico-chimiques du CO2 supercritique à laide de fibres optiques couplant un spectrophotomètre IRTF à un extracteur à fluide supercritique Real time monitoring of the extraction process of Tagitinin C according to the physicochemical properties of supercritical CO2 by means of optical fibers coupling a FT-IR spectrometer and a supercritical fluid extractorZiemons, Eric 24 November 2006 (has links)
Lextraction par fluide supercritique fait partie des nouvelles techniques de préparation déchantillons solides qui ont émergé au cours de ces dernières années. Elle constitue une alternative intéressante aux techniques classiques dextraction liquide-solide car le pouvoir solvant du fluide supercritique est ajustable, non seulement par la température, mais aussi par la pression.
Lextraction par le CO2 supercritique de la tagitinine C, lactone sesquiterpénique photo sensible à lactivité anti-inflammatoire, anti-malarique et anticancéreuse à partir des parties aériennes de Tithonia diversifolia constituait une application intéressante de ce procédé et a été sélectionnée comme molécule cible dans le cadre de ce travail. Son optimisation a impliqué des dosages répétés de lanalyte dont la vibration délongation de la fonction diénone absorbe intensément à des fréquences particulières dans le domaine de linfrarouge. Aussi, avons-nous tout dabord développé et validé, dans la première partie de ce travail, une technique IRTF danalyse en différé sélective, rapide, non destructrice et sensible fondée sur ses propriétés. Les différents paramètres (température, pression, quantité de CO2, granulométrie de léchantillon) influençant le rendement dextraction de lanalyte ont pu être étudiés à cette occasion. Dans les conditions optimales, nous avons montré que lextraction par le CO2 supercritique extrayait rapidement et avec une meilleure sélectivité la tagitinine C tout en conservant un taux de récupération comparable aux techniques classiques dextraction.
Parallèlement à ces travaux et compte tenu de la photo-dégradation de la tagitinine C en tagitinine F, la formation de complexes dinclusion avec la β, 2,6-di-O-méthyle-β et la -cyclodextrine a été investiguée. Différentes techniques ont été employées pour caractériser les complexes formés au niveau de la stchiométrie, de la constante de formation et de la structure. Aucun effet photo-protecteur significatif na été démontré avec la β et la -cyclodextrine. En revanche, nous avons mis en évidence une diminution de la vitesse de la photo-dégradation en présence de la 2,6-di-O-méthyle-β-cyclodextrine. Malheureusement, celle-ci reste trop limitée pour envisager lutilisation de cette cyclodextrine pour éviter la dégradation de la tagitinine C lors de son exposition à la lumière directe.
Dans la dernière partie de notre travail, nous nous sommes plus particulièrement focalisés sur linterfaçage EFSC/IRTF qui constituait un indéniable défi. Le développement de linterfaçage a été réalisé à laide de fibres optiques en chalcogène darsenic entre un extracteur à fluide supercritique et un spectrophotomètre IR et a ainsi permis deffectuer le dosage en ligne de la tagitinine C dans le CO2 supercritique après passage de celui-ci au travers dune cartouche dextraction contenant la matrice végétale. Par ailleurs, le développement de cet outil répond parfaitement aux nouvelles approches (Process and Analytical Technology) préconisées par la FDA.
Le processus dextraction de lanalyte a pu dès lors être étudié de manière approfondie et en temps réel en fonction des caractéristiques physico-chimiques du fluide supercritique et de la durée de lextraction. Lutilisation de la vibration délongation CH comme marqueur a permis de mettre en évidence lobtention dextraits de composition variable qui pourront être utilisés directement dans des études defficacité thérapeutique.
Enfin, la méthode dextraction et de dosage en ligne de la tagitinine C a fait lobjet dune validation poussée selon la nouvelle approche faisant appel aux profils dexactitude dans un intervalle de dosage allant 500 à 2500 µg. Sur la base des différents profils dexactitude obtenus, le modèle de régression linéaire a été choisi pour décrire la relation concentration-réponse. En effet, ce modèle présentait des valeurs de biais relatif inférieures à 2%, des valeurs de coefficient de variation ne dépassant pas 4% et des limites de tolérance comprises dans les limites dacceptation de ±15% sur toute la gamme de concentration. De plus, le modèle de régression linéaire était en parfaite adéquation avec la méthode des ajouts dosés.
In the last two decades, supercritical fluid extraction processing with carbon dioxide has emerged as an alternative to the conventional solvent extractions of solid matrices and especially for the extraction of natural products for foods and medicines. Indeed, carbon dioxide is an inert, inexpensive, widely available, odourless, environment-friendly solvent and its solvent strength can be tuned by changing the pressure and temperature conditions.
In the first part of our work, supercritical fluid extraction of tagitinin C, a known sesquiterpene lactone which shows significant antiplasmodial and antiproliferative activity, was investigated using an off-line FTIR method for the determination of this compound in the aerial parts of Tithonia diversifolia. Different parameters as temperature, pressure, solvent mass and sample granulometry governing the supercritical fluid extraction process were optimised. Finally, we demonstrated that the optimised supercritical fluid extraction gave extraction yields comparable to those of the classical methods of extraction but with an improvement of the selectivity and a reduction of the extraction time.
At the same time, the formation of inclusion complexes of tagitinin C with β-, 2,6-di-O-methyl-β and -cyclodextrin was investigated according to its photochemical conversion into tagitinin F. Several techniques were used to characterize the tagitininC/CyD complexes in order to understand and to interpret the data obtained from the photochemical study. This letter mainly showed that the photodegradation rate of tagitinin C was slowed in presence of 2,6-di-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin while no significant effect was observed in presence of β- and -cyclodextrin.
The second part of our work was devoted to the SFE/FTIR interfacing which was a great challenge. This interface was constructed from a stainless steel cross cell equipped with chalcogenide-glass infrared fibers. This hyphenated system allowed to determine on-line tagitinin C in supercritical CO2 after this one flowed through the extraction vessel containing the plant material. Consequently, the extraction process of the analyte was studied thoroughly and in real time according to the physicochemical characteristics of the supercritical fluid and to the extraction time. The use of the CH stretching vibration as tracer allowed to highlight the composition change of extracts which could be used directly in studies of therapeutic efficiency. In addition, the development of this tool answers perfectly the new approaches (Process and Analytical Technology) recommended by the FDA.
Finally, the extraction and on-line determination method of tagitinin C was successfully validated using a new approach based on accuracy profiles as decision tool. On this basis, a linear regression model was chosen for the calibration curve. Regarding trueness, precision and accuracy, mean measured values were close to the theoretical concentrations (lower than 1.6%) and the RSD values were relatively low (less than 4% for the middle of the range). Moreover, the method was found to be accurate as the two-sided 95 % beta-expectation tolerance interval did not exceed the acceptance limits of 85 and 115 % on the concentration range from 500 to 2500 µg.
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Effect Of Stabilizer On The Catalytic Activity Of Cobalt(0) Nanoclusters Catalyst In The Hydrolysis Of Sodium BorohydrideKocak, Ebru 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The development of new storage materials will facilitate the use of hydrogen as a major energy carrier in near future. Among the chemical hydrides used as hydrogen storage materials for supplying hydrogen at ambient temperature, sodium borohydride seems to be an ideal one because it is stable under ordinary
conditions and liberates hydrogen gas in a safe and controllable way in aqueous solutions. However, self hydrolysis of sodium borohydride is so slow that requires a suitable catalyst. This work aims the use of water dispersible cobalt(0) nanoclusters
having large portion of atoms on the surface as catalyst for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. In-situ formation of cobalt(0) nanoclusters and catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride were performed starting with a cobalt(II) chloride as precursor
and sodium borohydride as reducing agent and substrate in the presence of a water soluble stabilizer. As stabilizer, water soluble polyacrylic acid as well as hydrogen phosphate ion were tested. Cobalt(0) nanoclusters were characterized by using all
the available analytical methods including FT-IR, TEM, XPS, UV-visible electronic absorption spectroscopy. The kinetics of cobalt(0) nanoclusters catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride were studied depending on the catalyst concentration, substrate concentration, stabilizing agent concentration and temperature.
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Protein structural changes and tyrosyl radical-mediated electron transfer reactions in ribonucleotide reductase and model compoundsOffenbacher, Adam R. 18 January 2011 (has links)
Tyrosyl radicals can facilitate proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions that are linked to catalysis in many biological systems. One such protein system is ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. The beta2 subunit of class Ia RNRs contains a diiron cluster and a stable tyrosyl radical (Y122*). Reduction of ribonucleotides is dependent on reversible, long-distance PCET reactions involving Y122* located 35 Å from the active site. Protein conformational dynamics are postulated to precede diiron cluster assembly and PCET reactions in RNR. Using UV resonance Raman spectroscopy, we identified structural changes to histidine, tyrosine, and tryptophan residues with metal cluster assembly in beta2. With a reaction-induced infrared spectroscopic technique, local amide bond structural changes, which are associated with the reduction of Y122*, were observed. Moreover, infrared spectroscopy of tyrosine-containing pentapeptide model compounds supported the hypothesis that local amide bonds are perturbed with tyrosyl radical formation. These findings demonstrate the importance of the amino acid primary sequence and amide bonds on tyrosyl radical redox changes. We also investigated the function of a unique tyrosine-histidine cross-link, which is found in the active site of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). Spectrophotometric titrations of model compounds that mimic the cross-link were consistent with a proton transfer role in CcO. Infrared spectroscopic data support the formation of tyrosyl radicals in these model compounds. Collectively, the effect of the local structure and the corresponding protein dynamics involved in tyrosyl radical-mediated PCET reactions are illustrated in this work.
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Untersuchungen zur Sauerstoffausscheidung in hoch bordotiertem SiliciumZschorsch, Markus 24 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Sauerstoffausscheidung in Silicium wird durch die Höhe der Bordotierung beeinflusst. Mit dem Ziel der Aufklärung der Mechanismen bei der Ausscheidung wurden verschiedene physikalische Messmethoden angepasst und ein breiter Borkonzentrationsbereich charakterisiert. Es wurden die frühen Phasen der Ausscheidungsbildung sowie Komplexbildung als auch das Wachstum der Sauerstoffausscheidungen untersucht. Mithilfe einer neuen Methodenkombination aus alkalischem Ätzen und FTIR-Spektroskopie konnten verschiedene Bor-Komplexe nachgewiesen werden. Die Erkenntnisse über deren Existenz sowie Kinetik wurden numerisch umgesetzt. Mittels Kleinwinkel-Neutronenstreuung wurden erstmals in den frühen Phasen der Sauerstoffausscheidung deren Form und Größe in Abhängigkeit der Borkonzentration bestimmt. Die physikalischen Prozesse, die zu einem beschleunigten als auch anomalen Ausscheidungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit der Borkonzentration führen, konnten teilweise aufgeklärt werden.
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Untersuchungen zur Struktur von V2O5-Traegerkatalysatoren und die Bestimmung ihrer katalytischen Eigenschaften in der Oxidation von o-Xylol und 1,3-ButadienMitzel, Holger 25 June 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliographische Beschreibung und Referat
Mitzel, Holger
Untersuchungen zur Struktur von V2O5-Trägerkatalysatoren und die Bestimmung ihrer
katalytischen Eigenschaften in der Oxidation von o-Xylol und 1,3-Butadien
Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften,
Dissertation, 1997, 186 Seiten
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bildungsweise und Struktur von Vanadiumoxid-
Oberflächenspezies (VOx-Spezies), insbesondere im Übergangsbereich von Mono- zu
Multischichtbedeckung von V2O5, entsprechend einer theoretischen Schichtzahl 0<ML<5,
untersucht. Zur Bildung der Vanadiumoxid-Oberflächenspezies wurde das Grafting mittels
VOCl3 angewandt. Vorschläge über die vorliegenden Strukturen der VOx-Spezies wurden
anhand festkörperanalytischer Daten (LRS, IR, XRD, 51V-NMR) sowie aus instationären
Redox-Messungen (TPR, TPO) entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wurden die katalytischen
Eigenschaften ausgewählter V2O5-Trägerkatalysatoren in der partiellen Oxidation von
o-Xylol bzw. 1,3-Butadien bestimmt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Trägerart und
der Aktivkomponentenanteil einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Struktur der
Aktivkomponente V2O5, auf die Aktivkomponenten-Träger-Wechselwirkungen zwischen V2O5
und Trägeroxid sowie auf die Reaktivitätseigenschaften der V2O5-Trägerkatalysatoren
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Untersuchungen zur kationischen Polymerisation von Vinylmonomeren des Furans und ThiophensHöhne, Susanne 03 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die kationische Polymerisation der heterocyclischen Monomere 2-Vinylfuran, 5-Methyl-2-vinylfuran und 2-Vinylthiophen in der Gegenwart silikatischer Partikel untersucht.
Produkte dieser Reaktion sind Polymer/SiO2-Hybridpartikel und lösliche Polymere. Zu ihrer Untersuchung wurden NMR-spektroskopische Verfahren, IR-, UV/Vis-, MALDI TOF-Spektroskopie, Elementaranalyse und GPC angewandt. Damit gelang es, die Struktur der Polymere weitgehend aufzuklären.
Der Einfluß der Reaktionsbedingungen auf die Ergebnisse der kationischen Oberflächenpolymerisation wurde untersucht und diskutiert. Die Ausbildung vernetzter Polymere bei der kationischen Polymerisation von 2-Vinylfuran bewirkte eine besonders starke Anbindung der Poly(2-vinylfuran)-Schicht und hohe Polymergehalte an den SiO2-Partikeln. Im Falle des Poly(2-vinylthiophens) (PVT) waren die Polymergehalte der Hybridpartikel deutlich niedriger. Es wurde eine lineare Polymerstruktur vorgeschlagen.
Poly(2-vinylthiophen) und Poly(2-vinylthiophen)/Kieselgel-Hybridpartikel wurden in polymeranalogen Reaktionen mit Hydridakzeptoren und FeCl3 umgesetzt. Ziele dieser Reaktionen waren die Erzeugung von konjugierten Strukturelementen und die kontrollierte Vernetzung des Polymers über Bisthiopheneinheiten. Der Einfluß der Reaktionszeit und der Natur der eingesetzten Reagenzien auf die Reaktion von PVT mit Hydridakzeptoren wurde ausführlich studiert.
Der Einfluß der Reaktionsbedingungen auf die Vernetzungsreaktion mit FeCl3 wurde mit Hilfe von GPC, IR- und 13C{1H}-CP/MAS-NMR-Spektroskopie untersucht. / The following work examines the cationic polymerization of the heterocyclic monomers 2-vinylfuran, 5-methyl-2-vinylfuran und 2-vinylthiophen mediated by silica particles.
The products of this reaction are polymer/SiO2-hybridpartikels and a soluble polymer part. For characterization of the products NMR-spectroscopical methods, IR-, UV/Vis-, MALDI TOF-spectroscopy, elemental analysis and GPC were used. With the help of this methods it succeeded to clear up the polymer structure.
The influence of the reaction conditions on the results of the cationic polymerization was examined and discussed. Extensive crosslinking of the 2-vinylfuran monomer during cationic polymerization causes a very strong linkage of the poly(2-vinylfuran)-layer and a hight polymer content of the poly(2-vinylfuran)/SiO2-hybridpartikels.
In case of poly(2-vinylthiophen) (PVT) the polymer content of the hybrid particles was notedly lower. A linear polymer structure was supposed.
The reaction of poly(2-vinylthiophen) and poly(2-vinylthiophen)/silica hybrid particles with hydridacceptors and FeCl3 was studied. The objectives of this reactions were to generate conjugated structures and to cross-link the polymer by creating bisthiophene structures in a controlled manner. The influence of the reaction time and the nature of the acceptors on the reaction of PVT with the hydride acceptors was examined in detail.
The influence of the reaction conditions on the cross-linking reaction with FeCl3 was studied with the help of GPC, IR- und 13C{1H} CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy.
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Transformation of a membrane protein from the respiratory chain into a sensor for the analysis of its interaction with substrates, inhibitors and lipidsKriegel, Sébastien 11 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The field of bioenergetics deals with the flow and transformation of energy within and between living organisms and their environment. The work presented in this thesis report focuses on cellular respiration and more specifically on the first enzyme of the respiratory chain, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I). This was done to clarify details about its function and its implication in disease. First, the creation of a sensor involving the biomimetically immobilized enzyme is presented and probed through a combination of surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) and electrochemistry. This sensor is then tested against different substrates and inhibitors. In a second part, the interaction of Complex I with lipids, inhibitors (Zn2+ and NADH-OH) and the role of a Tyrosine residue situated in the NADH binding pocket are investigated through electrochemically induced UV-Vis and FTIR difference spectroscopies. The results gathered through these experiments are then explored under a structural perspective and a coupling mechanism between quinone reduction and proton translocation by Complex I is proposed.
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Optical Characterization Of Silicon Based Hydrogenated Amorphous Thin Films By Uv-visible And Infrared MeasurementsKilic, Ilker 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Various carbon content hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1¡ / xCx:H)
and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been deposited
on various substrates by using plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition
(PECVD) technique. Transmission spectra of these films have been determined
within UV-Visible region and the obtained data were analysed to find related
physical constants such as / refractive indices, thicknesses, etc. Fourier transform
infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry technique has been used to determine transmission
& / reflection type spectra of these films. Obtained data were analysed to
determine bond structures of the films. E® / ects of relative concentration of ethylene
(C2H4) gas on thin film bond structure and on optical constants have been
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