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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Induktive Erwärmung von Formplatinen für die Warmumformung

Vibrans, Tobias 21 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Einsatz einer induktiven Längsfelderwärmung im Wärmebehandlungsprozess der direkten Warmumformung automobiler Karosserieblechbauteile. Zur Charakterisierung des Erwärmungsvorgangs werden sowohl experimentbasierte Regressionsmodelle als auch ein FEM-Simulationsmodell entwickelt. Der Einfluss der induktiven Erwärmung auf die Ausbildung der AlSi-Beschichtung, die Widerstandspunktschweißbarkeit so-wie die Korrosionsbeständigkeit gefertigter Blechbauteile wird dargelegt. Abschließend wird ein Anlagenkonzept entwickelt, das durch den Einsatz der induktiven Längsfelderwärmung eine Verringerung der Erwärmungsdauer um etwa 50 % sowie eine Verkürzung der erforderlichen Ofenlänge um etwa 37 % ermöglicht. / The present thesis investigates the usage of longitudinal induction heating in the austenitization process of direct press hardening. In order to describe the induction heating procedure, experiment-based regression models as well as a FEM model are developed. The influence of an induction heating process on the properties of press hardened parts with aluminum-silicon coating is depicted. Therefore, resistance spot welding tests, paint adhesion tests and corrosion tests are performed. Finally, a heating concept for series production including a longitudinal induction heating is developed, which allows a decrease in heating time of about 50 % and a reduction of furnace length of about 37 %.

Modélisation multiphysique du convertisseur d'aciérie / Multiphysics modelling of the steelmaking converter

Doh, Yannick Nikienta 26 January 2012 (has links)
Le présent manuscrit de thèse présente l'étude de différents phénomènes dans un convertisseur d?acier, grâce au développement de deux modèles distincts. Le premier modèle décrit la cavité produite à la surface libre du bain de métal par l'impact du jet d'oxygène supersonique. Il est basé sur le découpage du domaine de calcul en deux régions. Les effets de compressibilité du gaz sont pris en compte uniquement dans la région du jet où la vitesse est élevée, alors que partout ailleurs, le gaz est considéré comme incompressible. La méthode Volume Of Fluid (VOF) est utilisée pour suivre la déformation de la surface libre du bain. Les résultats de simulations sont présentés pour des systèmes bi- et triphasés et comparés à des données expérimentales obtenues dans diverses maquettes froides. L'influence sur la taille et la forme de la cavité de différents paramètres (parmi lesquels les conditions aux limites en sortie de la lance d'injection, le schéma d'advection de la méthode VOF et le modèle de turbulence) est étudiée. Le modèle est ensuite utilisé pour simuler l'interaction entre un jet supersonique d'oxygène et la surface libre d'un bain d'acier liquide dans un convertisseur de taille pilote. Le second modèle se focalise sur l'écoulement du gaz, le transfert de chaleur et la réaction de postcombustion dans la phase gazeuse au-dessus du bain de métal. Il utilise l'algorithme Simple Chemical Reaction Scheme pour décrire le transport des espèces chimiques, et prend en compte l'absorption d'oxygène dans le bain et les transferts thermiques par rayonnement. Les prédictions numériques sont en assez bon accord avec les mesures recueillies dans une expérience de laboratoire et dans un four à l'échelle pilote / The present thesis treats different phenomena taking place in a steelmaking converter through the development of two separate models. The first model describes the cavity produced at the free surface of the metal bath by the high speed impinging oxygen jet. It is based on a zonal approach, where gas compressibility effects are taken into account only in the high velocity jet region while elsewhere the gas is treated as incompressible. The Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method is employed to follow the deformation of the bath free surface. Calculations are presented for two- and three-phase systems and compared against experimental data obtained in various cold model experiments. The influence on the size and shape of the cavity of various parameters (including the jet inlet boundary conditions, the VOF advection scheme and the turbulence modelling) is studied. Next, the model is used to simulate the interaction of a supersonic oxygen jet with the surface of a liquid steel bath in a pilot-scale converter. The second model concentrates on fluid flow, heat transfer and the post-combustion reaction in the gas phase above the metal bath. It uses the Simple Chemical Reaction Scheme approach to describe the transport of the chemical species and takes into account the consumption of oxygen by the bath and thermal radiative transfer. The numerical predictions are in reasonable agreement with measurements collected in a laboratory experiment and in a pilot-scale furnace

Étude expérimentale et modélisation de la réduction du minerai de fer par l'hydrogène / Experimental study and modeling of the iron ore reduction by hydrogen

Wagner, Damien 30 January 2008 (has links)
Cherchant des voies de réduction drastique des émissions de CO2 d’origine sidérurgique (projet européen ULCOS), nous avons envisagé une réduction du minerai de fer par l’hydrogène pur dans un réacteur du type four à cuve. L’approche suivie a associé bibliographie, expérimentation et modélisation. Le déroulement de la réaction chimique et sa cinétique ont été analysés à partir d’expériences thermogravimétriques et de caractérisations physico-chimiques d’échantillons en cours de réduction. Un modèle cinétique spécifique a été mis au point, qui simule les réactions successives, les différentes étapes du transport de matière et le frittage éventuel du fer, à l’échelle d’une particule de solide. Enfin, un modèle numérique bidimensionnel du four à cuve a été écrit. Il décrit l’évolution des températures et des compositions des solides et des gaz en tous points d’un réacteur fonctionnant sous hydrogène. Une des originalités de ce modèle est l’utilisation de la loi des temps caractéristiques additifs pour exprimer les vitesses des réactions. Celle-ci permet de coupler les deux échelles que sont celles des particules et du réacteur, tout en gardant des temps de calculs raisonnables. A partir des simulations réalisées, l’influence des paramètres du procédé a été quantifiée. Des conditions opératoires optimales ont été dégagées, qui illustrent bien le potentiel du procédé / In an effort to find new ways to drastically reduce the CO2 emissions from the steel industry (ULCOS project), the reduction of iron ore by pure hydrogen in a shaft furnace was investigated. The work consisted of literature, experimental, and modelling studies. The chemical reaction and its kinetics were analysed on the basis of thermogravimetric experiments and physicochemical characterisations of partially reduced samples. A specific kinetic model was designed, which simulates the successive reactions, the different steps of mass transport, and possible iron sintering, at the particle scale. Finally, a 2-dimensional numerical model of a shaft furnace was developed. It depicts the variation of the solid and gas temperatures and compositions throughout the reactor. One original feature of the model is using the law of additive characteristic times for calculating the reaction rates. This allowed us to handle both the particle and the reactor scale, while keeping reasonable calculation time. From the simulation results, the influence of the process parameters was assessed. Optimal operating conditions were concluded, which reveal the efficiency of the hydrogen process

Pyrolyse de bois dans les conditions d'un lit fluidisé : étude expérimentale et modélisation / Wood pyrolysis in fluidized bed conditions : experimental study and modelling

Christodoulou, Mélina 29 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le projet français de gazéification de la biomasse : le projet Gaya. C'est un vaste programme R&D partenarial coordonné par GDF SUEZ et soutenu par l'ADEME. L'objectif du projet Gaya est de développer une filière décentralisée de production de bio-méthane à partir de la gazéification de la biomasse selon un procédé thermochimique de deuxième génération. L'objectif de cette thèse est de réaliser un modèle de pyrolyse de biomasse représentatif des conditions du lit fluidisé de gazéification développé dans ce projet. Un pilote expérimental, le four à image, a été développé pour reproduire au mieux les conditions de chauffage d'un lit fluidisé à 850°C. Ce pilote permet de récupérer l'ensemble des produits de pyrolyse pour une analyse ultérieure. De là, les cinétiques des réactions de pyrolyse sont déterminées par modélisation des processus physico-chimiques et optimisation à partir des résultats expérimentaux. Le craquage des vapeurs primaires de pyrolyse éjectées de la particule de biomasse est étudié durant 300 millisecondes après leur éjection de la particule de biomasse. Ces expériences de craquage sont menées sur le montage expérimental combinant un réacteur tubulaire de pyrolyse et un réacteur parfaitement auto-agité de craquage. Le modèle développé permet de représenter la pyrolyse de la biomasse introduite dans le réacteur de gazéification / This study contributes to the French biomass gasification project: Gaya project. It is a large R&D project financed by ADEME and coordinated by GDF SUEZ. The project GAYA will develop a demonstration platform for a new biomass gasification and methanation process. In this context, our objective is to build a biomass pyrolysis model, representative of the conditions encountered in the fluidized bed gasifier developed in this project. An experimental machine, the vertical image furnace, has been developed to reproduce the heat conditions of the fluidized bed gasifier at 850°C. This experimental model permits to collect all the pyrolysis products for a later analysis. Then, kinetics parameters are determined from both the physico-chemical process and the optimization of experimental results. The thermal cracking of condensable vapours, is studied during the first 300th milliseconds after their ejection from the biomass particle. For this purpose, cracking experiments are led on the experimental machine which combines a tubular pyrolysis reactor and a continuous self-stirred tank cracking reactor. The model developed allows us to represent the biomass pyrolysis introduced in the gasification reactor

Hierarchical distributed predictive control. Application to the control of slab reheating furnace in the steel industry / Commande prédictive hiérarchisée. Application à la commande de fours de réchauffage sidérurgiques

Nguyen, Xuan Manh 18 May 2015 (has links)
Dans l'industrie sidérurgique, les fours de réchauffage sont les plus grands consommateurs d'énergie après les hauts fourneaux. Réduire leur consommation énergétique est donc la préoccupation majeure de la commande des fours. Dans un four de réchauffage, des brames d'acier sont chauffées en traversant successivement plusieurs zones, de la température ambiante à un profil de température homogène de 1250 °C en sortie du four, avant d’être laminées dans les laminoirs à chaud. La température de brames est contrôlée par une structure de commande hiérarchisée à deux niveaux (niveau 1 et 2).L'objectif de ces travaux est d'améliorer la performance du chauffage et donc de réduire la consommation énergétique du four via une stratégie de commande prédictive distribuée hiérarchisée sur les deux niveaux de commande. Une approche de commande prédictive distribuée est tout d’abord développée pour le niveau 1 afin de suivre les consignes de température de zone, prenant en compte les couplages entre les zones et induisant une moindre complexité d’implantation par rapport à une approche centralisée. L’implantation industrielle a permis une amélioration significative de la précision du suivi de température et une réduction de la consommation d'énergie de 3%. Une deuxième étape propose l’élaboration de la commande prédictive hiérarchisée du niveau 2 afin, à partir de la consigne de température de brame, de déterminer les consignes de température optimales des zones en se fondant sur un modèle de transfert thermique du four. Les résultats de simulation, comparés aux données industrielles, montrent une réduction de la consommation énergétique de 5% et une meilleure qualité de chauffage des brames. L’approche précédente est enfin étendue pour prendre en compte et optimiser le cadencement des brames afin d’augmenter la productivité du four. La simulation montre une augmentation potentielle de productivité du four de 15 tonnes par heure tout en améliorant la qualité de chauffage des brames. / In steel industry, reheating furnaces are the biggest energy consumers after blast furnaces. As a result, reduction of energy consumption is the major concern of furnace control. In a walking-beam slab reheating furnace, steel slabs are heated by moving through successive zones from ambient temperature to a homogenous temperature profile of 1250°C at the furnace exit, to be rolled subsequently in the hot rolling mills. Temperature of slabs is controlled mainly by a two-level hierarchical structure, so called level 1 and level 2.The aim of this thesis is to improve the heating performance and consequently to reduce the energy consumption of the furnace by using hierarchical distributed model predictive control (MPC) strategy for both levels. In a first step, distributed model predictive controllers are developed for the level 1 in order to track zone temperature set-points. The distributed feature of the control law enables to consider coupling effects between zones while reducing the computation complexity compared to a complete centralized approach. The industrial results showed significant improvement on temperature tracking accuracy and an energy consumption reduction of 3%. In a second step, the hierarchical MPC is constructed for the level 2 in order to determine the optimal zones temperature setpoint from the slab temperature setpoint, based on a numerical heat transfer model of the furnace. The simulation results obtained with this strategy compared against industrial data show an energy consumption reduction of 5% and a better heating quality. The previous structure is finally extended to take into account and optimize the scheduling of the slabs within the MPC level 2 in order to increase productivity of the considered furnace. The simulation shows a potential increase of productivity of the furnace of 15 tons per hour while improving the slab heating quality.

Determinação de chumbo em açúcar por espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafite tratado com tugstênio e ródio / Determination of lead in sugar by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) treated with tungsten-rhodium

Souza, Paulino Florêncio de 18 January 2005 (has links)
Um método de baixo custo é proposto para determinação direta de chumbo em açúcar por espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite e correção de fundo com fonte de deutério, empregando modificação química permanente com 250µg W + 200µg Rh e co-injeção de 5µg Rh. Os experimentos foram realizados com plataforma integrada ou ao no tubo de grafite com aquecimento longitudinal. Para avaliação da modificação química permanente, foram feitos experimentos na ausência de modificação e na presença de modificação química convencional com Pd+Mg. No decorrer do trabalho observou-se ser imprescindível a co-injeção de Rh para a estabilização térmica de chumbo na presença de açúcar. A amostra (8 g) é dissolvida em 100 ml de solução aquosa 0,2% v/v HNO3, e uma alíquota de 10 l é injetada com 5µl de solução de Rh na plataforma do tubo de grafite modelo Universal da Varian tratada com W e Rh. A massa característica (mo) e o limite de detecção do método foram 11 pg Pb e 5 ng g-1 respectivamente, e a vida útil do tubo de grafite foi de 860 queimas. O método apresentou boa reprodutibilidade com coeficiente de variação inferior a 2,5 % (n=3). As características analíticas foram comparadas com os métodos recomendados na literatura. A exatidão do método proposto para determinação direta de chumbo em açúcar foi avaliada pela comparação com método convencional utilizando Pd+Mg e nenhuma diferença estatística foi observada aplicando-se o teste t de Student ao nível de 95% de probabilidade, em amostras que receberam adição de chumbo / A simple method for the direct determination of lead in sugar by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) with platform treated with 250µg W + 200µg Rh and deuterium background correction is proposed. Samples (8 g) were dissolved in 100 ml of an aqueous solution containing 0,2% v/v HNO3 and 10µl aliquots were co-injected with 5µg Rh into the integrated platform modified with W-Rh of the Universal Varian longitudinal heated graphite atomizer. The characteristic mass (mo) and the method detection limit were 11 pg Pb and 5,0 ng g-1 Pb, respectively, and the tube life time was 860 firings. The relative standard deviation of measurements (n=3) was lower than 2,5 %. For the evaluation of the permanent chemical modifier, parallel experiments were carried in the presence of diluted nitric acid and with the conventional Pd+Mg chemical modifier. Experiments were made either with manual inserted graphite plataforms or integrated plataforms into longitudinal graphite tubes. Comparison of the proposed method with a method based on Pd+Mg chemical modifier showed no statistical differences by applying a t-test at 95% confidence level, for sugar sample solution spiked with lead

Contribution à l'étude et au contrôle des convertisseurs multiniveaux : application à la compensation des fours à arc / Contribution to the study and control of multilevel converters : Application to arc furnace compensation

Morati, Mathieu 11 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée aux convertisseurs multiniveaux et aborde les problématiques liées à la compensation des perturbations générées sur un réseau électrique, telles que celles produites par les fours à arc. Elle est composée de quatre chapitres couvrant les thématiques de la modélisation des réseaux électriques, des convertisseurs de tension, du contrôle commande et des stratégies de compensation, accompagnés de simulations et de résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur des équipements industriels de forte puissance. Les applications réseaux étant diverses et variées, les convertisseurs multiniveaux sont ici étudiés dans le but d’être raccordés directement sur des réseaux de distribution. Pour cela, un état de l’art des différentes topologies de convertisseurs de tension (classiques et multiniveaux) est présenté et les topologies dites modulaires, sont retenues pour une étude plus poussée. Ces convertisseurs utilisent des modules de puissance à base de ponts en H, de ½ ponts en H ou de ponts en H 3-niveaux connectés en cascade. Ils permettent ainsi de créer différents types de configurations ou couplages appelés dans ce mémoire : étoile, triangle et étoiles symétriques. Les différents modules et les stratégies pour les commander sont étudiés autour d’un composant de puissance (de type IGBT 2.5kV/1.5kA). A travers les domaines électrique et thermique, une méthode est proposée afin d’estimer les pertes, les températures de jonction et déterminer ainsi les limites d’utilisation d’un tel composant de puissance. Le dimensionnement et la fiabilité de ces convertisseurs est également abordé pour chacune des configurations envisagées, afin de dégager les avantages et inconvénients pour une application réseau. D’une façon générale, la stratégie de contrôle des convertisseurs multiniveaux est ardue, principalement lié au fait que de multiples sources de tensions continues doivent être contrôlées. Dans cette optique, des stratégies de contrôle sont proposées et validées en simulation selon les types de modules et de configurations utilisés pour la compensation des perturbations d’un four à arc. Enfin, la dernière partie de ces travaux est consacrée aux résultats expérimentaux sur la base d’un compensateur industriel dénommé DSVC (Dynamic Static Var Compensator), pour la compensation des fours à arc. Les différents résultats obtenus sur plusieurs sites industriels ont ainsi permis la validation des travaux exposés dans ce mémoire / This thesis is dedicated to the multilevel converters and addresses issues related to compensation for disturbance generated on an electrical network such as those produced by arc furnaces. It is composed of four chapters covering the themes of modeling of electrical networks, voltage converters, control and compensation strategies, with simulations and experimental results obtained on high power industrial equipment. There are many networks applications and multilevel converters are here considered to be directly connected to distribution networks. Therefore, a state of the art of different voltage converters, classics and multilevel topologies, is presented and the topologies called modular are retained for further studies. These converters use modular power cells made of H bridges, ½ bridges or 3-level H bridges connected in cascade. They allow to create different types of configurations or couplings called in this memory: star, delta and double stars. The different modules and the strategies to control them are investigated around the same switching power component (IGBT 2.5kV/1.5kA). Through electrical and thermal fields, a method is proposed to estimate their losses, junction temperatures in order to determine the limits of use of such a component of power. Sizing and reliability of these converters is also discussed for each considerer configurations in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages for a network application. Generally, the multilevel converters control strategy is difficult because of the multiple sources of DC voltages to control. In this context, control strategies are proposed and validated in simulation according to the types of modules and configuration used to compensation for disturbance of an arc furnace. Finally, the last part of this thesis is devoted to the experimental results based on an industrial compensator DSVC (Dynamic Static Var Compensator) for arc furnace compensation. The different results obtained at several industrial sites have thus allowed the validation of the various works exposed in this thesis

Efeito de adições ativas na mitigação das reações álcali-sílica e álcali-silicato. / Effect of mineral admixtures in controlling the alkali-silica reaction and alkali-silicate reaction.

Munhoz, Flávio André da Cunha 03 August 2007 (has links)
A reação álcali-agregado é uma manifestação patológica diretamente ligada à seleção dos materiais (cimento, agregados miúdo e graúdo, água e aditivos) que pode comprometer a durabilidade das estruturas de concreto, uma vez que a interação desses materiais e as condições ambientais é que vão conferir ao concreto determinadas propriedades ligadas à sua vida útil. A reação entre os hidróxidos alcalinos solubilizados na fase líquida dos poros dos concretos e alguns agregados reativos é lenta e resulta em um gel que, ao se acumular em vazios do concreto e na interface pasta-agregado, na presença de água, se expande, exercendo pressão interna no concreto. Ao exceder a resistência à tração do concreto, a pressão interna pode promover fissurações. A reação álcali-agregado requer a atuação conjunta de água, agregado reativo e álcalis. Sua prevenção pode ser feita a partir da eliminação de um dos fatores, ou seja, a partir do emprego de agregados inertes ou de cimentos com baixos teores de álcalis ou isolamento da umidade. Na impossibilidade de eliminar um dos fatores, medidas preventivas devem ser tomadas para o emprego de agregados reativos em obras de construção civil. Entre essas, destacam-se a utilização de cimentos com baixos teores de álcalis ou a de cimentos com adições ativas mitigadoras da reação álcali-agregado: escória de alto-forno, cinza volante, metacaulim e sílica ativa, que foi o objeto de pesquisa do presente trabalho. No programa experimental foram analisados dois tipos de agregado potencialmente reativos com os hidróxidos alcalinos: EDVDOWR e PLORQLWR_ JUDQtWLFR. O primeiro, proveniente de rocha ígnea, tem como constituintes deletérios vidro, clorofeíta, calcedônia (sílica criptocristalina), que dará origem à reação do tipo iOFDOL_VtOLFD. O agregado milonito granítico provém de rocha metamórfica, tem como constituintes deletérios quartzo microgranular, quartzo recristalizado, quartzo com extinção ondulante e quartzo e feldspato deformados, que dará origem ao tipo de reação iOFDOL_VLOLFDWR. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de adições ativas em mitigar as reações, os agregados foram combinados com 16 cimentos com adições ativas. Escória de alto-forno foi adicionada a 15%, 30%, 45% e 60% e cinza volante, a 10%, 15%, 25% e 35%, teores normalmente encontrados nos cimentos brasileiros. Metacaulim foi adicionada a 5%, 10%, 15% e 20%, e sílica ativa, a 5%, 10% e 15%, teores representativos da faixa normalmente adicionada diretamente a concretos. Todos os materiais utilizados foram caracterizados química, física e mineralogicamente, incluindo a análise petrográfica dos agregados. As barras de argamassa foram analisadas ao MEV, microscópio óptico de luz transmitida, realizaram-se ensaios de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio e análises térmicas para quantificar a teor de portlandita residual, e determinou-se o teor de álcalis dentro das barras após a realização dos ensaios para verificar a migração de íons de sódio. Os resultados indicam que a eficiência das adições ativas varia de acordo com a composição química e mineralógica das adições, da proporção desse material no cimento, e do grau de reatividade do agregado. / The alkali-aggregate reaction is a pathologic manifestation that can induce the premature distress and loss in serviceability of concrete structures affected. It is directly associated to the selection of materials (cement, coarse and fine aggregates, water and additives), as the interaction between these materials and environmental condition will grant the concrete some of the properties related to its service life. The slow reaction between alkali hydroxides soluble in the liquid phase within concrete pores and reactive aggregates gives rise to a gel that piles up within concrete voids and the aggregate-paste interface. In presence of water, the gel expands and exerts internal pressure in the concrete. When the internal pressure exceeds the tensile strength, cracking may come up as result. The alkali-aggregate reaction requires the action of water, reactive aggregate and alkalis altogether. Prevention can be carried out by eliminating one of these factors, i.e. employing either inert aggregates or lowalkali cements, or keeping the concrete away from moisture. Otherwise, preventive measures must be taken when reactive aggregates are used in civil construction works, such as the use of low-alkali cements or composite cements bearing alkaliaggregate- reaction mitigating admixtures: blast-furnace slag, fly ash, metakaolin and silica fume, which are the object of the present research. The experimental work included the analysis of two potentially reactive aggregates to alkali hydroxides: basalt and granite milonite. The igneous basalt carries deleterious constituents such as glass, chloropheite (cryptocrystalline silica), that will give rise to the DONDOL_VLOLFD type reaction while the metamorphic granite milonite carries micro granular, recrystallized, undulate-extinction-bearing quartz and deformed feldspar grains, that give rise to DONDOL_VLOLFDWH type reaction. Aiming at evaluating how efficient in mitigating these reactions the active admixtures are, these aggregates were mixed with 16 composite cements. The contents of admixtures followed those usually found in Brazilian industrial cements for blast-furnace slag (15%, 30%, 45%, 60%) and fly ash (10%, 15%, 25%, 35%), and those generally added directly to concrete for metakaolin (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) and silica fume (5%, 10%, 15%). All materials were characterized for their chemical composition, physical properties and mineralogy. Petrography was carried out on the aggregates. The mortar bars were analyzed at the scanning electronic and transmitted-light optical microscopes. Mercury-intrusion porosimetry and thermal analyses were carried out to quantify residual portlandite. The alkali content within the bars was determined in order to verify migration of Na+ ions. The results show that the efficiency of active admixtures varies according to their chemical and mineralogical composition and proportioning in cement, and to the aggregate reactivity.

Investigação de parâmetros do CCR com incorporação de escória granulada de alto forno para utilização como base de pavimentos. / Analysis of mechanical behavior of the RCC with incorporation of granulated blast furnace slag for use as pavement base.

Pinto, Paulo César 19 February 2010 (has links)
A crescente preocupação ambiental e a atual crise energética fazem com que indústrias, de um modo geral, intensifiquem esforços para maximização de processos de produção e reutilização de subprodutos gerados. Na siderurgia a produção do aço é realizada por meio da extração do minério de ferro adicionando-se fundentes, gerando como subproduto uma ganga em forma de escória de alto forno. Na presente pesquisa foram compostas misturas de concreto compactado com rolo CCR visando o emprego como base de pavimentos, utilizando três diferentes materiais de granulometria miúda: areia natural, areia industrial e escória granulada de alto forno (com dimensão máxima de 4,8 mm) nas quantidades de 50 % e 100 %; para fins de análise da influência destas diferentes areias foram confeccionados corpos de prova cilíndricos e prismáticos moldados na umidade ótima e no ramo seco da curva de compactação. Foram investigados parâmetros referentes à umidade de compactação, massa específica, resistências à tração indireta e à tração na flexão, módulos de elasticidade por pulso ultrassônico, além de módulos de elasticidade estáticos obtidos a partir de curvas tensão-deformação e por analogia de Möhr (medida de flecha em vigotas em flexão). Visando avaliar a aplicabilidade dos CCR estudados, em especial aquele com escória, foi utilizado o programa computacional MnLayer (para análise de tensões em pavimentos asfálticos) empregando camada de base rígida em CCR para estruturas de pavimentos sujeitos à ação de cargas do tráfego de veículos rodoviários, portuários e aeroportuários, observando a influência dos três tipos de agregados miúdos no nível de tensões da camada cimentada, o que depende em grande parte do módulo de elasticidade da camada de base. Observou-se queda nas resistências dos CCR quando da incorporação de 50 % ou 100 % de escória granulada; por outro lado, essas misturas apresentaram ganhos de resistência em idades mais avançadas em comparação a misturas que empregaram areias natural ou industrial. O módulo de elasticidade dos CCR, com a presença da escória, parcial ou total como fração areia, em geral decresceu à exceção de seu emprego em conjunto com areia natural. As misturas com escória granulada, do ponto de vista de análise mecanicista, resultaram em exigências de maiores espessuras do material, o que não pode fazer tal mistura economicamente viável em qualquer situação, para os casos de misturas com 100 % de escória granulada de alto forno e com fração mista de areia natural e escória. / The increasing environmental concerns as well as energy sources shortage leads industry to consider both optimization of production processes and sustainable use and disposal of its by-pass products. In siderurgical steel manufactures the most common by-pass product is the blast furnace slag with emphasis to its granulated shape. This study considered the evaluation of rolled compacted concretes (RCC) mixtures containing natural or industrial sands as well as such slags at 50% and 100% (with maximum diameter of 4.8 mm) as candidates for pavement base layers. The analysis considered laboratory compaction tests in order to verify the influence of such sands on concrete physical parameters as bulk density and optimum moisture content. Evaluation of mechanical parameters as indirect tensile strength, flexural strength, ultrasonic modulus of elasticity and static modulus of elasticity were carried out as part of the study. Through mechanistic analysis using the elastic layered theory-based computational program MnLayer it was possible to verify implications of each RCC mixture design on pavement thickness and tensile stresses in cemented base layers, in consideration of highway, harbor and airport vehicles. Loss of resistance was verified for RCC mixtures at 50% and 100% slag sand; on the other hand such mixtures have improved its strengths at advanced ages (180 days) compared to the other sands. The modulus of elasticity also decreased for mixtures containing slag sands with exception to the blend of natural and slag sand. Under the mechanistic stand point slag sand mixtures requires thicker base layers in pavements that could lead, depending on several factors, to less cost-effective results in the case of 100% slag sands mixtures and blend (50%-50%) natural and slag sands mixtures.

Avaliação do desempenho de concretos refratários ao ataque por escória de redução de chumbo secundário em forno rotativo. / Evaluation of castable refractories by secondary lead smelting in short rotary furnace slag attack

Prestes, Eduardo 14 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:42:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Prestes.pdf: 9360031 bytes, checksum: cf81ac633030e28b561a09650cf7105a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-14 / The recycled lead obtained mainly from the recovery of lead from lead-acid batteries is named secondary lead. The process of lead scrap smelting and reduction is carried out in short rotary furnaces and the standard refractory lining is the burned magnesia-chromite bricks. The employment of refractory castables is not found in the literature for this type of application. Therefore, this research provides an evaluation by slag attack of commercial castable refractories selected for short rotary furnace application of secondary lead smelting in confrontation with commercial burned magnesia-chromite bricks. After the scorification tests, statics and dynamics, the wear and slag penetration area in each sample was measured using the analysis image software “Image- Pro Plus 5.1”. For the best performance products was realized the corrosion study by analysis of the refractory-slag interface by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Scanning (EDS) and X-Ray Diffractometry. Sintered magnesia-chrome spinel bricks showed the best slag attack resistance and the evaluated castable refractories showed inferior performance than the standards refractory bricks. Nevertheless, a low cement alumina-chrome castable based on white fused alumina was similar to performance of the direct bonded magnesia-chromite bricks. This result shows that the employment of castable refractory in short rotary furnace of secondary lead smelting is very promising. The analysis of the refractory products after the static and dynamic slag attack showed that the FeO is the main corrosive agent of the slag, due to its reaction with components of refractory and formation of low melting compounds. / O chumbo reciclado produzido principalmente a partir da recuperação do chumbo de sucatas de baterias automotivas é denominado chumbo secundário. O processo de fusão e redução da sucata metálica de chumbo é realizado em pequenos fornos rotativos e o revestimento refratário normalmente empregado é composto por produtos formados a base de magnésia-cromo. O emprego de concretos refratários para este tipo de aplicação praticamente não é encontrado na literatura. Por isso, este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação, pelo ataque por escória, de concretos refratários comerciais selecionados para aplicação em fornos rotativos d e redução de chumbo secundário em comparação com os refratários formados de magnésiacromo. Após os testes de escorificação, estáticos e dinâmicos, os produtos refratários foram avaliados pela área do perfil de desgaste e de infiltração dos corpos de prova. A área foi obtida pelo emprego do software de análise de imagem “Image-Pro Plus 5.1”. Para os produtos de melhor desempenho nos ensaios de escorificação foi realizado o estudo da corrosão pela análise da interface refratário-escória, utilizando as técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia por dispersão de energia (EDS) e difratometria de raios X. Os refratários formados de magnésia-cromo apresentaram melhor resistência ao ataque por escória em relação aos concretos refratários avaliados. No entanto, um concreto refratário de aluminacromo de baixo teor de cimento, a base coríndon branco, apresentou desempenho próximo dos produtos formados de magnésia-cromo. Este resultado mostra que o emprego de concretos refratários em fornos rotativos de redução de chumbo secundário é muito promissor. A análise dos produtos refratários após o ataque por escória estático e dinâmico mostrou que o FeO é o principal agente corrosivo da escória, devido a sua reação com os componentes do refratário e formação de compostos de baixo ponto de fusão.

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