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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從價值共創角度探討社群媒體行銷 對品牌粉絲專頁影響之研究 / Investigating Effects of Social Media Marketing on Brand Performance: From the Co-creation Concept

彭雅瑄, Peng, Yah Suan Unknown Date (has links)
社群媒體已經深刻地改變了我們的生活,並且對於企業行銷上產生了重大的影響。 這項研究的動機來自於社群媒體 Facebook 在台灣的普及性。此外,價值共創的概念,導致消費者忠誠度的重生,他們可以參與價值鏈的任何階段。我們的目標是將價值共創概念運用於Facebook粉絲專頁經營,探索如何達到最大化的行銷效益。 我們的研究數據來自於台灣資策會,結果顯示:一個粉絲專頁如果擁有越高的價值共創程度,確實能夠提高品牌行銷的效益。具體而言,我們發現粉絲專頁若提高內容多樣性和提供的回饋種類,更容易增加品牌的知名度。用戶原創內容程度越高,更可能增加使用者與品牌的互動,若要求使用者刻意推薦,則是更降低他們與品牌的互動。 此外,當粉絲年齡在大於或等於25歲時,以及粉絲專頁的粉絲總數越多時,價值共創程度對於行銷效益的顯著性會更明顯。 / Social media has profoundly changed our lives and is having a major impact on marketing today. This research is motivated by the tremendous growth of a social computing platform, Facebook. Besides, the co-creation concept leads to a rebirth of customer loyalty. Customers, in other words, can get involved at just any stage of the value chain. We aim to apply the co-creation concept in the Facebook fan page to explore what and how co-creation in social media marketing is effective. Our study has collected data from Taiwan’s Government research institute – Institute for Information Industry. The results of our findings show that the co-creation level in the Facebook marketing campaigns can truly increase brand’s performance. In detail, we found that kind of information and form of exchange are more likely to increase the brand’s awareness. Type of user created content is more likely to increase the brand’s engagement while way of advocacy is more likely to decrease the brand’s engagement. In addition, co-creation level is more significantly related to campaign’s performance when the fans are over (or equal to) 25 years old, and is more significantly related to campaign’s performance when the fan page has more fans than others.

結合中文斷詞系統與雙分群演算法於音樂相關臉書粉絲團之分析:以KKBOX為例 / Combing Chinese text segmentation system and co-clustering algorithm for analysis of music related Facebook fan page: A case of KKBOX

陳柏羽, Chen, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年智慧型手機與網路的普及,使得社群網站與線上串流音樂蓬勃發展。臉書(Facebook)用戶截至去年止每月總體平均用戶高達18.6億人 ,粉絲專頁成為公司企業特別關注的行銷手段。粉絲專頁上的貼文能夠在短時間內經過點閱、分享傳播至用戶的頁面,達到比起電視廣告更佳的效果,也節省了許多的成本。本研究提供了一套針對臉書粉絲專頁貼文的分群流程,考量到貼文字詞的複雜性,除了抓取了臉書粉絲專頁的貼文外,也抓取了與其相關的KKBOX網頁資訊,整合KKBOX網頁中的資料,對中文斷詞系統(Jieba)的語料庫進行擴充,以提高斷詞的正確性,接著透過雙分群演算法(Minimum Squared Residue Co-Clustering Algorithm)對貼文進行分群,並利用鑑別率(Discrimination Rate)與凝聚率(Agglomerate Rate)配合主成份分析(Principal Component Analysis)所產生的分佈圖來對分群結果進行評估,選出較佳的分群結果進一步去分析,進而找出分類的根據。在結果中,發現本研究的方法能夠有效的區分出不同類型的貼文,甚至能夠依據使用字詞、語法或編排格式的不同來進行分群。 / In recent years, because both smartphones and the Internet have become more popular, social network sites and music streaming services have grown vigorously. The monthly average of Facebook users hit 1.86 billion last years and Facebook Fan Page has become a popular marketing tool. Posts on Facebook can be broadcasted to millions of people in a short period of time by LIKEing and SHAREing pages. Using Facebook Fan Page as a marketing tool is more effective than advertising on television and can definitely reduce the costs. This study presents a process to cluster posts on Facebook Fan Page. Considering the complicated word usage, we grasped information on Facebook Fan Page and related information on the KKBOX website. First, we integrated the information on the website of KKBOX and expanded the text corpus of Jibea to enhance the accuracy of word segmentation. Then, we clustered the posts into several groups through Minimum Squared Residue Co-Clustering Algorithm and used discrimination Rate and Agglomerate Rate to analyze the distribution chart of Principal Component Analysis. After that, we found the suitable classification and could further analyze it. How posts are classified can then be found. As a result, we found that the method of this study can effectively cluster different kinds of posts and even cluster these posts according to its words, syntax and arrangement.

博物館Facebook粉絲專頁經營模式之探討 / The study of business models of museums’ Facebook fan pages

石淑慧, Shih, Shu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的時代來臨,「人」成為網路世界的主角,網際網路世界的雙向人際互動受到重視,近年來,越來越多社群網站出現在我們的生活當中,成為現代人溝通連絡的主要管道之一,其中又以2004年創立的Facebook使用率最高,目前已累積約8億的使用者,成為會員數成長最快的社群網站。由於大量的用戶及快速的消息傳播速度,企業開始透過在Facebook設立粉絲專頁來行銷宣傳,與顧客建立關係,而博物館雖屬非營利組織,但為了與日漸多樣化的休閒機構競爭,行銷成為經營重點,因此亦紛紛跟隨潮流架設起專屬的Facebook粉絲專頁,希望能藉此進行網路社群媒體行銷。 本研究藉由個案研究法,線上觀察世界四大博物館─紐約大都會藝術博物館、羅浮宮博物館、大英博物館、國立故宮博物院的Facebook粉絲專頁經營模式,分析比較各個博物館的粉絲專頁內容,評估其是否符合過去文獻所整理的Facebook成功經營要素,並採用粉絲數及談論率做為衡量指標評估營運績效。研究結果發現各博物館發文內容多與博物館展覽和館藏文物相關,且喜歡採用文字搭配圖片方式發文;以營運績效而言,紐約大都會藝術博物館Facebook粉絲數量最多,但國立故宮博物院粉絲專頁的討論率最高,與粉絲互動較佳;同時,本研究亦發現四大博物館目前Facebook粉絲專頁的粉絲雖持續增加中,不過談論率相當低,顯示在經營績效並不佳,仍有許多改善空間,因此提出實務建議以供未來博物館營運Facebook粉絲專頁時參考。 / In the era of Web 2.0, the interaction among people in the Internet world becomes important. In recent years, there are more social network websites emerging in our life. This trend gradually changes our ways of communication. Among these social network sites, Facebook, with approximately 800 billion users now, grows the fast and is the most popular websites. Because of the large number of Facebook’s users and its quick speed of spreading information, many corporations have set up their own fan pages to do marketing and build relationship with customers. Non-profit organizations are no exception. Museums, in order to compete with the other recreational facilities, also establish fan pages on Facebook to promote themselves. This study chooses four world famous museums--Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, British Museum, Musée du Louvre, and National Palace Museum to do case study. By observing and analyzing the contents of each museum’s fan page, and evaluating its performance through the number of fans and the ratio of “people talking about this,” the study assesses whether these four museums’ operation of Facebook is successful or not. The result shows the main contents of these museums’ Facebook fan pages are about exhibitions and most of information is released with words and pictures. As for the operation performance, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has the most fans, but National Palace Museum has the highest ratio of people talking about this, which means it has better interaction with fans. However, according to the result, the performance of Facebook of every museum is not satisfactory and there are lots of spaces to improve. Therefore, researcher gives some practical advice in the end of the study as future operational reference.

社群商務流量變現過程之關鍵成功因素探討 / The key successful factors of traffic monetizing process in social commerce

王孟筠 Unknown Date (has links)
平台的興起改變了傳統消費模式,因此無論是在學術界或是實務界,強調互動的社群商務在近年來都漸漸受到重視。然而,從社群中內容經營者的角度出發探討社群商務經營狀況的相關研究不多;此外,社群商務與網路外部性的連結也相對缺乏,故本研究欲以台灣影響力最大之社群平台Facebook的粉絲專頁為例,探討社群商務「使粉絲變成消費者」的流量變現過程,供未來社群商務經營者參考。 本研究以學者Hagel & Armstrong(1998)提出的會員發展四階段作為研究架構,採個案研究法,選擇「傑利帶路 玩世界」與「I’m 布布媽咪/Chic KimBlake」為個案,透過深度訪談探討選擇個案從內容社群至社群商務的經營過程中,每一階段形成正向網路外部性的關鍵成功因素以及做法,並同時分析不同的訴求類型於粉絲專頁上的影響與效果。 研究結果顯示,在社群商務的整體經營中,人格力、社群力以及產品力為三大關鍵成功因素,並且依序在吸引會員(製造流量)、增加參與(集中流量)、建立忠貞(鎖住流量)三階段扮演關鍵角色,最終實現價值獲取(流量變現)的目的;除此之外,感性的訴求在社群商務前期扮演相對重要的角色,而訴求的有效性與社群商務提供的產品與服務類型並無直接相關。 / The new economics of platform changes traditional purchase process and reconstructs value chain, giving the market new business rules. Thus, social commerce which emphasize interaction between customers and operators has been widely discussed in recent years. Numerous studies focused on customer behavior in social commerce but barely discussed business operation of social commerce from platform operators’ perspectives. As a result, this study is aim at exploring the traffic monetizing process in social commerce operating. This study applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Four Phases to Developing Sustainable Virtual Community of Prof. Hagel and Armstrong published in 1998. “JerryWalker” and “Chic KimBlake” on Facebook fanpage are chosen as the research targets. Start by in-person interview with each targeted cases and supplemented by second-hand sources, inspecting the process from solely content operating to social commerce operating, also analyze key successful factors in each phase; moreover, this study will also discuss different types of appeals’ influence in social commerce. The results of this study shows that “personality”, “community operation” and “product and service” are the three main key factors while building up a successful social commerce. Besides, these three factor correspond to Phase I-generate traffic, Phase- II concentrate traffic, and Phase-III lock in the traffic in order, through this process can monetize community traffic and reach positive network effect. Furthermore, emotional appeals show better effect in social commerce regardless of different kinds of provided product and service.

探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色: 台灣食品安全危機之案例分析 / Examining the Roles of Traditional and New Media in Crisis Communication: Case Study of Food Safety Crisis in Taiwan

陳敬旻, Chen, Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討台北犁記餅店在2014年中秋節前夕爆發的餿水油事件中的危機溝通策略,並檢視其危機溝通成效。為探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色區別,本論文檢視了四大報在餿水油事件中對於台北犁記餅店的線上報導、台北犁記的官方網站與相關官方文件,以及台北犁記的臉書粉絲團。研究結果發現傳統報章媒體已和新媒體高度整合匯流,因此危機事件的傳播速度比起以往更加快速、傳播範圍也更加廣泛。這樣的現象使得公關人員在面對危機事件時,必須更精準地掌握時間做出適當的危機溝通策略,並更加善用社群媒體以和關係人溝通。本論文特別研究台灣中小型本土企業在數位時代中面對危機的溝通策略與成效,提供有別於針對跨國或大型連鎖企業的分析與建議。 / This present case study of Taiwan gutter oil crisis focused on the well-known pastry bakery, Taipei Lee-Chi. This century-old bakery was involved in the food safety crisis during Moon Festival in 2014, resulting in a financial loss of more than NTD 40 million at that time. To explore how traditional and new media play roles in crisis communication for local businesses in Taiwan, the present case study examined relevant news coverage, official documents, and communication activities on social media. More specifically, the analysis included media’s attitude toward the issue shown on major newspaper websites, the responses of Taipei Lee-Chi, and public opinions revealed on its Facebook fan page. The findings suggested that traditional media have converged with new media, and the latter assumes such a powerful influence in crisis communication today. It was found that similar crisis information fast transits from one medium to another, adding more pressure to public relations practitioners to respond to crisis in a timely manner. Social media in particular may not be overlooked and could serve a useful tool in managing corporate crisis. The current study also offered new insights on how local businesses may deal with crisis in the digital age, as most previous crisis studies addressed cases of large national or global corporations.

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