Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cofaktor"" "subject:"denfaktor""
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Genetische und erworbene thrombophile Gerinnungsstörungen als Quelle chronischer Schmerzsyndrome / Inherited and acquired blood coagulation disorders as a source of chronic pain syndromesSchwab, Marco January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Anhand einer umfassenden Falldarstellung einer jungen Patientin mit einem lebensbedrohlichen Gesichtsschmerzsyndrom, das nach septischer Thrombose der periorbitalen venösen und arteriellen Gefäße aufgetreten war, wurde die Bedeutung einer medikamentösen Antikoagulation für die erfolgreiche Schmerztherapie herausgearbeitet. An diesem Fallbeispiel konnte aber auch gezeigt werden, dass keine sicheren Parameter für die Indikation einer solchen Gerinnungstherapie vorlagen. Die Bedeutung dieses Falls lag unzweifelhaft in der Erkenntnis, dass in einer anhaltenden Aktivierung des Kontaktsystems der Gerinnung ein bislang unterschätztes Potential für die Entstehung und Unterhaltung ungeklärter Schmerzen liegen könnte und nicht zuletzt auch daran, dass sich diese ätiologische Komponente in der Komplexität der Erkrankung diagnostisch nicht eindeutig sichern ließ. Mit der Translokation von LPS aus der intestinalen Mukosa in endothelial vorgeschädigte Gefäßabschnitte wurde eine Hypothese vorgetragen, die neben einer schwer detektierbaren inflammatorischen Komponente auch das prokoagulatorische Potential der Schmerzentstehung erklären könnte. Die prokoagulatorische Komponente dieses hypothetischen Entstehungs-mechanismus chronischer Schmerzen müsste, so die Arbeitshypothese, umso dominanter sein, wenn prokoagulatorisch wirksame genetische Faktoren bei den Patienten hinzukommen. Unter der Annahme, dass eine solche zusätzliche Diathese nicht nur eine Schrittmacherfunktion haben, sondern auch einen diagnostischen Beitrag liefern könnte, wurde dieses diagnostische Pilotprojekt mit der empirisch begründeten Heparintherapie von 97 Schmerzpatienten verbunden. Alle Pa-tienten wurden mit dem niedermolekularen Heparin Enoxaparin behandelt und nach zehn Behandlungstagen in vier verschiedene Respondergruppen (Gruppe 1 bis 4) eingeteilt. Diese Gruppen wurden auf fünf prothrombotische Parameter untersucht. Dazu wurden die Allelprävalenzen des Plasminogen Aktivator Inhibitor-(PAI-1 4G/5G) Polymorphismus, der Faktor V-Leiden-Mutation, der Prothrombin (G20210A) Genmutation sowie die Prävalenzen der Hyperfibrinogenämie und des Protein S-Mangels ermittelt. Mit Hilfe des exakten Fisher Tests wurden jeweils die Allelprävalenzen und Parameter sowohl der Respondergruppen 1 bis 3 mit einem Kollektiv der Allgemeinbevölkerung als auch mit dem Kollektiv der Non-Responder (Gruppe 4) verglichen. Die Prävalenz des Allels A der Faktor V-Leiden-Mutation G1691A war im Enoxaparin-Kollektiv bei den Respondern der Gruppen 1 bis 3 im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung und zur Non-Respondergruppe (Gruppe 4) signifikant erhöht. Die Allelprävalenzen und Parameter der übrigen prokoagulatorischen Faktoren unterschieden sich von denen der Kontrollgruppen nicht. Anhand des Kallikrein-Kinin-Systems als möglichem Effektor des Hämosta-sesystems konnten Hinweise auf die kausale Wirksamkeit des nieder-molekularen Heparins Enoxaparin bei der Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen gegeben werden. / We showed that low molecular heparins (enoxaparin) may help as a remedy in chronic pain syndromes. In our findings the inherited disorder Factor V Leiden was significantly higher in patients with chronic pain that had a benefit from enoxaparin in comparison to non-responders and to common population. The effect was proven by the Kallikrein-kinin-system.
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CD40-restringierte Aktivierung der TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren durch bifunktionelle rekombinante Proteine / CD40-restricted activation of TRAIL-death receptors by bifunctional recombinant proteinsAumüller, Ruth Inge January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Ligand TRAIL wurde 1997 aufgrund seiner hohen Sequenzhomolgie ge-genüber dem TNFL CD95L entdeckt (28 %). Allerdings besitzt TRAIL, anders als die Liganden CD95L und TNF, die bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft vor allem in veränderten Zellen Apoptose zu induzieren, während gesunde Zellen davor bewahrt werden. Die TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose wird durch die apoptoseinduzierenden Todesrezeptoren TRAILR1 und TRAILR2 vermittelt. Allerdings bindet und aktiviert lösliches TRAIL hauptsächlich den Todesrezeptor TRAILR1, während membrangebundes TRAIL sowohl TRAILR1 als auch TRAILR2 gut aktiviert. In den letzten Jahren wurden verschiedene Methoden entwickelt, um die Bioaktivität löslicher TNFL zu steigern. Hierzu zählen z.B.: Stabilisierung der trimeren Molekülanordnung über die TNC-Domäne, Oligomerisierung des Flag-getaggten Liganden mithilfe des monoklonalen Antikörpers M2, sowie Generierung einer artifiziellen, antigenabhängigen Membranständigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Oberflächenrezeptor CD40 zur Immobilisierung des generierten Fusionsproteins scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL genutzt. In verschieden Experimenten konnten mit scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL in CD40-exprimierenden Zellen starke Apoptoseinduktion ermittelt werden. Charakteris-tische Kennzeichen und Spaltprodukte der Apoptose konnten ausschließlich in CD40-positiven Tumorzellen detektiert werden. Dabei wurde in allen Versuchen die für die Apoptoseinduktion benötigte Konzentration des Konstrukts mithilfe des Proteinsyntheseinhibitors CHX um das 10- bis 100-fache verringert. Es konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass in CD40-positiven Zellen, nach Stimulation mit scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL, nicht-apoptotische Signalwege verstärkt aktiviert werden. Dies war auf die agonistische Aktivität des monoklonalen Antikörperfragments scFv:CD40 zurückzuführen. Die Antikörperdomäne war folglich nicht nur zur effizienten Aktivierung der TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren mittels Immobilisierung fähig, sondern konnte zusätzlich zur Stimulation des Immunsystems genutzt werden. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass der lösliche, schwach aktive Ligand TRAIL mittels Oberflächenimmobilisierung über Antigen-Antikörper-Wechselwirkungen in einen hochaktiven Liganden mit lokal begrenzter Toxizität überführt werden kann.
Mithilfe dieses Fusionsproteins ist es somit möglich die selektive Toxizität von TRAIL durch Steigerung seiner Aktivität effizient zu nutzen. Zusätzlich kann durch die Antigenbindung der Wirkungsbereich weiter eingegrenzt werden (CD40-positive Tumoren), wodurch unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen reduziert oder sogar ausgeschaltet werden können. Das in Tumoren oft heruntergefahrene Immunsystem kann CD40-abhängig stimuliert werden, um somit auch Tumorzellen in apoptoseresistenten Stadien zu eliminieren. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen können in der Zukunft weitere Studien zur Therapie von TRAIL-resistenten, CD40-exprimierenden Tumoren fortgeführt werden. / TRAIL has been characterized in 1997 based on its high sequence homology towards the TNFL CD95L (28 %). Differing from the ligands CD95L and TNF, TRAIL has the remarkable quality to induce apoptosis in tumor cells, while healthy cells are protected from apoptosis. In this case apoptosis is accomplished by the death receptors TRAILR1 and TRAILR2. However soluble TRAIL binds and activates primarily the death receptor TRAILR1, while membrane-bound TRAIL activates well both TRAILR1 and TRAILR2. In recent years different methods have been generated to raise the bioactivity of soluble TRAIL. To these belong for example: stabilization of the trimeric molecule structure with the TNC-domain, oligomerization of the ligand with the monoclonal antibody M2, generation of an artificial antigen-restricted membrane-bound form. In this work we made use of the surface receptor CD40 for immobilization of the generated fusion protein scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL.
With the aid of this fusion protein it is thus possible to use the selective toxicity of TRAIL efficiently by an increase of its activity. Additionally the field of action could be localized further by antigen binding (CD40-positive tumors). As a consequence undesirable side effects can be reduced or even deactivated. The shut down immune system in tumors can be stimulated CD40-dependant, so that tumor cells resistant to apoptosis are also wiped out. Based on these results future studies may be conducted to treat TRAIL-resistant, CD40-expriming tumors.
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Entwicklung eines Sensors auf der Basis piezoelektrischer Polymerfolien zur in-situ Messung von Spannungsintensitätsfaktoren bei ErmüdungsrisswachstumBäcker, Dennis 07 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Sensors zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung von Spannungsintensitätsfaktoren (K-Faktoren) und der Risslage. Im Gegensatz zum Stand der Technik werden zwei Aufgaben zur Charakterisierung der Risse (Detektierung von Risslage und Größe und Quantifizierung des Beanspruchungszustandes an der Rissspitze) mit Hilfe nur eines Sensors ermöglicht. Es wurde effiziente, kostengünstige und leicht zu applizierende Technik zur experimentellen bruchmechanischen Beanspruchungsanalyse entwickelt. Eine Struktur mit Riss wird großflächig mit einer piezoelektrischen Polyvinylidenfluorid-Folie (PVDF-Folie) beklebt und eine ausreichende Anzahl von Elektroden befindet sich im Bereich des möglichen/vorhandenen Risses. Die an den Elektroden abgegriffenen elektrischen Potentiale bzw. Ladungen sind ein Maß für die Verzerrungen an der Oberfläche des Bauteils und ermöglichen die Berechnung der bruchmechanischen Größen am Riss. Dabei beschränkte man sich auf die Anwendung des Sensorkonzeptes im Rahmen der Scheiben- und Plattentheorie.
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Sjunga och arbeta : Lärprocesser i ett sceniskt körprojekt / Singing and working : Learning processes in a scenic choir projectNahnfeldt, Leif January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka lärprocesser som sätts igång hos körsångare i ett sceniskt projekt. Vilka är de möjliga lärprocesserna? Hur skiftar de från individ till individ? Vilka faktorer anser körsångarna bidrar till upplevelse av egen utveckling? Jag har använt mig av den litteratur och de uppsatser som publicerats inom närliggande område i första hand på svenska. Det huvudsakliga materialet är de kurssvar som 30-talet körsångare i Damkören Söt Likör vid Karlstad Universitet lämnade in som tentamensuppgift vid Kursen Sceniskt körprojekt med publik inriktning i vilket merparten av körmedlemmarna deltog. Kursen bestod i att instudera det för kören specialskrivna körverket Snorvipas Saga och tillsammans iscensätta och marknadsföra detta i en timslång föreställning inför betalande publik som en del av körens 20–års jubileum hösten 2007. För att utvärdera svaren använder jag en narrativ metod där jag utgår från Judit Bells beskrivning i Introduktion till Forskningsmetodik. Jag låter dem passera genom ett filter där jag söker efter lärprocesser på en konstruktiv, kontextuell och funktionell nivå. Jag har också sökt efter det som Anne Bamford kallar för Wow! – faktorn i en kulturbaserad lärmiljö för att se vilka olika aspekter av meningskapande processer som finns i berättelserna. I sammanfattningen konstaterar jag att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan typ och mängden av lärprocesser i ett sådant här projekt i jämförelse med traditionellt körverksamhet där sjungandet är det huvudsakliga gemensamma målet. / The main purpose of this investigation is to identify learning processes according to competence and the experience of meaningfulness in a scenic project for a choir. The background of this project is a university course at the University of Karlstad which involved most of the members of the University Women Choir, Söt Likör, during the autumn 2007. The performance of Snorvipas Saga took place in the University main hall, as part of the choir’s twentieth anniversary. As part of the examination all the participants of the course wrote a paper reflecting their individual learning process. Out of 30 papers eight were selected, the ones which were written more as a personal story rather than and point by point answer. To evaluate the answers I have chosen to read them as personal stories with a narrative reading, as understood by Judit Bell in Introduction to Methods for Research (my translation of the Swedish title),. I let them pass through a filter in which I tried to detect the learning process on a constructive, contextual and functional level. I also looked for what Anne Bamford calls the Wow! - factor in culturally rich learning situations to see what levels of meaningfulness one could find in the answers. I found that there is a difference between the type of and the multitude of learning processes in this kind of project in comparison with traditional choir work where singing is the exclusive aim. Here I used the results from Ragnhild Sandberg Jurströms, Master thesis, Song in Teamwork, to compare the difference in learning processes according to participating in the gradual process of socialising, collective knowledge, action and activities and the variety of experiencing. After that I also looked at the differences in the experience of meaningfulness. The main result of is that in a scenic project which involve the choir singers in a multitude of tasks, as project workers, in acting together, as singers, and friends the learning processes expand and create a high rate of new experiences for everyone involved. Even the experience of meaning grows.
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Die soziokulturelle Bedeutung einer Musikschule für ihre Region : untersucht am Beispiel der Musikschule Ravensburg, e.V. /Hantelmann, Carola. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Konstanz, 2001. / "Quellennachweis": p. 185-189.
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"Säg mig vad du äter och jag ska säga vem du är" : En kvantitativ studie om efterfrågan av hälsosamma livsmedelAndersson, Liv, Samuelsson, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Obesity and overweight are today classified as one of the largest epidemics in the Western world and is threaten a large part of the population. As a reaction to this a major health trend has emerged in recent decades. Every day consumers are exposed to information from the media about what is healthy or unhealthy to eat and the recommendations change frequently. There is great interest in healthy food on the Swedish food market, but still healthy foods only represents a small proportion of the total food sales. The essay examines the gap between the current and potential demand for healthy food and if it can be explained by any of the following factors: lack of information, price, taste or cognitive behavioral. To study these questions a quantitative method have been used and 213 questionnaires were collected. The intention is to draw general conclusions about the entire population. We discussed and analyzed the quantitative data together with the frame of reference based on the four factors and the discussion led us to the following conclusions: Price and parts of the cognitive behavior inhibits the consumption of healthy foods on the Swedish food market. The other factors studied can not explain the inhibited consumption. Based on the conclusions we recommend “svenska Livsmedelsverket” to communicate its policies through traditional marketing channels to better reach out to all consumers. We also believe the Swedish food market is ready for a new store concept with only healthy food.
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Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Transkriptionsfaktoren Nkx2.2 und Arx in der Entwicklung der endokrinen Zellen im murinen Pankreas / Role of Nkx2.2 and Arx in the development of the pancreatic endocrine cellsKordowich, Simon 05 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Temporal assessment of atmospheric trace metals in the industrialised western Bushveld Complex / van Wyngaardt G.Van Wyngaardt, Grizelda January 2011 (has links)
The presence of trace transition metal species in the atmosphere can be attributed to
the emission of particulate matter into the atmosphere by anthropogenic activities, as
well as from natural sources. Trace metals emitted into the atmosphere can cause
adverse health–related and environmental problems. At present, limited data exists
for trace metal concentrations in South Africa. In this investigation, the general aim
was to determine the concentrations of trace metals in atmospheric aerosols in the
industrialised western Bushveld Igneous Complex, as well as to link the presence of
these species in the atmosphere to possible sources in the region.
The measurement site was placed in Marikana, a small rural town situated 35 km
east from Rustenburg in the North West Province of South Africa. It is surrounded
by numerous industrial and metallurgical operations. MiniVolumeTM samplers and
Teflon® filters (2 ;m pores) were utilised to collect PM2.5 and PM10 particulate
samples. The MiniVolumeTM samplers were programmed to filter 5 litres of air per
minute for 12 hours per day, over a six–day period. The starting time for sampling
was altered every six days, in order to obtain both day and night samples. Sampling
was performed for a period of one year.
The collected samples were chemically analysed with inductively coupled plasma
mass spectroscopy (ICP–MS). Surface analysis of the sampled filters was performed
with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in conjunction with energy–dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS). The dataset was also subjected to factor analysis in an attempt
to identify possible sources of trace metal species in the atmosphere.
The concentrations of 27 trace metals (Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pd, Cd, Ba, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, U) were determined. Pd, Hg,
Tl, U, Ca, Co, As, Cd, Ba and Au were above the detection limit 25% or less of the
time during the sampling period. With the exception of Ni, none of the trace metals
measured at Marikana during the sampling period exceeded local and international
standards. Higher Ni levels were possibly due to base metal refining in the region.
Pb, which is the only metal species that has a standard prescribed by the South
African Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), did not exceed any of the standards. It is also significant to refer to Hg that was below the detection limit of the
analytical instrument for the entire sampling period.
The impact of meteorological conditions revealed that wet removal of atmospheric
PM10 trace metals was more significant than the wind generation thereof. During the
dry months, the total trace metal concentrations in the PM10 fraction peaked, while
PM10 particles were mostly washed out during the wet season. Wind speed showed
an unexpected inverse pattern compared to wet deposition. A less significant
seasonal trend was observed for the trace metal concentrations in the PM2.5 fraction,
which was attributed to a faster replenishment of smaller particles into the
atmosphere after rain events.
Separation of trace metal concentrations into PM10–2.5 and PM2.5 fractions indicated
that 79% of the total trace metal levels that were measured were in the PM2.5
fraction, which indicated a strong influence of industrial and/or combustion sources.
Fractionalisation of each of the trace metal species detected showed that for each
metal species, 40% and more of a specific metal was in the PM2.5 fraction, with Cr,
V, Ni, Zn and Mn occurring almost completely in the PM2.5 fraction.
Surface analysis with SEM supported results from the chemical analysis, which
indicated that a large fraction of the particles was likely to originate from
anthropogenic activities and from wind–blown dust. SEM–EDS also detected nonmetallic
S that is usually associated with the Pt pyrometallurgical industry that is
present in the western Bushveld Igneous Complex.
Correlations between Cr, V, Ni, Zn and Mn revealed that the main sources of these
species were pyrometallurgical industries. Explorative factor analysis of the
unprocessed and Box–Cox transformed data for all 27 metals detected, resolved four
meaningful emission sources, i.e. crustal, vanadium related, base metal related and
chromium related. Comparison of trace metal species to other parameters measured
(e.g. CO, BC) also indicated pyrometallurgical activities and wind–blown dust to be
the main sources of trace metals in this region. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Temporal assessment of atmospheric trace metals in the industrialised western Bushveld Complex / van Wyngaardt G.Van Wyngaardt, Grizelda January 2011 (has links)
The presence of trace transition metal species in the atmosphere can be attributed to
the emission of particulate matter into the atmosphere by anthropogenic activities, as
well as from natural sources. Trace metals emitted into the atmosphere can cause
adverse health–related and environmental problems. At present, limited data exists
for trace metal concentrations in South Africa. In this investigation, the general aim
was to determine the concentrations of trace metals in atmospheric aerosols in the
industrialised western Bushveld Igneous Complex, as well as to link the presence of
these species in the atmosphere to possible sources in the region.
The measurement site was placed in Marikana, a small rural town situated 35 km
east from Rustenburg in the North West Province of South Africa. It is surrounded
by numerous industrial and metallurgical operations. MiniVolumeTM samplers and
Teflon® filters (2 ;m pores) were utilised to collect PM2.5 and PM10 particulate
samples. The MiniVolumeTM samplers were programmed to filter 5 litres of air per
minute for 12 hours per day, over a six–day period. The starting time for sampling
was altered every six days, in order to obtain both day and night samples. Sampling
was performed for a period of one year.
The collected samples were chemically analysed with inductively coupled plasma
mass spectroscopy (ICP–MS). Surface analysis of the sampled filters was performed
with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in conjunction with energy–dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS). The dataset was also subjected to factor analysis in an attempt
to identify possible sources of trace metal species in the atmosphere.
The concentrations of 27 trace metals (Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pd, Cd, Ba, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, U) were determined. Pd, Hg,
Tl, U, Ca, Co, As, Cd, Ba and Au were above the detection limit 25% or less of the
time during the sampling period. With the exception of Ni, none of the trace metals
measured at Marikana during the sampling period exceeded local and international
standards. Higher Ni levels were possibly due to base metal refining in the region.
Pb, which is the only metal species that has a standard prescribed by the South
African Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), did not exceed any of the standards. It is also significant to refer to Hg that was below the detection limit of the
analytical instrument for the entire sampling period.
The impact of meteorological conditions revealed that wet removal of atmospheric
PM10 trace metals was more significant than the wind generation thereof. During the
dry months, the total trace metal concentrations in the PM10 fraction peaked, while
PM10 particles were mostly washed out during the wet season. Wind speed showed
an unexpected inverse pattern compared to wet deposition. A less significant
seasonal trend was observed for the trace metal concentrations in the PM2.5 fraction,
which was attributed to a faster replenishment of smaller particles into the
atmosphere after rain events.
Separation of trace metal concentrations into PM10–2.5 and PM2.5 fractions indicated
that 79% of the total trace metal levels that were measured were in the PM2.5
fraction, which indicated a strong influence of industrial and/or combustion sources.
Fractionalisation of each of the trace metal species detected showed that for each
metal species, 40% and more of a specific metal was in the PM2.5 fraction, with Cr,
V, Ni, Zn and Mn occurring almost completely in the PM2.5 fraction.
Surface analysis with SEM supported results from the chemical analysis, which
indicated that a large fraction of the particles was likely to originate from
anthropogenic activities and from wind–blown dust. SEM–EDS also detected nonmetallic
S that is usually associated with the Pt pyrometallurgical industry that is
present in the western Bushveld Igneous Complex.
Correlations between Cr, V, Ni, Zn and Mn revealed that the main sources of these
species were pyrometallurgical industries. Explorative factor analysis of the
unprocessed and Box–Cox transformed data for all 27 metals detected, resolved four
meaningful emission sources, i.e. crustal, vanadium related, base metal related and
chromium related. Comparison of trace metal species to other parameters measured
(e.g. CO, BC) also indicated pyrometallurgical activities and wind–blown dust to be
the main sources of trace metals in this region. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat als Begleittherapie bei Kühen mit Systemic Inflammatory Response SyndromePevec, Till 22 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat als Begleittherapie bei Kühen mit Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Schlüsselwörter: Dexamethason, SIRS, Phagozytoseaktivität/Burstaktivität von Monozyten und neutrophilen Granulozyten, Tumornekrose Faktor alpha
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