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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rcs1 como factor transcripcional implicado en la asimilación de hierro y el metabolismo respiratorio en Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Casas Herranz, Celia 03 May 1996 (has links)
El hierro es un elemento imprescindible para los seres vivos. En la naturalezase encuentra fundamentalmente en forma de Fe(lll) formando parte de sales ehidróxidos de muy baja solubilidad, lo que lo hace biológicamente inaccesible para losseres vivos mediante mecanismos simples de asimilación. En su forma reducida, elFe(ll) es mucho más soluble, pero también muy inestable, pasando immediatamentea Fe(lll) en presencia de oxígeno. Por otro lado, el hierro puede resultar tóxico para lacélula a concentraciones superiores a las requeridas por ésta, hecho éste que haforzado en la célula el desarrollo de mecanismos de incorporación del hierroaltamente regulados. El primer paso en la asimilación del hierro por S. cerevisiaeimplica la reducción del Fe(lll) extracitoplasmático a Fe(ll), estado en el cual el hierroes captado y transportado al citoplasma celular. En S. cerevisiae se han descrito dossistemas para la entrada de hierro en la célula. El sistema de baja afinidad, pococaracterizado hasta el momento, funciona cuando el hierro extracelular es abundante,siendo FET4 el gen que codifica para el transportador del hierro en estascondiciones, el único elemento genético de este sistema que ha sido caracterizado.Cuando el hierro es deficiente en el medio entra en funcionamiento el sistema de altaafinidad, en el que intervienen dos ferro-reductasas de membrana, productos de losgenes FRE1 y FRE2, que reducen el Fe(lll) extracitoplasmático a Fe(ll), el cual escaptado por una oxidasa de membrana, producto del gen F£T3, que se encarga depasarlo de nuevo a Fe(lll) y transportarlo al citoplasma. Resultados nuestros y deotros autores demuestran que la expresión de estos tres genes depende del productodel gen RCS1 (también denominado AFT1). RCS1 es un gen de S. cerevisiae quehabía sido parcialmente secuenciado con anterioridad; mutantes con una delecciónparcial en el mismo tenían un tamaño celular superior al de la cepa salvaje. En estetrabajo se ha completado la secuencia del gen RCS1 y se han construido mutantesnulos, esto es, portadores de una delección total del gen. Las células carentes deRCS1 no crecen en fuentes de carbono respirables como el etanol/glicerol, lo cualhizo pensar ¡nicialmente que RCS1 tuviese un papel en la desrepresión por glucosa.El análisis de la expresión de genes como ADH2 e ICL1, sometidos a represión porglucosa y necesarios para el crecimiento en este medio, ha revelado que dichaexpresión no está afectada en el muíante. La identidad de RCS1 con el gen AFT1implicado en la asimilación de hierro por otros autores nos llevó a intentar relacionarla incapacidad de los mutantes RCS1 para crecer sobre fuentes de carbonorespirables con su deficiente asimilación de hierro. Así, se ha comprobado que laausencia de crecimiento del muíante en etanol/glicerol como únicas fuentes decarbono puede suprimirse adicionando hierro en exceso al medio. Por otro lado, elcrecimiento en etanol/glicerol no requiere la inducción del sistema de alta afinidad,hecho que permite sugerir un papel adicional para RCS1 al anteriormente descrito,bien como responsable de mantener unos niveles de actividad ferro-reductasa y deentrada de hierro suficientes para el crecimiento en dicho medio, bien comoresponsable de la inducción de nuevos elementos implicados en la entrada de hierroque serían necesarios en esas condiciones, o bien porque sea necesario para unfuncionamiento eficiente del sistema de baja afinidad. La sobreexpresión de RCS1produce una detención homogénea del crecimiento celular en la fase G1 del ciclocelular, efecto no suprimible ni por privación ni por adición de hierro. El uso de lagenética de dominancia para contrarrestar este efecto podrá dar luz acerca de otrosgenes con interacción funcional con RCS1. En este trabajo se demuestra que Rcs1es o forma parte de un factor transcripcional activo sobre el promotor de FRE1. Así, laproteína Rcs1 unida al dominio de unión a DNA de la proteína Gal4 es capaz detransactivar dos sistemas reporteros (GAL1-HIS3 y GAL1-lacZ). En relación con ello,mediante estudios de retardamiento en gel, se ha podido comprobar que Rcs1 esnecesaria, en condiciones deficitarias de hierro, para la estabilidad del complejo quereconoce la zona del promotor de FRE1 responsable de su regulación por hierro. Laobtención de anticuerpos anti-Rcsl para su immunodetección ha permitido hacer unseguimiento de la proteína en diferentes condiciones. Así, se ha podido comprobarque dicha proteína está sujeta a una modificación postraduccional por fosforilación,que se produce en situaciones de detención del crecimiento celular. Estudios concepas portadoras de mutaciones en diferentes elementos de la vía Ras han permitidodescartar una implicación de la proteína quinasa A dependiente de cAMP en lafosforilación de Rcsl Asimismo, se ha visto que ósta es también independiente delas proteína quinasas producto de los genes YAK1 (que codifica para una quinasaantagónica de la proteína quinasa A) o SNF1 (quinasa necesaria para la desrepresiónpor glucosa). La fosforilación de Rcs1 parece corresponderse con una inactivación dela proteína y podría constituir un mecanismo para adaptar la entrada de hierro alestado metabólico de la célula.

DNAPL source control by reductive dechlorination with iron-based degradative solidification/stabilization

Do, Si Hyun 15 May 2009 (has links)
Iron-based degradative solidification/stabilization (Fe(II)-DS/S) is a treatment method that could be economically applied to smaller DNAPL-contaminated sites and to those sites with impermeable soils. Reductive dechlorination is achieved by compounds that are formed by reaction of ferrous iron with components of Portland cement or with defined chemicals (FeCl3 + Ca(OH)2). These dechlorinating agents can effectively degrade chlorinated hydrocarbons (PCE, TCE, and 1,1,1-TCA) that are dissolved in aqueous solution. This research investigated the application of Fe(II)-DS/S to remove chlorinated hydrocarbons that are present as DNAPLs in source zones and to compared the reactivity of ferrous iron in different mixtures, including the conventional mixture with cement (Fe(II)+C) and an iron-solid mixture (ISM) that was synthesized without the addition of cement. The modified first-order model, which the rate was proportional to the concentration of target in the aqueous phase and it was also nearly constant when DNAPL was present, was developed to describe dechlorination kinetics. The modified second-order model assumed that the rate was proportional to the product of the concentration of target in the aqueous phase and the concentration of reductive capacity of the solid reductant. The modified first-order model was used to describe degradation of target compounds with ISM, and the modified second-order model was used to describe removals for TCE and 1,1,1-TCA with Fe(II)+C. Results of experiments on PCE dechlorination with ISM indicated that the increase of Fe(II) in ISM increased rate constants and decreased the solubility of targets. The half-life was increased with increasing total PCE concentration. The product analysis implied that degradation of PCE with ISM was via a combination of the hydrogenolysis and β-elimination pathways. A comparison of the types of targets and reductants indicated that Fe(II)+C had better reactivity for chlorinated ethenes (PCE and TCE) than ISM. However, ISM could dechlorinate a chlorinated ethane (1,1,1-TCA) as rapidly as Fe(II)+10%C. The ratio of [RC]o/[Fe(II)]o implied that Fe(II) in Fe(II)+C was more involved in reducing chlorinated ethenes than was Fe(II) in ISM. Dechlorination of a DNAPL mixture followed the same order of reactivity as with individual DNAPLs with both reductants.

Propriétés magnétiques et photomagnétiques d'un complexe macrocyclique à transition de spin

Sanchez Costa, José 24 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le phenomène de transition de spin correspond au changement d'état de spin d'un ion de transition sous l'action d'une perturbation extérieur (T, P, B, hv). Cette commutation ouvre de réelles perspectives dans le domaine de l'affichage et du stockage d'information. Ce travail présente, tout d'abord, l'étude d'un complexe macrocyclique heptacoordiné à transition de spin, noté {Fe(L222(N3O2)(CN)2}.H2O avec une sphère de coordination FeN3O2C2. L'examen attentif des propriétés magnétiques et structurales a permis de proposer un diagramme de phase ewpliquant la nature multi-métastable de ce système. Nous analysons et discutons l'influence de la température, des aspects cinétiques et de la photo-excitation sur les phases mises en jeu. Nous avons ensuite synthétisé divers analogues en tentant d'influer sur la géométrie du macrocycle (forme ouverte, accroissement de la rigidité), sur la nature de la sphère de coordiantion (substitution des atomes d'oxygène par des atomes de soufre et azote). Deux résultats majeurs ont été obtenus : une température limite record d'effet de trempe T(TIESST) de 171 K et une stabilité d'un étét photo-induit avec un T(LIESST) de 110 K pour un composé totalement bas spin jusqu'à 440 K.

The abiotic transformation of nitroaromatic pesticides by Fe(II) and dissolved organic matter

Hakala, Jacqueline Alexandra 07 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Biochemical and electrochemical studies of metalloproteins involved in oxygen reduction pathway in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans / Etude biochimique et électrochimique des métalloprotéines impliquées dans la voie de la réduction de l'oxygène chez Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

Wang, Xie 07 December 2018 (has links)
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. f.) est un modèle bactérien parfaitement adapté à l’étude de la survie en milieu acide. Si plusieurs métalloprotéines ont été identifiées et caractérisées d’un point de vue biochimique, le fonctionnement de la chaîne respiratoire couplant l’oxydation du Fe(II) à la réduction de l’oxygène dans cet organisme n’est pas élucidée. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, après avoir optimisé les conditions de croissance de la bactérie et de production des protéines redox impliquées, nous avons reconstitué sur interface électrochimique une partie de la chaîne respiratoire d’A. f. dans le but de déterminer étape par étape le chemin de transfert d’électrons (TE). Notre attention s’est portée sur trois protéines qui interagissent dans la chaîne respiratoire: la cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), la cuprédoxine AcoP, qui copurifie avec la CcO mais de fonction inconnue, et un cytochrome dihémique (Cyt c4) proposé comme interagissant avec la CcO. La mise en évidence, puis la quantification d’un TE intermoléculaire entre le Cyt c4 et AcoP, puis entre le Cyt c4 et la CcO nous a permis de proposer un rôle pour AcoP et un nouveau chemin de TE vers la CcO. Nous avons ensuite étudié les propriétés électrochimiques de la CcO vis à vis de la réduction catalytique de l’O2, en particulier avec une forte affinité. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que la CcO de A. f. réduisait l’O2 à des potentiels 500 mV plus anodiques que les CcO neutrophiles par une connexion directe de l’enzyme sur nanomatériaux carbonés. Affinité pour O2 et haut potentiel redox font de cette CcO une enzyme de choix pour développer une nouvelle génération de piles à combustible enzymatique. / Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is one of the most studied bacterial models to understand how to survive in an acid environment. Although several metalloproteins have been identified and characterized from a biochemical point of view, the electron transfer pathway (ET) of the respiratory chain coupling the oxidation of ferrous iron with the reduction of oxygen in this organism has not been elucidated.During this thesis work, after having optimized the growth conditions of the bacterium and the production of the redox proteins involved, we reconstituted on the electrochemical interface part of the respiratory chain of A. ferrooxidans for the purpose of determining step by step the ET. Our attention focused on three proteins that interact in the respiratory chain: cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), the cupredoxin AcoP, which co-purifies with CcO but of unknown function, and a cytochrome dihemic (Cyt c4) proposed as interacting with the CcO. The demonstration, then the quantification of an intermolecular ET between the Cyt c4 and AcoP, then between the Cyt c4 and the CcO allowed us to propose a role for AcoP and a new pathway for the ET to the CcO. We then studied the electrochemical properties of CcO with respect to the catalytic reduction of O2. We have demonstrated the strong affinity of this oxidase for O2. We have established the chemical functions required to obtain a direct wiring of the enzyme on carbon nanomaterials. This showed that A. ferrooxidans CcO reduced O2 at potentials 500 mV more anodic than neutrophilic CcOs. Affinity for O2 and high redox potential make this CcO an enzyme of choice to develop a new generation of enzymatic fuel cells.

Strukturuntersuchungen zum Reaktionsmechanismus an der Alkylsulfatase AtsK aus Pseudomonas putida S-313 / Structural analysis on the reaction mechanism of the alkylsulfatase AtsK from Pseudomonas putida

Müller, Ilka 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Matériaux polymériques 1D à transition de spin : investigations structurales multi-échelles / 1D Polymeric spin transition materials : multi ladder structural investigations

Grosjean, Arnaud 19 December 2013 (has links)
La famille de matériaux polymériques 1D de type [Fe(Rtrz)3]Ax présente un phénomène detransition de spin, i.e. une modification réversible de la configuration électronique de l’ionmétallique pilotée par un stimulus (P, T, hv). Pour ces matériaux les caractéristiques detransition sont proches des pré-requis pour des applications technologiques. Ce travail, basésur des investigations par diffraction X aux frontières des possibilités, présente pour lapremière fois une description fiable des propriétés structurales de ces matériauxpolymériques aux différentes échelles (atomique à microscopique). D’une part l’originalitédes comportements structuraux observés est mise en relation avec les propriétés detransition de spin et d’autre part des aspects nouveaux tels que la fatigabilité, l’influence dela pression ou les morphologies des domaines cohérents sont explorés. Ces résultatsapportent des éléments essentiels à la compréhension et à la poursuite du développementde ces matériaux. / The 1D polymeric materials family of type [Fe(Rtrz)3]Ax exhibit a spin transitionphenomenon, i.e. a reversible modification of the electronic configuration of a metallic iondriven by a stimulus (P, T, hv). For these materials the transition characteristics are close tothe pre-requisite for technological applications. This work, based on X-ray diffractioninvestigations close to the limit of possibilities, presents for the first time a reliabledescription of the structural properties of these polymeric materials with different scales(atomic to microscopic). On one hand the original structural behavior observed is relatedwith the properties of the spin transition and on the other hand new aspects such as fatigue,the influence of pressure or morphologies of domain size are explored. These results provideessential elements for the understanding and the further development of these materials.

Interactions between Fe and organic matter and their impact on As(V) and P(V)

Sundman, Anneli January 2014 (has links)
Iron (Fe) speciation is important for many biogeochemical processes. The high abundance and limited solubility of Fe(III) are responsible for the widespread occurrence of Fe(III) minerals in the environment. Co-precipitation and adsorption onto mineral surfaces limits the free concentrations of compounds such as arsenate (As(V)), Fe(III) and, phosphate (P(V)). Mineral dissolution, on the other hand, might lead to elevated concentrations of these compounds. Fe speciation is strongly affected by natural organic matter (NOM), which suppresses hydrolysis of Fe(III) via complexation. It limits the formation of Fe(III) minerals and Fe(III) co-precipitation. This thesis is focused on interactions between Fe(III) and NOM as well as their impact on other elements (i.e. As(V) and P(V)). X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to obtain molecular scale information on Fe and As speciation. This was complemented with infrared spectroscopy, as well as traditional wet-chemical analysis, such as pH and total concentration determinations. Natural stream waters, soil solutions, ground water and soil samples from the Krycklan Catchment, in northern Sweden, were analyzed together with model compounds with different types of NOM. A protocol based on ion exchange resins was developed to concentrate Fe from dilute natural waters prior to XAS measurements. Iron speciation varied between the stream waters and was strongly affected by the surrounding landscape. Stream waters originating from forested or mixed sites contained both Fe(II, III)-NOM complexes and precipitated Fe(III) (hydr)oxides. The distribution between these two pools was influenced by pH, total concentrations and, properties of NOM. In contrast, stream waters from wetland sites and soil solutions from a forested site only contained organically complexed Fe. Furthermore, the soil solutions contained a significant fraction Fe(II)-NOM complexes. The soil samples were dominated by organically complexed Fe and a biotite-like phase. Two pools of Fe were also identified in the ternary systems with As(V) or P(V) mixed with Fe(III) and NOM: all Fe(III) was complexed with NOM at low total concentrations of Fe(III), As(V) and/or P(V). Hence, Fe(III) complexation by NOM reduced Fe(III)-As(V)/P(V) interactions at low Fe(III) concentrations, which led to higher bioavailability. Exceeding the Fe(III)-NOM complex equilibrium resulted in the occurrence of Fe(III)-As(V)/P(V) (co-)-precipitates.

Cellular models for characterisation of MINA53, a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase

Zayer, Adam January 2012 (has links)
2-0xoglutarate/Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenases (ZOG Oxygenases) are a relatively poorly characterised enzyme family that hydroxylate biological macromolecules to regulate a variety of essential cellular processes in mammals, including; chromatin remodeling, extra-cellular matrix formation and oxygen sensing. The work in this th esis focuses on a ZOG Oxygenase termed Myc-Induced Nuclear Antigen (MINAS3). This enzyme has been implicated in ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation, and observed overexpressed in several tumour types, yet the identity afits substrate(s) and their role in cancer is unknown. The aims of the resea rch that has resulted in this thesis were to; (i) develop a cell model of MINAS3 enzyme activity, (ii) apply this model to study the role of MINAS3 activity in cell transformation and cancer, and (iii) discover novel cellular processes regulated by MINA53 activity. As such, I have created an isogenic cell model consisting of K-Ras-transformed MINAS3 knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) reconstituted with either wildtype or enzyme-inactive MINAS3. Using this model I have shown that MINAS3 activity maintains normal levels of the large ribosomal subunit (60S), and suppresses anchorage-independent growth, autophagy and gene expression. These observations suggest the existence and involvement of one or more substrates. Indeed, proteomic and biochemical analyses in collaboration with the Schofield laboratory (Chemistry, Oxford) confirmed the identity of a MINA53 substrate, the 60S ribosomal protein Rp127a. Together we have shown that Rpl27a is abundantly hydroxylated, and that MINA53 is a histidinyJ hydroxylase; this represents the first discovery of a ribosomal oxygenase. The model developed here did not support a positive role for MINA53 in the transformation of MEFs. Rather it suggested that MINA53 can suppress transformation in some contexts, This prompted a wider investigation that demonstrated underexpression of MINA53 in several tumour types, and the presence of inactivating mutations in breast. ovarian and colon cancer. This thesis provides data supporting further research to understand the role of Rpl27a hydroxylation in the regulation of 60S biogenesis, autophagy and cancer. 2

Synthèse et étude de matériaux moléculaires à transition de spin

Nepotu Palamarciuc, Tatiana 21 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente la synthèse et la caractérisation de deux nouvelles familles de complexes mononucléaires, [Fe(L)2(NCS)2] et [Fe(L)(H2B(pz)2)2], montrant des propriétés bistables. L'étude des structures cristallographiques a permis de discuter l'influence de l'élongation des ligands L sur le réseau cristallin et sur les contacts intermoléculaires ainsi que l'existence de corrélations structures / propriétés. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce travail est consacrée à l'élaboration de façon contrôlée d'objets à transition de spin à l'échelle nanométrique, sous la forme de films déposés par sublimation et de nanoclusters synthétisés en milieu confiné.

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