Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mem analysis"" "subject:"deem analysis""
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Enhancement of Industrial Horizontal Rubber Injection Moulding Machine Feeding SystemJohn, Minchin, Balakrishnan, Krishnakumar January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to improve the design of the feeding system of industrial horizontal rubber injection moulding machines. There are many ways to implement this research. Still, the suitable design is to implement such a mechanism that will help reduce the operator intervention in the feeding system of the injection moulding machine. The FEM analysis is used to understand the real-world situation on the feed part or assembly. This analysis also provides the ability to detect the potential issues in the design, including the tension area of design and the weak spots. In the industrial horizontal rubber injection moulding machine, the same technique is used to evaluate the feeding system and based on it, the roller conveyor is designed. The 3D model is implemented using Cad software. The selection of motor for the roller conveyor and the power transmission system is also extracted to maintain the quality and enhance the feeding system's productivity. In the research, a design is presented to improve the feeding system in which the conveyor belt is designed, which provides complete support for the feeding system.
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Finite-Element-Modellierung von Holzleichtbauträgern aus SperrholzplattenKwisdorf, Svenja 14 November 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung der
Tragwerkseigenschaften von Holzleichtbauträgern mit Sperrholzplatten. Die Träger
wurden von Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Löser entwickelt und sollen zukünftig als Alternative zu
Aluminiumtraversen eingesetzt werden. Das Material dieser Träger wird vorgestellt
und bezüglich seiner Definitionen und Zuweisung der Eigenschaften kritisch analysiert.
Die Tragfähigkeit und Steifigkeit der Träger wurde bereits in zwei experimentellen
Versuchsreihen und in einer Finite-Elemente-Analyse mittels dem Programm RFEM
betrachtet. Weiterführend wird eine Analyse der Holzleichtbauträger durch das
Programm ANSYS Workbench Version 2022 R2 durchgeführt. Dazu dienten unter
anderem eine Netzkonvergenzstudie und verschiedene Parameterstudien. Die
Ergebnisse der Bachelorarbeit dienen der Verifikation der Versuchs- und
Berechnungsergebnisse und sollen für die Weiterentwicklung des Träger-Konzeptes
im Sinne einer gesamtheitlichen Effizienz verwendet werden.:1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung der Arbeit
1.1 Ziel der Arbeit
1.2 Strukturierung der Arbeit
2 Betrachtung der Holzleichtbauträger
2.1 Geometrie der Holzleichtbauträger
2.2 Verwendetes Material - Sperrholz
2.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften von Sperrholz
3 Betrachtung vorliegender Berechnungs- und Messergebnisse
3.1 Auswahl der Trägertypen für weitere Betrachtungen
3.2 Versuchsreihe 1
3.3 Versuchsreihe 2
3.4 RFEM-Modelle
4 ANSYS-Berechnungen der Holzleichtbauträger
4.1 Möglichkeiten der Modellierung von Sperrholz in ANSYS
4.2 Modellierung des FEM-Modells
4.3 Ergebnisse der ANSYS-Berechnungen
4.4 Parameterstudie
5 Auswertung der Ergebnisse
5.1 Sinnvoller Materialansatz für die Modellierung in ANSYS
5.2 Abgleich der Ergebnisse aus ANSYS mit den Versuchsreihen und RFEM
5.3 Untersuchung verschiedener Gegebenheiten
6 Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick
Eidesstattlich Versicherung
Anhang / The present bachelor thesis deals with the investigation of the structural properties of
lightweight wooden beams with plywood panels. The girders were developed by
Dipl.-Ing. Löser and are to be used in the future as an alternative to aluminum trusses.
The material of these beams is presented and critically examined with regard to its
definitions and assignment of properties. The load capacity and stiffness of the beams
have already been considered in two experimental test series and in a finite element
method (FEM) using RFEM. Further, an analysis of the lightweight wood beams is
carried out by the program ANSYS Workbench version 2022 R2. For this purpose, an
investigation of the mesh fineness and various parameter studies were carried out.
The results of the bachelor thesis serve to verify the test and calculation results and
are to be used for the further development of the girder concept in terms of overall
efficiency.:1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung der Arbeit
1.1 Ziel der Arbeit
1.2 Strukturierung der Arbeit
2 Betrachtung der Holzleichtbauträger
2.1 Geometrie der Holzleichtbauträger
2.2 Verwendetes Material - Sperrholz
2.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften von Sperrholz
3 Betrachtung vorliegender Berechnungs- und Messergebnisse
3.1 Auswahl der Trägertypen für weitere Betrachtungen
3.2 Versuchsreihe 1
3.3 Versuchsreihe 2
3.4 RFEM-Modelle
4 ANSYS-Berechnungen der Holzleichtbauträger
4.1 Möglichkeiten der Modellierung von Sperrholz in ANSYS
4.2 Modellierung des FEM-Modells
4.3 Ergebnisse der ANSYS-Berechnungen
4.4 Parameterstudie
5 Auswertung der Ergebnisse
5.1 Sinnvoller Materialansatz für die Modellierung in ANSYS
5.2 Abgleich der Ergebnisse aus ANSYS mit den Versuchsreihen und RFEM
5.3 Untersuchung verschiedener Gegebenheiten
6 Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick
Eidesstattlich Versicherung
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Study of demolition processes for prestressed concrete bridges: Kalix bridgeHanna, Lundin January 2022 (has links)
Bridges in Sweden are getting older and some of them are reaching their designed life span. With an older generation of bridges, the need for a good understanding of demolition processes increase. The Kalix bridge is planned to be demolished and will be used as a case study in this thesis. A bridge demolition must be customized for the bridge and all special regulations regarding the bridge and the surrounding area. To find the most suitable demolition process for a specific bridge a great amount of knowledge of both the bridge, the area and possible demolition techniques are needed. This thesis investigates some common bridge demolition methods and how they affect the surrounding area. It is also of great importance to make a structural analysis of the bridge to ensure a safe demolition. A finite element analysis is therefore conducted of the bridge and the demolition steps. The Kalix bridge is a prestressed concrete box girder bridge with a total length of 283.6 meters divided into five spans. The bridge is situated in a Natura 2000-area, which is an important area for biodiversity. Natura 2000 is a European Union project that works to preserve the biodiversity. Specific rules and restrictions are assigned for each Natura 2000-area to protect the sensitive species in the area. The sensitive area must be considered when choosing the demolition process, since the area should not be disturbed. It is of importance to have good knowledge about the possible demolition techniques to make an informed decision. In this thesis several common demolition methods are presented. Because of the sensitive area not all demolition techniques are suitable, which is evaluated for the demolition methods. The demolition methods that are presented in the thesis are: • Machine mounted demolition attachments• Blasting• Wrecking ball• Sawing and cutting• Splitting• Jackhammers• Hydro demolition• Thermal demolition A structural analysis of every step of the demolition process is conducted. The structural analysis is done for every demolition step due to the change of capacity and loads when parts of the structure is removed. The safest way to demolish a prestressed bridge is to demolish it the opposite way of the construction process, which is considered for the analysis. The result from the analysis of the demolition of Kalix bridge show good results, with few signs of damages. There is a risk of cracks due to tension stress in the concrete for some of the demolition steps. / Sveriges broar åldras och vissa av dessa broar närmar sig slutet av sin livslängd. Med en åldrande generation av broar finns ett ökande behov av en god förståelse av rivningsprocesser. En bro som planeras rivas är Kalixbron som kommer att användas som ett objekt för den fallstudie som görs i detta projekt. Varje rivningsprojekt måste anpassas för den aktuella bron och de begränsningar och regler som kan gälla för dess omgivning. För att anpassa rivningsprojektet på ett bra sätt krävs kunskap om den aktuella bron, dess omgivning och om vilka rivningsmetoder som är möjliga. Detta projekt kommer att undersöka några vanliga rivningsmetoder och hur de påverkar rivningsobjektets omgivning. För att kunna genomföra en säker rivning krävs god kunskap om brons beteende, kapacitet och laster under rivingsskedet. En analys gällande hur Kalixbron påverkas under rivningsarbetet genomförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Kalixbron är belägen i tätorten Kalix som ligger i norra Sverige. Kalixbron är en spännarmerad betonglådbro med en totallängd på 283,6 meter delat på fem brospann. Kalixbron befinner sig i ett Natura 2000 område, vilket innebär att området är viktigt för att bevara en biologisk mångfald. Natura 2000 är ett projekt lett av Europeiska unionen för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden. Specifika regler är satta för var Natura 2000 område för att skydda de känsliga arterna. På grund av den känsliga miljön måste rivningsmetoden för bron väljas med omsorg för att så lite skada på området som möjligt sker. För att göra ett informerat beslut vad gäller vilken rivningsmetod som lämpar sig för ett visst fall krävs att beslutstagaren är väl insatt i vilka rivningsmetoder som är möjliga. Detta projekt presenterar några vanliga rivningsmetoder och hur de fungerar samt fördelar och nackdelar med metoderna. På grund av den känsliga miljön kring bron läggs vikt på fördelar och nackdelar med avseende på hur metoden påverkar brons omgivning. Rivningsmetoderna som presenteras i projektet är följande: • Maskinmonterad rivningsutrustning• Sprängning• Kran och kula• Sågning och kapning• Klyvning• Bilningsmaskin• Högtryckspump• Termisk skärning Säkerheten under en rivning är av största vikt. Konstruktionens kapacitet samt laster ändras för var steg av rivningen, vilket innebär att varje steg måste undersökas så att inte konstruktionen brister. Det säkraste sättet att riva en spännarmerad konstruktion är att ta isär konstruktionen i motsatt process som konstruktion byggdes. I detta projekt används finita elementmetoden för att undersöka rivningsprocessen. Resultaten som från analysen visar bra resultat, med få tecken på skador. Analysen visar att draghållfastheten överskrids för några av stegen i rivningsprocessen, vilket kan leda till sprickor i betongen under arbetet.Nyckelord:
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Uniform Error Estimation for Convection-Diffusion ProblemsFranz, Sebastian 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Let us consider the singularly perturbed model problem
Lu := -epsilon laplace u-bu_x+cu = f
with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit-square (0,1)^2. Assuming that b > 0 is of order one, the small perturbation parameter 0 < epsilon << 1 causes boundary layers in the solution.
In order to solve above problem numerically, it is beneficial to resolve these layers. On properly layer-adapted meshes we can apply finite element methods and observe convergence.
We will consider standard Galerkin and stabilised FEM applied to above problem. Therein the polynomial order p will be usually greater then two, i.e. we will consider higher-order methods.
Most of the analysis presented here is done in the standard energy norm. Nevertheless, the question arises: Is this the right norm for this kind of problem, especially if characteristic layers occur? We will address this question by looking into a balanced norm.
Finally, a-posteriori error analysis is an important tool to construct adapted meshes iteratively by solving discrete problems, estimating the error and adjusting the mesh accordingly. We will present estimates on the Green’s function associated with L, that can be used to derive pointwise error estimators.
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Uniform Error Estimation for Convection-Diffusion ProblemsFranz, Sebastian 20 January 2014 (has links)
Let us consider the singularly perturbed model problem
Lu := -epsilon laplace u-bu_x+cu = f
with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit-square (0,1)^2. Assuming that b > 0 is of order one, the small perturbation parameter 0 < epsilon << 1 causes boundary layers in the solution.
In order to solve above problem numerically, it is beneficial to resolve these layers. On properly layer-adapted meshes we can apply finite element methods and observe convergence.
We will consider standard Galerkin and stabilised FEM applied to above problem. Therein the polynomial order p will be usually greater then two, i.e. we will consider higher-order methods.
Most of the analysis presented here is done in the standard energy norm. Nevertheless, the question arises: Is this the right norm for this kind of problem, especially if characteristic layers occur? We will address this question by looking into a balanced norm.
Finally, a-posteriori error analysis is an important tool to construct adapted meshes iteratively by solving discrete problems, estimating the error and adjusting the mesh accordingly. We will present estimates on the Green’s function associated with L, that can be used to derive pointwise error estimators.
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Transmission loss of vehicle sealsLi, Qi January 2008 (has links)
<p> Sound transmission loss of vehicle seals was studied in this thesis. Reverberation room test and semi-anechoic chamber test were respectively studied. By comparing the sound pressure level, sound intensity level and average sound power level at the receiving side, it proved that a simple sound pressure level test may obtain same measurement accuracy when there is little reflected sound. A semi-anechoic chamber was designed for testing sound transmission losses of the seals on a trial vehicle. By comparing the sound pressure levels between the location of the passenger ear and door area, it proved that most of outside sound energy passed through the door seals into the interior. The sound transmission losses of different sealing conditions were measured which included well sealed and imperfectly sealed conditions; Sound pressure levels at passenger’s ear in three different types of vehicles were also compared, these comparison results indicated this laboratory was capable of distinguishing different sealing conditions. The installation procedure was compared with the one in reverberation room test. Numerical analysis showed that the latter method produced a different compression shape which would definitely influence the sound insulation abilities of the seals.</p><p> The transmission mechanism of the acoustic waves through a vehicle seal was also discussed. Contact analysis showed high compression ratio leaded to tremendous inner stress intensity. But any further increase of the contact depth would not improve the effect of wind noise prevention. A vehicle seal with a complex shape was replaced by a simple model. The sound transmission theory of multiple partitions on the basis of mass law was applied. Whereas, compared with the experimental result, a different trend in the high frequency range was found. When taking the transmission though the side material and integration of incident angle into account, the result was quite similar to the experimental one. FEM analysis was also performed. The majority of sound power was believed to transmit along the seal wall into the interior instead of passing through the multiple partitions. A distorted circular duct model is believed to be close to the real geometry.</p><p> </p>
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Mikromechanische Ultraschallwandler aus SiliziumJia, Chenping 13 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This paper discusses basic issues of micromachined ultrasonic transducers, including their design and fabrication. First, the acoustic fundamentals of ultrasonic transducers are introduced, and relevant simulation methods are illustrated. Following these topics, important aspects of silicon micromachining are presented. Based on this knowledge, two distinctive micromachining processes for transducer fabrication are proposed. One of them, the bulk process, has been proved to be successful, whereas for the second one, a surface process, some improvements are still needed. Besides these works, an innovative direct bonding technology is also developed. This technology constitutes the basis of the bulk process. Of course, it can also be used for the packaging of other MEMS devices.
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Contribution à l'étude du comportement raidissant en traction du béton armé après fissuration / A contribution to the numerical modelling of tension stiffening effect in reinforced concrete beamsAl Hage, Gabriel 24 March 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est la prise en compte du comportement raidissant en traction sur des poutres en béton armé du à l’adhérence entre les armatures tendues et le béton. Un vaste programme expérimental sur des poutres minces et des poutres épaisses permet de quantifier expérimental le profil de contraintes dans le béton tendu entre deux fissures de flexion. La création d’un nouvel élément fini est ensuite mise en œuvre à partir des observations expérimentales. Les tests conduits sur des tirants ont permis de mettre en évidence à la fois l’existence d’une longueur de transfert et une longueur de totale décohésion qui caractérisent le phénomène d’adhérence entre l’acier le béton entre deux fissures consécutives de flexion. La longueur de transfert correspond à la mise en tension du béton et donc l’établissement de la contribution du béton tendu à la rigidité flexionnelle, ce qui limite la diminution de rigidité de la poutre après fissuration. Les mesures de la flèche en flexion des différentes poutres testées, minces ou épaisses, permettent de caractériser la longueur de transfert et de réaliser l’objectif de la thèse qui est de prendre en compte le béton tendu dans le calcul de la rigidité flexionnelle des poutres en béton armé / The aim of this thesis is to study the stiffening effect of tensile concrete in flexural reinforced concrete beams by controlling the bond between steel and concrete. The process consists of experimentally determining the strain profile in both deep and thin flexural beams. We created a new finite element model for both deep and thin beams in accordance with experimental observations. The experimental tests we conducted on tension members highlight the existence of both transfer length and length with total bond loss characterizing the bond between tensile steel and concrete. The transfer length contributes to the production of a tension stiffening effect, thus limiting the stiffness decrease of the flexural beam. Measuring the beam deflection makes it possible to determine the transfer length, and consequently to achieve the main objective, namely the contribution of tensile concrete to beam stiffness
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En jämförelse mellan handberäkningar och FEM-analys vid lastnedräkningar / A comparison between hand calculations and FEM-Analysis on load calculationsKapetanovic, Dzenan, Isa, Azad January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts av två studenter som läser byggingenjörsprogrammet på Örebro universitet. Arbetet har titeln ”En jämförelse mellan handberäkningar och FEM-analys vid lastnedräkning” och handlar om de skillnader i lastfördelning man erhåller när man räknar på hur laster i en byggnad fördelar sig mellan de olika bärande elementen med de olika metoderna. FEM-analysen utfördes i datorprogrammet FEM-Design (StruSoft). Eftersom en lastnedräkning är ett grundläggande (men viktigt) steg i en konstruktörs design/dimensionerings-arbete så ville vi undersöka hur dessa görs och vilka verktyg ingenjörer har som kan hjälpa dem. Olika metoder att utföra detta kan komma att ge olika resultat. Vi jämförde de metoder som är vanligast, handberäkningar samt en FEM-analys med ett av de vanligare förekommande programmen som används av konstruktörer.Detta arbete har utförts i samarbete med företaget Integra Engineering AB, örebrokontoret. Integra har bidragit med 2D-ritningar till ett av deras projekt som denna grupp sedan gjorde en handberäknad lastnedräkning på samt modellering och FEM-analys med FEM-Design. Resultaten av de båda metoderna samanställdes sedan och analyserades för att få svar på de frågeställningar som ställdes.Som resultat förväntades skillnader, men för just detta projekt blev skillnaderna större än vad som väntades. Skillnaderna mellan totallasterna är acceptabla, men själva fördelningen mellan elementen blev större än förväntat. / This bachelors thesis has been carried out by two civil engineering students and has the title “A comparison between standard hand calculations and FEM-Analysis at load distribution analysis” and deals with the differences in load distribution that you can get between the different load-bearing elements (e.g walls and pillars). The FEM-analysis was performed in the program FEM-Design (by StruSoft). Since a load distribution analysis is a fundamental (yet important) step in an engineer’s design/dimensioning work. We wanted to research how the different methods work and what tools engineers have to aid them in these calculations. Different methods can yield different results. We chose to work with the two most common methods of analysis, a calculation done by hand (according to Eurocode) and a FEM-analysis that is used by structural engineers and is one of the most commonly used FEM-programs.This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Integra Engineering AB, Örebro office. For this work, Integra has contributed with 2D-drawings of one of their projects as this group then performed a hand-calculated load distribution analysis aswell as modeling and FEM analysis of the FEM-Design software. The results of the two methods were then compiled and analyzed to answer the questions posed.As a result, differences were expected, but for this particular project the differences were larger than expected. The differences between the total loads are acceptable, but the actual distribution between all the elements became larger, when comparing the two results.
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Thermal Analysis of a Park Lock System in a DCT TransmissionRudraraju, Venkata Sai Krishna Varma, Valishetty, Arjun January 2017 (has links)
A park lock is a mechanism used to prevent unintentional movement of the vehicle. A failure in the proper function of this mechanism can lead to the safety concerns of an automobile. The main focus of this thesis is to understand the reason behind the failure of the park lock mechanism by FEM analysis in ANSA. For this, temperature build up during the park lock engagement has been studied in a dynamic explicit analysis. The FE results are compared to results from experiments on park lock. The modelling has been done in ANSA, ABAQUS was used as a solver for simulation and the results have been studied in META. The results indicate that there is a rise in the temperature. This is due to the friction between the contact surfaces and the oscillations generated in the vehicle. Based on the observations, discussions and conclusions are formulated and the research questions are answered.
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