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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mexico’s Anti-Femicide Movement : Comparing Subnational Political Opportunity Structures in Chihuahua, Yucatán and Mexico City

Olsson, Helena January 2017 (has links)
This paper explores femicide and social movements impact on politics, a phenomenon where national, international and transnational politics overlap. The Mexican anti-femicide movement belongs to the global justice movement and struggle for women’s right to life. This study highlights the differences the movement faces even within a state, on the subnational level, through a comparative and theory developing case study. The variables of mobilization structure and political opportunity are examined in the three cases of the Mexican states Chihuahua, Yucatán and the Federal District. The study indicates the movement’s alliances and its connection between the local and international level in the post-2007 context. The hypothesis which connects the anti-femicide movement as part of the political opportunity on subnational level and varying rates of femicide is explored. The study concludes that the aspects of repression, threats of violence and impunity, aspect most prominent in Chihuahua, impact the anti-femicide movement and consequently femicide rates to some extent.

A legislação de enfrentamento à violência contra as mulheres e uma concepção de justiça de gênero no Brasil: uma análise da Lei Maria da Penha e do Feminicídio sob a perspectiva da criminologia feminista / The legislation to face violence against women and gender justice conceopt in Brazil: an analysis of the Maria da Penha and Feminicide Law from the perspective of feminist criminology

Lima, Amanda Gabriela Gomes de 25 May 2018 (has links)
The present study proposes to analyze a conception of gender justice in Brazil, that is, the introduction of a gender perspective at the center of the criminal normative system and in the structures resulting from criminal policy, both preventive and repressive spheres, especially based on the Maria da Penha Law (2006) and the Law on Feminicide (2015). Therefore, the contextualization of the theme initially took place within the discussions brought by feminist criminology, that is, a criminology that encompasses the gender element in its studies, prioritizing the experiences of women in the face of crime, in their various intersectionalities, and uses epistemologies and feminist methods to formulate a critique of the sciences and criminal law, proposing substantial reforms in the legal treatment of women in situations of gender-based violence in the case of victimization. The research works with a theoretical, philosophical and political model, capable of sustaining the feasibility of a gender justice, especially in the scope of the theory of recognition, theoretical framework used as starting point for the understanding of law and public policies as instruments of recognition of the specificities and differences of women, a substantial part of society, systematically subjugated in the sociocultural context of patriarchy, thereby seeking to prevent oppression, injustice and social inequalities continuity.The research uses the theoretical and critical perspectives of feminist criminology on two important aspects: the first refers to the femicide indices in Brazil and the state of Alagoas, including variables on the sociocultural characterization of the victims and the circumstancs of the crimes, beyond the intersectionalities inherent in lethal violence against women, such as vulnerabilities of gender, race, class and sexuality; and the second regarding the historical relationship between Brazilian criminal law and the legal protection of women in situations of violence, demonstrating the predominantly androcentric character of the law and the gradual reformulations of the penal code in recent decades. Finally, we sought to carry out a dogmatic and criminological analysis of the Maria da Penha Law and the Feminicide Law as normative frameworks for thinking about gender justice in the terms initially proposed, that is, legislation whose main purpose is the recognition and guarantee of the fundamental right of women to live a life without violence. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar uma concepção de justiça de gênero no Brasil, isto é, a introdução de uma perspectiva de gênero no centro do sistema normativo penal e nas estruturas resultantes da política criminal, tanto na esfera preventiva, como na repressiva, sobretudo a partir da Lei Maria da Penha (2006) e da Lei do Feminicídio (2015). Para tanto, a contextualização do tema se deu, inicialmente, sob o espeque das discussões trazidas pela criminologia feminista, isto é, uma criminologia que abarca o elemento gênero em seus estudos, priorizando as experiências das mulheres diante da criminalidade, em suas diversas interseccionalidades, e se utiliza das epistemologias e dos métodos feministas para formular sua crítica às ciências e ao direito penal, propondo, no caso da vitimização, reformas substanciais no tratamento jurídico-legal dispensado às mulheres em situação de violência de gênero. A pesquisa trabalha com um modelo teórico, filosófico e político, capaz de sustentar a viabilidade de uma justiça de gênero, sobretudo no âmbito da teoria do reconhecimento, marco teórico utilizado como ponto de partida para a compreensão do direito e das políticas públicas como instrumentos de reconhecimento das especificidades e das diferenças das mulheres, parte substancial da sociedade, sistematicamente subjugadas no contexto sociocultural do patriarcado, buscando, com isso, impedir que opressões, injustiças e desigualdades sociais continuem acontecendo. A pesquisa se utiliza das perspectivas teóricas e críticas da criminologia feminista sobre dois importantes aspectos: o primeiro refere-se aos índices de feminicídios no Brasil e no estado de Alagoas, incluindo variáveis sobre a caracterização sociocultural das vítimas e as circunstâncias dos crimes, além das interseccionalidades inerentes à violência letal contra as mulheres, como as vulnerabilidades de gênero, raça, classe e sexualidade; e o segundo, quanto à relação histórica entre o direito penal brasileiro e à proteção legal às mulheres em situação de violência, demonstrando o caráter predominantemente androcêntrico do direito e as paulatinas reformulações do código penal nas últimas décadas. O estudo apresenta uma análise dogmática e criminológica da Lei Maria da Penha e da Lei do feminicídio como marcos normativos para pensar uma justiça de gênero nos termos inicialmente propostos, isto é, uma legislação que tem como principal escopo o reconhecimento e a garantia do direito fundamental das mulheres a viver uma vida sem violência.

Ética periodística e influencia de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad: caso de Eyvi Ágreda / Journalism ethics and influence of mass media in society: Eyvi Ágreda case

Rafael Cano Alva, Silvia Helena 09 December 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación analiza las noticias relacionadas al feminicidio de Eyvi Ágreda emitidas por el canal de ‘Latina’, en particular los métodos informativos utilizados, con la finalidad de relacionar la posible falta de ética profesional periodística y su impacto en la sociedad. Se estudiarán variadas notas y reportajes televisivos brindados este noticiero con la intención de vincularlos con la problemática en cuestión. El tópico es relevante debido a la normalización de contenidos de índole sensacionalista y la delgada línea de lo ético en la labor periodística. / This research analyzes the news related to the feminicide of Eyvi Ágreda broadcasted by the television channel of ‘Latina’, specifically on the informative methods used, with the purpose of being able to relate the possible lack of journalism professional ethics and its impact in society. Therefore, numerous notes and television reports were studied in addition to be linked with the problem under investigation. The topic is relevant due the normalization of sensationalistic contents and the thin line in journalistic work. / Trabajo de investigación

Feminicidio: Una reflexión y aproximación a la realidad peruana desde una perspectiva jurídica / Feminicide: A reflection and approach to peruvian reality from a legal perspective

Campos Venegas, Angela Milagros 03 December 2020 (has links)
El empleo del término feminicidio por primera vez, ha contribuido a poder evidenciar una problemática existente en la sociedad que produce la muerte de miles de mujeres alrededor del mundo. En ese marco, en el escenario internacional se han celebrado diversos instrumentos, los mismos que han repercutido en nuestro país, y se han traducido en la adopción de diversos mecanismos que tienen como fin desincentivar este tipo de delitos y proteger de una mejor forma los derechos e intereses de la población femenina. Estas medidas implementadas han sido criticadas por diversos autores debido a sus implicancias prácticas y a su efectividad. Por este motivo, el presente artículo analizará la normativa peruana desde la perspectiva de los fines del derecho penal para poder determinar y arribar a una conclusión acerca de la eficiencia de las mismas. / The use of the term feminicide for the first time has contributed to highlighting a problem that exists in society that causes the death of thousands of women around the world. Within this framework, various instruments have been signed on the international scene, the same ones that have had an impact on our country, and have resulted in the adoption of various mechanisms that aim to discourage this type of crime and better protect rights and interests of the female population. These implemented measures have been criticized by various authors due to their practical implications and their effectiveness. For this reason, this article will analyze the Peruvian regulations from the perspective of the purposes of criminal law in order to determine and reach a conclusion about their efficiency. / Trabajo de investigación

Tratamiento noticioso de los feminicidios: Caso Camila, en el noticiero ATV Noticias, y del caso Fátima, en el noticiero mexicano Imagen Noticias / News treatment of femicides: Camila case, in the ATV Noticias newscast, and the Fátima case, in the Mexican newscast Imagen Noticias

Calderón Garro, Camila Milagros del Carmen 07 November 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación, presenta la narrativa periodística del noticiero peruano ATV, en relación a su cobertura del caso Camila, y del noticiero mexicano Imagen Noticias, por su despliegue narrativo sobre el caso Fátima. En ambos casos se emiten notas sobre feminicidio en niñas, en los que el rol de la madre es más perseguido que el del asesino. Debido a estos sucesos, este trabajo analizará la narrativa periodística, pues es sumamente importante tener en cuenta la forma en la que son contados los hechos, ya que los medios de comunicación son fuentes claves de información y de percepción de los hechos por parte de sus televidentes. / This investigative work presents the journalistic narrative of the Peruvian newscast ATV, about its coverage of the Camila case, and of the Mexican newscast Imagen Noticias, for its narrative unfolding on the Fátima case. Both cases issued on femicide in girls, in which the role of the mother is more persecuted than of the murderer. Due to these events, this document will analyze the journalistic narrative, since it is important to take into account how the facts are told since the media are key sources of information and perception of the facts by their viewers. / Trabajo de investigación

Periodismo feminista vs periodismo sensacionalista: Cobertura mediática de Mano Alzada y el Trome sobre la desaparición (2018) y el feminicidio de Solsiret Rodríguez Aybar (2020)

Saavedra Fasabi, Danitza 20 September 2021 (has links)
El contexto sociocultural del Perú, se viene desarrollando en un entorno violento hacia la mujer, donde la prensa cumple un rol relevante como medio difusor en temas de violencia contra ella y responsabilidad hacia sus receptores. Justamente, los medios de comunicación tienen la capacidad de proporcionar modelos de género y actuación social. En ese sentido, este trabajo tiene como interés principal comprender las características que tuvo la cobertura mediática de Mano Alzada y el Trome sobre la desaparición (2018) y el feminicidio (2020) de Solsiret Rodríguez Aybar con relación al periodismo feminista y sensacionalista; identificando sus limitaciones y posibilidades en su configuración por construir un discurso sólido para sus lectores. Los conceptos para concretar la investigación, se basan en la cobertura mediática, el tratamiento de noticias sobre mujeres, la espectacularización y la nota roja. Se propone un análisis de discurso que incorpora la revisión y comparación de notas informativas a través de un enfoque descriptivo y crítico. / The sociocultural context of Peru has been developing in a violent environment towards women, where the press plays a relevant role as a means of disseminating issues of violence against them and responsibility towards their recipients. Precisely, the media have the capacity to provide models of gender and social performance. In this sense, this work's main interest is to understand the characteristics of the media coverage of Mano Alzada and the Trome on the disappearance (2018) and feminicide (2020) of Solsiret Rodríguez Aybar in relation to feminist and sensationalist journalism; identifying its limitations and possibilities in its configuration to build a solid discourse for its readers. The concepts to carry out the investigation are based on media coverage, the treatment of news about women, the spectacularization and the red note. A discourse analysis is proposed that incorporates the review and comparison of informative notes through a descriptive and critical approach. / Tesis

La respuesta ante la muerte: análisis de comentarios en facebook frente a las noticias de feminicidio

Bernaola Fernandez, Allison Michelle 10 September 2021 (has links)
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo identificar las características de los comentarios de los usuarios de Facebook frente a las noticias de feminicidios, tras la aparición de diversos medios que difunden el trabajo de los profesionales de la información en esta red social, como lo es el diario “El comercio” con su página de Facebook. El estudio comienza con la investigación, en el marco teórico, revisando el poder de las redes sociales, su extensión y la violencia de género implementada por los cibernautas peruanos. Seguidamente se resalta la importancia y poder que tienen los medios de comunicación sobre la población, así como el tipo de discurso empleado al momento de informar sobre las noticias de feminicidio. Finalmente, se comienza con el análisis de comentarios frente a las noticias de feminicidio, con el fin de identificar las características de estos, así como las distintas posturas expresadas por los cibernautas y el tipo de lenguaje implementado por ellos, para llegar a las conclusiones de la investigación. Al considerar lo anteriormente mencionado, la relevancia de la presente tesis se basa en entender la recepción de los usuarios del diario el comercio frente a las noticias de feminicidio en Facebook. / This thesis aims to identify the characteristics of Facebook users' comments regarding femicide news, after the appearance of various media that disseminate the work of information professionals on this social network, such as the newspaper " The trade ”with his Facebook page. The study begins with the investigation, in the theoretical framework, reviewing the power of social networks, its extension and gender violence implemented by Peruvian netizens. Next, the importance and power of the media over the population is highlighted, as well as the type of discourse used when reporting news of femicide. Finally, it begins with the analysis of comments in front of the femicide news, in order to identify the characteristics of these, as well as the different positions expressed by netizens and the type of language implemented by them, to reach the conclusions of the investigation. Considering the aforementioned, the relevance of this thesis is based on understanding the reception of young users regarding the news of femicide on Facebook. / Trabajo de investigación

Incorporación de los celos como nuevo contexto fáctico en el delito de feminicidio uxoricida

Ruiz Jurupe, Oscar Emilio January 2024 (has links)
El feminicidio es un problema global persistente, pero su definición como homicidio basado únicamente en el género es controvertida, ya que en muchos casos los celos y otros factores influyen en estos crímenes. La falta de reconocimiento de los celos como un contexto fáctico dificulta la comprensión de las motivaciones detrás de los feminicidios y la implementación de medidas efectivas de prevención y protección. Con una tasa preocupante de feminicidios, es esencial abordar esta problemática de manera integral. La incorporación de los celos como un nuevo contexto fáctico en el delito de feminicidio permitiría una regulación legal más objetiva y completa, promoviendo una lucha más efectiva contra la violencia de género y una mayor concienciación sobre sus complejidades. / Femicide is a persistent global problem, but its definition as homicide based solely on gender is controversial, since in many cases jealousy and other factors influence these crimes. The lack of recognition of jealousy as a factual context makes it difficult to understand the motivations behind femicides and the implementation of effective prevention and protection measures. With a worrying rate of femicides, it is essential to address this problem comprehensively. The incorporation of jealousy as a new factual context in the crime of feminicide would allow a more objective and complete legal regulation, promoting a more effective fight against gender violence and greater awareness of its complexities.

Constructing sexual danger in the Spanish media: A mixed-method analysis of a high-profile, non-intimate femicide case in El País

Suros, Carlota January 2021 (has links)
From January 2016 until August 2021, at least 436 women or girls have been deliberately murdered in Spain by men. Non-intimate femicide (and, particularly, murder committed by complete strangers to the victim, to which this study refers as “stranger femicide”) has historically been, and still is, the most covered type of femicide in the media. This is also the case in the Spanish press, and more specifically, El País, the most read media outlet in the country. This thesis examines how El País framed Diana Quer’s case, the most high-profile, intensively covered femicide case in Spain in the past 5 years. It will also examine which ethical problems the reporting presented. From a feminist perspective and through a mixed-method approach of content analysis and frame analysis, this study examines 86 articles corresponding to the two informative peaks of Diana Quer’s case coverage. The periods go from August to October 2016, the first two months of her disappearance, and from December 2017 to January 2018, the 15 days following her killer’s arrest and crime confession. The findings reveal that the coverage in El País constructed a victimization iconography with DQ’s case that engendered cautionary tales and failed to address femicide as a social issue. The reporting also presented a series of critical ethical problems calling for a reformation of femicide reporting guidelines.

Homicide-suicide: common factors in South African Police Service members who kill their spouse or consort and themselves

Van Den Heever, Coenraad Willem 10 1900 (has links)
Homicide-Suicide (H-S) is a rare but violent event in which an individual commits homicide and thereafter commits suicide. The H-S phenomenon appears to be increasing among members of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Although research on H-S is sparse, several SA studies have implicated the SAPS as a high risk occupational group for such killings. However, no systematic research that focuses on police H-S has ever been conducted within the RSA. The aim of this thesis is to determine the underlying causes of police H-S killings. The current national study included thirty-eight (38) police H-S cases over a two-year period (2012-2013). The macro, meso, and micro levels of analysis were utilised to study this phenomenon and to test both the socio-cultural and intrapsychic explanations of H-S. A mixed method approach was utilised, which involved both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Information on H-S was collected via document analysis and interviews with survivors of an H-S attack. The data obtained from the documents were coded on the SAPS “Homicide-Suicide Incidence Coding Form” and the results of this analysis were presented graphically in both tables and charts. Three interviews were conducted with the survivors of these attacks and were qualitatively analysed. The SAPS displayed an H-S incidence rate of 24.27 per 100 000 police officers. A typical police H-S perpetrator is likely to be a black African male who is 35 years old with a Grade 12 education. He would hold the rank of a constable and would have a history of domestic abuse. His victim would usually be an intimate partner of the same race who would be younger than him. She would be employed as an administrative clerk and would be shotand killed multiple times by her amorous jealous boyfriend due to a heated argument or quarrel. The service pistol would be used to commit both H-S killings. Four main themes emerged from the transcripts, namely: Patriarchal dynamics in H-S relationships, Financial issues and the patriarchal order, The death wish (“Thanatos”) of the perpetrator and the H-S survivors as double victims. On the macro level, partial support was found for social integration theory, while the meso and micro levels of analysis supported the psychodynamic perspective. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

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