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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mise en œuvre, instrumentation, validation et modélisation d’un système d’injection RTM pour la fabrication de structures composites de hautes performances / Implementation, instrumentation, validation and modeling of RTM injection system for the manufacturing of structural high performances composites

Waris, Marc 24 December 2012 (has links)
Les matériaux composites ont connu ces dernières années une forte croissance, croissance aujourd'hui renforcée par les nouvelles normes européenne visant à diminuer les émissions CO2 d'ici 2020. La réalisation de pièces complexes peut poser de nombreuses problématiques de fabrication comme la formation de zones sèches, ou la création de distorsions géométriques. Les origines de ces problématiques sont souvent liées à un manque de connaissance et de maîtrise des phases d'imprégnation des renforts et de cuisson du matériau. L'amélioration de la robustesse des procédés nécessite d'avoir une connaissance fine des phénomènes physiques qui ont lieu lors de l'élaboration. Dans cette perspective, les procédés d'élaboration de matériaux composites ont été étudiés à travers la mise en place d'un démonstrateur de laboratoire dans le cadre du projet LCM Smart. Ce pilote d'injection a permis de valider des solutions d'instrumentation, à partir de capteurs innovants (OFS) développés en partenariat avec le laboratoire d'optique Hubert Curien.L'application de cette instrumentation dans le cadre du suivi du procédé RTM a démontré les capacités des OFS pour le suivi des caractéristiques physiques de la pièce (le front d'écoulement, la température, les déformations résiduelles et le degré de cuisson). La comparaison des caractéristiques mesurées avec des simulations numériques effectuées en collaboration avec ESI, a montré une bonne corrélation.Enfin, l'instrumentation a permis de mettre en évidence l’intérêt d’un outillage composite en HexTool pour la réduction des contraintes résiduelles liées à l'interaction outil/pièce. / A significant growth in production and consumption of composite materials can be seen recently; growth reinforced by the new European standards, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by the year 2020.The producing of complex parts can cause many difficulties for manufacturing because of their geometries and / or their constituents (using of various materials). For example, dry zones or geometric distortion formation. The origins of these difficulties are often related to a lack of knowledge and control of the reinforcement's impregnation phases and material curing.Improving the robustness of the processes demands a detailed knowledge of physical phenomena that occur during the producing. For this, we studied the composite materials production through the implementation of a laboratory demonstrator in the project LCM Smart. This pilot injection was used to validate instrumentation solutions, from innovative sensors (OFS) developed in partnership with the optical laboratory Hubert Curien. The application of this instrumentation in the context of RTM process monitoring in the development of simple parts has demonstrated the capabilities of OFS to control physical characteristics of the part (the flow front, temperature, residual strain and curing degree). The comparison of the measured characteristics with numerical simulations carried out in collaboration with ESI showed a good correlation.Finally, instrumentation has demonstrated the capacity of composite tool made by HexTool to minimize the residual stresses due to the tool/part interaction.

Sensor de força utilizando Fiber taper / Fiber taper based force sensor

Felipe Bueno Hernandez 29 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar um sensor de força utilizando uma fibra óptica modificada pelo processo conhecido como Fiber tapering. A fibra quando modificada deixa exposto o campo evanescente, o que a torna sensível a influências externas, e a luz guiada na fibra pode vir a sofrer reflexão interna total frustrada ao entrar em contato com materiais. Ao envolver a região modificada por um material elastomérico, a área de contato e consequentemente a atenuação torna-se uma função da intensidade da força aplicada, possibilitando então relacionar a força a atenuação da luz. Baseando-se nesse efeito, foi criado um sensor de dimensões reduzidas, de rápida resposta, linear, altamente sensível e de boa repetibilidade. Foi criado também um circuito eletrônico utilizando amplificadores operacionais para a aquisição e processamento do sinal proveniente da fibra e selecionado um sensor comercial comum para a realização de experimentos e comparações. Ambos os sensores foram posicionados sobre uma balança de precisão e submetidos a diversos esforços obtendo-se dados sobre a resposta estática. Em seguida utilizando um shaker eletrodinâmico foram medidos os tempos de resposta a uma entrada degrau, e realizando esforços repetitivos foram analisados os desvios das medidas lidas pelos sensores. / The aim of this research was to develop and characterize a force sensor using a modified optical fiber by a process known as Fiber tapering. The modified fiber leaves the evanescent field exposed and prone to external influences and the guided light may suffer frustration of total internal reflection upon contact with materials. When covering the modified fiber section with an elastomeric material, the contact area and therefore the attenuation becomes a function of the applied pressure, making it possible to relate force to attenuation in light intensity. Based on this effect, a small sensor was created, having a quick response time, with high linearity, high sensitivity and good repeatability. Along with the sensor, an electronic circuit using operational amplifiers was designed for acquisition and processing of the signal obtained from the optical fiber. In addition, in order to perform experiments and comparisons, a standard force sensor was chosen. Both sensors were placed over a precision weighing scale and had different intensities of force applied on them, and after that, data regarding static measurements was gathered. The response time was obtained using an electrodynamic shaker and applying a step input. Furthermore, data was gathered about the deviations on the measurements by performing a repetitive set of compressions.

Optical Multicore Fiber Shape Sensors. A numerical and experimental performance assessment

Floris, Ignazio 27 July 2020 (has links)
[EN] Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a discipline that quantitatively assesses the integrity and performance of infrastructures, relying on sensors, and support the development of efficient Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R) plans. Optical Multicore Fiber (MCF) Shape Sensors offer an innovative alternative to traditional methods and enable the reconstruction of the deformed shape of structures directly and in real-time, with no need of computation models or visual contact and exploiting all the advantages of Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) technology. Despite the intense research efforts centered on this topic by research groups worldwide, a comprehensive investigation on the parameters that influence the performance of these sensors has not been conducted yet. The first part of the thesis presents a numerical study that examines the effects of strain measurement accuracy and core position errors on the performance of optical multicore fiber shape sensors in sensing three-dimensional curvature, which is at the basis of shape reconstruction. The analysis reproduces the strain measurement process using Monte Carlo Method (MCM) and identifies several parameters which play a key role in the phenomenon, including core spacing (distance between outer cores and sensor axis), number of cores and curvature measured. Finally, a set of predictive models were calibrated, by fitting the results of the simulations, to predict the sensors performance. Afterward, an experimental study is proposed to evaluate the performance of optical multicore fiber in sensing shape, with particular focus on the influence of strain sensors length. Two shape sensors were fabricated, by inscribing long (8.0 mm) and short (1.5 mm) Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) into the cores of a multicore seven-core fiber. Thus, the performance of the two sensors was assessed and compared, at all the necessary phases for shape reconstruction: strain sensing, curvature calculation and shape reconstruction. To conclude, an innovative approach, based on the Saint-Venant's Torsion Theory, is presented to determine the twisting of multicore fiber and to compensate the errors due to twisting during shape reconstruction. The efficiency of the theoretical approach was then corroborated performing a series of twisting tests on a shape sensor, fabricated by inscribing FBGs sensors into an optical spun multicore seven-core fiber. The investigation of the mechanical behavior of multicore optical shape sensors has synergically involved diverse disciplines: Solid Mechanics, Photonics, Statistics and Data Analysis. Such multidisciplinary research has arisen from the prolific cooperation between the Institutes of the Institute of Science and Technology of Concrete (ICITECH) and the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Photonics Research Labs (PRL) - of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), in addition to valuable collaboration with other members of the European ITN-FINESSE project, to which this work belongs. This research work aims to enhance the performance optical multicore fiber shape sensors and support the development of new sensor geometries, with great potential for structural health monitoring applications. / [ES] La Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (MSE) evalúa cuantitativamente la integridad y el comportamiento de las infraestructuras y permite desarrollar planes eficaces de Mantenimiento y Rehabilitación (M&R), utilizando los datos de los sensores. Sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo ofrecen una alternativa a los métodos tradicionales y permiten la reconstrucción de la deformada de estructuras de forma directa y en tiempo real, sin necesidad de modelos de cálculo o contacto visual y con todas las ventajas de la tecnología de los Sensores de Fibra Óptica (SFO). A pesar de los grandes esfuerzos en la investigación centrada en este tema por parte de los grupos de investigación de todo el mundo, todavía no se ha realizado una investigación exhaustiva que estudie los parámetros que influyen en el comportamiento de estos sensores. En la primera parte de la tesis se presenta un estudio numérico en el que se examinan los efectos de la precisión de la medición de la tensión y los errores de posición del núcleo en el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo para definir la curvatura tridimensional, que es la base de la reconstrucción de la forma. El análisis reproduce el proceso de medición de la tensión utilizando el método de Monte Carlo (MC) e identifica una serie de parámetros que desempeñan un papel en el proceso, entre ellos la separación del núcleo (distancia entre los núcleos exteriores y el eje del sensor), el número de núcleos y la curvatura medida. Por último, se calibró un conjunto de modelos de predicción ajustando los resultados de las simulaciones para predecir el comportamiento de los sensores. A continuación, se propone un estudio experimental para evaluar el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basado en fibra óptica multinúcleo, con especial atención en la influencia de la longitud de los sensores de deformación. Se fabricaron dos sensores de forma, inscribiendo Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) con longitudes de 8,0 mm y 1,5 mm en los núcleos de una fibra multinúcleo de siete núcleos. Así, se evaluó y comparó el comportamiento de los dos sensores en todas las fases necesarias para la reconstrucción de la forma, incluyendo la medición de la tensión, el cálculo de la curvatura y la reconstrucción de la forma. Para concluir, se presenta un enfoque innovador, basado en la Teoría de la Torsión de Saint-Venant, para determinar la torsión de la fibra multinúcleo y compensar los errores debidos a la torsión durante la reconstrucción de la forma. La eficiencia del enfoque teórico fue verificada realizando una serie de pruebas de torsión en un sensor de forma, fabricado inscribiendo los sensores de FBGs en una fibra óptica multinúcleo torcida y siete núcleos. La investigación del comportamiento mecánico de los sensores ópticos de forma multinúcleo ha involucrado sinérgicamente diversas disciplinas: Mecánica del sólido, Fotónica, Estadística y Análisis de datos. Esta investigación multidisciplinaria ha surgido de la prolífica cooperación entre el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón (ICITECH) y el Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (iTEAM) - Laboratorio de Investigación Fotónica (LIF) - de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), además de la valiosa colaboración con otros miembros del proyecto europeo ITN-FINESSE, al que pertenece este trabajo. Este trabajo de investigación puede permitir mejorar el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo y apoyar el desarrollo de nuevas geometrías de sensores, con un gran potencial para aplicaciones de control de la salud estructural. / [CA] Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) avalua quantitativament la integritat i el comportament de les infraestructures i permet desenrotllar plans eficaços de Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R), utilitzant les dades dels sensors. Optical Multicore Fiber (MCF) Shape Sensors oferixen una alternativa als mètodes tradicionals i permeten la reconstrucció de la forma de la deformació de les estructures de forma directa i en temps real, sense necessitat de models de càlcul o contacte visual i amb tots els avantatges de l'Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) Technology. A pesar dels grans esforços en la investigació centrada en aquest tema per part dels grups d'investigació de tot el món, encara no s'ha realitzat una investigació exhaustiva que estudie els paràmetres que influïxen en el comportament d'aquestos sensors. En la primera part de la tesi es presenta un estudi numèric en què s'examinen els efectes de la precisió del mesurament de la tensió i els errors de posició del nucli en el comportament dels sensors de forma basats en fibra òptica multinucli per a definir la curvatura tridimensional, que és la base de la reconstrucció de la forma. L'anàlisi reproduïx el procés de mesurament de la tensió utilitzant el mètode de Monte Carlo (MC) i identifica una sèrie de paràmetres que exercixen un paper en el procés, entre ells la separació del nucli (distància entre els nuclis exteriors i l'eix del sensor), el nombre de nuclis i la mesura de la curvatura. Finalment, es va calibrar un conjunt de models de predicció ajustant els resultats de les simulacions per a predir el comportament dels sensors. A continuació, es proposa un estudi experimental per a avaluar el comportament dels sensors de forma basat en fibra òptica multinucli, amb especial atenció en la influència de la longitud dels sensors de deformació. Es van fabricar dos sensors de forma, inscrivint Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) amb longituds de 8,0 mm i 1,5 mm en els nuclis d'una fibra multinucli de set nuclis. Així, es va avaluar i es va comparar el comportament dels dos sensors en totes les fases necessàries per a la reconstrucció de la forma, incloent el mesurament de la tensió, el càlcul de la curvatura i la reconstrucció de la forma. Per a concloure, es presenta un enfocament innovador, basat en la Teoria de la Torsió de Saint-Venant, per a determinar la torsió de la fibra multinucli i compensar els errors deguts a la torsió durant la reconstrucció de la forma. L'eficiència de l'enfocament teòric va ser verificada realitzant una sèrie de proves de torsió en un sensor de forma, fabricat inscrivint els sensors de FBGs en una fibra òptica de set nuclis de filat múltiple. La investigació del comportament mecànic dels sensors òptics de forma multinucli ha involucrat sinèrgicament diverses disciplines: Mecànica del sòlid, Fotónica, Estadística i Anàlisi de dades. Aquesta investigació multidisciplinària ha sorgit de la prolífica cooperació entre l'Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia del Formigó (ICITECH) i l'Institut de Telecomunicacions i Aplicacions Multimèdia (iTEAM) - Laboratori de investigación fotònica (LIF) - de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), a més de la valuosa col·laboració amb altres membres del projecte europeu ITN- FINESSE, al qual pertany aquest treball. Aquest treball d'investigació pot permetre millorar el comportament dels sensors de forma basats en fibra òptica multinucli i ajudar al desenrotllament de noves geometries de sensors, amb un gran potencial per a aplicacions de control de la salut estructural. / Floris, I. (2020). Optical Multicore Fiber Shape Sensors. A numerical and experimental performance assessment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/148715

An Evaluation of Optical Fiber Strain Sensing for Engineering Applications

Harold, Douglas A. 16 March 2012 (has links)
A fatigue test has been performed on 7075-T651 aluminum specimens which were bonded with polyimide coated optical fibers with discrete Bragg gratings. These fibers were bonded with AE-10 strain gage adhesive. The results indicate that lower strain amplitudes do not produce cause for concern, but that larger strain amplitudes (on the order of 3500 μ) may cause some sensors to become unreliable. The strain response of acrylate coated optical fiber strain sensors bonded to aluminum specimens with AE-10 and M-Bond 200 strain gage adhesives was investigated with both axial and cantilever beam tests. These results were compared to both the strain response of conventional strain gages and to model predictions. The results indicate that only about 82.6% of the strain in the specimen was transferred through the glue line and fiber coating into the fiber. Thus, multiplying by a strain transfer factor of approximately 1.21 was sufficient to correct the optical fiber strain output. This effect was found to be independent of the adhesive used and independent of the three-dimensional profile of the glue line used to attach the fiber. Finally, this effect did not depend on whether the fiber had a polyimide or an acrylate coating. Further investigation was conducted on the feasibility of using optical fiber strain sensors for monitoring subcritical damage (such as matrix cracks) in fiber reinforced composite materials. These results indicate that an array of optical fibers which monitor the strain profile on both sides of a composite panel may be sufficient for these purposes / Master of Science

Návrh optického vláknového senzoru pro detekci vibrací / Design of optical fiber sensor for vibration detection

Janoušek, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The master theses deals with a detailed analysis of optical fiber sensors. Specifically, there are discussed optical fibers, various types of sensors and realization optical fiber senzor and senzor system that has been optimized and processed data in real time. In master theses also describes the LabView programming enviroment and uses components, including the entire sensor systém of a sensors system that sends measured data

Hydrogen peroxide sensing with prussian blue-based fiber-optic sensors

Akbari Khorami, Hamed 03 October 2016 (has links)
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is extensively used in a broad range of industrial and medical applications, such as aseptic processing of food and pharmaceuticals, disinfection, water treatment plants, and decontamination of industrial effluents. H2O2 is believed to be responsible for chemical degradation of polymer membranes in Polymer-Electrolyte-Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Therefore, a versatile H2O2 sensor that functions in different environments with different conditions is of practical importance in various fields. This dissertation presents the fabrication of a fiber-optic H2O2 sensing probe (optrode) and its H2O2 sensing behavior in different conditions. An H2O2 optrode is fabricated using chemical deposition of Prussian blue (PB) onto the tip of a multimode optical fiber. Sensing tests are performed in aqueous solutions at a constant pH and different concentrations of H2O2. Sensing features of the optrode (i.e. repeatability, durability, and reproducibility) are assessed by performing multiple sensing tests with several optrodes. The results show the prepared optrode is able to detect concentrations of H2O2 in aqueous solutions at a constant pH of 4 and the optrode features a repeatable and durable response at this condition. The functionality of optrodes at different pH values is further investigated by performing additional sensing experiments. These experiments are carried out in aqueous solutions with different concentrations of H2O2 at different pH values (i.e. pH 2-7). The sensor detects the presence of H2O2 at a range of pH values. Sensing behavior of optrodes toward detection and measurement of H2O2 concentrations is studied at the pH value corresponding to an operating PEM fuel cell (i.e. pH 2). The optrode is able to detect concentrations of H2O2 at this condition with a repeatable and durable response. The stability of PB films, prepared through different conditions, is investigated to address the stability of optrodes at elevated temperatures. PB films are first deposited onto the glass slides through three different chemical processes, and then at different synthesis temperatures. The PB films are left in Phosphate-Buffer-Solutions (PBS) with pH 2 and at elevated temperatures for a day. Finally, PB films are characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to analyze their stability following PBS processing at operating temperatures and pH value corresponding to an operating PEM fuel cell (i.e. 80 °C and pH 2). The results of these experiments illustrate the PB films prepared through the single-source precursor (SSP) technique and at synthesis temperatures above 60 °C remain stable after the PBS processing. The proposed optrode shows reliable sensing behavior toward detection and measurement of H2O2 concentrations in aqueous solutions at different conditions. The prepared optrode has the potential for being developed and used in different industrial and medical fields, as well as an operating PEM fuel cell, to detect and measure H2O2 concentrations. / Graduate / 0794 / 0548 / 0485 / hakbarik@uvic.ca


BRUNO PEREIRA ROSAS 09 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] A contaminação do solo nos postos de serviço é um risco ambiental associado à atividade de distribuição de derivados de petróleo que precisa ser controlado. O aumento deste risco está diretamente ligado à idade dos tanques e tubulações e à baixa qualidade na operação dos postos. Tais problemas vêm sendo minimizados ao longo das duas ultimas décadas graças à utilização de equipamentos mais modernos e das crescentes exigências ambientais. Nesta tese foi desenvolvido e testado em laboratório um equipamento de controle ambiental, baseado em tecnologia de sensores a fibra óptica, para a detecção de vazamentos em tanques jaquetados (dupla parede). A detecção de vazamentos neste tipo de tanque tornou-se uma exigência dos órgãos de proteção ambiental. O uso de tanques jaquetados com sistema de detecção permite que seja evitado o contato dos fluidos combustíveis com o solo, pois, uma vez rompida a parede interna de aço carbono do tanque, o sistema acusa a presença de hidrocarbonetos no interstício do tanque. Outrossim, a discriminação do fluido quando ocorrido o vazamento é importante para que se possa detectar mais facilmente se o rompimento se deu na parede interna ou externa do tanque, possibilitando um rápido diagnóstico e a conseqüente tomada de medidas corretivas do problema. Com a evolução legislativa no campo ambiental e o foco do Poder Público na garantia de uma maior qualidade de vida, o País está passando por um momento de transição onde, em um curto espaço de tempo, quase que 70 por cento dos tanques em operação deverão ser substituídos. Dessa feita, o equipamento para monitoramento ambiental desenvolvido nesta tese visa também tornar economicamente possível a substituição do atual parque de tanques por novos, já com sensores ópticos incorporados. / [en] Soil contamination due to leakage of hydrocarbon fuels from tanks in service stations is an environmental risk associated with the distribution segment of the petroleum industry. Such risk is closely related to ageing tanks and piping systems, as well as to the lack of quality assurance practices in service stations. This problem is being reduced during the last two decades, mainly due to use of modern equipment that must adhere to more rigid environmental legislation. In this thesis, an optical fiber sensor, able to discriminate different liquids, has been developed as a part of a leakage detection system employed to monitor jacketed tanks used to store alcohol or hydrocarbon or fuels. Leakage detection in this type of storage tanks plays an important role to minimize problems due to soil contamination and is now required according to new environmental legislation. If fuel leaks through the carbon steel wall of jacketed tanks it will be contained, within an interstitial space, by the outer, fiber reinforced, polymeric wall of the tank. Presence of fluid in the interstitial space is monitored by the optical fiber sensor, which sends a warning to the service station operator, which immediately has to start maintenance procedures. The capability of discriminating different fuels will allow the operator to quickly identify from which tank compartment the leakage has originated, or, if water coming from the soil has been detected, that the outer wall of the tank has been damaged and needs to be repaired.

Étude et analyse de couches minces par techniques multi-spectroscopiques pour une application sur une ligne de galvanisation / Study and analysis of thin layers by multi-spectroscopic techniques for an application on a galvanizing line

Ferté, Morgan 13 November 2014 (has links)
Avec l’émergence des nouveaux aciers chargés en éléments réactifs, la caractérisation des états de surface a pris une nouvelle dimension. En effet, différentes familles d’oxyde sont dommageables pour la qualité de surface de l’acier et peuvent nuire à l’application de revêtements annexes. Aussi, afin d’assurer une bonne qualité aux produits finis, le besoin de caractériser, en ligne, la surface de l’acier sur toute sa largeur est de plus en plus nécessaire. L’imagerie hyperspectrale est une technologie en plein essor qui permet à la fois la caractérisation spatiale et spectrale d’une surface. Elle n’avait cependant encore jamais été employée pour la caractérisation de couche mince dans l’industrie sidérurgique. Durant ma thèse, deux méthodologies ont ainsi été développées pour répondre à ce besoin: l’une via une mesure en réflexion spéculaire et l’autre via une mesure en émission. En complément d’un travail de synthèse d’échantillons de référence, un développement expérimental complet allant d’un banc de simulation aux traitements des données a été réalisé. Ce travail a permis de démontrer la capabilité de l’imagerie hyperspectrale pour la détection de couche mince d’oxyde sur un acier parfois à plusieurs centaines de degrés Celsius. Ces résultats encourageants ont conduit à réaliser la première implantation industrielle de cette technologie. Ce travail de thèse a permis d’étudier théoriquement et expérimentalement les phénomènes mis en jeu et de passer du concept répondant à un besoin industriel à l’implémentation en ligne d’un capteur dédié à la caractérisation d’une couche mince d’oxyde sur une surface en défilement dans des conditions industrielles / With the emergence of new steel loaded in reactive elements, the characterization of the physico-chemical properties of the surface states has taken a new dimension. Indeed, the thin films of oxide formed are damaging for the surface quality of the steel and may adversely affect the application of varied coatings. Also, to ensure a good quality on finished products, the need to characterize, online, the steel surface over its entire width is increasingly necessary. The hyperspectral imaging is an emerging technology that allows both spatial and spectral characterization of a surface. It had never been used to characterize thin layers in the steel industry. During my PhD, both methodologies have been developed to meet this need: one via a measurement in specular reflection and the other via a measurement in emission. In addition to a synthesis of reference samples, a full experimental development ranging from a simulation bench to the data processing was performed. This work has demonstrated the capability of the hyperspectral imaging to detect thin surface oxide layers on a steel surface, sometimes at several hundred degrees Celsius. These encouraging results led to the first industrial implementation of this technology. This thesis made it possible to study theoretically and experimentally the phenomena involved and to move from the concept that meets an industrial need to the implementation of an online sensor dedicated to the characterization of a thin oxide layer on a moving surface in industrial conditions

Capteurs de corrosion à fibre optique pour la surveillance répartie d’ouvrages en béton armé / Distributed corrosion sensing in reinforced concrete structures by optical fiber sensing

Ali Alvarez, Shamyr Sadat 19 September 2016 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures de renforcement des structures en béton représente un enjeu socio-économique majeur. Sa détection et le suivi de son évolution constituent un défi pour la recherche appliquée. Les techniques standards non destructives de détection de corrosion mettent en œuvre des procédés indirects tels la mesure d’impédance, de potentiels, ou par ultrasons. Leurs capacités d’auscultation sont limitées dans l’espace (notamment en profondeur), leur coût reste élevé dans un contexte de maintenance périodique et elles conduisent à des paramètres d’interprétation complexe. Des progrès sont nécessaires dans la détection et l’analyse fiable de la progression des processus de corrosion. Dans ce travail, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode pour détecter la corrosion et le suivi de son évolution, basée sur l’observation directe des changements intervenant à l’interface fer-béton par Capteur à Fibre Optique (CFO). L'attaque par corrosion de la surface de l'armature dépend de plusieurs paramètres électrochimiques (température, pH, carbonatation, présence de chlorures, contamination biologique, etc.). Deux comportements mécaniques à l'interface fer-béton sont distingués. Dans le premier cas (carbonatation), le produit d'oxydation du métal reste à l'interface et augmente la pression interne, pouvant conduire à la fissuration de la couche de béton extérieure. Dans le second cas (piqures), les ions métalliques sont évacués hors de la structure avec comme conséquence une réduction de section des barres d'armature (affaiblissement du renforcement). Un CFO innovant est proposé dans le but de localiser et quantifier les deux types de corrosion précités. Le principe consiste à observer l’impact direct de la corrosion sur l’état de déformation d’une fibre optique préalablement précontrainte par construction. Deux procédés métrologiques sont étudiés : Bragg et réflectométrie fréquentielle (Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry - OFDR). Des tests de corrosion accélérée montrent la faisabilité du procédé. Une procédure de fabrication simplifiée et à coût optimisé est proposée pour la surveillance in situ et répartie des structures de génie civil, dans une perspective future de maintenance conditionnée. / Corrosion of reinforced bars (rebars) in concrete structures remains a major issue in civil engineering works, being its detection and evolution a challenge for the applied research. Usual non-destructive corrosion detection methods involve impedance, potential or ultra-sonic indirect measurements of complex interpretation. Besides, they are restricted to near-surface examinations and the maintenance cost is still high (scheduled maintenance). Many efforts remain to be done to survey the onset and progression of corrosion processes in a reliable way. In this work, we present a new methodology to detect the onset of corrosion and to monitor its evolution, based on the direct observation of rebar–concrete interface changes by the use of an Optical Fiber Sensor (OFS). The corrosion attack over rebar surface depends on several physical, chemical and electrochemical parameters (temperature, pH, presence of chlorides/CO2, biological contamination, etc.). Two types of mechanical behavior and described. In the first case (carbonation), metal oxidation products stay at the interface and increase internal pressure, potentially leading to a crack of the external concrete layer. In the second case (pitting), metal ions are evacuated out of the structure, leading to a reduction of the rebar section (structural weakness). An innovative sensor design is proposed with the purpose of localizing and quantifying the amount of both corrosion types. The basic principle consists in measuring the impact of corrosion over the state of strain of a prestressed optical fiber. Two metrological techniques are used: Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry (OFDR). Accelerated corrosion tests were performed in electrolytic solutions for both kinds of corrosion types (pitting and carbonation) and provide a proof-of-concept for the technique. A low-cost, simplified manufacturing procedure is proposed with the aim to provide distributed and in situ Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), suitable for future Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) of civil engineering concrete structures.

Détection, localisation et quantification de déplacements par capteurs à fibre optique / Detection, localization and quantification of displacements thanks to optical fiber sensors

Buchoud, Edouard 13 October 2014 (has links)
Pour l’auscultation d’ouvrages, les capteurs à fibre optique sont généralement utilisés puisqu’ils présentent l’avantage de fournir des mesures réparties. Plus particulièrement, le capteur basé sur la technologie Brillouin permet d’acquérir un profil de fréquence Brillouin, sensible à la température et la déformation dans une fibre optique sur une dizaine de kilomètres avec un pas de l’ordre de la dizaine de centimètres. La première problématique est d’obtenir un profil centimétrique sur la même longueur d’auscultation. Nous y répondons en s’appuyant sur des méthodes de séparation de sources, de déconvolution et de résolution de problèmes inverses. Ensuite, nous souhaitons estimer la déformation athermique dans l’ouvrage. Pour cela, plusieurs algorithmes de filtrage adaptatif sont comparés. Finalement, un procédé pour quantifier le déplacement de l’ouvrage à partir des mesures de déformation est proposé. Toutes ces méthodes sont testés sur des données simulées et réelles acquises dans des conditions contrôlées. / For structural health monitoring, optical fiber sensors are mostly used thanks their capacity to provide distributed measurements. Based on the principle of Brillouin scattering, optical fiber sensors measure Brillouin frequency profile, sensitive to strain and temperature into the optical fiber, with a meter spatial resolution over several kilometers. The first problem is to obtain a centimeter spatial resolution with the same sensing length. To solve it, source separation, deconvolution and resolution of inverse problem methodologies are used. Then, the athermal strain into the structure is searched. Several algorithms based on adaptative filter are tested to correct the thermal effect on strain measurements. Finally, several methods are developed to quantify structure displacements from the athermal strain measurements. They have been tested on simulated and controlled-conditions data

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