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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odraz války a pojem povinnosti a důstojnosti v básni A.L.Tennysona Útok lehké kavalerie v porovnání s vybranými básněmi První světové války / The reflection of war and notion of duty and dignity in A.L.Tennyson's The Charge of the Light Brigade in comparison with selected poems of The First World War

Lychman, Illia January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is English war poetry. The thesis refers to two particular wars, the Crimean (1853-1856) and World War One (1914-1918), and analyzes their reflection in English poetry. By doing so, it compares the war poems from these periods and inspects the writers' messages behind them. The thesis aims to scrutinize how the depiction of war had changed through time, alongside with the reasons affected it. In terms of structure, the theoretical part describes the different contexts (historical, cultural, and literary) of the chosen poems, while the practical part features scrutiny of these works. KEY WORDS Poetry, soldier, duty, death, attitude, criticism, propaganda

Trestněprávní aspekty korupce / Criminal Aspects of Corruption

Andraš, Jozef January 2021 (has links)
Corruption is a very current problem, which occurring in both the public and private sectors, poses a great threat to society as a whole. The main goal of the diploma thesis is to provide a thorough analysis of the legal regulation of corruption in the Czech republic. Therefore, this work presents both substantive law, with focus on criminal offenses of bribery, and procedural law. The introductory section of the thesis introduces the theoretical aspects of corruption; namely the definition of this term as well as other related terms, types of corruption or the possibilities of measuring it. The author does not omit the relevant European and international aspects of the fight against corruption. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the Czech legislation currently in force related to bribery; but it deals with the development of legislation in the Czech Republic, too. Thus, the work discusses criminal offenses of bribery; corruption sanctions regime, as well as procedural tools focused on uncovering corrupt conduct. The final part of the work focuses on the comparison of legislation in the Slovak republic and French Republic. The current Czech legislation reflects the obligations arising from the law of the European Union and international law. As corrupt individuals do not hesitate to use all...


ALAN MAIA SILVA 22 November 2005 (has links)
[pt] O Brasil presenciou a partir da década de noventa a inclusão do combate à fome como uma questão prioritária da sua agenda política, tanto na esfera da sociedade civil, quanto na esfera do Estado. Em nenhum outro momento de sua história houve tamanha mobilização social e implementação de políticas públicas especificamente voltadas para o enfrentamento da miséria e do seu corolário mais perverso: a fome. Neste trabalho de pesquisa procuramos identificar e relatar as principais intervenções realizadas com este objetivo pelos diferentes atores sociais entre 1993 e 2003. De maneira específica, elegemos a Campanha da Ação da Cidadania, uma iniciativa da sociedade civil, e o Projeto Fome Zero, política prioritária do governo Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, como marcos referenciais deste período. Utilizando estas duas iniciativas como objetos empíricos desta nossa pesquisa, pudemos compreender os processos social, político e discursivo que caracterizaram este período como a década de combate à fome. / [en] In the early nineties Brazil presented and included the Fight Hunger principle in its political agenda. The principle was to be adopted by both civil society and the State. Never before in its history had Brazil witnessed such social mobilization which shook policies directed at fighting the most perverse form of misery: Hunger. In our research we attempt to identify the principles of intervention of different social actors between 1993 and 2003 related to the objective. Consequently we chose the Ação da Cidadania (Citizenship Action) campaign, a social initiative, and the Projeto Fome Zero (Project Zero Hunger) which was a political priority of the Luís Inácio Lula da Silva government, as key references in the studied period. Employing both these initiatives with empirical data for the research enabled us to understand the processes social, political and discursive which ultimately characterized the Fight Hunger decade.

Adaptive Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Shipboard Power Systems

Amann, Nicholas Paul 07 August 2004 (has links)
Future naval ships will be all-electric, with an integrated power system that combines the propulsion power system with the rest of the ship?s electrical distribution system. Reconfiguration of the power system will increase fight-through and survivability of ships, but will also require the systems that support the power system, such as the protection system, to be automatically updated to match current power system needs. This thesis presents an adaptive relaying scheme for shipboard power systems, to automatically modify relay settings after power system topology changes. Multiple Groups of relay settings are predetermined and stored in the digital relays that are protecting the power system. The active Group of settings is automatically determined based on the open/close status of breakers and switches. The developed protection scheme is tested on two test cases by digital simulation using CAPE software and on one case by closed-loop simulation with RTDS and SEL-351S relays.

"A contra-reforma agrária do banco mundial e os camponeses no Ceará - Brasil" / The agrarian counter-reformation of World Bank and the peasants in the Ceara, Brazil

Oliveira, Alexandra Maria de 09 November 2005 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a política de crédito fundiário no Ceará, posta em prática pelos governos estadual e federal em parceria com o Banco Mundial a partir de 1996. A forma pela qual o Estado foi levado a dar início e desenvolver a “reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará, recoloca problemas importantes: a questão da reforma agrária e o acesso à terra pelos sem terra, o problema da estrutura fundiária no Ceará, no Nordeste, e em outras regiões. Simultaneamente, repõe o problema da “adaptação" de moradores de condição, parceiros, rendeiros e migrantes temporários ao mercado capitalista. A reflexão sobre a contra-reforma agrária do Banco Mundial e os camponeses passa pela discussão acerca do desenvolvimento territorial contraditório, desigual e combinado, desenvolvido no interior da Geografia agrária. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de um estudo transversal realizado em oito assentamentos criados a partir dos projetos São José e Cédula da Terra, partes constitutivas da denominada “reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará. A implementação da “reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará, tem significado a reativação do mercado de terras contribuindo para a ampliação das relações, especificamente capitalistas no campo como a apropriação da renda capitalizada da terra por proprietários de terras rentistas. Os assentamentos como frações do território conquistadas se constituíram com base na propriedade familiar que é uma forma de propriedade diferente da propriedade privada capitalista. A apropriação familiar e o desenvolvimento de formas de trabalho como o individual (familiar), a prática de ajuda mútua, o uso comum da terra e o trabalho coletivo revelam a ocorrência de formas alternativas para a propriedade privada imposta pelo Estado. Existe, portanto, um sério conflito entre o regime de propriedade privada implementado sob a lógica de mercado do Estado e a concepção de propriedade familiar reproduzida pelos camponeses e legitimada com o apoio dos movimentos sociais e das entidades camponesas em luta pela reforma agrária no país. / This thesis analyzes the agrarian credit policy in Ceará, put into practice by the State and Federal Governments in partnership with the World Bank since 1996. The reason which led the State government begin and develop the “market agrarian reform" in Ceará, puts back important problems: the agrarian reform problem and the land access to the landless peasantry, the agrarian structural problem in Ceará, in the northeast and in other areas. Simultaneously, replaces the “adaptation" problem of the condition dwellers, partners, tenant farmers and temporary migrants to the capitalist market. The reflection on the agrarian counter-reformation of Wold Bank and the peasants passes by the discussion concerning the contradictory, unequal and combined territorial development, developed inside the agrarian Geography. The research was developed from a transversal study accomplished in eight settlements created from the São José and Cédula da Terra projects, constituent parts of the denominated “market agrarian reform" in Ceará. The implementation of the “market agrarian reform" in Ceará, has meant the land market reactivation contributing to the enlargement of the relationships, specifically capitalists in the countryside as the appropriation of the capitalized income of the land by landowners of the rentable land. The settlements as fractions of the conquered territory have been constituted based on the family property that is a property form different from the capitalist private property. The family appropriation and the development in labor ways as the individual (family), the practice of mutual help, the land common use and the collective labor reveals the occurrence of alternative ways for the private property imposed by the State Government. There is, therefore, a serious conflict between the private property regime implemented under the State market logic and the conception of family property reproduced by the peasants and legitimated by the social movements and from the peasant entities support that fight for the agrarian reform in the country.

Les échanges de données personnelles entre l’union européenne et les tiers dans le domaine de la sécurité

Larbre, David 12 December 2014 (has links)
L’intérêt d’une réflexion sur les échanges de données personnelles de sécurité entre l’Union européenne et les tiers est né d’une interrogation sur le cadre juridique auquel ces échanges se rattachent, et l’existence de garanties en matière de protection des données. En partant du constat que les États sont à l’origine de la création de réseaux de coopération policière et judiciaire, l’irruption de l’Union européenne et de ses Agences dans des sphères régaliennes a de quoi déconcerter. L’intervention de l’UE et de ses Agences doit également attirer l’attention sur le respect des conditions de ces échanges qui sont soumis à l’exigence de garanties adéquates de la part des États tiers et Cet avènement nécessite de déterminer au préalable comment les échanges de données avec les tiers sont devenues progressivement un instrument au service de l’espace de liberté de sécurité et de justice (ELSJ). En cela, la sécurité telle qu’elle est ici appréhendée, concerne la lutte contre le terrorisme, la criminalité organisée et l’immigration clandestine. Ainsi cette thèse vise, à travers un examen des accords conclus par l’UE et ses Agences avec les tiers, à déceler, analyser, et mettre en évidence les règles qui régissent ces échanges de données personnelles ainsi que la protection qui s’y rattache. Elle doit permettre de mieux cerner la fonction de l’Union européenne et le rôle des États membres dans ces échanges, d’évaluer les garanties apportées par l’UE et ses partenaires, et d’aboutir à l’émergence d’un régime d’ensemble hétérogène mais dont l’unité réside dans le souci d’assurer une protection adéquate. / Enabling security between the European Union and third party personal data exchange leads one to reflect on the related legal framework and safeguards regarding data protection. As states are at the origin of police networks and judicial cooperation, the emergence of the EU and its agencies in sovereign spheres has been astonishing. For the EU,respecting the conditions of such exchanges requires adequate guarantees from third states. To better understand this, one should first analyze to which extent these exchanges have gradually become an instrument servicing the areas of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ, "security" here implies the fight against terrorism, organized crime and illegal immigration). This thesis aims to detect, analyze and highlight the rules governing the exchanges of personal data and the protection attached to them. Its goal is to understand the function of the EU and the role of member states in these exchanges, to assess the guarantees provided by the EU or its partners and to lead to the emergence of a system which could provide adequate protection. The first part will determine the modalities of cooperation between the EU and third parties in the field of personal data security exchanges; identifying the existence of safety data exchange networks before looking into the fight against terrorism and organized crime’s international dimension. A focus on external standards in the EU will lead the reader to grasp how safety within third party data exchange networks may be structured and to understand the role of international organizations such as the UN (or extraterritorial jurisdiction from third countries such as the USA). The EU having developed its cooperation regarding safety data exchanges, its foreign policy in terms of AFSJ gives one an overview of safety data exchange networks and their diversity, but it also shows the limits of their extension. These different forms of cooperation are the foundations of constituent EU treaties, yet they face legal and democratic issues as far as EU legitimacy is concerned. The EU integration process, on which safety with third party data exchanges is based, will also be studied; if this integration is a success overall, sovereignty issues have also brought their share of safety data protection alterations. This thesis’ second part focuses on the guarantees related to safety data exchanges, fundamental rights protection regarding this personal data and the need for adequate protection when transferring data to third parties. The adequacy of "normative" protection must be analyzed in global terms, that is to say within an international framework. The study of normative protection will be followed by a thorough examination of their effective protection. The reader will see how data exchange security transparency enables people to exercise their right to both access data and challenge decisions taken on the basis of data exchange safety. Effective protection leads to the identification of responsibilities related to safety data exchanges, the mechanisms of which may highlight that the EU or third parties have breaches in their obligations.

"A contra-reforma agrária do banco mundial e os camponeses no Ceará - Brasil" / The agrarian counter-reformation of World Bank and the peasants in the Ceara, Brazil

Alexandra Maria de Oliveira 09 November 2005 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a política de crédito fundiário no Ceará, posta em prática pelos governos estadual e federal em parceria com o Banco Mundial a partir de 1996. A forma pela qual o Estado foi levado a dar início e desenvolver a “reforma agrária de mercado” no Ceará, recoloca problemas importantes: a questão da reforma agrária e o acesso à terra pelos sem terra, o problema da estrutura fundiária no Ceará, no Nordeste, e em outras regiões. Simultaneamente, repõe o problema da “adaptação” de moradores de condição, parceiros, rendeiros e migrantes temporários ao mercado capitalista. A reflexão sobre a contra-reforma agrária do Banco Mundial e os camponeses passa pela discussão acerca do desenvolvimento territorial contraditório, desigual e combinado, desenvolvido no interior da Geografia agrária. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de um estudo transversal realizado em oito assentamentos criados a partir dos projetos São José e Cédula da Terra, partes constitutivas da denominada “reforma agrária de mercado” no Ceará. A implementação da “reforma agrária de mercado” no Ceará, tem significado a reativação do mercado de terras contribuindo para a ampliação das relações, especificamente capitalistas no campo como a apropriação da renda capitalizada da terra por proprietários de terras rentistas. Os assentamentos como frações do território conquistadas se constituíram com base na propriedade familiar que é uma forma de propriedade diferente da propriedade privada capitalista. A apropriação familiar e o desenvolvimento de formas de trabalho como o individual (familiar), a prática de ajuda mútua, o uso comum da terra e o trabalho coletivo revelam a ocorrência de formas alternativas para a propriedade privada imposta pelo Estado. Existe, portanto, um sério conflito entre o regime de propriedade privada implementado sob a lógica de mercado do Estado e a concepção de propriedade familiar reproduzida pelos camponeses e legitimada com o apoio dos movimentos sociais e das entidades camponesas em luta pela reforma agrária no país. / This thesis analyzes the agrarian credit policy in Ceará, put into practice by the State and Federal Governments in partnership with the World Bank since 1996. The reason which led the State government begin and develop the “market agrarian reform” in Ceará, puts back important problems: the agrarian reform problem and the land access to the landless peasantry, the agrarian structural problem in Ceará, in the northeast and in other areas. Simultaneously, replaces the “adaptation” problem of the condition dwellers, partners, tenant farmers and temporary migrants to the capitalist market. The reflection on the agrarian counter-reformation of Wold Bank and the peasants passes by the discussion concerning the contradictory, unequal and combined territorial development, developed inside the agrarian Geography. The research was developed from a transversal study accomplished in eight settlements created from the São José and Cédula da Terra projects, constituent parts of the denominated “market agrarian reform” in Ceará. The implementation of the “market agrarian reform” in Ceará, has meant the land market reactivation contributing to the enlargement of the relationships, specifically capitalists in the countryside as the appropriation of the capitalized income of the land by landowners of the rentable land. The settlements as fractions of the conquered territory have been constituted based on the family property that is a property form different from the capitalist private property. The family appropriation and the development in labor ways as the individual (family), the practice of mutual help, the land common use and the collective labor reveals the occurrence of alternative ways for the private property imposed by the State Government. There is, therefore, a serious conflict between the private property regime implemented under the State market logic and the conception of family property reproduced by the peasants and legitimated by the social movements and from the peasant entities support that fight for the agrarian reform in the country.

Les pratiques enseignantes en faveur de l'égalité des sexes et des sexualités à l'école primaire : vers un nouvel élément du curriculum / The teaching practices for gender equality and sexualities equality at the primary school : a new element of the curriculum

Pasquier, Gaël 22 November 2013 (has links)
La mixité scolaire n'implique pas l'égalité entre les sexes. elle pose la question du type de relation qu'une société entend promouvoir entre eux. en france, si l'école peut être perçue comme un facteur d'émancipation des femmes, de nombreuses études ont montré qu'elle demeurait également un instrument de reproduction des rapports sociaux de sexes traditionnels. il existe cependant des directives officielles de l'education nationale qui prescrivent aux enseignant-e-s d'oeuvrer pour l'égalité des sexes à l'école. il semble cependant que celles-ci ne soient appliquées que par une minorité. j'envisage dans ma recherche de m'intéresser aux enseignant-e-s du primaire qui prennent en compte cette dimension dans le travail mené dans leur classe et aux pratiques en faveur de l'égalité des sexes qu'ils-elles mettent en place. quelles sont ces pratiques ? leur action que l'on peut supposer innovante, puisqu'elle est minoritaire, pose certaines questions. s'agit-il de faire expérimenter l'égalité des sexes au quotidien dans une classe ou d'associer les élèves à une réflexion autour de cette question ou les deux ? peut-on enseigner l'égalité des sexes à l'école et comment ? quels sont les avantages et les limites d'un tel enseignement ? ces pratiques soulèvent en effet des problèmes éthiques et politiques importants car il s'agit d'un domaine socialement conflictuel qui fait appel à des représentations sociales ayant trait à l'identité de chacun /... / Although in France school can be seen as an important factor in women emancipation many studies have pointed out that it also remains an instrument enabling the social reproduction of traditional gender relations. Since the 80s the National Education official texts have encouraged teachers to work for the promotion of gender equality and to question the sex stereotypes. Since the 2000s they have also asked them to fight against homophobia. These texts define the term as the discrimination or the verbal and the physical violence against the homosexuals but also, through the questioning of sex stereotypes, against those who are suspected of being homosexuals. However these formal requirements seem not well known by teachers and remain therefore unapplied. They nevertheless offer a formal framework and clearly-defined regulatory environment for people wishing to put into practice a non-sexist and/or a non-heterosexist pedagogy based on equal treatment of children regardless of their gender and on the refusal to link gender with predetermined social roles. This work focuses on these innovative practices and aims to strengthen the understanding of the specific work of these teachers and the new issues it raises. This research focuses precisely on the teachers who are intending to take up these issues and these practices in the context of primary school which includes in France the nursery school and the elementary school. On the basis of twenty non-directive interviews we try to better understand the specificity of these teachers's work and the representation they have of it. We also analyze the possibility and the characteristics of an education for gender and sexualities equality at the first education levels and the tensions that it can generate in the exercise of the teaching profession.

Boj proti organizovanému zločinu v Japonsku - historie a současnost / Fight against organized crime in Japan - the past and the present

Kubíčková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
6 Abstract The goal of this thesis is to provide a basic overview of the legislative acts taken against organized crime in Japan, and to map the intriguing historical evolution of organized crime until the present day. Also, to show how the connection and the historically advantageous relationship between the yakuza and the ruling elites affected the law in Japan. The first chapter is dedicated to the historical milestones of organized crime in Japan from the 17th century to the implementation of the first comprehensive law against the organized crime - the Bōtaihō, in 1991. In the next part of this thesis the particularities of the legislation against organized crime can be found, including the differences of the American and European models as well as the details of the Bōtaihō law itself. The third chapter is dedicated to the complementary and follow-up legislations concerning the fight against organized crime. Key words: organized crime, yakuza, legal instruments to fight organized crime

Terrorisme et droit international humanitaire : les règles du droit international humanitaire à l'épreuve des actes de terrorisme / Terrorism and international humanitarian law : the rules of international humanitarian law to the test of the fight against terrorism

Ahipeaud, Evelyne 28 October 2011 (has links)
La question du terrorisme international retient l’attention constante des juristes et de la communauté internationale de manière plus grande encore depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. A cette occasion, la doctrine de la « guerre contre le terrorisme » a prévalu. Cette doctrine tend à effacer la distinction entre l’état de guerre au sens du droit des conflits armés et le terrorisme régi traditionnellement par les règles du droit de la paix. Cette doctrine symbolise l’entrée de la lutte contre le terrorisme dans une ère nouvelle, celle du droit de la guerre qui conduirait à l’adoption de nouvelles règles du droit international humanitaire destinées à remplacer le droit existant, qui serait aujourd’hui dépassé. L’objet de cette thèse est de vérifier l’hypothèse d’une telle rupture et d’évaluer ce possible changement de paradigme sur les règles du droit international humanitaire. Dans cette perspective, la question de l’applicabilité du droit international humanitaire à la lutte contre le terrorisme ainsi que sa mise en œuvre dans la lutte contre le terrorisme seront étudiées. Pour chaque question, il sera nécessaire de faire le point sur le droit international humanitaire existant pour se demander si, et dans quelle mesure, la lutte contre le terrorisme met à l’épreuve ce corpus juris. / The question of international terrorism continually catches the attention of jurists and the international community since the attacks of September 11th, 2001. On this occasion, the doctrine of “war on terror” prevailed. This doctrine strives to remove the distinction between state of war in the sense of law of armed conflict and terrorism traditionally governed by the rules of law of peace. This doctrine symbolizes the entry of the fight against terrorism in a new era, that of the law of war which will bring to the adoption of new rules of international humanitarian law intended to replace existing law, that is said to be out-of-date. The purpose of this research is to check the assumption of such a break and evaluate this possible change of paradigm in the rules of international humanitarian law. From this perspective, the question of the applicability of international humanitarian law to the fight against terrorism as well as its implementation in the fight against terrorism will be examined. For each question, it will be necessary to study the international humanitarian law available to find out if, and to what extent, the fight against terrorism puts this corpus juris to the test.

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