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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Små och medelstora företags prestation under och efter finanskrisen

Hörnlund, Andreas, Karlsson, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Den finansiella krisen med start hösten 2008 innefattade en markant minskning i BNP och exporten för Sverige och drabbade de svenska företagen negativt. I den svenska företagssfären utgörs företagen till 99,9% av små och medelstora företag (SME) och förutom den andel de utgör av alla företag i Sverige visar det sig att SME till stor del utgör en viktig katalysator vidåterhämtning från finansiella kriser. SME tenderar att ha svårt att finansiera sin verksamhet med externa medel under kriser, men samtidigt anses SME investera under kriser för att hantera dessa kriser.Så hur drabbas svenska SME under en finansiell kris, hur påverkas deras prestationer och hur ser resultaten ut jämfört med åren efter. Denna studies syfte är att redogöra för faktorer som har samband med prestation i form av lönsamhetsmåtten ROA och ROE samt tillväxtmåttet antal anställda för SME inom den svenska metallindustrin under och efter finanskrisen 2008–2009.Vid analysen kommer företagens prestationer att mätas i form av lönsamhet och tillväxt med hjälp av finansiella nyckeltal. I studien ingår 580 SME från Sverige inom metallindustrin och tidsperioden som studeras är 2008–2015, åren 2008–2009 kategoriseras som krisperiod då den senaste finansiella krisen inträffade under dessa år. Lönsamhet mättes genom Return on Assets(ROA) och Return on Equity (ROE) medans tillväxt mättes genom Antal anställda, de faktorer som inkluderades för att påvisa samband var; lång- och kortfristiga skulder, omsättning, ålder och finansiell kris. För att jämföra lönsamhet och tillväxt under och efter den finansiella krisen användes en deskriptiv analysmodell, för att empiriskt testa faktorernas samband skapades en multipel linjär regressionsmodell. Studiens resultat visade att lönsamheten var bättre under krisperioden än efter, men att tillväxten var högre efter krisperioden än under. Vidare visade studien empiriskt stöd för att flera av faktorerna hade samband med lönsamhet och tillväxt. / The latest financial crisis affected Sweden in late 2008, it resulted in a significant drop in GDP and export which had a negative impact on the Swedish companies. Within the companies of Sweden, a total of 99,9% is represented by small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and besides their proportion among registered Swedish companies, they also count for as animportant part as a catalyst when the economy is recovering from a financial crisis. During financial crisis SME find it difficult to receive external financing such as loans from banks to proceed their operations but at the same time SME tend to invest during financial crises to handle and recover from said crises.So how did the latest financial crisis affect Swedish SME, how where their profitability and growth affected. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare profitability and growth measures ROA, ROE and number of employees for Swedish SME within the metal manufacturing branch during and after the financial crisis 2008-2009, and also determine the determinants conjunction with profitability and growth. The analyze was conducted withfinancial key ratios to measure profitability in terms of Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE), growth was measured with total number of employees (Antal anställda). The study consists of 580 Swedish SME within the metal manufacturing branch and the observed period is 2008-2015 with the crisis period of 2008 and 2009 hence it was the last financial crisisthat struck Sweden. The determinants that were included in the study was; long- and short-term debts, age, turnover and financial crisis. To compare the profitability and growth during and after the crisis this study used a descriptive analysis. To conduct empirical tests of possible conjunctions between the determinants and profitability and growth a multiple linear regression model was created. The results of the study show that profitability was higher during the latest financial crisis then after, but it also showed that growth was higher after the crisis then during the crisis. The study also showed empirical conjunctions between the majority of the determinants and profitability but also with growth.

Volatilidade dos retornos e governan?a: um estudo de eventos da crise do subprime

Silva, Raimunda Maria da Luz 20 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaimundaMLS_DISSERT.pdf: 638002 bytes, checksum: f4c7693a6b7a4b11a332a1d4e60703e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-20 / The financial crisis that occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, known as the subprime crisis, has highlighted the governance of companies in Brazil and worldwide. To monitor the financial risk, quantitative tools of risk management were created in the 1990s, after several financial disasters. The market turmoil has also led companies to invest in the development and use of information, which are applied as tools to support process control and decision making. Numerous empirical studies on informational efficiency of the market have been made inside and outside Brazil, revealing whether the prices reflect the information available instantly. The creation of different levels of corporate governance on BOVESPA, in 2000, made the firms had greater impairment in relation to its shareholders with greater transparency in their information. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the subprime financial crisis has affected, between January 2007 and December 2009, the volatility of stock returns in the BM&BOVESPA of companies with greater liquidity at different levels of corporate governance. From studies of time series and through the studies of events, econometric tests were performed by the EVIEWS, and through the results obtained it became evident that the adoption of good practices of corporate governance affect the volatility of returns of companies / A crise financeira ocorrida entre os anos de 2007 e 2008, conhecida como crise do subprime, colocou em evid?ncia a governan?a das empresas no Brasil e no mundo. Para monitorar o risco financeiro, ferramentas quantitativas de gest?o de risco foram criadas na d?cada de 1990, ap?s v?rios desastres financeiros. A turbul?ncia do mercado tamb?m tem levado as empresas a investirem no desenvolvimento e utiliza??o de informa??es, que s?o aplicadas como ferramentas de apoio aos processos de controle e tomada de decis?o. In?meros estudos emp?ricos sobre efici?ncia informacional do mercado t?m sido efetuados dentro e fora do Brasil, revelando se os pre?os refletem instantaneamente as informa??es dispon?veis. A cria??o de n?veis diferenciados de governan?a corporativa na BOVESPA, em 2000, fez com que empresas tivessem maior comprometimento em rela??o aos seus acionistas, com maior n?vel de transpar?ncia em suas informa??es. A proposta desse trabalho ? analisar como a crise financeira do subprime afetou, entre janeiro de 2007 e dezembro de 2009, a volatilidade do retorno das a??es na BM&FBOVESPA de empresas com maior liquidez em diferentes n?veis de governan?a corporativa. A partir de estudos das s?ries temporais e, atrav?s de estudos de eventos, foram realizados testes econom?tricos, atrav?s do EVIEWS, e pelos resultados apresentados tornou-se evidente que a ado??o de boas pr?ticas de governan?a corporativa influenciam a volatilidade dos retornos das empresas

Les politiques d'ajustement budgétaire après la crise financière de 2007-2008 et leurs conséquences macro-économiques. / The fiscal adjustment policies after the financial crisis 2007-2008 and their macroeconomic consequences (French Experience in the euro area)

Abboud, Mouna 29 September 2016 (has links)
La crise financière de 2007-2008 a eu un impact massif sur les finances publiques dans un grand nombre de pays du monde. Elle a incité les gouvernements à mettre en œuvre des plans de relance et à approuver des plans de sauvetage financiers pour y remédier et conduit à une crise des dettes publiques et des déficits publics dans la plupart des pays avancés. L'objectif de notre thèse est triple. Il s'agit dans un premier temps, d'éclairer la réponse budgétaire à la crise financière de 2007-2008 concernant la dette publique, le déficit public et la croissance économique en sept pays dans la zone euro et de mettre en lumière les politiques d'ajustement budgétaire qui ont suivi cette crise. Dans un deuxième temps, nous exposerons les principaux déterminants du multiplicateur budgétaire (qui mesure l'effet du déficit public sur la croissance économique). Et analyserons cet effet en cas d’ajustement budgétaire par une méta-analyse et méta-régression sur des valeurs existantes dans la littérature concernant la taille de ce multiplicateur. Dans un troisième temps, nous étudierons l'impact de l'ajustement budgétaire après la crise financière sur la croissance économique et la dette publique en France. Nous réaliserons donc une analyse de causalité entre les trois variables (la dette publique, la croissance économique et le déficit public) prises deux par deux pour la période 1980-2014. L'effet de la crise sera considéré en prenant en compte un point de rupture (break point) sur la courbe de chaque série temporelle et en comparant par la suite les deux séries qui seront déduites. / The financial crisis of 2007-2008 had a massive impact on public finances in many countries of the world. It urged the governments to implement recovery plans and to approve financial rescue packages to redress them and that led to a crisis of public debt and public deficits in most developed countries. The aims of our thesis are: firstly, to clarify the fiscal response to the 2007-2008 financial crisis on public debt, deficit and economic growth in seven countries in the euro area and highlight the policies of fiscal adjustment that followed the crisis. Secondly, to e present the main determinants of the fiscal multiplier (which measures the effect of the deficit on economic growth). And analyze this effect in the case of fiscal adjustment by a meta-analysis and meta-regression on the existing values in the literature regarding the size of the multiplier. Thirdly, we study the impact of fiscal adjustment following the financial crisis on economic growth and public debt in France. We realize a causal analysis between the three variables (public debt, economic growth and public deficit) taken two by two for the period 1980-2014. The effect of the crisis is studied taking into account the break point on the curve of each time series and then comparing the two deducted semi-series.

Analýza nabídky cestovních kanceláří v České republice / ANALYSIS OF CZECH TRAVEL AGENCIES OFFER

CHALUPSKÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The first aim was to define the market of travel agencies in the Czech Republic. Secondary data were used to discover trends including marketing trends and to compare Czech market with abroad markets. Next aim was to do an interview about financial crisis with travel agencies in Ceske Budejovice. Found out data were used for the next proposal. To be able to compete with German travel agencies Czech ones should initiate more chartered flights and adjust first minute and last minute benefits. To face up financial crisis travel agencies should have advantageous offers (different discounts, grant loans). It would be good to target the young people using the internet. Finally, the total number of travel agencies in the Czech Republic is supposed to decrease because big travel agencies are getting popular than small ones.

Regulation and developing countries: conversation with Robert Baldwin / Regulación económica y países en vía de desarrollo: diálogo con Robert Baldwin

Vargas Guevara, Erick E., Odar Chang, Regina 25 September 2017 (has links)
Regulation   and   regulatory   agencies   have   aninfluence on the economy and on the legal system ofa country. In this context, which are the challengesof regulatory agencies in developing countries, forexample, Peru? What is their relation with foreign investment? In a context of financial crisis, which isthe role that these agencies should play?THĒMIS-Law Review had the opportunity to briefly interview one of the more recognized and consulted experts in Regulation, who provided answers to the questions indicated above. / La regulación y los organismos reguladores influyen en la economía y en el sistema jurídico de unpaís. En ese contexto, ¿cuáles son los retos de los or-ganismos reguladores en países en vías en desarrollo, como el Perú? ¿Cuál es su relación con la inversión extranjera? En situaciones de crisis económica,¿cuál es el rol que deben jugar estos organismos?THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho tuvo la oportunidad de conversar brevemente con uno de los expertos en regulación económica más reconocidos y consulta- dos, quien brindó respuesta a las preguntas antes señaladas.

Is there a regional aspect in the growth and economic development policies in the current structure of local self-governments? / ¿Existe un aspecto regional en las políticas de crecimiento y desarrollo económico en la estructura actual de gobiernos autónomos?

Cassetti, Luisa 25 September 2017 (has links)
In the context of the financial crisis of the last years,a centralizing tendency has grown, leaving asidethe attribution of powers to Regional Governments. The margin of the economic intervention of those entities has been reduced to the management and  implementation of the solutions previously developed and imposed by the Central Government.In this article, the outstanding author presents us a legal analysis, on the basis of the Italian case, as to whether it is reasonable to chase social-economic development, excluding the system of local self-governments, or relegating them to a purely passive role. / En el contexto de la crisis financiera de los últimosaños, se ha dado una tendencia centralizadora queha dejado de lado la atribución de potestades a losGobiernos Regionales. El margen de intervencióneconómica de dichas entidades se ha visto reducido a la gestión y ejecución de soluciones desarrolladas e impuestas por el Gobierno Central.En este artículo, la destacada autora nos plantea un análisis jurídico, tomando como base el caso italiano, respecto a si es que es razonable perseguir el crecimiento económico-social, excluyendo el sistema de los gobiernos autónomos, o relegándolos a un rol meramente pasivo.

Democracia e União Europeia: a resposta à crise da zona do Euro e o déficit democrático (2008 a 2014) / Democracy and European Union: the response to the crisis in the Euro zone and democratic deficit (2008-2014)

Henriques, Anna Beatriz Leite 25 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Elesbão Santiago Neto (neto10uepb@cche.uepb.edu.br) on 2016-10-25T17:00:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Anna Beatriz Leite Henriques.pdf: 2031474 bytes, checksum: 86ae7c77f5882000eb6b8dd3e35e2542 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-25T17:00:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Anna Beatriz Leite Henriques.pdf: 2031474 bytes, checksum: 86ae7c77f5882000eb6b8dd3e35e2542 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-25 / CAPES / The main goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate how the decision making process of the European Union during the eurozone crisis has deepened its democratic deficit between 2008 and 2014. The historical and institutional evolution of the EU together w ith the gradual transfer of competences from the domestic sphere to the supranacional one have raised academic and popular suspicion (HIX e FØLLESDAL, 2006; AZMAN, 2001; JOLLY, 2013) about how democratic and legitimate were the decisions taken by the EU. In the context of the global financial turmoil initiated in 2008 with the Lehman Brothers ‟ s declaration of bankruptcy , it did not take long until the European Union started to feel the effects of this major financial crisis, which shed light into an even d eeper problem: the crisis of the eurodemocracy. In this sense, this dissertation aims to analyze how the EU‘s decision making to refrain the crisis has deepened its democratic d e ficit between 2008 and 2014. The hypothesis is that the EU, during the eurozon e crisis, concentrated its decision making process in the hands of indirectly elected political actors and of the wealthiest member states. In order confirm that, it will briefly present the institucional setup and the decision ma k ing process of the EU, as well as the academic debate regarding the existence of such demoratic d e ficit. The second section will cover the global financial crisis and how it affected Europe, leading to the emergence of the so called european sovereign debt crisis. The third sectio n will present the new architecture of the EU emerged to contain the crisis, especially the new fiscal transfers mechanisms, the new institutional framework and the European Central Bank‘s new role. The fourth and final section will aggregate the previousl y presented data and analyze them in the light of Føllesdal and Hix‘s (2006) systematization of the democratic deficit. Th is dissertation will delineate the causal pathway that led the EU to use technocratic resources to adopt crisis contention policies an d to concentrate its decision making processes in unelected Executive and suprana tional actors. It will also demonstrate how the EU lost its legitimacy and democratic accountability, both in relation to the (lack of) popular participation, the (poor) polit ical outcomes and also in relation to the very political process who lead to the adoption of all these measures. / O objetivo precípuo dessa dissertação é demonstrar de que forma a tomada de decisão da União E uropeia durante a crise da Zona do Euro aprofundou o seu déficit democrático entre os anos de 2008 e 2014. A evolução histórica e institucional da UE , concomitante à gradual transferência de competências da esfera interna para a supranacional, levantou questionamentos da academia (HIX e FØLLESDAL, 2006; AZMAN, 2001; JOLLY, 2013) e dos cidadãos a respeito do quão democráticas e legítimas seriam a s políticas discutidas e/ou adotadas pela UE. No contexto do revés financeiro mundial iniciado em 2008 com a quebra do Banco Lehman Brothers , nos EUA, a Europa não demorou a sentir os efeitos da crise que, além de afetar as grandes e conomias europeias, evidenciou que a maior crise talvez não fosse a do euro, mas sim a da eurodemocracia . Dessa forma, a presente proposta tem como objetivo analisar de que forma a tomada de decisão para conter a crise aprofundou o défic it democrático da UE entre os anos de 2008 e 2014. A hipótese é a de que, durante a crise, a UE concentrou a tomada de decisão nas mãos de atores políticos indiretamente eleitos e dos Estados membros com maior poderio financeiro. Em um primeiro momento , s e rá apresentada brevemente a estrutura institucional e o processo decisório da UE, bem como o debate acadêmico acerca da existência ou não de déficit democrático. O segundo capítulo versará sobre a crise financeira mundial e como ela verberou na Europa, ger ando a chamada crise do endividamento soberano europeu . O terceiro capítulo abordará a nova arquitetura emergida na UE para conter a crise, em especial os mecanismos para transferências fiscais, a nova arquit etura institucional e o novo papel do Banco Cent ral. Por fim, o quarto capítulo agregará os dados expostos nas seções anteriores e analisará a reação europeia à crise à luz da sistematizaçãoo do déficit democrático feita por Føllesdal e Hix (2006). Ser á demonstrado o caminho causal que levou a UE a usar recursos tecnocráticos para adotar medidas impopulares de contenção à crise e a concentrar sua tomada de decisão em atores Executivos e instituições supranacionais indiretamente eleitas. Em decorrência disso , houve perda de legitimidade e accountability d emocrático da UE, tanto em relação à participação popular, quanto aos resultados políticos e ao processo político que deu origem a essas políticas.

Comportamento de manada em direção ao índice de mercado: evidências no mercado brasileiro de ações / Herding behavior into market index: evidence in Brazilian equity market

Milton Valejo Sanches 26 September 2013 (has links)
Em finanças o comportamento de manada (herd behavior) é comumente associado a um importante elemento do comportamento dos investidores nos mercados financeiros, em especial durante períodos de crises financeiras. Muitas pesquisas nesta área procuraram compreender os motivadores teóricos desta anomalia de mercado e um grande número de experimentos procurou identificar e quantificar a presença do herding em mercados desenvolvidos e emergentes. No entanto, por se tratar de uma variável não observável diretamente, a dificuldade na sua mensuração é grande desafio das pesquisas nesta área. Neste estudo pretende-se verificar a presença deste viés comportamental e avaliar a dinâmica desta variável no mercado brasileiro de ações através do modelo proposto por Hwang e Salmon (2001 e 2004), mensurando-se o efeito manada no mercado brasileiro de ações em relação ao índice de mercado através da medida de dispersão transversal dos betas (beta herding) das ações no período entre janeiro de 1995 e maio de 2012. Nesta pesquisa os betas das ações em relação ao índice de mercado foram obtidos utilizando-se as séries de excessos dos retornos diários das ações sobre a taxa DI-Cetip over das ações negociadas na BM&FBovespa, utilizando-se o modelo de mercado de Fama e French (1993) de três fatores, com as séries filtradas e suavizadas por um conjunto de equações dinâmicas de espaço-estado (Filtro de Kalman). O entendimento da dinâmica desta variável ajudaria a explicar melhor o comportamento do investidor em diferentes condições de mercado e o modelo proposto nesta pesquisa parece contribuir neste sentido. Semelhante aos achados de Hwang e Salmon (2001), Amirat e Bouri (2009a) e Hachicha (2010), os resultados encontrados neste trabalho para o mercado brasileiro de ações neste período sugerem que existe um nível base ou estacionário de herding no mercado, independente das condições do mercado. Também se observou a existência de uma componente de feedback herding explicada pela ação dominante anterior ou do nível anterior de herding. Outro achado deste trabalho foi uma diferença entre o senso comum de que o nível de herding aumentaria durante as crises financeiras, verificando-se na amostra analisada fenômeno contrário: uma redução dos níveis de herding durante períodos marcados por crises financeiras. / In finance, herd behavior is a commonly bias associated with an important element of investor\'s behavior in financial markets, particularly during periods of financial crises. Researches in this area try to explain theoretical motivations for this market bias and a large number of experiments try to identify the presence of and measure herding in developed and emerging markets. However, as this is a variable that cannot be directly observed, difficulties faced to measure it comprise a major challenge for researches in this area. The purpose of this study is to verify the presence of this behavioral bias and evaluate this variable dynamics in the Brazilian stock market, using model proposed by Hwang and Salmon (2001 and 2004). Herding is measured in the Brazilian stock market in relation to market index through evaluation of cross-sectional dispersion of equity betas (beta herding) in the period from January 1995 to May 2012. Equity betas, as compared to the market index, were obtained through series of daily stock excess returns over DI-Cetip rate for shares traded at BM&FBovespa, using Fama and French (1993) three-factor model, with series being filtered and smoothed by Kalman filter state-space dynamic equations. Understanding this variable dynamics would help to explain investor\'s behavior under different market situations, and the model proposed in this study seems to contribute. Similar to findings of Hwang and Salmon (2001), Amirat and Bouri (2009a) and Hachicha (2010), Brazilian stock market results found in this study suggest that there is a base or stationary herding in the market, regardless of market conditions. Existence of a feedback herding component, explained by prior dominant action or herding level was also verified. This study also denies common sense understanding that herding level increases during financial crises; in fact, opposite phenomenon was verified: a reduction in herding levels during financial crisis periods.

O papel dos bancos públicos e dos créditos direcionados na crise financeira de 2008 / The role of state-owned banks and eardmarked credit in the 2008 crisis

Catarina Karen dos Santos Silva 26 October 2015 (has links)
Estudos que avaliam a importância do governo no mercado de crédito têm adquiro mais relevância após a crise econômico-financeira de 2008. Antes os bancos públicos e as políticas de direcionamento do crédito no Brasil eram vistos como ineficientes e até mesmo prejudiciais para o mercado de crédito e consequentemente para a economia. Entretanto, no enfretamento da mais recente crise com impacto global, o governo e seus diversos canais para facilitar o crédito em um cenário de escassez foram percebidos como importantes para manter a estabilidade do crédito. Este trabalho avaliou o papel dos bancos de propriedade pública e da categoria de créditos direcionados para controlar a escassez de crédito durante a crise. A amostra foi composta pelos bancos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional cujas características se enquadraram no objetivo do trabalho, com dados contábeis e financeiros do período entre a crise, de 2005 a 2013. Por meio do uso de dados em painel, o estimador utilizado foi o GMM Sistêmico. Os resultados sugerem que os bancos públicos durante a crise expandiram as operações de crédito, na tentativa de aliviar a contração dos bancos privados. Para a participação do crédito direcionado não foi percebido grandes alterações durante a crise, entretanto como era esperada, a participação dos bancos privados foi mais significativa que a dos bancos públicos nesta categoria de crédito. Também fez parte do estudo observar se os bancos que detinham maior participação de direcionado em sua carteira foram os que mais ofertaram crédito durante a crise, entretanto não foi possível encontrar evidências que apoiasse esta hipótese, e também não se pode concluir que a magnitude foi maior para os bancos de propriedade privada / Studies assessing the importance of government in the credit market have gained more relevance after the economic/financial crisis in 2008. Before state-owned banks and earmarked policies in Brazil were seen as ineffective and even harmful for the credit market and hence the economy. However, that confronts the latest crisis with global impact, the government and its several ways to promote credit in a scenario of shortage were seen as important to keep credit stability. This study assessed the role of state-owned banks and earmarked credit to control the shortage of credit during the crisis. The sample was compounded by banks in the National Financial System whose characteristics meet the needs of this study, with accounting and financial data for the period within the crisis, from 2005 to 2013. Through the use of panel data, the estimator used was the System GMM. The results suggest that state-owned banks during the crisis expanded credit operations in attempt to relieve the contraction of privately-owned banks. Major changes in the earmarked shares were not noticed during crisis, but as it was expected the privately-owned banks´share was more significant than the state-owned banks´share in this loan category. Additionally, the study aimed to find out if banks that held bigger earmarked share in their portfolio were ones that most offered credit during the crisis, however it was not possible to find evidences that support that hypothesis and also it´s not conclusive if the magnitude was higher for privately-owned banks.

Commodities agrícolas do agronegócio brasileiro : análise multifractal e análise da complexidade diante da crise financeira mundial subprime 2008/2009

JALE, Jader da Silva 01 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Mario BC (mario@bc.ufrpe.br) on 2017-04-19T13:01:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jader da Silva Jale.pdf: 9845063 bytes, checksum: a4099ac7d2600e6b68a1349ce0d9bc53 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T13:01:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jader da Silva Jale.pdf: 9845063 bytes, checksum: a4099ac7d2600e6b68a1349ce0d9bc53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-01 / The growth of the world economy, driven by emerging countries, especially China, has generated signi cant changes in the commodities market since 2002. The commodity prices have shown a signi cant increase, reecting the erce conditions of supply and demand for these products, driven by the climatic phenomena that have negatively afected the supply, and by the demand growth rate. The global nancial crisis began in the US market, and eventually turned out the worst global nancial crisis since 1929 (the break of the New York Stock Exchange). The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers investment bank on September 15, 2008 marks the transformation of the international nancial crisis, after which in Brazil there was a great reduction of international credit, accompanied by a sharp increase of the dollar exchange rate. Considering that the agricultural sector is of fundamental importance to the economic health, being a major investor in environmental and rural technologies, Brazil can not succumb to the idea of a slowdown in this sector, as in 2008 the Brazilian agribusiness represented 36.7% of exports, generating 37% of jobs, and 28% of gross domestic product (GDP). This work investigates the returns asynchrony and the behavior of the cross-correlations for six agricultural Brazilian agribusiness commodities, for the period prior to the global nancial crisis (2006-2009), and after the crisis (2010-2014). The Cross-Sample Entropy method was used for quantifying the asynchrony among the commodity returns series. In addition, the methods Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (MF-DCCA), Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA) and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA) were used to investigate cross-correlations and auto correlations in the returns series. The results of multifractal analysis show that for all time series, the multifractality decreased after the global nancial crisis, indicating smaller range of the scale invariant fluctuations, except for Cotton, which exhibits precisely the opposite behavior. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the multifractal analysis and the complexity analysis can be useful in the studies of the dynamics of the Brazilian agribusiness, given its importance within the global economic scenario, for adoption of monetary and scal policies by the responsible economic agents, or by the federal government. / O crescimento da economia mundial, impulsionado por países emergentes, principalmente a China, gerou mudanças relevantes no mercado de commodities a partir de 2002. Observou-se uma mudança nos preços das commodities, que mostraram uma elevação expressiva, mostrando condições acirradas entre oferta e demanda desses produtos, impulsionadas pela existência de problemas climáticos que afetaram negativamente a oferta e pelo ritmo de crescimento da demanda. A crise financeira mundial iniciou-se no mercado americano e acabou se tornando a pior crise financeira mundial desde 1929 (quebra da bolsa de Nova York). A falência do banco de investimento Lehman Brothers no dia 15 de setembro de 2008 marca a transformação da crise financeira internacional, e após isso, ocorre uma grande redução do crédito internacional e o dólar dispara no Brasil. Considerando que o setor agrícola é de fundamental importância para a sanidade econômica e por ser um grande investidor em tecnologias ambiental e rural, o Brasil não pode sucumbir a idéia uma desaceleração neste setor, pois o agronegócio brasileiro representou, em 2008, 36.7% das exportações brasileiras, geração de 37% dos empregos e 28% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Neste trabalho investigou-se a assincronia, a transferência de informação e o comportamento das correlações cruzadas dos retornos de seis commodities agrícolas do agronegócio brasileiro, para os períodos anteriores (2006-2009) e posteriores a crise financeira mundial (2010-2014). Utilizou-se o método Cross-Sample Entropy para quantificar a assincronia entre todas as séries de retornos das commodities. Utilizou-se os métodos Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (MF-DCCA), Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA) e Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA) para investigar correlações cruzadas e auto correlações. Os resultados da análise multifractal mostram que para todas as séries temporais, a multifractalidade diminuiu após a crise financeira mundial, indicando menor variedade do tamanho das flutuações que apresentam invariância de escala, exceto o algodão, que apresentou comportamento contrário. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a análise multifractal e a análise de complexidade podem ser úteis nos estudos da dinâmica do agronegócio brasileiro, dada a sua importância, diante do cenário econômico mundial seja para adoção de políticas monetárias e fiscal dos órgãos responsáveis, agentes econômicos ou pelo governo federal.

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