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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lagen om finansiell rådgivning : Förändringsanalys / The law about financial counseling

Stebrant, Maria January 2005 (has links)
Bakgrund: Konsumenterna har ökat sina investeringar i finansiella instrument men kunskapen om dessa inte har ökat i samma takt. En del människor har inte varit medvetna om de risker som ett sparande i denna form innebär, utan har med förskräckelse sett sina sparade pengar försvinna när börsen gått dåligt. För att stärka konsumenternas ställning samt säkerhetsställa kvaliteten på bankers och fondbolags rådgivning infördes Lagen om finansiell rådgivning den första juli 2004. De viktigaste följderna av lagen är att nu får bara utbildade rådgivare ge råd till kunderna. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de förändringar och det förändringsarbete som lagen medfört för FöreningsSparbanken, samt utreda lagens påverkan på privatrådgivarna. Dessa tillsammans ska hjälpa till att besvara frågan hur väl implementeringen lyckats. Eventuella skillnader mellan de studerade kontoren kommer även att åskådliggöras. Slutsatser: Förändringar som skett i och med införandet av lagen är nya regler på en minsta utbildningsnivå samt dokumentationskrav. Som en direkt följd av detta har det skett en förändring i arbetssituationen. Alla respondenter är mycket positiva till förändringen och anser att det positiva övervinner de negativa. Det styrproblem som fanns innan lagen om att direktiven var oklara, kunskapen otillräcklig och motivationen låg är nu löst. / Background: The consumers have grown their investments in financial instruments but the knowledge of these has not grown in the same speed. Some people have not been aware about the risks that a saving in this form involve, but have without consideration watched as their saved money disappeared when the stock exchange done badly. To strengthen the consumer’s position and maintain the quality of bankers and fondbolags advice, the law about financial counseling was introduced the 1st of July 2004. The most important part of this law is that now only educated counselors are able to advise the customers. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe the changes the new law has resulted in for ForeningsSparbanken, and also investigate the law’s influence for private advisors. These two together should then help to answer the question on how well this implement has succeeded. Any differences between the studied offices will be illustrated. Conclusion: The difference that has happened because the introduction of the new law is new rules on a smallest education level and also documentation requirements. As a direct result of this there has been a change in the working situation. All responding to this are very supportive to the change and thinks the positives overcome the negatives. The problem that was before the law was introduced with unclear directives, insufficient knowledge and motivation has now been solved.

Onlinemöte- en kvalitativ studie av finansiell personlig rådgivning med delad skärm. / Onlinemöte- en kvalitativ studie av finansiell personlig rådgivning med delad skärm.

Algervik, Sara January 2014 (has links)
I enlighet med den trend som råder inom den tekniska utvecklingen i samhället i stort, introduceras nu ett sätt för bankers kunder att ha personliga rådgivningsmöten via Internet. Tidigare har sådana möten skett ansikte mot ansikte på det bankkontor som kunden tillhör. Det finns en rad fördelar med att tjänster sker online som exempelvis tideffektivitet, geografiskt oberoende och mer flexibelt i allmänhet. Den här kvalitativa studien handlar om en underökning kring hur personliga (finansiella) rådgivare upplever att arbeta med den här typen utav möten, närmare bestämt vilka faktorer som de anser viktiga när möten som skett ansikte mot ansikte kan komma att ske online. Studien innefattar ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt i syfte att ta reda på dessa faktorer samt att granska dem utifrån ramverket datorstött samarbete och synsättet kroppsbaserad kognition. Datainsamlingstekniker som användes var semistrukturerade intervjuer och litteraturstudier inom kognitionsvetenskaplig litteratur innefattande forskning inom människa-datorinteraktion, MDI (Patton, 2002). I rapporten redovisas även tillvägagångssättet i analysen samt det färdiga resultaten med slutsatser och diskussion. Analysarbetet genom kodning av insamlad data mynnade ut i fem kategorier som handlar om tidseffektivitet, åldersaspekten gällande användning av ny teknik, onlinemöte som komplement i det vanliga arbetet, vikten av fungerande teknik, samt kroppsspråket och ögonkontakten som en avgörande del i förståelsen av signaler i den sociala interaktionen mellan kund och rådgivare.

Införandet av MiFID II : En förändrad framtid för finansinstituten? / The implementation of MiFID II : A different future for the financial institutions?

Hermansson, Robin, Lindell, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Financial advisors has a responsibility to cater customers needs, but are at the same time controlled through corporate governance to benefit their employer, which has caused troubles regarding opportunism. MiFID II intends to regulate opportunism through more documentation and regulations on commission. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how governance within financial institutes is affected by regulations implemented through MiFID II. Since there is a lack of theories and research within the field, the study uses an explorative approach. To achieve the purpose of the study a qualitative research method was used, where data was collected through interviews with eight respondents from different financial institutes. Furthermore, how corporate governance was affected by MiFID II was examined by using theories on knowledge asymmetry, agent theory, management control systems and reward systems. The results of the study indicate that the opportunistic management has declined due to the removal of monetary rewards and salestargets, which entails more focus on customer satisfaction. The results also show that regulations on commission has caused changes in payment methods, which isn’t necessarily a positive aspect for customers. The conclusions of the study show that the financial institutes has replaced management by objectives with action controls containing less liberty and more standardization, which reduces opportunism. However, the increasing knowledge asymmetry is problematic since it prevents opportunistic management from being completely removed. Another vital consequence of the increased documentation through MiFID II is fewer counselling meetings, which causes several institutes to shift focus towards wealthier customers. / Finansiella rådgivare ansvarar för att tillgodose konsumenters intressen samtidigt som de utsätts för styrning som ska gagna arbetsgivarens intressen, vilket inneburit problematik kring opportunism. Regelverket MiFID II avser att reglera opportunismen genom informations- och dokumentationskrav samt provisionsregleringar. Syftet med studien är således att undersöka hur finansinstitutens bolagsstyrning påverkas av regleringarna. Eftersom att det i nuläget saknas tillräckligt utförlig forskning och teorier kring forskningsområdet är studien av explorativ art. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts där empirin samlats in genom intervjuer med åtta respondenter från olika finansinstitut. MiFID II:s påverkan på bolagsstyrning har undersökts med stöd från teori om kunskapsasymmetri, agentteori, styrsystem samt belöningssystem. Studiens resultat visar att opportunistisk styrning minskat genom borttagandet av monetära belöningssystem och att försäljningsmål alltmer reducerats inom finansinstituten, vilket medfört större fokus på kundnöjdhet. Resultatet visar även att provisionsregleringarna inneburit uppkomst av andra betalningsmetoder för en mer opartisk rådgivning, vilket inte nödvändigtvis är positivt för konsumenterna. Slutsatserna från studien är att MiFID II inneburit ett skifte från målstyrda finansinstitut till alltmer handlingsstyrda organisationer med minskad frihet och högre grad av standardisering i rådgivningen, med mindre möjlighet till opportunism som konsekvens. Den ökande kunskapsasymmetrin är dock problematisk då den förhindrar möjligheterna till att opportunistisk styrning upphör. En vital konsekvens av MiFID II:s ökade dokumentationskrav är även ett minskat antal möjliga rådgivningstillfällen, vilket av lönsamhetsskäl resulterat i en positionering mot mer förmögna kunder för flertalet finansinstitut.

Finansiell rådgivning : En studie om finansiell rådgivnings påverkan på privatpersoners sparande i Sverige

Holmertz, Adina, Knezevic, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Problem and purpose: The investment environment is becoming more complex, while there is an increasing responsibility to save money for the future. This means that financial advisory has an important role in helping people with their savings. This study aims to examine whether financial advisory has an impact on individuals’ savings and how the demand differs from the variables gender, age, marital status, employment and geographic residence. The study also examines trust in financial advisory and whether there is a difference in risk propensity between men and women. Theory: The study’s theoretical framework deals with theories and models that consist of Gender perspectives, Behavioral Finance, Prospect Theory and Risk Preferences which all a linked to finance. The framework also consists of previous research that deals with the subject. Method: To answer the study’s purpose, triangulation was used where both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The quantitative data consists of a survey with 500 respondents and the qualitative data consists of three interviews with licensed financial advisors. Eight hypotheses are tested using chi-2-test. Conclusions: Financial advice affects individual’s savings through more financial knowledge, but do not result in more risky savings. Four out of five examined variables affect the demand for financial advice, these are gender, marital status, employment and age. The variable that does not affect the demand is geographical residence. Individuals do not feel trust in financial advisory, while trust is an important factor contributing to financial knowledge. Finally, the study shows that men are more risk propensity than women, but that the difference is getting smaller and the younger generation of women begin to take more risks.

Den digitala rådgivaren - En tvärsnittsstudie om sparrobotens etablering på den svenska kapitalmarknaden

Lindh, Holger, Sköld, Victor January 2020 (has links)
Studiens mål är att besvara hur introduktionen av sparrobotar kommer att påverka den svenska kapitalmarknaden samt undersöka vad svenska individer har för syn på tjänsten. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågorna har tre olika metoder använts. Som huvudsaklig metod för att ta reda på individers inställning till sparrobotar har en enkätundersökning använts, utöver detta har även dokumentanalyser och en litteraturstudie använts. Sparrobotar är ett direkt resultat av digitaliseringen som pågår i samhället och möjliggör finansiell rådgivning till lägre kostnad än vad som varit tillgänglig tidigare. Forskningens resultat visar att mänskliga rådgivare kommer att behöva konkurrera med automatiska robotar som har potential att drastiskt förändra den finansiella marknaden. Studien visar på att sparroboten kan erbjuda finansiell rådgivning till lägre kostnad än en traditionell mänsklig rådgivare samtidigt som dess användande kan leda till minskad risk för dåliga finansiella beslut av användaren. Viss forskning tyder även på att sparroboten kan vara mer konsekvent med deras finansiella råd jämfört med dess motpart. Individer i Sverige har generellt en blandad syn på användandet av sparroboten medan en stor del av respondenterna inte har känt till dess existens. Graden tillit och vilja att använda tjänsten varierar beroende på nivån av generella tekniska kunskaper samt erfarenhet inom finansbranschen. / The study aims to answer the questions of how the introduction of robo-advisors will affect the capital market and investigate with which view Swedish individuals approach the service. In order to answer the research questions the study has used three different methods. The main method for investigating the citizens view of robo-advisors was through a survey study, but document analysis and a literature study were also used. Robo-advisors are a direct result of the digitalization that is taking place in the society. The main reason behind their existence are to simplify the capital market and reduce the unnecessary fees that the banking sector is charging for traditional financial advice. The result shows that human advisors now will have to compete with autonomous robots which have the potential to drastically change the market. The study finds that the robo-advisor can provide financial advice at a lower cost than traditional human advisors while its usage can lead to lower risks of bad financial decisions by the user. Some research also suggests that roboadvisors can be more consistent in their financial advice compared to their counterpart. Individuals in Sweden generally have a mixed view on the usage of robo-advisors while at the same time many respondents did not know the service existed. The level of trust and willingness to use robo-advisors is affected by the level of general technical interest and financial experience.

Självklart har vi ett övertag, det är ju det vi lever på! : En studie om den asymmetriska relationen mellan finansiella rådgivare och konsumenter / Of course we have an advantage, that is what makes our living! : A study of the asymmetry in the relationship between financial advisors and consumers

Granstedt, Amanda, Frisk, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Flertalet studier visar att den finansiella kunskapen bland dagens konsumenter av finansiella tjänster är högst bristfällig vilket leder till ett kunskapsunderläge i mötet med en finansiell rådgivare. Dessutom är konsumenten i ett informationsunderläge då rådgivaren har information om bland annat avgifter och incitamenten bakom valet av en viss placering. Dessa underlägen ger upphov till en asymmetrisk relation och det är denna asymmetri samt dess konsekvenser som studeras i denna uppsats. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att från rådgivarnas perspektiv beskriva den asymmetri som förekommer i relationen mellan rådgivare och konsument samt vad denna asymmetriska relation får för konsekvenser för konsumenterna. I tillägg till detta belyses även de konsekvenser som införandet av provisionsförbudet kan ge upphov till. Metod: Genom en kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie med deduktiv ansats har empiri samlats in genom sju stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med finansiella rådgivare. Empirin har sedan analyserats med hjälp av kodning för att kunna beskriva och karaktärisera asymmetrin mellan rådgivare och konsument samt de konsekvenser denna leder till för konsumenterna. Slutsats: Informationsasymmetrin är ett problem som måste överbryggas, kunskapsasymmetrin är däremot en förutsättning för tjänstens existerande. Båda asymmetrier medför konsekvenser för konsumenterna, tar dock konsumenterna eget ansvar kan dessa asymmetrier överbryggas och negativa konsekvenser förhindras. Lagar och regleringar som till exempel provisionsförbudet behöver nödvändigtvis inte vara en optimal lösning för branschen då de även medför nya problem. Hårdast drabbas småspararna då de saknar en betydande förmögenhet och därför inte utgör en lönsam kundgrupp. Att småspararna inte får rådgivning kan leda till samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser eftersom de utgör majoriteten av befolkningen och deras privatekonomi har direkt påverkan på landets ekonomiska tillväxt. / Background:Studies have shown that the financial knowledge among today's consumers of financial services is highly inadequate. This means that in the relationship between the advisor and the consumer there is a substantial difference in knowledge. The consumer also has less information regarding fees and incentives behind the choice of products, compared to the advisor. These disadvantages create an asymmetrical relationship and it is this asymmetry and its consequences for consumers that are being studied in this paper. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe the asymmetry that exists in the relationship between the financial advisor and the consumer from the perspective of the advisers. This paper also studies what impact the asymmetry has on the consumers. In addition, the consequences resulting from the implementation of the prohibition of commission accepted from third parties are studied. Methodology: Through a qualitative cross-sectional study with a deductive approach empirical evidence is gathered through seven semi-structured interviews with financial advisors. The empirical data were then analyzed to describe the asymmetry between advisors and consumers as well as the resulting consequences. Results: The authors have been able to conclude that the information asymmetry is a problem that must be overcome, the knowledge asymmetry on the other hand is what is enabling the service to exist. Both asymmetries have consequences for consumers, but if consumers take on the responsibility they can decrease the asymmetry gap and prevent negative consequences. Laws and regulations are not necessarily an optimal solution for the industry since they also cause new problems. The consequences are biggest for the small savers as they lack a substantial fortune and do not represent a profitable customer base. If small savers do not receive counseling it might lead to economic consequences for the society because they represent the majority of the population and their personal finances have direct impact on the country's economic growth.

Privatrådgivarens arbete : en kvalitativ studie av två banker

Sundsten, Maria, Stridh, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
<p><p><strong>Titel:</strong> Privatrådgivarens arbete - en kvalitativ studie av två banker</p><p><strong>Nivå:</strong> C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi</p><p><strong>Författare:</strong> Hanna Stridh och Maria Sundsten</p><p><strong>Handledare:</strong> Stig Sörling</p><p><strong>Datum:</strong> 2010-Juni</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med denna uppsats är ge en djupare inblick i hur finansiella rådgivare arbetar. Vi vill undersöka hur de rådgivarna hanterar sin roll som rådgivare till kunden kontra säljare för företaget, och hur kundens intressen bevaras.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Studien är kvalitativ och bygger på intervjuer med fyra rådgivare. Vi har studerat olika teorier i ämnet som vi sedan analyserat tillsammans med det empiriska materialet.</p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats:</strong> Vår studie visar att de finansiella rådgivarna inte ser någon konflikt i sina roller som försäljare kontra rådgivare. Enligt våra respondenter arbetar de alltid för kundens bästa. Vi kan även konstatera att kundens intressen bevaras främst med hjälp av de lagkrav som finns, då dessa regler är väl inarbetade i bankernas system.</p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning:</strong> Vi finner att det skulle vara intressant att även undersöka hur kunderna ser på rådgivningssituationen? Känner de till sina rättigheter? En annan intressant studie vore att undersöka hur bankerna arbetar med finansiell rådgivning jämfört med företag som kallar sig för "oberoende rådgivare". Finns det oberoende rådgivning?</p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag:</strong> Uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad förståelse för finansiell rådgivning. Den förklarar vad det innebär att arbeta som finansiell rådgivare, vilket kan vara värdefullt för en ekonomistudent som är intresserad av en framtid inom banken. Uppsatsen kan även vara till nytta för privatkunder på den svenska bankmarknaden, då vi beskriver vilket skydd som finns och vilka rättigheter som kunden har.</p></p> / <p><p><strong>Title: </strong>The work of financial advisors – a qualitative study of two banks</p><p><strong>Level: </strong>Bachelor thesis, 15 credits in Business Administration</p><p><strong>Author: </strong>Hanna Stridh and Maria Sundsten</p><p><strong>Supervisor: </strong>Stig Sörling</p><p><strong>Date: </strong>2010 – June</p><p><strong>Aim: </strong>The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding and to give the reader a deeper insight into the work of financial advisors. We have examined how financial advisors manage their role as advisers and as salesmen, and how the client's interests are safeguarded.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The study is qualitative and based on interviews with four advisers. We have studied various theories on the subject which we then analyzed with the empirical material.</p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>Our study shows that the financial advisers do not see any conflict in their roles as sellers vs. advisers. According to our respondents they always do what is best for the customers. We can also note that the client's interests are upheld primarily through the legal requirements, since the rules are well established in the banking system.</p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research: </strong>We find that it would be interesting to also investigate what the customers think about the counseling situation. Do they know their rights? Another interesting study would be to examine how the banks are working with financial advisory services compared to companies that call themselves "independent advisers". Does independent financial advice exist?</p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis: </strong>The study contributes to a better understanding of financial advice. It explains what it means to work as a financial advisor, which may be valuable for a student who is interested in a career in the bank. The essay can also be useful for customers of the Swedish banking market, since we also describe what protection and what rights the customer has.</p></p>

Rådgivares Rådgivning

Unver, David, Stamenkovic, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem Discussion</strong>: Today the banks manage three central products: mutual funds, mortgages and bank accounts. Banks have authority and credibility, the services and the products they offer and sell can sometimes be difficult to understand. Customers are offered a large number of investment options with varying risk profiles. These developments have created an increasing need for knowledge and information among customers. The financial advice that the financial firms provides, remains a very important activity from a customer view. However, there are ambiguities in this advices’ and it has previously been shown to be difficult for a customer in a dispute of ”wrong” advising, to win over the advisers. The Bank sees the client as a partner while the customer develops a personal relationship with the bank. Usually it is the advisors who provide advice to bank customers and give the impression that it is advice rather than selling they are about to give when a customer walks into a bank office.</p><p><strong>Research questions</strong>: How does the law of financial advice affect a private adviser in his advice to customers? How can internal goals and reward systems affect an advisor in his advice? Which factors have influenced the number of notifications before and after the law?</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The main purpose of this paper is to clarify how private advisers consider how the law on financial advisory, internal goals and reward systems affects their advice to customers. Another purpose is to investigate whether there is a difference between an advisors advice and sales.</p><p><strong>Method</strong>:  We have through a deductive approach used existing theories to create a general idea of the theoretical substance. We have used quantitative and qualitative approaches; primary and secondary data were the interviews and statistical data in the form of notifications.</p><p><strong>Theory</strong>: We have used theories such as reward systems, principal-agency theory, trust and confidence, and customer relationship management.</p><p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: The law on financial advice has not had a major impact on the advice. However the adviser’s way of working has changed.</p><p>Banks have goals to achieve. This affects the advisers’ by the requirements to adapt the advice’s that they give with the goals that needs to be followed. Reward system differs from bank to bank and acts as a tool to motivate advisors. The advisers are not affected largely by the reward system, but primarily of internal goals. The factors that have affected the notifications depends mostly on the media attention;  which increased customers awareness of their rights and the economic crisis; which contributed to the stock market downward trend, affecting customers' outcomes that were other than what they had expected.   There are difficulties to make a distinction between the concepts advising and sales. From the empirical answers, we note that advice and sales go hand in hand and that an advice to costumers will result in some kind of sale.</p>

Privatrådgivarens arbete : en kvalitativ studie av två banker

Sundsten, Maria, Stridh, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Titel: Privatrådgivarens arbete - en kvalitativ studie av två banker Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Hanna Stridh och Maria Sundsten Handledare: Stig Sörling Datum: 2010-Juni Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är ge en djupare inblick i hur finansiella rådgivare arbetar. Vi vill undersöka hur de rådgivarna hanterar sin roll som rådgivare till kunden kontra säljare för företaget, och hur kundens intressen bevaras. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ och bygger på intervjuer med fyra rådgivare. Vi har studerat olika teorier i ämnet som vi sedan analyserat tillsammans med det empiriska materialet. Resultat &amp; slutsats: Vår studie visar att de finansiella rådgivarna inte ser någon konflikt i sina roller som försäljare kontra rådgivare. Enligt våra respondenter arbetar de alltid för kundens bästa. Vi kan även konstatera att kundens intressen bevaras främst med hjälp av de lagkrav som finns, då dessa regler är väl inarbetade i bankernas system. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi finner att det skulle vara intressant att även undersöka hur kunderna ser på rådgivningssituationen? Känner de till sina rättigheter? En annan intressant studie vore att undersöka hur bankerna arbetar med finansiell rådgivning jämfört med företag som kallar sig för "oberoende rådgivare". Finns det oberoende rådgivning? Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad förståelse för finansiell rådgivning. Den förklarar vad det innebär att arbeta som finansiell rådgivare, vilket kan vara värdefullt för en ekonomistudent som är intresserad av en framtid inom banken. Uppsatsen kan även vara till nytta för privatkunder på den svenska bankmarknaden, då vi beskriver vilket skydd som finns och vilka rättigheter som kunden har. / Title: The work of financial advisors – a qualitative study of two banks Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 credits in Business Administration Author: Hanna Stridh and Maria Sundsten Supervisor: Stig Sörling Date: 2010 – June Aim: The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding and to give the reader a deeper insight into the work of financial advisors. We have examined how financial advisors manage their role as advisers and as salesmen, and how the client's interests are safeguarded. Method: The study is qualitative and based on interviews with four advisers. We have studied various theories on the subject which we then analyzed with the empirical material. Result &amp; Conclusions: Our study shows that the financial advisers do not see any conflict in their roles as sellers vs. advisers. According to our respondents they always do what is best for the customers. We can also note that the client's interests are upheld primarily through the legal requirements, since the rules are well established in the banking system. Suggestions for future research: We find that it would be interesting to also investigate what the customers think about the counseling situation. Do they know their rights? Another interesting study would be to examine how the banks are working with financial advisory services compared to companies that call themselves "independent advisers". Does independent financial advice exist? Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to a better understanding of financial advice. It explains what it means to work as a financial advisor, which may be valuable for a student who is interested in a career in the bank. The essay can also be useful for customers of the Swedish banking market, since we also describe what protection and what rights the customer has.

Rådgivares Rådgivning

Unver, David, Stamenkovic, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Problem Discussion: Today the banks manage three central products: mutual funds, mortgages and bank accounts. Banks have authority and credibility, the services and the products they offer and sell can sometimes be difficult to understand. Customers are offered a large number of investment options with varying risk profiles. These developments have created an increasing need for knowledge and information among customers. The financial advice that the financial firms provides, remains a very important activity from a customer view. However, there are ambiguities in this advices’ and it has previously been shown to be difficult for a customer in a dispute of ”wrong” advising, to win over the advisers. The Bank sees the client as a partner while the customer develops a personal relationship with the bank. Usually it is the advisors who provide advice to bank customers and give the impression that it is advice rather than selling they are about to give when a customer walks into a bank office. Research questions: How does the law of financial advice affect a private adviser in his advice to customers? How can internal goals and reward systems affect an advisor in his advice? Which factors have influenced the number of notifications before and after the law? Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to clarify how private advisers consider how the law on financial advisory, internal goals and reward systems affects their advice to customers. Another purpose is to investigate whether there is a difference between an advisors advice and sales. Method:  We have through a deductive approach used existing theories to create a general idea of the theoretical substance. We have used quantitative and qualitative approaches; primary and secondary data were the interviews and statistical data in the form of notifications. Theory: We have used theories such as reward systems, principal-agency theory, trust and confidence, and customer relationship management. Conclusions: The law on financial advice has not had a major impact on the advice. However the adviser’s way of working has changed. Banks have goals to achieve. This affects the advisers’ by the requirements to adapt the advice’s that they give with the goals that needs to be followed. Reward system differs from bank to bank and acts as a tool to motivate advisors. The advisers are not affected largely by the reward system, but primarily of internal goals. The factors that have affected the notifications depends mostly on the media attention;  which increased customers awareness of their rights and the economic crisis; which contributed to the stock market downward trend, affecting customers' outcomes that were other than what they had expected.   There are difficulties to make a distinction between the concepts advising and sales. From the empirical answers, we note that advice and sales go hand in hand and that an advice to costumers will result in some kind of sale.

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