Spelling suggestions: "subject:"finitedifference"" "subject:"clinicaldifferences""
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Desenvolvimento e otimização de um código paralelizado para simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis / Development and optimization of a parallel code for the simulation of incompressible flowsJosuel Kruppa Rogenski 06 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a paralelização de algoritmos voltados à solução de equações diferenciais parciais. Esses algoritmos são utilizados para gerar a solução numérica das equações de Navier-Stokes em um escoamento bidimensional incompressível de um fluido newtoniano. As derivadas espaciais são calculadas através de um método de diferenças finitas compactas com a utilização de aproximações de altas ordens de precisão. Uma vez que o cálculo de derivadas espaciais com alta ordem de precisão da forma compacta adotado no presente estudo requer a solução de sistemas lineares tridiagonais, é importante realizar estudos voltados a resolução desses sistemas, para se obter uma boa performance. Ressalta-se ainda que a solução de sistemas lineares também faz-se presente na solução numérica da equação de Poisson. Os resultados obtidos decorrentes da solução das equações diferenciais parciais são comparados com os resultados onde se conhece a solução analítica, de forma a verificar a precisão dos métodos implementados. Os resultados do código voltado à resolução das equações de Navier-Stokes paralelizado para simulação de escoamentos incompressíveis são comparados com resultados da teoria de estabilidade linear, para validação do código final. Verifica-se a performance e o speedup do código em questão, comparando-se o tempo total gasto em função do número de elementos de processamento utilizados / The objective of the present work is to study the parallelization of partial differential equations. The aim is to achieve an effective parallelization to generate numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations in a two-dimensional incompressible and isothermal flow of a Newtonian fluid. The spatial derivatives are calculated using compact finite differences approximations of higher order accuracy. Since the calculation of spatial derivatives with high order adopted in the present work requires the solution of tridiagonal systems, it is important to conduct studies to solve these systems and achieve good performance. In addiction, linear systems solution is also present in the numerical solution of a Poisson equation. The results generated by the solution of partial differential equations are compared to analytical solution, in order to verify the accuracy of the implemented methods. The numerical parallel solution of a Navier-Stokes equations is compared with linear stability theory to validate the final code. The performance and the speedup of the code in question is also checked, comparing the execution time in function of the number of processing elements
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Solução numérica do modelo de Maxwell para escoamentos tridimensionais com superfícies livres / Numerical solution of Maxwell model for 3-dimensional free surface flowsRenato Aparecido Pimentel da Silva 20 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um método numérico para simular escoamentos viscoelásticos tridimensionais com superfícies livres governados pela equação constitutiva de Maxwell. O método numérico é uma extensão da técnica newtoniana GENSMAC3D para escoamentos viscoelásticos. As equações governantes para escoamentos incompressíveis cartesianos isotérmicos são apresentadas em detalhes. O tratamento do tensor não-newtoniano em contornos rígidos tridimensionais é apresentado em detalhes, bem como o cálculo da condição de contorno na superfície livre. As equações governantes são resolvidas pelo método de diferenças finitas numa malha deslocada tridimensional. O fluido é modelado pela técnica das partículas marcadoras e tratado como uma superfície linear por partes. O método numérico desenvolvido foi implementado no sistema Freeflow3D, e resultados numéricos obtidos na simulação de escoamentos tridimensionais governados pela equação constitutiva de Maxwell são apresentados. Adicionalmente, apresentamos uma validação mostrando a convergência do método desenvolvido nesse trabalho / This work presents a numerical method for solving three-dimensional viscoelastic flows with free surfaces governed by the Maxwell constitutive equation. The numerical method is an extension of the Newtonian technique GENSMAC3D to viscoelastic flows. The governing equations for Cartesian incompressible isothermic flows are presented in details. The treatment of the non-Newtonian tensor on three-dimensional rigid boundaries is given in details as well as the calculation of the boundary conditions on the free surface. The governing equations are solved by a finite difference method using a three-dimensional staggered grid. The fluid is described by marker particles and is represented by a piecewise linear surface. The numerical method developed in this work was implemented into the Freeflow3D system, and numerical results obtained from the simulation of complex three-dimensional flows are presented. Additionally, we present validation results and demonstrate the convergence of the method by performing mesh refinement
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Bridge Monitoring to Allow for Reliable Dynamic FE Modelling : A Case Study of the New Årsta Railway BridgeWiberg, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Today’s bridge design work in many cases demands a trustworthy dynamic analysis instead of using the traditional dynamic amplification factors. In this thesis a reliable 3D Bernoulli-Euler beam finite element model of the New Årsta Railway Bridge was prepared for thorough dynamic analysis using in situ bridge monitoring for correlation. The bridge is of the concrete box girder type with a heavily reinforced and prestressed bridge deck. The monitoring system was designed for long term monitoring with strain transducers embedded in the concrete and accelerometers mounted inside the edge beams and at the lower edge of the track slab. The global finite element model used the exact bridge geometry but was simplified regarding prestressing cables and the two railway tracks. The prestressing cables and the tracks were consequently not included and an equivalent pure concrete model was identified. A static macadam train load was eccentrically placed on one of the bridge’s two tracks. By using Vlasov’s torsional theory and thereby including constrained warping a realistic modulus of elasticity for the concrete without prestressing cables and stiffness contribution from the railway tracks was found. This was allowed by comparing measured strain from strain transducers with the linear elastic finite element model’s axial stresses. Mainly three monitoring bridge sections were used, each of which was modelled with plane strain finite elements subjected to sectional forces/moments from a static macadam train load and a separately calculated torsional curvature. From the identified modulus of elasticity the global finite element model was updated for Poisson’s ratio and material density (mass) to correspond with natural frequencies from the performed signal analysis of accelerometer signals. The influence of warping on the natural frequencies of the global finite element model was assumed small and the bridge’s torsional behaviour was modelled to follow Saint-Venant’s torsional theory. A first preliminary estimation of modal damping ratios was included. The results indicated that natural frequencies were in accordance between modelling and signal analysis results, especially concerning high energy modes. Estimated damping ratios for the first vibration modes far exceeded the lower limit value specified in bridge design codes and railway bridge dynamic analysis recommendations. / QC 20101124
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High-order numerical methods for pressure Poisson equation reformulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equationsZhou, Dong January 2014 (has links)
Projection methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) are efficient, but introduce numerical boundary layers and have limited temporal accuracy due to their fractional step nature. The Pressure Poisson Equation (PPE) reformulations represent a class of methods that replace the incompressibility constraint by a Poisson equation for the pressure, with a suitable choice of the boundary condition so that the incompressibility is maintained. PPE reformulations of the NSE have important advantages: the pressure is no longer implicitly coupled to the velocity, thus can be directly recovered by solving a Poisson equation, and no numerical boundary layers are generated; arbitrary order time-stepping schemes can be used to achieve high order accuracy in time. In this thesis, we focus on numerical approaches of the PPE reformulations, in particular, the Shirokoff-Rosales (SR) PPE reformulation. Interestingly, the electric boundary conditions, i.e., the tangential and divergence boundary conditions, provided for the velocity in the SR PPE reformulation render classical nodal finite elements non-convergent. We propose two alternative methodologies, mixed finite element methods and meshfree finite differences, and demonstrate that these approaches allow for arbitrary order of accuracy both in space and in time. / Mathematics
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A comparative analysis of the performance and deployment overhead of parallelized Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) algorithms on a selection of high performance multiprocessor computing systemsIlgner, Robert Georg 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The parallel FDTD method as used in computational electromagnetics is implemented on a variety of
different high performance computing platforms. These parallel FDTD implementations have
regularly been compared in terms of performance or purchase cost, but very little systematic
consideration has been given to how much effort has been used to create the parallel FDTD for a
specific computing architecture. The deployment effort for these platforms has changed
dramatically with time, the deployment time span used to create FDTD implementations in 1980
ranging from months, to the contemporary scenario where parallel FDTD methods can be
implemented on a supercomputer in a matter of hours. This thesis compares the effort required to
deploy the parallel FDTD on selected computing platforms from the constituents that make up the
deployment effort, such as coding complexity and time of coding. It uses the deployment and
performance of the serial FDTD method on a single personal computer as a benchmark and
examines the deployments of the parallel FDTD using different parallelisation techniques. These
FDTD deployments are then analysed and compared against one another in order to determine the
common characteristics between the FDTD implementations on various computing platforms with
differing parallelisation techniques. Although subjective in some instances, these characteristics are
quantified and compared in tabular form, by using the research information created by the parallel
FDTD implementations. The deployment effort is of interest to scientists and engineers considering
the creation or purchase of an FDTD-like solution on a high performance computing platform.
Although the FDTD method has been considered to be a brute force approach to solving
computational electromagnetic problems in the past, this was very probably a factor of the relatively
weak computing platforms which took very long periods to process small model sizes. This thesis will
describe the current implementations of the parallel FDTD method, made up of a combination of
several techniques. These techniques can be easily deployed in a relatively quick time frame on
computing architectures ranging from IBM’s Bluegene/P to the amalgamation of multicore processor
and graphics processing unit, known as an accelerated processing unit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die parallel Eindige Verskil Tyd Domein (Eng: FDTD) metode word gebruik in numeriese
elektromagnetika en kan op verskeie hoë werkverrigting rekenaars geïmplementeer word. Hierdie
parallele FDTD implementasies word gereeld in terme van werkverrigting of aankoop koste vergelyk,
maar word bitter min sistematies oorweeg in terme van die hoeveelheid moeite wat dit geverg het
om die parallele FDTD vir 'n spesifieke rekenaar argitektuur te skep. Mettertyd het die moeite om
die platforms te ontplooi dramaties verander, in the 1980's het die ontplooings tyd tipies maande
beloop waarteenoor dit vandag binne 'n kwessie van ure gedoen kan word. Hierdie tesis vergelyk die
inspanning wat nodig is om die parallelle FDTD op geselekteerde rekenaar platforms te ontplooi
deur te kyk na faktore soos die kompleksiteit van kodering en die tyd wat dit vat om 'n kode te
implementeer. Die werkverrigting van die serie FDTD metode, geïmplementeer op 'n enkele
persoonlike rekenaar word gebruik as 'n maatstaf om die ontplooing van die parallel FDTD met
verskeie parallelisasie tegnieke te evalueer. Deur hierdie FDTD ontplooiings met verskillende
parallelisasie tegnieke te ontleed en te vergelyk word die gemeenskaplike eienskappe bepaal vir
verskeie rekenaar platforms. Alhoewel sommige gevalle subjektief is, is hierdie eienskappe
gekwantifiseer en vergelyk in tabelvorm deur gebruik te maak van die navorsings inligting geskep
deur die parallel FDTD implementasies. Die ontplooiings moeite is belangrik vir wetenskaplikes en
ingenieurs wat moet besluit tussen die ontwikkeling of aankoop van 'n FDTD tipe oplossing op 'n höe
werkverrigting rekenaar. Hoewel die FDTD metode in die verlede beskou was as 'n brute krag
benadering tot die oplossing van elektromagnetiese probleme was dit waarskynlik weens die
relatiewe swak rekenaar platforms wat lank gevat het om klein modelle te verwerk. Hierdie tesis
beskryf die moderne implementering van die parallele FDTD metode, bestaande uit 'n kombinasie
van verskeie tegnieke. Hierdie tegnieke kan maklik in 'n relatiewe kort tydsbestek ontplooi word op
rekenaar argitekture wat wissel van IBM se BlueGene / P tot die samesmelting van multikern
verwerkers en grafiese verwerkings eenhede, beter bekend as 'n versnelde verwerkings eenheid.
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Simulations numériques d'écoulements diphasiques compressibles, visqueux et conductifs à l'aide de schémas aux différences finies d'ordre élevé / Numerical simulations of compressible, viscous and conductive two-phase flows using high-order centered finite-difference schemesCapuano, Marion 06 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur le simulation d’écoulements diphasiques compressibles, visqueux et conductifs, à l’aide de schémas numériques aux différences finies centrées d’ordre élevé. Pour cela, les équation utilisées sont les équations de Navier-Stokes complétées de deux équations d’advection décrivant l’interface et d’une équation permettant d’estimer la température au sein d’un liquide et d’un gaz. Elles sont résolues à l’aide de méthodes numériques conservatives précédemment développées pour l’aéroacoustique, adaptées dans la présente étude à la simulation d’écoulements diphasiques. Les choix des équations et des méthodes numériques sont validés à l’aide de divers cas test monodimensionnels proposés dans la littérature. Les résultats obtenus sont en accord avec les solutions analytiques ou de référence. Deux écoulements 2D composés de deux gaz sont ensuite considérés. Le premier cas concerne l’instabilité de Richtmyer-Meshkov qui se développe à l’interface entre de l’air et du SF6. Le second cas porte sur une bulle cylindrique remplie d’hélium ou de R22 impactée par une onde de choc plane se propageant dans l’air. Pour ces deux écoulements, une étude de convergence de maillage est effectuée et les solutions numériques sont comparables aux données expérimentales de la littérature. L’influence du nombre de Reynolds sur la déformation de l’interface de la bulle d’hélium est également montrée. Enfin, l’implosion d’une bulle d’air dans l’eau est étudiée. Dans un premier temps, l’implosion sphérique de la bulle suite à son interaction avec une onde de pression convergente est simulée. Les résultats sont en bon accord avec les solutions prédites par le modèle de Rayleigh-Plesset. L’influence de l’épaisseur initiale de l’interface et de la conductivité thermique est montrée. Dans un second temps, l’implosion non sphérique d’une bulle proche d’un mur et impactée par une onde de choc plane est considérée. La pression imposée sur le mur et la température au sein de l’écoulement sont quantifiées. Enfin, une étude de l’effet de la distance initiale entre le mur et la bulle sur l’implosion est menée. / This PhD work concerns the simulation of compressible, viscous and conductive two-phase flows, using high-order centered finite-difference schemes. The equations governing two-phase flows are the Navier-Stokes equations in conjunction with two advection equations governing the interface and one equation allowing to estimate the temperature within a liquid and a gas. These are solved using conservative numerical methods which are validated from the resolution of various 1D test cases taken from the literature. The results obtained are in good agreement with the analytical or reference solutions. Then, two 2-D flows composed of two gases are considered. The first case concerns the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability developping at the interface between air and SF6. The second case deals with a cylindrical bubble filled with helium or R22 which is hit by a plane shock wave travelling through air. For these two flows, a grid convergence study is conducted and the numerical solutions compare well with the experimental data of the literature. The effect of the Reynolds number on the deformation of the bubble interface is also shown. Finally, the collpase of an air bubble in water is studied. Firstly, the spherical collapse of the bubble due to its interaction with a spherical converging shock wave is simulated. The results are in good agreement with the solutions predicted by the Rayleigh-Plesset model. The effect of the initial interface thickness and the thermal conductivity on the collapse is investigated. Secondly, the non-spherical collapse of a bubble near a wall impacted by a plane shock wave is considered. The pressure imposed on the wall and the temperature within the flow are quantified. Finally, the influence of the initial stand-off distance between the wall and the bubble is examined.
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Un nouvel algoritme pour la simulation DNS et LES des ecoulements cavitants / A novel algorithm for DNS and LES simulations of cavitating flowsZnidarcic, Anton 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le couplage diphasique-turbulence est une propriété clé des écoulements cavitants, qui est un frein important à l’amélioration des modèles de cavitation et de turbulence. Réaliser des simulations directes (DNS) est le moyen proposé ici pour s’affranchir du modèle de turbulence et obtenir des informations nouvelles sur les phénomènes mis en jeu. Ce type de simulation est exigeant sur le plan numérique, et requiert le développement d’un solveur spécifique intégrant les spécificités des modèles de cavitation. Cela inclue notamment des schémas de discrétisation d’ordre élevé, un solveur direct, et une résolution multi-domaines associée à une parrallélisation efficace. Une discrétisation par différences compactes finies s’avère être le meilleur choix. La contrainte de rapidité et de parrallélisation impose un algorithme où les systèmes résoudre n’impliquent des multiplications des variables implicites que par des coefficients invariants au cours du calcul. Un nouvel algorithme réunissant ces critères a été développé durant cette thèse, à partir de la combinaison de la méthode de Concus & Golub et d’une méthode de projection, qui permet de résoudre les équations associées à la modélisation homogène de la cavitation. Une nouvelle approche de vérification de ce nouvel algorithme est également proposée et mise en œuvre sur la base de la méthode des solutions manufacturées (MMS). / Cavitation-turbulence interactions are problematic aspect of cavitating flows which imposes limitations in development of better cavitation and turbulence models. DNS simulations with homogeneous mixture approach are proposed to overcome this and offer more insight into the phenomena. As DNS simulations are highly demanding and a variety of cavitation models exists, a tool devoted specifically to them is needed. Such tools usually demand application of highly accurate discretization schemes, direct solvers and multi domain methods enabling good scaling of the codes. As typical cavitating flow geometries impose limits on suitable discretization methods, compact finite differences offer the most appropriate discretization tool. The need for fast solvers and good code scalability leads to request for an algorithm, capable of stable and accurate cavitating flow simulations where solved systems feature multiplication of implicitly treated variables only by constant coefficients. A novel algorithm with such ability was developed in the scope of this work using Concus and Golub method introduced into projection methods, through which the governing equations for homogeneous mixture modeling of cavitating flows can be resolved. Work also proposes an effective and new approach for verification of the new and existing algorithms on the basis of Method of Manufactured Solutions.
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Retournement temporel électromagnétique : cartographies d'énergie et localisation, du modèle numérique à l'expérimentation contrôlée / Electromagnetic time reversal : energy mapping and localization, from the numerical model to the controlled experimentationBenhamouche, Mehdi 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le retournement temporel exploite la réversibilité temporelle de l’équation d’onde dans les milieux sans perte. Cela implique qu’une onde émise par une source peut rebrousser chemin et se focaliser sur sa source originale par le biais d’un miroir à retournement temporel. Cette focalisation permet de situer l’emplacement de cette source. Le but de cette thèse est d’exploiter le phénomène de retournement temporel d’ondes électromagnétiques en vue de la localisation et la caractérisation partielle d’objets diffractants enfouis dans un milieu sans perte. Notre étude est menée dans le domaine temporel large bande en se basant sur une modélisation numérique par la technique d’intégration finie.Le domaine temporel est un domaine assez peu exploré dans la littérature contrairement au domaine fréquentiel. La principale problématique est la détermination de l’instant de focalisation qui nous permet de choisir la distribution des champs à partir de laquelle les objets diffractants seront localisés. Nous introduisons dans ce manuscrit un critère de choix d’instant de focalisation qui est comparé tout au long des études entreprises au critère du minimum d’entropie.La démarche empruntée exploite l’analyse de cartographies d’énergie électromagnétique en deux et trois dimensions. Elle est validée dans un premier temps par l’analyse de configurations canoniques exploitant des données synthétiques obtenues par simulation. L’influence de divers paramètres relatifs aux objets diffractants est étudiée de même que l’impact du nombre d’émetteurs récepteurs du miroir à retournement temporel. Dans une seconde étape une expérimentation contrôlée en chambre anéchoïque à SUPELEC est réalisée en utilisant des antennes en régime harmonique et en régime impulsionnel. / Time reversal is, as is now well-known, exploiting the temporal reversibility of the wave equation in assumed lossless media. To summarize, it implies that a wave emitted by a given source may turn back and thereupon focus onto its original source by means of a so-called Time Reversal Mirror (TRM), which operation, properly simulated from field data acquired in a given measurement domain, could enable us to locate the source indeed. The aim of this thesis is to exploit the phenomenon of time reversal for the localization and the partial characterization, whenever possible, of diffracting objects (dielectric and conducting scatterers, in which sources are induced by given antennas, usually dipole-like) that are buried in a lossless medium (it can be a free space or a half-space) within a fully 3-D transient electromagnetic context. Time-domain certainly is a less explored area in the literature than frequency-domain, and this 3-D context (even if some 2-D validation studies are led also in the present work) is particularly demanding, computatinally speaking as well as at the level of real laboratory experiments. In addition, it requires that we be able to accurately compute the vector electromagnetic field in this time domain in an appropriate wideband situation, as well as whatever field is time reversed during the experiments, which are tasks performed via a full-wave Finite Integration Technique (FIT) developed at LGEP as is validated and discussed in some length in the manuscript. The main problem however is the determination of the moment of focus which would enable us determine the location of the scatterers at least to some extent. Here, to that effect, we introduce and discuss in depth a new criterion of choice of the instant of focus, which is in particular compared throughout the studies undertaken to the usually employed minimum entropy criterion. Influences of the various parameters of the scatterers themselves and of the measurement set-ups are thoroughly discussed on the way. Let us emphasize that what matters to us is the behavior of the (time-reversed) electromagnetic energy and not only of the electric field as standard, that is, the approach taken builds and uses the analysis of energy maps obtained by the aforementioned 3-D numerical modeling. Beyond the modeling of pure synthetic field data and discussions thereof, much attention is also given to leading controlled experiments on canonical targets using both transient and frequency-diverse time-harmonic sources within an anechoic chamber which was made available to us in SUPELEC.
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Modélisation et simulations numériques de la formation de domaines ferroélectriques dans des nanostructures 3D / Modeling and numerical simulations of the formation of ferroelectric domains in 3D nanostructuresMartelli, Pierre-William 26 September 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la formation de domaines ferroélectriques dans des nanostructures, à partir d'une modélisation faisant intervenir les équations de Ginzburg-Landau et d’Électrostatique, ainsi que des conditions aux limites d'application potentielle. Dans la première partie de la thèse, les nanostructures sont constituées d'une couche ferroélectrique entièrement enclavée dans un environnement paraélectrique. Nous introduisons un modèle depuis un couplage de ces équations et élaborons, pour son investigation, un schéma numérique faisant usage d’Éléments Finis. Des simulations numériques montrent l'efficacité de ce schéma, qui permet d'établir, par exemple, l'existence de cycles d'hystérésis sous l'influence de paramètres aussi bien physiques que géométriques. Dans la seconde partie, les nanostructures sont constituées d'une couche ferroélectrique partiellement enclavée qui s'intercale entre deux couches paraélectriques. Deux modèles sont proposés à partir d'une variante du couplage réalisé dans la première partie, et se distinguent dans la prescription des conditions aux limites. Des conditions de type Neumann interviennent dans le premier modèle, pour lequel un schéma numérique aussi basé sur des approximations par Eléments Finis est introduit. Dans le second modèle, des conditions périodiques sont prises en considération ; un schéma numérique s'appuyant ici sur une hybridation des méthodes de Différences Finies et d'Eléments Finis est présenté. Les simulations numériques basées sur ces deux schémas permettent de renseigner sur les permittivités dites effectives, des nanostructures, ou encore sur la constitution des parois de domaines ferroélectriques / In this thesis, we study the formation of ferroelectric domains in nanostructures by modeling based on the Ginzburg-Landau and Electrostatics equations, together with boundary conditions that are suitable for real applications. In the first part of the thesis, the nanostructures are made up of a ferroelectric layer, fully enclosed in a paraelectric environment. We introduce a model based on the coupled system of equations and then develop, for its investigation, a numerical scheme using Finite Elements. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of this scheme, which allows us to establish, for instance, the existence of hysteresis cycles under the influence of physical or geometric parameters. In the second part, the nanostructures are made up of a partially enclosed ferroelectric layer that lies between two paraelectric layers. Two models are introduced from a variant of the coupling performed in the first part, and differ in the prescription of the boundary conditions. Neumann type conditions are prescribed in the first model, for which a numerical scheme also based on Finite Element approximations is developed. In the second model, periodic conditions are taken into account; a numerical scheme based on a combination of Finite Difference and Finite Element methods is presented. Numerical simulations from these schemes allow us, for instance, to investigate the so-called effective permittivities, of the nanostructures, or the formation of ferroelectric domain walls
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Técnicas para estimativa de FRFS angulares em análise modal experimental com aplicações a estruturas do tipo viga / Techniques for the estimation of angular FRFs in modal testing with applications to beam type structuresLofrano, Melina 30 July 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho realiza uma investigação sobre técnicas experimentais para a determinação de Funções de Resposta em Freqüência (FRFs) angulares com aplicações em estruturas do tipo viga. Estas FRFs são definidas considerando-se como variável de saída o movimento angular (deslocamento, velocidade ou aceleração) exibido pela estrutura sob estudo quando a mesma é excitada por uma força linear ou um momento puro. Dada a grande dificuldade em se aplicar um momento puro à estrutura sob estudo, este trabalho utiliza como forma de excitação apenas esforços lineares que podem ser aplicados através de técnicas usuais de excitação em análise modal, tais como o excitador eletrodinâmico e o martelo impulsivo. Portanto as FRFs obtidas descrevem relações de saída e entrada do tipo Angular/Linear. Uma das técnicas utilizadas na determinação das FRFs angulares consiste na excitação de uma estrutura com um excitador eletrodinâmico e utilização de um corpo rígido na forma de um bloco T que é montado sobre a estrutura sob estudo. Dois acelerômetros lineares devem ser montados sobre o bloco T e a partir das duas acelerações lineares medidas buscam-se estimar um sinal proporcional à aceleração angular da estrutura no ponto de conexão. Outra técnica utiliza uma formulação via diferenças finitas, onde dois ou três acelerômetros (de acordo com a formulação de diferenças finitas utilizada) igualmente espaçados são montados diretamente sobre a estrutura sob estudo e são usados para se derivar à aceleração angular. Os resultados obtidos a partir destas técnicas são comparados com resultados obtidos a partir da utilização de um acelerômetro angular piezelétrico recentemente disponível no mercado. Também foram desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e computacionais via método dos elementos finitos a fim de se gerar subsídios adicionais para a análise dos resultados. Foram feitas várias constatações e dentre elas destacam-se resultados onde as FRFs angulares/lineares resultantes podem sofrer alterações significativas dependendo de como os dados experimentais são processados. / The present work aims to perform an investigation on experimental techniques for the determination of angular Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) in Modal Testing. Angular FRFs are those where the output variable is given by angular displacement, velocity or acceleration, whereas the input is given in terms of linear or angular quantities (a pure moment). Since the application of a pure moment as an excitation source still remains as a challenge, this work is focused in studying techniques to estimate angular/linear types of angular FRFs. One of these techniques consists of exciting the structure with a shaker and using a rigid T-block to measure the linear accelerations and then calculating the angular FRFs from these linear accelerations. Another technique employs finite differences formulations to get the angular motions. This technique uses the closely spaced accelerometers mounted directly to the structure under test, where at least two (according to the finite difference formula employed) accelerometers are used. The translational measurements are gathered and finite difference formulas are used to derive the necessary angular quantities. Additional tests are performed with an angular piezoelectric accelerometer recently available in the market in order to provide a comparison basis for the results obtained using the two techniques. The results are also compared whit theoretical models developed using analytical and Finite Element Formulations. Among all results obtained, it was understood that depending on the level of angular vibrations exhibited by the structure, and how the signals are processed, the resulting angular FRFs can suffer some significant changes
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