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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'un modèle thermomécanique du comportement sous agressions thermiques de matériaux cellulosiques : application à l'étude de résistance au feu de panneaux de bloc-porte en aggloméré de bois / Development of a thermomechanical model on behaviour of cellulosebased materials under high temperature

Cueff, Guillaume 16 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la sécurité incendie, les produits industriels destinés au marché dela construction doivent être soumis à des essais de résistance au feu standardisés. Enparticulier, des critères de température limite à ne pas dépasser sont à satisfaire en face nonexposéedes produits. De plus, une attention est à apporter aux déformations hors plan del’élément testé. Ces essais de résistance au feu peuvent être contraignants et coûteux pour lesindustriels ce qui peut freiner leur démarche de Recherche et Développement. À ce titre, unprogramme de recherche a été lancé par la société EFECTIS France, laboratoire agréé enrésistance au feu, en collaboration avec le laboratoire I2M de l’Université de Bordeaux, dontl'objectif est de mettre au point un outil de simulation numérique d’essais de résistance au feu(four virtuel) appliqué à un bloc-porte en bois et produits dérivés (panneaux de particules etpanneaux de fibres). Le modèle thermomécanique développé prend en compte l’évolution despropriétés thermiques et mécaniques du matériau en fonction de l’avancement des réactionsde vaporisation et de pyrolyse ainsi que l’impact de ces réactions en termes d’énergiesconsommées et fournies. Ce modèle s’appuie notamment sur différents programmesexpérimentaux, comportant entre autre de la mesure de champ par corrélation d’images, dansle but de mesurer les données nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement. En se basant sur lecalcul du champ de température et sur l'estimation des déformations thermiques du bloc-portecoupe-feu, le modèle permet d’évaluer les performances au feu du produit. / In the context of fire safety, industrial products used in the building constructionmarket have to satisfy to standard fire resistance tests. In particular, a temperature criterionmust be satisfied on the unexposed side of the product and attention should be given to thedeformation of the product during fire. These tests are restrictive and costly for manufacturerswhich can slow down their R&D program. In this context, a research program was initiatedby the company EFECTIS France in collaboration with the laboratory I2M from theUniversity of Bordeaux whose main objective is to develop a numerical thermomechanicalmodel for simulating a fire resistance test (virtual furnace) on a fire door composed of woodand wood-based materials (particles and fibres boards). Thermomechanical model takes intoaccount the variation of thermal and mechanical properties as a function of vaporization andpyrolysis reactions. Energy impacts of those reactions are also included in the model. Thenumerical model involves experimental data to complete material properties needed for itsutilisation. To achieve this, different experimental programs were carried out, in particularmeasurements using digital image correlation. Based on simulated temperature field andestimation of the global bending of the fire door, the model allows evaluating fireperformances of the product.

Hollow steel section columns filled with self-compacting concrete under ordinary and fire conditions

Chu, Thi Binh 07 July 2009 (has links)
La thèse comprend 8 chapitres, 3 annexes, 191 figures, 43 tableaux, 13 photos et 181 références bibliographiques. Le corps du texte totalise 135 pages et les annexes 120 pages. Le chapitre 1 constitue lintroduction dans laquelle le contexte et les objectifs de la recherche sont définis. Le chapitre 2 présente létat de la question concernant les colonnes faites de tubes en acier remplis de béton (CFSHS columns - concrete filled steel hollow section columns). Leur comportement à température ordinaire et sous conditions dincendie est analysé ainsi que les paramètres significatifs qui guident leur comportement. Les propriétés du béton auto-plaçant sont aussi examinées dans ce chapitre. Le chapitre 3 est consacré à la présentation du code de calcul SAFIR développé à lUniversité de Liège pour la simulation du comportement structural à température ordinaire et sous conditions dincendie. Le logiciel a été utilisé pour simuler des résultats dessais expérimentaux présentés dans la littérature, et quelques calibrations sont proposées. En utilisant le modèle décrit au chapitre 3, la charge ultime à température ordinaire des colonnes CFSHS est calculée en considérant différents paramètres. On considère essentiellement des tubes de petites dimensions avec un pourcentage élevé darmatures ou contenant un autre profilé métallique. Ce type délément nest pas couvert par les Eurocodes. Des simulations ont été réalisées en vue dexaminer si les méthodes classiques de lEurocode 4 (EN1994-1-1) sont applicables à ce type de section et de voir quelle courbe de flambement est la plus appropriée. Le chapitre 5 décrit la recherche expérimentale réalisée à lUniversité de Liège relative au comportement au feu des colonnes CFSHS. Les essais expérimentaux ont été simulés par SAFIR, tant en ce qui concerne la répartition de la température à lintérieur des éléments que le comportement structural. Un des objectifs de ces calculs était de vérifier si les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques du béton auto-plaçant sont proches de celles du béton ordinaire. En vue de fournir aux bureaux détudes des outils pratiques de dimensionnement, une formule permettant dévaluer la résistance au feu des colonnes CFSHS est proposée dans le chapitre 6. Le domaine dapplicabilité a été étendu par rapport aux études précédentes. Une formule pour colonnes courtes de section carrée a dabord été établie sur base de simulations effectuées à laide de SAFIR en considérant linfluence des paramètres principaux. On examine ensuite si cette formule est aussi applicable à dautres types de profilés. La formule a été étendue en cas des colonnes élancées et à celui des colonnes chargées excentriquement. Létude expérimentale du chapitre 5 est limitée à des sections dassez petites dimensions (< 300 mm), essentiellement pour des problèmes de capacité de mise en charge des laboratoires. En vue de recueillir des informations pratiques pour des profilés de plus grandes dimensions pour lesquels on peut atteindre des résistances au feu de 2 heures et plus, des simulations numériques additionnelles sont présentées dans le chapitre 7, avec des résultats utilisables en bureau détudes. Le chapitre 8 donne les conclusions de létude et présente des suggestions pour des recherches futures.

Lerstensskiva med armering av fårull : Undersökning av böjhållfasthet, ånggenomsläpplighet, brandtålighet,värmekonduktivitet och praktisk användning.

Edkvist, Kristin, Powell, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this study is aimed at the traditional building material; clay, together withsheep’s wool to act as reinforcement. The combination of the two materials created thebasis for an alternative board material. Soil-based building materials were used to alarge extent in the past. The oldest clay houses found were built as early as 8000 yearsBC. During the Middle Ages in Central Europe, soil and clay were used as fillers in timberframe structures. As new building materials evolved, clay based building methodshave suffered a more secluded position in the western world. New building materialshave caused the characteristics of traditional building materials to be forgotten. Sheep’swool, unlike clay, has previously not been classified as a building material, but ismostly used for textiles. Sheep are bred generally for two purposes; meat productionand wool production. The wool that comes from sheep that are in the meat productionbecomes a by-product that is usually reckoned as waste.The study presented below involves a product development of a board material containingclay and sheep’s wool. Nine different compositions were made in different series.Focus on the three different series was places on variety of sheep’s wool, amountof sheep’s wool and the viscosity of the clay. The manufacturing of the product wasmade by hand with own thought out and manufactured aids.The lack of aggregated material properties complicates the use of clay and sheep’swool. A performance based declaration and the CE marking of a product are requiredfor a building material to become an accepted product in the construction market.Building engineering research was carried out in the laboratory environment, and basedon standardized methods calculations were made on the Clay-wool board such as flexuralstrength, vapour permeability, thermal conductivity, fire resistance and practicaluse.The result shows that the Clay-wool board is comparable to other board materials. Thetechnical characteristics of the Clay-wool board regarding flexural strength reportedvalues between 118 N and 550 N, depending on the composition of clay and wool. Allthe boards showed that the point of breaking was viscous, since the wool held the clayslabs together. When calculation vapour permeability, the result showed values between2,289 x 106 m2/s and 3,571 x 106 m2/s.The thermal conductivity was measured on one single board, the one containing thelargest amount of wool, where the value was established to 0,218 W/m*K. It was noticedthat the thermal conductivity increased when wool was clay–dipped. / Denna studie fokuserar på det traditionella byggmaterialet lera tillsammans medfårull som ska agera som armering. Kombinationen av de två materialen skapadegrunden för ett alternativt skivmaterial. Jordbaserade byggmaterial användes förri tiden i stor utsträckning. De äldsta lerhusen som hittats är byggda så tidigt sompå 8000 – talet f.Kr. I medeltidens Centraleuropa användes jord och lera till utfackningari ramverkskonstruktioner av trä. I takt med att nya byggmaterial utvecklatsfick lerbaserade byggmetoder en undanskymd ställning i västvärlden.Nya byggmaterial har gjort att det traditionella byggmaterialets egenskaper generellthar glömts bort. Fårull har tidigare inte klassats som ett byggmaterial, liktlera, utan används till största del till textilier. Får avlas generellt för två syften;köttproduktion och ull produktion. Ullen som kommer från får i köttproduktionenblir en biprodukt som vanligen räknas som avfall.Studien som presenteras omfattar en produktutveckling av ett skivmaterial innehållandelera och fårull. Nio olika kompositioner gjordes i tre olika serier. Fokuspå de tre olika serier lades på fårullssort, ullmängd och lerviskositet. Tillverkningav lerullsskivorna gjordes för hand med egna uttänkta och tillverkade hjälpmedel.Bristen på sammanställda materialegenskaper komplicerar användningen av leraoch fårull. Det krävs en prestandadeklaration och CE-märkning av en vara för attett byggmaterial ska bli en accepterad produkt på byggmarknaden. Byggnadstekniskforskning gjordes i laboratorisk miljö och utifrån standardiserade metoderhar beräkningar gjorts på lerullskivorna gällande, böjhållfasthet, ånggenomsläpplighet,värmekonduktivitet, brandtålighet samt praktisk användning.Resultatet visar på att lerullsskivan är jämförbar med andra skivmaterial. Lerullsskivornastekniska egenskaper gällande böjhållfasthet redovisade värden mellan118 N och 550 N, beroende på komposition av lerullsskiva. Alla skivor visade påsega brott, eftersom ullen höll ihop lerullsskivorna. Vid beräkning av ångpermeabilitetvisade resultaten på värden mellan 2,289 x 106 m2/s och 3,571 x 106m2/s. Värmeledningsförmågan beräknades endast på lerullsskivan med störstmängd ull, där värdet blev 0,218 W/m*K. Det uppdagades att värmeledningsförmåganökade när ullen dränktes i lervälling.

Brandpåverkan på skyddskonstruktioner i funktionsskyddsrum : En undersökning av resthållfasthet i betongbalkar

Malmros, Catrine, Andrea, Johnson January 2018 (has links)
In the beginning of the 21st century decisions were made regarding the decommission of the total defence in Sweden. Since then the security policy situation has changed, regarding both the risk of war and other types of treats such as terrorism. Due to this the total defence is now being re-established. The Swedish Fortifications Agency and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) has initiated the Centre of excellence for fortification (CFORT) to support the development of competence in fortification. In case of a crisis or war secured function shelters constitutes a significant part of the Swedish total defence by protecting important technology and activity.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the remaining load bearing capacity in concrete constructions in secured function shelters after exposure to fire. This will provide a foundation for further research within the area of the effects of fire in secured function shelters. To achive this, experiments were conducted on nine concrete beams which were casted according to calculations based on the structural codes of the Swedish Fortifications Agency (FKR). Since fully scaled beams are difficult to manage and would not fit in the equipment being used, the beams were casted in a smaller size; 2000 x 150 x 210 mm. Samples of the concrete and the reinforcement were sent to the Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute (CBI) for tests which provided actual values of the compressive strength, yield point and modulus of elasticity. Six of the beams were in pairs exposed to fire in a specially built oven according to three different temperature curves. All the beams were later subjected to load until failure. Calculations regarding load bearing capacity were executed with both theoretical and actual values obtained from CBI. The results were compared to the results from the loading tests. During the last fire experiment the beams spalled, most likely due to the quickly rising temperature. The loading test showed that the strength of the beams which had not spalled were not significantly lower than the unaffected beams. Those beams showed a reduction of only 0 – 6 %. However, the beams which had spalled showed a reduce in strength of approximately 20 %. / Centrum för fortifikatorisk kompentens

Análise do comportamento a temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos considerando restrição ao alongamento térmico / Analysis on the behaviour of cold formed steel columns under fire conditions with restrained thermal elongation

Saulo José de Castro Almeida 26 October 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho se desenvolve como proposta principal, uma investigação experimental sobre o comportamento de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos em temperaturas elevadas considerando a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico. Nessa investigação foram avaliadas as distribuições de temperaturas no contorno da seção transversal e ao longo do comprimento dos elementos. Outrossim, avaliou-se a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico sobre o comportamento mecânico dos elementos, em especial sobre o desenvolvimento das forças de restrição que surgem durante a fase de aquecimento dos mesmos. Concernente ao comportamento térmico, os resultados indicam que a temperatura resistente de elementos expostos ao calor por todos os lados deve ser determinada com base nas medições realizadas em seções a meia altura do elemento devido à distribuição não uniforme de temperatura ao longo do comprimento. Com relação ao comportamento mecânico, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a resistência pós-crítica em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos é pequena e nesse sentido é mais coerente considerar como temperatura resistente a temperatura correspondente ao momento da perda de estabilidade dos elementos. Em caráter complementar e exploratório foram realizadas análises numéricas para melhorar o entendimento do comportamento em temperaturas elevadas dos elementos de aço formados a frio investigados experimentalmente no presente trabalho. Nas análises numéricas foi avaliada uma estratégia de modelagem em elementos finitos para simular a restrição ao alongamento térmico axial em elementos comprimidos submetidos a temperaturas elevadas. Os resultados apontam que os modelos numéricos foram eficientes para prescrever força de compressão resistente em temperaturas elevadas e o tempo resistente. Por outro lado não foram eficientes para prescrever as temperaturas críticas. No âmbito normativo foram realizadas as avaliações do método de cálculo simplificado proposto na ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) e da possibilidade de adequar o método simplificado de cálculo do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos. Os resultados sugerem que o método de cálculo simplificado da ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) foi capaz de fornecer satisfatoriamente a força de compressão resistente dos elementos investigados que se enquadravam nas exigências do método. Outrossim, sugerem que o uso do método simplificado do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) com redução da resistência ao escoamento e módulo de elasticidade do aço para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio carece de mais investigações. / The main proposal of this work was an experimental investigation on the behavior of cold-formed steel compressed members at elevated temperatures considering the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation. In this investigation, it was evaluated the temperature distributions on the cross section and along the height of the members. Furthermore, it was evaluated the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation on the mechanical behavior of these members, in particular on the development of restraining forces during their heating phase. Concerning the thermal behavior, the results indicate the critical temperature of members exposed to heat from all sides should be determined based on measurements performed on sections located at mid-span of the members due to the non uniform temperature distribution along the height. With regards to mechanical behavior, the experimental results showed that the post-buckling resistance at elevated temperatures of these members is small and the critical temperature should be considered as the temperature corresponding to the buckling temperature. Additionally numerical analyzes were performed to better understand the behavior of the cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures that were experimentally investigated in this study. In the numerical analyzes a modeling strategy was evaluated on finite elements to simulate the axial restraining to the thermal elongation in compressed members subjected to high temperatures. The results show that the numerical models were effective to prescribe the ultimate loads at elevated temperatures and the critical time considering the influence of the axial restraining to the thermal elongation. On the other hand, the numerical models were not effective to prescribe the critical temperature. Within the normative scope, the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was evaluated as well the possibility of adapting the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines to the design of cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures. The results suggest that the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was able to accurately predict the ultimate test loads of the members that were within the requirements of the method. On the other hand, it was found that the use of the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines with reduction of the mechanical properties at elevated temperatures (yield strength and elastic modulus of steel) for design of compressed cold formed steel members at elevated temperature needs further investigations.

Avaliação de pilares de concreto armado colorido de alta resistência, submetidos a elevadas temperaturas. / Evaluation of reinforced HSCC columns at high temperature.

Carlos Amado Britez 23 March 2011 (has links)
Apesar da quantidade de variáveis envolvidas, ainda persiste uma dúvida na comunidade acadêmica sobre o comportamento do concreto de alta resistência em situação de incêndio, considerando-o como mais ou menos suscetível à ocorrência do fenômeno de desplacamento (spalling) tipo explosivo. Em parte, essa dúvida decorre do fato de que, muitas vezes, os programas experimentais são conduzidos em amostras envolvendo corpos-de-prova padronizados, cilíndricos ou cúbicos, que não levam em consideração a influência de parâmetros relacionados com as dimensões dos elementos estruturais nem com a taxa e configuração das armaduras. Outros aspectos relevantes, como o tipo de agregado utilizado na mistura de concreto, bem como a idade e umidade interna do elemento ensaiado, dificilmente são abordados nas pesquisas e, muitas vezes, simplesmente são omitidos, o que dificulta a visão ampla e real do comportamento térmico do concreto de alta resistência. Esta pesquisa apresenta um programa experimental pioneiro realizado no Brasil em um pilar de concreto de alta resistência, armado, colorido, com idade de oito anos, fc,8anos de 140MPa, agregado graúdo basáltico, agregado miúdo quartzoso, seção transversal de 70cm x 70cm, 200cm de altura, ensaiado sem carregamento e com exposição de três faces pelo período de 180 minutos (3h), sob as temperaturas da curva-padrão de incêndio ISO 834. O pilar protótipo ensaiado é réplica dos pilares reais do edifício e-Tower, construído em 2002, na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que, neste caso, o concreto colorido de alta resistência comportou-se de forma íntegra frente ao fogo e que a utilização de pigmento à base de óxido de ferro, pode atuar também como um excelente termômetro natural, auxiliando na avaliação da condição da estrutura pósincêndio. / In spite of the several factors that influence the behavior of concrete columns under fire conditions, there is a belief among the research community, that the high-strength concrete is more susceptible to explosive spalling than normal-strength concrete. This doubt, in part, is attributed to the small unreinforced concrete samples (specimens) used in experimental programs, to evaluate the fire resistance of structural concrete. On the other hand, relevant aspects as the coarse aggregate type used in the concrete mixture, as well as the age and content moisture (relative humidity) are not considered in the researches and sometimes simply omitted. This research presents a pioneer experimental program, carried out in Brazil on a high strength colored reinforced concrete column (HSCC) with 200cm high, eight yearsold, fc,8years of 140MPa, basalt coarse aggregate, cross section of 700mm x 700mm, tested under no load and with three faces exposed to a standard fire curve ISO 834 for a period of 180min (3h). The column prototype is a replica of the actual columns of the e-Tower Building, constructed in 2002 in São Paulo city, Brazil. The results demonstrated concrete column integrity under experimental fire and that the iron oxide pigments can work as an excellent natural thermometer, contributing in the evaluation of the structure post-fire.


Rigão, Alessandro Onofre 13 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The current civil building use several kinds of materials for fencing as solid or hollow bricks or closure function and structural like the structural masonry. The codes and national laws of fire protection define a minimum period of fire resistance for walls and sealing elements. However, the great majority of the codes offer few alternatives of materials and thicknesses to define the minimum capacity for fire. Normally in the suggested alternatives, when tested, the materials exhibit superior performance. The alternative to a proper definition of time of fire resistance is testing a prototype of the wall in real scale, usually being expensive test. The purpose of this paper is to study the behavior of structural masonry walls and its components against high temperatures using furnances adapted to this end. It was studied the level of degradation of the materials singly and within the set, the increasing of load in small walls due to the temperature rising, besides the residual strength of the masonry and its constituents after exposure the high temperatures. The rate of heating of the oven did not follow Standard Curve, even so, it was possible to verify which the laws are conservative in relation to the performance against high temperatures of the materials. The walls obtained good performance against high temperatures, showing low cracking level and maintaining the structural stability. It was tested mortars with various resistances to temperature of 900ºC, seeing that this temperature was sufficient to promote the complete deterioration of materials. Mortars of 4 MPa were heated to 400ºC, noting that remained intact, showing residual strength. It was observed that the type of aggregate used in mortars affect the weight loss and stability of the material when subject to high temperatures. It was molded ceramics prisms with mortar of 4 MPa to verify the residual strength after heating to 400º and 900ºC, noting that the strength these was higher than average for the same strength of mortars subjected to the same heating. In addition, failure stress of the small wall exposed the high temperatures was very close to the average of the ceramic prisms subjected to the same heating rate. / A construção civil atual utiliza diversos tipos de materiais para vedação como tijolos cerâmicos vazados ou maciços ou com função de fechamento e estrutural como a alvenaria estrutural. Os códigos e legislações nacionais de proteção contra incêndio definem um tempo mínimo de resistência ao fogo para paredes e elementos de vedação. Entretanto, a maioria desses códigos oferece poucas alternativas de materiais e espessuras mínimas para definir a capacidade de resistência ao fogo. Normalmente nas alternativas sugeridas, quando ensaiados, os materiais apresentam desempenho superior. A alternativa para a definição adequada do tempo de resistência ao fogo é ensaiar um protótipo da parede em escala real, sendo um ensaio geralmente dispendioso. A proposta deste trabalho é efetuar o estudo do comportamento de paredes de alvenaria estrutural e seus componentes frente a altas temperaturas, utilizando fornos adaptados para essa finalidade. Foi estudado o nível de degradação dos materiais isoladamente e no conjunto, o aumento de carga em pequenas paredes devido à elevação da temperatura, além da resistência residual da alvenaria e seus constituintes após exposição às altas temperaturas. A taxa de aquecimento do forno não seguiu a Curva Padrão de norma, mesmo assim, foi possível verificar que as legislações são conservadoras em relação ao desempenho frente ao fogo dos materiais. As paredes obtiveram bom desempenho frente às altas temperaturas, apresentando nível de fissuração baixo e mantendo a estabilidade estrutural. Foram ensaiadas argamassas de diversas resistências à temperatura de 900ºC, constatando que esta temperatura foi suficiente para promover a completa deterioração dos materiais. Argamassas de 4 MPa foram aquecidas a 400ºC, observando que mantiveram-se íntegras, apresentando resistência residual. Foi constatado que o tipo de agregado usado nas argamassas tem influência na perda de massa e estabilidade do material quando submetido a altas temperaturas. Foram moldados prismas cerâmicos com argamassa de 4 MPa para verificar a resistência residual após o aquecimento a 400º e 900ºC, constatando que a resistência desses foi superior a resistência média para as argamassas de mesma resistência submetidas ao mesmo aquecimento. Além disso, a tensão de ruptura da pequena parede exposta às altas temperaturas ficou bem próxima à média dos prismas cerâmicos submetidos à mesma taxa de aquecimento.

Étude du comportement au feu des maçonneries de briques en terre-cuite : approche expérimentale et modélisation du risque d'écaillage / Behaviour on fire of masonries in clay brick : experimental approach and modelling of spalling risk

Nguyen, Thê Duong 24 June 2009 (has links)
La compréhension du comportement des structures en maçonneries exposées au feu et la prédiction de leur résistance au feu, sont des besoins majeurs, exprimes par les industriels de la terre cuite, à cause du manque d’études disponibles. L’objectif de ce travail est de construire des outils numériques qui sont capables de prédire le comportement et la tenue au feu des murs de briques alvéolaires en terre cuite, porteurs ou non porteurs, montes avec joints épais en mortier traditionnel ou avec joints minces en mortier colle. Pour cela, des investigations expérimentales à l’échelle de matériau et à l’échelle structurale sont menées permettant de comprendre les phénomènes thermo-hygro-mécaniques contrôlant la tenue au feu. Ces phénomènes majeurs sont par la suite pris en compte dans la construction de modèles de comportement, dont la mise en oeuvre numérique permet de disposer d’un outil de simulation de la tenue au feu des maçonneries. Pour le problème thermique, les trois modes de transferts : conduction, convection et rayonnement, avec l’ajustement de l’effet hydrique dans la capacité thermique, permettent de simuler la réponse thermo-hydrique dans la structure alvéolaire en terre cuite. Sur le plan mécanique, la tenue au feu des murs en maçonnerie est abordée du point de vue du risque d’écaillage. Cette rupture, localisée ou diffuse, des parois peut conduire à une perte d’étanchéité du mur ou à celle de son intégrité mécanique. Pour évaluer ce risque, une modélisation thermo-élastique tridimensionnelle est proposée avec la prise en compte de l’évolution des propriétés avec la température. Cette modélisation simplifiée est complétée à un critère d’écaillage de type détachement-voilement. En parallèle avec des calculs de validations, des études paramétriques sont menées afin d’identifier les influences des paramètres thermiques, mécaniques sur le comportement thermo-mécanique des murs / Understanding the behaviour of masonry structures exposed to fire and prediction of their fire resistance, are nowadays one of the major needs, expressed by manufacturers of fire-clay, because of the lack of available studies. The objective of this work is to build numerical tools that are able to predict the behaviour and resistance to fire of walls made with hollow fire-clay brick. The walls may be loadbearing or unloadbearing, joined with thick traditional mortar or thin adhesive mortar. For this purpose, experimental investigations at material scale and structural scale are carried out to understand the thermo-hygro-mechanical phenomena controlling the fire resistance rate. These major phenomena are then taken into account for the construction of behaviour models, which allow to dispose a tool of simulation of fire behaviour of masonry. For the thermal problem, the three transfer modes : conduction, convection and radiation, with the adjustment of the water effect in the heat capacity, can simulate the thermo-hygric response of alveolar structure in the fire-clay. On the mechanical problem, the fire resistance of masonry walls is approached from the point of view of the risk of spalling. This rupture, local or diffuse, of the brick partitions can lead to a loss of integrity or of loadbearing capacity. To evaluate this risk, a three-dimensional thermoelastic modeling is proposed with the taking into account of the evolution of the properties with the temperature. This simplified modeling is completed with a criterion of spalling of type detachment-buckling. In parallel with the validated calculations, parametrical studies are conducted to identify the influence of thermal, mechanical on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the walls

Thermal and mechanical properties of gypsum boards and their influences on fire resistance of gypsum board based systems

Rahmanian, Ima January 2011 (has links)
Gypsum board assemblies are now widely used in buildings, as fire resistant walls or ceilings, to provide passive fire protection. The fire resistance of such systems is fundamentally due to the desirable thermal properties of gypsum. Yet there is wide variability in reported values of thermal properties of gypsum at high temperatures and a lack of understanding of its integrity in fire. To evaluate the fire protection performance of gypsum board assemblies, it is essential to quantify its thermal properties and obtain information on its mechanical properties at high temperatures. Gypsum boards shrink and crack at high temperatures, and this leads to collapse of parts of the gypsum boards in fire. Fall-off of gypsum in fire affects the fire resistance of the assembly considerably, and cannot be overlooked when evaluating the fire resistance of gypsum board assemblies. The current research proposes a model to define the temperature-dependent thermal properties of gypsum boards at high temperatures. Thermal conductivity of gypsum is considered as the most influential parameter in conduction of heat through gypsum, and a hybrid numerical-experimental method is presented for extracting thermal conductivity of various gypsum board products at elevated temperatures. This method incorporates a validated one-dimensional Finite Difference heat conduction program and high temperature test results on small samples of gypsum boards. Moreover, high temperature mechanical tests have been performed on different gypsum board products; thermal shrinkage, strength and stress-strain relationships of gypsum products at elevated temperatures are extracted for use in numerical mechanical analysis. To simulate the structural performance of gypsum boards in fire, a two-dimensional Finite Element model has been developed in ABAQUS. This model successfully predicts the complete opening of a through-thickness crack in gypsum, and is validated against medium-scale fire tests designed and conducted as part of this research. Gypsum fall-off in fire is a complex phenomenon; however, it is believed that delaying the formation of through-thickness cracking will delay falling off of gypsum in fire, and hence improve the fire resistance of gypsum board assemblies. Finally, a study has been performed on the effects of various detailing parameters in gypsum board wall assemblies, and recommendations are offered for improving the fire resistance of such systems.

Návrh betonové konstrukce s ohledem na požární odolnost / Design of reinforced concrete structure with respect to fire resistance requirements

Lehoťák, Roman January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of internal forces and the design of the reinforcement of a reinforced concrete monolithic slab, a reinforcing wall and a column in the 1st floor of a dairy hall building. The fire resistance of selected structures was taken into account during dimensioning. The calculation of the internal forces was performed by the finite element method in Dlubal RFEM 5.24.

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