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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisationsöverskridande krissamverkan i Kalmar län : En kvalitativ studie av krissamverkan mellan räddningstjänst, region, länsstyrelse och kommun / Horizontal Crisis Management in Kalmar County : A Qualitative Study of Crisis Management involving the Fire and Rescue Services, the County Council, the County Board and the Municipality

Jacobson, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative study addresses a gap in horizontal crisis management research regarding the way collaboration plays out in practice in times of crisis. It is empirically focused on public actors in Kalmar County and takes aim at complementing earlier critical studies around power displacement and recapture in the realm of crisis collaboration to unearth impediments to interagency collaboration. An interview is carried out with duty officers and crisis management officers in four organizations with key tasks in the institutional crisis management system on the regional and local level, and the ambition is toshed light on how collaboration might be affected by formal, as well as informal, imbalances given that the organizations involved belong to different policy subsystems. It uses earlier theories regarding mandate, clusivity and trust as a point of departure, and asks: what impediments arise when actors from different political subsystems engage in interagency crisis collaboration in Kalmar County? The empirical analysis shows, surprisingly, a stark contrast to earlier stories from around the institutional crisis management system that described dysfunctional and asymmetric crisis collaboration.

Maximising defence capacities by allocating societal resources : Balancing the objectives in planning for a total defence structure

Leckström, Kristin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how the objectives of neoliberal economic thought and total defence structure are relatable in defence planning. With a theoretical base in research on outsourcing of military logistics, the thesis sets out to contribute to the field of research by conceptualising the objectives of a total defence structure as a way of understanding the defence posture in Sweden since 2015. This is analysed through an in-depth study of Swedish defence planning reports and interviews with relevant actors using a thematic approach of data analysis.  The research identifies that the objectives of neoliberal economic thought and total defence structure correlate to a certain extent but there are also some discrepancies that affect the defence planning and ability. The result indicates that there is a potential to combine the objectives more efficiently if the conceptualisations were developed to fit the current societal structure where outsourcing is a common practice.

Brandpåverkan på skyddskonstruktioner i funktionsskyddsrum : En undersökning av resthållfasthet i betongbalkar

Malmros, Catrine, Andrea, Johnson January 2018 (has links)
In the beginning of the 21st century decisions were made regarding the decommission of the total defence in Sweden. Since then the security policy situation has changed, regarding both the risk of war and other types of treats such as terrorism. Due to this the total defence is now being re-established. The Swedish Fortifications Agency and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) has initiated the Centre of excellence for fortification (CFORT) to support the development of competence in fortification. In case of a crisis or war secured function shelters constitutes a significant part of the Swedish total defence by protecting important technology and activity.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the remaining load bearing capacity in concrete constructions in secured function shelters after exposure to fire. This will provide a foundation for further research within the area of the effects of fire in secured function shelters. To achive this, experiments were conducted on nine concrete beams which were casted according to calculations based on the structural codes of the Swedish Fortifications Agency (FKR). Since fully scaled beams are difficult to manage and would not fit in the equipment being used, the beams were casted in a smaller size; 2000 x 150 x 210 mm. Samples of the concrete and the reinforcement were sent to the Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute (CBI) for tests which provided actual values of the compressive strength, yield point and modulus of elasticity. Six of the beams were in pairs exposed to fire in a specially built oven according to three different temperature curves. All the beams were later subjected to load until failure. Calculations regarding load bearing capacity were executed with both theoretical and actual values obtained from CBI. The results were compared to the results from the loading tests. During the last fire experiment the beams spalled, most likely due to the quickly rising temperature. The loading test showed that the strength of the beams which had not spalled were not significantly lower than the unaffected beams. Those beams showed a reduction of only 0 – 6 %. However, the beams which had spalled showed a reduce in strength of approximately 20 %. / Centrum för fortifikatorisk kompentens

En säker dricksvattenförsörjning : Vad krävs för att skapa en robust verksamhet? / Safe drinking water : What is needed to create a robust operation?

Room, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
Vatten är en av de viktigaste tillgångarna vi har och är en förutsättning för att samhället ska kunna fungera. Det moderna samhället lämnar oss sårbara på flera nivåer där dricksvattenproduktionen hotas av åtskilliga typer av risker såsom vattenbrist, klimatförändringar och krig. För att kunna säkerställa tillgången på dricksvatten måste området förstärkas för att kunna skapa en robust verksamhet samt implementera säkerhet i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad det innebär för kommuner att höja standarden inom dricksvattenförsörjningen och det civila försvaret, samt vad som förväntas uppnås av kommunen i arbetet med att säkra tillgången till dricksvatten utifrån regeringens målsättning. För att kunna besvara syftet har studien tagit avstamp utifrån tre frågeställningar som fokuserat på vad det innebär för kommunen att arbeta med att förstärka dricksvattenförsörjningen, vilka målsättningarna är samtriskuppfattningar kring dricksvattensverksamheten. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fallstudie som design. Under studien har åtta personer intervjuats som på olika nivåer arbetar med dricksvattenförsörjning och beredskap. Urvalet av deltagare är avsiktligt för att uppnå bredd och djup i material. Den insamlade datan har transkriberats och analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Deltagarna i studien uppfattar utmaningen och hoten mot dricksvattenförsörjningen på olika sätt. De upplever att detta påverkar arbetet med att nå en långsiktighet i arbetet med att trygga dricksvattenförsörjningen, samt att det är diffust vad som verkligen är målsättningen i kommunernas arbete. Kommunernas förutsättningar att kunna bygga upp det civila försvaret och skapa en säker dricksvattenverksamhet bygger på att regeringen förser dem med konkreta riktlinjer samt ekonomiska medel för att kunna ta fram beredskapsplaner och nödvattenberedskap. Att kommunerna ska kunna nå upp till vissa målbilder som skapats på högre nivåer är idag inte realistisktutifrån de olika förutsättningarna de har. Arbetet med att skapa ett starkt civilt försvar och en säker dricksvattenförsörjning kommer att kräva stora resursinvesteringar både när det kommer till infrastruktur, IT och kompentensutveckling. / Water is one of the most important resources we have and it is a prerequisite for society in order to function. Modern society leaves us vulnerable on several levels where drinking water production isthreatened by several types of risks such as water shortages, climate change and war. In order to ensure the supply of drinking water, the operation must be strengthened to create a robust operation and implement safety in a long-term perspective. The purpose of the study was to investigate what it means to raise the standard in drinking water supply and civil defense and also what is expected to be achieved by the municipality in the work to secure access to drinking water based on government goals. In order to be able to answer the purpose, the study has been based on three issues that have focused on what it means for the municipalities to work to strengthen the drinking water supply, what the objectives are and also the riskperceptions regarding the drinking water business. The study is a qualitative interview study with a case study as a design. During the study, eight people were interviewed who at different levels work with drinking water supply and emergency preparedness,the selection of participants is intentional to achieve width and depth in material. The collected data has been transcribed and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The participants in the study perceive the challenge and threats to the drinking water supply in different ways. They feel that this affects the work of achieving a long-term perspective in the work of securing the drinking water supply and that it is unclear what the goal in the municipalities' work really is. The municipalities' ability to building civil defense and creating safe drinking water operations is based on the government providing them with concrete guidelines and financial means to be able to produce contingency plans and emergency water preparedness. That the municipalities should be able to reach certain target images that exist from higher levels is today not realistic based on the different conditions they have. The work of creating a strong civil defense and a secure drinking water supply will require large resource investments both when it comes to infrastructure, IT and skills development.

När militarisering mötte välfärdsstat : Beredskapsplaneringen av svensk sjukvård 1950–1985 / When warfare met welfare : Swedish contingency planning of healthcare in war during the period 1950 to 1985

Skriveus, Gerhard January 2023 (has links)
This paper studies when warfare meets welfare in the Swedish contingency planning of healthcare in war during the period 1950 to 1985 with the aim of analysing how the planning changed, what caused these changes and how this can be linked to societal changes in the post-war Sweden. The analysis is carried out with the help of a self-adapted stakeholder model where first the change in planning and management is analysed and then seeks causal explanations for the key changes based on three military and three civilian drivers. The starting point for civilian contingency planning for health care in war was the Civil Air Protection investigation (SOU 1936:57). The investigation found that the need for civilian hospitalcare in war had changed because total war had blurred the boundaries between military and civilian health care. The report therefore proposed that a joint plan for hospital care in war should be established. The base of the new organization was the emergency hospitals, which were largely existing healthcare facilities, given that name in a war situation. To recreate wartime planning for health care, a Health Care Preparedness Board (Swe:Sjukvårdsberedskapsnämnden) was established in 1948 responsible for planning of health care in wartime. There were three major turning points in the planning. In 1950 based on experience from the conventional bombing wars of World War II, in 1959 based on the increasingly powerful nuclear weapons and in 1969 due to Sweden ceasing to plan total defence for a nuclear war. The consequences of the first two redesigns involved the wartime establishment of hundreds of small emergency hospitals outside the city centres, while from 1969 the large peacetime hospitals returned as the core of wartime health care. The 1970s and 1980s were characterized by a decentralization of responsibility of planning and wartime management from the state to the county councils (Swe: landstingen). The main causes for the turning points were the development of nuclear weapons and the expansion of the welfare state. The impact of nuclear weapons is demonstrated by the fact that there is a start and an end to the nuclear phase of planning. The expansion of the welfare state meant that the role of the county councils over 30 years went from carrying out orders from the state and the armed forces to controlling both management and planning and where the military's right toissue wartime directives was abolished. This can be explained by the expansion of health care during the same period and the increased power of the county councils that came with the expansion.The study shows that the militarization of Swedish civilian society was strong up until about 1970, but then rapidly declined and it was increasingly the armed forces that had to adapt to the structure and requirements of the peacetime health care rather than the other way around. Again,the reason for this shift is the significant expansion of the welfare state and the peacetime healthcare system, which shifted both economic and political power away from the military to the civilian health care system.

Private-Public Collaboration in Sweden’s Civil Preparedness

Heidenfors Armblad, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Recent developments in Sweden’s security policy have prompted the rearmament of the total defence. The total defence comprises both military and civil defence. The civil defence, in conjunction with crisis preparedmess, forms Sweden’s civil preparedness. However, the civil preparedness has been assessed as inadequate in meeting the requirements arising from recent developments in external security policy. Additionally, Sweden’s imminent NATO membership imposes further requirements on civil preparedness. The operational activities within civil preparedness are predominantly carried out by private entities, necessitating private-public collaboration. Nevertheless, existing regulations and competing interests pose substantial obstacles to sustained and iterative collaboration. This thesis employs a comparative nested case study, analysing two sectors of operations coordinated by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority. These sectors demonstrate varying degrees of collaboration in civil preparedness. By utilizing Emerson & Nabatchi’s (2015) collaborative governance theory, this thesis identifies that drivers prompting collaboration play a significant role. Specifically, legal and policy frameworks are assessed to be the most crucial factor. The cases exhibit unique characteristics, thereby providing a reasonable test the of collaborative governance theory’s eligibility. This thesis acknowledges certain limitations in the theoretical assumptions due to technological advancements. Consequently, further assessment of the theory is encouraged, as it may require refinement to adequately address new forms of incentives for collaboration resulting from emerging threats.

Kommunernas roll, funktion och ansvar i det svenska totalförsvaret : En studie ur ett resiliensperspektiv / The role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence : A study from a resilience perspective

Gulbransgård, Annie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence during periods of heightened preparedness. The method used in this thesis is a qualitative text analysis, and the material consists of public documents from state actors. The research question formulated is as follows: What role, function, and responsibility are municipalities expected to have within the future total defence during periods of heightened preparedness? To answer the research question, resilience has been used as a theoretical framework. The results show that municipalities are expected to take on a proactive role by working with anticipation and identification, as well as by preventing, mitigating, and preparing for crises. Additionally, municipalities are expected to have an adaptive capability and act reactively by implementing measures and restoring society to normalcy. Furthermore, although the concept of resilience is not explicitly mentioned in the analyzed documents, it is evident that municipalities are expected to have a role, function, and responsibility characterized by resilience within the framework of future total defence. By contributing new knowledge and insights in this area, the study aims to fill the knowledge gaps that previous research has not addressed, while also aspiring to provide ideas for further research and development in the field of total defence and municipal resilience.

Vem tar hand om barnen vid höjd beredskap? En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja / Who is taking care of the children at heightened state of alert? A qualitative study on preschool teachers view of their role in the total defence and their willingness to defend one’s own country

Lahti, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur förskollärare upplever sin roll inom totalförsvaret och hur deras försvarsvilja ser ut. Totalt har tio förskollärare intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys utfördes på intervjumaterialet. Detta resulterade i två teman och sju subteman som redogör för gynnsamma samt ogynnsamma aspekter för förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja. Slutsatserna från denna studie var att förskollärare anser att de har en viktig roll inom totalförsvaret och att det finns en hög försvarsvilja. Studien visar dock att kunskapen och informationen om vad deras roll innebär är bristande, inte bara internt utan även stort i samhället och att ledare utgör en viktig roll i att sprida den kunskapen. Slutligen visadestudien på att den mest ogynnsamma aspekten är det som står oss närmast - familjen. Behovet att skydda sin egen familj och veta att den är trygg är det viktigaste och det visar i sig hur viktig förskolan är som aktör inom det civila försvaret för att tillgodose det behovet. / The aim of this study was to study how preschool teachers perceive their role within the total defence and what their willingness to defend one’s own country looks like. A total of tenpreschool teachers have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews and the interview material has been data-processed through a thematic analysis. This resulted in two themes and seven subthemes that included favorable and unfavorable aspects of preschool teachers view of their role in total defence and their willingness to defend. The conclusions of this study were that preschool teachers think that they have an important role in the total defence and that there is a high willingness to defend, but that the knowledge and information about what their role entails is lacking, not only internally but also widely in society and that leaders plays an important role to spread this knowledge. Finally this study shows that the most unfavorable aspect, for the willingness to defend one’s country, is what we have closestto us - the family. The need to protect the own family is the most important thing and that itself shows how important preschool is as an actor in the civil defence.

Riskhantering och totalförsvaret : En policyanalys av försvarsberedningens politik mellan 1995 och 2019 / Risk Management and National Defence Policy : A Policy Analysis of the Swedish National Defence Policy between 1995 and 2019

Martell, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
Risker är ständigt närvarande i våra liv. I samhället finns många funktioner för att hantera dessa risker. På nationell nivå har Sverige totalförsvaret som hantera risker riktade mot nationen. Totalförsvarets uppgift är främst att förbereda Sverige för krig, men då totalförsvaret är uppbyggt av både militärt och civilt försvar omfattar det hela spektrumet av resurser för att hantera både fredstida kriser som konflikt och krig. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka problematiseringen i diskursen i den förda försvarspolitiken över tid och hur den har förändrats. Underlaget är försvarsberedningens rapporter under tiden 1995 tills den senaste 2019. Kopplat till modellerna kring Policy Change och Carol Bacchis metod ’What´s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) undersöks förändring i den politik som beskrivs samt vad som är problematiskt och inte i den. Resultatet visar på en förändring över tid i den politik som förts. Utifrån Policy Change är det den radikala modellen som förklarar vilket typ av förändring som skett. Förändringar sker vid stora omställningar i omvärlden. Försvarsberedningen har genom sina rapporter strävat efter att skapa sammanhållning och deltagande med andra politikområden som är viktiga för det svenska totalförsvaret. Det har även visat sig att människan tar liten plats i försvarsberedningens politik vilket försvarsberedningen uppfattar som oproblematisk. Slutsatser är att försvarspolitiken förändras när det sker stora förändringar i omvärlden. Då tillfällen visar sig har försvarsberedningen stora möjligheter att påverka den förda politiken. Det finns dock en risk att försvarspolitiken förlorar sin legitimitet om den exempelvis främjar ekonomiska och finansiella värden framför mänsklig säkerhet. Det krävs en sammanhållning mellan politikområdena för att få en långsiktighet i försvarspolitiken. / Risks are constantly present in our lives. There are many functions in the society that handles these risks. On a national level Sweden has the National Defence, which consists of military and civilian resources, that handles the risks that are directed at the nation. The National Defence’s primary objectives are to prepare Sweden for the eventuality of war. Since the National Defence is made up of both the military and civilian resources and covers the whole spectrum of capacities to manage both peacetime crisis, conflicts and war. The purpose of this study is to analyse what the problematisation is in the Swedish defence policy discourse and how it has changed over time. For the analysis all of the reports that the Swedish Defence Commission has submitted during the years 1995 to 2019. The change in the defence policy is analysed using is Carol Bacchi´s ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) method and the Policy Change framework in order to describe what change there has been in the defence policy and what is problematic and what is not. The result shows a change over time in the policy that is conducted. From a Policy Change perspective, the radical model best explains the type of policy change that has occurred: a change in the defence policy happens when big change happens in the outside world. The Defence Commission have, through their reports, tried to create coherence and participation with other policy fields that are important for the Swedish total defence. It has also showed that people take little space in the defence policy, which is one area that the Defence Commission finds unproblematic. Conclusion are that the Defence Policy changes when there are big changes in the outside world. When the opportunity shows itself then the Defence Commission have big possibilities to affect the policy process. There is a risk that the defence policy loses its legitimacy if it, for example, endorses a policy that focuses to heavily on economic and financial values before the security of the people. It requires coherence between the policy fields in order to create long-term stability in the defence policy.

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