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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odlad fisk : Konsumentens kunskap om fiskodling

Arvidsson, Mathilda, Naenfeldt Eklund, Kim, Tavelin, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Fisk är ett hälsosamt livsmedel och allt eftersom världsbefolkningen har växt och hälsotrenden blossat upp, har trycket på fiskerinäringen ökat. Bakgrundens fakta tog upp olika konsekvenser som fiskodling kan medföra och hur stor kunskap konsumenten har om detta och deras makt att påverka industrin. Syftet med studien var att belysa brister i fiskodling kopplat till konsumenters kunskap, samt hur de etiska frågorna påverkar konsumentens val. I metod och materialstycket lades det fram att studien var en litteraturstudie som baserades på vetenskapliga artiklar från olika databaser som gick att tillgå vid Örebro universitet. Resultatet av undersökningen gav inblickar i vad konsumenter visste om odlad fisk, vad de tyckte om produkten och hur eller om de utövade sin makt. Resultatet visar även hur hanteringen av fisk går till på fiskodlingar runt om i Europa. I diskussionsavsnittet i studien lades bakgrundsfakta ihop med fakta ur resultatavsnittet. I diskussionen framkom information om att konsumenters uppfattning och kännedom om odlad fisk inte var tillräcklig, trots de märkningar och informationskällor som presenteras i bakgrunden.I diskussionsavsnittet diskuteras även processen som ledde fram till den här studien och vad som fungerat respektive inte fungerat. / B-uppsatser

Knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning HIV prevention among Burmese migrant workers in Thailand

Nylander, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
Background: Good knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of HIV prevention are essential in order not to acquire HIV infection and to prevent the disease from spreading. A proper and well functioning prevention of HIV requires clear and relevant information and instructions from health care givers. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning HIV prevention among Burmese migrant workers in Thailand and compare these between genders. Method: A descriptive and comparative cross-section design with a quantitative method was used. The Health belief model was provided as theoretical framework. The data was collected at two fish industries and at the health clinics of these industries in the Samut Sakorn Province, Thailand. Eighty migrant workers participated by answering a questionnaire about KAP of HIV prevention. Results: Most of the Burmese migrant workers had heard of HIV/AIDS, and overall women had better knowledge than men. Less than 50% of the men reported they had ever received information on HIV. There were significant differences between genders in several statements concerning knowledge, attitudes and practices. Conclusions: The male and female Burmese migrant workers had different knowledge, attitudes and practice of HIV prevention. Health care professionals should consider gender and culture when providing intervention programs to migrant workers. / Bakgrund: Goda kunskaper, attityder och utövande (KAP) av HIV prevention är av stor vikt för att ej smittas av HIV och för att förhindra att sjukdomen sprids. En korrekt och välfungerande prevention av HIV kräver tydlig och relevant information och instruktioner från hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kunskap, attityder och utövande av HIV prevention bland invandrade burmesiska arbetare I Thailand, och jämföra dessa mellan kön. Metod: En beskrivande och jämförande tvärsnittsdesign med kvantitativ metod har använts. The Health belief model användes som teoretiskt ramverk. Data samlades in vid två fiskeindustrierna och deras hälsoklinik i Samut Sakorn provinsen, Bangkok, Thailand. Åttio invandrade arbetare deltog genom att besvara ett frågeformulär om KAP av HIV prevention. Resultat: De flesta invandrade burmesiska arbetarna hade hört talas om HIV/AIDS, och generellt hade kvinnorna bättre kunskap än männen. Mindre än 50% av männen rapporterade att det någonsin hade fått information om HIV. Det var en signifikant skillnad mellan könen i flera av påståendena om kunskap, attityder och utövande.  Slutsats: De manliga och kvinnliga invandrade burmesiska arbetarna hade olika kunskaper, attityder och utövande av HIV prevention. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen bör överväga genus och kultur vid tillhandahållande av interventionsprogram för invandrade arbetare.

A Research on the International Competitiveness of Taiwan's Ornamental Fish Industry

Ou, Mei-ju 14 July 2008 (has links)
Abstract The economic boost in the 1980s gave the ornamental fish industry a great opportunity to expand. However, in the 1990s Taiwan experienced a backlash in its local economy and stock market. The supply in the ornamental fish market was greater than the demand, and some importers started fish exporting businesses. Within only a few decades, Taiwan has become one of the major exporting countries of ornamental fish. Taiwan has long been reputed as the Kingdom of Cultivation. The cost for Taiwan fish farmers to raise food fish is higher than it is for fish farmers in other southeastern Asian locations. Taiwan has advanced technologies, but is losing ground in the market. Facing the challenges posed by globalization, ornamental fish is one of the few fish industries in which Taiwan has its niche. The research motivation is to find out how Taiwan can maintain its competitiveness in the global arena. Few websites, databases or research institutes provide a comprehensive introduction or analysis of the international competitiveness of ornamental fish industry. The information in open source is limited, fragmented and incoherent. In light of this situation, the research expects to systematically analyze Taiwan's and the global ornamental fish industries, and to determine the factors necessary for achieving success. Based on literature reviews, the research analyzes the major import and export countries of ornamental fish, and the information concerning Taiwan's ornamental fish industry. Key success factors of the industry include: (1) flight routes and shipment fare, (2) species of fish, (3) prices, (4) cultivation technology and quality, (5) the logistics management capability of exporters, (6) marketing, (7) service, and (8) government policies. Based on the key success factors, the research reaches a conclusion, and provides suggestions for government, exporters, and fish farms. It is expected that the ornamental fish industry in Taiwan will upgrade its international competitiveness. Keywords¡GOrnamental Fish Industry, Key Success Factors, International Competitiveness

Análise econômica de sistemas alternativos de produção de tilápias em tanques rede para diferentes mercados. / Economic analysis of alternative sistems of tilapia production in cage for differents markets.

Sonoda, Daniel Yokoyama 29 November 2002 (has links)
Os dados referentes ao setor pesqueiro no Brasil e no mundo mostram que tal recurso natural está bem próximo do limite máximo de exploração. A produção mundial de peixes, no entanto, continua apresentando contínuo crescimento. Este aumento tem sido obtido graças ao crescimento da aqüicultura que vem se mostrando a melhor alternativa para suprir a estagnação da produção pesqueira de captura. No Brasil, o quadro é bastante semelhante, pois nos últimos 20 anos a produção pesqueira nacional reduz sensivelmente. A redução só não é maior, graças ao crescimento gradativo da aqüicultura no País. Atualmente ela é responsável por 19% da produção nacional de pescados. A Região Sul e o Estado de São Paulo respondem por 71% dessa produção. Nestes Estados a criação de peixes de água doce, desenvolveu-se em função de uma atividade de lazer relacionada à pesca esportiva denominada pesque pague. Nos últimos anos, porém, a concorrência entre os piscicultores tem trazido dificuldades na comercialização junto a estes estabelecimentos. Dentre as principais dificuldades estão a redução dos preços pagos aos peixes e excessiva demora na colocação do produto no mercado. Estes fatos estão fazendo com que os piscicultores busquem alternativas para a colocação de seus peixes. Uma alternativa de mercado para este caso seria o mercados de peixes para alimentação. Porém nesse mercado existe a concorrência com os peixes da pesca extrativa. Ele é predominantemente dominado pela pesca extrativa que além de possuir maior dimensão, possui um número muito maior de espécies e já possui mercado cativo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a viabilidade econômica, do sistema atual de produção da tilápia, visando mercados alternativos à comercialização junto a pesque-pagues e de produtos processados. A partir dos resultados obtidos, são analisadas algumas alternativas tecnológicas no sistema de produção atual, buscando identificar aquela que proporciona maior rentabilidade. Além das adaptações dentro do sistema produtivo atual, o trabalho estuda o no sistema agroindustrial (SAG) da tilápia em um novo conceito de sistema de produção. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a biomassa econômica para a densidade de 236,3 peixes/m 3 foi de 173,66 kg/m 3 o que equivale a uma média de peso de 735 g/peixe. Observou-se também o peso inicial que maximiza a rentabilidade é de 280g ao preço de R$2,00/kg. Em seguida foram feitas análises de risco para três situações distintas: venda de peixes com peso médio superior ao indicado pela biomassa econômica; pesos de alevinos/juvenis distintos; e, simulação de uma situação de exportação. No primeiro caso verificou-se que, ao se trabalhar com uma biomassa superior a da econômica, os riscos de insucesso do projeto se elevam mais do que quando se trabalha com uma biomassa inferior à econômica. No segundo, ao se iniciar o ciclo de produção com peixes de 280 g, a probabilidade de se elevar a rentabilidade do projeto são superiores aos de se iniciar com peixes de 10 g. Finalmente, o estudo indica que no mercado internacional os riscos de insucesso são bastante semelhantes ao do mercado interno. / Recent data about the situation of fisheries in the World and in Brazil indicate some evidences that this resource is near to its maximum level of extraction capacity. However, the World fish production is in continuously increasing. Its growth has been supported by the increasing by aquaculture production, which seems to be the best alternative to the stagnation of fishery production. In Brazil, in the last 20 year, the situation has been very similar. The increase in aquaculture has compensated the reduction of fishery production, which is now responsible for 20% of the national fish production. The South Region and São Paulo State concentrate 71% of the national aquatic organisms production. The fresh water aquaculture in these States developed to attend the demand of live fish from the sportive fishing activity denominated "catch-and-pay". Recently, the increase in production and the competition between the fish farmers created some commercial troubles. Low prices and lack of demand are some of them. These kinds of obstacles have motivated the fish farmer to look for other market alternatives. The first one is the food market. However, the competition here is very hard from commercial fishing industry. They have large volumes and number of species and the consumers are used to them. Thus, this studies objectives is to economically evaluate the production of tilápia for market alternatives like the "catch-and-pay" and the processing industry. Also, analyze it some technological alternatives to the actual system of tilapia production looking for one that gives the highest profit. The proposal of the study is to suggest news concepts of tilapias production systems. The results show that for the system that uses 236,3 fish/m 3 , the economic biomass was 176,66 kg/m 3, with a medium weight of 735 g per fish. After that, different sizes of fingerlings were analyzed. It was found that the size that maximized the profit is 280 g per fish. The risk was estimated for 3 different cases: production until the biomass higher than highest profit; start the production with different sizes of fingerlings; and finally tilapias for exportation. In the first case, if the production is kept until biomass becomes higher than the economic one, the risk of loses is higher than if the farmer sell the fish at biomass lower than the economic. The probability of obtain higher profits is greater if the production starts with larger fingerlings (280 g versus 10 g). And, the probabilities of losses in the international market are similar to the domestic "catch-and-pay" market.

AquaEcoDesigns (AED):設計、安裝以及清潔維護淡水水族箱之商業企劃書 / AquaEcoDesigns (AED): Design, Installation and Maintenance of Fresh Water Aquariums

馬里奧, Chavez, Mario Unknown Date (has links)
Fish keeping, in tanks or aquariums, dates back to Sumerians, ancient Romans and ancient Chinese civilizations. Fish keeping and rearing has evolved into what is collectively known as aquaculture, ornamental fish aquaculture has evolved to be collectively known as Ornamental Fish Industry. Worldwide Ornamental Fish Industry has been estimated to be worth some 15 billion US dollars. Asian Countries are major players in this field, contributing roughly 56 % of total export industry value in 2007. Taiwan’s modest contribution of about 1 % to global share seems very small; however, industry has been steadily growing 10 % in recent years to the point where it has been included among major industries for development within the National Development Plan. Taiwanese Ornamental Fish Industry is very diverse and has tremendous importance for economic development. Profiting from substantial development of this industry in Taiwan and free trade agreements between the R.O.C (Taiwan) and the Republic of Nicaragua, this paper proposes the creation of a novel business model to Design, Install and provide Maintenance services for fresh water natural aquariums using state of the art technology imported from Taiwan. The concept involves creating a unique decorative feature in the form of an aquascaped aquarium in places such as shopping malls, bank offices, clinics and hospitals, law offices and private residences. This new décor feature will beautify open living spaces to create a relaxing and calming environment for observers. Health benefits of owning an aquarium will be pointed out to customers, possible traffic increase to shopping malls, due to new attraction, will bring economic benefits to established stores. Maintenance service is a key factor to the success of business model as it will guarantee long run success of aquarium and will guarantee sustainability of business model.

Análise econômica de sistemas alternativos de produção de tilápias em tanques rede para diferentes mercados. / Economic analysis of alternative sistems of tilapia production in cage for differents markets.

Daniel Yokoyama Sonoda 29 November 2002 (has links)
Os dados referentes ao setor pesqueiro no Brasil e no mundo mostram que tal recurso natural está bem próximo do limite máximo de exploração. A produção mundial de peixes, no entanto, continua apresentando contínuo crescimento. Este aumento tem sido obtido graças ao crescimento da aqüicultura que vem se mostrando a melhor alternativa para suprir a estagnação da produção pesqueira de captura. No Brasil, o quadro é bastante semelhante, pois nos últimos 20 anos a produção pesqueira nacional reduz sensivelmente. A redução só não é maior, graças ao crescimento gradativo da aqüicultura no País. Atualmente ela é responsável por 19% da produção nacional de pescados. A Região Sul e o Estado de São Paulo respondem por 71% dessa produção. Nestes Estados a criação de peixes de água doce, desenvolveu-se em função de uma atividade de lazer relacionada à pesca esportiva denominada pesque pague. Nos últimos anos, porém, a concorrência entre os piscicultores tem trazido dificuldades na comercialização junto a estes estabelecimentos. Dentre as principais dificuldades estão a redução dos preços pagos aos peixes e excessiva demora na colocação do produto no mercado. Estes fatos estão fazendo com que os piscicultores busquem alternativas para a colocação de seus peixes. Uma alternativa de mercado para este caso seria o mercados de peixes para alimentação. Porém nesse mercado existe a concorrência com os peixes da pesca extrativa. Ele é predominantemente dominado pela pesca extrativa que além de possuir maior dimensão, possui um número muito maior de espécies e já possui mercado cativo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a viabilidade econômica, do sistema atual de produção da tilápia, visando mercados alternativos à comercialização junto a pesque-pagues e de produtos processados. A partir dos resultados obtidos, são analisadas algumas alternativas tecnológicas no sistema de produção atual, buscando identificar aquela que proporciona maior rentabilidade. Além das adaptações dentro do sistema produtivo atual, o trabalho estuda o no sistema agroindustrial (SAG) da tilápia em um novo conceito de sistema de produção. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a biomassa econômica para a densidade de 236,3 peixes/m 3 foi de 173,66 kg/m 3 o que equivale a uma média de peso de 735 g/peixe. Observou-se também o peso inicial que maximiza a rentabilidade é de 280g ao preço de R$2,00/kg. Em seguida foram feitas análises de risco para três situações distintas: venda de peixes com peso médio superior ao indicado pela biomassa econômica; pesos de alevinos/juvenis distintos; e, simulação de uma situação de exportação. No primeiro caso verificou-se que, ao se trabalhar com uma biomassa superior a da econômica, os riscos de insucesso do projeto se elevam mais do que quando se trabalha com uma biomassa inferior à econômica. No segundo, ao se iniciar o ciclo de produção com peixes de 280 g, a probabilidade de se elevar a rentabilidade do projeto são superiores aos de se iniciar com peixes de 10 g. Finalmente, o estudo indica que no mercado internacional os riscos de insucesso são bastante semelhantes ao do mercado interno. / Recent data about the situation of fisheries in the World and in Brazil indicate some evidences that this resource is near to its maximum level of extraction capacity. However, the World fish production is in continuously increasing. Its growth has been supported by the increasing by aquaculture production, which seems to be the best alternative to the stagnation of fishery production. In Brazil, in the last 20 year, the situation has been very similar. The increase in aquaculture has compensated the reduction of fishery production, which is now responsible for 20% of the national fish production. The South Region and São Paulo State concentrate 71% of the national aquatic organisms production. The fresh water aquaculture in these States developed to attend the demand of live fish from the sportive fishing activity denominated "catch-and-pay". Recently, the increase in production and the competition between the fish farmers created some commercial troubles. Low prices and lack of demand are some of them. These kinds of obstacles have motivated the fish farmer to look for other market alternatives. The first one is the food market. However, the competition here is very hard from commercial fishing industry. They have large volumes and number of species and the consumers are used to them. Thus, this studies objectives is to economically evaluate the production of tilápia for market alternatives like the "catch-and-pay" and the processing industry. Also, analyze it some technological alternatives to the actual system of tilapia production looking for one that gives the highest profit. The proposal of the study is to suggest news concepts of tilapias production systems. The results show that for the system that uses 236,3 fish/m 3 , the economic biomass was 176,66 kg/m 3, with a medium weight of 735 g per fish. After that, different sizes of fingerlings were analyzed. It was found that the size that maximized the profit is 280 g per fish. The risk was estimated for 3 different cases: production until the biomass higher than highest profit; start the production with different sizes of fingerlings; and finally tilapias for exportation. In the first case, if the production is kept until biomass becomes higher than the economic one, the risk of loses is higher than if the farmer sell the fish at biomass lower than the economic. The probability of obtain higher profits is greater if the production starts with larger fingerlings (280 g versus 10 g). And, the probabilities of losses in the international market are similar to the domestic "catch-and-pay" market.

Adoption of Sustainable Packaging Solutions for the Fish Industry : A case study on a corrugated cardboard packaging solution for fresh fish / Adoption av Hållbara Förpackningslösningar för Fiskindustrin : En fallstudie på en wellpapp förpackningslösning för färsk fisk

Kopp, Andreas, Falconer, Robin January 2020 (has links)
The rapid development of plastic production the last couple of decades has led to extensive use of plastic products and vast problems with littering, waste management and exploitation of natural resources. Due to the cheap and easy production of plastics, the world’s population has extended the limit of acceptable usage. The world’s oceans are filled with plastic debris and waste is landfilled, which have had large impacts on the ecosystem, animal and human life (World Environment Day Outlook, 2018). One of the industries that have been revolutionised by the development of plastic advancement is the packaging industry, where products can be protected and quality can be kept, helping globalisation and developing the modern economy (UNEP, 2018). However, due to the lack of waste management systems and recycling facilities for plastics, the world’s population is demanding change. The United Nations have developed the Sustainability Goals and issued The New Plastics Economy, where governments, citizens and regulatory institutions are to work towards a circular economy (The New Plastics Economy, 2019). The demands are addressed towards whole value chains, from production to end-use, and include waste minimising, material optimisation, increase of recyclability, and the development of sustainable alternatives. The fish industry has historically been limited to a few packaging options and expanded polystyrene (EPS) has been the least inferior one when packaging fresh fish for transportation and keeping the quality of the fish. EPS has great material properties for this purpose, however, with the sustainability transition and increasing demands from consumers, the material is regarded as unsustainable with limited availability and profitability to recycle (Hansen et al., 2012). This master thesis aims to investigate if there are sustainable packaging solutions for fresh fish and how these could be adopted by the fish industry. This was done by conducting a qualitative case study on an alternative packaging solution made from corrugated cardboard. Stakeholders from the whole fish value chain were interviewed in order to understand the value perception of existing and alternative packaging solutions for fresh fish. The findings have been analysed using innovation adoption theory together with a sustainability framework. This in order to understand the adoption behaviour of innovative sustainable packaging solutions, and the sustainability impact of these with regards to environmental, social and economic aspects. The study has identified two packaging solutions, develop recycling systems for EPS and fish boxes made from corrugated cardboard, that the fish industry should consider adopting. The two identified packaging solutions have different diffusion possibilities, where the corrugated cardboard fish box is considered as the most sustainable solution. / Den snabba utvecklingen av plastproduktion de senaste decennierna har lett till en omfattande användning av plastprodukter, vilket har medfört problem som nedskräpning, ökad avfallshantering och överdriven användning av naturresurser. På grund av billig och enkel tillverkning av plast har världens befolkning överskridit gränsen för acceptabel användning. Världens hav är fyllda med spillror av plast och avfall deponeras, vilket har haft stora effekter på ekosystemet och djur- och människoliv (World Environment Day Outlook, 2018). En av branscherna som har revolutionerats av utvecklingen av plast är förpackningsindustrin, där plasten bidrar till att produkter kan skyddas och kvalitet kan bevaras, vilket har hjälpt globaliseringen och utvecklat den moderna ekonomin (UNEP, 2018). På grund av bristen på avfallshanteringssystem och återvinningsanläggningar för plast kräver dock världens befolkning förändring. FN har utvecklat hållbarhetsmål och utfärdat The New Plastics Economy, där regeringar, människor och tillsynsinstitutioner ska arbeta för en cirkulär ekonomi (The New Plastics Economy, 2019). Kraven riktas mot hela värdekedjor, från produktion till slutanvändning, och inkluderar avfallsminimering, materialoptimering, ökad återvinningsbarhet och utveckling av hållbara alternativ. Fiskindustrin har historiskt sett varit begränsad till att använda materialet expanderad polystyren (EPS) vid förpackning av färsk fisk för transport och för att behålla fiskens kvalitet. Detta material har bra materialegenskaper för dessa ändamål, men med hållbarhetsövergången och ökade krav från konsumenter anses materialet vara ohållbart med begränsad tillgänglighet och lönsamhet att återvinna (Hansen et al., 2012). Denna masteruppsats syftar till att undersöka om det finns hållbara förpackningslösningar för färsk fisk och hur dessa bör anammas av fiskindustrin. Detta gjordes genom att genomföra en kvalitativ fallstudie av en alternativ förpackningslösning gjord av wellpapp. Intressenter från fiskens hela värdekedja intervjuades för att förstå värdesynen på befintliga och alternativa förpackningslösningar för färsk fisk. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av innovations teori, tillsammans med ett hållbarhetsramverk. Detta för att förstå adoptionsbeteendet för innovativa hållbara förpackningslösningar och hållbarhetspåverkan av dessa när det gäller miljö, samt sociala och ekonomiska aspekter. Studien har identifierat två förpackningslösningar; ett utvecklat återvinningssystem för EPS och fisklådor tillverkade av wellpapp, som fiskindustrin bör överväga att anamma. De två identifierade lösningarna har olika diffusionsmöjligheter, där wellpappfisklåda betraktas som den mest hållbara lösningen.

Análise da vantagem comparativa revelada do pescado, camarão e lagosta de 200 a 2011 no Brasil e Mundo

Lang, Jaime Ivan 13 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-12-15T13:02:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaime Ivan Lang_.pdf: 1041459 bytes, checksum: d4f6acdd0fa136b94ec32ef2a93eea86 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-15T13:02:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaime Ivan Lang_.pdf: 1041459 bytes, checksum: d4f6acdd0fa136b94ec32ef2a93eea86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-13 / Nenhuma / A importância dos pescados no mundo justifica-se pela importância estratégica cada vez maior que os alimentos terão no estabelecimento de vantagens comparativas entre os países, a partir da projeção de que, em 2050, a população do planeta deverá alcançar 9,6 bilhões de pessoas. O presente trabalho tem, como objetivo, analisar dois segmentos do setor de pescado brasileiro e mundial - lagosta e camarão -, a partir da vantagem comparativa revelada entre os anos de 2000 e 2011. Qualquer setor produtivo de um país pode tornar-se competitivo quando comparado ao resto do mundo, a partir da abundância de um fator de produção ou de diferenças de produtividade. Embora, em tese, essa vantagem seja possível, para se chegar a ela tem-se que cotizar o setor produtivo em questão com outros países que, porventura, busquem as mesmas vantagens, o que foi feito nesta dissertação, através de certos índices do comércio internacional. Segundo o índice de vantagem comparada revelada (VCR), a lagosta brasileira tem pouca penetração no mercado externo. Pelo índice de intensidade de comércio, a França e os Estados Unidos aparecem como mercados ainda a serem explorados pela lagosta e pelo camarão brasileiro, respectivamente. Pelo índice intraindustrial, o camarão mostra intenso comércio com alguns mercados, conquista a ser mantida diante de novos players no segmento. / The significance of seafood in the world is justified by the increasing strategic importance in which food will play in the foundation of competitive advantages between countries, based on the projection that by 2050 the global population will reach 9.6 billion people. The present study sought to analyze two segments of the Brazilian and global seafood industry, both lobster and shrimp, considering the comparative advantage revealed between the years 2003 and 2013. Each and every productive sector of a country may become more competitive when compared to the rest of the world, basing on the abundance of certain factors of production or productivity differences. Although this advantage may be possible in theory, in order to achieve it, one must quote the productive sector in question with the other countries that perhaps pursue the same advantages, what has been done on this dissertation. According to the index of revealed comparative advantages, the Brazilian lobster has small penetration in the external market. Through the trade intensity index, France and the United States appear as markets yet to be explored by the commerce of Brazilian lobster and shrimp. Through the Intra-industry index, the shrimp shows intense commercial trade with some markets, an achievement to be sustained against the new players in the segment.

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