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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apolipoprotein A-V: A Novel Liver-gut Signal Protein that Regulates the Production of Chylomicrons

Zhang, Linda S. 11 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Efficacy of New Diagnostic Parameters for Determining Arteriovenous Fistula Functionality: A Numerical Study

Subramony Anantha, Krishna 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Stigmatization and VVF-HIV/AIDS among young adults females : a critical pastoral assessment of the role of the ECWA (Evangelical Church West Africa)

Abraham, Yisa Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the problem of VVF-HIV/AIDS, stigmatization, the threat to the human dignity of women and the role of the church, with specific reference to the role of Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). In order to show this, models of practical theology methodology were used as theoretical and methodological basis for the study. Practical theology is as a study area deals with the praxis of God, i.e. salvific and eschatological involvement and engagement with the trajectories of human lives and the suffering of human beings. Within the context of theological reflection, it involves man’s attempt to express and portray the presence and will of God in such a way that meaning in life and comfort is contextually disclosed and discovered (Louw, 2008:71). Having established the latter, the focus falls firstly on the description of the conditions addressed in the study about VVF-HIV/AIDS and its prevalence in Northern Nigeria. A detailed contextual study also shows that a variety of factors impact negatively on the status and well-being of women in the area. Traditional, cultural, economic, political and religious factors are either uniquely applicable to or aggravate the status and well-being of the subjects of the research, namely women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS in Northern Nigeria. It specifically involves the social and political context in which they live. It also shows that the existence and extent of these factors increase the vulnerability of women to contracting the HIV as well as VVF. The extent to which these factors, in combination with the latter conditions specifically promote the stigmatization of these women and the forms such stigmatization takes are also explored. Moving on to the issue of human dignity: a historical overview is given of the concept and it is defined for the purposes of the study. The extent to which the human dignity is affected in the study area is then investigated in light of their context, with particular reference to the women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS. It is concluded that the stigmatization to which the VVF-HIV/AIDS sufferers in Northern Nigeria are subjected, indeed constitutes a serious threat to their human dignity. In answering the question of whether the church (ECWA) has a responsibility towards these women and to address the issue of their stigmatization, two pastoral theological perspectives were used, that of the nature of the church and that of the concept of human dignity from a theological perspective. According to this perspective human beings have been created in the image of God. Having established that, on theological grounds, such a responsibility exists, a possible pastoral theological model for addressing the issue of the stigmatization of women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS was proposed. The church’s response to the challenge of VVF-HIV/AIDS is to come from its deepest theological convictions about the nature of creation, the unshakeable fidelity of God’s love, the nature of creation, the nature of the body of Christ and the reality of Christian hope. The creation narrative, which affirms that humanity is created in the image of God, links human beings to the love of God, which is modelled in the incarnation of Jesus. Moving on to the data analysis, the extent of the challenges of VVF-HIV/AIDS sufferers and the level of knowledge of the pastors of the subject of the stigmatization of young adult females sufferers of VVF-HIV/AIDS and their treatment of the issue were evident. Finally, recommendations were drawn up in order to provide basic understanding and awareness to ECWA on how to objectively address the problem of VVF-HIV/AIDS in Northern Nigeria. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die probleem van VVF-HIV/AIDS, stigmatisering, die bedreiging van die menslike waardigheid van vroue en die rol van die kerk (ECWA). Om dit aan te toon, word die model van die praktiese teologie metodologie gebruik as 'n teoretiese en metodologiese basis vir die studie. Praktiese teologie handel oor die praxis van God, d.w.s. die verlossingsboodskap en eskatologiese betrokkenheid by en verbintenis met die trajekte van die menslike lewe en die lyding van die mens. Binne die konteks van teologiese refleksie, d.w.s. die menslike poging om aan 'n beeld van die teenwoordigheid en wil van God op so 'n manier uitdrukking te gee, word die betekenis daarvan in die lewe en troos kontekstueel geopenbaar en ontdek (Louw, 2008:71). Na laasgenoemde val die fokus eers op die beskrywing van die voorwaardes in die studie oor VVF-HIV/AIDS en die voorkoms daarvan in die noorde van Nigerië. ’n Gedetailleerde kontekstuele studie toon ook dat 'n verskeidenheid negatiewe faktore ‘n impak op die status en die welsyn van vroue in die area het. Tradisionele, kulturele, ekonomiese, politieke en godsdienstige faktore waarvan 'n paar óf uniek van toepassing is óf ‘n verswarende effek het op die navorsingskonteks van vroue wat in die noorde van Nigerië aan VVF-HIV/AIDS ly en spesifiek op die sosiale, politieke konteks waarin hulle leef. Daar word ook aangetoon dat die bestaan en omvang van hierdie faktore die vatbaarheid van vroue vir die kontraktering van die MIV-virus sowel as VVF, verhoog. Daar word ook gekyk na die wyse waarop hierdie faktore in kombinasie met bogenoemde voorwaardes spesifiek die bevordering van die stigmatisering van hierdie vroue teweegbring en na die vorme wat hierdie stigmatisering aanneem. Die kwessie van menslike waardigheid word ondersoek deur 'n historiese oorsig van die konsep te gee. Dit word vir die doeleindes van die studie gedefinieer. Die mate waarin menslike waardigheid in die studiearea ‘n rol speel, met spesifieke klem op die konteks van vroue wat ly aan VVF-HIV/AIDS, word ook nagegaan. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die menswaardigheid van die VVF-HIV/AIDS lyers in die noorde van Nigerië tot 'n groot mate in die lig van die stigmatisering hulle aan onderwerp word, aangetas word. Ter beantwoording van die vraag of die kerk (ECWA) 'n verantwoordelikheid teenoor hierdie vroue het om hul stigmatisering aan te spreek, word twee pastorale teologiese perspektiewe gebruik: dié van die aard van die kerk en van die konsep van menswaardigheid vanuit 'n teologiese perspektief waarvolgens die mens na die beeld van God geskep is. Nadat vasgestel is dat, op teologiese gronde, so 'n verantwoordelikheid wel bestaan, word 'n moontlike pastorale teologiese model vir die aanspreek van die kwessie van die stigmatisering van vroue wat ly aan VVF-HIV/AIDS voorgestel. Die kerk se reaksie op die uitdaging van VVF-HIV/AIDS spruit uit sy diepste teologiese oortuigings oor die onwrikbare getrouheid van God se liefde, die aard van die skepping, die aard van die liggaam van Christus en die werklikheid van die Christelike hoop. Die skeppingsverhaal, wat bevestig dat die mensdom in die beeld van God geskep is, verbind die mens aan die liefde van God, wat in die inkarnasie van Jesus gemodelleer word. Daar word dan beweeg na die data-analise, die omvang van die uitdagings van VVF-HIV/AIDS lyers en die vlak van kennis van die pastore oor die onderwerp van die stigmatisering van die jong volwasse vroulike lyers aan VVF-HIV/AIDS en hulle behandeling van die probleem. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gemaak ten einde basiese begrip/bewustheid te verskaf oor hoe die ECWA die probleem van VVF-HIV/AIDS in die noorde van Nigerië objektief kan aanspreek.

The image‑based preoperative fistula risk score (preFRS) predicts postoperative pancreatic fistula in patients undergoing pancreatic head resection

Kolbinger, Fiona R., Lambrecht, Julia, Leger, Stefan, Ittermann, Till, Speidel, Stefanie, Weitz, Jürgen, Hoffmann, Ralf‑Thorsten, Distler, Marius, Kühn, Jens‑Peter 06 June 2024 (has links)
Clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula (CR-POPF) is a common severe surgical complication after pancreatic surgery. Current risk stratification systems mostly rely on intraoperatively assessed factors like manually determined gland texture or blood loss. We developed a preoperatively available image-based risk score predicting CR-POPF as a complication of pancreatic head resection. Frequency of CR-POPF and occurrence of salvage completion pancreatectomy during the hospital stay were associated with an intraoperative surgical (sFRS) and image-based preoperative CT-based (rFRS) fistula risk score, both considering pancreatic gland texture, pancreatic duct diameter and pathology, in 195 patients undergoing pancreatic head resection. Based on its association with fistula-related outcome, radiologically estimated pancreatic remnant volume was included in a preoperative (preFRS) score for POPF risk stratification. Intraoperatively assessed pancreatic duct diameter (p < 0.001), gland texture (p < 0.001) and high-risk pathology (p < 0.001) as well as radiographically determined pancreatic duct diameter (p < 0.001), gland texture (p < 0.001), high-risk pathology (p = 0.001), and estimated pancreatic remnant volume (p < 0.001) correlated with the risk of CR-POPF development. PreFRS predicted the risk of CR-POPF development (AUC = 0.83) and correlated with the risk of rescue completion pancreatectomy. In summary, preFRS facilitates preoperative POPF risk stratification in patients undergoing pancreatic head resection, enabling individualized therapeutic approaches and optimized perioperative management.

Estudo comparativo de diferentes formas de protecao em modelo de fistula bronquica em ratos

Schneider, Airton January 1995 (has links)
Os autores apresentam os resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento de um modelo experimental de fístula brônquica e na comparação de diferentes formas de proteção no modelo de fístula brônquica desenvolvido. Para isso, foram utilizados ratos submetidos a pneumonectomia esquerda e o coto brônquico protegido com músculo intercostal ou gordura pericárdica pediculados. Os resultados demonstraram ser possível o desenvolvimento de um modelo de fístula brônquica em ratos com 65% de confiança e que não há diferença estatística (p>0,05) entre tecidos utilizados na proteção brônquica, desde que sejam pediculados. / The authors present the resulte obtained after the development of an experimental model of bronchíal fistula and the comparison among different forms of post-pneumonectomy bronchial fistula protection. In order to achieve 'ha',were used rats that undergone left pneumonectomy whose bronchial stump was protected with either pedided muscle or pedicled fat. The results showed that it was possible to develop a bronchial fistula model with 65% of certainty and there was no slatistical difference (p>0,05) among the tissues used for bronchial protection, once they were pedicled.

Fístula após palatoplastia primária de acordo com a cirurgia plástica e fonaudiologia / Fístula after primary palatoplasty according to plastic surgery and speech pathology

Jacob, Mahyara Francini 25 January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Identificar a frequência das fístulas após a palatoplastia primária dos pacientes com fissura transforame unilateral do Estudo Clínico Randomizado (ECR) - Projeto Flórida (PF), de acordo com dados registrados pelos profissionais de Cirurgia plástica (CP) e Fonoaudiologia (FGA); descrever a terminologia utilizada pelos profissionais ao reportar a localização das fístulas e descrever o tamanho, a sintomatologia e o gerenciamento destas complicações; e verificar a concordância entre as áreas da CP e FGA quanto às informações sobre presença e localização das fístulas em relação ao forame incisivo (pré ou pós-forame incisivo). Métodos: Foram analisados 466 prontuários de pacientes com fissura transforame unilateral não sindrômica e operada. Os dados quanto a presença de fístula, a localização, o tamanho e a sintomatologia, foram compilados e analisados, de modo descritivo, em duas janelas de tempo. O primeiro tempo abrangeu todos os registros datados até três anos após a realização da palatoplastia primária e o segundo tempo abrangeu os registros durante e após a expansão rápida da maxila (ERM). Comparou-se os achados com uma classificação Padrão Ouro das fístulas no ECR-PF, verificando o nível de concordância entre as informações registradas pela CP e FGA (Estatística Kappa). Resultados: A área da CP reportou um total de 117 (25,1%) fístulas, enquanto a FGA reportou 171 (36,7%), comparados às 164 (35,2%) fístulas identificadas na classificação Padrão Ouro. Combinando as duas áreas, obteve-se um total de 184 (39,5%) casos de fístulas, sendo que 104 (56,5%) foram registradas por ambas as áreas, 67 (36,4%) foram identificadas apenas nas documentações da FGA e 13 (7,1%) somente nos registros da CP. Quanto ao tamanho, dos 104 casos com esta informação, a maioria foi classificada como fístula de tamanho pequeno (N=50; 48%). A sintomatologia mais reportada nos 184 casos foi o refluxo nasal de alimentos em 125 (68%), seguido do escape de ar nasal em 62 (33,6%) e hipernasalidade em 56 (30,4%). Durante a análise do segundo tempo deste estudo (ERM), observou-se um total de 50 (14%) casos de fístulas em 359 pacientes que realizaram esse tratamento ortopédico, sendo que 39 (78%) destas fístulas foram localizadas em região pré-forame incisivo. Quanto ao tamanho, a maioria foi classificada como fístula de tamanho pequeno (N=25; 50%) e a sintomatologia mais encontrada foi o escape de ar nasal em 29 (58%). Tanto no primeiro, quanto no segundo tempo de análise, observou-se o uso de terminologia variada entre as duas áreas, aspecto este que dificultou a classificação da localização das fístulas em relação forame incisivo. Obteve-se uma concordância moderada entre a classificação Padrão Ouro e os dados reportados no prontuário pelo CP (Kappa = 0,32) e uma concordância substancial entre a classificação Padrão Ouro e os dados reportados no prontuário pela FGA (Kappa = 0,63). Conclusão: Com base no levantamento dos registros cirúrgicos e fonoaudiológicos, os dados encontrados indicaram uma concordância moderada e substancial entre as áreas em relação ao Padrão Ouro. Dessa forma, fica claro a necessidade de se estabelecer e validar um protocolo para a utilização em rotina clínica e multiprofissional. / Purpose: To identify the frequency of fistulas after primary palatoplasty of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate at a Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) - Florida Project (FP), according to the data registered in patients records by the areas of Plastic surgery (PS) and Speech-language pathology (SLP); to describe the terminology used by this professionals to record the location of the fistulas, as well as to describe the size, symptoms and management of these complications; and to verify the agreement between the areas of PS and SLP regarding the presence and location of fistula in relation with the incisive foramen (pre- or post-foramen). Methods: A total of 466 medical records of patients with unilateral, nonsyndromic and operated cleft lip and palate were analyzed. The data about presence of fistula, location, size and symptoms, were compiled and analyzed descriptively considering two time-windows regarding the primary palatoplasty. The first window included all data registered up to three years after the primary palatoplasty, and the second window included data registered during and after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). The findings were compared to a Gold Standard classification of fistula from the RCT, with the verification of the level of agreement (Kappa Statistics) between the information recorded by the two areas. Results: A total of 117 (25,1%) fistulas were reported by the PS while 171 (36,7%) were reported by the SLP area compared to 164 (35,2%) fistulas identified with the RCT-Gold Standard classification. A total of 184 (39,5%) cases of fistula was indicated, and 104 (56,5%) were recorded in both areas, 67 (36,4%) were recorded only in the SP and 13 (7,1%) were identified only in CP records. Considering the 104 cases with information regarding fistula size, most were classified as small (N=50, 48%). The most common symptom reported for the 184 cases with fistula was nasal regurgitation in 125 cases (68%), followed by nasal air escape in 62 (33,6%) and hypernasality in 56 (30,4%). A total of 50 (14%) fistulas were identified for the 359 patients who received rapid maxillary expansion (RME), and 39 (78,0%) fistulas were located prior to the incisive foramen. The most of fistulas were classified as small (N=25, 50%) and the most common symptom reported was nasal air escape in 29 cases (58%). On the first and second time-window, a large variation was found regarding terminology used by both areas to refer to fistula, making it very difficult to classify the location regarding to the incisive foramen. The agreement between the Gold Standard classification of fistula and the findings reported by the PS was moderate (Kappa = 0,32) while it was substantial for the SLP (Kappa = 0,63). Conclusion: Based on the survey of surgical and speech records, the data found indicated a moderate and substantial agreement between the findings regarding fistula occurrence reported by the areas of PS and SLP when compared to the Gold Standard classification for the RCT-FP. Thereby, it is clear the need to establish and validate a protocol for use in clinical and multidisciplinary routine.

A diminuição da perfusão e o dano isquêmico do subendocárdico resultam em disfunção do ventrículo esquerdo na fase aguda da fístula aorto-cava / Low myocardial perfusion and subendocardial ischemia result in left ventricular dysfunction during the acute phase of aortocaval fistula

Mazzo, Flávia Regina Ruppert 12 December 2011 (has links)
Recentemente demonstramos o desenvolvimento de fibrose na região subendocárdica (SE) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) em resposta a sobrecarga de volume na fístula aorto-cava (FAC) crônica. A pressão de perfusão coronariana (PPC) associou-se com fibrose SE e com disfunção do VE subsequentes, sugerindo ser o hipofluxo um dos mecanismos envolvidos no remodelamento ventricular.O remodelamento agudo do VE após FAC ainda é desconhecido. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a perfusão e o remodelamento cardíaco nas fases agudas após FAC e as possíveis implicações resultantes sobre a função do VE. Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a cirurgia fictícia (sham) ou a FAC e examinados em 3 períodos de seguimento: 1, 3 e 7 dias. Medidas hemodinâmicas sistêmicas e do VE foram realizadas para calcular a PPC e determinar a função do VE. Cortes teciduais do coração foram submetidos à coloração com HE e Sirius red. A necrose de miócitos, o infiltrado leucocitário e a fração de volume de colágeno foram determinados. O fluxo miocárdico, estimado por microesferas coloridas, a atividade de mieloperoxidase (MPO), a expressão de citocinas e a atividade de metaloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) foram determinados ao final de cada seguimento, todos examinados em duas regiões distintas do VE: SE e não SE. Comparados a sham, os grupos FAC apresentaram (média ± desvio-padrão, P <0,05) menores pressões sistêmicas no dia 1 (PAS: 116±6 vs. 88±17; PAD: 84±13 vs. 51±19 mm Hg/s), no dia 3 (PAS: 121±4 vs. 83±28; PAD: 92±5 vs. 46±21 mm Hg/s) e no dia 7 (PAS: 122±6 vs. 96±21; PAD: 93±6 vs. 66±21 mm Hg/s); maior pressão diastólica final do VE no dia 1 (7±3 vs. 15±6 mm Hg/s), no dia 3 (7±3 vs. 18±3 mm Hg/s) e no dia 7 (7±3 vs. 18±5 mmHg/s); menor PPC no dia 1 (77±14 vs. 37±18 mmHg/s), no dia 3 (86±5 vs. 29±20 mmHg/s) e no dia 7 (86±6 vs. 48±19 mmHg/s). Menor função sistólica e diastólica do VE no dia 1 (+dP/dt: 7898±4045 vs. 5828±2262; -dP/dt:. 6626±1717 vs 4728±863 mmHg/s) e no dia 7 (+dP/dt: 7924±2317 vs. 4564±2044; -dP/dt: 6435±1302 vs. 4750±1442 mmHg/s). Houve maior necrose de miócitos no dia 1 no SE (114±5 vs. 208±8) e no não SE (27±3 vs. 42±10) e no dia 3 no SE (82±12 vs. 148±31) e no não SE (21±3 vs. 31±6); maior infiltrado leucocitário no dia 1 no SE (48±5 vs. 84±13) e no não SE (33±4 vs. 40±6), no dia 3 no SE (48±10 vs. 117±13) e no não SE (41±6 vs. 65±8) e no dia 7 no SE (33±5 vs. 50±6) e no não SE (27±6 vs. 38±7); maior fibroplasia no dia 3 no SE (11± 2,6 vs 26±10) e no dia 7 no SE (11±2,3 vs 47±11); maior fibrose no dia 1 no não SE (1,2±0,2 vs. 1,7±0,5), no dia 3 no SE (1,7±0,3 vs. 5,4±0,1) e no não SE (1,4±0,3 vs. 1,8±0,3) e no dia 7 no SE (1,8±0,4 vs. 10,3±2,3) e no não SE (1,7±0,1 vs. 2,8±0,7). O fluxo miocárdico total no dia 7 foi menor, mais intensamente no SE do que no não SE (6.7±1.2 vs. 2.7±1.6 e 7.5±1.3 vs. 4.8±2.6 mL/min/g). Houve maiores níveis de IL-1 no SE e não SE no dia 1 (1050±145 vs. 4225±792 e 1070±138 vs. 4084±359 pg/mg); de TNF- no SE no dia 3 (1415±447 vs. 2037±200 e 1387±279 vs. 1412±301 pg/mg) e IL-6 no SE no dia 7 (3499±397 vs. 4955±429 e 3653±331 vs. 4297±743 pg/mg). No grupo FAC, os animais com PPC <60 mmHg comparados àqueles com PPC >60 mmHg apresentaram maior atividade de MMP-2 no SE e no não SE no dia 1 (69.1±7 e 66.1±7.0 vs. 13.2±4.0 e 11.2±3.4 %), no SE no dia 3 (104.7±39.5 e 22.3±9.0 vs. 26.3±11.3 e 11.5±2.7 %) e no SE do dia 7 (60.5±12.7 e 48.7±4.2 vs. 29.2±8.0 e 6.7±5.8 %). A PPC apresentou correlação direta e significativa com o fluxo do SE (R=0,65), e com o fluxo do não SE (R= 0,62). O fluxo do SE, porém não o do não SE, apresentou correlação direta e significativa tanto com a +dP/dt (R=0,62) quanto com a dP/dt (R=0,67). A PPC apresentou correlação inversa e significativa com a MMP-2 no dia 1 (R=0,86), no dia 3 (R=0,88) e no dia 7 (R=0,93). O remodelamento cardíaco após FAC aguda caracteriza-se por dano isquêmico no SE, resultante da queda da perfusão e implica em disfunção precoce do VE. / Recently, we have demonstrated that fibrosis develops within the subendocardial region (SE) of the left ventricle (LV) in response to chronic volume overload following aortocaval fistula (ACF). Initially low coronary driving pressure (CDP) was associated with subsequent SE fibrosis and LV dysfunction, suggesting that prior low myocardial perfusion may be one of the mechanisms involved in LV remodeling. This study aimed at investigating the role of myocardial blood flow (MBF) in the development of LV remodeling, particularly within SE, during the acute phases of ACF. Wistar rats were submitted to sham (SH) or ACF operations and examined after 1, 3, and 7 days. Apart from haemodynamics, histology (HE- and Sirius red-stained tissue sections), microsphere MBF, and biochemical studies were undertaken in two different LV myocardial regions: SE and non-SE. Compared with SH, ACF showed (mean±S.D.) lower systemic and higher LV end-diastolic pressures resulting in lower CDP at days 1 (77±14 vs. 37±18 mmHg/s), 3 (86±5 vs. 29±20 mmHg/s), and 7 (86±6 vs. 48±19 mmHg/s) with lower systolic and diastolic LV function at days 1 (+dP/dt: 7898±4045 vs. 5828±2262; -dP/dt:. 6626±1717 vs 4728±863 mmHg/s), and 7 (+dP/dt: 7924±2317 vs. 4564±2044; -dP/dt: 6435±1302 vs. 4750±1442 mmHg/s). There was a higher number of myocyte necrotic cells (cells/mm2) within SE (114±5 vs. 208±8) and non-SE (27±3 vs. 42±10) at day 1, and within SE (82±12 vs. 148±31) and non-SE (21±3 vs. 31±6) at day 3; a higher number of leukocyte cells within SE (48±5 vs. 84±13) and non-SE (33±4 vs. 40±6) at day 1, within SE (48±10 vs. 117±13) and non-SE (41±6 vs. 65±8) at day 3, and within SE (33±5 vs. 50±6) and non-SE (27±6 vs. 38±7) at day 7; a greater fibroplasia within SE (11± 2,6 vs 26±10) at day 3, and within SE (11±2,3 vs 47±11) at day 7; a greater fibrosis deposition within SE (1,7±0,3 vs. 5,4±0,1%) and non-SE (1,4±0,3 vs. 1,8±0,3%) at day 3, and within SE (1,8±0,4 vs. 10,3±2,3%) and non-SE (1,7±0,1 vs. 2,8±0,7%) at day 7. Compared with controls, ACF showed increased IL-1 levels within SE and non-SE at day 1 (1050±145 vs. 4225±792 and 1070±138 vs. 4084±359 pg/mg); increased TNF- levels within SE at day 3 (1415±447 vs. 2037±200 pg/mg); increased IL-6 levels within SE at day 7 (3499±397 vs. 4955±429 pg/mg). Compared with ACF rats with CDP >60 mmHg, MMP-2 activity was increased in rats with CDP 60 mmHg within SE and non-SE at day 1 (13.2±4.0 vs. 69.1±7.6 and 11.2±3.4 vs. 66.1±7.0%), and within SE at day 3 (26.3±11.3 vs. 104.7±39.5 and 11.5±2.7 vs. 22.3±9.0%l). At day 7, MBF was more pronouncedly reduced within SE than within non-SE (6.7±1.2 vs. 2.7±1.6 and 7.5±1.3 vs. 4.8±2.6 mL/min/g). CDP was positively and significantly related to MBF in both SE (R=0.65) and non-SE (R= 0.62). MBF within SE was directly and significantly related to both +dP/dt (R= 0,61) and dP/dt (R=0,67). CDP showed negative and significant correlations with SE MMP-2 at days 1 (R=0.86), 3 (R=0.88), and 7 (R=0.93). LV remodeling during the acute phases of ACF occurs within the SE predominantly, results from low perfusion pressure, and contributes to early LV dysfunction.

Vesico-vaginal fistula and psycho-social well-being of Nigerian women

Fasakin, Gbola Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
The problem of vesico-vagina fistula still remains a ravaging scourge in resource-poor countries of which Nigeria is visibly prominent. A majority of the cases are attributed to prolonged complicated labour due to inaccessibility of adequate and immediate obstetric health care. Complicated labour arises as a result of narrow pelvis bones of victims due to suffering from poor nutrition. While the above factors are noted as the direct cause to the prevalent of VVF, there are other socio-cultural conditions which predispose victims to this disease. Notable among them are the following: poverty; marital age; illiteracy; hazardous traditional practices, such as female circumcision. VVF victims often live an unworthy life. Many of them have been abandoned or divorced by their husbands and become ostracised by families and societies because of their repulsive smell and inability to engage in sexual activity and bear children. VVF victims suffer both physical and social consequences, many of them find it difficult to engage in any economic activity, surviving the hardship is very complicated and pathetic; some victims turn to street begging, while others survive through hawking of “bagged” water and selling firewood. Most studies conducted on the problem of Vesico vaginal fistula are done from the medical perspectives, often neglecting the psycho-social consequences faced by the sufferers. This study, however, discusses the socio-cultural and the psychological consequences of the disease. Locally and internationally, attempts are being made to eradicate the problem of VVF, however, if the Nigerian government does not recognise the incidence of VVF as a major public health issue, it will continue to ravage lives of Nigerian women, hence increasing maternal mortality in the country. This study proffers recommendations to help eradicate or alleviate the problem in Nigeria.

Vesico-vaginal fistula and psycho-social well-being of Nigerian women

Fasakin, Gbola Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
<p>The problem of vesico-vagina fistula still remains a ravaging scourge in resource-poor countries of which Nigeria is visibly prominent. A majority of the cases are attributed to prolonged complicated labour due to inaccessibility of adequate and immediate obstetric health care. Complicated labour arises as a result of narrow pelvis bones of victims due to suffering from poor nutrition. While the above factors are noted as the direct cause to the prevalent of VVF, there are other socio-cultural conditions which predispose victims to this disease. Notable among them are the following: poverty; marital age; illiteracy; hazardous traditional practices, such as female circumcision. VVF victims often live an unworthy life. Many of them have been abandoned or divorced by their husbands and become ostracised by families and societies because of their repulsive smell and inability to engage in sexual activity and bear children. VVF victims suffer both physical and social consequences, many of them find it difficult to engage in any economic activity, surviving the hardship is very complicated and pathetic; some victims turn to street begging, while others survive through hawking of “bagged” water and selling firewood.</p><p>Most studies conducted on the problem of Vesico vaginal fistula are done from the medical perspectives, often neglecting the psycho-social consequences faced by the sufferers. This study, however, discusses the socio-cultural and the psychological consequences of the disease. Locally and internationally, attempts are being made to eradicate the problem of VVF, however, if the Nigerian government does not recognise the incidence of VVF as a major public health issue, it will continue to ravage lives of Nigerian women, hence increasing maternal mortality in the country. This study proffers recommendations to help eradicate or alleviate the problem in Nigeria.</p>

Psychological Sequelae of Obstetric Fistula in Tanzanian Women

Wilson, Sarah Mosher January 2015 (has links)
<p>Up to two million women worldwide have obstetric fistula, a maternal morbidity prevalent in developing countries that causes uncontrollable leaking of urine and/or feces and a persistent bad odor. There is both theoretical and empirical evidence for psychopathology in patients presenting for fistula surgery, albeit with methodological limitations. The current studies sought to improve on past limitations of study design. Study A compared psychological symptoms and social support between fistula patients and a comparison group recruited from gynecology outpatient clinics. Measures included previously validated psychometric questionnaires, administered orally by data collectors. Results showed that compared to gynecology outpatients, fistula patients had significantly higher levels of depression, traumatic stress, somatic symptoms and avoidant coping, and had lower social support. Study B investigated changes in psychological symptoms, stigma and social support between the time of admission for fistula repair and 3 months after discharge from the hospital. At follow-up, fistula patients reported significant improvements in all study outcome variables. Exploratory analysis revealed that the extent of leaking was associated with depression and PTSD. These results indicate the potential benefit of mental health interventions for this population. Additionally, future research may clarify the relationship between residual leaking after fistula surgery, and its effect on post-surgery mental health outcomes.</p> / Dissertation

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