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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation moléculaire et cellulaire de l'activité adjuvante de la flagelline dans la vaccination muqueuse / Molecular and cellular mechanisms of mucosal adjuvant activity of the TLR5 agonist flagellin

Fougeron, Delphine 06 December 2013 (has links)
La vaccination est un moyen de prévention très efficace contre les infections. La majorité des vaccins sont administrés par voie sous-cutanée ou intra-musculaire avec des adjuvants et stimulent ainsi des réponses immunitaires adaptatives systémiques. Les muqueuses représentent une porte d’entrée majeure pour de nombreux pathogènes ayant un impact en Santé Publique. Cependant, peu de vaccins sont délivrés par les muqueuses en raison du manque d’adjuvants adaptés à ces voies. Ainsi le développement d'adjuvants muqueux permettrait la stimulation de réponses immunitaires locales et une protection efficace avant la dissémination des pathogènes. Les agonistes des Toll-Like-Receptors (TLR) sont développés comme adjuvants vaccinaux car ils stimulent l’immunité innée et adaptative. Au laboratoire, la flagelline de Salmonella enterica qui est un puissant agoniste de TLR5 est utilisée comme modèle afin de disséquer les mécanismes d’action des adjuvants muqueux. En effet, l'administration intranasale de vaccins adjuvantés par la flagelline se caractérise par une réponse T CD4+ de type Th1/Th2, une réponse en anticorps sécrétoires dans le compartiment respiratoire et une réponse systémique contre les antigènes vaccinaux. Seule l’activation de TLR5 dans le compartiment épithélial est nécessaire à l’activité adjuvante.Dans un premier temps, l'analyse transcriptionnelle du tissu pulmonaire a permis d'identifier une signature épithéliale spécifique du recrutement de cellules immunitaires, en particulier de monocytes et de neutrophiles ainsi que de l'activation fonctionnelle des cellules dendritiques. L'analyse de la dynamique cellulaire au niveau du tractus respiratoire et des ganglions drainants a ensuite été réalisée en réponse à l’administration intranasale de vaccin adjuvanté. Bien que les monocytes inflammatoires et les neutrophiles infiltrent massivement les poumons et capturent les antigènes, ils ne jouent pas de rôle majeur dans l’activation de la réponse immunitaire. Au contraire les cellules dendritiques conventionnelles CD11b+ capturent, migrent et présentent efficacement l’antigène aux lymphocytes T CD4+. A l'instar de l’effet adjuvant, l’activation de ces cellules dendritiques par la flagelline n'est pas directe mais requiert une expression de TLR5 dans les cellules structurales incluant les cellules épithéliales de la muqueuse. De plus, nos travaux suggèrent que les interleukines de la famille IL-1 ne sont pas à l'origine de la transactivation des cellules dendritiques.En conclusion, ce travail de thèse ouvre des perspectives intéressantes quant au développement d’adjuvants muqueux. / Many pathogens of public health concern (including the influenza and respiratory syncytial viruses, and bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) enter the body via the respiratory tract in general and the lung mucosa in particular. Mucosal vaccines induce a local adaptive immune response (i.e. secretory antibodies and specific T cells) and constitute a unique means of directly preventing these infections. Most vaccines are delivered systemically and use systemic adjuvants. Although the few commercially available mucosal vaccines are generally effective, mucosal adjuvant candidates have not demonstrated sufficient levels of potency and safety. TLR signaling is instrumental for the induction of innate immunity and the concomitant ignition of adaptive immune responses. Thus TLR agonists are largely used as vaccine adjuvants. In the lab we use flagellin from Salmonella enterica (a potent TLR5 agonist) as a model to better understand the mode of action of mucosal adjuvants. The intranasal adjuvant effect of flagellin is characterized by an antigen-specific Th1/Th2 cell response, and a strong mucosal and systemic antibody response. However this adaptive immune response mainly depends on TLR5-mediated epithelial signaling.We used molecular profiling to show that cytokine/chemokine and dendritic cell maturation pathways are surrogate signatures for flagellin activation in the lung. Neutrophils and inflammatory monocytes were massively recruited to the lungs but were not essential for the adjuvant activity. In contrast, flagellin signaling did not induce a significant recruitment of conventional dendritic cells but enhanced their maturation and migration to the lymph nodes. In particular, CD11b+ migratory dendritic cells were essential for induction of a CD4+ T-cell response. Importantly, the functional activation of dendritic cells was independent of direct signaling via TLR5, suggesting the role of inflammatory cytokines produced by the activated epithelium. However or data suggest that IL-1 and IL-36 interleukins are not responsible for transactivation of dendritic cell. In conclusion, this thesis project opens up new perspectives for the development of mucosal adjuvants.

Papel de inflamassomas e vias lisossomais na morte celular e resposta imune induzidas pela flagelina. / Role of inflammasomes and lysosomal pathway in cell death and immunity induced by flagellin.

Lage, Silvia Lucena 24 November 2015 (has links)
A flagelina é um agonista natural do sensor TLR5 e do inflamassoma NAIP/NLRC4 que é responsável pela secreção de IL-1β e IL-18 e pela indução de morte celular necrótica, via ativação da caspase-1. Entretanto, nós observamos que a inserção da flagelina de B. subtilis no citosol celular por meio de vesículas lipídicas, induz um processo atípico de morte nos macrófagos peritoneais (PMs) deficientes em NLRC4, ASC e caspase-1/11. A morte dos PMs manteve seu resultado antimicrobiano, sendo acompanhada da liberação de IL-1α. A morte celular e a secreção das citocinas IL-1α e IL-1β, foi mediada por catepsinas lisossomais, sugerindo uma cooperação entre a via lisossomal e os inflamassomas nas respostas induzidas pela flagelina. Além disso, a flagelina de S. typhimurium foi capaz de induzir dano lisossomal e secreção de IL-1α e IL-1β mediada pelo eixo caspase-catepsinas, na ausência de carreadores, e estas citocinas tiveram um impacto na imunidade adaptativa induzida pela flagelina, no modelo de ativação de linfócitos T específicos por células dendríticas, in vitro. / Flagellin is a natural agonist of TLR5 and NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome that is responsible for IL-1β and IL-18 secretion and for the induction of a necrotic cell death, both mediated by caspase-1. However, we observed that flagellin from B. subtilis inserted into lipid vesicles, induced an atypical cell death in peritoneal macrophages (PMs) in the absence of NLRC4, ASC and caspase-1/11. This inflammasome-independent cell death retained its antimicrobial outcome, being accompanied with IL-1α secretion. Importantly, cell death and caspase-1-dependent IL-1α and IL-1β secretion were regulated by lysosomal cathepsins, suggesting a cooperation between the inflammasome and lysosomal pathway in response to flagellin. We also observed that flagellin from S. typhimurium is able to induce lysosomal damage and IL-1α and IL-1β secretion by PMs in the absence of a carrier, through a caspase-catepsins-dependent manner, and that cytokines were important to the ability of flagellin in to induce adaptive immune response by antigen-specific T cells.

Avaliação do potencial imunogênico e vacinal das flagelinas de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni / Evaluation of the immunogenic potential of flagellins Leptospira like adjuvant for development of a subunit vaccine against leptospirosis

Monaris, Denize 06 May 2015 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de importância global causada por leptospiras patogênicas, que colonizam os túbulos renais de animais selvagens e domésticos. Vacinas comerciais estão sendo usadas, porém promovem proteção apenas contra os sorovares presentes na preparação e falham em induzir imunidade de longa duração. A porção carboxi-terminal da proteina immunoglobulin like A (LigAC) é capaz de induzir imunoproteção contra a leptospirose. No entanto, a imunização com a LigAC não confere imunidade esterilizante. Flagelinas têm sido consideradas adjuvante promissor para o desenvolvimento de vacinas. As leptospiras possuem dois flagelos periplasmáticos que são constituídos por duas classes de proteínas (FlaA e FlaB). Somente as proteínas FlaB apresentam homologia com as regiões importantes que ativam as respostas dependentes ao receptor Toll-like 5 (TLR-5). Neste estudo, avaliou-se a capacidade de indução da atividade do TLR5 das cinco flagelinas de L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni (FlaB1, FlaB2, FlaB3, FlaB4 e FlaB5) e o potencial vacinal destas flagelinas na imunidade protetora de LigAC contra o desafio letal em hamsters. As flagelinas recombinantes foram expressas em E. coli e purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade com níquel. Os hamsters foram imunizados por via subcutânea com as flagelinas purificadas e LigAC. Dados experimentais demonstram que todas as flagelinas foram capazes de ativar o receptor TLR5 e a secreção de citocinas em macrógafos estimulados de maneira similar. Nos ensaios de desafio, a maioria dos animais imunizados com as flagelinas e LigAC sobreviveram ao desafio letal entretanto, não foram protegidos contra a colonização renal. Os animais do grupo controle vacinados com PBS morreram com sintomas de leptospirose e hamsters imunizados com a vacina comercial sobreviveram após o desafio / Leptospirosis is a zoonosis of global importance caused by pathogenic leptospires that colonize the renal tubules of wild and domestic animals. Commercial vaccines are being used, but only to promote protection against the serovar in the preparation; they have failed to induce short-term immunity. The C-terminal portion of immunoglobulin-like protein A (LigAC) is able to induce immunoprotection against leptospirosis. However, immunization with LigAC did not confer sterilizing immunity. Flagellins have been considered a promising adjuvant for vaccine development. Leptospires have two periplasmic flagella that are formed by two classes of proteins (FlaA and FlaB); only FlaB proteins show homology with important regions that elicit TLR5-dependent responses. In the present study, we have evaluated their ability to induce the TLR5 activity and the protective activity of five L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni flagellins (FlaB1, FlaB2, FlaB3, FlaB4 and FlaB5) in the protective immunity of LigAC against lethal challenge in hamsters. The recombinant flagellins expressed in E.coli were purified by nickel affinity chromatography. Hamsters were immunized subcutaneously with purified flagellins with LigAC. Experimental data showed that all flagellins activated both the TLR-5 receptor and the secretion of cytokines in stimulated macrofages, similarly. In challenge assays, the majority of hamsters immunized with the flagellins and LigAC survived the lethal challenge. However, they were not protected against kidney colonization. The control animals vaccinated with PBS died with symptoms of leptospirosis and hamsters vaccinated with commercial vaccine survived after challenge

Clostridium botulinum, du génotypage de la toxine en passant par les flagellines jusqu'au séquençage de génomes : un aperçu de la diversité génétique des Clostridies associés au botulisme animal et humain / Clostridium botulinum, from toxin and flagellin genotyping to Whole Genome Sequencing : an insight into genetic diversity of human and animal botulism associated clostridia’s

Woudstra, Cedric 21 March 2016 (has links)
Le botulisme est une maladie nerveuse, commune à l’homme et aux animaux, due à l’action de la toxine botulique produite par Clostridium botulinum. Il existe 8 types de toxines dénommées A à H. Les bactéries capables de produire cette toxine se différencient en six groupe sur la base de leurs caractéristiques phénotypiques et biologiques. Les souches de C. botulinum responsables du botulisme humain appartiennent aux groupes I et II selon qu’elles soient protéolytiques ou non. Elles produisent les toxines A, B, E et F, ainsi que le nouveau type H récemment découvert. C. butyricum et C. baratii sont également capables de produire les toxines botuliques de type F et E et appartiennent au groupe V et VI. C. argentinense appartient au groupe IV et est capable de synthétiser la toxine de type G. Elle a été soupçonnée d’être impliquée dans des cas de botulisme infantile en Argentine. Les souches de C. botulinum responsables du botulisme animal appartiennent au groupe III (C. novyi sensu lato) et produisent les toxines C, D et leurs formes mosaïques C/D et D/C. La toxine botulique est le poison le plus puissant connu à ce jour. La dose létale nécessaire pour tuer une personne en bonne santé par intoxication alimentaire est de 70 µg seulement. C’est pourquoi cette toxine a fait l’objet d’études particulièrement approfondies, notamment celles impliquées dans des cas de botulisme humain. Elle peut également être utilisée pour le traitement de certaine pathologie ou la chirurgie esthétique (Botox). Malheureusement, elle peut également être utilisée à mauvais escient, en tant qu’arme de guerre ou à des fins de bioterrorisme. C’est pourquoi l’emploi de la toxine botulique ou de sa bactérie productrice fait l’objet d’une législation particulièrement stricte. Mon projet de doctorat s’est organisé autour de plusieurs projets de recherche visant à développer des méthodes de détection et de typage de du germe et de sa toxine (projets Européens BIOTRACER et AniBioThreat ; projets NRBC-bio ; LNR botulisme aviaire en France). Lors de mes recherches j’ai concentré mon travail sur le développement de méthodes capable de suivre et remonter à la source d’une contamination, qu’elle soit délibérée, accidentelle ou naturelle. Afin d’y parvenir j’ai investigué les gènes des flagellines de C. botulinum groupe I à III, responsables du botulisme humain et animal. L’analyse des gènes flaA et flaB a mis en évidence 5 groupes majeurs et 15 sous-groupes, certain étant spécifiques de régions géographiques. FlaB s’est montré spécifique de C. botulinum type E. Les gènes flagellines fliC, spécifiques à C. botulinum du groupe III, se divisent 5 groupes, avec fliC-I et fliC-IV associés aux types mosaïques C/D et D/C. J’ai étudié la prévalence des souches productrices de toxine de type mosaïques chez les volailles et les bovins. Les résultats montrent que les types C/D et D/C sont majoritaires en Europe. Enfin, j’ai séquencé 17 génomes provenant de souches responsables de botulisme animal en France (14 types C/D et 3 types D/C). Leur analyse montre que ces souches sont très proche génétiquement, entre elles et avec les souches Européennes. Grâce à ces données j’ai mis en évidence un large contenu extra chromosomique dans les souches C/D, qui peut être utilisé pour créer une carte d’identité génétique. D’autre part, l’étude des séquences Crisps à des fins de typage ne s’est pas avérée suffisamment résolutive, du fait de système Crispr-Cas déficient chez les souches C/D. Enfin, un très haut degré de discrimination a été atteint par typage SNP, qui a permis de distinguer jusqu’à l’origine de chaque souche. L’ensemble de ces résultats est développé dans le présent manuscrit / Clostridium botulinum is the etiologic agent of botulism, a deadly paralytic disease that can affects both human and animals. Different bacteria, producing neurotoxins type A to H, are responsible for the disease. They are separated into different groups (I to VI) on the basis of their phenotypical and biological characteristics. Human botulism is mainly due to Groups I and II producing neurotoxins A, B, E and F, with type H recently discovered. Also C. butyricum and C. baratii species (Groups V and VI), producing toxins type F and E respectively, are scarcely reported. C. argentinense Group IV, producing toxin type G, which has been suspected to be associated with infant botulism in Argentina. Animal botulism is mainly due to Group III, which is constituted by C. novyi sensu lato species. They produce toxin types C, D and their mosaic variants. Botulinum neurotoxins are the most powerful toxin known to date with as little as 70 µg enough to kill a person by food poisoning. Therefore, it received a great deal of attention. Botulinum neurotoxins have been deeply studied, especially human related toxins compared to animal. The toxins found to be useful for medical or cosmetic (Botox) treatments, but it was also used as a biological warfare agent, and for bioterrorism. Its extreme potency is equal to its dangerousness. Therefore, governments show concerns of its potential misuse as a bioterrorism weapon; research programs are funded to study and raise awareness about both the toxins and the producing organisms. My PhD work was structured by the different projects I was involved in, which were related to C. botulinum detection and typing, like BIOTRACER and AniBioThreat European projects, the French national CBRN program, or the NRL for avian botulism. The main transversal objective I followed lead me to develop new methods to trace back the origin of C. botulinum contamination, in case of a deliberate, accidental or naturally occurring botulism outbreak. I investigated flagellin genes as potential genetic targets for typing C. botulinum Group I-II and III, responsible for human and animal botulism respectively. Flagellin genes flaA and flaB showed the investigated C. botulinum Group I and II strains to cluster into 5 major groups and up to 15 subgroups, some being specific for certain geographical areas, and flaB being specific to C. botulinum type E. Flagellin fliC gene investigated in C. botulinum Group III showed to cluster into five groups, with fliC-I and fliC-IV associated to type C/D and D/C respectively, being not discriminative enough to differentiate highly genetically related strains. I also studied the prevalence of mosaic toxin genes in C. botulinum Group III in animal botulism, mainly in poultry and bovine. The results brought out the mosaic toxin types C/D and D/C to be predominant in the samples investigated throughout Europe. Finally, I explored the full genome sequences of 14 types C/D and 3 types D/C C. botulinum Group III strains, mainly originating from French avian and bovine botulism outbreaks. Analyses of their genome sequences showed them to be closely related to other European strains from Group III. While studying their genetic content, I was able to point out that the extrachromosomal elements of strains type C/D could be used to generate a genetic ID card. Investigation of Crispr typing method showed to be irrelevant for type C/D, due to a deficient Crispr-Cas mechanism, but deserve more investigation for type D/C. The highest level of discrimination was achieved while using SNP core phylogeny, which allowed distinguishing up to the strain level. Here are the results I’m going to develop in this manuscript

Papel da flagelina e de lipopolissacarídeos bacterianos na ativação de populações heterogêneas de macrófagos / The role of bacterial flagellin and lipopolysaccharide on the activation of heterogeneous macrophage subpopulations.

Cassado, Alexandra dos Anjos 13 September 2007 (has links)
Os macrófagos (MO) são populações heterogêneas de células residentes em diversos tecidos, onde iniciam a resposta imune através do reconhecimento de padrões moleculares de patógenos. Para avaliar a modulação funcional dessas populações, MO peritoneais (PM) e alveolares (AM), com perfil M1 e M2, foram ativados in vivo por flagelina (FliCi) e lipopolissacarídeos bacterianos (LPS). Esse trabalho mostra que o microambiente parece influenciar a resposta diferencial das populações de MO, uma vez que a expressão de MHCII, CD80, CD86 e CD40 e produção de NO por PM são mais intensamente modulados por FliCi, enquanto os AM são mais sensíveis ao LPS. Porém, dentro da população de PM, encontramos duas subpopulações distintas, nomeadas F4/80hi e F4/80lo. A população F4/80hi parece adquirir um perfil M1 após estimulo com FliCi, com alta expressão de iNOS, enquanto a população F4/80sup>lo apresenta um perfil M2, com maior expressão basal de mTGF-ß, indicando que a heterogeneidade dos MO também pode estar expressa no mesmo microambiente. / Macrophages (MO) are a heterogeneous cell population that resides in distinct tissues, where they trigger the immune response through the recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns. To evaluate the functional modulation of these populations, peritoneal (PM) and alveolar (AM) MO, from M1 and M2 profile, were in vivo activated by flagellin (FliCi) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this study we show that microenvironment seems to influence the differential responses of MO populations, since MHCII, CD80, CD86 e CD40 expression and NO production by PM are more intensely modulated by FliCi whereas AM are more sensitive to LPS. However, we found two distinct subpopulations within PM, named F4/80hi e F4/80lo. cells show a M1 profile after FliCi stimulation, with high iNOS expression of mTGF-ß, indicating that the MO heterogeneity can also be finding in the same microenvironment. NOS expression, and F4/80lo population presents a M2 profile, with higher basal expression of mTGF-ß, indicating that the MO heterogeneity can also be finding in the same microenvironment

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and inflammatory bone modeling / Toll-liknande receptorer och inflammatorisk benmodellering

Kassem, Ali January 2015 (has links)
Patients with inflammatory or infectious conditions such as periodontitis, peri-implantitis, osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis and loosened joint prosthesis display varying severity of destruction in the adjacent bone tissue. Bone loss in inflammatory diseases is considered a consequence of cytokine induced RANKL and subsequent enhanced osteoclast formation. Hence, osteotropic cytokines and their receptors have been suggested to be important for the pathogenesis of inflammation-induced osteolysis. It is, here, suggested that bacterial components, so called “pathogen associated molecular patterns=PAMPs”, may also be involved. Varieties of cells express receptors for PAMPs, including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) which are the first line of defence in the innate immune system. LPS (lipopolysaccharide), fimbria and lipoproteins from pathogenic bacteria such as P. gingivalis, S. aureus are ligands for TLR2 and flagellin from pathogenic flagellated bacteria like S. typhimurium is a ligand for TLR5.   Since the susceptibility to, or the severity of inflammation-associated bone diseases are likely related to differences in the tissue response, and the mechanisms by which PAMPs interact with bone cells are not fully understood, we aimed to elucidate the importance of different TLRs for inflammation induced bone loss by conducting in vitro and in vivo investigations. Activation of TLR2 and TLR5 in organ cultured mouse parietal bones increased bone resorption in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by a process inhibited by OPG and bisphosphonate, showing the crucial role of RANKL-induced osteoclast formation. In addition, the number of osteoclasts, expression of osteoclastic genes and osteoclastogenic transcription factors were increased. In the bones and in osteoblasts isolated from the bones, TLR2 agonists increased the expression of RANKL without affecting OPG, while TLR5 activation resulted in enhanced RANKL and decreased OPG. Activation of both TLR2 and TLR5 stimulated the expression in both bones and osteoblasts of prostaglandins and pro-inflammatory cytokines, known to stimulate RANKL. By blocking the cytokines and prostaglandin, we showed that TLR2 and TLR5 induced bone resorption and RANKL expression are independent of these molecules. Activation of TLR2, but not TLR5, in mouse bone marrow macrophage cultures inhibited RANKL-induced osteoclast formation, an effect not observed in committed pre-osteoclasts. Local administration in vivo of TLR2 and TLR5 agonists on the top of mouse skull bones enhanced local and systemic osteoclast formation and bone resorption. Using knockout mice, we showed that the effects by LPS from P. gingivalis (used as TLR2 agonist) and flagellins (used as TLR5 agonists) are explicit for TLR2 and TLR5 ex vivo and in vivo, respectively. These data show that stimulation of TLR2 and TLR5 results in bone resorption in vitro and in vivo mediated by increased RANKL in osteoblasts and thus may be one mechanism for developing inflammatory bone loss. Interestingly, histological analyses of skull bones of mice treated locally with TLR2 and TLR5 agonists revealed that the bones not only reacted with locally increased osteoclastogenesis (osteoclast formation), but also with locally increased new bone formation. This was observed on both periosteal and endosteal sides of the bones, as well as in the bone marrow compartment. The formation of new bone was seen close to osteoclasts in some parts, but also in other areas, distant from these cells. The response was associated with active, cuboidal osteoblasts, extensive cell proliferation and increased expression of genes coding for bone matrix proteins and osteoblastic transcription factors. In conclusion, activation of TLR2 and TLR5 in osteoblasts results in bone loss associated with enhanced osteoclast formation and bone resorption, as well as with increased osteoblast differentiation and new bone formation, indicating that inflammation causes bone modeling. The data provide an explanation why LPS from P. gingivalis and flagellin from flagella-expressing bacteria can stimulate bone loss. Since TLR2 and TLR5 can be activated not only by bacterial components, but also by endogenous ligands produced in inflammatory processes, the data also contribute to the understanding of inflammation induced bone loss in autoimmune diseases. Hopefully, these findings will contribute to the development of treatment strategies for inflammation induced bone loss.

Purification of Soluble Recombinant Salmonella typhimurium Flagellin (FliC) Protein Constructs Expressed in Escherichia coli

Hooker, Jennifer Ann 17 December 2014 (has links)
A platform for vaccine development has been developed at Georgia State University utilizing recombinant Salmonella typhimurium flagellin (FliC) fused to an antigen that can be overexpressed in Escherichia coli grown in a two-stage fermentation. The flagellin acts as an adjuvant to increase the immunopotency of the fused antigen. Flagellin is the ligand for Toll-like Receptor 5 (TLR5), a part of the innate immune system. Binding of the flagellin:antigen recombinant protein to TLR5 triggers a strong innate and adaptive immune response to the fused antigen leading to a potentially strong protective immunity to the antigen. Purification of the recombinant FliC fusion protein must meet rigorous criteria in order to be used as a vaccine. One of the major issues in purifying recombinant proteins expressed in a Gram-negative bacterium is the removal of endotoxin. Small amounts of endotoxin present in a vaccine can lead to serious complications, including death. Recombinant proteins are also expressed as either soluble or insoluble protein when over expressed in E. coli. Soluble proteins expressed by the bacterium are properly folded and biologically active, however removal of contaminants such as endotoxin, can be problematic. Insoluble protein is improperly folded and biologically inactive. The insoluble proteins aggregate into inclusion bodies with little or no contaminants associated with the protein, making purification easier. However, in order to restore the biological activity of the insoluble protein, it must first be solubilized and then refolded. This process is often expensive and time consuming, as there is currently no standardized method for protein refolding. In this study a purification method for the soluble protein of two FliC constructs, full-length FliC and FliC fused to a Marburg virus antigen, was evaluated for effectiveness in purification, removal of endotoxin and maintaining TLR5 activity. The proteins of interest were purified utilizing only the soluble protein containing the properly folded and biologically active recombinant protein. Utilizing methods for purification that take advantage of physical and chemical properties of the protein the recombinant proteins were purified and the level of endotoxin reduced to levels acceptable for use as a vaccine. The TLR5 activity of the soluble recombinant proteins was compared to recombinant protein that had been purified using a denaturing and refolding step. The soluble protein elicited a higher TLR5 response at a lower concentration of protein than the refolded protein. Purification of the soluble fraction also involved fewer step and less time than purification of both the soluble and insoluble protein.

Host control of intracellular bacterial infections /

Eriksson, Emma, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Immunomodulatory role of flagellin in antigen-presenting cells

Vicente-Suarez, Ildefonso. January 2007 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2007. / Title from PDF of title page. Document formatted into pages; contains 104 pages. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Papel de inflamassomas e vias lisossomais na morte celular e resposta imune induzidas pela flagelina. / Role of inflammasomes and lysosomal pathway in cell death and immunity induced by flagellin.

Silvia Lucena Lage 24 November 2015 (has links)
A flagelina é um agonista natural do sensor TLR5 e do inflamassoma NAIP/NLRC4 que é responsável pela secreção de IL-1β e IL-18 e pela indução de morte celular necrótica, via ativação da caspase-1. Entretanto, nós observamos que a inserção da flagelina de B. subtilis no citosol celular por meio de vesículas lipídicas, induz um processo atípico de morte nos macrófagos peritoneais (PMs) deficientes em NLRC4, ASC e caspase-1/11. A morte dos PMs manteve seu resultado antimicrobiano, sendo acompanhada da liberação de IL-1α. A morte celular e a secreção das citocinas IL-1α e IL-1β, foi mediada por catepsinas lisossomais, sugerindo uma cooperação entre a via lisossomal e os inflamassomas nas respostas induzidas pela flagelina. Além disso, a flagelina de S. typhimurium foi capaz de induzir dano lisossomal e secreção de IL-1α e IL-1β mediada pelo eixo caspase-catepsinas, na ausência de carreadores, e estas citocinas tiveram um impacto na imunidade adaptativa induzida pela flagelina, no modelo de ativação de linfócitos T específicos por células dendríticas, in vitro. / Flagellin is a natural agonist of TLR5 and NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome that is responsible for IL-1β and IL-18 secretion and for the induction of a necrotic cell death, both mediated by caspase-1. However, we observed that flagellin from B. subtilis inserted into lipid vesicles, induced an atypical cell death in peritoneal macrophages (PMs) in the absence of NLRC4, ASC and caspase-1/11. This inflammasome-independent cell death retained its antimicrobial outcome, being accompanied with IL-1α secretion. Importantly, cell death and caspase-1-dependent IL-1α and IL-1β secretion were regulated by lysosomal cathepsins, suggesting a cooperation between the inflammasome and lysosomal pathway in response to flagellin. We also observed that flagellin from S. typhimurium is able to induce lysosomal damage and IL-1α and IL-1β secretion by PMs in the absence of a carrier, through a caspase-catepsins-dependent manner, and that cytokines were important to the ability of flagellin in to induce adaptive immune response by antigen-specific T cells.

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