Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flagellin"" "subject:"flagellins""
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Papel dos inflamassomas na ativação de células dendríticas e na modulação da resposta imune adaptativa. / Role of inflammasome activation in the maturation of dendritic cells and in the development of adaptive imune response.Costa, Thaís Boccia da 07 August 2014 (has links)
O reconhecimento da flagelina pelos NLRs Naip5 e NLRC4 leva à formação do complexo multiproteico denominado inflamassoma que culmina na ativação da caspase-1, com consequente clivagem da forma inativa das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1b e IL-18 e morte da célula infectada. Neste trabalho pudemos observar que in vitro, a maturação de BMDCs com a estimulação com flagelina citosólica, inserida em vesículas lipídicas que permitem a transfecção da flagelina para o citosol, foi independente da ativação de NLRC4, caspase-1 e TLR5, mas somente de MyD88. Já a ativação de linfócitos T por estas BMDCs ativadas por flagelina citosólica é dependente de caspase-1 e MyD88. A neutralização da citocina IL-1a, levou à inibição da ativação de linfócitos T, indicando a contribuição desta para a montagem de resposta imune. A neutralização de IL-1a também levou a uma redução na produção de IL-12, que seria a citocina responsável pela polarização dos linfócitos para Th1. A imunização com flagelina leva ao desenvolvimento de imunidade protetora contra o desafio com S. typhimurium, igualmente dependente de caspase-1 e MyD88. Podemos dizer que a flagelina induz resposta imune tanto in vivo quanto in vitro e que, em ambos os casos, há a participação das moléculas caspase-1 e MyD88. / TLR5 activates inflammatory genes through MyD88 pathway whereas NLRC4 and NAIP5 assemble multiprotein complexes called inflammasomes, leading to caspase-1 activation and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-18. Cytosolic flagellin (FLA-BSDot) induced upregulation of costimulatory molecules independent on TLR5, NLRC4 and Caspase-1, but dependent on MyD88. In addition, FLA-BSDot-stimulated OVA-pulsed BMDCs induced proliferation and production of IFN by OT-II splenocytes, dependent on caspase-1 and MyD88. FLA-BSDot stimulation leads to the secretion of IL-1 and IL-1. Neutralization of IL-1 inhibited BMDCs maturation in response to FLA-BSDot and led to decreased IFN production by OT-II splenocytes. Searching for the effector mechanism by which IL-1 induces Th1 polarization in response to FLA-BSDot, we observed a significant reduction in IL-12 production when IL-1 was neutralized. Also, we could see that adaptive immune responses induced by flagellin in vivo was protective against S.typhimurium lethal challenge, showing again a role for caspase-1 and MyD88. From these data we can infer that caspase-1 and MyD88 are both involved in the adaptive response induced by flagelin both in vitro and in vivo.
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Mucosal Vaccination Using Polyacryl Starch Microparticles as Adjuvant with <i>Salmonella enteritidis</i> as a Model PathogenStrindelius, Lena January 2003 (has links)
<p>Polyacryl starch microparticles have been developed as a new mucosal vaccine adjuvant intended for use in oral vaccination. The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the efficacy of these polyacryl starch microparticles and to study their uptake through mucosal tissues. Secreted or surface components of <i>Salmonella enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis were used in free form or were conjugated to or mixed with the microparticles in vaccination studies in mice in order to find components suitable for use in a future combination vaccine against enteric bacteria such as enterotoxigenic <i>Escherichia coli</i>.</p><p>The immune response elicited using secreted proteins from <i>S. enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis was shown to be mainly directed against flagella-related antigens and partly by LPS. Flagellin was purified and used in C3H/HeJ mice that do not respond to LPS. Strong immune responses were observed even when the flagellin was given orally alone. Recombinant <i>Salmonella</i> atypical fimbriae (SafB/D) complexes, a conserved structure within <i>Salmonella</i> species, were also studied and shown to be immunogenic after administration both subcutaneously and nasally, but not orally. Oral challenge using live bacteria, showed that mice orally immunised with the secreted antigens, resulted in a lower degree of infection than that seen in non-vaccinated mice. Similarly, mice that had been immunised with purified free flagellin had a lower degree of infection than untreated mice. However, with mice, immunised with SafB/D complexes plus rCTB, only the subcutaneous route resulted in a lower degree of infection than seen in untreated mice. The polyacryl starch microparticles were effective as an adjuvant with secreted proteins, but did not potentiate the immune response in the study using flagellin. </p><p>Confocal laser-scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the microparticles were taken up by pig respiratory nasal mucosa mounted in horizontal Ussing chambers. Although anticytokeratin 18 stained mucus-producing cells, M cells were not seen in the studied area. </p><p>Changing the route of administration of the microparticles conjugated with serum albumin can cause differences in the IgG-subclass ratios. The mucosal immune response measured as specific s-IgA levels, was induced by oral but not parenteral immunisation.</p>
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Mucosal Vaccination Using Polyacryl Starch Microparticles as Adjuvant with Salmonella enteritidis as a Model PathogenStrindelius, Lena January 2003 (has links)
Polyacryl starch microparticles have been developed as a new mucosal vaccine adjuvant intended for use in oral vaccination. The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the efficacy of these polyacryl starch microparticles and to study their uptake through mucosal tissues. Secreted or surface components of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis were used in free form or were conjugated to or mixed with the microparticles in vaccination studies in mice in order to find components suitable for use in a future combination vaccine against enteric bacteria such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The immune response elicited using secreted proteins from S. enterica serovar Enteritidis was shown to be mainly directed against flagella-related antigens and partly by LPS. Flagellin was purified and used in C3H/HeJ mice that do not respond to LPS. Strong immune responses were observed even when the flagellin was given orally alone. Recombinant Salmonella atypical fimbriae (SafB/D) complexes, a conserved structure within Salmonella species, were also studied and shown to be immunogenic after administration both subcutaneously and nasally, but not orally. Oral challenge using live bacteria, showed that mice orally immunised with the secreted antigens, resulted in a lower degree of infection than that seen in non-vaccinated mice. Similarly, mice that had been immunised with purified free flagellin had a lower degree of infection than untreated mice. However, with mice, immunised with SafB/D complexes plus rCTB, only the subcutaneous route resulted in a lower degree of infection than seen in untreated mice. The polyacryl starch microparticles were effective as an adjuvant with secreted proteins, but did not potentiate the immune response in the study using flagellin. Confocal laser-scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the microparticles were taken up by pig respiratory nasal mucosa mounted in horizontal Ussing chambers. Although anticytokeratin 18 stained mucus-producing cells, M cells were not seen in the studied area. Changing the route of administration of the microparticles conjugated with serum albumin can cause differences in the IgG-subclass ratios. The mucosal immune response measured as specific s-IgA levels, was induced by oral but not parenteral immunisation.
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Epidemiologie Virulenz-assoziierter Markergene in Campylobacter jejuni-Subpopulationen / Epidemiological association of Campylobacter jejuni groups with pathogenicity-associated genetic markersOhk, Carolin 20 October 2014 (has links)
Das thermophile Bakterium Campylobacter jejuni gehört weltweit zu den häufigsten Erregern bakterieller Gastroenteritiden beim Menschen. Der Erreger wird hauptsächlich durch kreuzkontaminierte Lebensmittel, zumeist ausgehend von Geflügelprodukten, übertragen. Aufgrund seines weiten Wirtsspektrums weist C. jejuni eine hohe genetische Vielfalt unter seinen Isolaten auf.
Mit dem Ziel herauszufinden, ob das Auftreten spezifischer Markergene mit bestimmten klonalen Komplexen korreliert, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit 266 C. jejuni-Isolate unterschiedlicher Herkunft (Mensch, Rind, Huhn, Pute) molekularbiologisch auf das Vorhandensein von zehn Virulenz-assoziierten Faktoren: cj1321-1326 (ein sechs Gen umfassender Komplex zur Flagellin-O-Glykolisierung), ciaB (Campylobacter-Invasions-Antigen B), cdtB (cytolethales distendierendes Toxin, CDT) Untereinheit B, fucP (L-Fucose-Permease), cj0178/cj0755 (Eisentransportprotein), ceuE (Enterochelin bindendes Protein), pldA (Phospholipase A der äußeren Membran) und cstII/cstIII (Lipooligosaccharid-Sialyltransferase) untersucht.
In einer vorrangegangen Studie von ZAUTNER et al. 2011 wurden bereits 266 C. jejuni-Isolate durch Kombination von MLST und den sechs genetischen Metabolismus-assoziierten Markern: ansB (periplasmatische Asparaginase), dmsA (Untereinheit A der Dimethyl-sulfoxid-Oxidoreduktase), ggt (γ-Glutamyl-Transpeptidase), cj1585c (Oxidoreduktase), cjj811-76-1367/71 (Serin-Protease) und tlp7m+c (transducer-like Protein 7 (Ameiseisäure-spezifische Chemotaxisrezeptor), Heterodimer aus Cj0951c und Cj0952c) in sechs Gruppen unterteilt.
Zur Konkretisierung dieser bestehenden Gruppendefinitionen und zur Identifikation der Gruppen mit dem höchsten gesundheitsgefährdenden Potential wurden dieselben 266 Isolate nun weiter charakterisiert.
Vor allem die genetischen Marker cj1321-1326; fucP; cj0178 und cj0755 sind weitestgehend miteinander assoziiert und splitten die Testpopulation in 2 Haupt- und 7 Untergruppen und bestätigen damit die alte Gruppendefinition.
Abgesehen vom Virulenz-assoziierten Marker pldA zeigen alle ermittelten genetischen Marker signifikante Unterschiede unter den verschiedenen MLST-Sequenztypen.
Basierend auf den Daten der Arbeit konnte ein Biotyp von C. jejuni-Isolaten, der durch die Präsenz von ansB, dmsA, ggt und die Absenz von cj1321-1326; fucP; cj0178, cj0755, cj1365c, cj1585c sowie cstII/cstIII charakterisiert ist, bestimmt werden. Isolate dieser Gruppe gehören hauptsächlich den MLST-CC 22, 42, 45, 283 an und sind eher an eine Persistenz in der Umwelt-adaptiert. Zum Wachstum nutzen die Stämme dieser Gruppe einen erweiterten Aminosäurestoffwechsel sowie einen alternativen anaeroben Stoffwechselweg (dmsA- positiv). Hingegen kann aufgrund des fehlenden fucP keine L-Fucose verstoffwechselt werden. Außerdem sind die Stämme dieser Gruppe toleranter gegen oxidativen Stress und besser frostbeständig. Die jahreszeitliche Prävalenz ist am stärksten im Frühsommer.
Dieser Umwelt- aber schlechter Wirts-adaptierte Biotyp wird mit mehr Campylobacteriosen beim Menschen in Verbindung gebracht, ist häufiger mit blutigen Stühlen und Hospitalisierungen assoziiert und ist somit hochgradiger virulent für den Menschen.
Im Gegensatz dazu ist die zweite Hauptgruppe stärker an tierische Wirte, insbesondere Säuger, adaptiert und in der Lage, L-Fucose aus Mucosa oder Milch zu metabolisieren. Isolate dieses Biotyps tolerieren für C. jejuni extreme Temperaturen besser und zeigen eine relativ gleichmäßige Prävalenz im Jahresverlauf. Alle fünf bekannten C. jejuni-Eisentransportsysteme sind detektierbar, ebenso die Marker cj1321-1326, cj1365c, cj1585c und cstII und/oder cstIII. Die vorherrschenden MLST-CC sind CC 21, 48, 61 und 20. Dieser besser Wirts-adaptierte Biotyp wird mit weniger schweren Campylobacteriosen in Zusammenhang gebracht.
Alle anderen Gruppen stellen einen sukzessiven evolutionären Übergang an Markergen-Kombinationen zwischen diesen beiden Hauptgruppen dar.
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Adordagem vacinal bivalente baseada na fusão genética de seqüência derivada da proteína circunsporozoíta (CS) de Plasmodium yoelii com a flagelina FliCd de Salmonella enterica / Bivalent vaccines approaches based in genetic fusion of sequence derived of the circumsporozoíta (CS) protein de Plasmodium yoelii with FliCd flagellin of Salmonella enterica.Catarina Joelma Magalhães Braga 16 August 2007 (has links)
A busca de adjuvantes que estimulem de forma eficiente à resposta imune celular representa uma importante contribuição para a pesquisa de vacinas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação do efeito imunoestimulador de flagelinas expressas por linhagens de Salmonella sp., particularmente na ativação de respostas mediadas por células T CD8+, ao antígeno modelo ovalbumina. Em uma segunda etapa, foram investigados os efeitos adjuvantes da flagelina FliCd frente a um epítopo T CD8+, específico da proteína CS de P. yoelli. Animais foram imunizados com linhagens atenuadas de S. Dublin que expressam flagelinas geneticamente fusionadas ao epítopo CS ou com flagelina purificada co-administrada ou geneticamente fusionada ao antígeno alvo. A ativação de células T CD8+, foi monitorada por ELISPOT após estimulação com peptídeos específicos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a FliCd é capaz de modular o sistema imune, atuando particularmente na ativação de respostas mediadas por células T CD8+, sugerindo seu potencial para a composição de vacinas terapêuticas. / The search for adjuvants stimulating efficient cellular immune responses represents an important contribution in vaccine research. In the present work, we evaluated immunostimulatory effect of flagellins expressed by Salmonella sp. strains, particularly on activation of CD8+, T cells using ovalbumin as a model antigen. Secondly, we explored the adjuvant effect of the FliCd flagellin using an epitope from the CS protein of P. yoelli. Mice were immunized with S. Dublin strains that express flagellin genetically fused to CS epitope or purified flagellin co-administrated or genetically fused to the target antigen. The CD8+, T cells activation was monitored by ELISPOT after stimulation with specific peptides. Our results show that FliCd flagellin modulates the immune system, increasing CD8+, T cell activation, unveiling its potencial use in therapeutic vaccine approaches.
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O papel da flagelina e do sistema de secreção de Escherichia coli enteroinvasora na resposta imune inata dos macrófagos / The role of flagellin and secretion system of enteroinvasive Escherichia coli in the immune response innate macrophagesLucas Gonçalves Ferreira 11 December 2012 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC) é um dos agentes etiológicos da disenteria bacilar. Seu processo fisiopatológico é desencadeado pela expressão de fatores de virulência, que proporcionam sua invasão e sobrevivência nas células do hospedeiro, ativando o sistema imune inato e adaptativo da mucosa intestinal. Trabalhos recentes têm salientado a importância do sistema de secreção e da flagelina bacteriana como agonista de receptores da imuninade inata dos macrófagos, em especial alguns dos receptores do tipo NLR. Uma vez que esta espécie de E. coli também é capaz de expressar flagelina e fazer a montagem completa do flagelo e do sistema de secreção do tipo III, a nossa proposta foi avaliar o papel da flagelina e do sistema de secreção de EIEC na resposta imune dos macrófagos murinos. Para isso, utilizamos três cepas de EIEC: a cepa selvagem; a cepa mutante no gene responsável pela síntese da flagelina; e a cepa sem o plasmídio de virulência plnv, deficiente no sistema de secreção, para a infecção de macrófagos peritoniais de camundongos C57BI/6, caspase-1-/-, IPAF-/- e ASC-/-. Neste estudo foi possível observar que o escape bacteriano e a morte dos macrófagos infectados por EIEC, assim como a ativação da caspase-1 e posterior secreção de IL-1β é independente da flagelina bacteriana, mas dependente do sistema de secreção, além disso, a ativação da caspase-1 de macrófagos infectados por EIEC é dependente do receptor IPAF e parcialmente da proteína adaptadora ASC. Assim, no nosso modelo, a ativação da caspase-1 dos macrófagos infectados por EIEC parece estar envolvida com o processamento e secreção de IL-1β e, possivelmente na secreção de IL-18, mas não na morte celular. No modelo de infecção in vivo, o sistema de secreção bacteriano foi importante para a sobrevivência bacteriana no hospedeiro, assim como para a indução de uma resposta inflamatória no local da infecção. Ainda, a caspase-1 parece ter um papel importante para o controle da infecção in vivo por EIEC, podendo assim contribuir para uma resposta imune protetora do hospedeiro. / Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) is one of the etiologic agents responsible for bacillary dysentery. The pathophysiological process induced by this bacteria is triggered by the expression of virulence factors that provide the invasion and survival in host cells, resulting in activation of innate and adaptive immune system present on intestinal mucosa. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of the secretion system and bacterial flagellin as agonist of innate immune receptors present in macrophage, especially NLR (Nod like receptors). Then, our proposal was evaluate the role of flagellin (f1iC) and secretion system of EIEC in the induction of immune response of murine macrophages using the EIEC strains wild type (WT), mutant flagellin gene (f1iC), and a strain deficient in secretion system (DSS) for infection of peritoneal macrophages of C57Bl/6, caspase-1-/-, IPAF-/- and ASC-/-- mice. In this study we observed that the bacterial escape and death of infected macrophages with EIEC, the caspase-1 activation and subsequent IL-1β secretion is independent of bacterial flagellin, but dependent of secretion system, moreover, the caspase-1 activation in infected macrophages is IPAF-dependent and partially dependent of the adapter protein ASC. Thus, in our model, the caspase-1 activation in EIEC infected macrophages seems to be involved with the processing and secretion of IL-1β and possibly with the secretion of IL-18, but not involved with cell death. In the infection model in vivo, bacterial secretion system was important for bacterial survival in the host, as well as for the inflammatory response induction at the infection site. In addition, caspase-1 seems to have an important role to the control of in vivo infection by EIEC and can contribute to a protective immune response of the host.
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Inserção de epitopo heterólogo em diferentes regiões de flagelina bacteriana: influência na função flagelar e imunogenicidade / Heterologous epitope insertion in different regions of bacterial flagellin: influence on flagellar function and immunogenicityFátima da Piedade de Melo Azevedo 22 May 1997 (has links)
Uma das estratégias mais promissoras para a biotecnologia de vacinas é o desenvolvimento de linhagens precisamente atenuadas, e que possam ser usadas como carregadoras de antígenos heterólogos. Mutantes de <i}>Salmonella Typhimurium têm sido extensivamente utilizados com essa fmalidade. A flagelina, monômero constituinte do filamento flagelar, vem sendo empregada como carregadora de antígenos heterólogos, inseridos na região central, hipervariável (região IV). Inserções nessa região são freqüentemente funcionais, e levam à exposição do epitopo na superfície do filamento. O presente trabalho explora o potencial de outras regiões da molécula para a inserção de epitopos. Nós inserimos a mesma seqüência usada anteriomente (epitopo da proteína M de S. pyogenes, Tipo 5) em regiões com diferentes níveis de homologia (III e VI), e em região totalmente conservada (VIII). Também foram feitas inserções duplas em regiões que se mostraram toleráveis (III e IV; IV e VI). Todas as proteínas híbridas foram sintetizadas pela Salmonella, como demonstrado em imunoblots, usando anticorpo contra a flagelina e contra o peptídeo. Todas as regiões, exceto a VIII, aceitaram a inserção sem perda de motilidade, apesar de, em alguns casos, ela ter sido extremamente reduzida. A imunogenicidade foi avaliada pela imunização de camundongos com bactérias vivas, inativadas ou, quando possível, flagelina purificada. Os resultados foram similares aos descritos na literatura para inserções envolvendo a região IV, obtendo-se um elevado título de anticorpos contra flagelina. Um baixo nível de anticorpo contra o peptídeo também foi detectado para todas as novas linhagens testadas. Nossos resultados com imunização de bactérias vivas sugerem uma resposta levemente melhor ao peptídeo quando duas cópias estão presentes, mas os dados não são conclusivos. / One of the most promising strategies for the biotechnology of vaccines is the development of precisely attenuated strains, which could be used as carriers of heterologous antigens. Mutants of Salmonella Typhimurium have been extensively explored to this effect, since the infection ofmice by S. Typhimurium mimics the infection of humans by S. Typhi, and the genetics of the species is extremely well known, making it easy the obtention of defined mutants with reduced pathogenicity. Mutants with auxotrofy in genes of the aromatic pathway are particularly attractive, since they need PABA and DHB to grow, and these compounds are unavailable in mammalian tissues. Flagellin, the monomer which constitutes the flagellar filament, has been used as a carrier for heterologous epitopes, inserted in a central, hypervariable region (region IV). Insertions in this region are often functional, and lead to exposition of the epitope at the filament\' s surface. The present work explored the potential of the other regions ofthe molecule for the insertion of epitopes. We inserted the same reporter sequence (MS epitope from S. pyogenes M protein) in regions with different levels of homology (III and VI), and totally conserved (VIII). We also made double insertions in regions shown to be permissive (III and IV; IV and VI). All hybrid proteins were synthesized by Salmonella, as demonstrated by immunoblots using antibody against flagellin and against the synthetic peptide. All regions, except the highly conserved region VIII, accepted the insertions without loss of motility, albeit, in some cases, motility was seriously reduced. Immunogenicity of the hydrids was evaluated by immunization with live bacteria, killed bacteria, and purified flagellin (when possible). Results obtained with the new constructs were similar to the ones published for insertions involving region IV, in the sense that antibody titers to the carrier protein were very high. A low level of antibody to the inserted peptide was also detected in all groups of animals. Our results with live immunization suggest a slightly better response to the peptide when two copies are present, but the data are not conclusive.
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Generation of a FHV-1 Viral Vaccine Against Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone for Immunocontraception of FelinesWaite, Kerry L. 18 October 2006 (has links)
With approximately 8.5 million unwanted cats euthanized in the U.S. annually, convenient, cost effective methods of sterilization are greatly needed. Current spay/neuter techniques, such as surgery and hormonal intervention, are not satisfying this need due to their high cost, significant expertise required, and the need for feral cats to be collected and brought into clinics for treatment. The aim of this research is to develop a safe contraceptive vaccine that could be delivered to the feral cat population in bait without compromising non-feline species. Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) is a feline specific virus. The USDA has approved the immunization of cats with an attenuated, non-pathogenic strain of FHV expressing foreign antigens. In our research, we have partially replaced Glycoprotein I of FHV to express a fusion protein of Flagellin (FliC), Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP), and Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). FliC has been shown to stimulate a heightened antibody response when antigens are expressed as fusion proteins with it. GnRH, a major reproductive hormone responsible for the development of testes and ovaries in felines, is the target of our vaccine vector. Expression of EGFP will allow tracking of the viral vector. The expression of the fusion protein (FliC-EGFP-GnRH) is expected to stimulate an antibody and cell mediated immune response directed towards feline GnRH, which will provide an immunocontraceptive effect specific to cats. / Master of Science
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Caracterização dos efeitos imunomoduladores e adjuvanticidade da flagelina Hag de Bacillus subtilis. / Characterization of immunomodulatory and adjuvant effects of Bacillus subtilis flagellin.Rivillas, Carolina Salcedo 24 May 2012 (has links)
Flagelinas de bactérias gram-negativas ativam o sistema imune inato resultando em efeitos adjuvantes para antígenos co-administrados. No entanto, não existem relatos sobre as propriedades adjuvantes de flagelinas de bactérias gram-positivas. O objetivo do projeto foi estudar os efeitos imunomoduladores da flagelina Hag de B. subtílis. Inicialmente foi purificada a Hag e subseqüentemente avaliada sua propriedade imunológica quando administrada junto com a ovalmbumina (OVA) pelas vias intra-nasal (i.n.) ou subcutânea (s.c.) em camundongos Balb/C e C57BL/6. Os resultados demonstraram as propriedades imunomoduladoras da Hag nas duas linhagens em relação à indução de anticorpos antígeno-específicos. Não foi possível demonstrar a ativação de linfócitos TCD4+ e CD8+ antígenos-específicos em animais Balb/C imunizados com OVA e Hag tanto pela via s.c. como pela i.n.. Resultados mais promissores do efeito adjuvante frente a células T foram encontrados em animais C57BL/6. Os resultados abrem perspectivas para o estudo do potencial da flagelina Hag de B. subtilis como adjuvante vacinal. / Flagellin of gram negatives bacteria actives the innate immune system resulting in adjuvants effects against coadministrated antigens. However, there is not information about immunological properties of flagellins produced by gram positive bacteria. This study aimed the evaluation of immunomodulator effects of Hag flagellin from B. subtilis. Vaccine formulations based in purified Hag and Ovalbumine protein (OVA) were administrated intranasal (i.n.) and subcutaneously (s.c.) in Balb/C and C57BL/6 mice and then the population of B and T lymphocytes were monitored for production of antibodies and citocines and/or surface markers expression. Results showed the immunomodulatory properties of Hag in both mice lineages regarding the induction of antigen specific antibodies when immunized with OVA and Hag by i.n. and s.c. via. Most promising results concerning the adjuvant effects observed on T cells activation were found in C57BL/6 mice. The results obtained open future perspectives for the study of the potential use of B. subtilis Hag flagellin as adjuvant in vaccines.
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Caracterização da resposta imunológica induzida por vacinas da Influenza produzidas no Instituto Butantan formuladas com adjuvantes. / Characterization of the immunological response induced by Influenza vaccines produced at the Instituto Butantan formulated with adjuvants.Rico, Stefanni Liliane Chavez 05 April 2018 (has links)
A Influenza afeta milhões de pessoas a cada ano no mundo todo. Dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) informam que, anualmente, as epidemias de influenza resultam em aproximadamente 250 a 500 mil mortes no mundo. A vacinação é o modo mais eficaz de prevenção contra a influenza, e, devido à alta capacidade de transmissibilidade, a produção, a distribuição e a administração da vacina devem ser rápidas. Os vírus da influenza podem ser sazonais ou pandêmicos, dependendo das mudanças genéticas que sofrem. A produção da vacina sazonal da Influenza é um processo de alto custo e complicado devido à possibilidade de reformulação anual da vacina, além disso, vacinas em desenvolvimento contra cepas possivelmente pandêmicas, como H7N9, possuem baixa imunogenicidade. Por esses motivos, vêm-se discutindo o uso de adjuvantes as formulações das vacinas de Influenza. Desta forma, poderia ser possibilitado o uso de uma menor quantidade de antígeno, propiciando o aumento de doses produzidas e potencializando a resposta imune gerada pela vacina. Neste estudo foram utilizados quatro adjuvantes: o Monofosforil Lipídio A de Bordetella pertussis (MPLA), o Hidróxido de Alumínio, uma emulsão de água em óleo chamado Addavax ® (formulação similar ao MF59 ® e a Flagelina de Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a resposta imunológica induzida pela administração das vacinas da Influenza sazonal e H7N9, produzidas no IB com o MPLA combinado com o Hidróxido de Alumínio; o Addavax ® e a Flagelina de S. Thyphimurium. Foi realizada a imunização via subcutânea (SC) de camundongos com a vacina trivalente da Influenza usando o MPLA+ hidróxido de alumínio, Flagelina ou Addavax ® e só foi possível observar um aumento dos anticorpos específicos quando o adjuvante era o Addavax ®. Ao caracterizar a resposta imune ao Addavax ® juntamente à vacina sazonal da Influenza, constatou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa de resposta celular e humoral, entre administrações SC e intramuscular (IM) dessa formulação. A administração IM apresentou maior produção de anticorpos específicos e neutralizantes, e foi a que mais promoveu recrutamento de APCs. Uma maior produção de anticorpos específicos e neutralizantes por esta via de administração também foi observada, quando se comparou com a administração intranasal (IN), realizada com o adjuvante Flagelina e a vacina monovalente de H7N9. O Addavax ® foi um adjuvante eficaz para a vacina trivalente produzida no IB, pois levou à produção de altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes com diferença estatística significativa comparada às formulações sem o adjuvante, como já descrito na literatura, e a administração IM de vacinas da Influenza foi a melhor via de imunização para o estudo destes antígenos com camundongos, pois também leva ao aumento dos títulos de anticorpos específicos e neutralizantes. / Influenza affects millions of people every year worldwide, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) reports, influenza epidemics annually result in approximately 250- 500,000 deaths worldwide. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza and because of the high transmissibility capacity, the production, distribution and administration of the vaccine should be fast. Influenza viruses can be seasonal or pandemic, depending on the genetic changes they undergo. The production of the seasonal influenza vaccine is a costly and complicated process due to the possibility of its annual reformulation of, in addition, vaccines under development against possibly pandemic strains, such as H7N9, present low immunogenicity. For these reasons, the use of adjuvants in the Influenza vaccines formulations has been discussed. This approach could enable the use of lower amounts of antigen, allowing the increase of doses produced and potentiating the immune response generated by the vaccine. Four adjuvants were used in this study: Bordetella pertussis Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPLA), Aluminum Hydroxide, an oil in water emulsion named Addavax® (similar formulation to MF59®) and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Flagellin. The aim of this work was characterize the immune response induced by the administration of the seasonal Influenza and H7N9 vaccines, produced by the IB with the MPLA combined with the Aluminum Hydroxide; Addavax® and S. Thyphimurium Flagellin. Immunization was administered subcutaneously in mice with the trivalent Influenza vaccine using MPLA + aluminum hydroxide, Flagellin or Addavax®. It was possible to observe an increase of the specific antibodies against influenza when the adjuvant Addavax was used in the formulation. When initiating the characterization of Addavax® immune response together with the seasonal Influenza vaccine, a statistically significant difference was observed between subcutaneous (SC) and intramuscular (IM) administrations of this formulation in terms of cellular and humoral immune response. IM administration showed higher production of specific and neutralizing antibodies, and recruitment of antigen-presenting cells. Increased production of specific and neutralizing antibodies by this route of administration was also observed when compared to intranasal (IN) administration with the Flagellin adjuvant and the monovalent H7N9 vaccine. Addavax® was an effective adjuvant for the trivalent vaccine produced in IB because it led to the production of high titers of neutralizing antibodies with significant statistical difference compared to the formulations without the adjuvant, as already described in the literature. The IM administration of Influenza vaccines was the best route of immunization for the study of these antigens with mice as it also leads to the increase of specific antibody titers.
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