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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Floating World - An investigation into illustrative and decorative art practices and theory in print media and animation.

Murray, Philippa, pmurray@swin.edu.au January 2006 (has links)
Considered under the theme 'The Floating World', the aim of this research project was to create a written exegesis and a series of artworks, primarily in the form of digital animation and illustration, which investigate decorative and illustrative art practices and their historical lineages. Particular emphasis was given to investigating the links between contemporary decorative/illustrative art practice and the aesthetics and psychology of the Edo period in Japan (C17th - C19th), in which the term 'The Floating World' was used to describe the city of Edo (old Tokyo). The writing concerned with The Floating World is comprised of the following chapters: history; concepts; aesthetics; contemporary adaptations of Ukiyo-e; and gothic romance and associated genres. The outcomes of my Masters program represent a sustained exploration of decorative and illustrative art practice and theory, and incorporate experimentation with associated genres such as magic realism, gothic romance, the uncanny, iconography, surrealism and other metaphorical and abstract representational practices. More broadly, my Masters project is an investigation, both theoretical and practical, into the way drawing and illustration have been a process through which to (literally) give shape to hopes and fears, and to describe understandings of self and the world. I am particularly interested in exploring how, through the act of abstraction and the use of metaphor and decoration, a capacity to 'speak the unspeakable' and 'know the unknowable' are somehow enabled. For example, when contemporary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami decorates Edo-inspired screens with a colourful arrangement of morphing cartoon mushrooms, he conjures up a startling and complex poetic space that juxtaposes traditional Japanese aesthetics and philosophy with the hyper-consumerist characters and ethos of Disneyland, as well as disquieting references to the mushroom bombs that dropped down on Hiroshima and Nagasaki from US planes. A similarly complex space is enacted by contemporary US artist Inka Essenhigh: her oversized canvases seem like sublime Japanese-inspired screens but a closer inspection reveals that the decorative motifs are actually dismembered body parts morphed together to create a savage and compelling metaphor for contemporary America that is all the more disarming for being perf ormed in a seemingly innocuous illustrative style. My research will draw on these examples but will endeavour to create a series of artworks that are particular to an Australian context. This interests me particularly in a time when, as a nation, we appear to be confounded about what it means to be Australian: as a contemporary artist I am interested in how we represent ourselves as a nation, and in exploring the motifs and attributes that we consider to be ours.

Informationsentropische, spektrale und statistische Untersuchungen fahrzeuggenerierter Verkehrsdaten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswertung und Dimensionierung von FCD-Systemen / Entropical, Spectral and Statistical Analysis of Vehicle Generated Traffic Data with Special Consideration of the Evaluation and Dimension of FCD-Systems

Gössel, Frank 18 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Untersuchungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Verkehrsprozess und Informationsprozess in Systemen für die fahrzeuggenerierte Verkehrsdatengewinnung. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Untersuchungen auf die originäre Größe Geschwindigkeit. Das wesentliche Ziel der theoretischen und praktischen Untersuchungen bildet die qualifizierte Bestimmung makroskopischer Kenngrößen des Verkehrsflusses aus mikroskopischen Einzelfahrzeugdaten. Einen Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Analyse von mikroskopischen Einzelfahrzeugdaten mit Hilfe von informationsentropischen und spektralen Betrachtungen. Diese Untersuchungen erfolgen mit dem Ziel, eine optimale Nutzung der limitierten Übertragungs- und Verarbeitungskapazität in realen FCD-Systemen zu ermöglichen, theoretische Grenzerte abzuleiten und in der Praxis verwendete Parameter von FCD-Systemen theoretisch zu begründen. Ausgehend von empirischen und theoretischen Untersuchungen wird die Entropie der Informationsquelle "Geschwindigkeitsganglinie" bestimmt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Geschwindigkeitsganglinien als Markov-Quellen modelliert werden können. Aus der Entropiedynamik von Geschwindigeitsganglinien wird eine optimale Größe für den Erfassungstakt abgeleitet. Eine Analyse der spektralen Eigenschaften von Geschwindigkeitsverläufen zeigt, dass zwischen den Spektren von Geschwindigkeitsganglinien und dem Verkehrszustand Zusammenhänge bestehen. Geschwindigkeitsganglinien besitzen Tiefpasscharakter. Für die Berechnung der Tiefpassgrenzfrequenzen von empirischen Geschwindigkeitsganglinien wird ein Leistungskriterium eingeführt. Ausgehend von den derart bestimmten empirischen Tiefpassgrenzfrequenzen kann ein optimaler Erfassungstakt ermittelt werden, dessen Größe näherungsweise mit dem aus der Entropiedynamik abgeleiteten Erfassungstakt übereinstimmt. Ein einfacher Indikator für die Dynamik von Geschwindigkeitsverläufen ist der Variationskoeffizient der Einzelfahrzeuggeschwindigkeit. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Gewinnung und Übertragung von Variationskoeffizienten der Einzelfahrzeuggeschwindigkeiten in FCD-Systemen sinnvoll ist. In der Arbeit erfolgt eine theoretische Begründung des erforderlichen Ausrüstungsgrades in FCD-Systemen. Die Beurteilung der Leistungsfähigkeit von FCD-Systemen erfolgt dabei auf der Grundlage einer Konfidenzschätzung für die Zufallsgröße Reisegeschwindigkeit. Das verwendete Verfahren ist geeignet, die Leistungsfähigkeit von FCD-Systemen in unterschiedlichen Szenarien (Stadt-, Landstraßen-, Autobahnverkehr) zu vergleichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass FC-Daten in bestimmten Szenarien (insbesondere Stadtverkehr) zwingend einer Fusion mit anderen Verkehrsdaten bedürfen. Für die statistische Dimensionierung und Auswertung eines FCD-Systems ist der Variationskoeffizient der mittleren Reisegeschwindigkeiten der Fahrzeuge eines Fahrzeugkollektivs (kollektiver Variationskoeffizient) ein wesentlicher Parameter. Es wird gezeigt, dass der kollektive Variationskoeffizient in der Regel nicht nur vom Verkehrszustand, sondern auch von der räumlichen und zeitlichen Strukturierung des Beobachtungsgebietes abhängig ist. Für die näherungsweise Bestimmung des kollektiven Variationskoeffizienten werden Modelle abgeleitet und verifiziert.

Contribution to error analysis of algorithms in floating-point arithmetic / Contribution à l'analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique à virgule flottante

Plet, Antoine 07 July 2017 (has links)
L’arithmétique virgule flottante est une approximation de l’arithmétique réelle dans laquelle chaque opération peut introduire une erreur. La norme IEEE 754 requiert que les opérations élémentaires soient aussi précises que possible, mais au cours d’un calcul, les erreurs d’arrondi s’accumulent et peuvent conduire à des résultats totalement faussés. Cela arrive avec une expression aussi simple que ab + cd, pour laquelle l’algorithme naïf retourne parfois un résultat aberrant, avec une erreur relative largement supérieure à 1. Il est donc important d’analyser les algorithmes utilisés pour contrôler l’erreur commise. Je m’intéresse à l’analyse de briques élémentaires du calcul en cherchant des bornes fines sur l’erreur relative. Pour des algorithmes suffisamment précis, en arithmétique de base β et de précision p, on arrive en général à prouver une borne sur l'erreur de la forme α·u + o(u²) où α > 0 et u = 1/2·β1-p est l'unité d'arrondi. Comme indication de la finesse d'une telle borne, on peut fournir des exemples numériques pour les précisions standards qui approchent cette borne, ou bien un exemple paramétré par la précision qui génère une erreur de la forme α·u + o(u²), prouvant ainsi l'optimalité asymptotique de la borne. J’ai travaillé sur la formalisation d’une arithmétique à virgule flottante symbolique, sur des nombres paramétrés par la précision, et à son implantation dans le logiciel de calcul formel Maple. J’ai aussi obtenu une borne d'erreur très fine pour un algorithme d’inversion complexe en arithmétique flottante. Ce résultat suggère le calcul d'une division décrit par la formule x/y = (1/y)·x, par opposition à x/y = (x·y)/|y|². Quel que soit l'algorithme utilisé pour effectuer la multiplication, nous avons une borne d'erreur plus petite pour les algorithmes décrits par la première formule. Ces travaux sont réalisés avec mes directeurs de thèse, en collaboration avec Claude-Pierre Jeannerod (CR Inria dans AriC, au LIP). / Floating-point arithmetic is an approximation of real arithmetic in which each operation may introduce a rounding error. The IEEE 754 standard requires elementary operations to be as accurate as possible. However, through a computation, rounding errors may accumulate and lead to totally wrong results. It happens for example with an expression as simple as ab + cd for which the naive algorithm sometimes returns a result with a relative error larger than 1. Thus, it is important to analyze algorithms in floating-point arithmetic to understand as thoroughly as possible the generated error. In this thesis, we are interested in the analysis of small building blocks of numerical computing, for which we look for sharp error bounds on the relative error. For this kind of building blocks, in base and precision p, we often successfully prove error bounds of the form α·u + o(u²) where α > 0 and u = 1/2·β1-p is the unit roundoff. To characterize the sharpness of such a bound, one can provide numerical examples for the standard precisions that are close to the bound, or examples that are parametrized by the precision and generate an error of the same form α·u + o(u²), thus proving the asymptotic optimality of the bound. However, the paper and pencil checking of such parametrized examples is a tedious and error-prone task. We worked on the formalization of a symbolicfloating-point arithmetic, over numbers that are parametrized by the precision, and implemented it as a library in the Maple computer algebra system. We also worked on the error analysis of the basic operations for complex numbers in floating-point arithmetic. We proved a very sharp error bound for an algorithm for the inversion of a complex number in floating-point arithmetic. This result suggests that the computation of a complex division according to x/y = (1/y)·x may be preferred, instead of the more classical formula x/y = (x·y)/|y|². Indeed, for any complex multiplication algorithm, the error bound is smaller with the algorithms described by the “inverse and multiply” approach.This is a joint work with my PhD advisors, with the collaboration of Claude-Pierre Jeannerod (CR Inria in AriC, at LIP).

Contribution à l'arithmétique des ordinateurs et applications aux systèmes embarqués / Contributions to computer arithmetic and applications to embedded systems

Brunie, Nicolas 16 May 2014 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies les systèmes embarqués ont dû faire face à des demandes applicatives de plus en plus variées et de plus en plus contraintes. Ce constat s'est traduit pour l’arithmétique par le besoin de toujours plus de performances et d'efficacité énergétique. Ce travail se propose d'étudier des solutions allant du matériel au logiciel, ainsi que les diverses interactions qui existent entre ces domaines, pour améliorer le support arithmétique dans les systèmes embarqués. Certains résultats ont été intégrés au processeur MPPA développé par Kalray. La première partie est consacrée au support de l'arithmétique virgule flottante dans le MPPA. Elle commence par la mise au point d'une unité flottante matérielle basée sur l'opérateur classique FMA (fused multiply-Add). Les améliorations proposées, implémentées et évaluées incluent un FMA à précision mixte, l'addition à 3 opérandes et le produit scalaire 2D, à chaque fois avec un seul arrondi et le support des sous-Normaux. Cette partie se poursuit par l'étude de l'implémentation des autres primitives flottantes normalisées : division et racine carrée. L'unité flottante matérielle précédente est réutilisée et modifiée pour optimiser ces primitives à moindre coût. Cette première partie s’ouvre sur le développement d'un générateur de code destiné à l'implémentation de bibliothèques mathématiques optimisées pour différents contextes (architecture, précision, latence, débit). La seconde partie consiste en la présentation d'une nouvelle architecture de coprocesseur reconfigurable. Cet opérateur matériel peut être dynamiquement modifié pour s'adapter à la volée à des besoins applicatifs variés. Il vise à fournir des performances se rapprochant d'une implémentation matérielle dédiée sans renier la flexibilité inhérente au logiciel. Il a été spécifiquement pensé pour être intégré avec un cœur embarqué faible consommation du MPPA. Cette partie s'attache aussi à décrire le développement d'un environnement logiciel pour cibler ce coprocesseur ainsi qu'explorer divers choix architecturaux envisagés. La dernière partie étudie un problème plus large : l'utilisation efficace de ressources arithmétiques parallèles. Elle présente une amélioration des architectures régulières Single Instruction Multiple Data tels qu’on les trouve dans les accélérateurs graphiques (GPU) pour l'exécution de graphes de flot de contrôle divergents. / In the last decades embedded systems have been challenged with more and more application variety, each time more constrained. This implies an ever growing need for performances and energy efficiency in arithmetic units. This work studies solutions ranging from hardware to software to improve arithmetic support in embedded systems. Some of these solutions were integrated in Kalray's MPPA processor. The first part of this work focuses on floating-Point arithmetic support in the MPPA. It starts with the design of a floating-Point unit (FPU) based on the classical FMA (Fused Multiply-Add) operator. The improvements we suggest, implement and evaluate include a mixed precision FMA, a 3-Operand add and a 2D scalar product, each time with a single rounding and support for subnormal numbers. It then considers the implementation of division and square root. The FPU is reused and modified to optimize the software implementations of those primitives at a lower cost. Finally, this first part opens up on the development of a code generator designed for the implementation of highly optimized mathematical libraries in different contexts (architecture, accuracy, latency, throughput). The second part studies a reconfigurable coprocessor, a hardware operator that could be dynamically modified to adapt on the fly to various applicative needs. It intends to provide performance close to ASIC implementation, with some of the flexibility of software. One of the addressed challenges is the integration of such a reconfigurable coprocessor into the low power embedded cluster of the MPPA. Another is the development of a software framework targeting the coprocessor and allowing design space exploration. The last part of this work leaves micro-Architecture considerations to study the efficient use of parallel arithmetic resources. It presents an improvement of regular architectures (Single Instruction Multiple Data), like those found in graphic processing units (GPU), for the execution of divergent control flow graphs.

Monodisperse Gold Nanoparticles : Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Fabrication of Floating Gate Memory Devices

Girish, M January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The emergence of novel electronic, optical and magnetic properties in ordered two-dimensional (2D) nanoparticle ensembles, due to collective dipolar interactions of surface plasmons or excitons or magnetic moments have motivated intense research efforts into fabricating functional nanostructure assemblies. Such functional assemblies (i.e., highly-integrated and addressable) have great potential in terms of device performance and cost benefits. Presently, there is a paradigm shift from lithography based top-down approaches to bottom-up approaches that use self-assembly to engineer addressable architectures from nanoscale building blocks. The objective of this dissertation was to develop appropriate processing tools that can overcome the common challenges faced in fabricating floating gate memory devices using self-assembled 2D metal nanoparticle arrays as charge storage nodes. The salient challenges being to synthesize monodisperse nanoparticles, develop large scale guided self-assembly processes and to integrate with Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) memory device fabrication processes, thereby, meeting the targets of International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) – 2017, for non-volatile memory devices. In the first part of the thesis, a simple and robust process for the formation of wafer-scale, ordered arrays using dodecanethiol capped gold nanoparticles is reported. Next, the results of ellipsometric measurements to analyze the effect of excess ligand on the self-assembly of dodecanethiol coated gold nanoparticles at the air-water interface are discussed. In a similar vein, the technique of drop-casting colloidal solution is extended for tuning the interparticle spacing in the sub-20 nm regime, by altering the ligand length, through thiol-functionalized polystyrene molecules of different molecular weights. The results of characterization, using the complementary techniques of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), of nanoparticle arrays formed by polystyrene thiol (average molecular weight 20,000 g/mol) grafted gold nanoparticles (7 nm diameter) on three different substrates and also using different solvents is then reported. The substrate interactions were found to affect the interparticle spacing in arrays, changing from 20 nm on silicon to 10 nm on a water surface; whereas, the height of the resultant thin film was found to be independent of substrate used and to correlate only with the hydrodynamic diameter of the polymer grafted nanoparticle in solution. Also, the mechanical properties of the nanoparticle thin films were found to be significantly altered by such compression of the polymer ligands. Based on the experimental data, the interparticle spacing and packing structure in these 2D arrays, were found to be controlled by the substrate, through modulation of the disjoining pressure in the evaporating thin film (van der Waals interaction); and by the solvent used for drop casting, through modulation of the hydrodynamic diameter. This is the first report on the ability to vary interparticle spacing of metal nanoparticle arrays by tuning substrate interactions alone, while maintaining the same ligand structure. A process to fabricate arrays with square packing based on convective shearing at a liquid surface induced by miscibility of colloidal solution with the substrate is proposed. This obviates the need for complex ligands with spatially directed molecular binding properties. Fabrication of 3D aggregates of polymer-nanoparticle composite by manipulating solvent-ligand interactions is also presented. In flash memory devices, charges are stored in a floating gate separated by a tunneling oxide layer from the channel, and the tunneling oxide thickness is scaled down to minimize power consumption. However, reduction in tunneling oxide thickness has reached a stage where data loss can occur due to random defects in the oxide. Using metal nanoparticles as charge-trapping nodes will minimize the data loss and enhance reliability by compartmentalizing the charge storage. In the second part of the thesis, a scalable and CMOS compatible process for fabricating next-generation, non-volatile, flash memory devices using the self-assembled 2D arrays of gold nanoparticles as charge storage nodes were developed. The salient features of the fabricated devices include: (a) reproducible threshold voltage shifts measured from devices spread over cm2 area, (b) excellent retention (>10 years) and endurance characteristics (>10000 Program/Erase cycles). The removal of ligands coating the metal nanoparticles using mild RF plasma etching was found, based on FESEM characterization as well as electrical measurements, to be critical in maintaining both the ordering of the nanoparticles and charge storage capacity. Results of Electrostatic Force Microscope (EFM) measurements are presented, corroborating the need for ligand removal in obtaining reproducible memory characteristics and reducing vertical charge leakage. The effect of interparticle spacing on the memory characteristics of the devices was also studied. Interestingly, the arrays with interparticle spacing of the order of nanoparticle diameter (7 nm) gave rise to the largest memory window, in comparison with arrays with smaller (2 nm) or larger interparticle spacing (20 nm). The effect of interparticle spacing and ligand removal on memory characteristics was found to be independent of different top-oxide deposition processes employed in device fabrication, namely, Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering (RF sputtering), Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and electron-beam evaporation. In the final part of the thesis, a facile method for transforming polydisperse citrate capped gold nanoparticles into monodisperse gold nanoparticles through the addition of excess polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules is presented. A systematic study was conducted in order to understand the role of excess ligand (PEG) in enabling size focusing. The size focusing behavior due to PEG coating of nanoparticles was found to be different for different metals. Unlike the digestive ripening process, the presence of PEG was found to be critical, while the thiol functionalization was not needed. Remarkably, the amount of adsorbed carboxylate-PEG mixture was found to play a key role in this process. The stability of the ordered nanoparticle films under vacuum was also reported. The experimental results of particle ripening draw an analogy with the well-established Pechini process for synthesizing metal oxide nanostructures. The ability to directly self-assemble nanoparticles from the aqueous phase in conjunction with the ability to transfer these arrays to any desired substrate using microcontact printing can foster the development of applications ranging from flexible electronics to sensors. Also, this approach in conjunction with roll-to-roll processing approaches such as doctor-blade casting or convective assembly can aid in realizing the goal of large scale nanostructure fabrication without the utilization of organic solvents.

Návrh plovoucí betonové konstrukce / Design of floating concrete structure

Páleník, Branislav January 2014 (has links)
The project aimed to familiarize yourself with the issue of floating structures, according to the procurement documents and knowledge acquired during studie, a study of existing floating structures. Review was conducted design adapted from documents. More space was devoted bottom structure in the assessment. Other structures designed only provisionally.

Informationsentropische, spektrale und statistische Untersuchungen fahrzeuggenerierter Verkehrsdaten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswertung und Dimensionierung von FCD-Systemen

Gössel, Frank 15 April 2005 (has links)
Untersuchungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Verkehrsprozess und Informationsprozess in Systemen für die fahrzeuggenerierte Verkehrsdatengewinnung. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Untersuchungen auf die originäre Größe Geschwindigkeit. Das wesentliche Ziel der theoretischen und praktischen Untersuchungen bildet die qualifizierte Bestimmung makroskopischer Kenngrößen des Verkehrsflusses aus mikroskopischen Einzelfahrzeugdaten. Einen Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Analyse von mikroskopischen Einzelfahrzeugdaten mit Hilfe von informationsentropischen und spektralen Betrachtungen. Diese Untersuchungen erfolgen mit dem Ziel, eine optimale Nutzung der limitierten Übertragungs- und Verarbeitungskapazität in realen FCD-Systemen zu ermöglichen, theoretische Grenzerte abzuleiten und in der Praxis verwendete Parameter von FCD-Systemen theoretisch zu begründen. Ausgehend von empirischen und theoretischen Untersuchungen wird die Entropie der Informationsquelle "Geschwindigkeitsganglinie" bestimmt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Geschwindigkeitsganglinien als Markov-Quellen modelliert werden können. Aus der Entropiedynamik von Geschwindigeitsganglinien wird eine optimale Größe für den Erfassungstakt abgeleitet. Eine Analyse der spektralen Eigenschaften von Geschwindigkeitsverläufen zeigt, dass zwischen den Spektren von Geschwindigkeitsganglinien und dem Verkehrszustand Zusammenhänge bestehen. Geschwindigkeitsganglinien besitzen Tiefpasscharakter. Für die Berechnung der Tiefpassgrenzfrequenzen von empirischen Geschwindigkeitsganglinien wird ein Leistungskriterium eingeführt. Ausgehend von den derart bestimmten empirischen Tiefpassgrenzfrequenzen kann ein optimaler Erfassungstakt ermittelt werden, dessen Größe näherungsweise mit dem aus der Entropiedynamik abgeleiteten Erfassungstakt übereinstimmt. Ein einfacher Indikator für die Dynamik von Geschwindigkeitsverläufen ist der Variationskoeffizient der Einzelfahrzeuggeschwindigkeit. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Gewinnung und Übertragung von Variationskoeffizienten der Einzelfahrzeuggeschwindigkeiten in FCD-Systemen sinnvoll ist. In der Arbeit erfolgt eine theoretische Begründung des erforderlichen Ausrüstungsgrades in FCD-Systemen. Die Beurteilung der Leistungsfähigkeit von FCD-Systemen erfolgt dabei auf der Grundlage einer Konfidenzschätzung für die Zufallsgröße Reisegeschwindigkeit. Das verwendete Verfahren ist geeignet, die Leistungsfähigkeit von FCD-Systemen in unterschiedlichen Szenarien (Stadt-, Landstraßen-, Autobahnverkehr) zu vergleichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass FC-Daten in bestimmten Szenarien (insbesondere Stadtverkehr) zwingend einer Fusion mit anderen Verkehrsdaten bedürfen. Für die statistische Dimensionierung und Auswertung eines FCD-Systems ist der Variationskoeffizient der mittleren Reisegeschwindigkeiten der Fahrzeuge eines Fahrzeugkollektivs (kollektiver Variationskoeffizient) ein wesentlicher Parameter. Es wird gezeigt, dass der kollektive Variationskoeffizient in der Regel nicht nur vom Verkehrszustand, sondern auch von der räumlichen und zeitlichen Strukturierung des Beobachtungsgebietes abhängig ist. Für die näherungsweise Bestimmung des kollektiven Variationskoeffizienten werden Modelle abgeleitet und verifiziert.

Disentangling the Intrinsic Attributes and the Physical Properties in Cobalt-based Quaternary Heusler Compounds

Omar, Ahmad 29 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Heusler compounds are cubic intermetallics with a wide range of interesting properties, which are closely related to the structure of the material. In addition, several exotic physical phenomena have been predicted for different compositions in the family, but have not been experimentally realized. By and large, the lack of success in realization of various properties are due to the issues with intrinsic material attributes, which have been difficult to resolve as the relationship between them is not well understood. The aim of this work has been to unravel the entanglement between the intrinsic material attributes of cobalt-based quaternary Heusler compounds such as the structure, defects (disorder), chemical inhomogeneities etc., and the resulting physical properties.

High-Level Language Programming Environment for Parallel Real-Time Telemetry Processor

LaPlante, John R., Barge, Steve G. 11 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1989 / Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California / The difficulty of incorporating custom real-time processing into a conventional telemetry system frustrates many design engineers. Custom algorithms such as data compression/conversion, software decommutation, signal processing or sensitive defense related algorithms, are often executed on expensive and time-consuming mainframe computers during post-processing. The cost to implement such algorithms on real-time hardware is greater, because programming for such hardware is usually done in assembly language or microcode, resulting in: * The need for specially trained software specialists * Long and often unpredictable development time * Poor maintainability * Non-portability to new applications or hardware. This paper presents an alternative to host-based, post-processing telemetry systems. The Loral System 500 offers an easy to use, high-level language programming environment that couples real-time performance with fast development time, portability and easy maintenance. Targeted to Weltek's XL-Serles 32 and 64 bit floating point processors, delivering 20 MFLOPS peak performance, the environment transparently integrates the C programming environment with a parallel date-flow telemetry processing architecture. Supporting automatic human interface generation, symbolic high-level debugging and a complete floating point math library the System 500 programming environment extends to parallel execution transparently. It handles process scheduling, memory management and data conversion automatically. Configured to run under UNIX, the system's development environment is powerful and portable. The platform can be migrated to PC's and other hosts, facilitating eventual integration with an array of standard off-the-shelf tools.


LaPlante, John R., Barge, Steve G. 11 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1989 / Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California / The difficulty of incorporating custom real-time processing into a conventional telemetry system frustrates many design engineers. Custom algorithms such as data compression/conversion, software decommutation, signal processing or sensitive defense related algorithms, are often executed on expensive and timeconsuming mainframe computers during post-processing. The cost to implement such algorithms on real-time hardware is greater, because programming for such hardware is usually done in assembly language or microcode, resulting in: The need for specially trained software specialists Long and often unpredictable development time Poor maintainability Non-portability to new applications or hardware This paper presents an alternative to host-based, post-processing telemetry systems. The Loral System 500 offers an easy to use, high-level language programming environment that couples real-time performance with fast development time, portability and easy maintenance. Targeted to Weltek’s XL-Serles 32 and 64 bit floating point processors, delivering 20 MFLOPS peak performance, the environment transparently integrates the C programming environment with a parallel date-flow telemetry processing architecture. Supporting automatic human interface generation, symbolic high-level debugging and a complete floating point math library the System 500 programming environment extends to parallel execution transparently. It handles process scheduling, memory management and data conversion automatically. Configured to run under UNIX, the system’s development environment is powerful and portable. The platform can be migrated to PC’s and other hosts, facilitating eventual integration with an array of standard off-the-shelf tools.

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