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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a street-food vending model that offers healthy foods for sale

Hill, Jillian January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Background: Street foods (SF) contribute significantly to the nutritional intake of adults and children in developing countries. They are inexpensive and a major source of income for a vast multitude. A major concern is the so-called ‘nutrition transition’, which has led to an increase in foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and salt, along with processed food items sold on urban community streets in developing countries. These foods contribute to nutritional disorders in the communities where consumed. South Africa’s stable unemployment rate, estimated at 25%, has further influenced business growth in the informal sector, particularly SF vending. As such, a well-developed SF-vending model (SFVM) could potentially address the challenges of unemployment and improve the nutritional status of poorer South Africans. Aim: To develop a sustainable SFVM for selling healthy and safe SF in the City of Cape Town enabling street vendors to make a decent living, and consumers to make healthy choices regarding food purchasing. Methods: This cross-sectional study employed mixed methodology (collecting qualitative and quantitative data). The study was conducted in three phases. Phase 1a: Situation Analysis. This a SF-vendor survey which collected a) socio-demographic factors, b) vendors’ business operational models, c) food items sold, d) available facilities, e) challenges faced, f) certification, and g) nutrition knowledge using a validated questionnaire. An observational checklist capturing data on the appearance of vendors, their stalls, available equipment and type of food sold, supplemented this survey. Phase 1b: A consumer survey included collecting, a) socio-demographic factors, b) purchasing habits, c) consumption preferences, and d) nutrition knowledge using a validated questionnaire. Phase 2a: Semi-structured-interviews and focus group discussions with Environmental Health Officials and Economic Development Officials from the City of Cape Town were conducted to explore the existing -vending regulations and/or policies in the City of Cape Town and gain insight into the SF-vending operations from a regulatory perspective. Phase 2b: A document review was conducted to identify existing regulations and policies on SF vending. Phase 3: conducted in three steps: Step 1, data integration of the previous phases. Step 2, a participatory action research component checking the relevance, acceptability and practicability of identified themes and resulting components from Step 1. Step 3, development of the proposed SFVM using the findings of the previous two steps. Data Analysis: Quantitative data were analysed using IBM SPSS, 2010 Statistics version 23. Descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations were used to analyse data. Qualitative data were thematically analysed using the qualitative data software package Atlas ti 7.5.7.Results: Phase 1a: vendors in the Cape Town and surrounding areas work long hours up to seven days a week making a minimal income. Types of food items sold by vendors, their nutrition knowledge and hygiene practices were not ideal. A major lack in basic facilities existed. Phase 2a: SF consumers indicated spending a significant amount of their income on SF, and are open to buying healthier options should these be available. Phase 2a: government officials thought the SF-vending business should be guided by national legislature and provincial bylaws, and felt strongly about nutrition and health education for vendors and consumers. Phase 2b: thirteen regulations and bylaws applicable to SF vending were sourced. Phase 3: Data from the previous phases were integrated within a socio-ecological framework to develop the proposed SFVM. The components of this model are divided into four areas, i.e. a business component, food and nutrition component, hygiene component, and a vending cart. Conclusion: The four components in the proposed SFVM take into account various elements of the socio-ecological framework, i.e. intrapersonal/individual, interpersonal, the physical environment/community and the policy environment. This SFVM should be piloted, evaluated, adapted and before rolling it out on a large scale to test its effectiveness.

Freqüência de Listeria monocytogenes em Mortadelas e Comportamento Durante o Processamento Industrial e Estocagem / Listeria monocytogenes: frequency and behavior in \"mortadella\" during commercial processing and storage

Luciano dos Santos Bersot 30 May 2000 (has links)
A importância da Listeria monocytogenes como patógeno veiculado por alimentos, causador de grave quadro de infecção é bem conhecida. Devido a sua grande capacidade de sobrevivência às condições adversas do ambiente, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos verificar a freqüência de L. monocytogenes em mortadelas comercializadas no município de São Paulo, SP; avaliar o comportamento de 2 níveis de inóculos de L. monocytogenes frente ao processamento térmico de mortadelas de 2 formulações em diferentes condições de estocagem e avaliar o comportamento de L. monocytogenes naturalmente presente em mortadelas fatiadas, embaladas a vácuo, comercializadas e estocadas sob refrigeração, durante sua vida de prateleira. As amostras foram analisadas pelos métodos de Presença/Ausência ou NMP/g. Verificou-se que 26,7% das amostras de mortadelas analisadas foram positivas para L. monocytogenes. O processamento térmico convencional aplicado na cocção das mortadelas (74ºC no ponto mais frio) foi suficiente para redução dos inóculos em até 3 ciclos log independente da formulação do produto. A temperatura de estocagem, refrigeração ou temperatura ambiente, não interferiu na recuperação do microrganismo. Nas mortadelas fatiadas e embaladas a vácuo foi observado aumento médio de 2,5 ciclos log do NMP de L. monocytogeneslg durante a vida de prateleira do produto, com níveis de L. monocytogenes próximos a 2,0 log NMP/g no final da vida de prateleira do produto. De acordo com os resultados obtidos concluiu-se que L. monocytogenes é um patógeno freqüente em mortadelas; o tratamento térmico de mortadelas é suficiente para redução de até 3 ciclos logarítmicos de L. monocytogenes, não tendo sido observada presença do microrganismo durante estocagem por 30 dias e que mortadelas fatiadas e embaladas a vácuo mantidas sob refrigeração são susceptíveis a multiplicação de L. monocytogenes durante sua estocagem refrigerada, representando um risco à população susceptível. / L. monocytogenes is an important foodborne pathogen that can cause life threating infections. The importance of L. monocytogenes as a foodborne pathogen is well known. Its capacity to resist to adverse environmental conditions makes this microorganism a cause of concern for the food industry. The objectives of this study were to evaluate: the incidence of L. monocytogenes in mortadella samples commercialised in São Paulo, SP, BR; the behaviour of 2 leveis of L. monocytogenes during the processing of 2 formulations of the product stored at difterent conditions and the behaviour of indigenous L. monocytogenes present in vaccum-packed sliced mortadella during the shelf life of the product. Samples were analised by the Presence/Absence technique or By MPN. 26.7% of the mortadella samples were positive for L. monocytogenes. The conventional cooking process (74°C in the coldest point) was sufficient to reduce the population of the microorganism in up to 3 log and the formulation of the product did not interfere with this reduction. L. monocytogenes was not detected during storage of the product for up to 30 days under cold storage (5-8°C) or room temperature (25°C). The vaccum-packed sliced product showed a mean increase of 2.5 log of MPN/g during its shelf life with the bacterium reaching populations around 2 log MPN/g by the end of the período It could be concluded that L. monocytogenes is very frequent in mortadellas; for this product the cooking process is sufticient to reduce up to 3 log of L. monocytogenes. This microorganism could not be recovered during storage for up to 30 days, indicating no sub-Iethal damage. The vaccum-packed sliced product stored under refrigeration is susceptible to L. monocytogenes growth and can be considered risky to susceptible population.

Qualidade e inocuidade alimentar na seção de rotisseria em supermercados: um estudo crítico / Food quality and safety in the rotisserie section in supermarkets: a critical study

Cristina Cleto Barboza Garcia 02 September 2005 (has links)
A vida moderna impôs novos hábitos alimentares para a população e a maior participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho estimula a alimentação fora do lar. Buscando diversificar suas atividades comerciais e atender esse mercado crescente, muitos supermercados estão implantando uma seção de rotisseria, no qual são produzidos e comercializados alimentos prontos para o consumo. Em muitos supermercados, essa seção é improvisada, sem atender as Boas Práticas de Manipulação, podendo representar um perigo à saúde dos consumidores. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram fazer um estudo crítico do problema da qualidade e inocuidade alimentar na seção de rotisseria de supermercados e apresentar um exemplo de um estabelecimento na cidade de São Paulo no qual uma área foi adaptada para uma rotisseria. Nessa rotisseria improvisada, aplicou-se a Lista de Verificação das Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Estabelecimentos da Área de Alimentos (LVBPMEA) da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo e alguns produtos colocados à venda foram submetidos à análises microbiológicas, para verificar se atendiam os padrões microbiológicos legais vigentes (Resolução RDC12 item 22, ANVISA). O estudo indicou que rotisserias em supermercados representam um novo e promissor mercado, mas os supermercadistas necessitam compreender que esse setor necessita de atenção diferenciada, por envolver produtos de alto risco para a saúde da população. Essa necessidade foi comprovada pelos resultados obtidos no supermercado estudado, onde numerosos pontos da LVBPMEA e da RDC12 não foram atendidos. Este exemplo pode refletir a realidade de muitos supermercados no Brasil. / Modern life style is imposing new eating habits and the increased participation of women in the work market estimulates having meals outside the home. Envisaging a new and promising market, supermarkets are adapting areas for preparation and selling of meals (rotisseries). In many supermakets, these improvised areas do not follow the recommended Good Manufacturing Practices, endangering consumers health. The present study aimed to address the issue concerned to quality and safety of meals prepared in these rotisseries, and present an example of a supermarket in the city of São Paulo in which an area was transformed in a rotisserie for cooking and selling ready-to-eat foods. The Good Manufacturing Practices Verification List, of the Mayority of São Paulo city, was applied to this improvised rotisserie, and some samples of ready-to-eat foods were submitted to microbiological testing in order to evaluate their compliance with the legal Brazilian microbiological standards (Resolução RDC12 item 22, ANVISA). The review indicated that rotisseries in supermarkets are a growing market in Brazil, but the managers need to understand that this sector needs special attention because the foods for sale may be risky for the consumers health. The need for special attention was strengthened by the results in the studied supermarket, where many points and products were not in accordance with the GMP Verification list and the legal Brazilian microbiological standards. This example may reflect the reality in many supermarkets in Brazil.

Qualidade microbiológica do leite e do sorvete de massa de uma indústria de pequeno porte do município de Piracicaba - SP. / Microbiological quality of milk and ice cream of a small industry of the district of Piracicaba - SP, Brazil.

Roberta Teresa Rizzo-Benato 19 November 2004 (has links)
Pela demanda elevada de sorvetes a base de leite no mercado, e ocasionais relatos de intoxicação alimentar por esse alimento, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de sorvetes, bem como a de sua principal matéria–prima, o leite. Foram analisadas 24 amostras de leite e 36 de sorvetes dos sabores de maior procura, creme e chocolate. Análises microbiológicas foram realizadas para a determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e fecais, a enumeração de Staphylococcus coagulase-positiva e a pesquisa de Salmonella spp, análises exigidas pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) (Brasil, 2001). Realizou-se, também, a comparação entre os caldos Escherichia coli - EC (Difco 0314-01-0) e Caldo Verde Brilhante Lactose Bile 2% - CVBLB (Difco 0007-01-2) utilizados no teste confirmativo para a detecção de coliformes fecais, havendo diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre eles na enumeração do NMP de coliformes fecais. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que 58,3% das amostras de leite e 19,4% das amostras de sorvetes analisadas apresentaram valores para coliformes fecais acima dos tolerados pela referida legislação quando se utilizou o CVBLB e 70,8% das amostras de leite e 30,6% das amostras de sorvetes apresentaram NMP de coliformes fecais acima dos permitidos pela legislação quando se utilizou o caldo EC. Staphylococcus coagulase-positiva foi detectado em apenas uma amostra de leite (4,2%) e em duas amostras de sorvete (5,6%) e todas as amostras analisadas não apresentaram Salmonella em 25 mL ou 25g. / Due to the high demand of milk base ice cream in the market and occasional milk intoxication, this work aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of vanilla and chocolate ice cream production, as well as its raw material, the milk. Comparisons of the media of Escherichia coli broth - EC (Difco 0314-01-0) and brilliant green bile lactose broth 2% - BGB (Difco 0007-01-2) were used in the confirmation test for fecal coliform counts. The sample microbiological analyses carried out were the counts of total and fecal coliforms, the examination for positive-coagulase Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp, all of them determined by the present brazilian legislation. Basing on the obtained results, the milk exceeded values in 58.3% and the ice cream in 19.4% of the samples analyzed for fecal coliforms using BGB and 70.8% and 30.6%, respectively using EC. Staphylococcus was detected in just one milk sample (4.2%) and two ice cream samples (5.6%) and for Salmonella, all of the samples presented absence of that microorganism. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the EC and BGB media comparisons.

Subsídios à implementação do sistema de análises de perigos e pontos críticos de controle em unidades de alimentação e nutrição infantil / Subsidies to the implementation of the system Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point in infantile foodservice establishments

Elisa de Medeiros Ravagnani 05 October 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi subsidiar a implementação de sistemas de qualidade em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) de centros de educação infantil municipais a fim de garantir a segurança dos alimentos oferecidos às crianças assistidas, as quais constituem um grupo de risco. A amostra constituiu-se de dois centros educacionais infantis (CEI) municipais, representativos do município de Piracicaba/SP. A avaliação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) foi realizada a partir do emprego de uma lista de verificação, do monitoramento das temperaturas de equipamentos e de preparações integrantes das refeições e análises microbiológicas de amostras coletadas em diferentes etapas de produção de duas preparações consideradas de maior risco, de cada UAN. Com base nos resultados desta avaliação destacaramse as não conformidades com prioridade de adequação e as respectivas ações corretivas, as quais foram consideradas superadas na elaboração do fluxograma vertical e na descrição das etapas das preparações selecionadas. Os perigos e pontos críticos de controle foram identificados, para cada preparação selecionada, assim como as ações preventivas, os procedimentos de monitoramento, das ações corretivas e de verificação, de acordo com os princípios estabelecidos para a implementação do Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle &#150; APPCC. A avaliação das BPF demonstrou um nível de adequação aos procedimentos de, em média, 64,3%. Dos procedimentos não conformes, 35,7% são condicionados à capacitação e supervisão de pessoal e podem ser superados com os recursos municipais, uma vez que se observou a disponibilidade de equipe técnica especializada na área de alimentação e nutrição no setor responsável pelo gerenciamento do Programa. Considerando-se que as BPF são o principal prérequisito na implementação do Sistema, o atual nível de adequação e condições estruturais das unidades municipais devem, ainda, contar com investimentos da Prefeitura Municipal para atingir um padrão satisfatório à implementação da APPCC. Os resultados obtidos constituem-se em importantes subsídios para o planejamento do Sistema que poderá ser implantado, com as devidas adequações, em toda a rede de CEI, pois as condições operacionais se repetem nos demais por terem o gerenciamento centralizado. / The objective of this work was to subsidize the implementation of quality systems in foodservice establishments at municipals day-care centers in order to guarantee the security of foods offered to the attended children, which constitute a risk group. The sample consisted of two municipals day-care centers, representative at Piracicaba/SP. The evaluation of Good Manufacture Practices (GMP) was based in a check-list, a temperatures verification of equipment and integrant preparations of the meals and microbiological analyses of samples collected in different stages of production of two preparations considered of higher risk, in each day-care center. Based on this results, emphasized the non conformities with priority of adequacy and the respective corrective actions, which had been considered surpassed in the elaboration of the vertical flux diagram and in the stages description of the selected preparations. The hazards and critical control points had been identified, for each preparation, as well as the preventive actions, the procedures of monitoring, corrective actions and verification, in accordance with the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). The evaluation of the GMP demonstrated an adequacy level to the procedures of, in average, 64,3%. The 35,7% nonconforms refered to the qualification and supervision of staff and can be surpassed with municipal resources, through the technical team specialized in the foodservice and nutrition responsible for the Program management. Considering that the GMP are the main prerequisite in the implementation of the System, the current level of adequacy and structural conditions of the municipal units must need on investments of the Municipal Administration to reach a satisfactory adequacy to the implementation of the HACCP. The results consist in an important subsidies for the planning of the System that could be implanted, with adequacies, in all the CEI attended for the Program, because of centralized management provide the same operational conditions.

Subsídios para implementação do Sistema Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle - APPCC em Lactário / Subsidies for implementation of the Hazard Analysis System and Critical Points of Control - HACCP in Milk Kitchen

Aparecida Alves Trindade 16 October 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo subsidiar a implementação de um sistema de qualidade - APPCC na produção de fórmulas infantis em lactário a fim de obter um alimento seguro. O objeto de estudo foi um hospital, de atendimento geral, localizado na cidade de Piracicaba, SP. Por meio de observação da rotina e consulta aos documentos do setor foram identificadas características físicas e funcionais e elaborados os fluxogramas de produção das fórmulas infantis. Considerando as Boas Práticas na elaboração das fórmulas, como pré-requisito na implementação do sistema APPCC, foi realizado o levantamento das condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias com a aplicação de uma Lista de Verificação adaptada ao lactário. Foram realizadas medições de tempo e temperatura do ambiente, de equipamentos e das fórmulas infantis nas etapas de manipulação, armazenamento e distribuição. Visando complementar a avaliação foram realizadas análises microbiológicas das seguintes fórmulas infantis que apresentaram maior potencial de risco durante a produção: fórmula para recém-nascido prematuro e fórmula não submetida a tratamento térmico após a manipulação. Microrganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais, coliformes totais e fecais foram pesquisados. As amostras positivas para coliformes totais foram submetidas à análise de coliformes fecais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias atenderam 66% dos procedimentos preconizados pela legislação sanitária. As não-conformidades mais relevantes referiram-se aos manipuladores de alimento (59%). As contagens de microorganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais confirmaram as condições inadequadas podendo ser atribuídas, principalmente, ao uso inadequado do tempo e temperatura nas etapas de produção. As contagens de coliformes totais e presença de coliformes fecais confirmaram as deficiências mencionadas. As informações obtidas subsidiaram a elaboração dos fluxogramas de produção dessas fórmulas permitindo a identificação dos perigos e pontos críticos de controle com base na avaliação dos ingredientes e etapas do processo. Um plano APPCC foi proposto onde foram apresentados os perigos, medidas preventivas, pontos de controle e/ou pontos críticos de controle, limites críticos, monitoração, ações corretivas e procedimentos de verificação. A garantia da produção segura das fórmulas infantis a partir do sistema APPCC poderá ser alcançada com investimentos na capacitação de pessoal e adequação das instalações e equipamentos. / The present study had an intending of checking the subsidies for the implementation of a quality system - HACCP in the production of infant formulas in milk kitchen in order to obtain safety food. The object of the study was a general hospital located in Piracicaba,state of São Paulo. Through a routine observation and consulting the sector documents, were identified the physical and functional characteristics. With such information the flow charts for the infant formula preparation were made. Taking in account the Good Manefacturing Practies which is a set of rules concerning the hygienic-sanitary conditions on the formula production, as prerequisite in the implementation of the HACCP system, all the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions through the application of the verification list has adapted to the milk kitchen. Time and temperature were measured in the environment, as well as equipment and infant formula during handling, storage and distribution phases. Objecting to complement the evaluation were made a microbiological analysis of next infant formula. Short after, the two types of infant formulas which present larger potential risk during preparation were chosen: the one designed for premature newborn child and the thermic treatment post handling. It was searching total mesophilic microorganisms, fecal coliforms and total coliforms. The results showed the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions carried out 66% of the recommendation. and the most relevant non-conformation regard the food handlers (59%). The counts of mesopholic microorganisms showed the inadequate use of time and temperature during the production phases. The counts of total coliforms and the presence of fecal coliforms confirmed related deficiencies.The obtained information have subsidied the elaboration of the flow charts of the formula productions permitting the identification of the critical points of control on the evaluation of the ingredients and on the process\'s phases. Subsequently a plan HACCP was made in which there were the phase sequence with its critical points of control, critical limits, corrective measures, monitoring, checking, registers and results. The guarantee of safe production infant formulas from HACCP will be obtained with investment on the improvement and training of the operational team.

Food hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in Bangladeshi homes

Tarannum, Rubab January 2021 (has links)
Background Food handlers knowledge and related attitude and practices towards food hygiene plays a significant role in reducing food-borne disease, which represents a growing concern for public health interest. Aim To explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food hygiene among food handlers in Bangladeshi homes located in urban areas exposed to climate change. Methodology A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted to perform this study. An online questionnaire survey was used as a tool for data collection. Food handlers were selected through convenience sampling method. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software version 27. Results In case of food hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices, study participants had good knowledge (78.77%), moderate attitude (57.4%) and good practice level (88.82%) in food hygiene at home. There is no significant difference between men and women in their knowledge level but had significant difference in their attitude and practice level. Besides, there is no significant difference in food hygiene knowledge of food handlers based on their educational level but results showed significant difference in their attitude and practices of food hygiene. Conclusion Food handlers in Bangladeshi homes were knowledgeable with moderate attitude and good practice level. Continuous food safety education, health education and media campaigns will help them to reduce the risk of diarrhea and food-borne illness.

Desenvolvimento e Impacto de Ações de Intervenção para Apoio à Produção de Alimentos Seguros: Estudo em Escolas Estaduais Atendidas pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, em Salvador-BA

Leite, Catarina Lima 13 August 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-08-20T17:47:58Z No. of bitstreams: 21 FINAL_DISSERTACAO_PDF.pdf: 2005433 bytes, checksum: 257cf845ae1b64588acad3abed3fb171 (MD5) PROGRAMA FASSE.pdf: 18931 bytes, checksum: 02af773d8f79da205e3c042af424906e (MD5) A PERCEPÇÃO DAS CRIANÇAS SOBRE A MERENDA.pdf: 1067983 bytes, checksum: db1b79f6ff70af483c2fe44f77d68465 (MD5) ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL.pdf: 920889 bytes, checksum: f59efcc9c49a2255e7416e57a99849e1 (MD5) PNAE HISTÓRICO E OBJETIVOS.pdf: 588376 bytes, checksum: bd77de6f68776f7f52d592526a69293f (MD5) RESULTADOS DO DIAGNÓSTICO.pdf: 1547785 bytes, checksum: 51a36e8c36eafc22f1def923db36d402 (MD5) DINÂMICA DO PASSA E REPASSA.pdf: 47712 bytes, checksum: 4645ba89da078c3a8548a7929322d132 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO SOBRE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 46418 bytes, checksum: f57c2e5b8327d4b87c2d79efe2065d83 (MD5) HIGIENE DE AMBIENTES E UTENSÍLIOS.pdf: 321122 bytes, checksum: ac86c2788bda6f9523431a0561a3cea2 (MD5) HISTORIA DE MAGALI EM POWER POINT.pdf: 546537 bytes, checksum: 6a04dcd5b7562710ce7aad3ebb3a7fa9 (MD5) JOGO DOS ERROS.pdf: 483575 bytes, checksum: d94cc33e660a65515e4019386f324056 (MD5) PRINCÍPIOS DE MICROBIOLOGIA I.pdf: 3822194 bytes, checksum: d16390073e950aaed9e6387e770239e6 (MD5) ROTEIRO DA AULA DE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 47879 bytes, checksum: 098b4acab87a85dfca329ed93c9a8c45 (MD5) ROTEIRO DO 1º OLHAR.pdf: 44804 bytes, checksum: fc9e1464f6d7e3ad462f43600ddb07d2 (MD5) BOAS_PRATICAS_PRODUCAO.pdf: 707241 bytes, checksum: 3d4c83b53313242ba9438c7382ec65bb (MD5) DINAMICA DO ARMAZENAMENTO_ O CERTO E O ERRADO.pdf: 526019 bytes, checksum: 48547b0b6304c2e0f22606ca710b2342 (MD5) RECEBIMENTO_ARMAZANAMENTO.pdf: 1051378 bytes, checksum: 64166e4cce0e56bd4496853caca5db3d (MD5) CARDÁPIO.pdf: 1054273 bytes, checksum: cd9222818ad784cd0e6a3f451a03382e (MD5) FICHA DE AVALIACÃO_FASSE.pdf: 5061 bytes, checksum: 24269b5fc2760e57703e1dbbdd4c6009 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO PARA HIGIENE DO AMBIENTE E ABASTECIMENTO DE ÁGUA.pdf: 47788 bytes, checksum: 066384ad4da5f18f2aaae592c3f0a4b4 (MD5) MANEJO DE RESÍDUOS_ CONTROLE DE PRAGAS E ÁGUA.pdf: 797254 bytes, checksum: 2d1348f8165b6e2df3c72dad7e42ea25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Setor de Periódicos (per_macedocosta@ufba.br) on 2018-08-21T14:45:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 21 FINAL_DISSERTACAO_PDF.pdf: 2005433 bytes, checksum: 257cf845ae1b64588acad3abed3fb171 (MD5) PROGRAMA FASSE.pdf: 18931 bytes, checksum: 02af773d8f79da205e3c042af424906e (MD5) A PERCEPÇÃO DAS CRIANÇAS SOBRE A MERENDA.pdf: 1067983 bytes, checksum: db1b79f6ff70af483c2fe44f77d68465 (MD5) ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL.pdf: 920889 bytes, checksum: f59efcc9c49a2255e7416e57a99849e1 (MD5) PNAE HISTÓRICO E OBJETIVOS.pdf: 588376 bytes, checksum: bd77de6f68776f7f52d592526a69293f (MD5) RESULTADOS DO DIAGNÓSTICO.pdf: 1547785 bytes, checksum: 51a36e8c36eafc22f1def923db36d402 (MD5) DINÂMICA DO PASSA E REPASSA.pdf: 47712 bytes, checksum: 4645ba89da078c3a8548a7929322d132 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO SOBRE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 46418 bytes, checksum: f57c2e5b8327d4b87c2d79efe2065d83 (MD5) HIGIENE DE AMBIENTES E UTENSÍLIOS.pdf: 321122 bytes, checksum: ac86c2788bda6f9523431a0561a3cea2 (MD5) HISTORIA DE MAGALI EM POWER POINT.pdf: 546537 bytes, checksum: 6a04dcd5b7562710ce7aad3ebb3a7fa9 (MD5) JOGO DOS ERROS.pdf: 483575 bytes, checksum: d94cc33e660a65515e4019386f324056 (MD5) PRINCÍPIOS DE MICROBIOLOGIA I.pdf: 3822194 bytes, checksum: d16390073e950aaed9e6387e770239e6 (MD5) ROTEIRO DA AULA DE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 47879 bytes, checksum: 098b4acab87a85dfca329ed93c9a8c45 (MD5) ROTEIRO DO 1º OLHAR.pdf: 44804 bytes, checksum: fc9e1464f6d7e3ad462f43600ddb07d2 (MD5) BOAS_PRATICAS_PRODUCAO.pdf: 707241 bytes, checksum: 3d4c83b53313242ba9438c7382ec65bb (MD5) DINAMICA DO ARMAZENAMENTO_ O CERTO E O ERRADO.pdf: 526019 bytes, checksum: 48547b0b6304c2e0f22606ca710b2342 (MD5) RECEBIMENTO_ARMAZANAMENTO.pdf: 1051378 bytes, checksum: 64166e4cce0e56bd4496853caca5db3d (MD5) CARDÁPIO.pdf: 1054273 bytes, checksum: cd9222818ad784cd0e6a3f451a03382e (MD5) FICHA DE AVALIACÃO_FASSE.pdf: 5061 bytes, checksum: 24269b5fc2760e57703e1dbbdd4c6009 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO PARA HIGIENE DO AMBIENTE E ABASTECIMENTO DE ÁGUA.pdf: 47788 bytes, checksum: 066384ad4da5f18f2aaae592c3f0a4b4 (MD5) MANEJO DE RESÍDUOS_ CONTROLE DE PRAGAS E ÁGUA.pdf: 797254 bytes, checksum: 2d1348f8165b6e2df3c72dad7e42ea25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T14:45:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 21 FINAL_DISSERTACAO_PDF.pdf: 2005433 bytes, checksum: 257cf845ae1b64588acad3abed3fb171 (MD5) PROGRAMA FASSE.pdf: 18931 bytes, checksum: 02af773d8f79da205e3c042af424906e (MD5) A PERCEPÇÃO DAS CRIANÇAS SOBRE A MERENDA.pdf: 1067983 bytes, checksum: db1b79f6ff70af483c2fe44f77d68465 (MD5) ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL.pdf: 920889 bytes, checksum: f59efcc9c49a2255e7416e57a99849e1 (MD5) PNAE HISTÓRICO E OBJETIVOS.pdf: 588376 bytes, checksum: bd77de6f68776f7f52d592526a69293f (MD5) RESULTADOS DO DIAGNÓSTICO.pdf: 1547785 bytes, checksum: 51a36e8c36eafc22f1def923db36d402 (MD5) DINÂMICA DO PASSA E REPASSA.pdf: 47712 bytes, checksum: 4645ba89da078c3a8548a7929322d132 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO SOBRE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 46418 bytes, checksum: f57c2e5b8327d4b87c2d79efe2065d83 (MD5) HIGIENE DE AMBIENTES E UTENSÍLIOS.pdf: 321122 bytes, checksum: ac86c2788bda6f9523431a0561a3cea2 (MD5) HISTORIA DE MAGALI EM POWER POINT.pdf: 546537 bytes, checksum: 6a04dcd5b7562710ce7aad3ebb3a7fa9 (MD5) JOGO DOS ERROS.pdf: 483575 bytes, checksum: d94cc33e660a65515e4019386f324056 (MD5) PRINCÍPIOS DE MICROBIOLOGIA I.pdf: 3822194 bytes, checksum: d16390073e950aaed9e6387e770239e6 (MD5) ROTEIRO DA AULA DE HIGIENE PESSOAL.pdf: 47879 bytes, checksum: 098b4acab87a85dfca329ed93c9a8c45 (MD5) ROTEIRO DO 1º OLHAR.pdf: 44804 bytes, checksum: fc9e1464f6d7e3ad462f43600ddb07d2 (MD5) BOAS_PRATICAS_PRODUCAO.pdf: 707241 bytes, checksum: 3d4c83b53313242ba9438c7382ec65bb (MD5) DINAMICA DO ARMAZENAMENTO_ O CERTO E O ERRADO.pdf: 526019 bytes, checksum: 48547b0b6304c2e0f22606ca710b2342 (MD5) RECEBIMENTO_ARMAZANAMENTO.pdf: 1051378 bytes, checksum: 64166e4cce0e56bd4496853caca5db3d (MD5) CARDÁPIO.pdf: 1054273 bytes, checksum: cd9222818ad784cd0e6a3f451a03382e (MD5) FICHA DE AVALIACÃO_FASSE.pdf: 5061 bytes, checksum: 24269b5fc2760e57703e1dbbdd4c6009 (MD5) FORMULÁRIO PARA HIGIENE DO AMBIENTE E ABASTECIMENTO DE ÁGUA.pdf: 47788 bytes, checksum: 066384ad4da5f18f2aaae592c3f0a4b4 (MD5) MANEJO DE RESÍDUOS_ CONTROLE DE PRAGAS E ÁGUA.pdf: 797254 bytes, checksum: 2d1348f8165b6e2df3c72dad7e42ea25 (MD5) / RESUMO GERAL O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) constitui um dos mais antigos e importantes programas da área de Alimentação e Nutrição do País, com atendimento anual de cerca de 37 milhões de alunos. A alimentação escolar é uma das poucas oportunidades em que o Estado tem de intervir com ações de segurança alimentar e nutricional, com vistas a beneficiar a criança - nessa perspectiva, salienta-se o papel da alimentação escolar como um atrativo para a permanência dos alunos nas escolas públicas brasileiras. Quanto à qualidade higiênico- sanitária dos alimentos fornecidos, entretanto, diversos estudos têm evidenciado lacunas quanto ao atendimento de requisitos normativos, incluindo a insuficiência de atividades de capacitação para as merendeiras, o que concorre para situações de inadequação nas técnicas de preparo dos alimentos e conseqüentemente riscos à saúde dos escolares. Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e avaliar ações de intervenção para apoio à produção de alimentos seguros, em escolas estaduais atendidas pelo PNAE, em Salvador-BA. Para tanto, dois estudos foram conduzidos no âmbito das atividades de intervenção. No primeiro, elaborou-se e implementou-se uma proposta de capacitação para merendeiras. A capacitação, denominada “Formação em Alimentação Saudável e Segura na Escola – FASSE”, tomou por princípio uma construção participativa, com consulta às merendeiras e adotou como abordagem pedagógica a linha sócio-crítica, permeada de intensa relação educadoreducando e valorização da construção do conhecimento. A capacitação foi planejada como um evento de 20 horas, sendo conduzida em unidades escolares, para permitir maior aproximação e reflexão sobre a realidade do PNAE. O programa contemplou conteúdos diferenciados, incluindo: o PNAE e seus objetivos; a importância da merendeira no sistema da alimentação escolar; princípios de nutrição e alimentação saudável e princípios de Boas Práticas de Fabricação. Como recursos metodológicos foram adotados: teatro, exposição dialogada, oficinas, gincana, experiências práticas, jogos interativos com imagens, aplicação de formulários e atividades dirigidas em grupo. Para a maior parte dos participantes, verificou-se satisfação com a capacitação, com boa compreensão do conteúdo e adequação entre a metodologia e o referencial teórico. No segundo estudo, avaliou-se o impacto de ações de intervenção na segurança da produção da alimentação escolar, partindo-se de um diagnóstico conduzido previamente, que caracterizava a condição higiênico-sanitária das unidades de produção de alimentos, bem como o perfil microbiológico da água e de alimentos prontos para o consumo. Trabalhou-se com uma sub-amostra de 20 escolas, em observação ao delineamento previamente estabelecido, sendo desenvolvidas as seguintes ações de intervenção: reuniões com gestores públicos, seminário com dirigentes escolares, capacitação para merendeiras e visitas para acompanhamento in loco. Para fins de avaliação de impacto, utilizaram-se os mesmos instrumentos e técnicas adotados durante o diagnóstico - aplicação de um check-list, elaborado com base na RDC 216/04, ANVISA/MS, e análises microbiológicas da água e de alimentos prontos, por microrganismos indicadores-, comparando-se a diferença de desempenho entre as duas etapas do estudo – antes e após a intervenção. De acordo com o resultado global de avaliação pelo check-list, constatou-se uma melhoria significativa nas escolas (p=0,002). Entre os blocos que contribuíram positivamente, foram identificados os referentes às matérias-primas, ingredientes e embalagens e aqueles relacionados à manipulação e ao preparo dos alimentos. Os blocos de edificações, instalações e equipamentos, higienização, controle integrado de pragas, assim como a análise microbiológica da água, que requeriam investimentos financeiros para adequação, não apresentaram melhorias após a intervenção. Em relação à qualidade microbiológica dos alimentos prontos para o consumo, evidenciou-se adequação quanto à contagem padrão em placa, leve redução na estimativa de coliformes termotolerantes, e resultado discretamente aumentado quanto à presença de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Para grande parte dos elementos avaliados, conclui-se que as ações de intervenção contribuíram positivamente para a melhoria da segurança dos alimentos, no entanto, foram identificadas limitações, em virtude da ausência de decisões políticas que viabilizassem melhor infra-estrutura e funcionamento das cantinas. / ABSTRACT The National School Feeding Program (PNAE) is one of the oldest and most important programs in the Food and Nutrition field in Brazil, with annual coverage of about 37 million students. Since school feeding is one of the few opportunities the State has for food and nutrition security interventions aimed at benefiting the children, its role as a magnet for the permanence of students in Brazilian public schools stands out. However, several studies have shown that the sanitary/hygienic quality of the food provided falls short of the regulatory requirements, including lack of training activities for school lunch cooks, which contributes to situations of inadequacy in the technical preparation of food and subsequent risks to schoolchildren’s health. This study aimed to develop and evaluate intervention actions to support the production of safe meals in state schools under PNAE in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil). Two studies were thus conducted as part of the intervention activities. In the first one, professional training activities were devised and implemented among school lunch cooks. The training, called "Training in Healthy and Safe School Food - FASSE," was carried out on a participatory basis by consulting with school lunch cooks and taking a sociocritical pedagogical approach, characterized by an intense educator-learner relationship and a highly valued knowledge construction process. The training was planned as a 20-hour event, conducted in school units to allow for a cozy environment and reflection on the reality of PNAE. The activity contents carried a number of different approaches, including the PNAE and its goals, the school lunch cooks’ relevance in the school feeding system, healthy feeding and nutrition principles, and Good Manufacturing Practice principles. Methodological resources comprised dramatization, dialogued presentations, workshops, group contests, practical activities, interactive games with images, form completion and guided group activities. For most of the subjects, the training was deemed satisfactory with good content learning and adequacy between the methodological approach and the theoretical references. The second study assessed the impact of intervention actions in the safety of school food production by building on a previously conducted diagnosis, which showed the sanitary-hygienic condition of the food production units and the microbiological status of both water and ready-to-eat food. According to previously designed approach, the intervention, carried out in a sub-sample of 20 schools, included: meetings with public managers, seminars with school principals, professional training for school lunch cooks and follow-up visits in loco. Impact assessment of such actions was carried out by using the same tools and techniques employed in the diagnostic study, namely the completion of a checklist based on ANVISA/MS RDC 216/04 guidelines and microbiological analyses of water and ready-to-eat food for microorganism indicators in order to compare the status before and after the intervention. Global checklist assessment showed a significant (p=0.002) improvement in the schools under study. Items related to raw material, ingredients and packaging as well as those related to food handling and preparation were found to have contributed positively for such a result. However, items related to buildings, facilities and equipment, hygienization, integrated plague control as well as water microbiological assessment, all of which required financial investments towards adequacy, did not show improvement after intervention. The microbiological quality of ready-to-eat foods was found to be adequate according to the plate count agar, showed a slight decrease in thermotolerant coliforms estimates and a slight increase regarding coagulase-positive staphylococcus. As a conclusion, while for most of the items assessed intervention actions were shown to contribute effectively towards the improvement in food safety, shortcomings were identified as a function of a lack of political decision-making aimed at improving both the infrastructure and the adequate performance of the facilities.


Medeiros, Laissa Benites 29 May 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiota of vegetables under different conditions of time and temperature. We evaluated samples of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and beets randomly collected from supermarkets in Santa Maria (RS). The samples of lettuce and tomatoes were divided in 3 treatments: Lettuce and tomato with skin in natura without sanitizing; cleaned with powder sodium hypochlorite, and sanitary water. We also analyzed peeled samples of carrots and beets washed with potable water only (not sanitize). After the washing and sanitizing procedure was performed, the samples were incubated in 3 different temperatures (10 ºC, 20 ºC and 30 º C) for 4 hours. Samples were collected at time 0 (To) indicating the initial contamination level of each sample and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours of exposure at the temperatures of 10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C (T1, T2, T3 and T4). In each sample we evaluated the total count of psychrophilic and mesophilic aerobic, presence of Staphylococcus positive coagulase, Salmonella ssp. and the determination of the Most Probable Number of Total and thermotolerant coliforms. The results were expressed as log Log UFC/g. The highest averages in the total count of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms in samples of sanitized lettuce and tomatoes were found in the samples washed with water, apart of the temperature in which they were submitted. In the total count of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms in tomato samples the lowest averages were found at 10 ºC. In the samples of beet, we concluded that in the count of mesophilic aerobic, the increase was directly proportional to the exposure time at 30 ºC. In the carrot samples we found the lowest averages at 10 ºC. In none of the samples were found Salmonella ssp, Staphylococcus positive coagulase and thermotolerant coliforms. We conclude that apart of temperature, time and method of sanitizing all samples were within the acceptable limits required by law, and we highlight that these foods can be exposed to a higher temperature than the laws of Brazil bring, without endangering consumer health. / O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a microbiota de hortaliças em relação ao tempo, temperatura e produtos saneantes. Foram avaliadas amostras de alface cultivadas convencionalmente, tomate, cenoura e beterraba coletados aleatoriamente em 5 supermercados diferentes no município de Santa Maria, RS. As amostras de alface e tomate foram divididas em 3 tratamentos e codificadas como: alface e tomate com casca in natura, sem sanificação (SEM); higienizados com Hipoclorito de Sódio em pó (HIP), e higienizados com Água Sanitária (AS). As amostras de cenoura e a beterraba foram lavadas com água potável, descascadas com cortador e raladas cruas. As amostras foram incubadas em estufa B.O.D em 3 temperaturas diferentes (10ºC, 20ºC e 30ºC), e expostas a essas temperaturas de 1 a 4 horas para cada amostra. Foram coletadas amostras no tempo 0 (To) indicando o nível de contaminação inicial de cada amostra e após 1, 2, 3 e 4 horas de exposição nas temperaturas de 10ºC, 20ºC e 30ºC (T1, T2, T3 e T4). Avaliou-se em cada amostra a contagem total de psicrófilos para a temperatura de 10ºC e a contagem total de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos para as temperaturas de 20ºC e 30ºC. Avaliou-se ainda a presença de Staphylococcus Coagulase Positiva, pesquisa de Salmonella ssp. e a determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de Coliformes Totais e Termotolerantes. Os resultados foram expressos em Log UFC/g. As maiores médias na contagem total de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos nas amostras de alfaces e tomates foram encontradas nas amostras lavadas com água, independente da temperatura em que foram submetidas. Na contagem total de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos nas amostras de tomate as menores médias foram encontradas na temperatura de 10ºC. As amostras de cenoura verificam-se as menores médias de contagem foram encontradas na temperatura de exposição de 10ºC. Em nenhuma das amostras foram encontradas Salmonella ssp, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e coliformes termotolerantes. Conclui-se que independente da temperatura, tempo e método de higienização todas as amostras encontraram-se dentro dos limites aceitáveis exigidos pela legislação vigente, sugerindo que esses alimentos podem ser expostos a uma temperatura maior do que traz as legislações do Brasil.

Compliance level of street food vendors regarding food hygiene and safety in Thulamela Local Municipality

Mukwevho, Michael Nngodiseni 18 May 2018 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / Introduction: Street food vending is a source of income for billions of people around the world. In most developing countries, including South Africa street food is popular. However, most street food has been linked to outbreaks of foodborne illness. The assessment was based on the general hygiene requirement stipulated in R962 of November 2012 framed under Foodstuff cosmetics and Disinfectant Act of 1972 Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess compliance of street food vendors with food and safety regulations in Thulamela Municipality. Method: The study used a quantitative, cross- sectional survey, descriptive design. A convenience sampling was used to sample 155 street food vendors. Data was collected using two instruments; namely, a self-administered questionnaire and an observation checklist. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.Validity and Reliability will be ensured and measures to ensure ethical considerations were adhered to. Results: A total of 155 street food vendors participated in the study. Most of the street food vendors were in the age group 25- 30 years. There were more females than males. Furthermore, the majority of street food vendors had experience of 5-10 years. The majority (n=61; 39.4%) of street food vendors were operating in Thohoyandou, while some (n=25.8%)operated in Sibasa and forty others (25.8%) operated in Shayandima. Forty-five (29%) of them were illiterate, fifty (32, 3%) did primary education, thirty two (20.6%) had secondary education, four (2.6%) had a matric certification and twenty- four (15.5%) had vocational training. More than half of the In regard to knowledge items on preventing foodborne vendors (n=100; 64.5%) did not attend food hygiene training while (n=55; 35.5%) did. Lastly about a third most (n=48; 31%) of the street food vendors were selling their food in the transport terminals. The survey results indicate that street food vendors exhibited high levels of knowledge regarding items pertaining to hand hygiene. Therefore street food vendors were highly knowledgeable with regard to how much time should be spent when washing hands with soap, the correct way of stopping bleeding while at work, important measures to keep germs away from the food, hand washing and methods of drying hands. However, the street food vendors displayed poor knowledge with regard to reasons why they should dry their hands. Regarding knowledge items on preventing foodborne illnesses, the street food vendors were knowledgeable about the symptoms that make a street food vendors stay away from the workplace, that the best way to destroy any harmful germs is to cook food to the right temperature, that a combination of washing hands, using gloves and keeping food at the right temperature are ways of preventing food borne illnesses. However, street food vendors displayed some knowledge gaps with regard to the correct detergents for washing vessels and why food handlers require some knowledge on food hygiene. A total of 155 vending stalls were observed. The results from the checklist indicated that three quarters (n=116; 75%) of the stalls were protected from the sun, wind and dust. In addition, about (n=136; 87.7%) of the stalls did not have direct access to potable water. Furthermore, about (115; 74.2 %) did not have adequate hand washing facilities and 141(91%) did not have waste disposal facilities. Animals, flies and insects were indeed evident around the stalls in 124(80%) of the 155 stalls. In addition the majority of street food handlers (136; 87.7%) did not wash their hands before preparing food. Regarding hand washing after using toilet, all of the vendors said that they washed their hands each time after visiting the toilet. This was not confirmed as the researcher did not follow the vendors into the toilets. More than three quarters (120; 77%) of the food handlers operated in clean clothes. However, only 39(25%) used an apron when handling food, while 124(80%) did not use gloves to handle food and only 24(15%) used disposable gloves. Although the street food vendors complied with wearing clean clothes, they did not consistently wear aprons and they also used bare hands to touch food. Conclusion: Although the street food vendors were knowledgeable about food hygiene and safety practices, the majority displayed poor hygienic practice and prepared food on unhygienic sites. / NRF

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