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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Can modern food retailers improve diets and nutrition in urban Africa? Empirical evidence from Zambia

Khonje, Makaiko 19 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Intracolonial demography, biomass and food consumption of Macrotermes natalensis (Haviland) (Isoptera: Termitidae) colonies in the northern Kruger National Park, South Africa

Meyer, Victor Wilhelm 03 September 2002 (has links)
This thesis reports on the number of individuals in Macrotermes natalensis (Hav.) colonies, their biomass and food consumption in the northern Kruger National Park (KNP). The ecology of M. natalensis is largely undocumented despite the abundance of colonies in southern African savannas. New approaches to mound excavation, sub-sampling and data management are introduced. Via the intracolonial demography of colonies the contribution of each caste in number or proportion is determined. Using this information in combination with body mass and mound density data, biomass per unit area has been computed indicating the importance of this termite in synecology. The measurement of food consumption gives further insight as to how much litter is removed, fragmented and redistributed as nutrients in the ecosystem. Mounds were completely excavated, termites collected by means of vacuuming, and colony size estimated by sub-sampling. It was estimated that, on average, small mounds contain more than 5 000, medium mounds more than 45 000, and large mounds more than 200 000 individual termites. A highly significant relationship between total number of individuals (N ) and mound height (h ) was found, given by lnN = 7.893 + 1.093h (r = 0.92). The proportion of soldiers was found to change as colonies grew larger. In order to derive biomass estimates, a statistical bootstrap procedure was carried out using three databases: body mass, colony population sizes and mound density. Live biomass for small, medium and large mounds was found to be 0.17, 1.40 and 4.16 kg. Dry/wet body mass ratios were established for workers (23.7 %), major soldiers (20.3 %), minor soldiers (35.3 %), nymphs (17.1 %), king (35.4 %) and queen (20.8 %). Average live and dry biomass was calculated to be 0.51 kg/ha (0.051 g/m2) and 0.11 kg/ha (0.011 g/m2). Geology, geomorphology, elevation, local relief, soil patterns and annual rainfall were the abiotic factors shown to be most influential in determining termite biomass, either directly or indirectly. Termite biomass is high in undulating areas where the elevation is 250-400 m, where granitic and rhyolitic soils occur, and where annual rainfall is high (650-700 mm) in the context of the region. Major workers fetch woody litter outside the nest through ingestion into the section of the crop and gizzard. Gut contents were dried, weighed, ashed and reweighed. The ash mainly represents soil particles. The ash-free mass of food that is consumed during a single foraging trip by a foraging individual is 0.166 ± 0.009 mg (CI). Frequency of foraging trips between the mound and food source was observed using translucent tubing. The annual food consumption is given by the formula 365mnp/t , where m = individual mass of ashed crop-gizzard contents, n = number of foraging major workers, p = daily foraging period, and t = individual time spent between nest and food source. Food consumption of this termite in the northern KNP is calculated to be 20.2 kg/ha/yr. It is shown that termites are primary decomposers and contribute to litter fragmentation and the recycling of nutrients into the soil. This thesis gives greater insight into aspects such as colony development, biomass investment and resource utilization of M. natalensis in the northern KNP. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Making a feast for the deceased : Archaeobotanical investigation of plant remains in ovens used for drying cereals and food consumption through ovens, graves, and bog bodies / En festmåltid för de döda : Arkeobotanisk analys av växtmaterial i ugnar gjorda för torkning av säd och matkonsumtion genom ugnar, gravar och mosslik

Smeds, Daniel Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Det finns många frågetecken kvar kring konsumtionsbeteende inom förhistoriska kulturer. Målet med denna studie var därför att studera och förbättra förståelsen av det arkeobotaniska materialet i ugnar gjorda för att torka sädeskorn och hur ugnarnas innehåll korrelerar med den växtbaserade matkonsumtionen, samt att försöka se potentiella samband mellan ugnarna, deponerade växtrester i gravar och de två mossliken Grauballemannen och Tollundmannens maginnehåll. De 14 ugnarna, belägna i Sydskandinavien och daterade till järnåldern, analyserades och jämfördes för att se hur deras innehåll förhåller sig både i tid och rum men även jämfört med det övriga åkerbruket från bronsåldern till medeltiden. Det arkeobotaniska fynden visade att i yngre bronsåldern odlades det Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare, vilket följdes av en period då Hordeum vulgare var. nudum odlades. Detta pågick till slutet av romersk järnålder då Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare igen blev den vanligaste grödan att odla. I slutet av järnåldern odlades både Avena sativa och Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare. Övriga sädeskorn som Triticum sp. och Secale cereale har även odlats, dock endast till en mindre grad enligt fynden från ugnarna. De arkeobotaniska fynden jämfördes sedan med den rådande bilden av matkulturen under järnåldern, vilket visar indikationer på att Chenopodium album, Fallopia convolvulus, Persicaria maculosa/lapathifolia, Plantago lanceolata, Poacea, Polygonum aviculare och Spergula arvensis troligen har konsumerats tillsammans med de funna sädeskornen. Flera av dessa påträffades i de samtliga analyserade fornlämningarna.  Jämförelseanalyser i dendrogram mellan gravarnas och ugnars makrofossila rester samt de båda mosslikens maginnehåll visade inga definitiva samband. Dock fanns det gravar som korrelerade relativt starkt med ugnarnas innehåll, möjligen på grund av dess stora fyndmaterial av makrofossil. Dessa kunde visa indikationer på mat och måltid har deponerats i gravar.

Matbarometern – kommer de politiska partierna göra det lätt att äta rätt?

Peterson, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Det globala matsystemet står inför enorma miljö- och hälsoutmaningar för attnå hållbar utveckling. Forskning på området visar att för att matsystemet skakunna rymmas inom de planetära gränserna krävs förändringar inom såvälproduktion, minskat matsvinn och kostvanor (Willet et al. 2019). Enligt Rööset al. (2020) finns det inte något som tyder på att detta kommer att ske spontantutan det behövs politiskt beslutade styrmedel (Röös et al. 2020).Forskningsplattformen SLU Future Food presenterade i augusti 2020 rapportenStyrmedel för hållbar matkonsumtion – en kunskapsöversikt och vägar framåt.Den kartlägger kunskapsläget inom hållbar matkonsumtion och beskriver 17möjliga statliga styrmedel inom området. De 17 styrmedlen är uppdelade i trekategorier utifrån vilka mekanismer staten kan använda sig av. Rapportenbeskriver att arbetet i offentlig sektor behöver intensifieras, att det behövsnationella mål för en hållbar matkonsumtion samt att det bör utvecklas ochinföras effektiva och attraktiva styrmedelspaket (Röös et al. 2020).Syftet med denna studie är att fastställa hur Sveriges åtta riksdagspartierförhåller sig till de fakta och behov av framtida åtgärder som SLU:s rapportvisar. Dels undersöker jag om partierna vill verka för införandet av mål för enhållbar matkonsumtion i linje med redan beslutade klimat- och miljömål, delshur partierna förhåller sig till införandet av de 17 styrmedel som föreslås avSLU Future Food. För detta ändamål har en kvalitativ och kvantitativ enkätanvänts. Underlaget till enkätdesignen är rapporten från SLU Future Food.Respondenterna för respektive parti är ledamöter inom Miljö- ochjordbruksutskottet då de arbetar med miljö- och klimatpolitik i Sverige ochförbereder Riksdagens beslut i miljömålsarbetet (Sveriges Riksdag 2021).Undersökningens resultat visar att styrmedel i kategorin Kunskap och stödgenerellt sett är mer accepterat bland partierna än styrmedel inom kategorinFörändrade relativpriser och Reglering och krav. Vidare står det klart att ingetav Sveriges åtta riksdagspartier kommer, inför sin kommande mandatperiod2022–2026, verka för införandet av styrmedelspaketet i sin helhet. Slutsatsen äratt det finns en tydlig diskrepans mellan de uppsatta nationella ochinternationella miljö- och klimatmålen och de politiska partiernas intentionergentemot konsumenten i frågan, samt att den politiska viljan att minska dennadiskrepans generellt är begränsad till enbart vissa styrmedel med låg/långsamgenomslagskraft. / The global food system is facing enormous environmental and healthchallenges to achieve sustainable development. Research in the field showsthat in order for the food system to be contained within the planetaryboundaries, changes are required in production, reduced food waste and dietaryhabits (Willet et al. 2019). According to Röös et al. (2020) there is noindication that this will happen spontaneously, but politically decidedinstruments are needed (Röös et al. 2020).In August 2020, the research platform SLU Future Food presented the reportInstruments for Sustainable Food Consumption - an Overview of Knowledgeand Ways Forward. The report is a survey of the level of knowledge insustainable food consumption and describes 17 possible instruments in thearea. The 17 instruments are divided into three categories based on whichmechanisms the state can use. The report shows that work in the public sectorneeds to be intensified, that national goals are needed for sustainable foodconsumption and that effective and attractive policy packages should bedeveloped and implemented (Röös et al. 2020).The purpose of this study is to examine how Sweden's eight parliamentaryparties relate to the facts and necessary future measures shown in the SLUreport. This is done by investigating whether the parties are willing to adoptgoals for sustainable food consumption that are in line with already decidedclimate and environmental goals and how the parties relate to theimplementation of the 17 instruments proposed by SLU Future Food. For thispurpose, a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire was used. The basis forthe survey design is the report from SLU Future Food. The respondents fromeach party are members of the Committee for the Environment and Agricultureas they are working with environmental and climate policies in Sweden andprepare the Swedish Parliament’s decisions relating to environmental goals(Swedish Parliament 2021).The results of the investigation show that instruments in the categoryKnowledge and Support are generally more accepted among the parties thaninstruments in the categories Changed Relative Prices and Regulation andRequirements. Further, it is clear that none of Sweden's eight parliamentaryparties will, before their forthcoming term of office 2022–2026, promote theimplementation of the policy package in its entirety. The conclusion is thatthere is an evident discrepancy between the national and internationalenvironmental and climate goals and the political parties’ intentions towardsthe consumer in this matter, and political willingness to decrease thisdiscrepancy is generally limited to measures with low/slow impact. / <p>2021-06-04</p>

Loneliness During COVID-19 and its Association with Eating Habits and 24-Hour Movement Behaviours in a Sample of Canadian Adolescents

Tandon, Saniya 29 August 2023 (has links)
Background: Loneliness, a feeling of distress, has aggravated due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and reduced social interactions. The objective of this study was to explore whether increased loneliness due to the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with various eating and activity behaviours in adolescence, a critical period for the development of lasting lifestyle habits. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we used self-reported data from 43,588 and 40,521 Canadian adolescents aged 12-19 years (collected between November 2020 and June 2021) for eating habits and the 24-hour movement behaviours, respectively. Binary and multinomial logistic regression were used to predict the odds of various lifestyle behaviours among adolescents with increased loneliness due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: We found higher odds of skipping breakfast [boys: OR 1.41 (95% CI: 1.33, 1.50), girls: OR 1.64 (95% CI: 1.56, 1.74)], fast food consumption [1-2 days in the past week: girls - OR: 1.14 (95% CI: 1.08, 1.21); ≥3 days in the past week: boys - 1.12 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.24), girls - OR: 1.42 (95% CI: 1.29, 1.57)], not meeting screen time [boys: OR 1.43 (95% CI: 1.24, 1.66), girls: OR 1.72 (95% CI: 1.54, 1.92)], and sleep duration guidelines [boys: OR 1.38 (95% CI: 1.28, 1.48), girls: OR 1.36 (95% CI: 1.27, 1.45)] among adolescents that reported increased loneliness due to the pandemic (versus those in the decreased/stayed the same loneliness group). Conclusion: Future longitudinal studies in adolescents are needed to confirm the directionality of these associations. It is important to raise awareness of these findings among public health practitioners, policymakers, physicians, schools and parents to promote healthier eating habits and increase adherence to the 24-hour movement behaviours. Recovery efforts post-pandemic are needed to reduce loneliness levels to support adolescent social health and establish healthy behavioural habits across the lifespan.

Nudging för hållbara matval : En kvanititativ studie om hur digitala matbutiker med nudging kan öka andelen hållbara val / Nudging for sustainable food choices : A quantitative study on how nudging in digital grocery stores can increase the share of sustainable choices

Falk, Hampus, Engelbrektsson, Thea, Lundgren, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Överkonsumtion är idag ett stort problem och kött är en bidragande faktor till växthuseffekten. I Sverige lever vi idag som att vi har 4,2 jordklot vilket inte är hållbart i längden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om företag genom nudgingtekniker kan påverka konsumenten att göra ett mer hållbart matval i digitala konsumtionsmiljöer. Studien har utgått från teorier från beteendeekonomi och konsumentbeteende där nudging ingår. En enkätundersökning har genomförts som riktade sig till respondenter i åldrarna 18-28 år där svarsfrekvensen blev 228 svar som senare utgjort grund för resultatet i studien. I resultatdelen har datan från den kvantitativa undersökningen presenterats i form av en deskriptiv analys med tre avsnitt, Paired Samples Proportions tester och Chi2-tester. Diskussion har därefter förts där resultatet har analyserats i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Studien bekräftar tidigare forskning, däribland att flera nudingetoder kombinerade med varandra alstrar effekt. Hybridnudge och prisnudge identifieras som de mest effektiva metoderna för företag att tillämpa för att rikta in konsumenter mellan 18 och 28 år att välja det hållbara matalternativet vid digital konsumtion. Slutligen visar det deskriptiva resultatet att kvinnor påverkas av de undersökta nudgingmetoderna betydligt mer än män, vilket har visat samband genom Chi2-tester samt att åldersspannet 22 till 24 år är dem som influeras mest till att ändra sina konsumtionsmönster. / Overconsumption is today a major problem and meat is a contributing factor to the greenhouse effect. In Sweden, we live today as if we have 4.2 globes, which is not sustainable in the long run. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether companies, through nudging techniques, can influence the consumer to make a more sustainable food choice in digital consumption environments. The study is written in Swedish and has been based on theories from behavioral economics and consumer behavior where nudging is included. A questionnaire survey has been conducted which was aimed at respondents aged 18-28 where the response rate was 228 responses which later formed the basis for the results of the study. In the results section, the data from the quantitative survey has been presented in the form of a descriptive analysis with three sections, Paired Samples Proportions tests and Chi2 tests. A discussion has then taken place where the results have been analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework of reference. The study confirms previous research, including that several nudging methods combined with each other produce a greater effect. Hybrid nudge and price nudge is identified as the most effective method for companies to apply to target consumers between the ages of 18 to 28 to choose the sustainable food option in digital consumption. Finally, the descriptive results show that women are affected by the investigated nudging methods significantly more than men, which has shown a relationship through Chi2-tests and that the age group 22 to 24 years old are the ones most influenced to change their consumption patterns.

Food Security and Social Networks: Impacts for Smallholder Farmers in the Mount Elgon Region of Kenya and Uganda

Lamb, Jennifer Nicole 22 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the relationship between smallholder farm household networks for food acquisition and agricultural production, food security and dietary quality in the Mount Elgon region of western Kenya and eastern Uganda. Food security and dietary quality were measured through calorie consumption of the female household head in a 24 hour dietary recall, the calculation the World Food Program Food Consumption Score (WFP FCS), and the calculation of the percentage of energy sourced from staples in the diet. Correlations between these indicators support that the WFP FCS is capturing elements of both sufficiency and quality of diet. Subsequent application of Ordinary Least Squares regression determines that both food acquisition networks and technology networks for agricultural production have a statistically significant positive impact upon calorie procurement across the sites included in the study. However, networks for agricultural production appear to operate differently in different locations with regard to dietary quality. Interpretation of qualitative data gathered through interviews with agricultural service sector providers and focus groups regarding these local networks for agricultural production suggests that this might be due to differences in the types of crops promoted and attitudes held regarding food security and dietary quality prevalent in these different localities. Overall, the results suggest that both food acquisition networks and agricultural production networks are important avenues through which gains in food security may be realized. However, development efforts need to be mindful of the crops and attitudes promoted by these networks to secure gains in both caloric sufficiency and dietary quality. / Master of Science / CCRA-8 (Technology Networks for Sustainable Innovation)

日本戦間期における食料費支出 : 需要側と流通側から / ニホン センカンキ ニ オケル ショクリョウヒ シシュツ : ジュヨウガワ ト リュウツウガワ カラ

江口, 誠一 28 September 2009 (has links)
博士(経済学) / 乙第429号 / vii, 140, [137]p / 一橋大学

Sustainable Food Consumption : Exploring Consumers' Perspectives

Velin, Johanna, Gustafsson, Pär, Torstensson, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore consumers’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The concept of sustainability can be difficult to grasp, but is often defined in terms of three pillars; environment, society and economy. Prior research of sustainable food consumption have often focused on one of the pillars rather than all of them together in relation to consumers understandings of sustainable food consumption. Notwithstanding, previous research have mentioned that in order to fully comprehend sustainability it is essential to take all of the three pillars into consideration. Therefore, this study acknowledged this gap, as it focused on the three pillars of sustainability as a base, and further connected the three pillars to the four food concepts; organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets and waste, in order to fully understand consumers descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of students and employees at Linnaeus University in Sweden. The interviewees gave varied and interesting answers, which later were analyzed in comparison to the theory on the subject. With the answers from the interviews it was concluded that environmental and social sustainability were prioritized to economic sustainability among participants. As the participants’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption was varied, and all of the four concepts in relation to three pillars were analyzed, a framework was developed in order to clarify how the consumers describe sustainable food consumption. The study also presents a number of implications for further research as well as managerial implications.  Keywords Sustainable food consumption, consumers description, three pillars of sustainability, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets, vegetarian, locally produced, waste reduction, food waste

Consommation et intégration : la consommation alimentaire, un moyen de l'expression de la volonté d'intégration des femmes tunisiennes en France / Consumption and intégration : food consumption, an expression means of the desire of integration by Tunisian women immigrant in France

Daoud, Salma 09 July 2013 (has links)
La mouvance migratoire, dynamique et complexe, a changé la face de la réalité du marché en affectant les standards du marketing et des études sur le comportement du consommateur. Des courants de recherche récents dont la « Consumer Culture Theory » ont émergé pour comprendre les nouvelles scènes sociales culturellement diverses en se focalisant sur les dimensions expérientielles et socioculturelles des phénomènes étudiés. L’objectif de notre recherche étant de contribuer, dans une perspective CCT, à une meilleure compréhension du comportement de consommation alimentaire des femmes immigrées en se référant aux théories postassimilationnistes. Pour pouvoir répondre à nos questions de recherche, nous avons opté pour une démarche méthodologique qualitative à travers l’approche de la théorisation ancrée, choisie pour son caractère à la fois créatif et scientifique.Les résultats montrent que la confrontation entre la culture d’origine et la culture d’accueil demande à l’immigré d’interagir avec les diverses dimensions de la culture hôte afin de garder un équilibre cognitif-conatif-affectif lui permettant de réussir son intégration. Il nous semble aussi porteur de déclarer que notre travail propose une vision holiste du comportement de consommation alimentaire des immigrés et que la consommation alimentaire est un phénomène à facettes multiples qui mérite d’être compris en vue d’y apporter des éclairages et de dévoiler au-delà de son aspect banal, sa complexité. Chacune des catégories décelées à travers nos analyses représente un phénomène en soi et dans chacune des activités les attitudes, les représentations, les émotions, les sens, et les comportements changent. / The dynamic and complex migratory movement has changed the face of the market reality by affecting the standards of marketing and research on consumer behavior. Of trends in research that’s "Consumer Culture Theory" has emerged to understand the new culturally diverse social scenes focusing on experiential and cultural dimensions of the phenomena studied. The goal of our research is to contribute, into a CCT perspective, to a better understanding of food consumption behavior of immigrant women by referring to postassimilationnist theories. To answer our research questions, we opted for a qualitative methodological approach through the grounded theory approach, chosen for his character both creative and scientific.The results show that the confrontation between the culture of origin and the host culture asks immigrants to interact with various aspects of the host culture to keep a cognitive-affective-conative balance allowing it to successfully integrate. It also seems interesting to declare that our work offers a holistic view of food consumption behavior of immigrants and that food consumption is a multifaceted phenomenon that deserves to be understood in order to provide insights and reveal, beyond its ordinary aspect, its complexity. Each of the categories identified through our analysis is a phenomenon in itself and in each activity, attitudes, representations, emotions, meanings, and behavior change.

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