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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rubber Toughening Of Phenolic Resin By Using Nitrile Rubber And Amino Silane

Cagatay, Onur 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate rubber toughening of resol type phenol-formaldehyde resin. For this purpose, phenolic resin was first modified by only acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, and then by using nitrile rubber together with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Test specimens were prepared by mixing and casting of liquid phenolic resin in three groups. In the first one, neat phenolic resin specimens were produced. In the second group, phenolic resin was modified with 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt.% nitrile rubber, while in the last group modification was carried out by using 0.5 wt.% nitrile rubber together with 1, 2, and 4wt.% amino silane (with respect to nitrile rubber). All specimens were heat cured in the oven. In order to observe behaviors of the specimens, Three-Point Bending, Charpy Impact, Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness, and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis tests were conducted according to the related ISO standards for all specimens groups. Scanning Electron Microscopy was also used for the fractographic analysis of some samples. It can be concluded that, although there were problems in mixing and casting of liquid resol type phenolic resin, its toughness could be improved by using nitrile rubber and amino silane. Modification by using nitrile rubber and amino silane together was much more effective than by using only nitrile rubber. In this synergistic case for instance, Charpy impact strength and fracture toughness values of the neat phenolic specimens were increased 63% and 50%, respectively. SEM studies indicated that the main rubber toughening mechanism was shear yielding observed as deformation lines especially initiated at the domains of nitrile rubber and amino silane.


Souza, Joel Telles de 05 June 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Rice husk, waste produced by processing of rice, has become a problem of environmental, economic and public health. As a result, this research aims to explore the potential of these underutilized resources in Brazil in the development of particleboard glued with tannin-formaldehyde. Therefore, panels were manufactured with rice husk compacted at different density (0.65, 0.95 and 1.15 g/ cm³), levels of adhesives (7, 10 and 13%) and particles types (natural and processed), totaling 54 panels. The physical tests performed were moisture content, density, water absorption and thickness swelling and mechanical were static bending, screw withdrawal and internal bond. In order to complement the study, there were conducted biological tests for resistance to decay fungi Trametes versicolor and Gloephyllum trabeum. The results were analysed by for simple correlation and regression. In general, the use of rice hulls provided a reduction in strength of the compared to those made with wood particles. All particleboard were below the minimum standards in physical and mechanical tests; only the panels with 13% resin provided minimum values required by market standards regarding dimensional stability. The best performance of the panels developed in this work was found in biological tests. According to the criteria of the american standard, all treatments were classified as resistant to the fungus Trametes versicolor to white rot. In fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (brown rot), most treatments were classified as moderately resistant. Therefore, this raw material, has proven to be an alternative with great potential for making panels for greater resistance to decay fungi. / A casca de arroz, resíduo produzido pelo beneficiamento deste grão, tem se tornado um problema de ordem ambiental, econômica e de saúde pública. Em vista disso, a presente investigação tem como objetivo avaliar o aproveitamento deste resíduo para a fabricação de chapas aglomeradas, coladas com tanino-formaldeído. Para tanto, foram utilizadas casca de arroz na forma natural ou processada em moinho de martelo, compactadas a diferentes massas específicas (0,65, 0,95 e 1,15 g/cm³) e aplicando-se teores de adesivos de 7, 10 e 13% (com base no peso seco das partículas), totalizando 54 chapas. Os ensaios físicos realizados foram teor de umidade, massa específica, absorção d água e inchamento em espessura; e mecânicos, de flexão estática, arrancamento de parafuso e ligação interna. Para complementar o estudo, realizou-se ensaios biológicos para determinar a resistência ao ataque de fungos apodrecedores Trametes versicolor e Gloephyllum trabeum. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de correlação simples de Pearson e analisados por regressão. De modo geral, a utilização da casca de arroz proporcionou uma redução na resistência física e mecânica das chapas, em relação as produzidas com partículas de madeira encontradas na literatura. Todos os tratamentos ficaram abaixo dos valores mínimos requeridos pelas normas de comercialização para os ensaios físicos e mecânicos, somente os de 13% de adesivo apresentaram resistência satisfatória quanto à estabilidade dimensional. O melhor desempenho foi verificado nos testes biológicos. De acordo com os requisitos da norma americana, todos os tratamentos foram classificados como resistentes ao fungo Trametes versicolor para podridão branca. No fungo Gloeophyllum trabeum (podridão parda), a maioria dos tratamentos foram classificados como moderadamente resistente. Portanto, esta matéria-prima revelouse uma alternativa de elevado potencial para a manufatura de chapas de maior resistência a fungos apodrecedores.


Müller, Marcos Theodoro 29 May 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aimed at investigating the influence of the positioning of Eucalyptus saligna and Pinus taeda wood veneers on the layers composing the Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) structural panels. The panels were manufactured in six different combinations of five veneers of 3,2 mm, glued with phenol-formaldehyde, resulting in treatments constituted of wood of the same species or with a composition of the two wood types. The evaluation of the proposed combinations was performed under the characterization of physical properties (moisture content, density, water absortion, thickness swelling and volumetric expansion) and mechanical properties verified in flatwise and edgewise static bending (modulus of elasticity, stress at the proportional limit and modulus of rupture). The quality of the adhesive wood bonding was evaluated through the glue line shear strength by compression loading and the percentage of wood failure. Wood bonding tests were done with wood of the same species and wood of two studied types. The results obtained indicated that, in most situations, the different positionings of the veneers with larger density (in the outer, intermediate and inner layers) influenced the mechanical properties of the panels. The influence detected was varied, especially for MOE and MOR when comparing the flatwise and edgewise experimented positions. In certain positions, in the layers of the LVL compositions, the presence of eucalypt veneers resulted in stiffness and strength increases. In dry shear the resistances of the joints were shown to be equivalent; after boiling, the joints in eucalypt veneers presented larger strength. The percentage of wood failure was above 80% (in eucalypt veneers) and above 90% (in pine and mixed veneers) and maintained stable after boiling, indicating good gluing quality for all the tested wood bondings. However, it was verified that the adhesive wood bonding of eucalypt and pine was shown more reliable than the bonding between eucalypt veneers. Therefore, the treatments formed by interposed veneers of eucalypt and pine presented a better combination of performance and reliability for the properties of stiffness, strength and adherence. / Investigou-se a influência do posicionamento de lâminas de madeira de Eucalyptus saligna e Pinus taeda nas camadas componentes de painéis estruturais Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL). Os painéis foram manufaturados em seis diferentes combinações de cinco lâminas de 3,2 mm de espessura, coladas com adesivo fenolformaldeído, resultando em tratamentos constituídos de madeira de uma mesma espécie e outros com mistura de madeira das duas espécies. A avaliação das combinações propostas foi realizada mediante a caracterização de propriedades físicas (teor de umidade, massa específica, absorção de água, inchamento em espessura e expansão volumétrica) e propriedades mecânicas, verificadas em ensaios de flexão estática flatwise e edgewise (módulo de elasticidade, tensão no limite proporcional e módulo de ruptura). A qualidade da colagem foi avaliada por meio da resistência ao cisalhamento na linha de cola por ensaio de compressão e do percentual de falha na madeira. Foram testadas colagens de madeira de mesma espécie e entre madeiras das duas espécies estudadas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que, na maior parte das vezes, os diferentes posicionamentos das lâminas de maior massa específica (nas camadas externas, intermediárias e de miolo) influíram nas propriedades mecânicas dos painéis. A influência constatada mostrouse variada, em especial para MOE e MOR, quando comparados os valores para as posições de ensaio flatwise e edgewise. Em determinadas posições, nas camadas das composições LVL, a presença de lâminas de eucalipto resultou em aumentos de rigidez e resistência. Em cisalhamento a seco, as resistências das juntas se mostraram equivalentes; entretanto, após fervura, as juntas entre lâminas de eucalipto apresentaram maior resistência. Os percentuais de falha na madeira foram superiores a 80% (entre lâminas de eucalipto) e a 90% (entre lâminas de pinus e em juntas mistas) e se mantiveram estáveis após a fervura, indicando boa qualidade de adesão para todas as colagens testadas. Entretanto, a colagem entre eucalipto e pinus mostrou-se mais confiável que a colagem entre lâminas de eucalipto. Contudo, os tratamentos formados por lâminas intercaladas de eucalipto e pinus apresentaram uma melhor combinação de performance e confiabilidade para as propriedades de rigidez, resistência e aderência.

Avaliação da degradação e toxicidade de formaldeído em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo / Evaluation of formaldehyde degradation and toxicity in horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized sludge reactor

Sonia Valle Walter Borges de Oliveira 25 May 2001 (has links)
Para minimizar os impactos ambientais causados pelo lançamento de formaldeído na natureza, é importante o desenvolvimento de tecnologias adequadas para o seu tratamento. Sistemas aeróbios têm sido utilizados, porém, as opções por tratamento anaeróbio estão tendo cada vez mais aceitação, principalmente pelo baixo consumo de energia e baixa produção de lodo. Por outro lado, substâncias tóxicas podem provocar distúrbios em reatores anaeróbios. Algumas pesquisas já foram desenvolvidas quanto ao tratamento biológico anaeróbio de formaldeído, no entanto, ainda não se chegou a um consenso sobre o seu comportamento ou qual o sistema mais eficaz. Nesse trabalho, avaliou-se a degradação e a toxicidade dessa substância em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo, a fim de trazer subsídios para essa questão. As concentrações de estudo variaram de, aproximadamente, 30 a 1500 mg/L de formaldeído, atingindo-se as eficiências de remoção de até 99,7 % de formaldeído e 92 % de DQO. A presença de ácidos graxos com até cinco carbonos durante a degradação do formaldeído pode indicar uma rota de degradação diferente da sugerida na literatura, onde os produtos intermediários seriam o metanol e o ácido fórmico. O modelo cinético de Monod foi o que melhor representou os dados experimentais, com \'R IND.max\' POT.app\' = 2,79 x \'10 POT.-3\' HCHO/mg SSV.h e \'K IND.S\' POT. app\' = 242,8 mg HCHO/L. / In order to minimize the environmental impacts caused by formaldehyde discharge in the nature, the development of appropriate technologies for its treatment is important. Aerobic systems have been used, however, anaerobic treatment options have been widely studied, mainly due to low energy consumption and sludge production. On the other hand, toxic substances can lead to disturbances in anaerobic reactors. Some formaldehyde anaerobic biological treatment researches have already been developed, although, there is no consensus about its behavior or which is the most efficient system. Degradation and toxicity of this substance were evaluated in horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized sludge reactor, with the purpose of producing subsidies for this issue. Formaldehyde concentrations ranging from, approximately, 30 to 1500 mg/L were applied in the reactor and formaldehyde and COD removal efficiencies of 99,7% e 92% were achieved, respectively. Volatile fatty acids with up to 5 carbons, found during the formaldehyde degradation, can indicate that degradation followed different routes than those suggested in the literature, that reports the formation of intermediates such as methanol and formic acid. Monod kinetic model fitted well the experimental data, with apparent kinetic parameters estimated as \'R IND.max\' POT. app\' = 2,79 x \'10 POT.-3\' mg HCHO/mg SSV.h and \'K IND.S\' POT. app\' = 242,8 mg HCHO/L.

Tratabilidade de esgoto sanitario contendo formaldeido em um sistema combinado filtro anaerobio-biofiltro aerado submerso / Treatability of domestic wastewater containing folmaldehyde in a combined system anaerobic filter and biological aerated filter

Castagnato, Renata 29 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Aparecido Abdul Nour / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T03:49:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Castagnato_Renata_M.pdf: 1224635 bytes, checksum: 513cfc1c14b5af1159379a00e5d00297 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O formaldeído é um composto orgânico muito utilizado em diversos setores da indústria e serviços de saúde. Em hospitais e laboratórios de anatomia, ele é empregado em solução de 8 a 10 %, que ao se tornar imprópria para uso, necessita ser disposta adequadamente para não afetar os ecossistemas presentes nos corpos d¿água ou nos processos biológicos das estações de tratamento de esgotos. Pois, dependendo da concentração que o formaldeído se encontra, pode ser extremamente tóxico. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de verificar a tratabilidade de esgoto sanitário contendo formaldeído em um sistema combinado composto de um filtro anaeróbio (FA) seguido de um biofiltro aerado submerso (BAS). O volume útil de cada reator era de 17,6 L e o tempo de detenção hidráulica de 12 h. As concentrações de formaldeído aplicadas ao esgoto sanitário afluente ao sistema foram de 50, 100, 200 e 400 mg L-1, dividas em quatro fases de operação. Durante o monitoramento do sistema, foi verificado que a eficiência de remoção de formaldeído variou de 85,0 a 99,4 %, sendo que a partir do início da segunda fase (quando a concentração aplicada era de 100 mg L-1), a média de remoção foi de 98,0 ± 1,2 %. A média de remoção de DQO, durante as quatro fases de aplicação, foi de 84,4 ± 7,3 %, apesar do formaldeído não ter sido a única fonte de carbono. O valor máximo de carga de formaldeído removida no sistema foi de 0,407 kgm-3 d-1, quando sua aplicação no esgoto bruto era de 0,411 kg m-3 d-1 (concentração de 410,8 mg L-1). Foi observado também que a maior concentração de formaldeído encontrada no efluente tratado pelo sistema foi de 5,8 mg L-1, com valor médio de 1,9 ± 1,4 mg L-1. Houve inibição do processo de nitrificação no BAS a partir de 50 mg L-1 de formaldeído presente no esgoto afluente. Verificou-se que o sistema proposto foi adequado ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário com formaldeído, pois em todas as concentrações do composto aplicado (0 a 410,8 mg L-1), o seu desempenho se manteve estável, principalmente com relação à remoção de DQO e do próprio formaldeído. Palavras-chave: Formaldeído, sistema combinado anaeróbio/aeróbio, filtro anaeróbio, biofiltro aerado submerso, nitrificação, esgoto sanitário / Abstract: Formaldehyde is an organic compound largely used in several industrial sectors and health services, for example in hospitals and anatomy laboratories in a proportion of 8 to 10 %. When it becomes inadequate to be used, this solution must be properly disposed in order not to affect the ecosystems in water streams or in the biological process in the treatment sewage works, because depending on its concentration it can be extremely toxic. This study aims to verify the treatability of domestic wastewater containing formaldehyde in a combined system formed by an Anaerobic Filter followed by a Biological Aerated Filter. Each reactor presented a volume of 17,6 l and 12 h of hydraulic retention time (HRT). This type of system aggregates the advantages of these combined processes: anaerobic and aerobic. The concentration of formaldehyde used in domestic wastewater influent in the system was divided into 4 phases of operation, which corresponded to 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1. The efficacy of removal of formaldehyde in the system varied from 85,0 and 99,4 %, and it must be noted that from the beginning of the 2nd phase (100 mg L-1) the average of removal was 98,0 ± 1,2 %. The average of removal of COD, during the whole 4 phases of operation, was 84,4 ± 7,3 %. It must be said that formaldehyde was not the only carbon source. The removal rate of formaldehyde achieved a maximum of 0,407 kg m-3 d-1, when the applied rate in the system was 0,411 kg m-3 d-1. This fact happened when the concentration of aldehyde in the influent was 410,8 mg L-1. The maximum concentration verified of formaldehyde in the effluent of system was 5,8 mg L-1, with an average of 1,9 ± 1,4 mg L-1. The process of nitrification has been inhibited in the Biological Aerated Filter from 50 mg L-1 of formaldehyde present in the influent. The proposed system was adequate to the treatment of domestic wastewater plus formaldehyde because in all concentration of aldehyde applied (0 a 410,8 mg L-1) its performance was kept stable, mainly in relation to COD removal and formaldehyde itself. Key words: Formaldehyde, combined system anaerobic/aerobic, anaerobic filter, biological aerated filter, nitrification, domestic wastewater / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos explorando microextração líquido-líquido em fluxo para a determinação de espécies de interesse em águas e leite / Development of analytical procedures exploiting flow-based liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination of species of interest in waters and milk

Carina de Fátima Nascimento 26 February 2018 (has links)
Três procedimentos analíticos envolvendo microextração líquido-líquido (MELL) em fluxo foram desenvolvidos para as determinações de formaldeído em leite, detergentes aniônicos em águas de rios e bisfenol A (BPA) em águas de torneira. Microextração líquido-líquido dispersiva (MELLD) foi empregada no primeiro e no segundo procedimentos. O primeiro procedimento foi conduzido em um sistema fluxo-batelada no qual a quantificação espectrofotométrica era realizada diretamente na câmara de mistura/reação, através do acoplamento de fibras ópticas. No segundo, foi explorada a estratégia lab-in-syringe, em que a formação do par iônico entre os detergentes aniônicos e corante catiônico azul de metileno, bem como MELLD ocorriam no interior da seringa, sendo os analitos quantificados na fase orgânica por espectrofotometria. O terceiro procedimento envolveu MELL em sistema de análises por injeção sequencial (SIA), baseada na formação de um filme de 1-octanol na parede da bobina de extração. O extrato foi eluído com etanol e a quantificação de BPA foi realizada por espectrofluorimetria. As linearidades das curvas analíticas, os limites de detecção e os limites de quantificação ao nível de 95% de confiança foram: 0,5-5,0 mg L-1, 100 e 300 ?g L-1 para formaldeído, 0,03-0,5 mg L-1, 9,0 e 29,0 ?g L-1 para detergentes, e 5,0 - 100 ?g L-1, 1,8 ?g L-1 e 5,4 ?g L-1 para BPA. Os procedimentos desenvolvidos não apresentaram efeitos de matriz, e as recuperações se situaram entre 91 e 112%. A precisão e exatidão do procedimento foram concordantes com os procedimentos de referência, ao nível de 95% de confiança. Todos os procedimentos apresentaram coeficientes de variação menores do que 3,5% (n=10), frequência de amostragem de 10-17 h-1, consumiram apenas 30-40 µL de solventes orgânicos e geraram 2,7-6,7 mL de resíduos por determinação / Three analytical procedures involving flow-based liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) were developed for the determinations of formaldehyde in milk, anionic detergents in river waters, and bisphenol A (BPA) in tap waters. The first and second procedures involved dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) and spectrophotometric detection. The first one was carried out in a flow-batch system, in which the spectrophotometric quantification was performed directly in the mixing/reaction chamber by coupling optical fibers. The second one exploited the lab-in-syringe strategy, in which the ion-pair formation between the anionic detergents and the methylene blue cationic dye, as well as DLLME, were carried out inside the syringe. The third procedure involved LLME in a sequential injection system based on the formation of a 1-octanol film on the inner wall of the extraction coil. The extract was eluted with ethanol and BPA was quantified by spectrofluorimetry. Linear response ranges, detection and quantification limits estimated at the 95% confidence level were: 0.5-5.0 mg L-1, 100 and 300 ?g L-1 for formaldehyde; 0.03-0.5 mg L-1, 9.0 and 29.0 ?g L-1 for detergents, and 5.0-100 ?g L-1, 1.8 and 5.4 ?g L-1 for BPA. Matrix effects were not observed for the assayed samples and recoveries ranged from 91 to 112%. Accuracy and precision of the results agreed with those attained by reference procedures at the 95% confidence level. All procedures yielded coefficients of variation lower than 3.5% (n = 10), sampling rates within 10 and 17 h-1, consumed only 30-40 ?L of organic solvents, and generated 2.7-6.7 mL of waste by determination

Estudo clínico, radiográfico, histológico e imuno-histoquímico na resposta pulpar após o uso de diferentes materiais capeadores em pulpotomias de dentes decíduos humanos / Clinical, radiographic, histological, and immunohistochemistry study on pulpal response after the use of different pulp capping materials in pulpotomies of human primary teeth

Natalino Lourenço Neto 05 July 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar: 1) a resposta pulpar de dentes decíduos humanos após pulpotomia com diferentes materiais capeadores por meio de análise clínica, radiográfica e histológica; e 2) a expressão da Proteína 1 da Matriz Dentinária (DMP-1) na resposta pulpar. Vinte e cinco molares decíduos inferiores de 22 crianças com idade entre 6 e 9 anos foram criteriosamente selecionados. Os dentes foram randomicamente divididos nos grupos Formocresol de Buckley diluído a 1/5 (Grupo I - FC), Hidróxido de Cálcio (Grupo II HC), Agregado Trióxido Mineral (Grupo III MTA), Otosporin® + Hidróxido de Cálcio (Grupo IV OTO+HC) e Cimento Portland (Grupo V PC), e tratados pela técnica convencional de pulpotomia em sessão única. As avaliações clínicas e radiográficas foram realizadas até o período normal de esfoliação. Os dentes foram extraídos e processados para análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica. Os resultados clínicos e radiográficos não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa nos grupos estudados (p>0,05). A análise estatística da avaliação histológica revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa para presença de barreira dentinária e camada odontoblástica entre o Grupo I(FC) e os Grupos II(HC), III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) visto que o Grupo I(FC) não apresentou barreira dentinária e camada odontoblástica em nenhuma das lâminas observadas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos estudados quando da avaliação da calcificação pulpar. Para o item reabsorção interna observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o Grupo I(FC), II(HC) e os Grupos III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) onde não se observaram reabsorções internas nas análises histológicas. A análise da expressão da DMP-1 demonstrou para o Grupo I(FC) imunomarcação localizada na região de calcificações pulpares localizadas nas raízes dos dentes avaliados, não havendo camada odontoblástica nem formação de barreira dentinária. Os Grupos II(HC), III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) apresentaram imunomarcação na região de barreira dentinária e da camada odontoblástica, evidenciando a biocompatibilidade destes materiais, bem como a capacidade indutora para secreção de dentina. A análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, com o uso de diferentes técnicas, permitiu concluir que todos os materiais empregados apresentaram índices de sucesso clínico e radiográfico aceitáveis para indicação clínica. Na análise histológica os materiais HC, MTA e PC apresentaram melhores resultados no reparo pulpar. A expressão da DMP-1 na resposta pulpar permitiu visualizar a capacidade bioindutora dos materiais HC, MTA e PC no processo de reparo pulpar e formação de barreira. A comparação entre os grupos estudados permitiu constatar que o MTA e o PC se mostraram mais eficientes, proporcionando formação de barreira dentinária e respostas do complexo dentinho-pulpar mais satisfatórias. / The aim of this study was to evaluate: 1) the pulpal response of human primary teeth after pulpotomies with different pulp capping materials through clinical, radiographic and histological analysis; and 2) the expression of Dentin Matrix Protein 1 (DMP-1) in the pulpal response. Twenty-five primary molars of 22 children aged 6-9 years-old were criteriously selected. The teeth were randomly divided into the following groups: Buckleys Formocresol (diluted 1:5) (Group I - FC), Calcium Hydroxide - (Group II CH), Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (Group III MTA), Otosporin® + Calcium Hydroxide (Group IV OTO+CH) and Portland cement (Group V PC); and treated by the conventional technique of pulpotomy at a single appointment. The clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed until the teeth underwent normal exfoliation. The teeth were extracted and processed for histological and immunohistochemical analyses. The clinical and radiographic studies did not show statistically significant difference among the groups studied (p>0.05). The statistical analysis of the histological evaluation revealed statistically significant difference relating to the presence of the dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer between Group I(FC) and Groups II(CH), III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) since the Group I(FC) did not exhibited dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer in any of the cuts observed. There was no statistically significant difference among the groups studied regarding to the evaluation of pulpal calcification. Concerning to internal resorption, there was a statistically significant difference among Group I(FC), II(CH) and Groups III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) where internal resorption was not seen in the histological analyses. The analysis of the expression DMP-1 demonstrated for Group I(FC) immunostaining located in the area of pulpal calcifications within the roots of the teeth evaluated; however, neither odontoblastic layer nor dentine barrier were seen. The Groups II(CH), III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) showed immunostaining in the area of dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer, evidencing the biocompatibility of these materials, as well as, the capacity for inducing dentine secretion. The comprehensive analyses of the results obtained in this study with the use of different techniques enabled to conclude that all materials employed showed clinical and radiographic success rates acceptable for the clinical indication. In the histological analysis, CH, MTA and PC materials exhibited the best results for pulpal repair. The expression of DMP-1 in the pulpal response allowed visualizing the biological inductive capacity of CH, MTA and PC materials on the process of pulpal repair and barrier formation. The comparison among the groups studied enable to find that MTA and PC were more efficient, providing the dentine barrier formation and more satisfactory responses of the dentino-pulpal complex.

Atividade antimicrobiana de extrato etanólico de própolis verde / Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of green propolis

VILELA, Camila de Oliveira 23 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:38:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_camila_vilela.pdf: 3723868 bytes, checksum: ab12df670772a34a813dff38ebe29029 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Propolis is a resinous substance by bees from exudates of flower-buds from several plants. Its coloring and consistancy is variable and it is used by bees to fill gaps, to embalm dead insects, as well as to protect the hive against the invasion of microorganisms. Green propolis, which has several bioactive proprieties scientifically proved, was evaluated in this study in the form of ethanolic extract, concerning its virucidal capacity against the avipoxvirus, inoculated in chorioallantoic membrane of chicken embryos and concerning its antibactericidal and antifungal action in embryonated eggs destinated to incubation. To evaluate the virucidal capacity of the Green própolis, 100 eggs embryonated were used, with nine days of incubation, of broiler breeders with 62 weeks of age, unvaccinated against avipoxvírus. Propolis presented virucidal activity depending on the dose and the time of vírus incubation period before the inoculation. Eggs inoculated with vírus and 2400 &#956;g/dose of propolis previously incubated for four hours presented decrease in the number of lesion pox (P<0,05) with regard to the positive control besides a decrease in the number of bodies of intracytoplasmic inclusion and in the score of vacuolar degeneration of the epithelial cells of the mesoderm of the chorioallantoic membrane. After eight hours of vírus incubation the same propolis concentration inativated completely the avipoxvirus (P<0,0001) and a concentration ten times smaller (240 &#956;/dose) reduced significativelly the number of pox lesions and the histopathological findings (P<0,05). To evaluate the antibactericidal and antifungal activities of the ethanolic extract of the Green própolis, 140 eggs from nests of broiler breeders were used. The levels of contamination of eggshells through total mesophiles and fungi ( Aspergillus sp and other molds) after the desinfection with propolis were smaller as compared to the control. As compared to the treatment with formaldehyde (positive control) the concentrations of propolis 240 &#956;g and 24 &#956;g did not differ concerning the antibactericidal activity, but to the antifungal activity 2400 &#956;g and 240 &#956;g were superiors. Concerning the eggs hatchability after 21 days of incubation, the propolis treatmens (2400 &#956;g and 240 &#956;g) presented the biggest rates, with 94,11% overcoming the treatment with formaldehyde. Thus, the green propolis, presented virucidal activity against the avipoxvirus in chorioallantoic membrane, as well as antibactericidal and antifungal activity in embryonated eggs, representing a new alternative to treatments against infections caused by virus, as well as a new natural product disinfectant in substitution to formaldehyde. / A própolis é uma substância resinosa produzida pelas abelhas a partir de exsudatos de brotos e botões florais de diversas plantas. Possui coloração e consistência variada e é utilizada pelas abelhas para fechar pequenas frestas, embalsamar insetos mortos, bem como proteger a colméia contra a invasão de microrganismos. A própolis verde, com diversas propriedades bioativas cientificamente comprovadas, foi avaliada neste estudo, na forma de extrato etanólico, quanto a sua capacidade virucida contra o avipoxvirus, inoculado em membrana corioalantóide de embriões de galinha e quanto às ações antibacteriana e antifúngica em ovos embrionados destinados a incubação. Para avaliar a capacidade virucida da própolis verde, foram utilizados 100 ovos embrionados, com nove dias de incubação, de matrizes pesadas com 62 semanas de idade, não vacinadas contra o avipoxvírus. A própolis apresentou atividade virucida dependente da dose e do tempo de incubação com o vírus antes da inoculação. Ovos inoculados com vírus e 2400 &#956;g/dose de própolis, previamente incubados por quatro horas, apresentaram redução no número de lesões pox (P<0,05), em relação ao controle positivo, além da redução no número de corpúsculos de inclusão intracitoplasmáticos e no escore de degeneração vacuolar das células epiteliais do mesoderma da membrana corioalantóide. Após oito horas de incubação com o vírus, a mesma concentração de própolis inativou completamente o avipoxvirus (P<0,0001) e na concentração dez vezes menor (240 &#956;g/dose) reduziu significativamente o número de lesões pox e os achados histopatológicos (P<0,05). Para avaliar as atividades antibacteriana e antifungica do extrato etanólico da própolis verde, foram utilizados 140 ovos de ninhos de matrizes de postura. Os níveis de contaminação da casca dos ovos por mesófilos totais e fungos (Aspergillus e outros bolores) após a desinfecção com própolis foram menores quando comparados ao controle. Na comparação ao tratamento com formaldeído (controle positivo) as concentrações de própolis com 240 &#956;g e 24 &#956;g não diferiram para atividade antibacteriana, mas para atividade antifúngica 2400 &#956;g e 240 &#956;g foram superiores. Com relação à eclodibilidade dos ovos após 21 dias de incubação, os tratamentos de própolis (2400 &#956;g e 240 &#956;g) apresentaram as maiores taxas, com 94,11% superando o tratamento com formaldeído. A própolis verde, portanto, apresentou atividade virucida contra o avipoxvirus em membrana corioalantóide, bem como atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica em ovos embrionados, representando uma nova alternativa para tratamentos contra infecções causadas por vírus, bem como um novo produto natural desinfetante em substituição ao formaldeído.

An Investigation of Market Scalability for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs') Filtration Systems : A Case Study within Sweden

Kurukundu, Chaitanya Sai Praneeth, Gajjala, Anvesh Reddy January 2020 (has links)
With the need for excellent living standards to escalate day by day, the need to breathe good quality air remains of paramount importance for a prosperous, happy life. The indoor air quality picture is improving decade by decade. However, the importance of maintaining good indoor air quality remains unsatisfactory. Indoor air quality is one of the world’s most significant environmental problems. Statistics states that as of 2017, approximately 1.6 million premature deaths are caused by bad indoor air quality. The majority of these deaths result from the presence of Volatile Organic compounds in the air. VOCs are the common pollutants that are found indoors, which are not only toxic but also dangerous to health on long exposures. Even though several norms are put in place, why is the picture still persistent even after many technological advancements in the industry? This notion of this idea inspired the authors to conduct the current thesis. The thesis is based on a case study at a Swedish Air-cleantech company, Company-X, that developed efficient air filtration technologies to eliminate VOCs from the indoor air. However, for efficient diffusion of the technology, studying the market is of utmost importance. For this, the study is done by qualitative interviewing of professionals from the Swedish air filtration market. The interactions helped the authors to comprehend the more in-depth picture of influencing facets in persistent VOC issues in the indoor airs. Secondly,the meetings guided the authors with the industry choice for efficient technologies to eliminate VOCs from the indoor air. The collected data led to the conclusions that, various actors like awareness and buying decision factors, technologies are involved for VOCs still being a persistent issue in indoor airs. The industry’s awareness regarding Volatile Organic Compounds has been mediocre, and the significant factor for the buying decision is the price. Speaking of the technology, it has been reckoned that Activated Carbon filters are the best and economically efficient technology to eliminated VOCs from the air.

Variability in Tropospheric Oxidation from Polluted to Remote Regions

Baublitz, Colleen Beverly January 2021 (has links)
Tropospheric oxidation modulates pollution chemistry and greenhouse gas lifetimes. The hydroxyl radical (OH) is the primary oxidant and the main sink for methane, the second-most influential anthropogenic contributor to climate change. OH is produced following the photolysis of ozone, an oxidant, respiratory irritant and greenhouse gas. Trends in methane or ozone are frequently attributed to their sources, but sink-driven variability is less often considered. I investigate the influence of fluctuations in turbulent loss to the Earth’s surface, also known as deposition, on tropospheric ozone concentrations and chemistry over the relatively polluted eastern United States. I use idealized sensitivity simulations with the global chemistry-climate model AM3 to demonstrate that coherent shifts in deposition, on the order recently observed at a long-term measurement site, affect surface ozone concentrations as much as decreases in its precursor emissions have over the past decade. I conclude that a sub-regional deposition measurement network is needed to confidently attribute trends in tropospheric ozone. Next, I turn to the remote marine troposphere to evaluate two theoretical proxies for variability in the methane sink, OH, with observations from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) aircraft campaign. The low concentration and short lifetime of OH preclude the development of a representative measurement network to track its fluctuations in space and time. This dearth of constraints has led to discrepancies in the methane lifetime across models that project atmospheric composition and climate. Observational and modeling studies suggest that few processes control OH fluctuations in relatively clean air masses, and the short OH lifetime implies that it is at steady-state (total production is equal to loss). I leverage this chemistry by evaluating a convolution of OH drivers, OH production scaled by the lifetime of OH against its sink with carbon monoxide, as a potential “steady-state” proxy. I also assess the predictive skill of formaldehyde (HCHO), an intermediate product of the methane and OH reaction. I find that both proxies broadly reflect OH on sub-hemispheric scales (2 km altitude by 20° zonal bins) relative to existing, well-mixed proxies that capture, at best, hemispheric OH variability. HCHO is produced following methane loss by reaction with OH and reflects the insolation influence on OH, while the steady-state proxy demonstrates a stronger relationship with OH and offers insight into its sensitivity to a wider array of drivers. Few components—water vapor, nitric oxide, and the photolysis rate of ozone to singlet-d atomic oxygen—dominate steady-state proxy variance in most regions of the remote troposphere, with water vapor controlling the largest spatial extent. Current satellite instruments measure water vapor directly, and other retrievals like nitrogen dioxide columns or aerosol optical depth or could be used to infer nitric acid or the rate of ozone photolysis. Thus satellite observations may be used to derive a steady-state proxy product to infer OH variability and sensitivity in the near-term. HCHO is also retrieved from satellite instruments, and an OH product using satellite-observed HCHO columns is already in development. The relatively high fluctuation frequency of HCHO or the steady-state proxy advances our insight into the connection between OH and its drivers. The observed steady-state proxy demonstrates a widespread sensitivity to water vapor along the ATom flight tracks, and I conclude that an improved and consistent representation of the water vapor distribution is a necessary step in constraining the methane lifetime across global chemistry-climate models.

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