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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La stratégie militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens d'après les sources archéologiques et historiques / The military strategy of Cananeo-Phoenician according to archaeological and historical sources

Jalbout, Ziad 26 November 2018 (has links)
La stratégie militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens à l'âge du Bronze constitue le sujet développé dans cette thèse. Celle-ci se base sur l'étude des fortifications, des armes, des textes historiques, des figurines armées et des représentations sur des bas-reliefs et sur des sceaux-cylindres. Les deux volets principaux de ce travail s'articulent donc autour des fortifications et des armes. L'étude des systèmes défensifs est menée à la lumière d'une approche scientifique inédite se basant sur la mécanique statique. Les fortifications répertoriées ont été découvertes au Levant-Nord, notamment à Byblos et à Ougarit, et dans des nombreux autres sites de la région. L'analyse de ces systèmes défensifs montre que les tours, les bastions, les remparts, les murs, les casemates et les fossés sont destinés à entraver la progression des machines de guerre et des soldats ; de même que les contreforts, les glacis, les noyaux et les murs de soutènement sont conçus pour assurer l'équilibre statique des fortifications. Le corpus d'armes cataloguées se compose de 1344 éléments provenant de Byblos et d'Ougarit principalement. Une partie de ces armes a été analysée à la Direction générale des antiquités de Beyrouth et une autre partie a été traitée suivant une approche informatique se basant sur la reconstitution virtuelle du Tell de Byblos. Suivant leur fonction, ces armes sont distribuées en armes à comte portée ; en armes à longue portée ; en armes défensives et finalement en machines de guerre. En conclusion, cette étude trace les grandes étapes de l'histoire militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens tout en montrant que la stratégie militaire adoptée par ce peuple était défensive. / The military strategy of the Cananeo-Phoenicians in the Bronze Age is the subject developed in this thesis. It is based on the study of fortifications, weapons, historical texts, armed figurines, and representations on reliefs, and cylinder seals. Hence, the two main components of this work are articulated around fortifications and weapons. The study of defensive systems is conducted in the light of an unprecedented scientific approach based on static mechanics. The listed fortifications have been discovered in North Levant, particularly in Byblos, Ugarit, and many other sites in the region. The analysis of these defensive systems shows that towers, bastions, ramparts, walls, casemates, and fosses are intended to hinder the progress of war machines and soldiers; in addition, the buttresses, glacis, cores, and retaining walls are designed to ensure the static equilibrium of those fortifications. The catalog of weapons consists of 1344 items discovered mainly in Byblos and Ugarit. Some of these weapons were analyzed at the General Directorate of Antiquities of Beirut while some others are treated using a computerized approach based on the virtual reconstruction of Byblos Tell. Depending on their function, these weapons are distributed on short-range weapons, long-range weapons, defensive weapons, and finally war machines. In conclusion, this study traces the stages of Cananeo-Phoenician military history and shows that the military strategy adopted by this people was defensive.

L'évolution de l'architecture militaire du Deccan (Inde) dans les forts de Firozabad, Torgal, Naldurg et Bellary / Evolution of military architecture of the Deccan (India) : fortifications of Fīrozābād, Torgal, Naldurg and Bellary

Morelle, Nicolas 26 November 2018 (has links)
Une étude architecturale à travers quatre monographies des forts du Deccan (Inde), Naldurg, Torgal, Firozabad et Bellary dans le contexte des échanges interculturels (Orient-Occident) au sein de la culture technique de la guerre (fortification, artillerie, rôle des défenses, gestion de l’eau) dans la société médiévale et moderne indienne.Finalement, cette thèse cherche à définir les spécificités de l’architecture militaire du Deccan du 14ème au 18ème siècle, comme l’aboutissement technique de la défense médiévale et moderne en Inde. / Architectural studies of four forts of Deccan (India): Naldurg, Torgal, Firozabad and Bellary in the context of intercultural exchange (between East-West) in the technical culture of war (fortification, artillery, defenses role, water management) in the medieval and modern Indian society.Finally, this study seek to define specificities of the military architecture of Deccan from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century, as the technical outcome of medieval and modern defense in India.

L'habitat fortifié pré- et protohistorique en Côte-d'Or : les camps de Myard à Vitteaux et du Châtelet d'Étaules dans le contexte archéologique régional : du Ve millénaire au IVe siècle avant J.-C. /

Nicolardot, Jean-Pierre, Poulain, Thérèse. Putelat, Olivier. January 2003 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Hist.--Besançon--Université de Franche-Comté, 1993. Titre de soutenance : Les camps de Myard à Vitteaux et du Châtelet d'Étaules, premiers habitats fortifiés de pierre, de bois et de terre en Côte-d'Or, dans leur contexte archéologique : du IVe millénaire au Ve siècle avant J.-C. / En appendice, choix de documents. Bibliogr. p. 240-274. Notes bibliogr. SAE = Société archéologique de l'Est de la France. L'ouvrage porte par erreur : ISSN 0035-0745.

En öländsk historia : Fornborgar och övriga delar av södra och mellersta Ölands järnålderssamhälle

Andersson, Björn January 2015 (has links)
This essay is focused on Öland during the Iron Age, with focus specifically on the Roman Iron Age and the Migration period. The study takes its starting point in the large number of fortifications that was active across Öland at the time. The essays main area of investigation will be the central and southern parts of Öland as the fortifications, together with other parts of the Iron Age society around them such as graves and settlement, will be presented. The landscape in which the fortifications and their surroundings are placed will also be described. With the Migration Period being a keyword for almost all the fortifications on Öland, the subject will also be to describe if any sort of change can be seen in the settlement patterns during this unstable and troubled time. This will all be presented trough sources describing work of the archaeological investigations that has been done in those places.

Le fort et les poudrières du complexe militaire de l'Île Sainte-Hélène /

Royer, Martin. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (M. A.)--Université Laval, 2009. / Bibliogr.: f. [190]-203. Publié aussi en version électronique dans la Collection Mémoires et thèses électroniques.

Archeologie novověkých vojenských ležení, táborů a polních opevnění v jižních Čechách / Archaeology of the military camps and field fortifications from the modern period in the region of South Bohemia

KONRÁDOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents an overview of the archaeology of military camps and field fortifications from modern period (1498-1815) in the region of South Bohemia. It summarizes and evaluates the present South Bohemian research in the context of modern Euro-Atlantic conflict archaeology as well as the research conducted in Czech Republic. The recherché deals with published Czech and foreign research. An integral part of thesis is the description of the modern period war events concerning South Bohemia with overlap to bordering regions of Germany and Austria. The core of the study contains several case studies, where author presents various types of sites with temporary military constructions using different methodological approaches suitable for individual types. These include the siege of České Budějovice town during the Bohemian Revolt in the years 1618-1619 investigated by the analysis of the iconographic source, localisation and excavation of remains interpreted as one-off field fortification in Lhenice region, or the identification and interpretation of the field camp based on cartographic sources. These chapters presenting also results of field survey, are accompanied by further topics such as the role of castles in modern period conflicts or issue of borderline fortifications and camps.

Recherches sur les prieurés réguliers, monastiques et canoniaux des anciens diocèses de Chalon et Mâcon : (Xe - XIVe siècles) / Research on regular priories, monastic and canonic in the formes dioceses of Chalon and Mâcon from the 10th to the 14th centuries

Defontaine, Patrick 25 October 2013 (has links)
L’étude présentée est le résultat d’un inventaire des établissements prieuraux présents dans les anciens diocèses de Chalon et Mâcon, étroitement dépendants de la métropole de Lyon. Cet ensemble territorial correspond à l’axe de l’ancien royaume de Bourgogne.Sur les 183 prieurés retenus, il n’y en a que 69 relevant de Cluny, tous les autres appartenant à d’autres familles monastiques ou canoniales de l’ordre de Saint Augustin. La majorité de ces prieurés est l’objet d’une primo-occurrence dans les sources à la jonction des IXe Xe siècles. Les données récoltées ont permis d’établir une carte d’implantation en format poster annexée à la thèse, et un répertoire des sources qui sont en majorité manuscrites en latin. Les prieurés ont construit 200 églises ou chapelles. Les unes étaient réservées à l’usage exclusif des moines, les autres avaient une fonction mixte partagée avec les paroisses. L’étude sur le terrain a porté sur les aspects architecturaux extérieurs et intérieurs, les décors sculptés des chapiteaux et bas-reliefs ou tympans, ainsi que les fresques les plus significatives des 99 édifices restés debout. La vie interne des prieurés est rythmée par la prière régulière des heures canoniales. Il a eté possible de comparer plusieurs manuscrits liturgiques, dont le bréviaire de Saint-Victor-sur-Rhins, aux enluminures célèbres. L’origine sociale des moines, moniales et chanoines est majoritairement issue des familles féodales environnantes qui représentent également les parents à l’origine des plus nombreuses et riches donations. On a également trouvé l’intervention de milieux bourgeois, d’agriculteurs aisés et également quelques serfs. Le respect des règles et coutumes officielles s’associe à un vœu de stabilité qui interdit le passage des moines et chanoines d’une dépendance abbatiale à une autre. On a la preuve d’une coopération de ces clercs réguliers avec les prêtres séculiers dans la cura animarum des fidèles et dans l’encadrement des pèlerinages locaux nombreux et bien identifiés dans les bienfaits attendus par les pratiquants. Les prieurés sont souvent entourés par des enceintes et fortifications ou directement installés dans des châteaux que les moines construisent ou achètent. Ces constructions conçues à l’origine à titre de protection vis-à-vis des féodaux accapareurs transforment les prieurs en seigneurs ecclésiastiques peu différents des laïcs sur le plan juridique. Ils pratiquent rarement des affranchissements, mais exercent leurs droits, semble-t-il, avec plus de souplesse. Les moines et chanoines n’ont pas pratiqué de défrichement, car pour l’essentiel, celui-ci avait été réalisé en période gallo- romaine. Ils sont à l’origine d’aménagements ruraux par la création de chemins, ponts, canaux pour moulins et pêcheries.Tout en favorisant la culture de la vigne, ils ont gardé un équilibre avec la céréaliculture, l’élevage et l’exploitation des forêts. Des documents précis permettent de relever des écarts de conduite par rapport aux règles monastiques et canoniales. Il s’agit essentiellement de l’appât du gain, de vols, d’incontinence et concubinage, de non récitation des heures canoniales, de voies de fait envers des confrères ou des supérieurs. Ces fautes sont relativement rares, comparativement à cellesconnues dans d’autres diocèses. Le recensement de l’effectif global des moines et des chanoines donne un nombre évolutif total variant entre 580 et 720 personnes. Une tendance à la strate inférieure est surtout liée aux conséquences de la peste noire et de la guerre de cent ans au XIVe siècle. Ce siècle est également celui de la papauté d’Avignon puis du grand schisme d’occident. Cette période est marquée par le désordre lié à la nomination de prieurs attachés au pontife avignonnais, mais plus soucieux de percevoir les revenus des prieurés que d’en assurer l’entretien et la direction spirituelle. / The study presented here is the result from an inventory of the priories in the former dioceses of Chalon and Macon, closely dependent on the metropolis of Lyon .This territory corresponds to the main roads of the former realm of Burgundy. Among the 183 priories which have been retained, only 69 depended on Cluny, all the others belonged to the other monastic or canonic families of St Augustine’s order. The majority of these priories was mentioned for the first time by sources from late ninth and beginning of tenth century.The data collected have allowed to draw a map of the implanted sites in the form of a poster attached to the thesis and an index of the sources which are, for the most part, hand-written in latin. Priories built 200 churches or chapels. Some were reserved exclusively to the use of munks, others had a mixed function shared between parishes. The work in the field rested on outside and inside architectural aspects, the carved decorations of the capitals and low-reliefs or tympanums, together with the most significative frescoes of the 99 buildings still existing. The life inside the priory was rythmed by the regular prayers of the canonic hours. It has been possible to compare several liturgic manuscripts, among which the Saint Victor-sur-Rhin breviary with its famous illuminations.The social background of the munks, sisters and canons was mainly from the neighbouring feudal families which also represented the parents who gave the most numerous and important donations . We have also found donations made by middle-class families, wealthy farmers and some villeins. The respect of the rules and official customs was to be associated with a vow of stability which prevented the passage of munks and canons from dependence on one abbey to another. Proof has been made of a operation of these secular clerics with secular priests in the cur animanum of the congregation and in the supervision of local pilgrims, and well identified for the services expected of them by churchgoers. Priories were often surrounded by walls and fortifications or directly set in castles they built or bought. These buildings originally designed as a protection against acquisitive squires turned priors into clerical squires, not very different from laymen on a judicial level. They rarely carried out “emancipations” but they exercised their rights, so it seems, with more flexibility. Munks and canons didn’t proceed to the clearing of land because, for the most part , it had been done in the gallo-roman times .They started country-planning , making lanes, bridges, canals for windmills and fisherie . While promoting the cultivation of vineyards, they maintained a balance with the cultivation of cereal, cattle raising and the exploitation of forests. Detailed documents allow us to note lapses of conduct concerning monastic and canonic rules: mostly the lure of profit making, thefts, lack of restraint, concubinage, not reciting canonic hours ,assaulting fellow members and superiors. These faults were relatively rare compared to those known in other dioceses. The census of the global number of munks and canons amounted to a number varying from 580 to 720 people .A tendency to recruit in lower classes was mainly due to the consequences of the Black Plague and the Hundred years’war in the 14th century. The century was also the time when the Papacy was in Avignon then of the Big Schism in Occident.This was a time of disorder linked to the appointment of priors under the authority of the Pope in Avignon ,more interested in receiving the incomes of priories than insuring the maintenance and their spiritual authority . The canonic priories were composed of a minimum of 4 members whereas the monastic priories were often inhabited by 2 or 3 lay brothers .It happened that only one munk was present with the title and responsibilities of the management of what seemed to be a farm like any other.

O Álbum das antigualhas de Francisco de Holanda

Santos, Rogéria Olimpio dos 25 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-17T11:19:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 rogeriaolimpiodossantos.pdf: 32075489 bytes, checksum: e774d7e59c1d54fd4e2f71201662a75c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-17T11:28:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rogeriaolimpiodossantos.pdf: 32075489 bytes, checksum: e774d7e59c1d54fd4e2f71201662a75c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-17T11:28:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rogeriaolimpiodossantos.pdf: 32075489 bytes, checksum: e774d7e59c1d54fd4e2f71201662a75c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O Álbum das Antigualhas do pintor português Francisco de Holanda, reúne uma série de desenhos em que o autor registra obras de arte, construções antigas e contemporâneas, fortificações, lugares, pessoas e eventos vistos por ele durante a viagem feita à cidade de Roma entre os anos de 1538 e 1540, junto à comitiva do embaixador português D. Pedro de Mascarenhas. Este livro de desenhos tem sido lido por grande parte dos pesquisadores que se debruçaram sobre a biografia de Francisco de Holanda, como um diário de viagem em imagens. Da viagem a Roma, resultou também a escrita do seu tratado Da Pintura Antiga e as imagens que compõem o Álbum das Antigualhas foram usadas por diversos estudiosos da obra literária de Francisco de Holanda como ilustrações para as questões teóricas propostas por ele. Outros se debruçaram sobre o álbum interessados nos desenhos que registram obras ou construções que não mais existem, buscando no álbum o registro histórico. Este „diário‟ no entanto, não foi ainda analisado no seu conjunto, na sua totalidade. Apesar do fato de que os desenhos registram as antiguidades vistas pelo autor durante a viagem, estes desenhos somente foram organizados no formato em que se apresentam ainda hoje, durante a década de 1560. Por este motivo, acredito que o álbum não reúne a totalidade dos desenhos feitos por Francisco de Holanda na ocasião, e sim, os mais significativos para o discurso que ele pretendia escrever com a constituição deste álbum. A pesquisa da qual esta tese é o resultado, busca esse discurso. É este o objetivo, analisar as escolhas feitas por Francisco de Holanda, qual o discurso resultante dessas escolhas e o que este discurso implica em termos de adesão cultural, alinhamento filosófico e/ou ideológico. Os desenhos que compõem o álbum foram divididos segundo os temas que apresentam. Dois grandes núcleos temáticos são perceptíveis. O primeiro contêm os desenhos que se referem à Antiguidade Clássica. O segundo, apesar de uma aparente incoerência, reúne os desenhos de fortalezas e as curiosidades, o relato visual de sua viagem. Partindo desses dois grandes eixos e pensando no papel de pioneiro que Francisco de Holanda tomou para si na defesa e valorização da arte em Portugal, analisei os possíveis subtemas em que se dividem os dois grandes eixos, o que permitiu uma leitura da modernidade que o autor pensava para Portugal. / The Álbum of Antigualhas from the Portuguese painter Francisco de Holanda brings together a series of drawings in which the author records works of art, antique and contemporary constructions, fortifications, places, people and events seen by him during a trip he made to the city of Rome between the years of 1538 and 1540, together with the Portuguese delegation of the ambassador Pedro Mascarenhas. This book of drawings has been read by most of the researchers who have studied the biography of Francisco de Holanda, as a travelogue. The trip to Rome also resulted in the writing of his treatise Da Pintura Antiga, and, the images that compose the Álbum of Antigualhas were used by various scholars of Francisco de Holanda‟s work of art as illustrations for the theoretical questions posed by him. Others have looked into the album interested in the drawings or constructions that no longer exist, seeking the historical record in it. This "diary", however, has not yet been examined as a whole, in its entirety. Despite the fact that the drawings record the antiquities seen by the author during his journey, these drawings were only organized in the format in which they are presented today, during the 1560s. For this reason, I believe that the album does not meet all the drawings by Francisco de Holanda at the time, but the most significant for the speech he intended to write to the constitution of this album. The research from which this thesis is the result searches this speech. This is the objective, analyze the choices made by Francisco de Holanda, which is the resulting speech of those choices and what this speech implies in terms of cultural membership, philosophical and/or ideological alignment. The drawings that compose the album were divided according to the themes they present. Two large thematic units are noticeable. The first contains the drawings which refer to the Classical Period. The second, despite an apparent inconsistency, brings together the drawings of fortress and curiosities, the visual account of his trip. Based on these two major axes and thinking about the pioneering role that Francisco de Holanda took it upon himself in the defense and appreciation of art in Portugal, I have analyzed the possible sub-themes that divide the two great axes, allowing a modernity reading that the author thought to Portugal.

Krev, čest a hrůza. Reprezentace pevnostní války v obléhacích denících britských obránců Bergen-op-zoom z roku 1747 / Blood, honour and horror. Representations of siege warfare in siege journals of British defenders of Bergen-op-zoom in 1747.

Wohlmuth, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This Master's degree thesis, named Blood, honour and horror. Representations of siege warfare in journals of British defenders of Bergen-op-zoom in 1747, adheres at specific genre of historical anthropology of war and military. It poses questions regarding ana-lysis of contemporary culture of war and its individual variables, their interdependence and changing configuration during the siege of Bergen-op-zoom in 1747, during culmination point of War of Austrian Succession. Meaning of this text consists of an effort to discover alternative way of treating historical sources and to depart traditional conservative methods of analyzing the war conflict using national or confessional military stereotypes, essential features of key actors or theoretical normative of military science. The text comes to conclusion that most irregular and dramatic character of the siege of Bergen-op-zoom was primarily caused by profound misunderstanding between defenders and attackers regarding culture of war, especially acceptable definition of military honour and of legitimate combat techniques. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Warhead penetration in concrete protective structures

Hansson, Håkan January 2011 (has links)
The analysis of penetration of warheads in concrete protective structures is an important part of the study of weapon effects on protective structures. This type of analysis requires that the design load in the form of a warhead is determined, and its characteristic and performance within a protective structure is known. Constitutive equations for concrete subjected to weapon effects have been a major area of interest for a long time, and several material models for concrete behaviour are developed. However, it is not until recent years that it has been possible to use finite element (FE) analyses to simulate the behaviour of concrete targets during projectile penetration with acceptable results. The reason for this is a combination of several factors, e.g. development of suitable material models for concrete, enhancement of numerical methodology and affordable high capacity computer systems. Furthermore, warhead penetration has primary been of interest for the armed forces and military industry, with a large part of the conducted research being classified during considerable time. The theoretical bases for concrete material behaviour and modelling with respect to FE analyses of projectile penetration are treated in the thesis. The development of weapons and fortifications are briefly discussed in the thesis. Warheads may be delivered onto a protective structure by several means, e.g. artillery, missiles or aerial bombing, and two typical warhead types were used within the study. These warhead types were artillery shells and unitary penetration bombs for the use against hardened targets, with penetration data for the later warhead type almost non-existing in the literature. The penetration of warheads in concrete protective structures was therefore studied through a combination of experimental work, empirical penetration modelling and FE analyses to enhance the understanding of the penetration phenomenon. The experimental data was used for evaluation of empirical equations for concrete penetration and FE analyses of concrete penetration, and the use of these methods to predict warhead penetration in protective structures are discussed within the thesis. The use of high performance concrete increased the penetration resistance of concrete targets, and the formation of front and back face craters were prevented with the use of heavily reinforced normal strength concrete (NSC) for the targets. In addition, the penetration depths were reduced in the heavily reinforced NSC. The evaluated existing empirical penetration models did not predict the behaviour of the model scaled hardened buried target penetrators in concrete structures with acceptable accuracy. One of the empirical penetration models was modified to better describe the performance of these penetrators in concrete protective structures. The FE analyses of NSC gave reasonable results for all simulation cases, with the best results obtained for normal impact conditions of the penetrators. / Analyser avseende stridsdelars penetration i skyddskonstruktioner av betong viktigt för studier av vapenverkan mot skyddskonstruktioner. Dessa analyser förutsätter att dimensionerande last i form av stridsdel bestäms, samt att dess karakteristik och verkan mot skyddskonstruktioner är kända. Konstitutiva modeller för betong utsatta för vapenverkan har varit av stort intresse under en lång tid och ett flertal materialmodeller har utvecklats. Det är emellertid först på senare år som det varit möjligt att använda finita element (FE) analyser for att simulera beteendet för betongmål vid projektilpenetration med acceptabla resultat. Anledningen till detta kan tillskrivas kombinationen av ett flertal faktorer, t ex utvecklingen av lämpliga materialmodeller, förbättringar av numerisk metodik och utvecklingen av kostnadseffektiva beräkningsdatorer. Penetration av stridsdelar har dessutom i huvudsak varit av intresse för militären och försvarsindustrin, vilket har resulterat i att en stor del av den bedrivna forskningen har varit hemligstämplad under lång tid. Grunderna avseende betongs materialbeteende och beskrivning av detta med avseende på FE-analyser av projektilpenetration behandlas i denna licentiatuppsats. Den fortifikatoriska utvecklingen och utvecklingen av vapen diskuteras kortfattad i uppsatsen. Ett flertal olika typer av stridsdelar är av intresse avseende verkan mot skyddskonstruktioner, t ex artillerigranater, missiler eller flygbomber. I denna studie beaktades två typiska stridsdelar, artillerigranater och penetrerande bomber. De senare är specifikt konstruerade för användande mot skyddskonstruktioner och företrädesvis mot betongkonstruktioner. Det visade sig dessutom att data avseende penetration i betong för denna typ av penetrerande stridsdelar i stort sett inte var publicerade. Penetration av stridsdelar i betong studerades därför med en kombination av experimentella metoder, empiriska penetrationsmodeller och FE-analyser för att öka förståelsen för problemställningen. De experimentella modellresultaten användes för att utvärdera både de empiriska penetrationsmodellerna och FE-analyserna avseende betongpenetration, med båda metodernas användande diskuterat i uppsatsen. Användandet av högpresterande betong ökade penetrationsmotståndet för betongmålen i jämförelse med standardbetongmålen. Det var även möjligt att förhindra kraterbildningen på fram- och baksidan av de kraftigt armerande standardbetongmålen, detta medförde även en reducerad penetration för projektilerna i målen. De existerande empiriska penetrationsmodellerna kunde inte förutsäga penetrationen av modellprojektilerna i betongmålen med godtagbara resultat. Istället vidareutvecklades en av dessa modeller för att bättre beskriva denna typ av penetrerande stridsdelar i skyddskonstruktioner av betong. Finita elementanalyserna av standardbetongmålen visade sig ge ett rimligt beteende för alla analyserade modeller, med de bästa resultaten erhållna för vinkelrätt anslag för de modellprojektilerna av de penetrerande stridsdelarna. / QC 20111116

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