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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Châteaux et bourgs de la montagne du Doubs.

Bouvard, André, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Histoire médiévale--Nancy 2, 1997. Titre de soutenance : Les peuplements castraux de la montagne du Doubs. / Bibliogr. p. 195-197. Notes bibliogr. Glossaire.


Chantraine, Jean-Luc. Reitel, François. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Géographie : Metz : 1997. / 1997METZ014L. 85 ref.

Fortificacions i espai urbà a l'època romana en el Conventus Tarraconensis

Pérez i Garcia, Víctor 04 February 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi consisteix en un estudi metòdic, científic i rigorós de les fortificacions (muralles de ciutats, campaments militars i torres de guaita) del Conventus Tarraconensis en el context de la infraestructura militar de l’Imperi Romà. Cronològicament s’han considerat cadascuna de les èpoques en les quals es divideix el domini romà d’Hispània: República (218-27 aC), Alt Imperi (27 aC-284 dC), Imperi Tardà (284-476), a més del final de l’Antiguitat Tardana (el regne visigòtic, 476-711). Geogràficament l’estudi es circumscriu a l’espai que ocupava el convent jurídic Tarraconense en època imperial, des dels Pirineus fins al riu Xúquer. S’han analitzat civitates, oppida, castra, castella i turres, prestant una especial atenció als recintes d’Aeso, Baetulo, Barcino, Dertosa, Emporiae, Gerunda, Iesso, Iluro, Olèrdola, Saguntum, Tarraco i Valentia. / This thesis consist of a methodical, scientific and rigorous study of the fortifications (city walls, forts and watchtowers) of the Conventus Tarraconensis in the context of the military infrastructure of the Roman empire. Chronologically it has been considered each period of the Roman domain of Hispania: Republic (218-27 BC), Early Empire (27 BC-284 AD) Late Empire (284-476), in addition to the end of Late Antiquity (the Visigothic kingdom, 476-711). Geographically the study is limited to the space occupied by the juridical conventus of Tarraco in the imperial era, from the Pyrenees to the river Xúquer. We analyzed civitates, oppida, castra, castella and turres, paying special attention to the enclosures of Aeso, Baetulo, Barcino, Dertosa, Emporiae, Gerunda, Iesso, Iluro, Olèrdola, Saguntum, Tarraco and Valentia.

Obyčejní vojáci aneb 1. pěší pluk "Mistra Jana Husi" v roce 1938. / Ordinary soldiers - first infantry regiment "Master Jan Hus" in 1938.

KOZEL, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The thesis entitled "Ordinary soldiers and The First Infantry Regiment "Master Jan Hus" in 1938" will deal primarily with the task of Infantry Regiment 1 "MJH" and its three infantry battalions (I/1, II/1, III/1) in the planned defense of the region of České Budějovice in 1938. The situation will be described mainly with regards to the occupation and the planned defense of the South Bohemian 1. Main Defence Position (fortification parts 197, 181, 182 and part of 183). The main contribution lies in the description of the everyday life of soldiers of the regiment and in a historical anthropological excursion, which tries to seek the concept of symbolic communication and rituals. The thesis will also seek to shed light on the events that occured after the signing of Munich agreement, in Southern Bohemia, several major incidents - not just with the terrorist units of ?Sudetendeutsches Freikorps?, but also with regular units of Wehrmacht. Some findings are published for the first time including the poll results "Army of 1938", submitted by representatives of the Infantry Regiment 1 "MJH" and the 5th Infantry Division.

En teoriutvecklande uppsats om fältarbetens roll vid försvar mot landstigningsoperationer

Edman, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
Defence against an amphibious assault is an extremely difficult endeavour as is evident by the long line of successful amphibious assaults undertaken throughout history. Field fortifications has to a large extent been present in defences, yet little research has been done on the effects of field fortifications in preventing successful landing operations. Therefore, this thesis examines the specific role of field fortifications in defence against amphibious assaults. The purpose is to combine theories about amphibious operations with concepts of field fortifications to add depth to existing theories as two historical examples are examined.  Results show that the existing theories’ notions, especially regarding the devastating effects of indirect fire and pre-bombardment, are not true for the two cases of study. It is furthermore shown that avoiding terrain where the enemy’s defence is focused was of little consequence for whether the assault was successful or not. Of greater importance was the power imbalance of attacker versus defender. Lastly, it is argued that the development of advanced weaponry plausibly levels out the power imbalance as effects of pre-bombardment is more likely to be successful.

A Public History Project Atblakeley Historic Park, Alabama

Johnson, Dwight 01 January 2009 (has links)
The public history project described herein was performed at Blakeley Historic Park, Alabama. The project included the preparation of survey maps depicting the location, size and directional orientation of Confederate and Union earthworks, which were used during the siege and battle of Fort Blakely in April 1865. The project also included historical research and documentation of findings relative to the design, construction and use of the Confederate fortifications at Blakeley Park. This research attempts to answer the questions; who ordered or directed the earthworks to be built, who designed them and supervised their construction, when were they built, and who provided the labor for their construction? Recommendations are made for the acquisition potential of earthworks found that were outside of present park boundaries. In addition, recommendations are made for preservation of existing earthworks within the park. The historical essay on the Confederate fortifications advances the argument that the design and construction effort was beset with shortages of engineers needed for design and supervision, shortages of labor needed for construction, and a shortage of troops to man the fortifications. Because this project combined modern day Global Positioning System surveying and Geographic Information System mapping technology with historical research methodology, collaboration with faculty experts in the College of Engineering and Computer Science was essential.

Vauban’s Siege Legacy in the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1712

Ostwald, Jamel M. 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Recherches sur les fortifications d'Anatolie occidentale et centrale au début du premier millénaire av. J.-C. (Xe-VIe s.) / Research on Western and Central Anatolian Fortifications in the Early First Millennium BC. (10th-6th cent.)

Vergnaud, Baptiste 22 June 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à apporter des éclaircissements sur la réapparition du souci défensif, sa matérialisation et son évolution en Anatolie occidentale et centrale au début du premier millénaire av. J.-C. (Xe-VIe s.). Le territoire soumis à l’examen comprend la Phrygie, la boucle de l’Halys, la Carie, la Lydie, l’Ionie, l’Eolide et la Troade. Cette étude s’intéresse en premier lieu aux différentes méthodes de fortification utilisées au cours de cette période. Par l’examen des principales caractéristiques architecturales des murs de défense (techniques de construction, dispositifs défensifs), cette étude cherche à déterminer de quelle manière ces nouvelles constructions s’inscrivent dans la tradition architecturale anatolienne et dans quelle mesure leurs concepteurs contribuèrent à l’évolution de celle-ci en adoptant et en transformant les méthodes de fortification qui en sont issues. La construction d’un rempart, parce qu’elle impliquait de nombreux acteurs, était un fait de société majeur. Par leur conception, les techniques utilisées pour leur construction, leur emprise dans le paysage, les murailles sont des monuments chargés de symboles et des témoins privilégiés de l’histoire des sociétés qui les ont construites et perfectionnées. Au-delà des considérations archéologiques, cette étude s’attache donc aussi à replacer la construction de fortifications dans le contexte militaire mouvementé de l’Anatolie préclassique et tente également d’évaluer l’impact d’un tel projet de construction dans l’histoire politique et sociale des populations anatoliennes de l’âge du fer. / This thesis aims to shed light on the reappearance of defensive concern, its materialization and its evolution in Western and Central Anatolia in the Early First Millennium BC. (10th-6th c.). The area under consideration includes Phrygia, the Halys bend, Caria, Lydia, Ionia, Aeolis and the Troad. This study focuses primarily on the various fortification methods used during this period. By examining the main architectural features of defensive walls (building techniques, defensive components), this study seeks to determine how these new constructions inherited from the Anatolian architectural tradition and how their designers contributed to make it evolve by adopting and transforming some of its principles. The construction of a wall, because it involved many actors, was also major social phenomenon. Iron Age fortifications sometimes bear witness to the history of the various populations who built and perfected them. Hence, beyond archaeological considerations, this study also aims to place the construction of fortifications in the military context of the tumultuous pre-classical Anatolia. It also attempts to evaluate the impact of such a construction project on the sociopolitical history of Anatolian Iron Age populations: Greeks, Lydians, Phrygians and Carians.

L'art de la guerre au temps des croisades (491/1098 - 589/1193) : Du théocentrisme irrationnel aux influences mutuelles et adaptations pragmatiques dans le domaine militaire / The art of war at the time of the Crusades (491/1098-586/1193) : From irrational theocentrism to mutual influences and pragmatic adaptations in the military field

Tami, Alan 13 April 2012 (has links)
Jusqu’aux croisades, les rencontres entre l’Orient musulman et l’Occident chrétien avaient été réduites à des échanges commerciaux anecdotiques ainsi qu’à de rares pèlerinages en Terre sainte. Et alors que les musulmans méprisaient souverainement des peuplades septentrionales vouées, selon eux, à l’égarement et à l’ignorance, les Occidentaux avaient fait de la jeune religion orientale et de ses sectateurs l’Antéchrist de leur eschatologie apocalyptique. Tous étaient imprégnés d’un théocentrisme intransigeant ne laissant aucune place à un Autre ignoré ou abhorré, si ce n’est celle de l’Ennemi. Il fallut donc une guerre généralisée entre ces deux ensembles civilisationnels aux antipodes pour qu’enfin ils se rencontrent et se côtoient durablement, jusqu’à estomper en partie des préjugés et des images déformées longtemps entretenus. Paradoxalement, la guerre et ses principales émanations (la stratégie, la tactique, l’armement et l’architecture militaire) allaient être les causes d’une meilleure connaissance mutuelle. En cherchant à répondre au mieux au défi militaire lancé par l’adversaire, chacun fut contraint de scruter les intentions, la mentalité, et surtout l’art de la guerre de l’autre ; ainsi, on n’hésita pas à en copier les concepts et les procédés jugés profitables, de même que les deux camps firent montre, dans ce domaine, d’une adaptabilité multiforme exceptionnelle. En somme, loin de la vision répandue présentant les croisades comme des conflits séculaires purement religieux ayant opposé de manière manichéenne deux conceptions monolithiques et hermétiques du monde et de la guerre, il semblerait en réalité que la Syrie du XIIe siècle fut d’abord un creuset d’échanges dans lequel le maître mot était "pragmatisme". / Until the Crusades, the encounters between the Muslim East and the Christian West had been limited to anecdotal trade exchanges as well as rare pilgrimages to the Holy Land. While the Muslims intensely despised dedicated northern tribes, in their opinion, to misguidance and ignorance, the West had made the young Eastern religion and its followers the Antichrist of their apocalyptic eschatology. All were imbued with an uncompromising theocentrism leaving no room to another ignored or abhorred, except that of the Enemy. This necessitated a general war between these two civilizational sets of the antipodes so that finally they meet and come together permanently, to the extent of partly diminishing prejudice and distorted images which were long maintained. Paradoxically, the war and its principal emanations (strategy, tactics, weaponry and military architecture) would be the causes of better mutual understanding. In seeking to best meet the military challenge launched by the enemy, everyone was forced to scrutinize the intentions, attitudes, and especially the art of war of the other, so they did not hesitate to copy the concepts and procedures deemed beneficial, as both sides made shows in this area, a multifaceted exceptional adaptability. In short, far from the common vision with the crusades as purely secular religious conflicts that opposed in a Manichean manner two monolithic and hermetic conceptions of the world and war, it would seem that Syria of the twelfth century began as a crucible exchanges in which the watchword was "pragmatism".

Enceintes urbaines en moyenne Alsace (1200-1850) / Cities' walls of central Alsace (1200-1850)

Vuillemin, Adrien 10 January 2015 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les systèmes défensifs d'une quarantaine de villes petites et moyennes, édifiés en Alsace centrale entre les XIIIe et XVe siècles, jusqu'à leur déclassement ou démantèlement définitif au XIXe siècle. Les ressources sollicitées sont de natures diverses : prospections des vestiges conservés, sondages archéologiques, documentation iconographique (plans, gravures, photographies anciennes), archives médiévales et modernes. Parmi ces dernières, une grande enquête sur l’état de conservation des enceintes des petites villes, bourgs et villages d’Alsace, initiée par le directeur des fortifications d’Alsace en 1779, livre un tableau exhaustif des systèmes fortifiés avant leur abandon. Les questions abordées portent sur les matériaux de construction, les diverses composantes de la défense (portes, murs, fossés, remparts...), les données topographiques et la chronologie des aménagements. Les enseignements majeurs, dans un domaine où seules les enceintes des grandes villes ont jusqu'à présent attiré l'attention, sont la diversité des réponses apportées au besoin de défense mais également des chronologies et types de structures qui n'ont rien à envier à ces grandes villes. Tout au moins jusqu'au XVIe siècle ; car sauf exception, ces villes petites et moyennes n'ont en effet pas pu prendre le virage du bastionnement des fortifications. Elles ont en revanche assez bien entretenu les structures héritées du Moyen Âge pour encore pouvoir être considérées comme des points d’appui dans la défense de la région par l'administration royale peu avant la Révolution. / This study deals with the defensive systems of three dozen small and middle-sized towns of central Alsace, from their building between the 13th and 15th Centuries, to their definitive dismantling during the 19th Century. Various resources were exploited : examination of existing remains, archaeological surveys, visual sources (maps, prints, old photographs), Middle Age and Modern period archives. The latter source included a major condition report on Alsace’s small cities, towns and villages, initiated by the province’s head of fortifications in 1779, which offers a complete overview of fortification systems before they were abandoned.The study addresses the questions of the construction materials used, the variety of defensive elements (doors, walls, moats, ramparts, etc.), topographical data and a chronology of their construction.The major teachings, in a field so far focused on large cities’ walls, are the broad range of solutions to the protective needs and the diversity of their chronology and layout models that are just as interesting as those of larger cities. This is noted until the 16th Century, when, with few exceptions, these small and middle-sized towns were not able toupgrade their defense to the level of bulwarks. Well maintained though, they were still seen as a major defensive support for the region by the royal administration, soon before the French revolution.

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