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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Natural resources endowment, international trade and convergence / Dotation en ressources naturelles, commerce international et convergence

Soukar, Louai 26 September 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'effet de la répartition inégale des ressources naturelles entre les pays sur trois aspects principaux. Dans le premier chapitre, nous examinons empiriquement les effets asymétriques potentiels de l'adhésion à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) entre les membres, en nous concentrant spécifiquement sur les pays en développement. Les résultats suggèrent que l'adhésion à l'OMC a contribué à l'augmentation des exportations de tous les pays, à l'exception des pays non-émergents riches en ressources. En revanche, les pays émergents riches en ressources sont les plus grands bénéficiaires de l'accession à l'OMC. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous explorons empiriquement l'impact de la dotation en ressources naturelles sur les gains de six Accords Commerciaux Régionaux (ACR) entre les membres à travers trois axes : la complémentarité entre les pays, la diversification des pays riches en ressources ainsi que la création et le détournement des échanges. Nous concluons que la complémentarité entre les pays riches et les pays pauvres en ressources a été atteinte dans les accords de l’ECOWAS, du SADC et du CIS. Les résultats indiquent également que, dans tous les ACR, les pays riches en ressources ont accru leurs exportations hors secteurs des ressources naturelles et diversifié ainsi leurs structures d'exportation, en particulier avec les partenaires régionaux. En outre, dans la plupart des ACR, les pays pauvres ont accru leurs exportations vers leurs partenaires riches en ressources, tandis que ces derniers souffrent du détournement des échanges en termes d'importations. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous étudions l'impact de la dotation en ressources naturelles sur le processus de convergence entre les pays du PAFTA. Premièrement, les résultats démontrent que la sigma-convergence n'était observable qu'entre 1970 et 1990 dans les pays du PAFTA. De plus, l’estimation révèle que les ressources naturelles sont l'un des principaux déterminants de la convergence conditionnelle au sein du PAFTA. Par conséquent, l'asymétrie entre les pays en termes de dotation en ressources naturelles n'a pas empêché la convergence dans le PAFTA. L'analyse de la convergence des clubs a identifié trois principaux clubs parmi les pays du PAFTA. En outre, les facteurs qui ont déterminé la formation des clubs sont les ressources naturelles, la qualité des institutions et l'investissement. Par ailleurs, une abondance de ressources naturelles n'est pas suffisante pour être le meilleur club, mais doit être accompagnée d'institutions de qualité. / In this thesis, we examine the effect of the unequal distribution of natural resources between countries on three main aspects. In chapter one, we empirically examine potential asymmetric effects of the accession of the World Trade Organization (WTO) across members, focusing specifically on the developing countries. The results suggest that membership in the WTO contributed to greater exports for all countries, except for non-emerging resource-rich countries. In contrast, emerging resource-rich countries are the greatest beneficiaries from the accession of the WTO. In chapter two, we empirically explore the impact of natural resource endowments on the gains of six Regional Trade Agreements (RTA) across members through three axes: complementarity between countries, diversification of resource-rich countries, and trade creation and diversion. We conclude that the complementarity between resource-rich and resource-poor countries has been achieved in the ECOWAS, SADC and CIS agreements. The results also indicate that in all RTAs, the resource-rich countries increased exports in non-natural resource sectors and thereby diversified their export structures, especially with regional partners. Moreover, in most RTAs, poor countries boosted their exports to resources-rich partners, while resource-rich countries suffer from trade diversion in terms of imports. In the last chapter, we study the impact of natural resource endowments on the process of convergence among PAFTA countries. First, the results demonstrate that sigma-convergence was only observable between 1970-1990 among PAFTA countries. The estimation reveals that natural resources are one of the main determinants of conditional convergence within PAFTA. Therefore, the asymmetry between countries in terms of natural resource endowment did not impede the convergence in PAFTA. Club convergence analysis identify three main clubs among PAFTA countries. In addition, the factors that determined clubs’ formation are natural resources, quality of institutions, and investment. Further, an abundance of natural resources is alone not enough to be the best club, but must be accompanied by high-quality institutions.

墨西哥外交政策研究 / Mexican Foreign Policy Research

楊世琪, Yang, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有些學者認為,一國依地位、歷史、政治諸環境,所擬定的固定與長期性外交目標應視為外交原則(Principle of Foreign Policy)而非外交是不易變動的,外交政策則因時勢的推移、環境的轉變、利害的權衡,而可以隨機應變。睽諸墨西哥外交史,自始即強調了"民族自決"與"不干預原則"。為貫徹此原則,墨西哥外交政策便屢有調整。一方反對大國干預,爭取經濟獨立,帶領拉丁美洲國家整體化發展,由區域開發與利益的保護觀點與大國相抗;一方也必須採取務實方略,認清國家發展的重點仍離不開北方巨人的奧援,故而調整政策與美國親善。鑑於外交原則是墨西哥外交政策重要的政策意涵所在,本文特就墨西經驗與獨特地理位置,索引墨西哥外交政策發展的軌跡,提供一種全方位的觀察角度。尤其置重於七O年代以后,墨西哥努力成為區域主權領導者,其堅決同"第三世界國家"打成一片的外交政策,率先提出"各國經濟權利與義務憲章"成為發展中國家向工業化國家進行鬥爭的象徵。墨西哥限於本身國力,雖未能以強國姿態左右區域動向,但曾挾其富有石油力量促進區域之穩定。尤有進者八0年代的"康塔多拉集團"(Contadora Group)積極斡旋中美洲動亂的努力成就有目共睹。惟一九八二年石油危機與債務危機,卻帶來倒退厄運。墨西哥除了推倡拉美經濟整合,一方亦努力尋找更多發展機會,與西方國家與東亞國家的經濟互動異常活躍。與此同時,墨西哥也意識到要擺脫美國依賴,無法單純採取疏離美國之作法,而是要正視這份關係,變被動為主導,將與美國相近作為一種優勢,利用同美國的關係發展自己。經濟與外交的多元化,刻正帶領墨西哥走上已開發國家的路向。尤其在北美由貿易協定格局之下,根據美國紐澤西洲Polyconomics公司評估,墨西哥挾其資源與實力,將可成為"另一個台灣"。墨西哥積極外交政策施為、墨美關係之今昔與墨西哥經濟外交及國家發展的關連。筆者認為,惟有跨時空地自歷史、地理、政治、經濟角度觀察墨西哥外交政策,方有全盤性的系統敘述。

後冷戰時期美國東亞安全政策之研究 / Post cold war study on US east asia security policy

黃國揚, Huang, Kuo Ying Unknown Date (has links)
美國柯林頓總統於1995、1996年所提出《擴大與交往的國家安全戰略》報告指出:「美國國家安全戰略基礎在於擴大市場、民主社群,同時嚇阻與圍堵對我們國家、盟邦與我們利益的廣泛威脅。」。為了這一廣泛目的,美國須維持一個強大的防衛力量與運用有效的外交政策,以提升合作性的安全措施;致力打開外國市場與激勵全球成長;助長海外的民主並促進區域的合作安全等。   小布希總統2002年《美國國家安全戰略》報告也將「透過自由市場和自由貿易開啟全球經濟發展的新時期」列為國家安全戰略的一環。2006年的「美國國家安全戰略」重申自由且公平的貿易政策是第一支柱的一部份,透過自由市場和自由貿易來啟動一個全球經濟成長的新時代是其整體戰略之一;另一方面為了終結暴政和促進有效率的民主,工具之一就是締結自由貿易協定,鼓勵各國加強法治、打擊腐敗、落實民主責任。   美國的東亞政策可說重回「新現實主義」與「新自由主義」的雙軌路線。東亞經貿的發展與區域經濟的整合,更是讓美國看到延長霸權經濟命脈的新金礦。未來區域內的主導地位,將會取決於中國與美國相互競爭,這個競爭也許會是良性的,各取所需、各有所獲,但是過程中將會顯示這兩個大國經濟發展將在區域內的產生權力消長。   美國認為,中國在地緣戰略上是具有實力引起國際權力分配產生重大轉變,因此美國政策必須調和改變去掌控中國,以便維持及促進美國重大利益。但是隨著國際局勢變化,美國對中國的態度趨於務實,摒除與中國聯盟對抗蘇聯的思維,轉為全面性交往,但是強化其與日本等國的軍事同盟關係。   推展民主制度雖然不一定是美國的優先要務,但只要機會,美國總是鼓勵各國走向民主,因為美國人普遍認為,民主政體有能力抵擋極權擴張、便於美國行使權利、減少軍事衝突的風險。此論點乃基於民主國家比非民主國家更不願意發動戰爭之想法。在某些菁英人士心目中,保障及推展民主乃是美國重要的道德目標。   美國為確保國家利益及國家安全戰略總體指導,後冷戰時期美國在東亞區域經濟、軍事、政治安全等領域維護將更為重視,並力求主導區域安全相關議題制定、運作機制和秩序規範。 / US president Clinton points out a topic “Enlargement and Engagement” in the National Security Strategy Report, it says “United States National Security Strategy is based on enlargement the market and diplomatic social groups, simultaneously deter and stop any threat that will disadvantage out nation and allied nations.” For this general purpose, United States has to sustain a strong defense power and utilize diplomatic to improve the cooperation of security measures, endeavor in open foreign market, incentive global economic growth, diplomatic nations growth, and area security cooperation, etc.   President George Bush also point out “use free market and free trading to open the new growth of global economic era” from the National Security Strategy Report in 2002. It restated free and fair trading policy plays a big portion in 2006. Through free market and free trading to initiate a new era of global economic growth is part of the plan. The tool of terminating tyranny and effective the diplomatic is making a trade policy to encourage other nations stop crime and corruption. Play the role of democracy country.   United States Eastern Asia policy is back to theory of “neo-realism” and “neo-liberalism” two axis. The development of Eastern Asia Trade and Integration of Area Economic are the new vault for United States to prolong his sovereign rule in economic. The future leading nation of the area depends on China and United States competition. It maybe positive, each gains his own benefits, but the process will show the grow or diminish of these two nations economic growth within the area.   United States think that China’s regional strategy is very powerful which makes the change of international power distribution, so that U.S. has to adjust the policy to facilitate the U.S. key interests. But, along the change of international situation, the U.S. attitude with China turns out to be more practical. It changes the idea of allied with China against Soviet to fully engage with China in all perspectives. In addition, it strengths the military allied relationship with Japan and eastern Asia countries.   To popularize the democracy is not the first priority of United States. If there is a chance, U.S. will always encourage all countries toward democracy. American think that democratic system can stop the extremity system expand, which ease U.S. use his privilege and reduce military conflict risk. This is based on democratic nation is more unwilling to start a war than any other nations. In certain elites’ mind, that the goal of U.S. ethics is to ensure and improve democratic.   After cold war era based on U.S. interest, United States is more emphasize on the Eastern Asia’s economic, military, and political security, and endeavor on leading the area security.

Surmounting Trade Barriers: American Protectionism and the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement

Paiva, Michael January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines US protectionism in the 1980s from Canadian and American perspectives, and its role in Canada’s pursuit of the historic 1988 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. It analyzes the perceived “threat” of protectionism and evaluates the agreement’s provisions against Canada’s goal of securing access to the US market. It contends that US protectionism was crucial in the Mulroney government’s decision to negotiate a bilateral agreement and was a contentious issue for the agreement’s critics. US sources, unexamined in existing historiography, confirm the increased threat of American protectionism, but emphasize a distinction between the threat and implementation of protectionist trade law. Although the agreement did not shield Canada from US trade remedies, Canada gained important presence in the trade dispute process. These conclusions are drawn from Canadian and American media and government documents, 1980s academic and think-tank commentary, legal documents, the memoirs and diaries of major players, and select archival sources.

Surmounting Trade Barriers: American Protectionism and the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement

Paiva, Michael January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines US protectionism in the 1980s from Canadian and American perspectives, and its role in Canada’s pursuit of the historic 1988 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. It analyzes the perceived “threat” of protectionism and evaluates the agreement’s provisions against Canada’s goal of securing access to the US market. It contends that US protectionism was crucial in the Mulroney government’s decision to negotiate a bilateral agreement and was a contentious issue for the agreement’s critics. US sources, unexamined in existing historiography, confirm the increased threat of American protectionism, but emphasize a distinction between the threat and implementation of protectionist trade law. Although the agreement did not shield Canada from US trade remedies, Canada gained important presence in the trade dispute process. These conclusions are drawn from Canadian and American media and government documents, 1980s academic and think-tank commentary, legal documents, the memoirs and diaries of major players, and select archival sources.

A research on framing the Free Trade Areas across The Taiwan Strait¡Gfrom the Regional Economic Integration viewpoint

Ke, Chun-Kung 19 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract The title of this thesis is ¡§ A research on framing the Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait: from the Regional Economic Integration viewpoint¡¨. The main themes of this thesis can be categorized into two parts: 1.Elaborating the theory of Free Trade Areas and the legal framework of global economic law to find out the reason why GATT/WTO permits to build Free Trade Areas as an exception of the GATT/WTO Most-Favored Treatment rule; and further stating the meaning and inspiration of Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait under the experiences of EU and NAFTA. 2.After entering the WTO, according to the international norm, it¡¦s a must for both sides of The Taiwan Strait to adjust their economic relationship and set up a cross-strait free trade zone from the experience of EU and NAFTA in accordance with the natural regularity of international economic development relationship. Taiwan and Mainland China, on two sides of the Twian Strait have become members of the WTO, and have officially connected with international trade and economic organism. It is essential for two sides to develop their economic interrelationship on the basis of the natural regularity of international economic development relationship. This thesis emphasizes that the development of economic relationship across the Taiwan Strait is a step-by-step process and suggests that the process can be divided into three steps as follows: 1.Normalization of economic relationship across the Taiwan Strait after entering WTO¡Ðit means that the activities of trade and investment across The Taiwan Strait should be transformed from ¡§indirect¡¨ into ¡§direct.¡¨ In addition, the restrictions on the movement of the people between Taiwan and Mainland China should be eased. These changes certainly lead to more problems for Taiwan side and it is urgent to negotiate and sign agreements with China for the Agreement of Trade and Investment in order to secure its benefit in the cross-strait economic development. 2.¡§One-step-forward framework¡¨¡ÐI would like to suggest that the second step of the cross-strait economic development should go one step forward to set up a framework under which the Free Trade Agreement, industries cooperation and Custom Unions to be fulfilled. 3.The setup of the Free Trade Areas¡ÐThe Free Trade Areas can be materialized though discussion between two sides based on ¡§one-step-forward framework¡¨ In this thesis, I found out that the best policy for Taiwan and Mainland China is to construct the Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait under the legal framework of WTO. However, there are some prerequisites needed to be considered as follows: 1.Raising the international competition; 2.Averting to be marginalized under the trend of Regional Economic Integration; 3.Evaluating the complementary structure of industries between Taiwan and Mainland China with an analysis of the background, humanities and history between Taiwan and Mainland China. When the Free Trade Areas to be established in the future, it is recommend that the establishment of a Common Market across the Taiwan Strait will most benefit Taiwan and Mainland in the long run.

論我國自由經濟示範區的政策與推動 / Policies and Associated Measures to Implement Free Economic Pilot Zones in Taiwan

李麒祥 Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國在經過亞洲金融危機、次貸風暴、歐債危機…等事件後,經濟遭受重創,各國為求經濟成長,區域經濟整合(Regional Economic Integration,REI)逐漸盛行成為趨勢,透過自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)盼能吸引外資熱錢長期投資以增進成長動能,於是藉由規劃自由經濟區(Free Economic Zone,FEZ)做為貿易競爭的工具,以提昇國家競爭力。 我國因特殊的政治因素及獨特的地理環境因素,導致加入國際組織的困難及必須依靠對外貿易以獲得資源。自由經濟示範區(Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones, TFEPZ)的推動代表著政府想引進外資邁向國際化的決心,但在面對國際政治困境、經濟邊緣化、政府朝野對立的情況下,政策及法規的鬆綁與否成為立法院朝野互相攻防的要點。 本研究藉由在貿易上與我國在國際間既合作又競爭且具有密切關係的中國大陸、韓國、日本等三國,藉由研究其自由貿易區政策之內容及推動現況,與我國政策進行比較分析,期能發現不足之處,進而參考借鏡提出相關建議,期許其未來發展得以更臻完善。 / The world's economy has been plagued by a series of financial disasters in recent years, including the Asian financial crisis, subprime mortgage crisis, and the European debt crisis. To revive economy, countries around the world have been seeking deeper cooperation through regional economic integration (REI). Governments have signed free trade agreements (FTA) to draw long-term foreign investments in an attempt to jumpstart growth. They have established free economic zones (FEZ) to boost international trades and improve national competitiveness. However, due to political and geological environment, Taiwan faces a great challenge when trying to join international organizations. Besides, the country has to rely on international trades to acquire necessary resources for growth. The launch of Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones (TFEPZ) demonstrates the government's determination to attract foreign investments and play a more important role in the global economy. Yet, given the international political hurdles, risks of economic marginalization, and constant gridlock between the ruling party and the opposition parties in Taiwan, it will be a great challenge for the Legislative Yuan to relax related regulations after a series of fierce debates. This research investigates policies and implementation results of FTZs in South Korea, Japan, and Mainland China—one of Taiwan's close trade partner and competitor. By analyzing and comparing FTZ policies in Taiwan, Mainland China, South Korea, and Japan, this research aims to find some aspects of improvement and provide constructive suggestions for the better development of Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones.

The right to health, the TRIPS agreement and the public health safeguards to encourage the universal access to essential medicines

St-Martin, Frédéric 03 1900 (has links)
The privileges arising from patent protection on pharmaceutical products often prevent the full realization of the right to health, especially in developing countries with scarce resources. This thesis first identifies the international agreements that have established the right to health in international law, obligations and violations associated with it, the problems encountered in the implementation of human rights on the field, compared with the implementation and sanctions associated with economic rights from the World Trade Organization regulatory framework. A comparative study of the legislative frameworks of both developed and developing countries will reveal to what extent Canada, the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, and South Africa conformed with patent protection exceptions arising from international patent law to protect public health. Finally, the author identifies the crucial indicators that need to be considered in order to assess the conformity of a given approach with the right to health, before he underscores the temporary character of the relevant WTO measures, and the future stakes concerning an increased access to essential medicines. / Les droits issus des brevets d'invention sur les produits pharmaceutiques empêchent souvent la réalisation pleine et entière du droit à la santé, plus spécialement dans les pays en voie de développement ayant des ressources plus limitées. Ce mémoire de recherche retrace d'abord les accords internationaux ayant établi le droit à la santé en droit international, les obligations et les violations qui en découlent, la problématique quant à la mise en oeuvre des droits de l'homme sur le terrain, en comparaison avec la mise en oeuvre et les sanctions pour le non-respect de droits économiques dans le cadre réglementaire de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Ensuite, une étude comparative des cadres législatifs de pays développés et de pays en développement révèlera dans quelle mesure le Canada, les États-Unis, l'Union Européenne, le Brésil, l'Inde, et l'Afrique du Sud se sont conformés aux exceptions aux règles de protection issues du droit international des brevets pour cause de santé publique. L'auteur identifie finalement les points de première importance qu'il considère primordial de considérer afin d'évaluer si une approche conforme au droit à la santé a été respectée dans le commerce de médicaments essentiels, avant de souligner l'aspect temporaire des mesures courantes prévues dans l'OMC et des futurs enjeux quant à l'accroissement de l'accès aux médicaments essentiels. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des biotechnologies". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 10% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury : "Le jury est impressionné par l'ampleur de la recherche et de la synthèse très instructive du débat Nord-Sud".

Cultural brokering : art, national identity, and the influence of Free Trade

Smith, Sarah Ellen Kathleen 21 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersections of culture, nationalism, and neoliberal globalization through examination of the construction of Mexican identity in Canada after the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. I evaluate how visual art has been used by the governments of Canada and Mexico to negotiate new bilateral relationships in the face of increased North American integration under free trade. My study includes analysis of two Canada-based exhibitions, “Mexican Modern Art, 1900-1950” and “Panoramas: The North American Landscape in Art.” Framing my discussion within the larger history of North American integration, I argue that these two exhibitions are part of a larger exchange in the area of cultural diplomacy between Canada and Mexico, which was especially prominent at the turn of the millennium. These case studies provide a means to assess the manipulation of culture, the creation of a new North American identity, and the management of national/ist narratives within the larger project of neoliberal globalization. Critically situating my study within the current discourse of globalization theory, I contend that artworks in these exhibitions were positioned in a manner to positively reinforce new trade relationships under NAFTA. / Thesis (Master, Art History) -- Queen's University, 2008-08-20 15:05:45.256

Main Labor Breaches of the Peruvian State in the Framework of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States / Principales Incumplimientos Laborales del Estado Peruano en el Marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos

Mendoza Choque, Luis Enrique 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following article begins with the old and close relationship between labor rights and international trade, a relationship that has become more important given the creation of new instruments, mechanisms and sanctions. The labor chapter of the Peru-US Trade Promotion Agreement and its application can be analyzed from different perspectives. The following article sets its focus on three distinct facets: the principle of progressivity of social rights; the legal nature of free trade agreements; and two of the current promotional labor regimes in Peruvian legislation. The article references two complaints of non-compliance with the labor chapter presented by Peruvian unions during the period since the Free Trade Agreement entered into force. Finally, the report presents conclusions that aim to contribute to the debate on this subject. / El siguiente artículo parte de antigua y cercana vinculación entre Derecho del Trabajo y el comercio internacional, relación que en los últimos años ha recobrado importancia debido a la aparición de nuevos instrumentos, mecanismos y sanciones. El contenido laboral del TLC con los Estados Unidos y su aplicación se pueden analizar desde distintos ángulos, en el siguiente trabajo nos limitaremos a estudiarlo a la luz de tres elementos: el Principio de Progresividad de los derechos sociales, la naturaleza jurídica del TLC y dos de los regímenes laborales promocionales vigentes en la legislación peruana. Los incumplimientos a los que haremos referencia son los referidos a las dos quejas presentadas por organizaciones sindicales peruanas en el marco de los mecanismos de cumplimiento del TLC. Finalmente, se presentan algunas conclusiones que pretenden contribuir al debate sobre la materia.

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