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二十一世紀中共的東亞安全政策---以南海地區為例 / China's east-asia security policy in 21th century --case study in the area of south china sea陳金龍 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀初,如何確定中共的亞太政策是確定對亞太國家進一步改善關係的重要準則。對亞太國家的政策制訂必須符合中共的亞太戰略,反過來,對亞太的政策執行又會影響到我們的亞太戰略。而在研究這兩個問題之前,還要分析總體國際形勢。 的亞太政策是確定對亞太國家進一步改善關係的重要準則。對亞太國家的政策。
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美國反恐戰爭與中共中亞安全政策研究劉守仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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以色列空軍之研究柏關忠 Unknown Date (has links)
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一九四九年至一九八二年西德安全政策之研究 / German security policy from 1949 to 1982羅美舜, Lo, Mei-shun Unknown Date (has links)
間問題,而忽略了過程的探討。僅管戈巴契夫的新思維(New Thinking)和東歐人心思變是兩股將兩德推向統一的重大力量,但之前西德政府長期的努力也是功不可沒。倘若沒有艾德諾(Konrad Adenauer)政府的固本培元,布朗德(Willy Brandt)政府的認清時機及順水推舟以及施密特(Helmut Schmidt)政府的前瞻務實,那麼統一是否能在柯爾(Helmut Kohl)政府時期順利和平的完成,不也是個疑問。因此,本文的研就希望瞭解,在戰後的國際體係下,艾德諾政府及施密特政府的安全政策為何,成就為何?三者差異為何?所面臨的困境為何?
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冷戰後中共對印度安全政策之研究張顧霈 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際關係理論中的多邊主義:以歐盟共同外交暨安全政策為例 / Multilateralism in International Relations Theory—EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy as an Example吳慧真, Wu, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究先從歷史脈絡找出多邊主義的相關概念,再以魯傑的多邊主義概念出發,做一理論性的概念分析。而為進一步瞭解多邊主義機制及其內含概念的成形,本研究以歐盟的共同外交暨安全政策作為實例,從其演進的過程中循線找出多邊主義各個概念的蹤跡。從一開始的歐洲政治合作演變成共同外交暨安全政策,歐盟試圖建構出高階政治領域中歐盟國家所應遵行之普遍行為準則,其後又因為共同安全暨防禦政策以及《歐洲安全戰略》的出現,使得歐盟國家逐漸體認到歐盟在國際社會上所應該扮演的角色,因而找出自己的認同,進而強化機制的向心力量。顯然,歐盟的共同外交暨安全政策正在朝著成為一個多邊主義機制的方向邁進,如此進化的動態過程可進一步幫助我們理解多邊主義機制的形成與演化,進而使我們更加瞭解多邊主義的概念。 / Multilateralism is a kind of institutional form and now exists in most international institutions. However, for this term “multilateralism” not only the gathering of many states, but also the common rules all the participants need to follow and the centripetal force from the member states who think they are bound together have to be understood. With these characteristics multilateral institutions are really contributive to the forming of international rules. Though this important concept was not much discussed until the 1990s, we could see it from the working of many international regimes for a long term. Besides, the concepts it stresses were also scattered in all sorts of international theories. Therefore, it must be understood that multilateralism is now one of the most important constitutional concepts for international regimes and from this point of view there should be more understanding in its meaning and its internal workings.
The main theoretical discussion of this research starts with John Ruggie’s perspective and some more exploration was made from this viewpoint. To know more deeply the formation of multilateralism and its interior concepts, EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was taken as an example to see the evolutional process of a multilateral institution and to find how those above-mentioned concepts emerge in such an institution. From the European Political Cooperation (EPC) to CFSP, European states tried to build up some common rules for high politics. The European Security and Defense Policy and the European Security Strategy then helped them to realize the role European Union should play in the world, to find their identity, to strengthen the centripetal force of this institution. Apparently, this institution is tending to become a multilateral institution. This active development aids the understanding of the formation and evolution of a multilateral institution and the concepts of multilateralism as well.
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瑞典加入歐洲聯盟之研究陳盛鵬, Chen Sheng-peng Unknown Date (has links)
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美國柯林頓政府的朝鮮半島安全政策:從薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論分析孫弘鑫, SUN,HUNG-HSIN Unknown Date (has links)
由於戰略是「兩個對立意志使用力量以來解決其爭執時所用的辯證法藝術」,因此在決定戰略的選擇時必須考量敵我之間的各項資源、行動自由的大小,乃至於互動模式,這些都是在進行行動計畫,選取戰略之時,必須審慎考量的,否則便可能產生無法指導行動的戰略。柯林頓政府的戰略雖然立意甚佳,但卻沒有考慮到採取此種戰略是否能夠從中規劃出有效的行動模式,來維持原有的行動自由、並進一步爭取最大的行動自由。這是柯林頓政府朝鮮半島安全政策的缺憾。 / Since the end of World War II, There have been different changes in the U.S. Korean Peninsula security policy. During the post-Korean war era, each administration makes its policy and strategy on the basis of security promise to the South Korea and military deterrence toward the North with U.S.-R.O.K. Mutual Defense Treaty. There were two nuclear crises after the end of the cold war, but the Clinton administration changed its policy and tried to solve the problem in way of cooperation and dialog. Before taking office, George W. Bush’s team was against Clinton’s policy and declared that the United States should take coercive actions against the North Korea. However, since George W. Bush took office, 911 broke out and the war on terror was going on, the Bush administration took the similar policy on the Korean Peninsula security policy as the Clinton’s. Does this mean that Clinton’s policy may have goodness that worthy for the administrations after his to follow? Thus, I took Andr□ Beaufre’s “strategy of action” theory as my thesis study approach. Through the analysis on the choice of policy and strategy, the decision on “political diagnosis” and “strategic diagnosis” of action planning, and the display of each kind of strategic actions, this thesis analyzed the Korean Peninsula security policy in the Clinton era. At the same time, I compared the difference and continuance between the two administrations and analyzed the status quo trying to figure out the would-be changes in this thesis
In the thesis I discovered that the Clinton administration took the “engagement and enlargement” policy from the beginning to the end, hoping that the policy would pull back the North Korea into the international system and make it follow the international order. At the beginning, Bush administration took the classical realist policy and was not willing to engage North Korea. Because the emphasis of classical realists is to deal with the relations among power nations, not paying attention to the affairs of declining and falling states. Not until the outbreak of 911 did the Bush administration take new policy composite with realism and idealism, and change the attitude toward North Korea.
The Clinton administration undertook the strategic action in multi-polarity from the beginning to the end. Bush administration chose to ignore North Korea at the beginning, but changed his policy and strategy after the 911. What Bush undertook is called “Eagle Engagement Strategy”. “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is similar to “Selective Engagement Strategy” but there are still some differences between them. Though both Strategies unite those states carefully chosen and undertake indirect total strategic actions to chase the policy goals in multi-lateral way, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is much powerful in pressing the rival states. That is because when people undertake the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” to engage, there are still ways in coerciveness. In other words, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” provides engagement as motive to make rival states undertake the way we wish. When the rival states do not follow our will, this motive may switch into the tool of punishment. In this point of view, the Bush administration’s strategy is more effective than the Clinton’s.
The Clinton administration’s strategy was base on good will, but the Clinton administration did not considerate its effective action modes to maintain its original action freedom and chase the most action freedom by this strategy. To Clinton’s Korean Peninsula security policy it is a pity.
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守勢現實主義與冷戰後中共的安全政策 / Defensive Realism and Post-Cold War PRC Security Policy張廖年仲, Chang Liao, Nien-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的中心命題是:冷戰後的中國是尋求向外擴張、還是自我防禦的國家?為了檢視此一命題,本論文從守勢現實主義(defensive realism)的理論中推論出維持現狀、嚇阻戰略與昂貴信號,以作為檢視冷戰後中共安全行為的指標。本論文分別檢視中共領導人的政策宣示、1995-96年台海危機以及冷戰後中共與南海爭議的個案,證明:第一、中共對國際環境的認知會符合守勢現實主義關於良性的國際結構與安全充足的觀點;第二、中共的外交政策旨在維持既有的國際秩序,所以其對外的行為以維持現狀為主,避免改變現狀的情形發生;第三、中共的國防政策屬於防禦性的,因此其戰略以嚇阻為主,避免使用武力直接與敵人衝突;第四、為了表示防禦性、維持現狀或者是合作的意圖,中共採取昂貴信號的作法,以避免被其他國家所誤解。所以,本論文論證出冷戰後的中國是一個追求自我防禦的國家,其安全政策是屬於防禦性的。 / The central question of this thesis is: Is China an expansionist or a self-preserving state in the Post-Cold War era? From defensive realism theory, I infer status quo policy, deterrence strategy, and costly signal to estimate Post-Cold War PRC security behavior. Empirically, I examine Chinese leaders’ statements, the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1995-96, and South China Sea disputes in the Post-Cold War era. I reach the conclusion that: First, PRC’s perception of international environment is consistent with defensive realism’s argument that international structure is benign and security is plentiful. Second, China engages status quo foreign policy to maintain the international order. Third, China’s defense policy emphasizes on deterrence strategy to avoid direct conflict with the enemy. Fourth, China adopted costly signals to unfold its defensive, status quo, or cooperative intention to prevent other countries’ misunderstanding. I argue that, therefore, Post-Cold War China is a self-protecting state with the defensive security policy.
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大學圖書館館藏遺失損毀與資料安全防治政策 / Study on Collection Lost, Mutilation and Security Policy for University Libraries洪欣宜, Hung, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
(一)成立館藏安全維護工作小組並制訂政策(二)訂定館藏安全工作手冊(三)政策修訂與時俱進(四)政策執行著重分層負責與溝通(五)期刊建議以經常門編列或以系統驗收(六)處理違規行為應以教育為目的(七)保留館藏安全事件完整紀錄(八)透過實質合作加強圖書館與其他單位之互動關係(九)運用社群媒體與推廣活動宣導政策與服務(十)推廣公德心教育與使用者建立良善互動。 / The purposes of this research are: 1) Study the current situation of collections loss and mutilation in University Libraries. 2) Study the collections security policy for University Libraries. 3) Analyze, collate and come up with suggestions for library collections security policy which are based on the comparison of the views and attitudes of University Librarians with users about the library security.
On the basis of the relevant literature, we used in-depth interview as the experimental tool to draw the conclusions according to the analysis and results. The study gets results in six aspects:
1.Because low public morality, the majority problem of the collection lost, mutilation for the university library are wrong frames and notes.
2.Periodicals are less likely to be lost than other collections, so budgetary and acceptance methods need flexibility.
3.Formulating rules for readers' violation help to reduce library collection lost and mutilation.
4.Library Security System is still the most common equipment for maintaining library security.
5.There are still no tough measures to steal the collection and without any deterrent effect of punishment.
6.Library policy implementation should focus on stratified responsibility and good communication.
7.Library users care about the loss of the collection, and hope library to hold more policy promotion activities.
The conclusion obtained from this research has led to the suggestions below that we hope to provide the University Library and later researchers a reference.
1.The Aspect of Collections Security Management
1) Library shall attach importance to the pre prevention work for the loss and mutilation of library collection. 2) Add an extra protective device for special collection. 3) Human resource utilization diversification. 4) Making good use of science and technology to reduce human cost. 5) Establishing a policy communication pipeline.
2.The Aspect of Administration and Execution
1) The library should set up the group for security maintenance working amd draw up a policy for collection security. 2) Set up the collection security handbook, 3) Revise the policy regularly to keep up with the times. 4) Policy implementation should emphasize that stratified librarians communicate and take responsibilities. 5) Periodical budget suggest for using current account fund, and check and accept by library OPAC, 6) Handling of irregularities should be used for the purpose of education, 7) Keep a complete record of the collection security events, 8) Strengthening the interaction between Library and other units through substantive cooperation, 9) promotion policies and services by social media and library promotion activities, 10) Promoting public moral education and establish the good interaction with library users.
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