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能源安全對美國中東外交政策工具選擇之影響-以美國石油產量為例 / The impact on energy security of US Middle East foreign policy tool of choice-A Case Study of American Oil Production邱信國, Chiu, Hsin Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
美國擁有豐富的石油儲量,目前已探明的石油儲量即達到 485 億桶,居世界
第 9 位;同時也於 2014 年追過沙烏地阿拉伯,以平均每日 1164 萬桶的產量成為
亞大陸內 29 個國家的每日消耗量的總合,成為世界上最大的石油消費國。身為
美國的能源安全,亦關係到美國全球霸權的地位。 / United States has abundant oil reserves that reserves reached 485 billion barrels, ranking No. 9 in the world; and also chase in 2014 over Saudi-Arabia, to 1164 million barrels of production per day on average to become the world largest oil producer. On the other hand, the US daily oil consumption, the greater the total combined daily consumption in Europe and Eurasia in the 29 countries, the world's largest oil consumer. As the world's largest energy consumer and the postwar world order leader, after a while, after the Second World War and the significant impact of the oil crisis, we know that stable supply of energy is an important basis for the national security of the United States must do efforts through diplomatic and even military means to guarantee energy security, the successive governments have focused on energy security as national security and foreign policy. The Middle East is currently the world's largest oil reserves in the region have been proven, is the world's largest oil production area, based on the US foreign policy-oriented energy strategy (referred to energy diplomacy) is traditionally focus on Middle East oil, the United States will in the Middle East balance and stability in the region, to ensure the safety of oil transport corridor, etc. regarded as one of the most fundamental interests of their country. After World War II, the United States in order to expand or consolidate its influence in the Middle East and put a lot of resources, political, economic, and military intervention. The emergence of shale oil self-sufficiency rate of such a substantial increase in US oil dependence on Middle East oil is also declining rapidly. Shale oil occurs whether the United States will change its foreign policy towards the Middle East tilt further its global strategic center of gravity to adjust to the rapid rise of Asia, we should observe and discuss. In this paper, after the manner of literature, through the analysis of foreign policy tools related U.S. dependence on oil imports and its military conflict in the Middle East used between attempts to discuss a substantial increase in US energy self-sufficiency rate in shale oil revolution, whether the United States will affect the level of intervention in the Middle East affairs. The study found that the proportion of imported oil does affect US foreign policy tool in the Middle East by the use of. A high proportion of oil imports, the United States when faced with cross-border military conflict in the Middle East tends to take a higher intensity of a foreign policy tool; low proportion of imported oil, then take a low intensity intervention foreign policy tool. The present study is that in the US shale oil revolution to further reduce the importance of post-import dependence on oil, the Middle East, will provide the main source of US oil region is reduced. On the other hand, the Middle East and the United States in addition to providing an important source of oil, is also a center of global oil supplies, the US forces in the Middle East not only to America's energy security, but also related to the status of US global hegemony.
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芬蘭中立政策研究:中立與不結盟廖琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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東亞信心暨安全建立機制-從中共的態度與角色檢證王韻 Unknown Date (has links)
最常被提及的安全機制,就是不斷被討論的「信心建立措施」(Confidence-building Measures: CBMs)或是延伸的概念「信心暨安全建立措施」(Confidence-Security building Measures:CSBMs),但是東亞現狀仍為冷戰對峙氣氛所籠罩,安全機制乏善可陳,在南海問題方面,各國仍以擱置暫代安全機制的建立;中共在台海危機中的態度更證明了信心建立措施主張的無力。在另一方面,中共在朝鮮半島與中亞扮演完全不同的角色,積極地扮演負責任的區域大國的任務,試圖在亞洲大陸中佔一個關鍵的地位,並以此外拒其它勢力染指此一區域。更為明顯的是,在東亞安全局勢的變化中,朝鮮問題與台海問題是最可能的爆發點,而其中共同的關鍵即是作為新興列強的中國大陸了,中共無疑是東亞地區關鍵的外交行為者,中共在區域安全事務上的矛盾性與特殊地位正給研究者一個重新檢視安全機制理論的良好例證。
也因此本論文的重點即是重新評價與建構安全機制理論,分成兩大部分,第一是從理論的角度批判與補強信心建立措施,主要是由新現實主義的體系理論觀點批判信心建立措施的自成性與先驗性 ,另一方面也從建構主義 (construcivism)與國際建制理論(internaional regimes theory)的最新發展擷取靈感,補足其在方法論與分析架構的不足。就東亞安全的環境而言,「政治安全」的優先地位必須被特別加以考量,一方面是因為東亞國家在主觀意識上仍以國家利益的考量為依歸(就中共而言是「新安全觀」),另一方面,政治安全上的互信與互賴在被充分滿足的情形下,軍事安全、經濟安全等等次領域建制化的合作才能依次建立。
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後冷戰時期美國東亞安全政策之研究 / Post cold war study on US east asia security policy黃國揚, Huang, Kuo Ying Unknown Date (has links)
美國為確保國家利益及國家安全戰略總體指導,後冷戰時期美國在東亞區域經濟、軍事、政治安全等領域維護將更為重視,並力求主導區域安全相關議題制定、運作機制和秩序規範。 / US president Clinton points out a topic “Enlargement and Engagement” in the National Security Strategy Report, it says “United States National Security Strategy is based on enlargement the market and diplomatic social groups, simultaneously deter and stop any threat that will disadvantage out nation and allied nations.” For this general purpose, United States has to sustain a strong defense power and utilize diplomatic to improve the cooperation of security measures, endeavor in open foreign market, incentive global economic growth, diplomatic nations growth, and area security cooperation, etc.
President George Bush also point out “use free market and free trading to open the new growth of global economic era” from the National Security Strategy Report in 2002. It restated free and fair trading policy plays a big portion in 2006. Through free market and free trading to initiate a new era of global economic growth is part of the plan. The tool of terminating tyranny and effective the diplomatic is making a trade policy to encourage other nations stop crime and corruption. Play the role of democracy country.
United States Eastern Asia policy is back to theory of “neo-realism” and “neo-liberalism” two axis. The development of Eastern Asia Trade and Integration of Area Economic are the new vault for United States to prolong his sovereign rule in economic. The future leading nation of the area depends on China and United States competition. It maybe positive, each gains his own benefits, but the process will show the grow or diminish of these two nations economic growth within the area.
United States think that China’s regional strategy is very powerful which makes the change of international power distribution, so that U.S. has to adjust the policy to facilitate the U.S. key interests. But, along the change of international situation, the U.S. attitude with China turns out to be more practical. It changes the idea of allied with China against Soviet to fully engage with China in all perspectives. In addition, it strengths the military allied relationship with Japan and eastern Asia countries.
To popularize the democracy is not the first priority of United States. If there is a chance, U.S. will always encourage all countries toward democracy. American think that democratic system can stop the extremity system expand, which ease U.S. use his privilege and reduce military conflict risk. This is based on democratic nation is more unwilling to start a war than any other nations. In certain elites’ mind, that the goal of U.S. ethics is to ensure and improve democratic.
After cold war era based on U.S. interest, United States is more emphasize on the Eastern Asia’s economic, military, and political security, and endeavor on leading the area security.
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泰國邊境與國家安全政策: 以難民的角度分析 / Thailand’s Boundary and National Security Policy: An Analysis of Refugee Issue王懷清, Kessaraporn Siriratana Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究的主題是泰國為維護其邊界安全作出的國家安全政策。泰國位在印度支那半島的中心點,當周邊國家發生動亂時,泰國就成為政治難民逃難的目的地,而且入侵的人數非常多。先後進入泰國的政治難民有泰北孤軍、馬來亞共產黨及柬埔寨難民。本文探討他們進入泰國的原因、在泰國的行為、及泰國政府處置政治難民的政策及最後的歸屬。當時泰國國內也深受共產主義的迫害,使得泰國政府除了要消除來自國外的威脅,還要利用這些難民來協助阻止泰共的活動,或者利用這些難民團體構建其邊疆的防衛圈,成為防衛泰國邊界的前沿軍隊。最後泰國政府以其維護邊境安全有功的理由給予泰北孤軍和馬來亞共產黨人泰國籍,對柬埔寨難民則採取遣返回國或送至第三國安置的辦法。總之,泰國政府以包容性的政策,容納週鄰政治難民,藉以防衛其邊境並開發其邊疆荒蕪之地,是乃泰國邊境安全政策成功之道。 / This paper focuses on Thailand’s national security policy for its boundary issue. Due to the central position in Indo-Chinese Peninsular, when there happened the political turmoil of the surrounding countries, territory of Thailand has been used as a shelter for a large number of political refugees. Those political refugee groups include the Chinese Nationalist troops (KMT), Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), and Cambodian refugees. The reasons of political refugees entering into Thailand, activities and Thai government policy towards them, would be discussed in this paper. Since the 1950s, Thailand suffered from rebel activities of the Communist Party of Thailand, so Thai government took advantage of combating experience of political refugees to fight against those Thai Communists in bordering area. Thai government even gave them the land and agricultural instruments to cultivate in bordering area and encouraged them stay by giving Thailand nationality to KMT troops and members of CPM, but repatriated those Cambodia refugees to back to Cambodia or to resettle in the third country. Thai government adopted an accommodate policy towards those political refugee groups, by using them to defence its border area and develop the economy, successfully to maitain its border security.
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蘇聯與中共國家安全政策之比較研究-以韓戰為例 / A comparative study on national security policy between USSR and PRC- Focusing on the Korean War(1950-1953)葉奕葭, Elizabeth Y. C. Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
雖則蘇聯已經解體,世界進入了後冷戰時代。在冷戰時期相互抗衡的美蘇關係,仍是學界研究的熱點之一。自1990年冷戰終結之後,蘇聯、原本在舊蘇聯中的國家及中國大陸檔案資料的陸續開放,對韓戰研究可說有了新的突破。以美國學者John Lewis Gaddis為首的冷戰國際史學派補充或批判了前面包括傳統學派、修正學派等研究的不足之處。
本研究嘗試結合國際關係與冷戰國際史(Cold War International History Project)兩學門之跨領域研究,藉以澄清韓戰時期國際體系成員的互動及其造成的影響。另外,也試著使用理性決策模式來分析中蘇兩國領導人的國家安全決策。
本文結論提出在美軍進逼鴨綠江和蘇聯的雙重壓力下,中共最後決定出兵介入韓戰,主因是國家安全利益。中共軍事戰略因戰局轉變而改變其戰略:前期是「間接路線」與「殲滅戰」,後期則是「消耗戰」。不論是在軍事戰略或是外交戰略上,莫斯科扮演之角色是在背後指揮協調北京和平壤。蘇聯使中共成為「責任承擔者」(buck-catcher),本國則扮演「離岸平衡者」(offshore balancer)的角色。中共和北韓事事都要通報莫斯科,由莫斯科做出最後決定─即使北京和平壤兩方都想停戰,莫斯科仍堅持不停戰。戰爭後期蘇聯為削弱美國和中共實力,支持中共續戰。
中蘇兩造在共同利益驅使之下為追求個別利益,在利益衝突之間尋求合作利益。兩國且於韓戰之中各自為該國的國家利益著想,盟友關係只是暫時的而非永久的。 / In this study, an attempt is made to clarify the interactions between the members of the international system during the Korean War in an interdisciplinary approach combining the International Relations and the Cold War International History. Based on the materials from opened archives in the former Soviet Union and Communist China, the considerations, objectives and national security strategies of the leaders are analyzed in the light of the rational decision-making model.
The results show that although the leaders made their own judgments based on rational thinking, the outcome of the war is the armistice agreement demarcating the 38th parallel as the borderline between the two Koreas with minor changes; North and South Korea are still yet to be reunified, despite numerous soldiers and civilians losing their precious lives.
The conclusion is as follows. China decided to send troops to intervene in the Korean War mainly due to national security interest to cope with the threat of the approaching US forces and the Soviet Union pressure. To cope with the varying war situation, China’s military strategy changed from the “war of annihilation” and the “indirect approach strategy” in the former phase, to the “strategy of exhaustion” in the later phase. Whether in the military or diplomatic field, Moscow played a commanding role and coordinated of Beijing and Pyongyang behind. Soviet Union made China the “buck-catcher”, meanwhile played the role as the “offshore balancer”. Soviet Union pushed for the continuation of the war to weaken the strength of United States, in spite of the reluctance of China and North Korea.
It was after Joseph V. Stalin’s death than the Armistice Agreement was finally signed. The signing of the agreement was essentially under the lead of the new leadership in Moscow. Both Soviet Union and China sought their own national interest during the Korean war. The Sino- Soviet alliance was only temporary rather than permanent.
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資訊安全「影響因素與評估模式」之研究洪國興 Unknown Date (has links)
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歐體之集體外交--歐洲政治合作的探討(1970-1993) / The collective diplomacy of EC--European political cooperation (1970-1993)劉政鑫, LIU Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲政治合作(European Political Cooperation)為歐體自1970起實施之一制度,以便各成成員國討論及協調對外交事務之立場,並在適當之情勢下採取一致行動,以確保各國之共同利益並對抗來自外部之壓力,此種各會員國聯合模式之集體外交,迥異於傳統以個別國家為主體之外交行為,而其後續之演進--共同外交暨安全政策(Common Foreign and Security Policy),更是研究歐洲統合不容忽視之重要範疇,故值得加以進一步之探討.歐洲政治合作係與共同體平行的行動,它溯自1970年迄至1993年,歐體藉此一架構採取共同外交政策之協調,並由其會員國制訂及實施.
本論文首先將當前歐洲政治合作文獻作一初步整理,隨後探討相關問題,包括歐洲政治合作理論之建構,其次為自其發展過程及個案研究評估歐洲政治合作的實際成效與影響. 綜合研究之初步成果,目前國際關係理論尚不能完全解釋歐洲政治合作此一現象,有待學界進一步之努力. 其次,歐洲政治合作此一政府間本質之架構,在實施上僅能達到有限之效果,檢視其以往記錄並無一項明確之共同外交政策存在,所謂歐洲政治合作的協調映象僅建立於次要的議題,包括共同宣言及部份的制裁與援助措施,但若與個別成員國利益衝突或面臨國際危機時,則其所能發揮之效用最小,因此歐體各國對個別的國家利益及國內政治的認知仍優於對共同體,而從歐洲政治合作演進至共同外交暨安全政策的發展過程來看,各國真正能讓渡主權而實施一項共同外交政策,仍有一段漫長的路途.
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德國海外派兵政策:1991-2009 / Germany's overseas military deployment: 1191-2009謝佳振, Hsieh, Chia Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
德國再統一後雖於積極參與三大國際組織框架行動,配合自身的外交折衝談判與軍事影響力,欲積極重塑其國家的地位。面對諸多主客觀的限制與未臻成熟的條件,德國重返正常化國家的過程仍將艱辛無比。 / Since the re-unification in 90’s, Germany has leaped upon the stage of the global politics. With much effort, Germany has successfully rendered itself from “a nation of grave concern to European security” into “a stable political, economic and military power in modern Europe.” However, during the post-Cold War era, those probable and minor threats, which were suppressed by the huge atmosphere of U.S.-Soviet confrontation, will appear to became the new forms of security issues in the 21st century, and further to jeopardize the global political and economic security and stability. Dealing with these countless and non-stopping new forms of threat, Germany, on the one hand, must secure its existent accomplishment in trade and the miracle of economic development, and also, on the other hand, actively accommodate the decisions and charters of the United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union, to pursue Germany’s “normalized diplomacy ”by deploying its Federal Defense Army, Bundeswehr, into the overseas hostile spots, to implement the peacekeeping, military, humanitarian and rescue operations.
From 1991 to 2009, Bundeswehr has participated in 71 international peacekeeping, military, humanitarian and rescue operations, which were all implemented strictly under the framework and the charters of the UN, NATO and EU. Over the past 19 years, Germany has obediently complied with the existent regulations of the international laws and the German constitution, Grundgestez, and fulfilled the compulsory obligations as the member of the 3 institutions stated above. For this matter of fact, Bundeswehr has become the reliable military force in these institutions.
This thesis has drawn the humble conclusions that although the German executive branches has overruled the legal obstacles and set new paths of deploying Bundeswehr overseas by the legislative move and the explication of the Grundgestez, the executive branches will always tackle the domestic criticism and the international skepticism; meanwhile, the executive branches have never allocated even more sufficient annual budget for the military branches to maintain its readiness-rate, therefore the training of personnel, software, equipment and facilities may not genuinely satisfy the needs for actual battles and afford the frequent and distant operations. The combination of these problem has compromised the actual consequence and the efficiency of Germany’s overseas military deployments in the past two decades.
Having endeavored so hard to comply with the operations under the framework of the three major institutions, accompanying its maneuvering of diplomacy and military significance, Germany will still have to give much toil and labor to re-shape its international status. Nevertheless, being obstructed by the immature subjective and objective conditions, Germany’ road returning to its Normalcy of the state will still be long and difficult.
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