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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O poético e o político: últimas palavras de Paul Valéry / The poetic and the political: last words of Paul Valéry

Lucas, Fabio Roberto 07 May 2018 (has links)
A tese se dedica ao estudo das relações entre o poético e o político na escritura de Paul Valéry entre 1940 e 1945, anos arrasados pela segunda guerra e também os últimos da vida do escritor. O período estudado começa, assim, no verão de 1940, quando a França perde a batalha contra os alemães, Paris é ocupada pelos nazistas e Valéry, abrigado no norte do país, põe-se a escrever o terceiro Fausto que ele há tempos desejava compor. A pesquisa se estende até maio de 1945, pleno apogeu da Libération Française, quando o escritor publica em jornal gaulista (aquelas que [não] deveriam ser) as Ultima Verba do vencedor do conflito, e termina o poema em prosa LAnge depois de duas décadas de trabalho sobre esse texto. Seguindo a escritura diária dos cahiers de Valéry e as notas do curso de poïética ministrado pelo poeta no Collége de France naqueles anos, a tese busca apreender como as estratégias poéticas das obras analisadas Ultima Verba, LAnge e Mon Faust são concebidas para enfrentar os acontecimentos esmagadores daquele período. Com efeito, elas modulam recursos sensíveis, significativos e formais do ato poético, pondo em contradicção as forças heterogêneas do discurso e sua dicção, da voz e do pensamento (lógos e foné), ser e convenção, estabelecendo uma implicação recíproca do poético e do político: o poeta como político profundo, entre as majorités do som e do sentido. Essa implicação põe em jogo a autonomia e a soberania da linguagem poética, os modos de circulação do discurso numa sociedade democrática e o gesto do poeta frente às aporias do processo de escrita. Desse modo, procura-se menos revelar a política de suas escolhas (as vias que o escritor abre ou fecha; ainda que isso seja parte do problema, não é o principal) do que pensar na política de sua poética, perceptível na modulação das diferentes maneiras de ver que compõem o poema, uma modulação que cala ou interrompe, escuta ou prolonga suas hesitações. Assim, veremos que os dilemas da fiducia política e da ciência moderna elaborados nos brouillons do ciclo fáustico e nas notas do curso de poïética reencontram a hesitação prolongada, o inacabamento e infinitização contínua do ato poético, sempre em curso de driblar injunções fiduciárias e técnicas, num momento em que a Europa moderna tinha mais do que nunca carência de repensar os pactos, moedas, projetos e o próprio para, [vencedor, nesse] momento em curso na literatura e na comunidade. / The thesis aims to study the relations between the poetic and the political in the writings of Paul Valéry from 1940 to 1945, a time crushed by the war and the last years of the poets life. This study covers a period that goes from the summer of 1940 during the last weeks of the Battle of France, when Paris was occupied by the germans and the poet, sheltered in the countrys north, starts to write the third Faust that for a long time he wished to write up to may 1945, in the pinnacle of the Libération Française, when the writer publishes in a gaullist journal (those that should [not] be) the ultima verba of the wars winner, and completes, after two decades of writing labour, the prose poem LAnge. By following the the cahiers daily writings and the Collège de Frances course in poetics lesson notes of those years, we seek to understand the strategies conceived to confront the periods crushing events, specially in the analysed texts Ultima Verba, LAnge and Mon Faust. In fact, they modulate the aesthetic infinitys sensible, significant and formal resources in the contradiction of the heterogeneous forces of the discourse and its diction (its elocution), voice and thought (logos and phone), being and convention, thus establishing a reciprocal implication of the poetic and the political: the poet as a profound politician who works between the majorities of sound and sense. This implication reflects upon the poetic languages autonomy and sovereignty, the discourse circulation modes in a democratic society and the poets act in relation to the writing process issues. Thus, this gesture would be put in place less for revealing the politics in Valérys choices (the paths he opens or closes; this is also part of the problem, but it is not the main question) than for thinking about his poetics own politics, one deployed in the modulation of the different manners of seeing implicated in the poem, a modulation that silents or stops, listens or prolongs their hesitations. Then, we shall see that the fiducias politics and modern science dilemmas elaborated by the faustic cycle drafts and by the course in poetics lesson notes find theirselves in the company of the verse as prolonged hesitation, of the poetics act incompleteness and infinitization, always in the process of dribbling the fiduciary and technical injunctions, in a time when modern Europe had more than ever to rethink the pacts, currencies, projects and even the stop, [winner, in this] moment that had currency in literature and community.

Mário de Andrade e a literatura surrealista / Mário de Andrade and the surrealist literature

Gasparri, Isabel 07 July 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tenciona compreender as relações do escritor Mário de Andrade (1893-1945) com a literatura surrealista, considerando manuscritos e livros em seu acervo, no patrimônio do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB-USP), bem como a sua obra publicada. A pesquisa reúne e transcreve textos literários e ensaísticos atinentes ao Surrealismo, mencionados nos manuscritos do Fichário Analítico de Mário de Andrade; promove o levantamento de obras e de periódico surrealistas franceses presentes na biblioteca do criador de Macunaíma, recuperando anotações de leitura, as quais sugerem diálogos de criação na esfera da crítica literária e da literatura; congrega igualmente juízos críticos de Mário de Andrade sobre o Surrealismo expressos em sua obra édita e correspondência / This search intends to understand the relationship of the writer Mário de Andrade (1893 1945) with the Surrealist literature, considering handwritten and books in his collection, in the property of Institute of Brazilian Studies of São Paulo University (IEB-USP), as like his published work. The search gathers and transcripts literary and essayist texts pertinent to surrealism, mentioned in the handwritten of Mário de Andrades Analytical Card index; it organizes the survey of works and the French Surrealists periodic presents in the library of Macunaimas creator, recapturing reading notes, which suggest dialogues of creation in the literary critic sphere and the literature; it gathers equally Mário de Andrades criticizes judges about Surrealism expressed in his published work and correspondence.

Aspectos do amor no Roman de la Rose de Guillaume de Lorris e Jean de Meun (Século XIII) /

Alves, Luiz Fernando. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ruy de Oliveira Andrade Filho / Banca: Terezinha Oliveira / Banca: Milton Carlos Costa / Resumo: / Abstract: / Mestre

Conspiracy in Balzac and Sand's July Monarchy fiction

Sugden, Rebecca Ann January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the representation of conspiracy in the literature of the July Monarchy (1830-1848) and its engagement with conspiracy thinking, with particular reference to the work of Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) and George Sand (1804-1876). In providing the first sustained scholarly exploration of conspiracy and cultural production in nineteenth-century France, it situates the novel within wider discourses on European political history in the years leading up to the upheaval of 1848. Through close readings of Balzac and Sand's common investment in conspiracist modes of explanation, this study makes the case for a new generic category, the novel of conspiracy, around which literary poetics, historical imagination and political fantasy come to coalesce. Chapter one proposes a re-evaluation of the dialectic between models of surface and depth reading in Balzac's Une ténébreuse affaire (1841), arguing that the conspiratorial landscape of this proto-detective novel belies Balzac's fraught relationship to the severed referentiality of his narrative. As illustration of a Balzacian poetics of conspiracy, Une ténébreuse affaire, it is suggested, points forward in literary history towards the Flaubertian aesthetic of platitude. Chapter two looks to the political criticisms Jacques Rancière makes of Sand's patrician benevolence to inform its reading of Le Compagnon du Tour de France (1840), which depicts workers' secret societies and the underground networks of Restoration liberalism. Accusations of misguided idealism, this thesis shows, align Rancière's critique and the literary-critical narrative informing Sand's twentieth-century aesthetic devaluation with the reproach that she herself levels at the Carbonarist conspirators of her novel. Chapter three, finally, turns to the alternative origin myth of 1789 that Sand elaborates in Consuelo-La Comtesse de Rudolstadt (1842-44). Her engagement with the founding text of the conspiracist tradition of explanation, it argues, provides the cornerstone for the interrogation of the tensions of a pre-Revolutionary Europe torn between Enlightenment and Illuminism. Framing the Balzacian and Sandian novel as emblematic of a wider discourse on the conspiratorial origins of 1789 has a two-fold advantage. On an immediate level, it nuances received critical ideas on these authors' relationships to history and literary genre (a realist Balzac incapable of looking back further than the Restoration whose demise he so lamented; an idealist Sand too caught up in a utopian future to envisage the historical past). In doing so, this study seeks to problematize the narrative of oppositionality behind the Balzac-Sand binary in terms of which the literary history of nineteenth-century France is habitually couched. Yet, more significantly, it also gestures towards the importance of the conspiratorial as a prism through which to approach the porosity of the very categories of 'literature' and 'history' in the nineteenth-century French context.

Rhizomes, parasites, folds and trees : systems of thought in medieval French and Catalan literary texts

Gutt, Blake Ajax January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates conceptual networks —systems of organising, understanding and explaining thought and knowledge— and the ways in which they underlie both text and its mise en page across a range of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century French and Catalan literary texts and their manuscript witnesses. Each of the three chapters explores a separate corpus of texts, using two of four interrelated network theories: Michel Serres’ notion of parasites and hosts as the basic interconnecting units that combine to constitute all relational networks; the ubiquitous organizational tree; Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the fold as the primary factor in producing differentiation and identity; and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s unruly, anti-hierarchical and anti-arborescent rhizomatic systems. The first chapter engages primarily with parasites and trees; the second with trees and folds; and the third with folds and rhizomes. However, resonances with the other network theories are discussed as they occur, in order to demonstrate the fundamentally interconnected and often interchangeable nature of these systems. Each chapter includes close analysis of manuscript witnesses of the texts under discussion. The first chapter, ‘Saints Denis and Fanuel: Parasitism and Arborescence on the Manuscript Page’, examines parasitic and arboreal networks in two hagiographic texts: late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century prose redactions of the Vie de Saint Denis, and the thirteenth‐century hagiographic romance Li Romanz de Saint Fanuel. The second chapter, ‘Ramon Llull’s Folding Forests: The World, the Tree and the Book’, addresses arborescent and folding structures in Llull’s encyclopaedic Arbre de ciència [Tree of Science], composed between 1295 and 1296. The third chapter, ‘Transgender Genealogy: Turning, Folding and Crossing Gender’, considers three characters in medieval French texts who can be read as transgender: Saint Fanuel; the King of Torelore in Aucassin et Nicolette; and Blanchandin/e in Tristan de Nanteuil. The chapter explores the ways in which these characters’ queer trajectories can be understood through conceptions of directionality which relate to the fold and the rhizome.

La représentation des catastrophes naturelles en littérature et peinture dans l’espace culturel franco-allemand entre la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle et le début du XIXe siècle / The representation of natural disasters in literature and painting in the French and German cultural space between the second half of the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century

Velescu, Elena 10 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail vise à rendre compte des relations créées entre les événements naturels de forte intensité et dont les conséquences destructrices les ont fait nommer catastrophes naturelles, en partant du fameux tremblement de terre de Lisbonne, en 1755 jusqu’au milieu du XIXe siècle, avec l’avènement des nouvelles techniques et sciences, ce qui a engendré un nouveau rapport entre l’homme et la Nature. Ce changement de la représentation de la catastrophe en littérature, mais aussi dans la peinture s’appuie sur des mutations culturelles dans le plan religieux, scientifique et esthétique, dont les traces évidentes nous avons essayé d’expliciter dans ce travail. L’enjeu de cette thèse est d’analyser les métamorphoses du discours écrit et visuel de la période mentionnée, et d’attirer l’attention sur le passage entre l’horreur suscitée par un événement catastrophique et la dimension sensorielle et la fascination provoquée par le spectacle des phénomènes naturels. Toutefois, nous avons recherché le symbolisme des motifs attachés aux grands mythes de l’humanité, tels le Déluge, le thème de transgression-punition-rédemption inscrit dans la catastrophe, qui se transforme dans un nouveau concept, un objet d’analyse, de réflexion et de contemplation, qui nous incite à voir différemment. / This research aims to report on the relationships created among natural events of high intensity which can be categorized as natural disasters due to their destructive consequences starting with the famous earthquake of Lisbon in 1755 until the mid-nineteenth century, the advent of new technology and science, which created a new relationship between man and nature. This change in catastrophe representation in literature but also in the painting is based on religious, scientific and aestethetic changes, the key elements that we explored in this work. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the metamorphoses of writing and visual discourse of the above-mentioned period and draw attention to the transition from horror triggered by a catastrophic event to a sensory dimension and fascination caused by the spectacle of natural phenomena. We also examined the symbolism of the motifs attached to the great myths of humanity, such as the Flood, the theme of transgression-punishment-redemption part of the disaster, which generates into a new concept, an object of analysis, reflection and contemplation, which inspires us to see the catastrophic events differently.

Sou do país superior : utopia e alegoria na libertina Terra Austral conhecida (1676), de Gabriel de Foigny : tradução e estudo

Ribeiro, Ana Claudia Romano 02 October 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Eduardo Ornelas Berriel / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T19:50:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ribeiro_AnaClaudiaRomano_D.pdf: 462497191 bytes, checksum: 95a1bcb4a0a455fe962de04edb99c491 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Conteudo: v.1. Estudo ; v.2. Tradução / Resumo: Analisar e traduzir La Terre Australe connue são os objetivos desta tese de doutorado. Segundo "G. de F", narrador do prefácio, La Terre Australe connue é a tradução do relato da viagem de Nicolas Sadeur ao último continente ainda desconhecido no século XVII, chamado nos mapas da época de terra australis incógnita, um lugar aprazível, habitado e totalmente planejado - em todos os seus aspectos - por hermafroditas perfeitamente racionais. Este pseudodocumento é uma utopia literária que foi, em realidade, escrita por Gabriel de Foigny e publicada em Genebra, em 1676, sob falso nome de editor e de cidade. O trabalho está dividido em dois volumes. O volume 1 é dedicado à análise da obra e contém dois capítulos principais. O primeiro trata da definição da utopia como gênero literário partindo do texto paradigmático de Thomas Morus, A Utopia. No segundo capítulo, apresento uma biografia de Gabriel de Foigny, faço uma revisão bibliográfica da crítica já publicada sobre sua utopia para, em seguida, desenvolver minha interpretação da figura do hermafrodita como alegoria da hibridização 1) do poder real absoluto, 2) do Estado absolutista e 3) do panorama religioso francês desta época. Passo em seguida à análise da figura do hermafrodita tal como ela é descrita pelo autor, percebendo que ela se insere na tradição menipéia e luciânica. Na parte seguinte, estudo outros temas relevantes para a compreensão desta utopia: a questão religiosa no capítulo VI ("Da religião dos austrais"), a ciência e a técnica na Terra Austral, o prefácio e o narrador-editor, a temática das línguas e da tradução nesta utopia e, por fim, o libertinismo. Um apêndice é dedicado ao estudo das fontes gregas da utopia. No volume 2 está a tradução para o português, organizada numa edição bilíngue acompanhada de notas. / Abstract: The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze and translate La Terre Australe connue. According to "G. de F. ", the narrator of the preface, La Terre Australe connue is the translation of Nicolas Sadeur's voyage account to the last continent still unknown in the 17th Century, called terra australis incognita on the maps of the period, an inhabited place, in all aspects pleasing and totally planned by perfectly rational hermaphrodites. This pseudodocument is a literary Utopia. It was, in fact, written by Gabriel Foigny and published in Geneva in 1676, under a false name of city and editor. The work is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 is dedicated to the analysis of the text and contains two main chapters. The first one deals with the definition of Utopia as a literary genre starting from the paradigmatic text of Thomas More, Utopia. The second brings a biography of Gabriel de Foigny, a review of the published criticism about his Utopia with the purpose of, afterwards, presenting my personal reading of it, based on the figure of the hermaphrodite as an allegory of the hybridization of 1) the absolute royal power, 2) the absolutist state and 3) the religious panorama of 17th Century France. I examine, then, the figure of the hermaphrodite as it is described by the author, observing that it continues the menippean and lucianic tradition. After that, I study other relevant subjects to the understanding of this Utopia: the religious question in Chapter VI ("The religion of the Southern"), science and technology in the Southern Land, the preface and the narrator-editor, the thematics of language and translation in this Utopia and, eventually, the philosophical libertinism. An appendix is devoted to the study of Greek sources of Utopia. In volume 2 we present the Portuguese translation, organized in a bilingual edition, accompanied by notes. / Doutorado / Historia e Historiografia Literaria / Doutor em Teoria e História Literária

Le désir et ses stratégies discursives dans les littératures française et québécoise au féminin, 1995-2005

Papillon, Joëlle 19 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la représentation de sujets désirants féminins dans cinq œuvres contemporaines. La question est abordée dans une perspective féministe et puise des outils théoriques tant du côté de la psychanalyse (Freud, Lacan) que de ses critiques (Deleuze et Guattari, Cixous, Irigaray). Nous faisons appel à la rhétorique pour l’analyse de figures du discours, et examinons comment les sujets et objets grammaticaux correspondent à une répartition des rôles entre sujets désirants et objets désirés. À la suite du chapitre explicitant nos approches théoriques se trouvent cinq chapitres s’appliquant à l’analyse d’une œuvre littéraire. Notre étude sur Folle (2004) de Nelly Arcan explore la posture masochiste construite par la narratrice, grâce à laquelle elle parvient à se représenter simultanément comme l’objet passif du désir masculin et comme un sujet désirant manipulateur. La vie sexuelle de Catherine M. (2001) de Catherine Millet nous a intéressée par l’investissement d’une posture de soumission au désir masculin qui demeure agente et investie de maîtrise. L’analyse de Se perdre (2001) d’Annie Ernaux étudie la configuration du désir ambiguë causée par la passion, où la narratrice se montre à la fois soumise et dominante par rapport à l’amant. Le chapitre sur Baroque d’aube (1995) de Nicole Brossard examine la construction de sujets lesbiens qui ne posent pas leur attirance en tant que désir du même, mais qui encouragent plutôt le déploiement d’une identité féminine plurielle. Enfin, notre étude de La nouvelle pornographie (2000) de Marie Nimier s’attache à la réécriture parodique de la pornographie, démontrant de quelles façons celle-ci permet à la narratrice de critiquer un discours masculin sur le désir et d’en proposer de nouvelles formulations. Au fil de ces analyses, nous interrogeons, à travers la question du désir, les configurations contemporaines du genre sexuel et de la sexualité.

Mortuary tropes and identity articulation in Francophone Caribbean and Sub-Saharan African narratives /

Ojo, Adegboye Philip. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2003. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 198-215). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

Préciosité in France in the XVIIth century : a social and literary study

Treloar, Bronnie January 1949 (has links)
No description available.

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