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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ophélie & Solitude, folie et réinventions de la réalité dans la littérature fantastique

Beaulieu, Geneviève 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Voix de marronnage dans la littérature française au XVIIIé siècle / Voices and Ways of Marrooning in 18th-Century French Literature

Danon, Rachel 13 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à comprendre les postures de résistances et de fuites que les esclaves africains ont constamment opposées au système colonial esclavagiste. Faute de témoignages directs, du fait de l’absence d’équivalent français aux slave narratives anglophones, nous avons tenté d’exhumer ces paroles étouffées en analysant leurs reconstitutions dans les textes d’auteurs français du XVIIIe siècle qui les ont recueillies et mises en scène, entre 1730 et 1792. Nous avons essayé de comprendre les multiples formes de résistances actives auxquelles ont participé ces sujets historiques, qui ne sont souvent représentés par l’historiographie que comme des victimes passives.Notre travail étant d’ordre littéraire, nous avons problématisé les structures et les formes de l’énonciation présentes dans ces textes secondaires et apparemment dérivés, appartenant à une grande variété de genres. Qu’est-ce qui parvient à y filtrer des voix du marronnage, à travers leurs multiples modalités de transmission, traduction, trahison ? De quels types de résistances à l’oppression esclavagiste et coloniale portent témoignage ces textes écrits en français à l’époque des Lumières ? En quoi les outils de l’analyse littéraire peuvent-ils nous aider à éclairer leurs enjeux historiques, politiques et culturels ? Ces questions sont abordées à travers une analyse fine de quelques récits de rebellions, de prises de paroles, de détournements, de fuites, et autres formes de résistances relevant du marronnage, tels que ces récits apparaissent dans la langue des colons. En conclusion, nous tentons de relier ces textes anciens à certaines écritures récentes de littérature caribéenne. / This dissertation, entitled Maroons’ Voices in 18th-Century French Literature, attempts to understand the various modes of resistance and escape which African slaves have constantly opposed to the colonial system of slavery. In the absence of slave narratives in French, our goal was to hear their lost voices through a close analysis of their echoes within texts written by a number of French authors who staged them, with many diffractions and deformations. Emphasis is put on the agency expressed in these countless forms of resistance, by populations who are too often misrepresented as passive victims.This study being literary in nature, it focuses on the structures and forms of enunciations encountered in these apparently derivative works written between 1730 and 1792, in order to frame the refracted presence of maroons’ voices through their transmission, translation, and deformations. What types of resistance to colonial oppression filter through these indirect and often ambivalent forms of literary testimony? How can a literary sensitivity help us grasp their historical, political and cultural stakes? Such questions are discussed through a series of close readings of selected narratives of escape, denunciations, struggles, rebellion and vengeance, taken from a variety of literary genres, all written in the colonizers’ language. In conclusion, these texts written 300 years ago are revisited in the light of recent developments in Caribbean writings.

Éclats et empire du moi dans la littérature française au XVIIe siècle / The Emergence and empire of the self in 17th Century French Literature

Roche, Denis 19 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude met au jour les traces de la bataille dans laquelle s’engage le moi humain pour exister à travers la littérature française du XVIIe siècle, ce moi dont Pascal, au milieu du siècle, a capté l’étrange image faite de présence et d’absence. Le moi n’est pas une collection de traits et de marques ; il est d’abord une totalité, ou un être qui tend à la totalité. Un dynamisme œuvre à son éclosion, qui le fait tantôt se joindre à une grandeur derrière laquelle il disparaît, tantôt revendiquer pour lui-même une grandeur et une dignité. Un premier élan le constitue autour d’un noyau d’extra-mondanité présent dans l’individu moderne, noyau générateur d’un conflit avec le monde. Le moi grandit à travers des éclats qui le font s’adosser à cette extra-mondanité : les éclats mélancolique, belliqueux, herméneutique, enfin l’éclat discret de l’honnête homme sont quatre sillages suivis par le moi dans sa quête d’une grandeur. En même temps que ces éclats dans lesquels il progresse se consolident, se développe sous la forme de la pensée, de la passion et de l’amour-propre, un puissant dynamisme propre à constituer le moi en un empire. Cependant, même si une tension l’anime vers l’unité, la fragilité et la division font partie de sa nature. / This thesis brings to light the traces of a battle in which the human self struggles to exist throughout the 17th century in French literature. In the middle of the century, Pascal captured a strange image made up of presence and absence of the self. It was not a collection of characteristics but primarily a universal being or a being that reaches towards totality. Meanwhile, a certain momentum was working towards its emergence, which would sometimes make it join with grandeur and dignity - behind which it would disappear- or which would sometimes claim for itself that grandeur and dignity- in front of which it would appear. An initial impulsion shapes it around a nucleus of extra-worldliness present in modern man. This nucleus generates conflict with the world. The self grows through centripetal forces that make it cling to that nucleus of extra-worldliness. Melancholy, belligerence, hermeneutics and finally the discreet brilliance of the honnête homme are four paths followed by the self in its quest for grandeur. While these strands consolidate themselves, a powerful centrifugal motion develops in the realm of thought, passion and self-love. Nevertheless, even if these forces forge unity, division and fragility are part of their nature.

Balbertinec - um litoral \'\'À l\'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs\" / Balbertinec - a coast \"À l\'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs\"

Souza, José Carlos de 13 March 2009 (has links)
Analisando alguns fragmentos de À lombre des jeunes filles en fleurs de Marcel Proust e articulando-os ao conjunto de À la Recherche du temps perdu, esta dissertação de mestrado destaca alguns aspectos do processo de criação do narrador proustiano. Assim, da apresentação teatral da personagem Berma ao encontro com a personagem Albertine no litoral de Balbec, seguimos o herói a procura da sua vocação. Para isso, adotamos conceitos da crítica genética e problematizamos as instâncias do herói, do personagem, do narrador e do escritor que determinam a elaboração da escritura e o lugar privilegiado que ocupa o leitor diante do texto. Como resultado deste percurso, propusemos a idéia de Balbertinec como um recorte de leitura que, articulando dois signos marcantes deste volume da Recherche - Albertine e Balbec -, permite prever aspectos singulares do processo de criação do narrador, onde o leitor da Recherche apreende um novo sentido de literatura. / Analysing some fragments of À lombre des jeunes filles en fleurs of Marcel Proust and articulating them with the ensemble of À la Recherche du temps perdu, this masters dissertation underlines some aspects of the criation process of the Proustian narrator.Thus, from the theatrical presentation of the character Berm to the meeting with the character Albertine on the coast of Balbec, we follow the hero in search of his/her nature. In order to do that, we adopted concepts of the genetic criticism and questioned the instances of the hero, the character, the narrator and the writer which determine the production of the writing and the privileged place occupied by the reader before the text. As a result of this process, we considered the idea of Balbertinec as a fashion of reading that, articulating two remarkable signs of this volume of Recherche, Albertine and Balbec, allows us to infer distinctive characteristics of Prousts creative process, according to which the active reader of Recherche acquires a new meaning towards literature.

Os salões da Belle Époque nas crônicas sociais de Marcel Proust e João do Rio / The salons of the Belle Époque in the society pieces of Marcel Proust and João do Rio

Morizono, Vivian Yoshie Martins 19 September 2016 (has links)
Os salões eram considerados importantes locais de sociabilidade, onde eram travadas relações, alianças e casamentos desde o século XVIII. A crônica social, por sua vez, carrega a representação dessas sociabilidades para as páginas dos jornais e os torna espaço de reconhecimento da alta sociedade, descrevendo modas, frequentadores, acontecimentos e o próprio ambiente mundano. Através da análise comparativa desses textos produzidos por Marcel Proust e João do Rio, a presente pesquisa visa investigar esse gênero de grande destaque nos jornais e revistas da Belle Époque, tanto na França como no Brasil. Para isso, propomos, em primeiro lugar, uma contextualização histórico-cultural da alta sociedade, dos salões e da imprensa dos dois países. Em seguida, procuramos explorar os traços jornalísticos e literários presentes nas crônicas sociais. Como os escritores se serviam dos protocolos do suporte impresso? De que maneira os aspectos ficcionais são inseridos nessas seções dos periódicos? E por que? Como João do Rio produzia crônicas de salões em um país cuja população era majoritariamente formada por analfabetos? Esses foram alguns dos questionamentos levantados. Por meio de leituras sistemáticas, análises textuais e de gênero levando em conta o contexto dos jornais Le Figaro e Le Gaulois, no caso de Proust, e O Paiz, no caso de João do Rio, foi possível concluir que a crônica social é composta de uma tensão entre a tentativa de representar o esplendor dos salões da alta sociedade carioca e parisiense e a necessidade de responder às exigências midiáticas. Pode-se dizer que ambos compreendem o gênero e fazem bom uso tanto das regras midiáticas como de seus aspectos literários. Marcel Proust e João do Rio, apesar de estarem inseridos em cenários tão diversos, descrevem o ritual dos salões, cuja liturgia é conhecida e reconhecida pelos leitores e ainda inserem esse universo, ao mesmo tempo real e imaginado, entre as colunas econômicas e políticas. / The salons were considered important sociability places, where relationships and alliances were settled and marriages arranged since the 18th century. The social article, in its turn, lead the representation of this sociability to the newspapers pages, turning them into a space of recognition for the high society, describing the fashion, the public, the events and the very worldliness ambiance. Through the comparative analysis of the texts by Marcel Proust and João do Rio, the present research intends to investigate this genre of great preeminence in newspapers and magazines form the Belle Époque in France and Brazil. In order to do so, we provide, in the first place, a historical and cultural context of the high society, the salons and the press from both countries. Then, we will exploit the journalistic and literary traits in the social articles. How did the writers take advantage of the printed media protocols? How fictional traits were inserted in these sections of the newspapers and why? How did João do Rio write salon articles in a country whose population was predominantly illiterate? Those were a few of the questions raised. Through systematic readings and analysis of text and genre on the newspapers Le Figaro and Le Gaulois regarding Proust, and O Paiz in the case of João do Rio, we were able to infer that the society pieces were made from a tension between the attempt to represent the Carioca and Parisian high societies salons splendor and the need to supply the demands of the media. We can state that both authors understand the genre and make good use of its rules and literary traits. Marcel Proust and João do Rio, despite being inserted in such different contexts, describe the salons rituals whose liturgy is know and acknowledged by its readers and yet place them into this universe, at the same time real and imagined, between economy and politics columns.

Manuel Bandeira e Jules Laforgue: Dor, ironia / Manuel Bandeira and Jules Laforgue: Pain, irony

Lago, Flavia Togni do 10 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste em apresentar uma leitura de poemas de Manuel Bandeira e Jules Laforgue com o objetivo de trazer a discussão a respeito da dor e da ironia nas duas obras. O estudo tem como objetivo principal ampliar a reflexão sobre a ironia bandeiriana, a partir de elementos relacionados com a obra de Jules Laforgue. Como pudemos comprovar, Bandeira foi um grande admirador e leitor do poeta francês, e embora haja diferenças visíveis entre as obras, estes mesmos pontos de afastamento nos ajudarão a compreender o processo criativo que resultará na construção da ironia em Bandeira. Tentamos recuperar poemas relacionados a um dos temas principais das obras: a morte. Aos poucos, para Manuel Bandeira, veremos que a dor da finitude se transforma em recolhimento e sabedoria, num processo de maturação crescente que acompanha a abertura para o modernismo. Sendo assim, a ironia de Laforgue pode ser considerada mais cruel, ou seja, ela é aparentemente utilizada como arma de defesa ou de libertação de seu desejo de morte presente desde os seus primeiros versos. Em Bandeira, a ironia se relaciona diretamente ao par morte/superação, ou seja, podemos dizer que a ironia banderiana é uma ironia residual, onde após a experiência da dor e do aprendizado para a morte, seria possível rir. A partir dessas primeiras elaborações, a figura do Pierrot transformou-se num ponto de convergência das duas obras, sintetizando em sua imagem os temas trabalhados nesta pesquisa: dor e ironia. / This study consists to present one reading of Manuel Bandeira and Jules Laforgue poems, with a specific objective: to estabilish a discussion on pain and irony in both poethical works. The main subject of this investigation intends to make a contribution on the bandeirian irony - in one hand -, related to some meaningfull elements of Laforgue\'s work - in another. As we can see, Bandeira was, indeed, not only a reader but also a great admiror of the french poet; and instead one can observe some artistic differences between them, these points of distance will help us understand the creative process of Bandeira\'s irony. First of all, the study recovers the death theme in the earliest poems of both authors. In consequence, we could verify that in Bandeira\'s earliest books this theme is permeated by an idea of overcoming and, in the opposite hand of Laforgue, here death emerges as the only way of reconciliation with the world. Thus, we shall consider that the irony in Laforgue\'s work is more cruel, it\'s apparently used as a defensive or liberator weapon towards his death desire, which is presented since his earliest verses. In Bandeira, instead, irony is directly related to death as an overcoming, i.e, his irony is residual, allowing him to laugh after all the pain of life learning experienced. After this initial findings, the image of the Pierrot emerges as a point of convergence between the two works, summarizing in one figure the most important themes studied in this research: pain and irony.

Variações do mito de Nêmesis nos escritos de Albert Camus / Variations of the myth of Nemesis in Albert Camuss writings

Araujo, Raphael Luiz de 01 December 2017 (has links)
Dentre os planos que Albert Camus estabeleceu para a sua obra, prevaleceu nos seus escritos e declarações a tríplice que incluía os ciclos do absurdo, da revolta e do amor. Cada um dos ciclos seria composto de pelo menos uma peça de teatro, um romance e um ensaio, além de também ser acompanhado de um mito central, sendo respectivamente Sísifo, Prometeu e Nêmesis. Com a sua morte súbita em acidente de carro aos 46 anos, o escritor deixou alguns vestígios do que viria a compor o seu terceiro ciclo: o romance inacabado O primeiro homem, anotações sobre a peça Don Fausto e elementos para o ensaio O mito de Nêmesis. A presente pesquisa reúne e contextualiza os rastros deixados por Camus em torno da sua relação com o mito de Nêmesis a fim de oferecer uma chave de leitura para a sua obra e expor um panorama formal, temático e filosófico de um dos seus últimos projetos de ensaio. / Among the plans that Albert Camus has established to his work it has prevailed, in his writings and declarations, the triple that includes cycles of absurd, revolt and love. Each one of the cycles would be composed at least of a theater play, a novel and an essay. Besides, they are also followed by a central myth, being Sisyphus, Prometheus and Nemesis. After Camus sudden death at age 46, he left some traces of what would it be consisted his third cycle: the unfinished novel The first man, notes about the play Don Faust and elements for the essay The myth of Nemesis. The presented research reunites and contextualizes the traces let by Camus around his relationship with the myth of Nemesis in order to offer a reading key to his work and to expose a formal, thematic and philosophical overview of this essay project.

A pesquisa (in)finita das coisas - Georges Perec e a arte do desimportante / The (never)-ending research of things: Georges Perec and the art of the unimportant.

Speranzini, Manlio de Medeiros 29 November 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata de reconhecer e localizar na obra do escritor francês Georges Perec (1936-1982) o que instiga uma produção significativa ligada à Arte Contemporânea por meio do diálogo com três artistas: Arman, Joe Brainard e Édouard Levé. A parte da sua obra que interessa à pesquisa é aquela fixada no real, no espaço, nos lugares, nos rituais e procedimentos repetitivos, no cotidiano e nas coisas materiais que constroem um mundo de desimportâncias um mundo comum que serve de pano de fundo às ações diárias do banal urbano. A pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos, cada um deles centrado numa maneira particular de agrupar as coisas: no primeiro, dedicado à acumulação, procura-se diferenciar a coisa do objeto e identificar como os valores da sociedade de consumo se apresentam nas obras de Perec e de Arman; no segundo, dedicado à coleção, o interesse são as coisas comuns, o cotidiano indistinto, e a formulação de regras que ajudam Perec e Joe Brainard a compor um sentido para seus fragmentos de lembranças; já no terceiro e último capítulo, é o arquivo que guarda documentos, resultado de projetos de seus criadores, que vai permitir a Perec e a Édouard Levé encararem seus não-lugares para revelar o que acontece quando não acontece nada. / This research aims at recognizing and locating, in the work of the French writer Georges Perec (1936-1982), some of the elements of his production that can be seen as significantly linked to Contemporary Art. This process of recognizing and location will be take shape through the dialogue with three artists: Arman, Joe Brainard and Édouard Levé. The part of Perecs work that interests this research is the one grounded in reality, in the urban space, in places, rituals and repetitive procedures, in everyday life and in material things that make up a world of irrelevance - a common world that serves as background to the daily actions we see in ordinary urban life. This research is divided into three chapters, each one of them focusing on a particular way of grouping things: the first one which is dedicated to the accumulation, tries to differentiate the concept of thing from the notion of object and identify how the values of consumer society appear in the works of Perec and Arman; the second chapter, which is dedicated to the collection focuses on shared things, on the indistinctive aspect of everyday life, and on the formulation of rules that help Perec and Joe Brainard make sense of the fragments of their memories; now, in the third and final chapter, it is the file (which results from the artists projects) that will allow Perec and Édouard Levé to envisage their non-places to reveal what happens when nothing happens.

Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline: o itinerário de uma viagem / Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline: the itinerary of a trip

Miguel, Regina Lima Dantas 24 August 2010 (has links)
Voyage au bout de la nuit, do escritor francês Louis-Ferdinand Céline, obteve uma grande repercussão nos círculos literários e junto ao público em 1932, ano de seu lançamento. Por uma linguagem popular e virulenta até então ausente da literatura francesa e pela violência com que seu herói Ferdinand Bardamu denunciava as injustiças da sociedade, o livro de estréia de Céline causou um forte impacto e, até hoje possui um lugar à parte no cenário literário. Um dos fatores responsáveis por esse impacto seria sem dúvida, a inovação perpetrada à língua francesa uma vez que seu autor pretendia renová-la a partir da linguagem oral e popular. O romance apresenta um duplo movimento de protesto: a denúncia virulenta de seu protagonista e o golpe desferido no âmago da língua literária acadêmica. Grande parte de sua repercussão, deveu-se em larga escala a essa escolha lingüística considerada inovadora e revolucionária para os padrões da época. A invenção de Céline de escrever como se fala seria uma espontaneidade aparente, pois, seu estilo nada tem de natural, ao contrário, é artifício, resultado de um longo trabalho. Se a escolha de uma língua criada a partir de tal registro escandalizou os leitores de sua época, hoje em dia, o impacto do romance decorre nem tanto da linguagem e mais da violência com que Bardamu se refere a seus semelhantes. Gostaríamos no presente trabalho de esboçar uma análise das duas forças do texto - o estudo da escritura e do universo criados por Céline. A abordagem de sua viagem nos conduziria à percepção de um mundo criado a partir de uma dimensão onírica, pois uma viagem imaginária é anunciada desde a epígrafe do romance: Nossa viagem, a nossa, é inteiramente imaginária. A viagem ao fim, ao fundo da noite empreendida por Céline teria a acepção do caminho lento e gradual para a morte. O mergulho dentro de tal universo nos remeteria também à porção autobiográfica sugerida na obra celiniana, visto que os itinerários de Bardamu e de Céline seriam convergentes. Enfim, esse estudo nos permitiria refletir sobre o uso de uma língua construída sobre um código oral-popular dispositivo utilizado pelo autor para introduzir na linguagem escrita a emoção do falado. / Journey to the end of the night (Voyage au bout de la nuit), by the French author, Louis- Ferdinand Celine, caused a stir in literary circles and the public at large when it was launched in 1932. Its vitriolic tone and the popular idiom in which it was written were quite unprecedented, as was the vehemence with which Ferdinand Bardamu decried social injustice. This, the first book written by Celine, created a huge impact and until today continues to occupy an important place in the world of literature. The authors intention to breathe new life into the French literary canon by introducing the popular idiom into the written language was, without doubt, one of the factors behind this impact.The form of protest adopted by the novel is two-pronged: alongside the vehement denunciation of an absurd world, was the blow which was aimed at the very heart of academic literary language. There can be no doubt that the vast resonance created by the work is the result of this choice of language, which was considered to be both innovative and revolutionary when judged by the standards of its time.Today, Celines invention of writing the way we speak, has a particular air of spontaneity, which would have been lost, had the author instead resorted to the artifice of a more elaborate style. If the choice of language set off a wave of resounding scandals at the time, nowadays it is not the language, but rather the violent manner in which Bardamu refers to his peers that creates a similar impact upon contemporary readership. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the two driving forces behind the text: the writing and Celines universe. The manner in which the voyage is approached leads to the perception of a world wrought from a dreamstate dimension, since it is an imaginary voyage which is announced in the foreword of the novel. This journey of ours is entirely imaginary. The journey to the nights end, undertaken by Celine has the sense of a slow and deliberate journey towards death. Once immersed in this universe, we are led to a place where the itineraries of Bardamu and Celine converge, suggesting strong autobiographical associations. Finally, this analysis allows us to reflect on the usage of a language constructed upon the code of a popular idiom, a mechanism used by its creator to introduce the paradox of emotive reasoning expressed in the popular idiom, into the written language.

La prison dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle. Représentations romanesques et imaginaire social de la modernité carcérale / The prison in french literature of the 19th century. Fictional representations and social imaginary of the new prison

Croisy, Marion 02 December 2016 (has links)
Au XIXe siècle, les représentations de la prison par la littérature sont nombreuses. Études de mœurs et tableaux parisiens explorent l’univers carcéral, et un certain nombre de romans racontent des épisodes d’emprisonnement (Sue, Les Mystères de Paris, Balzac, Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, Goncourt, La Fille Élisa). La fascination que suscite la prison dépasse largement la seule communauté des hommes de lettres : enquêteurs, hygiénistes, théoriciens du système pénal, s’emparent aussi de cette question. Le XIXe siècle constitue dans l’historiographie contemporaine un moment déterminant de l’histoire pénale. La prison, depuis la Révolution, est perçue comme la clef de voûte d’un nouveau système de sanction. Cette étude, qui privilégie le regard extérieur sur la prison – celui de l’homme qui n’y est pas enfermé – et le récit à la troisième personne pour les fictions romanesques, s’intéresse aux représentations littéraires de la prison à la lumière de cette mutation historique. Tissant des liens avec les domaines du savoir qui accompagnent l’avènement de la prison pénale, la littérature prend une part importante au discours social qui représente, autant qu’il la construit, la modernité carcérale. De ce discours, le lecteur ne pourra manquer de relever les ambivalences et les contradictions. Roman d’aventures et roman de mœurs sentimental, roman de l’enquête sociale et roman édifiant, roman réaliste et roman naturaliste seront tour à tour explorés pour témoigner de la diversité des figurations. Les implications politiques et morales, esthétiques et poétiques de la représentation par la fiction de l’expérience de l’incarcération constituent un enjeu majeur de cette thèse. / In the 19th century, there were many representations of the prison in literature. Studies of customs and parisian paintings explore the prison and novels describe scenes of imprisonment (Sue, Les Mystères de Paris, Balzac, Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, La Fille Élisa). The fascination of prisons achieved popularity well beyond literary people : investigators, hygienists, theorists of the penal system, also questioned the issue of imprisonment. Contemporary historiographical views see the 19th century as a pivotal moment in penal history. Since the Revolution, the prison has been perceived as being the corner stone of a new system of punishment. In light of this historical change, this study analyses the literary representations of prisons from an outside point of view, the view of someone who is not imprisoned, and, the narrative using the third person in novels. Forging links with the areas of knowledge that accompagny the introduction of criminal prison, literature plays an important part in the social narrative that represents the modernity of prison life. In this seminar, the reader will not fail to recognize the ambivalences and contradictions. Novels of adventure and romance, social commentaries and moralistic novels, works of realism and of naturalism will all in turn be explored to reflect the diversity of representations. The political and moral implications, but also aesthetic and poetic figuration by the fiction of the experience of incarceration, are a major challenge of this study.

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