Spelling suggestions: "subject:"french : 1iterature"" "subject:"french : cliterature""
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La représentation de la guerre dans les romans français et iraniens : (Première Guerre mondiale-Guerre Iran-Irak) / The representation of war in the French and Iranian novels : (First World War-Iran-Irak war)Moghimi, Sanaz 29 November 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche interroge l'écriture littéraire de la Grande Guerre et de la guerre Iran-Irak, vecteurs de choc et de bouleversement, qu'a racontée maint récit et roman, partagés entre restitution et invention. L'enquête porte sur la capacité de la fiction à dire le phénomène guerrier. Après avoir démêlé les contextes littéraires, elle établit les tendances majeures de la poétique du genre du récit de guerre et scrute alors les récits du front. Dans le feu de l'action, une première vague de textes est marquée du souci de témoignage dans une optique réaliste. Malgré leurs divergences de style et d'axiologie, Le Feu de Barbusse, récit à la fois concret et symbolique, et Le Voyage de Déhghân, plus sommaire et documentaire, traduisent le même désir à dire l'indicible du feu et de l'horreur. Ces récits proprement mimétiques suivent la logique linéaire du souvenir et se veulent lisibles. Mais une deuxième vague de textes, postérieure aux combats, privilégie le fictionnel sur le factuel. Cris de Gaudé et Le Scorpion d'Abkénar, avec leur approche post-apocalyptique de l'événement, renouvellent le genre. La mise en scène de la guerre, loin d'être véridique ou vérifiable, est ici fragmentaire, voire lacunaire, avec des éléments de rupture et d'incohérence. Le soldat progresse dans un monde d'errance et de cauchemar. Plus ou moins adossée à une nouvelle image de la guerre, la narration contemporaine défie la possibilité de totaliser l'expérience de guerre et dénonce le vide qu'elle a causé. Mais la fiction romanesque table sur ce vide pour renouveler l'esthétique du sujet. / This research investigates the literature of the Great War as well as Iran-Iraq war, instigators of shock and disruption, narrated by a myriad of novels and fictions which are shared between restitution and invention. It focuses on the expressive capacity of fiction to illustrate the phenomenon of war. By unraveling contexts of the comparing literatures, the major tendencies of poetic of the novel of war are established first. Then the frontline stories are studied. In the core of the action, the first movement of the texts has testimonial and realistic concern. Under fire of Barbusse is a realistic and symbolic novel, while Journey of Dehghan is more brief and documentary. Despite their differences in terms of style and axiology, both have been contributed with the same desire to demonstrate inexpressible fire and horror of war. This part of literary war novels follows the mimetic pattern of the logic of memories and expected to be legible. But the second movement of texts – written following the end of main battles - favors the fictional to factual form. Screams of Gaudé and The Scorpion of Abkénar with their post-apocalyptic perspective comprise a new kind of fiction. The staging of war - far from being accurate and verifiable - is fragmented and even lacunar with signs of bursting and incoherency. The soldier rises through wandering and nightmare. Almost based on the new image of war, the contemporary narratives challenge the possibility of depicting a complete panorama of war and denounce the vacuum it leaves behind. The novelistic fiction, however, avails itself of such vacuum to revive the aesthetics of the subject.
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Représentations du Japon et des japonais dans la littérature française depuis la crise de Heisei / Images of Japan and japanese people in french literature since Heisei crisisCartoux, Cédric 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse prolonge les études déjà menées sur l'image du Japon en France et en Europe à partir de l'ère de Meiji (1868-1912). Elle analyse la production littéraire en France, ainsi que certains films et bandes dessinées, à compter de l'ère de Heisei (1990-2010). Elle soutient que, malgré les progrès du savoir et des mentalités, l'observateur français continue de considérer le Japon, les Japonais, les choses japonaise, d'un point de vue moins compréhensif et moins informé que critique et passablement négatif. Elle fonde son examen sur les méthodes de l'imagologie littéraire qui détermine la place, le rôle, le sens de la représentation d'un pays dans une oeuvre à partir de traits précis (nomination, distance hiérarchique, scénario, mythe personnel). / This thesis extends the existing studies on Japan's image in France and Europe from the Meiji era (1868-1912). It analyzes the literary production in France, as well as some movies and comics, as they have been developping since the Heisei era (1990 and 2010). It argues that despite the progress of knowledge and attitudes, the French observer continues to view Japan, Japanese, Japanese things, from a point of view far less comprehensive and informed than critical if not quite negative. It bases its scrutiny upon the methods of literary imagology, which determines the place, role, the meaning of the representation of a country in a given work from specific features (naming, hierarchical distance, plot, personal myth).
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Rewriting the Twentieth-century French Literary Right: Translation, Ideology, and Literary HistoryKhoury, Marcus 24 March 2017 (has links)
For English-language audiences, twentieth-century French literature is often identified with a variety of literary movements tied to the political left. In spite of its lesser visibility, the French literary right enjoyed considerable prestige during the first half of the twentieth century. This thesis employs methodologies from translation studies in order to study how the French literary right has been translated, or not translated, into English. Case studies devoted to three seminal writers of the right, including Charles Maurras (1868-1952), Pierre Drieu la Rochelle (1893-1945), and Roger Nimier (1925-62), demonstrate that right-wing committed literature was a central mode of literary production from the 1910s to the 1950s and that this current of writing is underrepresented in English-language translation and scholarship.
A number of literary and cultural asymmetries separating English-language literature from French literature have contributed to this situation, such as the phenomenon of literary engagement in French literature and France’s strong anti-liberal intellectual tradition. Using systems theory this thesis argues that these differences between the French and Anglophone literary systems have contributed to the lack of representation accorded to the French literary right, which is manifested in the selection, presentation, and translation of texts by right-wing authors such as Maurras, Drieu, and Nimier.
When translations of texts by these authors do exist, a number of translation patterns emerge. These patterns and distortions have ramifications for the construction of literary canon and for our understanding of twentieth-century literary history and the role ideology plays in influencing high- and low-level translation decisions.
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Skrytá přítomnost Romaina Garyho v díle Émila Ajara / Hidden Presence of Romain Gary in Work by Émile AjarHálová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is examining hidden presence of a French author Romain Gary in the works of Émile Ajar. Only after Gary's death the public learned, that Émile Ajar was in fact Gary's pseudonym, although he has publicly denied this connection throughout his life. Because of this unrevealed mystification, Gary was given Goncourt prize twice, despite the fact that each author is only allowed to receive it once. Gary claims in his testament, that an observant reader of his work should immediately discover the connection. Can we agree with him, even if literary critics failed to find out? This work investigates various literary practices used by authors to hide their identity. The "lives" of both authors are presented. Gary did not only create Émile Ajar's life story, he also persuaded his nephew to pose as Ajar in public. The stories are followed by a comparative analysis of eight novels: four published under Gary's name and four under the pseudonym. Comparing the selected works from diverse aspects, we try to answer the principal question: Was it possible to prove that Émile Ajar was Gary's creation during his very lifetime?
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A teoria literária de Jean-Paul Sartre em sua produção romanesca /Abrahão, Thiago Henrique de Camargo. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Arnaldo Franco Junior / Banca: Márcio Scheel / Banca: Márcio Roberto do Prado / Resumo: Jean-Paul Sartre, filósofo e escritor francês do século XX, embasou seus romances nos ditames de seu pensamento existencialista e em suas ideias a respeito da literatura, considerando a escrita romanesca, cuja tarefa seria a de apresentar-se como meio para possíveis soluções simbólicas dos conflitos existenciais do homem de seu tempo, uma possível via de desvelamento do mundo e de afirmação da liberdade humana. A partir de uma relação dialética entre autor e leitor, Sartre aponta que essas duas partes incitam-se reciprocamente, levando ao fato de a liberdade de uma, quando manifesta, desvendar a liberdade da outra. O escritor francês defendeu uma teoria do romance existencial a partir da qual será abandonada a posição do narrador onisciente e empregada uma técnica de composição romanesca fundada em uma metafísica da liberdade a recusar todo traço de determinismo no decorrer da narrativa. Trata-se, segundo Sartre, de romances voltados para as inquietações humanas, situados em uma época de grandes conturbações políticas, sociais e culturais, na qual, por meio de uma arte engajada, o autor fomentaria, de acordo com um pacto de generosidade entre ele e o leitor, a reflexão crítica e a responsabilidade do homem. Diante disso, nosso propósito foi o de estudar duas obras do universo romanesco do autor - quais sejam, Os dados estão lançados e Com a morte na alma - à luz dos fundamentos elencados em seus trabalhos críticos e teóricos, nos quais Sartre defende os aspectos formais de uma técnica de composição narrativa capaz de conceber textos em conformidade com sua concepção de literatura. Por esse viés, cruzaremos dados teóricos e produção romanesca do autor a fim de identificar as convergências e divergências, os alcances e as limitações entre o que o autor teoriza e o que, de fato, cumpre como romancista, indo ao encontro de nossos objetivos principais... / Résumé: Jean-Paul Sartre, philosophe et écrivain français du XXe siècle, a conçu ses romans selon sa pensée existentialiste et ses idées sur la littérature, lorsque l'on considère l'écriture romanesque, dont la tâche serait de se présenter comme un moyen de solutions symboliques des conflits existentiels d'homme de son temps, comme une manière possible de dévoiler le monde et d'affirmer la liberté humaine. À partir d'une relation dialectique entre l'auteur et le lecteur, Sartre souligne que ces deux parties ont besoin les uns des autres, ce qui conduit au fait que la liberté d'une, quand s'est manifeste, dévoile la liberté de l'autre. L'écrivain français a plaidé pour une théorie du roman existentiel à partir de laquelle sera abandonné la position du narrateur omniscient et sera employé une technique de composition romanesque fondée sur une métaphysique de la liberté, en refusant toute trace de déterminisme dans le cours du récit. Il s'agit, selon Sartre, des romans centrés sur les préoccupations humaines, situés dans une époque de grands bouleversements politiques, sociaux et culturels, dans lequelle, à travers un art engagé, l'auteur encourageait, conformément à un pacte de générosité entre lui et le lecteur, la pensée critique et la responsabilité de l'homme. Par conséquent, notre objectif était d'étudier deux oeuvres de l'univers romanesque de l'auteur - à savoir, Les jeux sont faits et La mort dans l'âme - à la lumière des motifs énumérés dans ses travails critiques et théoriques, dans lesquels Sartre soutient les aspects formels d'une technique de la composition narrative capable de concevoir des textes conformément à sa conception de la littérature. De ce point de vue, nous étudions la production romanesque et les données théoriques de l'auteur afin de idéntifier les convergences et les divergences... / Mestre
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Liberdade e literatura : percursos que se cruzam em Les chemins de la liberté, de Jean-Paul Sartre /Abrahão, Thiago Henrique de Camargo. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Arnaldo Franco Junior / Banca: Márcio Scheel / Banca: Pablo Simpson Kilzer Amorim / Banca: Márcio Roberto do Prado / Banca: Edison Bariani Junior / Resumo: Ao longo da primeira metade do século XX, a humanidade assistiu à derrocada traumática da razão. Muitas das utopias modernas, pautadas nos ideais de progresso técnico e tecnológico, resultaram em reais distopias com a ascensão, na Europa e em outros continentes, de regimes ideológicos totalitários. Aos poucos, o desvanecimento dos últimos resquícios de uma belle époque deu espaço a uma crise moral que perturbou as fronteiras da liberdade - e os limites da arte, o que levou artistas e intelectuais, dentre os quais Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), a repensarem o seu papel na sociedade. Na produção romanesca de Sartre, encontramos a trilogia Les chemins de la liberté (1945-1949), ao longo da qual acompanhamos os eventos da Segunda Guerra Mundial a partir da consciência de personagens que discutem a liberdade em face de sua situação no mundo. Paradigmática para a literatura engajada, a trilogia sartriana apresenta muitos dos aspectos formais defendidos por Sartre em seus textos teórico-críticos: contextualizando a narrativa ao longo da guerra, a ideia de "liberdade" se encontra nos elementos composicionais das histórias e nos dilemas das personagens, livres da onisciência narratorial - o que requisita o leitor para a criação de hipóteses a respeito do que pensam (a partir de como agem) as consciências semilúcidas que interagem no universo romanesco criado por Sartre. Notamos, pois, uma relação entre a liberdade e a literatura (e a sua recíproca influência), relação que objetivamos... / Abstract: Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, humanity witnessed the traumatic overthrow of reason. Many of the modern utopias, based on the ideals of technical and technological progress, have resulted in real dystopias with the rise, in Europe and elsewhere, of totalitarian ideological regimes. Gradually, the fading of the last remnants of a belle époque gave way to a moral crisis that disturbed the frontiers of freedom - and the limits of art, prompting artists and intellectuals, including Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), to rethink their role in society. In Sartre's romanesque production we find the trilogy Les chemins de la liberté (1945-1949), along which we follow the events of World War II from the consciousness of characters who discuss freedom in the face of their situation in the world. Paradigmatic for engaged literature, Sartre's trilogy presents many of the formal aspects defended by the author in his theoretical-critical texts: contextualizing the narrative throughout the war, the idea of "freedom" is found in the compositional elements of the stories and in the dilemmas of the characters, free of narrative omniscience - which requires the reader to create hypotheses about what they think (from how they act) the semilucidal consciousnesses that interact in the romanesque universe created by Sartre. We therefore note a relation between freedom and literature (and its reciprocal influence), a relation that we aim to investigate from the philosophical, political and literary texts of the author, and then to show how and why Sartre's thought and his production influenced and were influenced by freedom (or, rather, by its absence) / Résumé: Tout au long de la première moitié du XXe siècle, l'humanité a témoigné la débâcle traumatique de la raison. Beaucoup d'utopies modernes, basées sur les idéaux du progrès technique et technologique, ont entraîné de véritables dystopies avec l'ascension, en Europe et ailleurs, des régimes idéologiques totalitaires. Peu à peu, la disparition des derniers restes d'une belle époque a cédé la place à une crise morale qui a perturbé les frontières de la liberté - et les limites de l'art, ce qui a conduit les artistes et les intellectuels, y compris Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), à repenser leur rôle dans la société. Dans la production romanesque de Sartre, nous trouvons la trilogie Les chemins de la liberté (1945-1949), dans laquelle nous suivons les événements de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale à partir de la conscience des personnages qui discutent la liberté face à leur situation dans le monde. Paradigmatique pour la littérature engagée, la trilogie sartrienne présente plusieurs des aspects formels préconisés par Sartre dans ses textes théoriques et critiques : en contextualisant le récit pendant toute la guerre, l'idée de « liberté » se retrouve dans les éléments de composition des histoires et dans les dilemmes des personnages, libres de l'omniscience narrative - ce qui oblige le lecteur à créer des hypothèses sur ce que pensent (à partir de la façon dont agissent) les consciences semi-lucides qui interagissent dans l'univers romanesque créé par Sartre. Nous notons donc une relation entre la liberté et la littérature (et son influence réciproque), une relation que nous cherchons à étudier à partir des textes philosophiques, politiques et littéraires de l'auteur, pour montrer comment et pourquoi la pensée sartrienne et sa production romanesque ont influencé et ont été influencés par la liberté (ou plutôt par son manque) / Doutor
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Hervé Guibert : vzkříšení Autora / Hervé Guibert: Resurrection of the AuthorRumpíková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
1 Michaela Rumpíková, Résurrection de l'auteur : Hervé Guibert Abstract Hervé Guibert's writings are shocking, revolting, surprising with their explicit and expressive content. The author's desire to show, to reveal and to expose himself transforms his private universe into a space where intimacy becomes extimacy. His exhibitionist project is accomplished with the assistance of a literary genre, autofiction, the new postmodern cosmos of the "I". This thesis seeks to analyse the notion and the modalities of his "I", intimately connected to the themes of body, illness, life, death and resurrection, in his literary chronicles of AIDS, To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life, The Compassionnate Protocol, Modesty, or Immodesty and The Man in the Red Hat. The "I" of the autodiegetic narrator appears as fragmentary and unstable. His "self" configures and unconfigures at the same time. There is a sense of alienation from his own body which has been dramatically altered by the illness. As a consequence, we witness both physical and psychological defragmentation of the subject. The body, constituent of the "I" identity, gradually transforms into an impersonal "it", an entity apart. In order to (re)construct himself, the author uses various writing processes that help him become familiar with his new "self". Finally,...
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Le contexte est le nouveau contenu ou les contours de la pensée incréative à l’ère numérique suivi de InternetMasson-Goulet, Fabrice 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’emploie à cerner les contours de la pensée incréative telle que la précise Kenneth
Goldsmith dans les essais Uncreative Writing (2011) et Wasting time on the Internet (2016).
S’appuyant sur un corpus de textes qui vise à analyser les conséquences de ce nouveau rapport
au monde instauré par l’avènement du numérique, notre réflexion s’applique à révéler comment
cette redéfinition de nos pratiques s’accompagne d’une transformation de notre rapport au texte,
au langage et à la création. Le numérique ne doit plus se définir en termes d’outils ou d’avancées
technologiques. Il est un espace qui nous entoure et dans lequel nous évoluons. Cet espace a
favorisé la mise en place d’un nouveau rapport envers le savoir et ses moyens de production, de
diffusion et de réception. À la base de cet écosystème numérique réside du langage : du code
binaire. Des images, aux sons et aux vidéos qui sillonnent le Web, tout procède du langage.
Internet propose de se confronter à l’abondance textuelle qui structure l’espace numérique en
inondant la page de mots et de leur matérialité. Cette série de textes qui se divisent en section
dont les titres reprennent les noms de mèmes célèbres est le résultat d’un travail de création
employant des méthodes littéraires issues d’une pensée incréative telle que développée par
Kenneth Golsmith. Ainsi, basées sur le concept de postproduction (Bourriaud), ces
compositions font appel à des stratégies de copie et d’appropriation et usent des mots comme
des matériaux de construction. Le lecteur est invité à les lire/non-lire en redonnant leur sens à
des blocs de langage décontextualisés. / This dissertation seeks to identify the contours of uncreative thinking as articulated by Kenneth
Goldsmith in the essays Uncreative Writing (2011) and Wasting time on the Internet (2016).
Based on a corpus of texts that aims to analyze the consequences of this new relationship to the
digital world, our reflection applies to reveal how this redefinition of our practices is
accompanied by a transformation of our relationship to text, language and creation. Digital
should no longer viewed only as tools or technological advances. It is a space that surrounds us
and in which we evolve. This space has favored the establishment of a new relationship with
knowledge and its means of production, dissemination and reception. At the base of this digital
ecosystem lies language: binary code. From images, to sounds and videos that crisscross the
Web, everything proceeds from language.
Internet proposes to confront the textual abundance that structures the digital space by flooding
the page with words and their materiality. This series of texts, which are divided into sections
whose titles take up the names of famous memes, is the result of a creative work employing
literary methods stemming from uncreative thinking as put forward by Kenneth Golsmith. Thus,
based on the concept of postproduction (Bourriaud), these compositions call upon strategies of
copying and appropriation and use words as building materials. The reader is invited to
read/decode them by giving back meaning to decontextualized blocks of language.
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La Circassienne: A Study of the Female Circus Artist in French LiteratureMenninga, Crystal 28 October 2022 (has links)
This study examines how the female circus artist is represented in twelve pieces of French literature ranging from the late nineteenth century to the modern day. The books are divided into three categories by author type: first, authors without a circus background; second, male authors involved in the circus world; and third, women involved in the circus world. Although predicted that the first section would reveal the largest use of stereotypes and misogyny, the second would show the sexist expectations of the circassienne onstage and off, and the third would call out these stereotypes and suggest improvements, there was less variety found than expected. Only two authors—one from each of the first two categories—used circassienne stereotypes in an extremely negative manner, authors who were unfamiliar with circus but did research as well as the majority of the male authors familiar with circus bluntly stated some of the bias but did not offer solutions, and the majority of the female circus artist authors also stated the bias they faced but were limited in their opportunities to challenge stereotypes.
Eleven of the books focus on artists from traditional circus, and only Circassienne looks at contemporary circus. Whereas there is a variety of literature about the contemporary circus scene in Quebec, Circassienne was the only book found to be written by a French circassienne that deals with normalizing the life of a circus artist in who lives in a house, sends their children to school, and creates pieces designed to expose children to contemporary circus as well as pieces with calls for activism.
Overall, it was found that the situation for the female circus artist in traditional circus in France has not greatly changed in the past century. She is still expected to be feminine, to wear revealing costumes, and to flirt with the audience, often serving as the “female element” in an otherwise male-dominated group of performers. Reducing sexism in circus and the fight for gender equality remain part of the agenda of circus going forward, and progress is being seen faster in contemporary circus than in its traditional counterpart.
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Éros et Thanatos dans Le Coup de grâce de Marguerite Yourcenar et dans son adaptation cinématographique par Volker Schlöndorff en 1976Bussière, Réjean 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche / Cette étude s’intéresse à l‘impact de l’adaptation cinématographique et à l’évolution du récit écrit par Marguerite Yourcenar, Le Coup de grâce, publié en mai 1939, au sujet de trois jeunes êtres qui se ressemblent et qui s’aiment dans un triangle relationnel compliqué dans le cadre de la guerre civile balte au lendemain de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale. La présente étude se centre sur l’évolution des dimensions de la représentation du système des personnages, de l’éros, des genres (la masculinité dont les frontières évoluent dans le temps et l’espace) et de la guerre (une force thanatique) lors de l’adaptation cinématographique faite par Volker Schlöndorff en 1976, bref à l’impact du nouveau média sur l’histoire originale et les aspects initiaux imaginés par Marguerite Yourcenar en 1938 dans son roman Le Coup de grâce, où les mythes gréco-romains étaient une constante dans ses motifs d’inspiration pendant cette période des années 1930, où ces écrits réfutaient les pressions rigoristes qui perduraient dans cette décennie. Éric, le narrateur homodiégétique du roman était à la recherche d’une certaine liberté sexuelle et il faisait son récit un peu sur le ton de la confession intimiste, tel un journal de guerre. Rémy Poignault considère Le Coup de grâce comme une réécriture moderne, un palimpseste donc de « Patrocle ou le destin » de Feux avec des personnages appartenant à l’époque moderne. Le passage au film en 1976 déplace l’accent mis sur Éric dans le roman vers la dualité entre lui et Sophie dans le récit filmé, où les personnages perdent de leur profondeur, réduisant Éric à un être insensible, et ce, en limitant les scènes de camaraderie militaire avec Conrad. L’absence de prologue dans le film ne permet pas non plus d’évoquer les souvenirs heureux vécus à Kratovicé. Dans le film, la grande histoire prend le pas sur la petite histoire contrairement à ce qu’entendait Marguerite Yourcenar qui mettait l’accent sur le drame humain dans la préface de son roman. Le film priorise plutôt l’affirmation
d’une femme par rapport à son milieu dans la lignée d’autres films de Volker Schlöndorff comme L’honneur perdu de Katharina Blum. Le film est en somme un film féministe à l’image de Margarethe von Trotta qui était un des chantres du féminisme dans les années 1970 et qui collabora au scénario dudit film. Il s’agit donc d’une adaptation libre avec certains retranchements ou modifications par rapport à l’oeuvre originale. En enlevant de nombreuses scènes de camaraderie militaire entre les deux principaux personnages, le mythe grec ancien d’Achille et Patrocle présent en filigrane dans le roman est évacué dans le film. Tant le roman que le film se sont inspirés d’un certain académisme qui engendra une atmosphère limitant les émotions des personnages. / That research concerns the analysis of the evolution of the written narrative of Marguerite Yourcenar about three young characters who look like each other and who loves each other in relational triangle within the background context of the Baltic Civil War just after The First World War of 1914-18 and in its adaptation in film by Volker Schlöndorff in 1976. This study concentrates about representation of character’s system, dynamic of eros, represensation of gender for instance the masculinity and the war during the adaptation for the cinema by Volker Schlöndorff. Briefly, to the impact of the new media on the original themes which were developed in the original novel of Marguerite Yourcenar in 1939, Le Coup de grâce. Our study presents itself in a chronological order for making some conclusions about representations of the themes of desire and death, gender and war in the time from the story written 1939 and the film in 1976 We can conclude after analysis of both media for the narrative that Mythical figures as Thanatos and Eros present in this novel received a different treatment in the film adaptation where the emphasis moved to the dualistic relation between Eric and the women Sophie. The movie has become a feministic which puts emphasis on a woman against her social middle and diminish the impact of the mythical military friendship related to the mythic military myth of Achille and Patrocle which was underlined but present in the novel with the death of one main characters on the battlefied of the story. In taking off most of the scenes of military friendship between the two men charaters, the mythical part of the novel, is evacuated. The film adaptation is a free adaptation according to the classification of adaptation film of Esther Pelletier with retranchments and changes from the novel.
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