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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les relations affinitaires au travail : caractérisation, développement et conséquences / Friendship at work : characteristics, development and consequences

D'hont, Laura 18 May 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’éclairer un phénomène invisible mais prégnant dans les organisations : les relations affinitaires au travail. Articulant les approches en psychosociologie et en philosophie avec une littérature plus récente propre aux sciences de gestion portant sur les réseaux et les workplace friendships, la thèse permet de mieux comprendre les relations affinitaires dans leur caractérisation, leur développement et leurs conséquences en contexte de travail. Basée sur deux niveaux d’analyse, individuel et groupal, la méthodologie se déploie autour de récits de vie et de quatre études de cas d’équipes de travail aux caractéristiques organisationnelles contrastées. Quatre types de relations affinitaires au travail sont ainsi identifiés : les « amis », les « collègues amis », les « amitiés stratégiques » et les « collègues ennemis ». Leur formation est non seulement influencée par des facteurs individuels et inter individuels, mais aussi par la structure et la culture organisationnelles. Leurs conséquences contrastées portent sur le bien-être et la motivation au travail, les relations de collaboration et le fonctionnement des équipes. Cette thèse montre que les relations affinitaires s’avèrent structurantes pour le fonctionnement d’une organisation à fort potentiel de collaboration. / The purpose of this dissertation is to understand an invisible but significant phenomenon in organizations: friendship ties at work. The conceptual framework combines philosophy and psychosocial studies with network approach and workplace friendship perspectives from the management literature. It highlights the characterization, development and consequences of friendship ties at work. Through individual and group-level analysis, the methodology is based on life stories and multiple case studies of work teams. Four types of workplace friendships are identified: « personal friends », « work friends », « strategic friends » and « work enemies ». Their development is influenced by individual and inter individual factors as well as organizational structure and culture. Friendship ties have also consequences on well-being, motivation, collaboration and functioning of teams at work. The findings underline that workplace friendships are more structuring for the functioning of organizations based on strong potential of collaboration.

Comparing cross-group and same-group friendships amongst white South African students at Stellenbosch University

Goosen, Anneke January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Friendships in general are a very powerful form of interpersonal contact, and cross-group friendships in particular have been shown to be particularly effective in promoting positive outgroup attitudes (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). Very few studies have compared same-group and cross-group friendships along their underlying processes. The present study aimed to explore, firstly, the differences and similarities between same-group and cross-group friendships along various interpersonal variables, including friendship length, friendship type, friendship contact, positive and negative reciprocal self-disclosure, friendship functions, and friendship affection. Secondly, the present study explored, and compared, the structural relationships between these interpersonal variables across the two friendship conditions. Thirdly, the present study explored how the generalization of attitudes towards the specific cross-group friendship influence attitudes to the outgroup as a whole. Finally, the present study explored the extent to which contact with a specific cross-group friend exposed the ingroup participants to a broader social network of outgroup members. Cross-sectional survey data was collected amongst 468 White South African first year students studying at Stellenbosch University using electronic surveys. The final sample comprised of 235 of the respondents in the same-group friendship condition (who completed questions relating to their closest same-gender, White South African friend) and 233 respondents in the cross-group friendship condition (who completed questions relating to their closest same-gender, Coloured South African friend). Results indicated that same-group friendships were qualitatively more intimate than cross-group friendships, characterized by significantly greater scores on all the interpersonal variables. Path analyses revealed a number of differences in the structural relationships between the interpersonal variables across the two friendship conditions, as well as a number of important mediation effects for both same- and cross-group friendships. Furthermore, cross-group friendship affection was significantly associated with more positive attitudes towards the outgroup in general, even when controlling for prior contact with the outgroup in general. Finally, contact with the cross-group friend was associated with greater contact with the cross-group friend‟s same-group friends, which was in turn associated with more outgroup friendships. Collectively, these results not only shed light on the mean-level and structural similarities and differences amongst interpersonal-level friendship variables associated with same- and cross-group friendships, but they also make a valuable contribution to the contact literature, providing a number of insights for the improvement of structured intergroup contact interventions that are aimed at facilitating the development of cross-group friendships and the improvement of outgroup attitudes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vriendskappe oor die algemeen is 'n baie kragtige vorm van interpersoonlike kontak, en kruis-groep vriendskappe in die besonder is besonder effektief om positiewe buitegroep (outgroup) houdings te bevorder (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). Baie min studies het selfde-groep vriendskappe en kruis-groep vriendskappe met betrekking tot hul onderliggende prosesse vergelyk. Die huidige studie het beoog om eerstens, die verskille en ooreenkomste tussen selfde-groep en kruis-groep vriendskappe met betrekking tot verskeie interpersoonlike veranderlikes te bestudeer. Hierdie veranderlikes sluit in die lengte van die vriendskap, vriendskaps tipe, vriendskaps kontak, positiewe en negatiewe wedersydse self-bekendmaking, vriendskaps funksies en vriendskaps gehegtheid. Die studie het tweedens die strukturele verhoudings tussen hierdie interpersoonlike veranderlikes vir elke vriendskapskondisie bestudeer en vergelyk. Die studie het derdens bestudeer tot watter mate positiewe houdings teenoor die spesifieke kruis-groep vriend veralgemeen tot positiewe houdings teenoor die buitegroep as 'n geheel. Die studie het, ten slotte, bestudeer tot watter mate kontak met die spesifieke kruis-groep vriend die binne-groep (ingroup) deelnemers blootstel tot 'n breeër netwerk van buitegroep lede. Deursnee opname data is ingesamel met behulp van elektoniese vraelyste onder 468 Blanke Suid-Afrikaanse eerstejaar studente wat studeer aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die finale steekproef het bestaan uit 235 deelnemers in die selfde-groep vriendskap kondisie (wat vrae beantwoord het met betrekking tot hul naaste, selfde-geslag, selfde-groep vriend) en 233 deelnemers in die kruis-groep vriendskaps kondisie (wat vrae beantwoord het met betrekking tot hul naaste, selfde-geslag, Kleurling Suid-Afrikaanse vriend). Die resultate het aangedui dat selfde groep vriendskappe kwalitatief meer intiem is as kruis-groep vriendskappe, en word gekenmerk deur beduidend hoër tellings op al die interpersoonlike veranderlikes. Pad-ontledings analises het aangedui dat daar 'n paar verskille in die strukturele verhoudinge tussen die twee vriendskapskondisies is, sowel as 'n aantal belangrike bemiddeling (mediation) effekte vir beide selfde-groep vriendskappe en kruis-groep vriendskappe. Die resultate het verder aangedui dat kruis-groep vriendskaps gehegtheid beduidend geassosïeer is met meer positiewe houdings teenoor die buitegroep in die algemeen, selfs wanneer die invloed van vroeëre kontak met die buitegroep gekontroleer word. Ten slotte, kontak met die kruis-groep vriend is geassosïeer met meer kontak met die kruis-groep vriend se vriende (wat van dieselfde groep is), wat op die beurt geassosïeer is met meer buitegroep vriendskappe. Gesamentlik werp hierdie resultate nie net lig op die gemiddelde-vlak en strukturele ooreenkomste en verskille tussen selfde-groep vriendskappe en kruis-groep vriendskappe met betrekking tot die interpersoonlike veranderlikes nie, maar dit maak ook 'n waardevolle bydrae tot die kontak literatuur. Dit voorsien 'n aantal bydraes vir die verbetering van gestruktureerde intergroep kontak ingrypings wat daarop gemik is om die ontwikkeling van kruis-groep vriendskappe en die verbetering van buitegroep houdings te fasiliteer.

A between-subjects comparison of same-group and cross-group friendships amongst Coloured South African students at Stellenbosch Univeristy

Lewis, Cindy Lisa 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Interpersonal friendships fulfil several important functions in the lives of individuals across their lifespan, and cross-group friendships have been shown to be strongly associated with reduced outgroup prejudice (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). The emerging literature comparing same-group and cross-group friendships along interpersonal-level variables amongst majority-status participants in Northern Ireland, England, Serbia, and South Africa has consistently shown that same-gender, same-group friendships are rated as greater in overall quality than corresponding cross-group friendships (Swart et al., 2011). The present study aimed to replicate these findings amongst minority-status coloured South African respondents by (1) undertaking between-group comparisons of the mean-level scores reported for same-group and cross-group friendships along nine interpersonal-level variables, namely friendship length, friendship type, friendship closeness, friendship contact, friendship functions, friendship affection, interpersonal trust, positive reciprocal self-disclosure and negative reciprocal self-disclosure; (2) comparing the structural relationships between these interpersonal-level variables across the two friendship conditions; (3) exploring whether attitudes towards a specific outgroup exemplar (closest same-gender white South African friend) generalise towards more positive attitudes towards white South Africans in general; and (4) exploring the extent to which interactions with a specific cross-group friend were related to access with a wider social-network of outgroup peers and the development of further cross-group friendships. Cross-sectional, electronic survey data were collected amongst 302 coloured South African students studying at Stellenbosch University and included 157 respondents in the same-group condition and 145 respondents in the cross-group condition. Results showed that (1) same-group friendships were characterized by significantly greater intimacy and overall quality than cross-group friendships; (2) there exist several differences in the structural relationships between the interpersonal-level and group-level variables across the two friendship conditions; (3) that positive attitudes towards a specific outgroup exemplar generalised to more positive attitudes towards white South Africans in general; and (4) that a single cross-group friend provides valuable access to a broader network of outgroup peers with whom to form further cross-group friendships. These findings not only replicate the results found in the emerging literature (Goosen, 2011; Swart et al., 2011), they further its contributions by providing a comparison with minority-status groups / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Interpersoonlike vriendskappe vervul verskeie belangrike funksies in die lewens van individue in hul leeftyd. Kruis-groep vriendskappe dui aan dat dit in groot mate verbind word met verminderde buitgegroup veroordeeltheid (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). Die opkomende literatuur wat selfde-groep en kruis-groep vriendskappe vergelyk langs interpersoonlike-vlak veranderlikes onder meerderheid-status deelnemers in Noord-Ierland, Engeland, Serwië en Suid-Afrika en het gewys dat selfde-geslag, selfde-groep vriendskappe word gegradeer as groter in kwaliteit as ooreenstemmende kruis-groep vriendskappe (Swart et al., 2011). Die huidige, tussen-groep studie het „n poging aangewend om hirdie bevindinge te repliseer deur: (1) die gemiddelde-vlak punte vir selfde-groep en kruis-groep vriendskappe met nege interpersoonlike veranderlikes te vergelyk, naamlik die lengte van die vriendskap, vriendskap tipe, vriendskap nabyheid, vriendskaps kontak, vriendskap funksies, vriendskaps gehegtheid, interpersoonlike vertroue en positiewe en negatiewe wedersydse self-bekendmaking; (2) die strukturele verhoudings tussen hierdie interpersoonlike-vlak veranderlikes tussen die twee vreinskap-kondisies te vergelyk; (3) om te omdersoek of houdings teenoor „n spesifieke buitegroep model (naaste, selfde-geslag blanke Suid-Afrikaanse vriend) veralgemeen tot positiewe houdings teenoor blanke Suid-Afrikaners in die algemeen; en (4) te ondersoek tot watter mate wissel werking met „n spesifieke kruis-groep vriend aan verwant is met toegang na „n breër netwerk van buitegroep lede om verder kruis-groep vriendskappe te ontwikkel. Deursnee, elektroniese vraelyste data was ingesamel onder 302 kleurling Suid-Afrikaanse studente wat aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosh studeer en 157 proefpersone in die selfde-groep vriendskapskondisie as ook 145 proefpersone in die kruis-groep vriendskapskondisie. Die resultate het aangedui dat (1) selfde-groep vriendskappe word gekenmerk deur noemenswaardige hoër vlakke van die interpersoonlike veranderlikes as kruis-groep vriendskappe; (2) daar bestaan verskeie verskille in die strukturele verhoudings tussen die interpersoonlike-vlak en groep-vlak veranderlikes tussen die twee vriendskapkondisies; (3) dat positiewe houdings teenoor „n spesifieke buitegroep model word veralgemeen tot meer positiewe houdings teenoor blanke Suid-Afrikaners in die algemeen; en (4) dat „n enkele kruis-groep vriend waardevol toegang tot „n breër netwerk van buitegroepe lede verskaf en met wie verder kruis-groep vriendskappe geworm word.

Les liens sociaux entre les dépendants et le maître/patron dans la Correspondance de Cicéron

Drouin, Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche cherche à répondre à deux questions : Quels sont les liens sociaux liant les maîtres et ingénus aux dépendants, sont-ils plus importants entre ingénus et affranchis qu’entre ingénus et esclaves? Ont-ils une influence positive sur l’affranchissement des esclaves dans la Correspondance de Cicéron ? Cette étude évolue par thème, passant des liens amicaux, matrimoniaux, sexuels aux évaluations des maîtres et des patrons sur leurs esclaves et affranchis. Avant la conclusion, quelques pages seront également dévolues aux esclaves et affranchis absents de la Correspondance pour expliquer cette absence et les situer dans le contexte de la fin de la République romaine. L’étude des liens sociaux liant les dépendants aux maîtres, patrons et ingénus, dans une approche soulignant les liens amicaux, affectifs, maritaux et sexuels plutôt que les liens sociaux purement juridiques, a permis de prouver l’existence assez fréquente de liens amicaux et affectifs entre les dépendants (esclaves et affranchis) et les maîtres, les patrons et les ingénus dans la Correspondance. L’étude de la Correspondance démontre également que ses liens amicaux et affectifs étaient plus nombreux et plus soutenus entre affranchis et ingénus qu’entre ingénus et esclave, mettant en lumière l’importance des liens d’amitié et d’affection dans le processus d’affranchissement de certains esclaves. / This paper will answer these questions: What were the social relationships between Roman masters/ingenui and slaves/freedmen? Were these relationships more often between ingenui and freedmen than ingenui and slaves? Did these relationships influence positively the slaves’ manumission in Cicero’s Letters? This paper will index and analyse the social relationships between ingenui and slaves/freedmen in the Letters. By social relationships, are meant friendships, marriage ties, sexual relations, masters’ and patrons’ estimation of their slaves/freedmen behaviours. Some pages will be devoted to the slaves and freedmen not mentioned in the Letters to explain this absence in the context of Rome in the last century BC. The study of social relationships between slaves/freedmen and masters, patrons and ingenui, in a social approach rather than a purely legal one, permitted the conclusion that friendships and affection often existed between slaves/freedmen and their masters/patrons or other ingenui of the Letters. In addition, this study proves that friendships and affectionate ties were more numerous and lasting between ingenui and freedmen than between ingenui and slaves. Accordingly, I defend the importance of friendships and affections ties in the manumission’s strategies of certain slaves.

Big data : a new alternative approach to sampling in the digital age

Yearwood, Maurice January 2018 (has links)
Survey research plays a significant role in the way psychologists investigate key relationships which impact human behaviours—and which inform us about undercurrents of a population. Samples are generally taken with the primary function of being able to make inferences which can be generalised to the target population—however, historically the field has consistently relied on small and niche datasets which are not truly representative of the general population. As a consequence, there is an abundance of published research which lacks ecological validity. The alternative approach is to collect larger amounts of data—this approach is extremely costly and in most instances impractical for the researcher. I have termed this conundrum, the cost-insight trade-off, which has traditionally exasperated psychologists. To address this dilemma, I conducted three studies using two alternative methods. Study 1 investigated the relationship between social status and international friendships at a micro and macro level. The building social status hypothesis states that higher social status individuals would reach out more to people and have more international friendships than their poorer counterparts. In contrast, the restrictive social status hypothesis states the higher social status individuals would be reclusive and have fewer international friendships than their poorer counterparts. Findings at both the micro (N = 857; U.S. participants) and macro levels (approximately 50 billion friendships across 187 countries) were in alignment with the restrictive social status hypothesis. Investigating this relationship at this large a scope would not have been possible without utilising Facebook Data—furthermore, for most research projects collecting data at this scale is both too costly and impractical. Study 2 aims to address the limitation of study 1. In this light, a new alternative method, the Survey Forecasting Method, is introduced and used to demonstrate creative capability of combining the latest technology, machine learning techniques and big data (i.e. Twitter). The findings were proof positive that a data collection of only 1,000 participants (at minimum) can be transformed into the power of having a dataset of several hundred thousand participants. In other words, the findings suggest that it is possible to efficiently and effectively forecast scores for potentially millions of people, without them having to complete a single survey. This is a significant step towards developing an alternative survey method; however, the method has only been applied to the Big Five & NEO-IPIP personality traits. Study 3 provides further evidence for the Survey Forecasting Method as a viable alternative to traditional sampling methods. The study examined the relationship between entrepreneurs’ self-efficacy, fear of failure, and well-being at two levels: (a) self-report and forecasted individual level, and (b) forecasted state level (across all 50 U.S. states). Findings show there are differences between each level which provides insights into effects and potential mechanisms which would not potentially be found using traditional “silo’d” methods. The primary aim of this thesis is to provide a viable alternative method to conducting survey research—which allows the researcher to gain deeper insights into the population at less cost and time. Furthermore, this alternative method addresses poor data representativeness. Limitations are addressed and future directions to improve its capability and robustness as a viable survey research methodology are provided.

Les liens sociaux entre les dépendants et le maître/patron dans la Correspondance de Cicéron

Drouin, Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche cherche à répondre à deux questions : Quels sont les liens sociaux liant les maîtres et ingénus aux dépendants, sont-ils plus importants entre ingénus et affranchis qu’entre ingénus et esclaves? Ont-ils une influence positive sur l’affranchissement des esclaves dans la Correspondance de Cicéron ? Cette étude évolue par thème, passant des liens amicaux, matrimoniaux, sexuels aux évaluations des maîtres et des patrons sur leurs esclaves et affranchis. Avant la conclusion, quelques pages seront également dévolues aux esclaves et affranchis absents de la Correspondance pour expliquer cette absence et les situer dans le contexte de la fin de la République romaine. L’étude des liens sociaux liant les dépendants aux maîtres, patrons et ingénus, dans une approche soulignant les liens amicaux, affectifs, maritaux et sexuels plutôt que les liens sociaux purement juridiques, a permis de prouver l’existence assez fréquente de liens amicaux et affectifs entre les dépendants (esclaves et affranchis) et les maîtres, les patrons et les ingénus dans la Correspondance. L’étude de la Correspondance démontre également que ses liens amicaux et affectifs étaient plus nombreux et plus soutenus entre affranchis et ingénus qu’entre ingénus et esclave, mettant en lumière l’importance des liens d’amitié et d’affection dans le processus d’affranchissement de certains esclaves. / This paper will answer these questions: What were the social relationships between Roman masters/ingenui and slaves/freedmen? Were these relationships more often between ingenui and freedmen than ingenui and slaves? Did these relationships influence positively the slaves’ manumission in Cicero’s Letters? This paper will index and analyse the social relationships between ingenui and slaves/freedmen in the Letters. By social relationships, are meant friendships, marriage ties, sexual relations, masters’ and patrons’ estimation of their slaves/freedmen behaviours. Some pages will be devoted to the slaves and freedmen not mentioned in the Letters to explain this absence in the context of Rome in the last century BC. The study of social relationships between slaves/freedmen and masters, patrons and ingenui, in a social approach rather than a purely legal one, permitted the conclusion that friendships and affection often existed between slaves/freedmen and their masters/patrons or other ingenui of the Letters. In addition, this study proves that friendships and affectionate ties were more numerous and lasting between ingenui and freedmen than between ingenui and slaves. Accordingly, I defend the importance of friendships and affections ties in the manumission’s strategies of certain slaves.

Ladies Bar / Ladies Bar

Bonifacio Huaman , Anyela Liz, Espinoza Arechi, Yesabela Rubi, Flores Chavez, Daniel Alfredo, Guerra Zegarra, Melisa Esther, Meza Coronado, Aida Yanina 11 July 2020 (has links)
Las acciones de entretenimiento que ahora existen en Lima como paseo a los Karaokes, bares temáticos para hombres y mujeres, lugares donde ofrecen espectáculos exclusivos para despedidas de solteras han pasado a la lista de lugares frecuentes. Por ello, se eligió Inferno Bar porque consideramos que es un proyecto innovador, actualmente en el Perú no contamos con un bar para mujeres; acompañados de los mejores tragos moleculares y piqueos para complementar la experiencia. Su centro de diversión Inferno Bar estará localizado en el distrito de Miraflores ha instalado un ambiente atractivo y novedoso. El publico objetivo de este negocio va dirigido a mujeres de los segmentos B y C. Las clientas serán atendidas por mozos atractivos y con el torso descubierto, estos jóvenes harán una demostración de coreografías. Los probables clientes pertenecen a los sectores de la zona 7 de Lima. Se ofrece un servicio formal y competente, ofreciendo al cliente la información necesaria para que disfrute de momentos inolvidables, realicen sus solicitudes y reservas. Nosotros ofrecemos como ventaja competitiva un ambiente atractivo y novedoso donde puedan disfrutar y compartir momentos agradables junto a amistades. La excelencia competitiva esta en el agrado del servicio, espacios cómodos y productos innovadores, los mismos que son de calidad. Se requiere una inversión de S/. 166.864.00. Es un plan productivo e interesante a inversionistas. El plan tiene un planteamiento de valía consistente con servicios y productos distintivos, alta productividad y un equipo comprometido que cierran el atado ideal. / The entertainment actions that now exist in Lima such as a walk to the Karaokes, themed bars for men and women, places where they offer exclusive shows for bachelorette parties have moved to the list of frequent places. For this reason, Inferno Bar was chosen because we consider it to be an innovative project, currently in Peru we do not have a bar for women; accompanied by the best molecular drinks and snacks to complement the experience. Inferno Bar amusement center will be located in the Miraflores district and has installed an attractive and novel environment. The target audience of this business is aimed at women from segments B and C. The clients will be attended by attractive and bare-chested young men, these young people will perform a choreography demonstration. The probable clients belong to the sectors of zone 7 of Lima. A formal and competent service is offered, offering the client the necessary information to enjoy unforgettable moments, make your requests and reservations. We offer as a competitive advantage an attractive and innovative environment where you can enjoy and share pleasant moments with friends. Competitive excellence is in the pleasure of the service, comfortable spaces and innovative products, the same that are of quality. An investment of S /. 166.864.00. It is a productive and interesting plan for investors. The plan has a consistent value approach with distinctive services and products, high productivity and a committed team that complete the ideal bundle. / Trabajo de investigación

Identity, Networks, and Mental Health: The Relationship between Structures and Meaning on Distress and Subjective Wellbeing

Markowski, Kelly Lorraine 25 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Lek i förskolebuss. : Barns kreativa lösningar på att leka i begränsade utrymmen. / Playing on the mobil preschool bus. : Children’s creative solutions for playing in confined spaces.

Duán, Katarina January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att ta reda på om barns lekar påverkas om lekutrymmet är begränsat. Jag blev nyfiken på den här frågan eftersom den förskola som jag arbetar på har haft tillgång till en förskolebuss i cirka två år nu. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar så använde jag mig av kvalitativa observationer på den förskolebuss som jag arbetar på. De frågeställningar som genomsyrar arbetet är. Hur påverkas barns lek när lekutrymmet är begränsat? Hur påverkar barnens kamratrelationer när lekutrymmet är begränsat och vilka konsekvenser får det för leken? Hur påverkas valet av material när lekutrymmet är begränsat och vilka konsekvenser får det för leken? Det resultatet som visades i studien var att barnen blir påverkade av att utrymmet är begränsat. Men eftersom barnen är väldigt kreativa så hittar dem på egna lösningar som gör att de kan leka i begränsade utrymmena. Barnen ligger i mittgången på förskolebussen med huvudet och händerna inne i kojan eller så står de i en soffa och leker för de har kommit underfund med att det blir mer plats att leka på. När det gäller kamratrelationer så kan man se att barnen upptäcker andra kompisar att leka med på förskolebussen än vad de brukar göra på förskolan. / The purpose of this study was to find out if children`s play is affected if the spece play is limited. I was curious about this question since the preschool I work at now has had access to a preschool bus for about two years. To answer my questions I used qualitative observations on the preschool bus. The questions that permeate th work are: How are the children play affected when the play spac is limited? How is children affected when space of play is limited and what consequences does it have for the play? how is the choice of material positively affected when the space of play is limited and what are consequences to the play? The results shown in the study are that the children are affected if the space for play is limited. But since children are very creative, they come up with own solutions that make it possible to play in the limited space. The children lie on the center aisle of the preschool bus with their heads and hands inside the hut or they stand on one sofa and play because they found out that it creates more space for play. When it comes to friendships you can see that the children discover other friends to play with at the preschool bus than they usually do at the actual preschool.

Host-National Student Engagement with International Friendships

Krista Ann Robbins (18865120) 23 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">International friendship (i.e., friendship between host-national and international students) is an important area of study for counseling psychologists. Host-national students’ engagement with international friendship is associated with cross-cultural learning, cognitive benefits, and a more nuanced understanding of race and stereotyping. Even with these benefits, international friendships appear to be infrequent. In this dissertation, I present two distinct chapters to investigate international friendship more deeply. In Chapter 1, I summarized benefits of and barriers to international friendship. Additionally, I described how relevant friendship theories have guided the current international friendship literature. I concluded Chapter 1 by identifying limitations to current research, making recommendations for future research, and offering implications for counseling psychologists. In Chapter 2, I performed a latent profile analysis to identify three profiles of host-national students based on their attitudes, behaviors, and demographic factors. I used these profiles to analyze how international friendship engagement varies by their profile group membership. I then contextualized these profiles in research and theory and identified limitations to the current study.</p>

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