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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construction de l’espace religieux dans les diocèses de Rennes, Dol et Alet/Saint-Malo : Approches historique et archéologique de la formation des territoires ecclésiastiques (diocèse, paroisse et cadres intermédiaires) entre le Ve et le XIIIe siècle / Construction of religious space in Rennes, Dol and Alet/Saint-Malo : historical and archaeological approaches of the formation of ecclesiastical territories (diocese, parish and middle frameworks) between the fifth and thirteenth century

Lunven, Anne 18 June 2012 (has links)
La recherche proposée envisage les modalités de formation des territoires ecclésiastiques entre le Ve et le XIIIe siècledans les diocèses de Rennes, Dol et Alet/Saint-Malo. Le choix centré sur trois diocèses de haute Bretagne se justifie enraison de leur localisation à la rencontre de deux systèmes théorisés d’organisation ecclésiastique entre, d’une part, l’évêché de Rennes de tradition gallo-franque et, d’autre part, les évêchés d’Alet/Saint-Malo et de Dol, lesquels auraient évolué sous l’influence de l’Église dite « celtique » jusqu’au IXe siècle, dans le cadre de l’émigration bretonne à l’ouest de la Vilaine. Dans le premier modèle, les structures ecclésiastiques hériteraient des circonscriptions civiles antiques, tandis que dans l’espace breton, l’Église se définirait davantage en termes communautaires que territoriaux. En se fondant sur les données textuelles et l’archéologie, en particulier des sites funéraires et du bâti religieux, l’objet de l’étude est de montrer que l’Église n’a pas toujours entretenu le même rapport à l’espace, tant en zone bretonne que franque. Ce futseulement au tournant des XIe-XIIe siècles, dans le contexte de la Réforme grégorienne, que l’Église s’imposa comme une institution très temporelle, ayant vocation à prendre en charge le siècle. La création des paroisses, du diocèse et des cadres intermédiaires (archidiaconés et doyennés) s’inscrit alors dans une dynamique unitaire : celle de l’affirmation de l’évêque comme pouvoir autonome, qui, en tant que seul dispensateur du sacré sur terre, exerçait une autorité spirituelle supérieure sur les églises et les clercs relevant de sa juridiction / Our work aimed to understand the formation of ecclesiastical territories of Rennes, Dol and Alet/Saint-Malo dioceses between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. Our focus on these three dioceses of Haute Bretagne is justified by thecrossroads between two theorised systems of ecclesiastical organisation. On the one hand, the Episcopal see of Rennes originated from gallo-frankish tradition and, on the other hand, Episcopal sees of Alet/Saint-Malo and Dol which evolved until ninth century due to the Celtic Church, in the framework of Breton emigration west of the Vilaine. In the first model, ecclesiastical structures were inherited from antique civil districts, contrary to the second model where the Church wasestablished following criteria that were more based on community than territory. Based on textual analysis and archaeology, especially from funeral sites and religious buildings, we intend to show that Church, in the Breton zone as in the Frankish zone, did not always have the same relationship to space. It was only between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, in the context of Gregorian Reform that Church emerged as a temporal institution, dedicated to taking charge of population. The creation of parishes, diocese, archdeaconries and deaneries followed the same dynamics: the affirmation of bishop as an autonomous power, who, as holder of sacredness, have exerted a spiritual authority beyond that exerted by churches or clerics dependents on his jurisdiction

La céramique funéraire de l'époque méroïtique : recherches à partir de deux sites de Moyenne Nubie (Saï et Sedeinga) / Non communiqué

David, Romain 18 October 2012 (has links)
Cette étude propose une synthèse sur les céramiques funéraires de l'époque méroïtique, à travers des recherches réalisées sur du matériel mis au jour dans deux nécropoles de Moyenne Nubie : Saï et Sedeinga. Un catalogue réunissant les typologies de ces deux sites sert de base à l'élaboration d'une typo-chronologie valable pour l'ensemble de la Nubie et, dans une moindre mesure, à l'échelle du royaume méroïtique. La datation de chaque type morphologique permet de fixer des jalons chronologiques sûrs, pour une période où les données font défaut lorsqu'il s'agit d'établir avec précision la succession des événements. Un examen des techniques employées pour le façonnage et la décoration des vaisselles, ainsi qu'une analyse de la diffusion des céramiques à l'intérieur du territoire méroïtique, apportent de nombreux éléments de compréhension au sujet des ateliers, de l'organisation de la production et de la spécialisation des potiers à la période méroïtique. L'évolution des formes et des décors des poteries est aussi regardée dans une perspective historique : les transformations recensées sont le fait de contacts avec l'Égypte hellénistique et romaine, ayant conduit à des échanges de savoir-faire. Aussi, les variations observées témoignent de politiques menées, notamment d'un retour à un archaïsme également perceptible dans l'architecture religieuse, et mettent en lumière les flux économiques animant le royaume méroïtique. Enfin, la céramique, replacée dans un contexte funéraire, contribue à réviser les pratiques et les rites exécutés lors des funérailles. / This study proposes a synthesis on funerary ceramics of the Meroitic period through searches performed on the material unearthed within two necropolis of Middle Nubia: Sai and Sedeinga. A catalog merging the typologies of these two sites serves as a basis for developing a typo-chronology valid for the whole Nubia, and to a lesser extent, for the Meroitic kingdom. The dating of each morphological type allows secure chronological marker in a period for which data are lacking to ascertain the precise sequence of events. A review of techniques used for shaping and decorating ceramics, and the analysis of their distribution within the Meroitic territory, provide many elements of understanding about the workshops, the organization of production and potters' specialization during the Meroitic period. Evolution of potteries' shapes and decoration is also viewed in historical perspective: changes identified are the result of contact with the Hellenistic and Roman Egypt that led to exchanges of know-how. Thus, the observed changes reflect policies, including a return to an archaism also reflected in religious architecture, and economic flows leading the Meroitic kingdom. Finally, the ceramic is placed in a funerary context and helps to review the practices and rituals performed during the funeral.

Peuplement holocène du bas Mertoutek, zone centrale de la chaîneTéfedest, Massif de l'Ahaggar (Algérie) / Holocene settlement of Lower Mertoutek, central area of the Tefedest chain, Massif of Ahaggar (Algeria)

Iddir, Smaïl 03 July 2013 (has links)
Le présent travail s’articule autour de plusieurs thèmes. Il s’agit de l’étude archéologique de la région du Bas Mertoutek dans la Téfedest. Cette recherche s’intéresse à tous les documents archéologiques présents sur le terrain. L’analyse des sites d’habitat néolithiques et l’étude des vestiges récoltés lors des fouilles, ont permis de les situer parmi les cultures néolithiques de l’Ahaggar et du Sahara central. De même, l’étude des monuments funéraires, l’analyse de leur distribution géographique ainsi que la fouille de certaines formes architecturales, ont conduit à affiner nos connaissances sur ces monuments et à comprendre les différents rites funéraires et les diverses positions d’inhumation. L’étude de l’art rupestre, peint et gravé, se trouvant dans ce contexte funéraire et d’habitat préhistorique, à contribué grandement à la compréhension des modalités de mise en place et d’installation de ces groupes culturels, artisans de ces industries lithiques et céramiques, des monuments funéraires et des fresques rupestres dont regorge cette région. Cette recherche a aussi contribué à mieux connaître le peuplement holocène de ces régions désertiques, ses modes de vie, son évolution et les éventuelles relations entre tous les vestiges qui ont été pris en charge dans ce travail. / The present work focuses on several themes. It is the archaeological study of the Lower Mertoutek in Tefedest. This research deals with all archaeological materials present on the ground. The analysis of Neolithic settlement sites and the study of the remains collected during the excavations allowed to situate them among the Neolithic cultures of the Ahaggar and central Sahara. Similarly, studies of monuments, the analysis of their geographical distribution and the excavation of certain architectural forms, led to refine our knowledge of these monuments and understand the various funeral rites and different burial positions. The study of rock art, painted and engraved, located in the funerary context and prehistoric settlement, has contributed greatly to the understanding of the modalities of the establishment of these cultural groups, producers of these lithic industries and pottery, funerary monuments and cave paintings abounding in the region. This research has also contributed to better understanding of the Holocene settlement of the desert regions, its lifestyle, its evolution and possible relationships between all the remains that have been taken over in this work.

Heka: magia, ideia e personificação. Uma análise conceitual de textos funerários do Egito Antigo / Heka: magic, idea and personification. A conceptual analysis of funerary texts of Ancient Egypt

Machado, Tamires 11 March 2019 (has links)
O objetivo dessa dissertação é a análise do conceito heka nos textos funerários do Egito Faraônico. Heka é a palavra em egípcio antigo para o que significamos como magia, essa mesma palavra pode aparecer dentro da literatura funerária representando a divindade da magia. Será realizada uma análise dos textos compostos por fórmulas mágicas e narrativas míticas utilizados em contextos funerários egípcios. O objetivo da análise é identificar o significado da palavra egípcia no contexto das fontes, compreendendo a extensão semântica do conceito de heka através do seu relacionamento com os mitos cosmogônicos. Deste modo, reconhecendo-a enquanto conceito que assimila atributos personificados dentro das narrativas. Esse estudo pretende, portanto, alcançar interpretações significativas sobre essas fontes e contribuir com a compreensão dos elementos simbólicos e cognoscíveis das narrativas míticas e dos textos funerários do Antigo Egito. / The objective of this dissertation is the analysis of the heka concept in the funerary texts of Pharaonic Egypt. Heka is the ancient Egyptian word for what we mean as magic, this same word may appear within funerary literature representing the divinity of magic. An analysis of the texts composed by magical formulas and mythical narratives used in Egyptian funerary contexts will be done. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the meaning of the Egyptian word in the context of the sources, understanding the semantic extension of the heka concept through its relationship with the cosmogonic myths. In this way, recognizing the term as a concept that assimilates personified attributes within the narratives. This study therefore intends to reach meaningful interpretations of these sources and contribute to the understanding of the symbolic and knowable elements of the mythical narratives and funerary texts of Ancient Egypt.

Múmias e cupins: Arqueologia funerária no Mosteiro da Luz / Mummies and termites: funerary archeology at the Mosteiro da Luz

Fuzinato, Daniela Vitorio 13 May 2014 (has links)
O Mosteiro da Luz, monumento declarado \"Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade\" pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO), tombado pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) e pelo Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico, Artístico e Arquitetônico do Estado de São Paulo (CONDEPHAAT), está localizado na cidade de São Paulo e abriga as monjas Concepcionistas da Imaculada Conceição, sendo uma ala ocupada pelo Museu de Arte Sacra. Este edifício apresenta área de cemitério em seu interior que tem grande importância histórica e arqueológica. Assim, as sepulturas, provavelmente com os corpos das monjas falecidas que viveram no Mosteiro na época da fundação, em 1774, constituem objetos de estudos científicos aprovados pelo IPHAN. Um amplo projeto arqueológico no Mosteiro da Luz foi realizado por uma equipe multidisciplinar do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Foram escavadas 6 sepulturas de parede que apresentaram 11 indivíduos do sexo feminino, pertencentes à Ordem das Concepcionistas, com idades variadas, de origem caucasiana, falecidas entre os anos de 1774 e 1822. Dois dos indivíduos estavam mumificados, outros parcialmente mumificados e degradados com cupim e outros esqueletizados com bioturbação por cupim. Além desses resultados, o trabalho demonstrou que escavações arqueológicas em áreas urbanas requerem cuidados especiais devido a problemas decorrentes desse ambiente, que afetam, sob vários aspectos, os estudos de natureza puramente técnica, de arqueologia funerária e da edificação. Desta forma, serve como exemplo e aprendizado a futuros profissionais. / The \"Mosteiro da Luz\" (Monastery of Light) is a monument declared \"Cultural Heritage of Humanity\" by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) is listed by Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) and Council for the Defense of the Historical, Artistic and Architectural state of São Paulo (CONDEPHAAT). It is located in the city of São Paulo and it houses the Conception of the Immaculate Conception nuns. A wing is occupied by the Museum of Sacred Art. This building has an interior area of cemetery that has great historical and archaeological importance. Then, the graves probably with the bodies of deceased nuns who have lived in the monastery at the time of the founding, in 1774, are objects of scientific studies approved by IPHAN. An extensive archaeological project at the Monastery of Light was conducted by a multidisciplinary from Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (MAE), University of São Paulo (USP). As results were excavated 6 graves wall that showed 11 females, belonging to the Order of the Conception, with varying ages of Caucasian origin, died between the years 1774 and 1822. Were excavated Two individuals were mummified, others partially mummified and degraded with termite and other skeletonized with bioturbation by termites. This work demonstrated that archaeological excavations in urban areas require special care due to problems arising from this environment, affecting in many ways, studies of a purely technical nature, of a funerary archeology and of edification. Thus, it serves as an example to learning for future professionals.

Les vêtements dans l'univers funéraire de l'Egypte pharaonique : recherches lexicographiques et iconographiques d'après les textes des Pyramides / Clothes in world funerary of ancient Egypt

Romion, Jennifer 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les Textes des Pyramides empruntent au répertoire de la vie quotidienne des Anciens Egyptiens bon nombre de vocables, faisant de ces objets a priori profanes des attributs divins ou encore des éléments d’un viatique funéraire accompagnant le défunt lors de son « ascension ». Le cas des artefacts textiles (vêtements et habits) est particulièrement riche.En reprenant l’identification de chaque item, d’un point de vue tant iconographique que lexicographique, et en tenant compte du contexte d’utilisation, il est possible de comprendre ce qui motiva sa présence : traditions institutionnelles héritées des premières dynasties, significations théologiques ou simples préoccupations fonctionnelles. / The Pyramid Texts borrow from the daily life of Ancient Egyptian a lot of words,making those objects a priori profane to divine attributes or components of funeraryequipment accompanying the deceased during his ascension. The case of textile artifacts(clothes and garments) is particularly affluent.By resuming the identification of each item, on a point of view so iconographical aslexicographical, and to take account of used context, it is able to understand what wasthe motivation of its : institutional lore inherited from first dynasty, theological senses orprivate functional preoccupations.

Indicadores de gênero na pré-história brasileira: contexto funerário, simbolismo e diferenciação social - O sítio arqueológico Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais / Indicators of gender in Brazilian prehistory: funerary context, symbolism and social difference. The Gentio Cave archaeological site, Unaí, Minas Gerais

Sene, Glaucia Aparecida Malerba 22 February 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo principal estudar as relações sociais e simbólicas de gênero na pré-história brasileira, com base no estudo dos rituais funerários e remanescentes ósseos humanos de populações horticultoras do noroeste de Minas Gerais, que de 1540 anos a.C. a 1540 d.C. ocuparam de forma sazonal e constante a Gruta do Gentio II para a realização de seus rituais funerários. Nosso estudo foi dividido em duas partes, com base na análise de variáveis relacionadas ao ritual funerário (tratamento dado ao corpo, posição, orientação, direção da face, características da cova, distribuição temporal e espacial, acompanhamentos funerários) e aos remanescentes ósseos e dentários propriamente ditos (sexo, idade, fraturas, doenças, linhas de Harris, facetas suplementárias da tíbia, degeneração das superfícies articulares do esqueleto axial e apendicular, além de cáries, abrasão dentária, hipoplasia, doença periodontal, cálculos, abcessos dentários e perda ante-mortem). Dentro de uma perspectiva teórico-interpretativa simbólica, com base na arqueologia de gênero, pós-processualismo e arqueologia cognitiva, e nos métodos analíticos bioarqueológicos, acreditamos que foi possível compreender parte dos papéis sociais, desempenhados principalmente por homens e mulheres, além de adolescentes e crianças, no contexto arqueológico da Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais. / The aim of this work is to investigate the social and symbolic relations of gender in Brazilian prehistory, based on the study of human funerary rituals and bone remains of horticulturist populations in the northeast of Minas Gerais state who in a seasonal and constant form, in the period 1540 BC to 1540 AC, used the caverns at Gruta do Gentio II to perform their funerary rituals. Our study is divided in two parts based on the variables related to the funerary ritual (handling, position and orientation of the corpse, direction of the face, grave characteristics, distribution in space and time, grave goods) and to the bone and teeth remains respectively (sex, age, fractures, illnesses, Harris lines, supplementary tibia facets, joint surfaces degeneration of the axial and appendicular skeleton, and also caries, dental abrasion, hypoplasia, periodontal illness, calculus, dental abscesses and ante-mortem tooth loss). In a symbolic theoretical-interpretative perspective based on the gender archaeology, postprocessualism and cognitive archaeology, as well as the bioarchaeological analytic methods, we believe that it is possible to understand part of the social roles performed mainly by men and women but also by children and teenagers in the archaeological context of Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais.

Práticas funerárias de grupos de línguas tupi-guarani: análise de contextos das regiões do Paranapanema e Alto Paraná / Funerary practices of Tupi-Guarani groups: analysis of contexts of Paranapanema and upper Paraná rivers basins

Cristante, Mariana Alves Pereira 07 December 2017 (has links)
O objetivo dessa dissertação é entender quais são e como se dão os padrões de variabilidade de contextos funerários dos grupos Guarani e Tupinambá, com foco na região da bacia dos rios Paranapanema e alto Paraná. Para tal, fizemos um levantamento bibliográfico de sítios com contextos funerários, escavados por diversos arqueólogos e arqueólogas, que se localizam nos estados de São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul e Rio de Janeiro. Desses sítios, escolhemos aqueles que possuíam mais informação e material disponível para análise como a base para nossas considerações. Analisamos material cerâmico e remanescentes humanos, e fizemos um levantamento de práticas funerárias de grupos Tupinambá e diversos grupos Guarani a partir de fontes etnohistóricas. Os dados analisados demonstram que a variabilidade das práticas funerárias desses grupos é constituída por continuidades e descontinuidades, elementos básicos que se repetem e elementos que se distinguem. Esses elementos estão presentes na cerâmica, na espacialidade funerária, e conversam com padrões de assentamento. Eles mostram como grupos Guarani e Tupinambá ocuparam áreas ao longo do Paranapanema e afluentes, formando diferentes ocupações que por vezes podem ter existido em um período próximo, no qual esses dois grupos - ou ao menos pessoas que faziam cerâmicas desses dois tipos - podem ter convivido. / The aim of this dissertation is to understand what are and how are the patterns of variability of the funerary contexts of Guarani and Tupinambá groups, focused on the region of the Paranapanema and upper Paraná rivers basins. For such purpose we had conducted an extensive literature review of sites with funerary contexts, excavated by different archaeologists, located in São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio de Janeiro states. From these sites we selected those who had more information and material available for analysis as the basis of the research. We analyzed pottery and human remains, and we consulted ethnohistorical sources about funerary practices of Tupinambá groups and several Guarani groups. The analyzed data demonstrate that the variability of the funerary practices of these groups is constituted by continuities and discontinuities, basic elements that are repeated and elements that are distinguished. These elements are present in pottery, funerary spatiality and settlement patterns. They show how Guarani and Tupinambá groups occupied areas along the Paranapanema and tributaries, forming different occupations that may have existed, in some cases, in a near period, in which these two groups - or people who produced these two different types of pottery - may have coexisted.

'Imagens' da família nos contextos funerários: o caso de Atenas no período clássico / 'Images' of the family in the funerary contexts: the Athenian case in the Classical Period

Argôlo, Paula Falcão 16 March 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como foco a investigação das formas de expressão dos grupos familiares a partir dos espaços da morte da pólis ateniense no período inscrito entre aproximadamente 430 e o final do século IV a.C. Definido em função de um conjunto de mudanças significativas no conjunto arqueológico de contexto funerário no referido intervalo, o recorte cronológico adotado segue, portanto, as pistas de fenômenos da cultura material profundamente interligados e que nos sugerem uma forma peculiar dos grupos familiares se apresentarem e serem vistos nestes espaços. De fato, o desenvolvimento progressivo de novas formas de enterrar, de estruturas tumulares tipicamente clássicas e o surgimento de uma nova série de monumentos funerários com um repertório iconográfico tão original quanto padronizado, constituíram as bases para um estudo da categoria histórica ‘família’ (para aplicarmos um termo genérico, embora desconhecido na cultura clássica helênica em questão, senão como múltiplos termos e conceituações). Partindo majoritariamente de uma documentação de natureza arqueológica, procuramos, no decorrer do trabalho, identificar os principais conceitos e valores produzidos ao longo da trajetória de uso dos espaços funerários pelas famílias e como estes significados resultantes da intervenção direta em tais espaços remetem à dinâmica de reprodução dos próprios grupos e podem ser compreendidos à luz da conjuntura histórica de Atenas do século IV, principalmente. / The research that follows is focused on the investigation of the ways in which family groups expressed themselves within the funerary contexts of the Athenian polis from about 430 to the end of the fourth century. Defined by a set of remarkable changes registered in the archaeological material precisely in this period, the chronological span adopted follows thus the hints of material culture phenomena, all of them deeply interwined, suggesting that the family groups came up with a particular way of exposing themselves to social gazes. As a matter of fact, the development of new ways of burying, the equally new typical Attic tomb structures, as well as a freshly arising series of funerary monuments with new imagery (original and standardized at the same time) set the framework for the study of the historical category so-called ‘family’ by contemporary scholarship. We have chosen a set of archaeological evidences as a starting point so that it might help us to identify the main concepts and values created and performed by the families. We are interested in clarifying how the intervention of families in these spaces can lead us to the dynamic of its own reproduction and ultimately may be articulated to the fourth-century Athens and its particular historical moment.

Buried identities : an osteological and archaeological analysis of burial variation and identity in Anglo-Saxon Norfolk

Williams-Ward, Michelle L. January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores burial practices across all three phases (early, middle and late) of the Anglo-Saxon period (c.450–1066 AD) in Norfolk and the relationship with the identity of the deceased. It is argued that despite the plethora of research that there are few studies that address all three phases and despite acknowledgement that regional variation existed, fewer do so within the context of a single locality. By looking across the whole Anglo-Saxon period, in one locality, this research identified that subtler changes in burial practices were visible. Previous research has tended to separate the cremation and inhumation rites. This research has shown that in Norfolk the use of the two rites may have been related and used to convey aspects of identity and / or social position, from a similar or opposing perspective, possibly relating to a pre-Christian belief system. This thesis stresses the importance of establishing biological identity through osteological analysis and in comparing biological identity with the funerary evidence. Burial practices were related to the biological identity of the deceased across the three periods and within the different site types, but the less common burial practices had the greatest associations with the biological identity of the deceased, presumably to convey social role or status. Whilst the inclusion of grave-goods created the early Anglo-Saxon burial tableau, a later burial tableau was created using the grave and / or the position of the body and an increasing connection between the biological and the social identity of the deceased, noted throughout the Anglo-Saxon period in Norfolk, corresponds with the timeline of the religious transition.

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