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Performance Comparison of Harmonically Tuned Power Amplifiers at 28 GHz in SiGe BiCMOSPhan, Diem Thanh 07 March 2017 (has links)
As the demand for wireless electronics is increasing, more and more gadgets are connected wirelessly and devices are being improved constantly. The need of the new research and development for advance electronics with high performances is the priority. The data transfer rates are improved for faster communication and better efficiency is to reduce the battery consumption in handheld devices.
This thesis presents three single-stage power amplifiers (PAs): class-AB, class-F and inverse class-F (class-F-1) at 28 GHz. The PAs have identical input networks: input matching, base DC feed, and base stabilizing networks. At the load side, there is a different load network for each PA. Class-AB PA load network has a single inductor with a parasitic capacitor to create a resonance at 28GHz. Class-F PA load network is composed of a parallel network (one LC tank in series with an inductor) and a series network (one 3f0-resonance LC tank in series with a capacitor) to create a multi-resonance load network. Class-F-1 load network is composed of a parallel network (two LC tank in series with an inductor) and a series network (one 2f0-resonance LC tank in series with a capacitor) to have a multi-resonance network. The main purpose of using multi-resonance load networks in class-F and class-F-1 is to shape the collector currents and voltages in order to achieve the highest efficiency possible.
The chosen bias point is VCE=2.3V and ICE~12mA. As the results, class-AB PA achieves the peak PAE of 44%, 15 dBm OP-1dB, >19 dBm Psat , and 10 dB Gp. Class-F PA achieves the peak PAE of 46%, 14.5 dBm OP-1dB, ~18 dBm Psat , and 10 dB Gp. Class-F-1 PA achieves the peak PAE of 45%, 15.1 dBm OP-1dB, >18 dBm Psat , and 10 dB Gp.. In order to compare the linearity performances among three PA classes, a two-tone signal and a modulated signal with different modulation schemes (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, and 256QAM) are applied to the PAs to produce IM3, ACPR, and EVM. After the analysis and comparison on efficiency and linearity, class-F PA gives the highest efficiency but has the worst linearity while class-AB has the best linearity but has the worst efficiency among three. Class-F-1 PA results lies in the middle of two other classes in term of efficiency and linearity. / Master of Science / As the demand for wireless electronics is increasing, more and more gadgets are connected wirelessly and devices are being improved constantly. The data transfer rates are improved for faster communication and better efficiency is to reduce the battery consumption in handheld devices.
A power amplifier is a very essential component in many microwave and millimeterwave systems. This thesis presents the designs of three different RF power amplifiers (PAs), which belongs to three different types of PAs: class-AB PA, class-F PA, and inverse class-F (class-F<sup>-1</sup>) PA. Each PA is designed to show distinct behaviors at a very high frequency around 28 GHz. Some portions of the designs are very identical among three classes. Three PAs have different circuit portions at the output side, which affect the performances of the PAs. There exists a capacitance from the transistor architecture, so called parasitic capacitance (C<sub>P</sub>). In class-AB PA output, a single inductor is used to create a resonance with C<sub>P</sub>. In class-F and class-F<sup>-1</sup> PA outputs, the combination of inductors and capacitors results in resonances at fundamental frequency (f<sub>0</sub>), second harmonic (2f<sub>0</sub>), and third harmonic (3f<sub>0</sub>) depending on the impedance requirements of each PA. The main purpose is to shape the voltage and current waveforms in order to obtain the highest performances possible.
The voltage and current supplied to the PA are chosen to achieve high power and efficiency at the output of the PAs. The most important parameters in PA design are efficiency and linearity. Efficiency is the effectiveness of the DC power conversion process from supplies into microwave power, which can be expressed as the ratio between output power and supplied DC power. Linearity is a term synonymous with fidelity in an audio amplifier. The term refers to the essential job of an amplifier to increase the power level of an input signal without otherwise altering the content of the signal. After the analysis and comparison on power efficiency and linearity, class-F PA gives the highest efficiency but has the worst linearity while class-AB has the best linearity but has the worst efficiency among three. Class-F<sup>-1</sup> PA results lies in the middle of two other classes in term of efficiency and linearity.
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Etude du mélange optoélectronique par photodiode en vue d'applications radio sur fibre à 60 GHzParesys, Flora 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de réaliser un système radio-sur-fibre bidirectionnel fonctionnant dans la bande des fréquences millimétriques autour de 60 GHz. La solution proposée est basée sur l'utilisation d'une photodiode PIN en tant que mélangeur optoélectronique. Une étude théorique associée à une caractérisation non-linéaire et large bande de la photodiode a permis de modéliser le comportement mélangeur de la photodiode. Le modèle de photodiode obtenu a ensuite été utilisé pour optimiser les performances du mélangeur optoélectronique puis du système radio-sur-fibre complet. Des mesures expérimentales ont permis de vérifier la compatibilité du système proposé avec les spécifications du standard ECMA 387 proposé pour régir la création de réseaux locaux aux fréquences de 60 GHz, pour au moins les deux premiers débits proposés (394 Mb/s et 794 Mb/s).
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Contribution au dimensionnement d'une liaison radio sur le corps humain :études canal et antenne à 60 GHzRazafimahatratra, Solofo 14 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The band around 60 GHz is interesting for BAN applications mainly for lowerinterference than at microwave frequencies, wide available band adapted to On-Off Keying(OOK) modulation for low energy consumption and low data rate communication (under10 Mbps), antenna miniaturization. Nevertheless, due to high attenuation at this frequency,the design of a reliable and energy-effective communications for BANs requires a detailedanalysis of the body channel. A planar and compact SIW horn antenna was designed and usedfor body channel measurements at 60 GHz. The main contribution in the antenna design is thebandwidth enhancement covering the whole available band around 60 GHz compared to thesame antenna type available at this frequency. The on-body measurements with this antennashow that short-distance and LOS (Line Of Sight) links are possible at 60 GHz. The bodydynamic is taken into account by statistical off-body channel measurements. For the firsttime, measurements are done for the same scenarios at 60 GHz and another frequency in theUltra WideBand suitable with OOK impulse radio modulation. By taking into accounttransmission power standards and low power consumption receivers sensitivity in theliterature, the potentiality of 60 GHz for BAN is shown with an outage probability lower than8 % whereas this parameter is lower than 15 % at 4 GHz. When characterizing antenna onbody, difficulties arise for antenna de-embedding due to the antenna-body coupling. In fact,the antenna gain depends on transmitter-receiver distance on body. For the first time, aformulation of the vertical dipole gain on body is given. Also a new theoretical approachbased on the complex images method is proposed to compare two types of canonical antennaradiating on body. A vertical dipole and different rectangular apertures are normalizedthrough their input impedance with the same accepted power. The aperture input impedanceformulation has been developed during this study. The aperture efficiencies are 10% higherwhen antennas are at a height lower than 3 mm above the body phantom. The received powerincreases with the antenna size only for phantom direct touch, the difference among antennasis lower than 4 dB for the considered antennas limited with a monomode configuration. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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[pt] Devido ao avanço e à proliferação de sistemas de comunicações wireless, como por exemplo, sistemas de Terceira Geração (3G), Wi-fi e WiMax e, também, o uso de tecnologias como o OFDM (Ortogonal Frequency Division Multiplex), as frequências de operação estão cada vez maiores, face à escassez de espectro. Nesse âmbito, é importante conhecer o comportamento do sinal rádio móvel recebido na presença do canal rádio. Considerando os fatos citados, este trabalho apresenta resultados experimentais de campanhas de medições que permitiram caracterizar o comportamento do canal de rádio-propagação em ambientes com característica suburbana e rural, a análise empírica do comportamento faixa estreita do sinal rádio móvel assim como a análise em faixa larga. As campanhas de medições foram feitas na cidade de Tanguá, BR101-Km 275, cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com um setup de Transmissão na frequência de operação de 5.765 GHz, na faixa de frequência de característica de uso livre, montado no segundo andar (Terraço) do prédio da câmara municipal da prefeitura de Tanguá, considerado um dos pontos altos da cidade. O receptor móvel foi montado dentro do laboratório móvel de telecomunicações (van de medições) com uma antena receptora sobre o teto da van. Serão apresentados, também, os métodos de medição que deverão ser adotados tanto para faixa estreita quanto para faixa larga, a fim de se conseguir dados para realizar uma análise mais completa do canal. Assim, a pesquisa estará baseada em caracterizar a cobertura dos enlaces em 5,8 GHz, obtendo a maior quantidade de informação a respeito das características do canal, incluindo as estatísticas de pequena escala e larga escala, os modelos que melhor se ajustam ao canal, e os parâmetros de dispersão. / [en] Due to the improvements and proliferation of wireless communication systems, such as Third Generation (3G), Wi-Fi, WiMax and the use of technologies like OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) the
operation frequencies are increasing due the lack of available spectrum. In this context, it is important to understand the behavior of the radio signal received over the radio channel. Considering the facts mentioned above, this work presents experimental results of measurement campaigns, allowing the characterization of radio channel propagation behavior in environments with suburban and rural characteristics, the empirical analysis of narrow band mobile radio signal behavior and also the wideband analysis. The measurement campaigns were performed in the city of Tanguá, BR101, Km 275, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with a transmission setup operating in the frequency of 5.765 GHz, in the ISM frequency
range, assembled on the second floor (roof) of the town hall building of Tanguá, considered one of the tallest points in the city. The mobile receiver was setup inside the telecommunications mobile lab (a van used in the measurements) with a receiving antenna placed on the roof of the van. The measurement methods that must be adopted for both narrowband and broadband to obtain enough data to conduct a more comprehensive analysis of the channel are also presented. Thus, the research is based on characterizing the coverage of the 5.8 GHz links, obtaining as much information as possible about the characteristics of the channel, including small-scale and large-scale statistics, models that best fit the channel, and dispersion parameters.
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Multi-Polarized Channel CharacterizationGolmohamadi, Marcia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is becoming an important aspect of warehouse management, remote control, robotics, traffic control, supply chain management, fleet management and telemedicine. M2M is expected to become a significant portion of the Industrial Internet and, more broadly, the Internet of Things (IoT). The environments in which M2M systems are expected to operate may be challenging in terms of radio wave propagation due to their cluttered, multipath nature, which can cause deep signal fades and signal depolarization. Polarization diversity in two dimensions is a well-known technique to mitigate such fades. But in the presence of reflectors and retarders where multipath components arrive from any direction, we find the detrimental effects to be three-dimensional and thus consider herein mitigation approaches that are also 3D. The objectives of this dissertation are three. First, to provide a theoretical framework for depolarization in three dimensions. Second, to prepare a tripolar antenna design that meets cost, power consumption, and simplicity requirements of M2M applications and that can mitigate the expected channel effects. Finally, to develop new channel models in three dimensional space for wireless systems.
Accordingly, this dissertation presents a complete description of 3D electromagnetic fields, in terms of their polarization characteristics and confirms the advantage of employing tripolar antennas in multipath conditions. Furthermore, the experimental results illustrate that highly variable depolarization occurs across all three spatial dimensions and is dependent on small changes in frequency and space. Motivated by these empirical results, we worked with a collaborating institution to develop a three-dimensional tripolar antenna that can be integrated with a commercially available wireless sensor. This dissertation presents the testing results that show that this design significantly improves channels over traditional 2D approaches. The implications of tripolar antenna integration on M2M systems include reduction in energy use, longer wireless communication link distances, and/or greater link reliability. Similar results are shown for a planar antenna design that enables four different polarization configurations. Finally, the work presents a novel three-dimensional geometry-based stochastic channel model that builds the channel as a sum of shell-like sub-regions, where each sub-region consists of groups of multipath components. The model is validated with empirical data to show the approach may be used for system analyses in indoor environments.
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Characterization of a 5GHz Modular Radio Frontend for WLAN Based on IEEE 802.11pAbbasi, Mahdi January 2008 (has links)
<p>The number of vehicles has increased significantly in recent years, which causeshigh density in traffic and further problems like accidents and road congestions.A solution regarding to this problem is vehicle-to-vehicle communication, wherevehicles are able to communicate with their neighboring vehicles even in the absenceof a central base station, to provide safer and more efficient roads and toincrease passenger safety.The goal of this thesis is to investigate basic physical layer parameters of ainter-vehicle communication system, like emission power, spectral emission, errorvector magnitude, guard interval, ramp-up/down time, and third order interceptpoint. I also studied the intelligent transportation system’s channel layout inEurope, how the interference of other systems are working in co-channel and adjacentchannels, and some proposals to use the allocated frequency bands. On theother hand, the fundamentals of OFDM transmission and definitions of OFDMkey parameters in IEEE 802.11p are investigated.The focus of this work is on the measurement of transmitter frontend parametersof a new testbed designed and fabricated in order to be used at inter-vehiclecommunication based on IEEE 802.11p.</p> / Road safety applications, Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication
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Low-power, high-efficiency, and high-linearity CMOS millimeter-wave circuits and transceivers for wireless communicationsJuntunen, Eric A. 26 April 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents the design and implementation of circuits and transceivers in CMOS technology to enable many new millimeter-wave applications. A simple approach is presented for accurately modeling the millimeter-wave characteristics of transistors that are not fully captured by contemporary parasitic extraction techniques. Next, the integration of a low-power 60-GHz CMOS on-off keying (OOK) receiver in 90-nm CMOS for use in multi-gigabit per second wireless communications is demonstrated. The use of non-coherent OOK demodulation by a novel demodulator enabled a data throughput of 3.5 Gbps and resulted in the lowest power budget (31pJ/bit) for integrated 60-GHz CMOS OOK receivers at the time of publication. Also presented is the design of a high-power, high-efficiency 45-GHz VCO in 45-nm SOI CMOS. The design is a class-E power amplifier placed in a positive feedback configuration. This circuit achieves the highest reported output power (8.2 dBm) and efficiency (15.64%) to date for monolithic silicon-based millimeter-wave VCOs. Results are provided for the standalone VCO as well as after packaging in a liquid crystal polymer (LCP) substrate. In addition, a high-power high-efficiency (5.2 dBm/6.1%) injection locked oscillator is presented. Finally, the design of a 2-channel 45-GHz vector modulator in 45-nm SOI CMOS for LINC transmitters is presented. A zero-power passive IQ generation network and a low-power Gilbert cell modulator are used to enable continuous 360° vector generation. The IC is packaged with a Wilkinson power combiner on LCP and driven by external DACs to demonstrate the first ever 16-QAM generated by outphasing modulation in CMOS in the Q-band.
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Characterization of a 5GHz Modular Radio Frontend for WLAN Based on IEEE 802.11pAbbasi, Mahdi January 2008 (has links)
The number of vehicles has increased significantly in recent years, which causeshigh density in traffic and further problems like accidents and road congestions.A solution regarding to this problem is vehicle-to-vehicle communication, wherevehicles are able to communicate with their neighboring vehicles even in the absenceof a central base station, to provide safer and more efficient roads and toincrease passenger safety.The goal of this thesis is to investigate basic physical layer parameters of ainter-vehicle communication system, like emission power, spectral emission, errorvector magnitude, guard interval, ramp-up/down time, and third order interceptpoint. I also studied the intelligent transportation system’s channel layout inEurope, how the interference of other systems are working in co-channel and adjacentchannels, and some proposals to use the allocated frequency bands. On theother hand, the fundamentals of OFDM transmission and definitions of OFDMkey parameters in IEEE 802.11p are investigated.The focus of this work is on the measurement of transmitter frontend parametersof a new testbed designed and fabricated in order to be used at inter-vehiclecommunication based on IEEE 802.11p. / Road safety applications, Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication
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Methods for extending high-performance automated test equipment (ATE) using multi-gigahertz FPGA technologiesMajid, Ashraf Muhammad 31 March 2011 (has links)
Methods for Extending High-Performance Automated Test Equipment (ATE) using
Multi-Gigahertz FPGA Technologies
Ashraf M. Majid
264 Pages
Directed by Dr. David Keezer
This thesis presents methods for developing multi-function, multi-GHz, FPGAbased
test modules designed to enhance the performance capabilities of automated test
equipment (ATE). The methods are used to develop a design approach that utilizes a test
module structure in two blocks. A core logic block is designed using a multi-GHz FPGA
that provides control functions. Another block called the â application specificâ logic
block includes components required for specific test functions. Six test functions are
demonstrated in this research: high-speed signal multiplexing, loopback testing, jitter
injection, amplitude adjustment, and timing adjustment. Furthermore, the test module is
designed to be compatible with existing ATE infrastructure, thus retaining full ATE
capabilities for standard tests. Experimental results produced by this research provide
evidence that the methods are sufficiently capable of enhancing the multi-GHz testing
capabilities of ATE and are extendable into future ATE development. The modular
approach employed by the methods in this thesis allow for flexibility and future
upgradability to even higher frequencies. Therefore the contributions made in this thesis
have the potential to be used into the foreseeable future for enhancements to
semiconductor test capabilities.
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Integrated antennas on organic packages and cavity filters for millimeter-wave and microwave communications systemsAmadjikpe, Arnaud Lucres 18 January 2012 (has links)
Driven by the ever growing consumer wireless electronics market and the need for higher speed communications, the 60-GHz technology gifted with an unlicensed 9 GHz frequency band in the millimeter-wave spectrum has emerged as the next-generation Wi-Fi for short-range wireless communications. High-performance, cost-effective, and small form-factor 60-GHz antenna systems for portable devices are key enablers of this technology. This work presents various antenna architectures built on low-cost organic packages. Planar end-fire switched beam antenna modules that can easily conform to various surfaces inside a wireless device platform are developed. The planar antenna package is realized on thin flexible LCP dielectrics. One design is based on a planar Yagi-Uda antenna element and the second on a tapered slot antenna element. A low-loss microstrip-to-slot via transition is designed to provide wide impedance matching for end-fire antenna paradigms. The novel transition utilizes the slow-wave concept to provide unbalanced to balanced mode conversion as well as impedance matching. It is demonstrated that the planar antenna packages may be even integrated with active circuits that are cavity recessed inside the thin dielectric. A compact switched-beam antenna module is demonstrated. The first-ever integrated mm-wave active antenna module on organic package capable of generating both broadside and end-fire radiation is also developed in this work. Both broadside and end-fire radiators are co-designed and integrated into a single multilayer package to achieve optimal directivity, efficiency and frequency bandwidth and yet maintain excellent isolation between the two radiators. Post-wall cavities, image theory and dielectric slab modes concepts are invoked to optimize these functions. Active circuitry are integrated into the same package to add control functions such as beam switching, and also amplify the packaged-antenna gain when operated either as a transmitter or a receiver. A significant challenge in the design of antenna systems for wireless platforms is the assessment of embedded antenna performance, that is, the proximity effects of the platform chassis on the embedded antenna. Various antennas are mounted at different locations inside a laptop computer chassis: modeling and experimental studies are carried out to characterize this problem that is apparent to an antenna behind a radome.
Air traffic control radars usually require cavity filters that can handle high power and low in-band insertion loss while providing enough out-band rejection to prevent interference with neighboring channels. Such radars that operate in the S-band consist of filter banks frequency micro electromechanical systems (RF-MEMS) switches. Evanescent-mode mode cavity resonators are loaded with RF-MEMS tuning capacitance networks to control the resonant frequency of a second-order bandpass filter. The second part is the design of a novel cavity filter architecture for enhanced selectivity near the passband. It is a second-order folded cavity resonator bandpass filter with magnetic source-load cross coupling. This filter can have at least two finite transmission zeros near the passband.
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