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Spatial Accuracy in Orthophoto produced using UAV Photographic Images / Lägesnoggrannhet i ortofoton framställda med UAV-fotonStensson, Lily January 2016 (has links)
The popularity of using UAV in image-taking for the production of 3D models and orthophotos has increased over time. Karlskoga Municipality has recently acquired an UAV to produce their own 3D models and orthophotos. This project paper aims to study the geospatial accuracy of the orthophotos and DEM files produced using the images taken with their UAV. The flight takes only a few minutes but a considerable time is spent in the production processes. Difficulty is experienced in determining the right center point for most GCPs. Produced orthophotos in the software Photoscan have a resolution from 1.7 to 2.4 centimeters while DEM files have a resolution from 3.4 to 4.8 centimeters. Four orthophotos and four DEM files are produced where GCPs are used and not used and at two different flight heights, 76 and 105 meters. The spatial data of the ten GCPs are identified on the orthophotos and DEM files in ArcMap and compared with GNSS NRTK measurements and Lantmäteriet's data. A visual control in terms of completeness of data, alignment, residual tilt and scale is also done. Standard deviations in plane for orthophotos there GCPs are not used are greater than 2 meters, while there GCPs are used are around 0.7 meters. Standard deviations for DEM files are observed at 0.8 meters.
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Individrelaterade utmaningar i globala systemutvecklingsprojektRakocevic, Andrej, Autieri, Pourja January 2015 (has links)
Global systemutveckling (GSD) är en ökande trend inom systemutvecklingsbranschenoch möjliggör för verksamheter att reducera utvecklingskostnaderna, få tillgång tillexpertis till lägre kostnader samt öka flexibilitet och effektivitet genom att konstantbedriva systemutveckling över olika tidszoner. Global mjukvaruutveckling ikombination med agila metodologier visar sig bli allt vanligare då framgångsrika agilaprojekt kan producera programvara av högre kvalitet som bättre uppfylleranvändarnas behov. Tidigare forskning konstaterar dock att utmaningar ochkomplikationer kan uppstå i globala mjukvaruutvecklingsmiljöer ur perspektivet avindivider som arbetar i geografiskt separerade projektgrupper. Syftet med dennastudie har varit att undersöka vilka problem och utmaningar som individer upplever iglobala mjukvaruutvecklingsmiljöer där den agila metodologin Scrum tillämpas.Problemen och utmaningarna som i denna studie undersökts relaterar till följandehuvudområden: kommunikation, språkliga och kulturella skillnader,gruppsammanhållning och laganda samt kunskapshantering. Studien syftar även tillatt redogöra för hur de uppkomna utmaningarna förslagsvis kan hanteras. Enundersökning har genomförts på ett mjukvaruutvecklingsföretag i Växjö som verkarinom ekonomitjänstebranschen. En kvalitativ undersökningsmetodik i form avsemistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med arbetstagare som arbetar i ettmjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt som bedrivs globalt.Slutsatserna som dras av studien är att individer som arbetar inom globalamjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt ställs inför flera utmaningar. Kommunikationsrelateradesvårigheter upplevs bl.a. på grund av bristen på informell kommunikation vilketresulterar i misskommunikation, missförstånd och långa svarstider. För en förbättradkommunikation kan kombinationen av synkrona och asynkrona verktyg användassamt skärmdelning och videosamtal. Scrum aktiviteter som daily scrums ochretrospectives kan även förbättra kommunikationen inom projektgruppen. Avseendekulturella skillnader visar studien att det upplevs svårt att definiera om utmaningarkan relateras till kulturella skillnader mellan olika länder eller om det avser skillnaderi organisationskulturer. Språkrelaterade skillnader visar sig upplevas som en barriäroch leder bl.a. till svårigheter att uttrycka sina idéer och tankar och att arbetetförsvåras eftersom att översättning krävs. Beträffande gruppsammanhållning upplevsdet råda en bristande gruppsammanhållning när projektmedlemmarna är fysisktseparerade och att gruppsammanhållningen tenderar att öka inom respektive separeradgrupp snarare än projektgruppen som helhet. Den geografiska spridningen påverkaräven tilliten inom projektgruppen. För ökad gruppsammanhållning och tillit ärinformella sammanträffar en nyckelfaktor. Medlare ses även som en nyckelfigur föratt länka samman teammedlemmarna i de fysiskt separerade grupperna. Avseendekunskapshantering upplevs den geografiska spridningen inom projektgruppen som enmöjlighet att dra nytta av varandras olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter för att på så sättöka kunskapen inom hela projektgruppen. Utmaningar som relaterar tillkunskapshantering är att samma misstag kan begås flera gånger inom projektet p.g.a.en avsaknad av informellt kunskapsutbyte. För förbättrad kunskapshantering inomprojektgruppen ges förslag på användning av t.ex. code reviews, checklistor ochkunskapstävlingar för främjandet av kunskapshantering inom projektgruppen / Global software development (GSD) is a growing trend within the software industryand enables companies to reduce development costs, get access to expertise to lowercosts and increase flexibility and efficiency by constantly conducting softwaredevelopment across different time zones. Global software development combinedwith agile methodologies proves to be more common as successful agile projects canproduce software of higher quality that better meet user needs. Previous researchconcludes however that challenges and complications can arise in GSD environmentsfrom the perspective of the individuals working in geographically separated projectteams. The purpose of this study was to examine the problems and challenges thatindividuals experience in GSD environments where the agile Scrum methodology isapplied. The problems and challenges that have been examined relate to the followingareas: communication, language and cultural differences, group cohesion and teamspirit and knowledge management. The study also aims to explain and exemplify howthe challenges can be mitigated. A study has been conducted at a softwaredevelopment company in Växjö operating in the finance service industry. Aqualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews was conductedwith employees working in a global software development project.The conclusions drawn from the study are that individuals working within GSDprojects face several challenges. Communication related difficulties are experiencedpartly due to of the lack of informal communication, which results in failedcommunication, misunderstandings and long response times. In order to improve thecommunication, a combination of synchronous and asynchronous tools can be used aswell as screen sharing and video calls. Scrum activities such as daily scrums andretrospectives can also improve the communication within the project team.Regarding cultural differences, the study shows that it’s difficult to distinguishwhether challenges are related to cultural differences between the countries, orwhether it relates to differences in organizational cultures. The language-relateddifferences prove to be perceived as a barrier and lead to difficulties for individuals toexpress their ideas and thoughts, as well as understanding other individuals. Thelanguage differences also hamper the work because translation is required. Challengesrelated to group cohesion include that individual’s experience a lack of groupcohesion when project members are physically separated and that the group cohesiontends to increase in each separated group instead of the project team as a whole. Thegeographic dispersion also affects the trust within the project team. In order improvegroup cohesion and trust within the team informal gatherings are a key factor.Mediators are also seen as a key figure for linking the team members in physicallyseparated groups. Knowledge management is seen as an opportunity to benefit fromeach other's different backgrounds and experiences to increase the knowledge withinthe entire team. Challenges related to knowledge management are that the samemistakes can be committed several times in the project due to a lack of informalknowledge exchange. In order to improve knowledge management within the project,suggestions are given such as the use of code reviews, checklists and to organizeknowledge competitions to promote knowledge sharing within the project team.
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Scrum in Global Software Development : An Ethnographic Case Study of Scrum's Mitigation Effects on Global Software Development ChallengesEmbretsen, Daniel, Hyder, Labib January 2017 (has links)
The increasing technological advancement and globalization has seen a rise in offshoring of IT-development, also known as Global Software Development (GSD). One of the most common countries for offshoring has been India with its increasingly competent population.The use of GSD to leverage highly skilled and low-cost labor also creates challenges in three main categories; Coordination, Control and Communication. These challenges arise due to socio-cul-tural, geographical and temporal distances.The use of the Scrum development framework is claimed by scholars to mitigate these issues. This study is grounded on Hossain, Bannerman & Jeffery’s (2011) research framework, which summa-rizes the current body of literature on Scrum’s mitigating effect on commonly occurring challenges in a GSD environment. Due to the scarcity of empirical data on the research framework, the authors of this thesis conducted an ethnographical study on location in India at Indpro, a company founded in Sweden and studied two projects. The purpose of this study is to both evaluate and provide suggestions for expansion of the Hossain et al. (2011) framework with ethnographically collected empirical support, which prior to this was primarily based on experience reports. This study also aims to identify GSD challenges and mitigation strategies that occur in the setting of an experi-enced organization conversant with Scrum methodology in a GSD context.The purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased empirical understanding of how Scrum is being used in a GSD environment, what challenges are prevalent in a distributed GSD environ-ment and how those challenges might be addressed or mitigated. In this study, parts of Hossain et al. (2011) framework are evaluated and suggestions for expanding it through mitigation strategies such as Planning, high quality ICT-Mediate Synchronous and asynchronous communication are specified. Implications for practitioners include the proposal to follow Scrum Practices more me-ticulously to receive all of Scrums inherent mitigating effects.
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Méthodes de propagation d'interfaces / Front propagation methodsLe Guilcher, Arnaud 16 June 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la résolution de problèmes faisant intervenir des mouvements d'interfaces. Dans les différentes parties de cette thèse, on cherche à déterminer ces mouvements d'interfaces en résolvant des modèles approchés consistant en des équations ou des systèmes d'équations sur des champs. Les problèmes obtenus sont des équations paraboliques et des systèmes hyperboliques. Dans la première partie (chapitre 2), on étudie un modèle simplifié pour la propagation d'une onde de souffle en dynamique des fluides compressibles. Ce modèle peut s'écrire sous la forme d'un système hyperbolique, et on construit un algorithme résolvant numériquement ce système par une méthode de type Fast-Marching. On mène également une étude théorique de ce système pour déterminer des solutions de référence et tester la validité de l'algorithme. Dans la deuxième partie (chapitres 3 à 5), les équations approchées sont de type parabolique, et on cherche à montrer l'existence de solutions de type régime permanent à ces équations. Dans les chapitres 3 et 4, on étudie une équation générique en une dimension associée à des phénomènes de réaction-diffusion. Dans le chapitre 3, on montre l'existence de solutions quasi-planes pour un terme de réaction (terme non-linéaire) assez général, et dans le chapitre 4 on utilise ces résultats pour montrer l'existence d'ondes pulsatoires progressives dans le cas spécifique d'une non-linéarité bistable. Le modèle étudié dans le chapitre 5 est un modèle de champ de phase approchant un modèle de dynamique des dislocations dans un cristal, dans un domaine correspondant physiquement à une source de Frank-Read / This work is about the resolution of problems associated with the motion of interfaces. In each part of this thesis, the goal is to determine the motion of interfaces by the use of approached models consisting of equations or systems of equation on fields. The problems we get are parabolic equations and hyperbolic systems. In the first part (Chapter 2), we study a simplified model for the propagation of a shock wave in compressible fluid dynamics. This model can be written as a hyperbolic system, and we construct an algorithm to solve it numerically by a Fast-Marching like method. We also conduct a theoretical study of this system to determine reference solutions and test the algorithm. In the second part (Chapters 3 to 5), the approached models yield parabolic equations, and our goal is to show the existence of permanent regime solutions for these equations. Chapter 3 and 4 are dedicated to the study of a generic one-dimensional equation modelling reaction-diffusion phenomena. In Chapter 3, we show the existence of plane-like solutions for a general reaction term, and in Chapter 4 we use this result to show the existence of pulsating travelling waves in the specific case of a bistable nonlinearity. In Chapter 5, we study a phase-field model approaching a model for the dynamics of dislocations in a crystal, in a domain corresponding to a Frank-Read source
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Hona eller hane? En inblick i olika könsbestämningssystem hos vertebrater : Samt hur det kan tillämpas i biologiundervisningen på gymnasiet / Female or male? An insight into different sex determination systems in vertebrates : And how it can be applied in biology education in high schoolKristensson, Erica, Youssif, Makarios January 2023 (has links)
Könsbestämning hos vertebrater är ett komplext område som har intresserat forskare under en lång tid, trots detta är det i dagens forskningsläge inte helt självklart vad det är som avgör kön. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att identifiera och sammanställa kunskap om avgörande könsbestämningsmekanismer utifrån det aktuella forskningsläget. I samband med detta kommer arbetet undersöka hur exempel från könsbestämningssystem hos vertebrater kan användas och tillämpas i biologiundervisning på gymnasiet. Arbetet kom fram till att det är flera gener och proteiner som deltar i könsbestämningen, samt att många av dessa konserverats genom evolutionen. Dock betyder inte detta att alla grupper har samma könsbestämningsmekanismer utan det fanns en stor variation mellan vertebratgrupper. Jämförelser av könsbestämningssystemen visade på nya evolutionära samband mellan genetisk och miljöbetingad könsbestämning. Avslutningsvis konstateras möjliga tillämpningar i biologiundervisningen på gymnasiet. Exempel från olika könsbestämningssystem hos vertebrater kan eventuellt användas för att ge elever nya naturvetenskapliga perspektiv på könsbestämning och utveckla biologilärarens arbete med sexualitet, samtycke och relationer. / Sex-determination in vertebrates is a complex area of research that has interested researchers for a long time, still to this day it is not entirely clear what determines sex. The purpose of this literature review is to identify and summarize knowledge about crucial sex-determining mechanisms based on the current state of research. Regarding this review it will investigate how examples from the sex determination system in vertebrates can be used and applied in biology education at high school. The work concludes that there are several genes and proteins that are a part of the sex-determination, and that many of these have been conserved during evolution. However, this does not mean that all the vertebrates have the same sex-determining systems; rather there is a large variance within the vertebrates. Comparison of the sex-determining systems revealed new evolutionary relationships between the genetical- and the environmental sex-determining system. Finally, possible applications in biology education in high school were discussed. Examples from different sex-determining systems in vertebrates could potentially be used to provide students a new scientific perspective of sex-determination and develop the teacher’s work with sexuality, consent and relationships.
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Requirements Change Management in GlobalSoftware Development: A Case Study inPakistanHussain, Waqar January 2010 (has links)
<p>Global software development has been a phenomenon of growing interest for almost past decade or so; and its adoption trend continues to gain momentum. Globally distributed work istaken up as an alternative to single-site mainly because of the economic and strategic benefits itoffers. Software development at geographically distributed environment is not a straightforwardtask and entails numerous challenges which are unique to this form of development.</p><p>Requirements change management is considered challenging even in the best of conditions andit becomes even harder when performed at geographically distributed development locations.There is no existing model for managing requirements change in globally distributed softwaredevelopment context.</p><p>This study uses qualitative research method to explore requirements change managementprocess and investigates the underlying causes of requirements change in geographicallydistributed software development. The research work proposes a model for requirementschange management for global software development. This model tries to incorporate the roles,activities and artifacts identified in the change management models.</p>
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Multiple Approaches to Novel GSD Ia TherapiesLandau, Dustin James January 2016 (has links)
<p>Glycogen storage disease type Ia is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in the glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) catalytic subunit, encoded in humans by G6PC. G6Pase dephosphorylates glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) in the liver to generate glucose that can be shuttled to the bloodstream to maintain normoglycemia. Patients with GSD Ia typically present at 6 months of age with sever hypoglycemia, which is lethal if untreated. The current treatment is a strict dietary regimen in which children must be fed every 2 hours overnight or given nasogastric tube feeding, and adults must consume uncooked cornstarch around the clock to maintain normal blood sugar levels. This treatment maintains survival but fails to prevent other symptoms related to metabolism of the excess G6P, and patients develop hepatic adenomas that may become hepatocellular carcinoma later in life, in addition to progressive renal complications.</p><p>To overcome the problems persisting during dietary therapy, the Koeberl lab has sought to develop gene therapy approaches that use adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors to replace the G6pase activity, restoring normoglycemia and normal metabolic processes. However, the vast majority of AAV-delivered genetic material exists as episomes that do not replicate as cells divide, so the effects of AAV gene therapy on GSD Ia mouse and dog models have proven temporary. We hypothesized that driving integration of therapeutic vector genomes into an affected individual's genome would improve beneficial effects' longevity.</p><p>We tested several approaches to accomplish this, and have found positive effects using a zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) that targets the mouse safe harbor ROSA26 locus to induce homologous recombination of the G6PC donor vector into the mouse genome. We were able to see an improvement in mouse survival to 8 months of age, an increase in G6Pase activity at 3 months of age, and a decrease in glycogen accumulation at 3 months of age, when the ZFN vector is administered alongside the G6PC vector, compared with mice that received the G6PC vector alone.</p><p>We have also taken an alternative approach to overcoming the long-term complications of the current dietary treatment, which would augment rather than replace the current treatment. We have examined several drugs known to induce autophagy in other disease models or cell culture systems, to determine if we could manipulate autophagic activity in G6PC knockdown hepatocytes or GSD Ia mice. We have found positive results using rapamycin, a well-studied MTOR inhibitor, in mice and cells, and have screened several other drugs as well, finding positive effects for bezafibrate, mifepristone, carbamazepin, and lithium chloride, in terms of lipid reduction (which accumulates as a symptom of GSD Ia) and/or LC3-II enhancement, which is reduced in GSD Ia due to downregulation of autophagy during G6P accumulation.</p> / Dissertation
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Requirements Change Management in GlobalSoftware Development: A Case Study inPakistanHussain, Waqar January 2010 (has links)
Global software development has been a phenomenon of growing interest for almost past decade or so; and its adoption trend continues to gain momentum. Globally distributed work istaken up as an alternative to single-site mainly because of the economic and strategic benefits itoffers. Software development at geographically distributed environment is not a straightforwardtask and entails numerous challenges which are unique to this form of development. Requirements change management is considered challenging even in the best of conditions andit becomes even harder when performed at geographically distributed development locations.There is no existing model for managing requirements change in globally distributed softwaredevelopment context. This study uses qualitative research method to explore requirements change managementprocess and investigates the underlying causes of requirements change in geographicallydistributed software development. The research work proposes a model for requirementschange management for global software development. This model tries to incorporate the roles,activities and artifacts identified in the change management models.
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Off-Shore Blackboxing & Global Software Development : En studie av utmaningar och möjligheter med distribuerad systemförvaltningBergqvist Groth, Anton, Vesslén, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Global Software Development (GSD) is based on a geographical distance where teams are spread throughout the world. The related research have for a long time addressed the challenges presented by geographical distances. GSD is basically a necessity for many businesses to use in order to reduce development costs, reduce production time and to maintain high quality. The study aims to investigate the relationship between the reality of a specific maintenance project. Thus, our research question: How do distributed maintenance teams experience temporal, geographical and socio-cultural distances? To achieve the purpose of the study, we chose to perform a case study of a global consulting company which recently started a new system maintenance project. The data collection was done through interviews and observations at the premises of the consulting company. We have confirmed the previous research and come up with our own contributions to the field. The findings of our thesis provides aspects of communication, coordination and control related to the three distances stated in our research question. A new collective term has also emerged, off-shore blackboxing.
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Exploring the Accuracy of Existing Effort Estimation Methods for Distributed Software Projects-Two Case Studies / Exploring adekvata befintliga Ansträngningszoner beräkningsmetoder för distribuerad programvara Projekt-två fallstudierKhan, Abid Ali, Muhammad, Zaka Ullah January 2009 (has links)
The term “Globalization” brought many challenges with itself in the field of software development. The challenge of accurate effort estimation in GSD is one among them. When talking about effort estimation, the discussion starts for effort estimation methods. There are a number of effort estimation methods available. Existing effort estimation methods used for co-located projects are might not enough capable to estimate effort for distributed projects. This is why; ratio of failure of GSD projects is high. It is important to calibrate existing methods or invent new with respect to GSD environment. This thesis is an attempt to explore the accuracy of effort estimation methods for distributed projects. For this purpose, the authors selected three estimation approaches: COCOMO II, SLIM and ISBSG. COCOMO II and SLIM are two well known effort estimation methods, whereas, ISBSG is used to check the trend of a project depending upon its (ISBSG’s) repository. The selection of the methods and approaches was based on their popularity and advantages over other methods/approaches. Two finished projects from two different organizations were selected and analyzed as case studies. The results indicated that effort estimation with COCOMO II deviated 15.97 % for project A and 9.71% for project B. Whereas, SLIM showed the deviation of 4.17% for project A and 10.86 % for project B. Thus, the authors concluded that both methods underestimated the effort in the studied cases. Furthermore, factors that might cause deviation are discussed and several solutions are recommended. Particularly, the authors state that existing effort estimation methods can be used for GSD projects but they need calibration by considering GSD factors to achieve accurate results. This calibration will help in process improvement of effort estimation.
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