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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse des synchronisations dans un programme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail. Applications à la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires. / Analysis of Synchronizations In Greedy-Scheduled Executions - Application to Efficient Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers in Parallel

Mor, Stefano Drimon Kurz 26 October 2015 (has links)
Nous présentons deux contributions dans le domaine de la programmation parallèle.La première est théorique : nous introduisons l'analyse SIPS, une approche nouvelle pour dénombrer le nombre d'opérations de synchronisation durant l'exécution d'un algorithme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail.Basée sur le concept d'horloges logiques, elle nous permet,: d'une part de donner de nouvelles majorations de coût en moyenne; d'autre part de concevoir des programmes parallèles plus efficaces par adaptation dynamique de la granularité.La seconde contribution est pragmatique: nous présentons une parallélisation générique d'algorithmes pour la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires, indépendamment du nombre de processus concurrents lors de l'exécution.Alternative à l'utilisation d'un générateur pseudo-aléatoire séquentiel par processus, nous introduisons une API générique, appelée Par-R qui est conçue et analysée grâce à SIPS.Sa caractéristique principale est d'exploiter un générateur séquentiel qui peut "sauter" directement d'un nombre à un autre situé à une distance arbitraire dans la séquence pseudo-aléatoire.Grâce à l'analyse SIPS, nous montrons qu'en moyenne, lors d'une exécution par vol de travail d'un programme très parallèle (dont la profondeur ou chemin critique est très petite devant le travail ou nombre d'opérations), ces opérations de saut sont rares.Par-R est comparé au générateur pseudo-aléatoire DotMix, écrit pour Cilk Plus, une extension de C/C++ pour la programmation parallèle par vol de travail.Le surcout théorique de Par-R se compare favorablement au surcoput de DotMix, ce qui apparait aussi expériemntalement.De plus, étant générique, Par-R est indépendant du générateur séquentiel sous-jacent. / We present two contributions to the field of parallel programming.The first contribution is theoretical: we introduce SIPS analysis, a novel approach to estimate the number of synchronizations performed during the execution of a parallel algorithm.Based on the concept of logical clocks, it allows us: on one hand, to deliver new bounds for the number of synchronizations, in expectation; on the other hand, to design more efficient parallel programs by dynamic adaptation of the granularity.The second contribution is pragmatic: we present an efficient parallelization strategy for pseudorandom number generation, independent of the number of concurrent processes participating in a computation.As an alternative to the use of one sequential generator per process, we introduce a generic API called Par-R, which is designed and analyzed using SIPS.Its main characteristic is the use of a sequential generator that can perform a ``jump-ahead'' directly from one number to another on an arbitrary distance within the pseudorandom sequence.Thanks to SIPS, we show that, in expectation, within an execution scheduled by work stealing of a "very parallel" program (whose depth or critical path is subtle when compared to the work or number of operations), these operations are rare.Par-R is compared with the parallel pseudorandom number generator DotMix, written for the Cilk Plus dynamic multithreading platform.The theoretical overhead of Par-R compares favorably to DotMix's overhead, what is confirmed experimentally, while not requiring a fixed generator underneath.

Os diagramas do sistema de atendimento à infância: suas lentes punitivas. / The diagrams of the child care system: its punitive lenses

Claudia Guimarães 08 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho se propõe a colocar em análise as relações de três famílias pobres com o Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD), as quais, por fim, tiveram o seu poder familiar destituído, sob a perspectiva da moralização, da disciplina, da vigilância e do controle. As tramas e os caminhos tortuosos, as práticas sociais punitivas e penais, as relações de verdades e os poderes que se exercem e se atualizam, as resistências e os jogos de tensões e forças que se apresentam, tudo isso está posto e descrito nas linhas desta pesquisa, à luz de autores clássicos como Foucault (principalmente), Deleuze, Guattari, Lourau, Nietzche, Donzelot, bem como contribuições mais próximas de autores nacionais, que se debruçam em estudos e pesquisas sobre os temas acima e dialogam com as situações em análise nesta pesquisa. Desnaturalizar os lugares constituídos à luz da moral, das produções subjetivas contemporâneas, dos costumes higienistas e correcionais, das tentativas de enquadramento das práticas familiares, de um jeito de ser pai e mãe, é um dos principais propósitos desta pesquisa. Trata-se de pensar e criar outras possibilidades, como um sopro de liberdade, de desconstrução de lugares, de outras perspectivas e práticas possíveis. / This dissertation proposes to put on analyzing the relations of three poor families with assurance system rights, which finally had their family power stripped from the perspective of ethical standards, discipline, surveillance and control. The plots and devious ways, punitive and criminal social practices, the relations of truth and the powers that are exercised and updated, the resistors and games of tensions and forces that arise, are all described in the lines and put this research, in the light of classical authors such as Foucault (mostly), Deleuze, Guattari, Lourau, Nietzche, Donzelot and closer to national authors contributions that focus on studies and research on the above topics, dialogue with situations analysis in this research. Denature the places made in the light of morality of the productions subjective and contemporary, hygienists and correctional customs, attempts framework of family practice, a way of being father and mother, is one of the main purposes of this research. It is think and create other possibilities, like a breath of freedom, of deconstruction of places, about other possible perspectives and practices.

A atuação do sistema de garantia de direitos em casos de violência sexual contra criança: uma análise processual / The system of guarantee of rights' way of operating in cases of sexual abuse against children: a processual analysis

Silvia Ignez Silva Ramos 24 June 2010 (has links)
O modo como a violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes é tratada na contemporaneidade, principalmente pelo Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD), revela uma atuação repressiva e punitiva inerente ao direito penal brasileiro. Esse viés com ênfase na punição produz certo saber sobre o tema, desenhando um modus operandi similar dentro de cada ente do SGD que atua em 3 eixos: promoção, defesa e controle. A partir dessa lógica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de mestrado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender, por meio de análise documental de 3 processos concluídos de crianças que supostamente sofreram violência sexual, como foi a atuação do SGD desde a denúncia do caso até a sentença proferida pelo juiz. O foco principal foi a compreensão dos atores sobre seu papel nesses casos de violência sexual contra crianças; suas decisões e os conceitos utilizados nos autos, e, por fim, que argumentos propiciaram a decisão e a sentença. Percorrendo a legislação específica para a Infância e Juventude pode-se compreender como as questões dos direitos foram sendo incorporados às questões da infância, sobretudo nos últimos vinte anos. Na realidade, a pesquisa revela que a ênfase nos princípios do direito penal toma a cena em sentido contrário dos cuidados necessários no atendimento a um sujeito em desenvolvimento e de sua família, colocando repetidamente a mãe no lugar de negligente. E o abuso, considerado no início dos processos como procedente, acaba desaparecendo no final. / The way sexual abuse against children and teenagers is dealt with nowadays, mainly by the System of Guarantee of Rights (SGR), reveals a repressive and punitive way of operating inherent to the Brazilian penal system. This bias with an emphasis on punishment produces a certain lore on the topic, delineating a similar modus operandi within each part of SGR, which is subdivided in 3 branches: promotion, defense, and control. Based on this logic, a Masters degree research was carried out together with the Post-Graduate Program in Social Psychology at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). The goal of the research was to understand, by means of a documental analysis of three concluded lawsuits involving children who supposedly were victims of sexual abuse, the actions of SGR from the initial reporting of the case until the verdict was pronounced by the judge. The main focus was the actors understanding of their role in these cases of sexual abuse against children, their decisions and concepts they resorted to in the proceedings, and, finally, what arguments led to the final decision and verdict. Going through the specific legislation for Childhood and Youth one can comprehend how rights-related issues were incorporated to issues related to childhood, particularly in the last twenty years. In reality, the research reveals that the principles of penal law took the center stage, running contrary to the needed attention that should have been given to the victim and his/her family, repeatedly placing the blame on the mother for negligence. And the actual abuse, considered upheld at the beginning of the proceedings, ends up watered down in court.

A atuação do sistema de garantia de direitos em casos de violência sexual contra criança: uma análise processual / The system of guarantee of rights' way of operating in cases of sexual abuse against children: a processual analysis

Silvia Ignez Silva Ramos 24 June 2010 (has links)
O modo como a violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes é tratada na contemporaneidade, principalmente pelo Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD), revela uma atuação repressiva e punitiva inerente ao direito penal brasileiro. Esse viés com ênfase na punição produz certo saber sobre o tema, desenhando um modus operandi similar dentro de cada ente do SGD que atua em 3 eixos: promoção, defesa e controle. A partir dessa lógica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de mestrado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender, por meio de análise documental de 3 processos concluídos de crianças que supostamente sofreram violência sexual, como foi a atuação do SGD desde a denúncia do caso até a sentença proferida pelo juiz. O foco principal foi a compreensão dos atores sobre seu papel nesses casos de violência sexual contra crianças; suas decisões e os conceitos utilizados nos autos, e, por fim, que argumentos propiciaram a decisão e a sentença. Percorrendo a legislação específica para a Infância e Juventude pode-se compreender como as questões dos direitos foram sendo incorporados às questões da infância, sobretudo nos últimos vinte anos. Na realidade, a pesquisa revela que a ênfase nos princípios do direito penal toma a cena em sentido contrário dos cuidados necessários no atendimento a um sujeito em desenvolvimento e de sua família, colocando repetidamente a mãe no lugar de negligente. E o abuso, considerado no início dos processos como procedente, acaba desaparecendo no final. / The way sexual abuse against children and teenagers is dealt with nowadays, mainly by the System of Guarantee of Rights (SGR), reveals a repressive and punitive way of operating inherent to the Brazilian penal system. This bias with an emphasis on punishment produces a certain lore on the topic, delineating a similar modus operandi within each part of SGR, which is subdivided in 3 branches: promotion, defense, and control. Based on this logic, a Masters degree research was carried out together with the Post-Graduate Program in Social Psychology at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). The goal of the research was to understand, by means of a documental analysis of three concluded lawsuits involving children who supposedly were victims of sexual abuse, the actions of SGR from the initial reporting of the case until the verdict was pronounced by the judge. The main focus was the actors understanding of their role in these cases of sexual abuse against children, their decisions and concepts they resorted to in the proceedings, and, finally, what arguments led to the final decision and verdict. Going through the specific legislation for Childhood and Youth one can comprehend how rights-related issues were incorporated to issues related to childhood, particularly in the last twenty years. In reality, the research reveals that the principles of penal law took the center stage, running contrary to the needed attention that should have been given to the victim and his/her family, repeatedly placing the blame on the mother for negligence. And the actual abuse, considered upheld at the beginning of the proceedings, ends up watered down in court.

Política de garantia de preços mínimos no Brasil - uma avaliação dos custos sociais e orçamentários para arroz e milho no período de 1987 a 2013 / Minimum price guarantee policy in Brazil - an assessment of the social and budgetary costs for rice and corn from 1987 to 2013

Fernanda Schwantes 11 September 2015 (has links)
A Política de Garantia de Preços Mínimos (PGPM) no Brasil foi inaugurada oficialmente em 1966, com os objetivos de reduzir a instabilidade dos preços agrícolas, assegurar uma renda mínima aos produtores e garantir o abastecimento interno de alimentos. Tratava-se de uma política de caráter universal, no sentido de que qualquer produtor poderia vender a sua produção ao Governo Federal, desde que este último tivesse recursos suficientes para adquiri-la. O governo utilizava-se, até meados da década de 1990, dos instrumentos de intervenção ampla no mercado, as Aquisições do Governo Federal (AGF) e os Empréstimos do Governo Federal (EGF). Com a crise fiscal do Estado nos anos 1980 e as mudanças estruturais liberalizantes da década de 1990, a intervenção governamental reduziu-se gradativamente. No que se refere à ação do governo por meio da PGPM, foram criados instrumentos de apoio à comercialização, cujos subsídios foram reduzidos em relação aos anteriores e levaram à redução de estoques públicos. No Plano de Safra 1996-1997, o governo adicionou aos instrumentos tradicionais de operacionalização da PGPM o Prêmio para Escoamento de Produto (PEP) e o Contrato de Opção de Venda de Produtos Agrícolas (COVPA). Em 2004, foram criados os Contratos Privados de Opção de Venda e Prêmio de Risco de Opção Privada (PROP) e, em 2006, o governo criou o Prêmio Equalizador Pago ao Produtor (PEPRO). Simultaneamente, os instrumentos de operacionalização da PGPM de caráter universal voltaram-se à agricultura familiar, a partir da criação do Plano Safra da Agricultura Familiar, pelo MDA, em 2003. Tomando como base a exposição acima, o objetivo geral desta tese é analisar a política de garantia de preços mínimos no Brasil, no período de 1987 a 2013, ressaltando os instrumentos de execução da PGPM e os seus custos sociais e orçamentários. A escolha desse período devese às grandes mudanças ocorridas na PGPM e à disponibilidade de dados para os cálculos a serem realizados. Especificamente, procurou-se avaliar a influência dos grupos de interesse no redirecionamento da política brasileira de preços no período democrático, bem como quantificar os custos sociais e orçamentários envolvidos na operacionalização dos instrumentos tradicionais (AGF) e dos novos instrumentos, criados a partir de 1996/1997. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, conjugou-se um referencial de economia política para o estudo dos grupos de interesse e dos seus recursos de poder e o referencial da microeconomia para a avaliação dos custos sociais das diferentes políticas de preços agrícolas. Verificou-se que a atuação dos distintos grupos de interesse resultou na dissociação entre os instrumentos de política de garantia de preços voltados à agricultura familiar e não familiar, nos planos de safra e nos ministérios que atendem aos pleitos de cada grupo. No que se refere aos custos sociais e orçamentários da PGPM, verificou-se que a política de compra de excedentes é a mais custosa, seguida pela política de seguro de preços e pela subvenção ao preço para o produtor. / The Minimum Price Guarantee Policy (PGPM) in Brazil was officially started in 1966 with the objective of reducing the volatility of agricultural prices, ensure a minimum income to producers and secure food supply. It was a universal policy, in the sense that any producer could sell their produce to the federal government, since the latter had sufficient resources to acquire it. Until the mid-1990s the government used broad market intervention tools, the Federal Government Acquisitions (AGF) and the Federal Government Loans (EGF). With the fiscal crisis in the 1980s and the liberalizing structural changes of the 1990s, government intervention was reduced gradually. With regard to government action through PGPM, marketing support instruments were created which led to lower subsidies and to the reduction of public stocks. In Harvest Plan 1996-1997, the government added to the traditional instruments of operationalization of the PGPM the Award for Product Flow (PEP) and the Agricultural Products Put Option (COVPA). In 2004, the Private Put Option and Private Option Risk Premium were created (PROP), and in 2006 the government created the Equalizing Premium Paid to Producer (PEPRO). At the same time the instruments of implementation of universal nature of PGPM turned to family farming, since the creation of the Family Agriculture Harvest Plan by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) in 2003. Based on the above exposure, the overall objective of this thesis is to analyze the minimum price guarantee policy in Brazil, from 1987 to 2013, highlighting the implementation instruments of PGPM and its social and budgetary costs. The choice of this period is due to the large changes in PGPM and the availability of data for the calculations to be performed. Specifically, we sought to evaluate the influence of interest groups in redirecting the Brazilian pricing policy in the democratic period (1988 onwards) and to quantify the social and budgetary costs involved in the operation of traditional instruments (AGF) and the new instruments created from 1996/1997. To meet the proposed objectives, we used both the political economy framework for the study of interest groups and power resources of these groups and the microeconomics framework for assessing the social costs of different agricultural pricing policies. It was found that the performance of the various interest groups resulted in the decoupling of the price guarantee policy instruments aimed at family farming and not family farming, as well as of the harvest plans and ministries that meet the claims of each group. With regard to social and budgetary costs of PGPM, it was found that the surplus purchasing policy is the most expensive, followed by price insurance policy and by the price subvention to producer.

Fundo de garantia das execuções trabalhistas / Guarantee fund for labor enforcement proceedings

Carolina Popoff Ferreira da Costa 16 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda a proposta de criação de um Fundo de Garantia das Execuções Trabalhistas no Brasil. Partindo de considerações acerca da efetividade processual e da crise da execução trabalhista, estudamos os Projetos de Lei regulamentadora do artigo 3º da Emenda Constitucional n. 45 de 2004. Para tanto, analisamos as instituições de garantia de créditos trabalhistas no Direito Internacional e no Direito Comunitário (União Europeia), sobretudo o Fondo de Garantía Salarial, instituição de garantia de créditos trabalhistas existente na Espanha que inspirou a disposição constitucional derivada. A seguir, foram analisados o Projeto de Lei n. 4.597-A, de 2004, o Projeto de Lei n. 6.541, de 2006, e o Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 246, de 2005. Finalmente, foram feitas considerações sobre a regulamentação do Fundo de Garantia das Execuções Trabalhistas no Brasil. / This dissertation studies the proposal to establish a Guarantee Fund for Labor Enforcement Proceedings in Brazil. Based on considerations about the effectiveness of proceedings and the labor enforcement proceedings crisis, we studied the bill drafts to regulate the Article 3 of the Constitutional Amendment 45/2004. To this end, we analyze the labor credit guarantee institutions in International Law and in Community Law (EU), especially the Fondo de Garantía Salarial, a labor credit guarantee institution existing in Spain that inspired the Constitutional Amendment. Next, we analyzed the Bill Draft 4.597-A/2004, the Bill Draft 6.541/2006, and the Senate Bill Draft 246/2005. Finally, we present our considerations on the regulation of the Guarantee Fund for Labor Enforcement Proceedings.

Direitos fundamentais e deveres dos pacientes com implante coclear: revisão jurídica para (re)habilitação auditiva / Fundamental rights and obligations of patients with cochlear implants: legal review for hearing (re)habilitation

Dayane Thomazi Maia 29 March 2018 (has links)
A preocupação com a inclusão social da pessoa com deficiência é crescente. Especificamente quanto ao deficiente auditivo, o rol normativo está em desenvolvimento, porém ainda não supre todas as necessidades da sociedade. No contexto do serviço de implante coclear o Centro de Pesquisas Audiológicas (CPA) do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), popularmente conhecido como Centrinho, que já realizou mais de 1.500 cirurgias de implante coclear (IC), constatou-se um grupo de pacientes implantados que não realizam a (re)habilitação auditiva por meio da terapia fonoaudiológica após a cirurgia do IC, ou ainda, não respeitam a periodicidade desse processo, comprometendo o desenvolvimento do deficiente auditivo. A falta ou negligência com o processo de terapia fonoaudiológica da (re)habilitação auditiva enseja na consequente violação de direitos fundamentais do deficiente. Toda equipe interdisciplinar de profissionais responsáveis pela indicação e adaptação do IC assumem papel fundamental no processo de (re)habilitação do deficiente auditivo, devendo acima de tudo zelar pela ética e humanização com o paciente e seus familiares. Como o IC é de elevado custo (tecnologias duras) incluso no procedimento de alta complexidade contemplado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde quem paga é a própria sociedade (através dos recursos públicos), por esse motivo é fundamental que o beneficiário dessa intervenção não apenas reivindique seus direitos, mas também cumpra com seus deveres. Apesar dos recentes avanços normativos do IC, a regulamentação existente é vulnerável frente à complexidade do processo de habilitação e reabilitação auditiva por meio do IC, deixando margem para violações, omissões e abusos. Diante desse cenário todos acabam sendo prejudicados, o Estado, a sociedade e o próprio beneficiário da prótese auditiva. O escopo do presente estudo é analisar criticamente o panorama jurídico em nível nacional das regulamentações voltadas ao implante coclear no processo de (re)habilitação auditiva. Os materiais e métodos utilizados serão os de levantamento bibliográfico, jurídico-doutrinário e revisão jurídica. / Concern about the social inclusion of people with disabilities is growing. Specifically regarding the hearing impaired, the normative roll is in development, but it still does not supply all the needs of society. In the context of the cochlear implant service, the Center for Audiological Research (CAR) of the Hospital of Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRCA) of the University of São Paulo (USP), popularly known as Centrinho, which has already performed more than 1,500 cochlear implant surgeries, a group of implanted patients who did not perform auditory (re)habilitation by means of phonaudiologic therapy after cochlear implant surgery were found, or did not respect the periodicity of this process, compromising the development of the hearing impaired. Failure or negligence with the audiological (re)habilitation process leads to a consequent violation of the fundamental rights of the handicapped. Every interdisciplinary team of professionals responsible for the indication and adaptation of the cochlear implant assume a fundamental role in the process of (re) habilitation of the hearing impaired, and above all must care for the ethics and humanization with the patient and their relatives. Since the cochlear implant is of high cost hard technologies included in the procedure of high complexity contemplated by the Unified Health System who pays is the company itself (through public resources), for this reason it is fundamental that the beneficiary of this intervention not only claim their rights, but also fulfill your duties. Despite the recent normative advances in the cochlear implant, the existing regulations are vulnerable to the complexity of the process of habilitation and auditory rehabilitation through the cochlear implant, leaving room for violations, omissions and abuse. Faced with this scenario, all of them end up being harmed, the State, society and the beneficiary of the hearing aid itself. The scope of the present study is to critically analyze the legal framework at the national level of the regulations aimed at the cochlear implant in the (re)habilitation process. The materials and methods used will be those of bibliographical, legal-doctrinal and legal review.

Právní úprava činnosti Exportní garanční a pojišťovací společnosti, a.s. / Legal Regulation of Activities of the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation

Buiová, Mai Linh January 2016 (has links)
Legal Regulation of Activities of the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation The subject of this thesis is an analysis of regulatory instruments which affect the working of the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (abbreviated as EGAP in Czech). While the main point of focus are the legal instruments, non-legal tools needed to be considered as well for a full understanding of the topic. The first chapter covers the historical development of the corporation and its importance for the economy of the Czech Republic. Other institutions supporting export are also mentioned in short - the Czech Export Bank and the CzechTrade agency. In the second chapter I analyse relevant legislation of the Czech Republic and the European Union and international agreements as well. The next chapter consists of a description of insurance products in EGAP portfolio and their comparison. In the fourth chapter, I first outline the export policy of the Czech government and I follow to explain the means of financing the corporation and the capital requirements that are put on it. The topic of insurance operated on a commercial basis is covered, albeit briefly. This is handled by a subsidiary company of EGAP. The process of providing insurance with state support has been changed recently, with measures aiming to...

Approximation Algorithms for Network Connectivity Problems

Cameron, Amy January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, we examine specific network connectivity problems, and achieve improved approximation algorithm and integrality gap results for them. We introduce an important new, highly useful and applicable, network connectivity problem - the Vital Core Connectivity Problem (VCC). Despite its many practical uses, this problem has not been previously studied. We present the first constant factor approximation algorithm for VCC, and provide an upper bound on the integrality gap of its linear programming relaxation. We also introduce a new, useful, extension of the minimum spanning tree problem, called the Extended Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (EMST), that is based on a special case of VCC; and provide both a polynomial-time algorithm and a complete linear description for it. Furthermore, we show how to generalize this new problem to handle numerous disjoint vital cores, providing the first complete linear description of, and polynomial-time algorithm for, the generalized problem. We examine the Survivable Network Design Problem (SNDP) with multiple copies of edges allowed in the solution (multi-SNDP), and present a new approximation algorithm for which the approximation guarantee is better than that of the current best known for certain cases of multi-SNDP. With our method, we also obtain improved bounds on the integrality gap of the linear programming relaxation of the problem. Furthermore, we show the application of these results to variations of SNDP. We investigate cases where the optimal values of multi-SNDP and SNDP are equal; and we present an improvement on the previously best known integrality gap bound and approximation guarantee for the special case of SNDP with metric costs and low vertex connectivity requirements, as well as for the similar special case of the Vertex Connected Survivable Network Design Problem (VC-SNDP). The quality of the results that one can obtain for a given network design problem often depends on its integer linear programming formulation, and, in particular, on its linear programming relaxation. In this connection, we investigate formulations for the Steiner Tree Problem (ST). We propose two new formulations for ST, and investigate their strength in terms of their associated integrality gaps.

Přenesení daňové povinnosti a ručení příjemce plnění za daň jako forma boje proti daňovým únikům u DPH? / Analysis of local reverse charge on VAT and guarantee of the customer as the tools the Czech Republic introduced in its fight against tax frauds

Roďanová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation analyses local reverse charge on VAT and guarantee of the customer as the tools the Czech Republic introduced in its fight against tax frauds and shows obstacles which could arose during its transition into the Czech tax system.

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