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Les fortifications ottomanes d’Alger : Essai de restitution typologique et défensive 1516-1830 / The Ottoman fortifications of Algiers : Essay of typological and defensive restitution 1516-1830Benselama-Messikh, Safia 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le XVIe siècle qui voit l'expansion de l'empire ottoman en Méditerranée orientale, propulse la petite bourgade d'Alger au rang de capitale de Régence et bastion militaire de la Porte Sublime, sur les côtes du Maghreb, face à l'hégémonie de l'empire espagnol. Les Ottomans qui la transforment en ville guerrière, lui créent un port artificiel, la dotent de nouveaux remparts et établissent autour d'elle, un réseau de points de fortification, qui quadrille le territoire et contrôle la province. Entre 1516 et 1830, Alger qui est surnommée al Maḥrūssa (la bien gardée), reste imprenable par la mer. Son souci permanent de protection se traduit par un renforcement et un entretien continuels de ses fortifications. Cet essai qui ne prétend qu'à une contribution au vaste champ de recherche d'un corpus inédit, est une enquête sur une architecture totalement inexplorée, sur la base d'archives et de relevés in situ. L'exploration des archives du Génie militaire français, constituant une source fondamentale en grande partie inédite, servira à la restitution de la structure défensive de la province d'Alger. L'intérêt de ce travail réside principalement dans l'identification des typologies constructive et architecturale militaires d'Alger ottoman, qui permettent de cerner la culture constructive de guerre ottomane en Afrique du Nord. / The 16th century which saw the expansion of the ottoman empire in Eastern Mediterranean, propels the small town of Algiers to the rank of capital of Regency and military bastion of the Sublime Porte, on the Maghreb coast, facing the hegemony of the Spanish empire. The Ottomans who transform it into city Warrior, creates an artificial port, equipped with new ramparts and establish around it, a network of points of fortification, which quadrille the territory and supervise the province. Between 1516 and 1830, Algiers which is called al Maḥrūssa (well kept), remains impregnable by the sea. Its permanent concern for protection is to show the strengthened and continual maintenance of its fortifications. This essay claiming to a contribution to the vast field of research of an unpublished corpus is an investigation into a totally unexplored architecture, on the basis of archives and records in situ. The exploration of the archives of the French military engineering, constituting a fundamental source largely unpublished, will serve as the return of the defensive structure of the province of Algiers. The interest of this work lies mainly in the identification of the military constructive typologies and architectural of ottoman Algiers, which identify the constructive culture of Ottoman war in North Africa.
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"Gun's don't kill people, people kill people" : En argumentationsanalys av debatten kring skärpta vapenlagar i USATonentschuk, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
The discussion regarding the second amendment and gun control in the United States has been a controversial and highly debated topic for many years. However, with the several school shootings taking place, the discussion about gun controls has been taken to a new level. The purpose of this essay is to give an overview of the debate and answer to the main question ”how is the relationship between freedom and rights expressed in the debate about strengthened gun control, in relation to positive and negative liberty, and over time? In order to achieve the purpose, three different kinds of analyzes have been made. First, two pro-contra analyzes were made on two different occasions. Next, the arguments found was examined through two concepts of liberty: positive and negative liberty. Lastly, a comparison was made between the arguments from the two different occasions. The results show that there are three different core issues in the debate, and that positive liberty is dominating the pro-gun control side, while negative liberty and individual rights are dominating the contra-gun control side. The debate has not been going through a radical change. However, some arguments have grown stronger over the years.
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Ventilation av inomhusskjutbanor / Ventilation of indoor shooting rangesBergman, Eric, Gahne, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Skytte med eldhandvapen skapar buller, utsläpp av farliga ämnen och risk för att avlossade projektiler missar sina mål och istället hamnar utanför skjutbanan. Att förlägga skjutbanor inomhus löser vissa av dessa problem. Samtidigt kan risken för att utsättas för farliga ämnen öka för dem som brukar skjutbanan. En nyckelfaktor för att omhänderta dessa farliga ämnen och därmed skapa en god arbetsmiljö på inomhusskjutbanan är att ventilationen fungerar på rätt sätt. Syftet med detta arbete är främst att utvärdera hur ventilationen på inomhusskjutbanor bör utformas för att ventilera bort de hälsofarliga ämnen som uppstår. Arbetet har särskilt fokuserat på blyföroreningar men resultatet är generaliserbart även för många andra föroreningar som är aktuella. Arbetet är en del av Fortifikationsverkets pågående projekt om framtidens inomhusskjutbanor. Gränssättande för ventilationen är att arbetsmiljön på en inomhusskjutbana måste uppfylla relevanta arbetsmiljökrav. Utöver frågan om ventilation belyses även andra aspekter som är av vikt för att säkra en god arbetsmiljö. Arbetet har baserats på en forskningsöversikt där material från 1975 och fram till idag har studerats. Sökningarna har skett både strukturerat och riktat. Den strukturerade sökningen har skett i Web of Science och Scopus. Arbetet har identifierat de normer som används internationellt och som också har legat till grund för många av de skjutbanor som uppförts i Sverige. Vidare har arbetet identifierat den ursprungliga rapport som merparten av den tillgängliga litteraturen baserats på. I denna ursprungliga rapport har vi även identifierat viktiga frågetecken angående vilka grundförutsättningar som denna rapport baserats på. Resultatet av forskningsöversikten är att skjutbanor bör projekteras med laminärt flöde (“kolvströmning”) från skyttarna och mot kulfånget. Ventilationen bör projekteras med ett flöde på mellan 0,25 och 0,4 m/s. Ett bra verktyg under projekteringen är CFD-simuleringar. Med dessa kan olika tekniska lösningar utvärderas och för befintliga skjutbanor kan även orsak till eventuella problem undersökas. CFD-simuleringsresultaten bör i görligaste mån verifieras mot uppmätta värden. Vidare är både städning och personlig hygien viktiga faktorer för att arbetsmiljön på en inomhusskjutbana skall vara god. Ytskikt som är lätta att städa skall väljas och förutsättningar för att hantera både tvätt av arbetskläder och personlig hygien skall finnas. Dessa resultat knyts ihop under diskussionskapitlet där två grundläggande scenarier formuleras, ett för en nybyggnation och ett för en ombyggnad av en befintlig inomhusskjutbana. / The use of firearms creates noise pollution, release of toxic elements and a risk that the projectiles miss the targets and end up outside of the firing range. One of the solutions to these issues is to erect walls and a roof around the range, and thus create an indoor firing range. This might however increase the range users’ exposure to toxic elements related to the discharge of firearms. To mitigate this the indoor firing range needs a properly designed and well-functioning ventilation system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how ventilation systems for indoor firing ranges should be designed in order to remove the toxic elements released when shooting. The study is primarily focused on lead pollution, but the results can also be generalised for a multitude of other relevant pollutants. The study is part of the Swedish Fortifications Agency (Fortifikationsverket) project regarding the design of future indoor firing ranges. The design parameters for ventilation systems at indoor firing ranges are regulated by the occupational safety and health regulations. In the final part of the study the authors also address other important aspects to create a safe working environment at indoor firing ranges. This study is conducted as a research review where literature from 1975 up until today has been studied. Search terms based on permutations of “shooting”, “firing”, “range”, “ventilation” and “firearm” have been used in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The resulting list, after being culled for duplicates and “false positives”, contained approximately 70 articles. Reviewing these articles let us identify the design parameters used both internationally and nationally in Sweden. We also identified the original report that most of the internationally available literature is based upon. In this Bachelor of Science thesis, we also raise some questions related to the original report and the prerequisites it was based upon. The result of the research survey is that the ventilation for indoor firing ranges should be designed for laminar flow (piston flow) in the direction from the shooters towards the bullet trap. The air flow should be between 0,25 and 0,4 m/s (50 to 75 feet per minute). A good tool when designing the range ventilation is CFD simulations. CFD simulations allow for early phase evaluation of different design solutions. Similar simulations can also be used when problem solving problems on already existing ranges, if any. Furthermore, both cleaning and personal hygiene are crucial components to achieve a safe working environment at indoor firing ranges. To facilitate cleaning the range should have surface materials that are non-porous and easy to clean. Washing facilities for work clothes and personal hygiene should be present. These results are addressed as part of the discussion chapter in the Bachelor of Science thesis where two basic scenarios are formulated, one for building a new indoor firing range, and one for redesigning an existing indoor firing range.
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Old Hoosiers Be LikeMarshall, Jess 03 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Second Amendment in the 21st Century: An In-Depth Examination of Firearm Freedoms and their Relationship with Public Safety and InterestsKlein, Mathew E 01 January 2016 (has links)
One of the most hotly contested topics in the world today revolves around an object. An object that has caused debate among all members of society both in the United States, and all across the globe. But how could an object, something that on its own does nothing, spur such heated argument? This object is the evolution of invention and the product of fighting amongst each other. This object changes the way people think and how they act. This object can be used for both good and bad. This object is a gun.
This research project will explore the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution in the 21st century, providing an in depth examination of firearm freedoms and their relationship with public safety and interests. This research is integral to our society, both politically and publically. Firearms are a significant aspect of our country, a longstanding right that many people view as one of the most essential rights of a United States citizen. The research presented will examine vital aspects of the debate regarding firearm rights, and analyze the relationship between firearm freedoms and public safety.
This thesis will examine the benefits and detriments regarding firearm freedoms and their relationship with public safety. This thesis will first establish the necessary background information, including general information, legislation, and statistics, in order to analyze the aforementioned relationship. The next step in the analysis is to examine the benefits of firearm freedoms, as well as the problems with having unlimited firearm freedoms. This thesis will also examine other essential areas regarding this debate, including political impact, public opinion, and global comparisons. The thesis will conclude with possible alternatives for legislation regarding firearms, and an analysis of the likely proper path upon which to proceed.
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Harmonic Resources in 1980s Hard Rock and Heavy Metal MusicVaughn, Erin M. 17 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Metal Music and Masculinity in the 1980s: Cultural Markers for the End of the CenturyHall, Frances L. 19 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The processing of firearms during investigation of a crime scenePillay, Povendran Dorasamy 31 May 2008 (has links)
The study was conducted with the intention of identifying the current procedure
employed by investigators for processing firearms evidence at a crime scene. The
researcher identified shortcomings which prevent firearm evidence being found to be
inadmissible in criminal proceedings. The researcher also analysed other aspects
relating to the processing of firearm evidence at a crime scene, namely: Locard
principle, identification, individualisation and physical integrity.
In order for investigators to be successful in their investigation of cases involving
firearms, it is imperative for investigators to have a clear understanding of the basic
concepts surrounding firearm evidence processing. It is the strong belief of the
researcher that because of improper handling, contamination and lack of integrity
pertaining to firearm evidence, such evidence is being found to be inadmissible in
criminal proceedings. This negative impact has a roll over effect on the conviction
rate for serious crime. / Criminology / M. Tech. (Forensic Invesigation)
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Analyse de la mobilité spatio-temporelle des armes à feu volées au QuébecBlais, Dominik 11 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, les armes à feu impliquées dans la commission de crimes sont étudiées à partir de leur mobilité spatio-temporelle. Afin d’opérationnaliser cette mobilité, deux mesures spécifiques ont été créées, soit le « temps-au-recouvrement » et la « distance-au-recouvrement ». Ces mesures permettent d’analyser les répercussions des armes à feu en circulation illégale sur la formation du marché illégal dans le territoire québécois. Des analyses descriptives ont d’abord été effectuées dans cette étude à partir de trois segments de la banque de données québécoise des armes à feu recouvrées : la banque complète, les armes à feu impliquées dans la commission de crimes et les armes volées. Le sous-groupe de 501 d’armes à feu volées est le seul qui a été soumis à des analyses de régressions multiples sur la mobilité puisque ces armes sont les seules permettant d’avoir plus d’informations sur leur mouvement antérieur au recouvrement par les autorités policières. Les résultats montrent qu’il y a une mobilité spatio-temporelle plus importante chez les armes de poing, celles impliquées dans les crimes de marché, les armes non-enregistrées ainsi que celles sans restriction. Afin de mieux comprendre la dynamique des armes volées, le statut de l’enregistrement s’avère la variable la plus importante puisqu’elle permet de déterminer à quel point ces armes vont être enracinées dans le marché illégal au Québec. Effectivement, les armes volées non-enregistrées sont plus susceptibles de converger vers les marchés criminels, ce qui augmente considérablement leur « durée » de vie et leur mobilité dans la province. / In this study, the spatial and temporal mobility of crime guns in the province of Quebec are examined. This study proposes two new measures to assess the mobility of stolen firearms: time-to-find and distance-to-recovery. These new measures allow an assessment of the impacts of guns that were in illegal circulation in regards of the constitution of the illegal firearms market in the province of Quebec. Descriptive analyzes were first conducted in this study on three segments of the data set obtained from la Banque de données québécoise sur les armes à feu recouvrées : the complete data set, the crime guns and stolen firearms. The spatial and temporal mobility analyzes were only applied to the subgroup of 501 stolen firearms because these guns have more detailed characteristics of their movement before their recovery by judicial authorities. Results show that stolen firearms that have greater mobility in time and space in the province of Quebec are handguns, firearms involved in market crimes, non-registered and non-restricted firearms. However, in order to better understand the dynamics of stolen firearms in the territory, the registration status of a stolen firearm is the most important indicator of the mobility because, to some extent, it determines how these guns will be rooted in the illegal market. The non-registered stolen firearms in this study are in fact more likely to concentrate in the criminal markets, which significantly increase their "lifecycle” and mobility in the province of Quebec.
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Identity-Based Cultural Paradigms, Trauma, and Interethnic Conflict in South SudanYak, John Maluk 01 January 2016 (has links)
In 2011, South Sudan became independent through the agreement and implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA). However, interethnic conflict also escalated. This cycle of violence impacts the psychological and physical health of local society. When violence between ethnic groups escalates, civilians may be forced to flee their homes. This study employed a phenomenological research approach that examined the views and experiences of the recruited 13 members from the state of Jonglei; 5 members of the Dinka, 3 members of the Murle, and 5 members of the Nuer ethnic groups residing in the United States. In an attempt to understand the root causes of the conflict between ethnic groups, this research used a qualitative study plan that examined interethnic politics, perceptions, and beliefs among South Sudanese ethnic groups: Dinka, Murle, and Nuer. In addition, this study examined the presence of armed ethnic groups, the use of guns, and the relationship between trauma caused by past exposure or experience of violence and subsequent interethnic groups conflict. Data were analyzed with descriptive and patterned coding. The 5 identified themes from analysis of the collected data were: roles of ethnic identity, lack of trust in the system of the distribution of resources, roles of ethnic politicians, uncontrollable use of guns and defense of ethnic territory. In addition, the past war incidents between ethnic groups have a negative impact on the present relationship. The findings of this research may create positive social change for ethnic groups and for communities who may use it as an opportunity to understand their own problems and to establish an ethnic advocacy type of conflict resolution in South Sudan.
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