Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gallring"" "subject:"gallrings""
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Produktion av björk i Halland : kvalitet, tillväxt och ekonomi / Production of birch in Halland : quality, growth and economyHenriksson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Idag utgör björk en marginell del av skogsmarken i Halland. Rådgivningen om denna produktion, baseras idag främst på studier av självföryngrad björk. Generellt uppfattas björk som ett svårodlat trädslag i södra Sverige. Målet med rapporten är att påvisa vilka faktorer som förklarar hög timmerkvalitet och volymproduktion. Totalt har 24 produktionsbestånd inventerats. De 500 potentiellt bästa framtidsstammarna har valts ut för beräkningar och jämförelser. Resultatet visar att god timmerkvalitet av björk är möjlig att producera i denna del av landet. Bra stamrakhet, lite kvistar och hög andel A-klassade stammar enligt VMR (2000) fanns i många av bestånden. De bestånd som visade en högre medeltillväxt, bättre kvalitetsklassning och högre ekonomiskt värde än medel, var till större del planterade på åkermark, och en högre andel av dem var maskingallrade, än genomsnittet. De växte också i högre grad hos skogsägare med ett stort intresse för, och en positiv bild av sin björkskog.
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"Att ta bort skymmarna" : en intervjuundersökning av bibliotekschefers syn på gallring på folkbibliotek / "Removing what's blocking the view" : a study of library directors' views on weeding in Swedish public librariesEricson, Björn January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to examine library directors'views on weeding in Swedish public libraries. The researchquestions posed are: What formal goals and criteria govern theweeding process?; How are these goals and criteria accountedfor?; How do the library directors view the weeding in relationto the roles of the collections?The theoretical framework consists of a division of weedingcriteria inspired by Stanley J. Slote, and a slight adaptation ofMichael K. Buckland's roles of collections. The empiricalmaterial was gathered through semistructured interviews withlibrary directors and analyzed using the above theories asstructural tools.The results show that written guidelines and criteria are deemedunnecessary and awkward and are consequently not used. Theweeding process described mainly uses circulation-based liststo identify weeding candidates, which are then judged on anindividual basis using a mixture of subjective and objectivecriteria. The primary motives for weeding are that the materialshould be up-to-date and inviting to the users. Weeding isregarded as important for the distributing role of thecollections. Unused material is viewed as problematic as itprevents browsing users from finding material that interestthem. Weeding decisions invoking the archival andbibliographical roles of the collections are seen as hard tojustify when conflicting with the distributing role. Adiscrepancy between an objective and a subjective stancetowards the weeding process is prominent in much of thelibrary directors' reasoning. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Bland rullar och regissörer : Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestivals arkiv. Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbeteHellström, Maria January 2011 (has links)
For my master thesis in Archival Science, I have arranged and catalogued the archives of the Uppsala InternationalShort Film Festival. The materials consisted of approximately 160 binders and filing boxes and some banners.Additionally, there was a large amount of photos from screened films. Some of the material was in good order whilesome was not. The archive was catalogued in Visual Arkiv. After cataloguing the material, approximately 30 binderswith routine records such as reciepts, tax forms et cetera were removed and destroyed. The archive is completelyopen for the public with no limitations in accessUppsala International Short Film Festival started in 1982 and has arranged annual festivals eachautumn. It is usually approximately one week long with 130-300 participating films. Along with the screenings,lectures and debates with the participating directors are also arranged. A jury appoints the best films in severalcategories. The directors of the winning films are awarded a statuette.
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Att prognostisera avverkningspotentialen i privatskogsbruketPers, Catarina January 2007 (has links)
For the actors in the Swedish forest industry, it is important to have the ability to forecast the state in the private forests. The information that comes out of the forecasts will be the base for the activities strategic direction. The aim in this exam is to survey what information that is present today as basis for forecast calculation, and even to examine what other possibilities it might have in the future. From a limited geography and out of different time perspective forecast the felling potential in the private forestry. With the word felling potential means regeneration felling and thinning. The exam will answer the questions: What information is needed to build a relevant forecast model? Is this information available today? Is there information to buy that would improve the forecast model? The result of this exam will be presented in form of a case study showing the opportunities in the market to create a forecast calculation of felling potential in the private forestry within the Forest Owners Association Mellanskogs wood-area Dalarna.
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Att prognostisera avverkningspotentialen i privatskogsbruketPers, Catarina January 2007 (has links)
<p>For the actors in the Swedish forest industry, it is important to have the ability to forecast the state in the private</p><p>forests. The information that comes out of the forecasts will be the base for the activities strategic direction.</p><p>The aim in this exam is to survey what information that is present today as basis for forecast calculation, and</p><p>even to examine what other possibilities it might have in the future.</p><p>From a limited geography and out of different time perspective forecast the felling potential in the private</p><p>forestry.</p><p>With the word felling potential means regeneration felling and thinning. The exam will answer the questions:</p><p>What information is needed to build a relevant forecast model?</p><p>Is this information available today?</p><p>Is there information to buy that would improve the forecast model?</p><p>The result of this exam will be presented in form of a case study showing the opportunities in the market to</p><p>create a forecast calculation of felling potential in the private forestry within the Forest Owners Association</p><p>Mellanskogs wood-area Dalarna.</p>
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Biblioteksanvändares möte med exponerad litteratur : En enkätundersökning av användares upplevelse av exponering. / Library users encounter with exposed literature : A questionnaire study of users exposure experience.Heiver, Dan January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine library users experience encountering exposed literature. Shops and stores expose the products they most of all want to sell, a kind of marketing strategy that influences our inclination to buy. By conducting a quantitative study, at two minor public libraries, and using theories from the marketing area this thesis intended to investigate the subject further. Eighty library visitors, between age 10 and XX filled out a questionnaire asking how the users experience or register exposed literature and what makes users borrow or not borrow exposed literature. The respondents find exposed literature helpful in directing them to new interesting suggestions of books they otherwise wouldn’t have borrowed. Title and/or subject are crucial as well as the author and backside text of the book in the process of choosing books. Overall the respondents have a positive attitude towards exposure as a phenomenon, and the questionnaire study shows that the majority borrow exposed literature.
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Contortatall - stabilitet 7-16 år efter gallring / Lodgepole pine - stability 7-16 years after thinningEklund, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
År 2011 fällde stormen Dagmar uppskattningsvis 4-5 miljoner m3sk skog,främst i mellersta Norrland. SCA skogs tidigast gallrade (1996-2005)contortatallbestånd, återfinns i området. Generellt beskrivs contortatall somett vindkänsligt trädslag. Kunskapen kring påverkan av gallring ärbegränsad. Målet är att avgöra om stormkänsligheten minskar ett antal årefter gallring, samt om det finns något samband mellan beståndsegenskaperoch skadenivå. Data har samlats genom cirkelytetaxering av 89 bestånd,under fältsäsongen 2012. Avgångsnivån var 12 % av volymen, eller ca 14 %av stamantalet. Signifikant samband har påvisats mellan skadenivå,beståndshöjd samt exponering. Gödsling verkar påverka skadenivån. Någonstabilisering av gallrad contortatall har inte kunnat påvisas.
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Utformning av servicestation : Servicestation för en drönares skördeverktygClaesson, Joel, Skarin, William January 2023 (has links)
Today's thinning operations in forestry are managed by using large thinning machines that have a negative impact on the environment due to their reliance on non-renewable energy source and the creation of strip roads. To address this problem, the company utilizes drones equipped with a harvesting tool for thinning operations and today there are no field service stations for inspecting and maintaining a harvesting tool. The purpose of this thesis is to design a service station for the harvesting tool while also formulating a set of requirements. To accomplish this goal, a data collection process was undertaken with interviews and workshops to gain valuable insights into the requirements and functions. The next step involved concept generation and evaluating all concepts using workshops and Pugh's concept selection matrix. The outcome of this work is a concept for a service station that can fit inside a container, featuring an equipped work area and a docking station for the harvesting tool. In its final iteration, the service station enables damaged harvesting tool to be docked, inspected, and maintained. The final version does not support the docking of a damaged tool with the intent to immediately retrieve another fully functional one. Therefore, there is opportunity to explore further concepts that align with the company’s long-term goals.
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"Är det skrivet så är det skrivet." : En kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariers synsätt på barnlitteratur som har uppfattats som rasistisk / "If it's written then it's written" : A qualitative study about librarians viewpoint on children's literature that has been understood as racialistHansson, Mina January 2014 (has links)
In the autumn of 2012 a debate started in Swedish media about racial stereotypes and content in children's literature. Some voices wanted to weed out titles such as Tintin i Kongo (Tintin in the Congo) and the character Lilla hjärtat from Liten Skär och alla Brokiga (Little Pink & Brokiga), while others claimed that it was against our freedom of speech. In this essay I intend to interview librarians to find out if and how the debate has affected their work with purchase and weeding. I will also analyze their purchase policy to find out if it mentions racism and how the policies are applied in practice. As theory I'm using Strömbergs theory regarding three aspects of racism and Klassons theory about three different kinds of librarian roles. Do the librarians take the guardian role, the dialog role or the marketing model? / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Om vägen till ett bättre bestånd vid ett skolbibliotek : en aktionsforskningsansats. / Working towards an improved School Library collection : an action research attempt.Larsson, Annika, Bowman Lindell, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
For a school library to function as a support for the students’ development of their academic abilities, it must provide material satisfying their needs as well as the needs of the teachers. The school library should assist the students in their research endeavours, as well as inspire reading for pleasure. In order to do this it is imperative that the school library actively develops the existing collection and continually strives to meet the needs of its users. The aim of this Master’s thesis is to describe and reflect upon how a particular school library works with collection development. The study focuses on the material present in a specific library, i.e. the books and other media types used or sought there, and directly influences that library as the material is reviewed, organised and/or discarded. To collect data for the thesis an action research inspired strategy was used, mainly drawing inspiration from the four defining characteristics of action research as described by Martyn Denscombe: Practical (aimed at dealing with real-world issues), Change, Cyclical process (initial findings generate possibilities for change which, once implemented, form the basis for further investigation), and Participation (practitioners are involved in the research process). The study involves practical work at the school library in question, mapping the collection and reviewing user needs, which led to decisions regarding weeding and procurement. The updated collection was then evaluated through interviews with students and faculty. As a result of the study a policy for collection development was formulated to support further collection development in the studied school library. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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