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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


EDSON DA COSTA PINTO JUNIOR 07 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] Embora o tema Sistema de Medição de desempenho – SMD venha sendo objeto de muitos estudos por acadêmicos e práticos, a literatura acadêmica ainda carece de estudos que abordem, de forma específica, cada fase do ciclo de vida do SMD. O mesmo se reflete na indústria, onde são feitos grandes esforços nas fases de desenho e implantação e verifica-se menos atenção na fase de revisão. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação tem a proposta de apresentar um framework hábil para ser aplicado em revisões de SMD. Posteriormente, este estudo também se propôs a relatar um estudo de caso de revisão de SMD numa cadeia de suprimentos no setor de óleo e gás. Como produto final, apresenta-se o framework e uma nova lista de indicadores que está em fase de estudo para implantação na empresa estudada. / [en] Although the subject Performance Measurement System (PMS) has been the subject of many academic and practical studies, the academic literature still lacks studies that specifically address each phase of the PMS life cycle. The same is reflected in the industry, where there are major efforts in the design and deployment phases and less attention in the review phase. In this context, this dissertation proposes to present a framework that can be applied to PMS reviews. Subsequently, this paper also proposed to report a case study of PMS revision in an oil and gas supply chain. As final product, the framework is presented and a new list of indicators is being studied for implementation in the company studied.

Ochrana investic v plynárenském sektoru: Perspektivy právních vztahů mezi Evropskou unií a Ruskou federací / Protection of Investments in Gas Sector: The Perspectives of Legal Relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation

Lyapina, Elmira January 2017 (has links)
The absence of a relevant legal basis between huge commercial partners such as the EU as a single entity and the Russian Federation promoted the emergence of a legal vacuum. The long term cooperation between Russia and the EU has only one bilateral agreement - the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation signed in 1994, which is however obsolete, and does not meet the contemporary needs. The adequate legal basis for Russia-EU cooperation in the gas sector is still missing. The protection of investments in the gas sector is being realized by bilateral agreements between Russia and EU member states, soft law and general international agreements, without any specifications for those two partners. The only international instrument covering the energy relations of these two partners - Energy Charter Treaty cannot be considered as a reliable mechanism, as Russia withdrew from it more than 8 years ago. The reasons of the withdrawal and the Yukos case as an illustrative example are discussed in this paper. In order to avoid uncertainty in such strategic area as gas investment relations and unpredictable decisions between the states represented by the commercial entities, there is a need to design a substantive legal basis, and a need to consider on the adequate dispute resolution body. In this thesis, key...

Finansmarknadens reaktioner på naturkatastrofer förorsakade av enskilda bolag : En eventstudie av katastrofen i den Mexikanska golfen 2010

Moya, Juan, Östlund, Johannes January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den 20:e april 2010 inträffade en explosion på BP:s oljeplattform Deepwater Horizon i Mexikanska Golfen. Explosionen uppstod på grund av metangas som under högt tryck expanderade på plattformen och sedan antändes. Detta ledde senare till att oljeplattformen sjönk och ett stort okontrollerat oljeläckage uppstod på cirka 1500 meters djup.          Att explosionen i den mexikanska golfen har påverkat BP negativt och varit mycket kostsamt för företaget är uppenbart, börskursen hade som mest sjunkit med cirka 60 procent. Det kan vara intressant att undersöka huruvida denna katastrof, utlöst av en enskild aktör, också har spridit sig över till andra aktörer i Olja & Gas sektorn. Syfte: Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att undersöka huruvida BP:s katastrof i den Mexikanska golfen har påverkat andra aktörer i samma sektor (Olja & Gas sektorn). Metod: Sekundärdata presenteras som en kvantitativ ansats i form av siffror och för att kunna dra slutsatserna använder vi oss av en deduktiv ansats.I denna studie tillämpas en metodikteknik i form av en eventstudie, där beräkningar av den abnorma och förväntade avkastningen baseras på marknadsmodellen. Vidare har två hypoteser testats, där syftet med Hypotes I är att pröva huruvida information om händelsen i den Mexikanska Golfen påverkar andra företag i samma sektor som BP. Syftet med Hypotes II är att testa samma företag under samma period som Hypotes I, men undersöker förändring i tradingvolymerna istället för i aktiekurserna. Teori: Effektiva Marknadshypotesen, Random Walk och Flockbeteende Slutsatser: Dessa båda undersökningar d.v.s. Hypotes I och Hypotes II pekar starkt på slutsatsen att eventet har haft inverkat på övriga bolag i sektorn. Vi kunde vid en jämförelse med tidigare studier som genomförts på andra katastrofer, konstatera att skeendet har både likheter och skillnader. / Background: On the 20th April 2010, the BP oil platform Deepwater Horizon, situated in the Mexican Gulf, exploded. The explosion was caused by methanol gas that, under high pressure expanded and thereafter ignited. The platform submerged and caused a severe and uncontrollable oil leakage at 1500 meters depth.It is obvious that the explosion in the Mexican Gulf has impacted BP in a negative manner and cause BP large financial loss, the company shares had at its worst point depreciated by 60 percent. It may be of interest to investigate whether this catastrophe, caused by one independent party, also have affected other companies within the Oil and Gas industry. Purpose: The aim of this assignment is to investigate whether BP’s catastrophe in the Mexican Gulf has affected other companies within the same industry. (Oil and Gas) Methodology: Secondary data is presented as a quantitative approach in the shape of values and we use a deductive approach in order to draw the conclusions.The methodology used in this study is event study, in which calculation of the abnormal and expected revenue are based on the market model. We will test two types of hypothesis, where the aim of Hypothesis I is to test in which way information about the event in the Mexican Gulf affects other companies in the same industry as BP. The aim of Hypothesis II is to test the same companies during the same period as Hypothesis I, but with a focus on analyzing trading volume instead of the stock market value. Theory: Efficient Market Hypothesis, Random Walk and Herd Behavior Conclusion: Both investigations, i.e. Hypothesis I and Hypothesis II indicate that the event has had an impact on other companies in the same industry. We could, in a comparative analysis with earlier studies, based on other catastrophes, conclude that the event demonstrates similarities as well as differences.

La comparaison des processus juridiques de la libéralisation des secteurs électrique et gazier : en France et en Turquie / The comparison of the legal process of the liberalisation of the electric and gas markets : in France and in Turquie

Zobu, Burcu 12 February 2016 (has links)
La libéralisation des marchés énergétiques est un objectif primordial pour tous les Etats membres et candidats à l'Union européenne. Dans le but d'arriver à un marché de l'énergie, la Commission européenne a mis en place trois paquets énergie pour l'ouverture complète des marchés électriques et gaziers à la concurrence étape par étape. Pour mieux comprendre les législations et les politiques énergétiques en France et en Turquie, il est indispensable d'avoir une connaissance principale sur l'organisation et le fonctionnement de leurs marchés électriques et gaziers dès l'origine en élaborant les institutions et entreprises monopolistiques en tant que EDF, TEK, GDF BOTAS, et leur évolution historique jusqu'à la mise en place des directives énergétiques européennes. Par la suite, il est important d'examiner chronologiquement chaque étape de libéralisation imposé par les paquets énergie (mise en place du marché intérieur 1996-2000, le deuxième paquet énergie 2000-2007, le troisième paquet énergie 2007-2011,prochaine étape Energy 2020), et comparer la procédure juridique du procès de la libéralisation des marchés énergétiques en examinant leurs législations en vigueur et leurs modifications pendant l'implémentation des directives énergétiques européennes. / The liberalization of energy markets is primary objective for each member and candidate State of the European Union. In order to achieve an internal energy market, European Commission set up three energy packages for electricity and gas market complete opening up to the competition step by ste^p. For a better understanding of the energy legislations and policies in France and in Turkey, it is essential to have a main knowledge related to the organisation and operation of their electricity and gas markets from the beginning by examining the institutions and monopolistic companies such as EDF, TEK, GDF, BOTAS, and their historical evolution period until the european energy directives implementation. Thereafter, it is prominent to examine chronologically every step of the liberalisation enforced by the energy packages (internal energy market 1996-2000, second energy package 2000-2007, third energy package 2007-2011, next step Energy 2020), and compare the legal procedure of the energy market liberalization process by analyzing their legislations in place and modifications during the european energy directives implementation process.

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