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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação evolutiva da qualidade de vida, perda de peso e comorbidades após derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux / Outcomes of quality of life, weight loss and comorbidities after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Roberto Coelho Netto da Cunha Costa 16 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A cirurgia bariátrica tem se tornado o método mais eficaz de perda de peso em pacientes obesos. A avaliação da melhora das comorbidades e mudanças na qualidade de vida são fatores importantes na avaliação dos resultados, entretanto é necessário investigar se elas persistem ao longo do tempo. Métodos: Foram avaliados em estudo transversal 143 pacientes divididos em cinco grupos independentes, sendo um controle e os demais com 1, 2, 3 e 4 anos ou mais de seguimento cirúrgico por derivação gástrica em Y de Roux com anel de silicone. Foram analisados dados antropométricos, do BAROS (BARIATRIC ANALYSIS AND REPORTING OUTCOME SYSTEM) e da qualidade de vida pelo SF-36 (\"MEDICAL OUTCOMES STUDY 36-ITEM SHORT-FORM HEALTH SURVEY\"). Resultados: Houve significante perda percentual do excesso de peso (PEP%) de 81,7% após um ano. Nos grupos com 2, 3 e 4 anos ou mais da cirurgia a PEP% apresentou leve declínio, mas sem diferença significante. As taxas de resolução nas principais comorbidades com 1 ano de operação foram de 100% no diabetes mellitus, 58,3% na hipertensão e 40% na artropatia. Na avaliação evolutiva da resolução das comorbidades houve diminuição significante na taxa de proporção para resolução do diabetes (p= 0,035). Os resultados obtidos pelo BAROS foram bom, muito bom ou excelente em mais de 96% dos pacientes em todas as avaliações realizadas. Houve melhora da qualidade de vida pelo Questionário de Moorehead-Ardealt . A qualidade de vida avaliada através do SF-36 melhorou em todos os domínios relacionados após um ano, no entanto após quatro anos de cirurgia permaneceu melhor apenas nos domínios estado geral de saúde e capacidade funcional. Conclusão: A cirurgia de derivação gástrica em Y de Roux levou a perda do excesso de peso de 81,7% após um ano de cirurgia, permanecendo estável após, com leve declínio. Ocorreu resolução importante das principais comorbidades como hipertensão e diabetes. Houve satisfação com os resultados imediatos obtidos com a cirurgia avaliados pelos SF-36 nos domínios que avaliam a qualidade de vida, e apenas no estado geral da saúde e capacidade funcional nos períodos mais tardios. / Introduction: Bariatric surgery has become the most effective method in weight loss of obese patients. The evaluation of improvement of comorbidities and changes in the quality of life are important outcome factors, however it is necessary to investigate if they persist in the long term. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 143 patients which were divided into five independent groups, being one a control and four other groups with 1, 2, 3 and 4 years or more following surgical Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) with silicon embracing band. Anthropometric data were analyzed after applying BAROS (BARIATRIC ANALYSIS AND REPORTING OUTCOME SYSTEM) and the quality of life data was analyzed by SF-36 (\"MEDICAL OUTCOMES STUDY 36-ITEM SHORT-FORM HEALTH SURVEY\") questionnaire. Results: After one year of surgery, a significant percentile loss of excess weight (EWL%) of 81,7% was observed. Groups with 2, 3 and 4 years or more of surgical follow-up showed EWL% decline, but without significant difference. The resolution rate of main comorbidities with one year of surgery reached 100% for diabetes mellitus, 58,3 for hypertension and 40% for arthropaty. There was a significant decrease in the proportion rate for diabetes resolution (p= 0,035) observed by evolutionary assessment of the comorbidity resolution. The results obtained by BAROS were good, very good or excellent in more than 96% of patients in all performed evaluations. Moorehead-Ardealt\'s Questionnaire demonstrated improvement in the quality of life. Moreover, the quality of life when evaluated through SF-36 also showed improvement in all related areas after 1 year, however after four years, it remained elevated only in the areas of general state of health and functional capacity. Conclusions: The RYGB procedure was able to achieve weight excess loss of 81,7% after 1 year of surgery, remaining steady with little decline after this period. Important resolution of comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes was seen. Immediate surgery outcomes assessed by SF-36 in the area of quality of life was satisfactory, and general state of health and functional capacity areas were the only that remain satisfactory at a later time.

Avaliação do estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica (gastroplastia com derivação em Y de Roux) / Assessment of zinc nutritional status of the patients undergoing to bariatric surgery (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass)

Cristiane Cominetti 16 February 2006 (has links)
A prevalência da obesidade está aumentando de forma alarmante em todo o mundo. A obesidade mórbida está entre as doenças que mais matam e o índice de mortalidade entre homens obesos mórbidos de 25 a 40 anos é doze vezes maior em relação a indivíduos com peso normal. Da mesma forma que aumenta o número de obesos, também está havendo um aumento na realização de cirurgias para redução de peso. Além disso, alguns estudos mostram que o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco em indivíduos obesos e diabéticos é alterado. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da gastroplastia com derivação em Y de Roux sobre o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de obesos mórbidos. Participaram do estudo pacientes submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico, perfazendo um total de 24 (vinte e quatro) indivíduos na primeira fase e 22 (vinte e dois) na segunda fase da pesquisa. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue, urina de 24 horas e registros alimentares de três dias (sendo um dia de final de semana) tanto no pré-operatório (T0) quanto aproximadamente dois meses após a cirurgia (T1) - período no qual os pacientes não receberam suplementação de minerais. As amostras biológicas foram analisadas por meio de um espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica de chama e o consumo alimentar de zinco foi analisado por meio do software Virtual Nutri versão 6.0 (FSP/USP). Os resultados no T0 e T1 foram respectivamente: zinco plasmático: 68 e 66,3 µg/dL; zinco eritrocitário: 36,6 e 43,8 µg/gHb; excreção urinária: 884,7 e 385,9 µg/24h e consumo alimentar de zinco: 10,5 e 6,7 mg/dia. Analisando os resultados, pode-se concluir que, num primeiro momento, a distribuição corporal do zinco melhorou, com redução na excreção urinária e aumento nas concentrações eritrocitárias. Entretanto, percebe-se também que o consumo alimentar de zinco apresentou uma redução significativa, o que em longo prazo, pode acarretar maiores problemas aos pacientes caso estes não recebam suplementação adequada. / The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide. Morbid obesity is a life threatening disease and the mortality index between morbid obese men aged 25 - 40 years is twelve - fold higher in relation to normal body weight subjects. Currently, the employment of surgery for weight reduction has also risen. Furthermore, previous research has shown that the nutritional zinc status in obese and diabetics subjects is altered. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the influence of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on the zinc nutritional status of the morbid obese patients. Twenty four morbid obese individuals were studied before and 22 (twenty two) patients were studied two months after this surgical procedure, the period in which the patients were still not ingesting mineral supplements. Fast blood sample and three days food records were collected in the pre and post - operative phases. The zinc concentration in the sample was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and dietary analysis of the food records performed using the software Virtual Nutri with the inclusion of zinc concentration in the database for regional foods (School of Public Health - USP - Brazil). The results on the pre and post - operative were respectively, plasma: 68 and 66,3 µg/dL; erythrocytes: 36,6 and 43,8 µg/gHb, urine: 884,7 µg/24h and 385,9 µg/24h and zinc intake: 10,5 e 6,7 mg/day. These results suggest that the surgical procedure changed mainly the zinc erythrocyte concentrations and zinc urinary excretion and, as expected, the zinc intake was lower in the post - operative state, which in the medium and long term, could cause problems for the patients.

Análise das deficiências nutricionais de pacientes em seguimento pós-operatório tardio de cirurgia de Bypass Gástrico em Y de Roux / Prevalence of nutritional deficiencies in patients in long term follow-up after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Lourença de Oliveira Franco Dalcanale 26 March 2008 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar de não ser puramente disabsortiva, o Bypass Gástrico em Y de Roux pode provocar alteração da absorção de muitas vitaminas e minerais. Considerando ainda o fato de existirem poucos estudos que relatem o estado geral destes indivíduos, sobretudo com relação aos parâmetros nutricionais em longo prazo, observou-se à necessidade do desenvolvimento de um estudo que verifique a prevalência das carências nutricionais e a efetividade da técnica empregada, bem como o estado geral destes pacientes e suas inter-relações com outros fatores, para especialmente direcionar com maior efetividade as condutas a serem empregadas no pós-operatório pela equipe multidisciplinar. Métodos: 8 homens e 67 mulheres de uma amostra inicial de 130 pacientes compareceram a entrevista. Estes pacientes foram operados pela técnica de Bypass Gástrico em Y de Roux, possuíam entre 18-65 anos e tinham mais que 5 anos de pós-operatório. Foram coletados os seguintes dados: IMC pré e pós-operatório, perda do excesso de peso, queixa de sintomas gastrointestinais, além de dados referente a deficiências nutricionais através da análise de sangue pelos métodos padrões. Resultados: O IMC inicial foi de 56,5 +/- 10 Kg/m2. Após 2 anos, o IMC médio havia caído para 29,4 +/-6 e após 87 meses após a cirurgia, este era de 34,3 +/-10 Kg/m². Uma associação inversa entre perda do excesso de peso (PEP) e tempo de pósoperatório foi observada (P= 0,27; p=0,0183). Após 2 anos apenas 1,33 % (n=1) não atingiu a PEP esperada de 50% do excesso de peso e no momento da entrevista, 30,6% (n=23) não haviam conseguido mantê-la. As deficiências mais comumente verificadas foram as deficiências de vitamina B12 (61,82%) e D (60,53%). Baixos níveis de hemoglobina também foram verificados (50,82%). Vômitos e Síndrome de Dumping foram às queixas gastrointestinais mais observadas 66,19% e 56,76%. Verificou-se correlações significantes entre baixos níveis de hemoglobina e o sexo feminino (p=0,011), % de PEP e ocorrência de vômito com deficiência de vitamina B12 (p=0,028) e (p=0,022). Conclusão: O BGYR é eficiente na promoção e manutenção de perda de peso em longo prazo. Especial atenção deve ser dada aos grupos de maior risco para desenvolvimento de deficiências nutricionais, mulheres em idade fértil, perda de peso excessiva e naqueles que apresentam vômitos freqüentes. / Background: The goal of this study is determining both the efficacy of the surgery and the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies in the long term after the Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass and search for relations of theses deficiencies with other factors. Methods: 8 men and 67 women consecutives patients, who had 5 years or more after the surgery were assessed during regular visits. Pre and Post-operative BMI, excess weight loss and gastrointestinal symptoms were registered. Nutritional deficiencies were accessed by standard laboratory assays. Result: The initial BMI was 56,5 +/- 10 Kg/m2. After 2 years, the mean BMI had dropped to 29,4 +/-6 and by and average of 87 months it was 34,3 +/-10 Kg/m². A inverse association beetwen Excess Weight Loss (EWL) and time of postoperative was verified (P= 0,27; p=0,0183). After 2 years only 1,33 % (n=1) had not achieve a EWL of at least 50%. At the end, 30,6% (n=23) could not maintain this EWL. The more commom nutricional deficiencies are vitamin B12 (61,82%) and D (60,53%). Low levels of hemoglobin (50,82%) was also verified. Vomiting and dumping syndrome was reffered in 66,19% and 56,76%. Significant correlation and with clinical signify was observed between low hemoglobin levels and femine sex (p=0,011), % of weight loss and the B12 deficiency (p=0,028) and vomiting and deficiency of B12 (p=0,022). Conclusion: The RYGB is efficient to promotes and maintain the weight. Special attention should be given to patients with massive weight loss, frequent vomiting and women in reprodutive age.

Attityder till kraftigt överviktiga personer som gått ner i vikt : Har viktminskningsmetoden betydelse?

Starkman, Jaana, Nilsson, Therese January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Relationship of Appetite, Olfaction and Food Reward After Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass Surgery: Could This Explain Weight Regain?

Brown, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
Background: Roux-en-y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery produces significant weight loss, however a number of patients experience some and/or complete recidivism of weight years after surgery. Limited research has investigated why patients are experiencing weight regain after surgical interventions. Our objective was to identify appetite-related measures associated with weight regain after RYGB surgery. Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, 29 participants (49.6 ± 9.1 years of age; 29-62 months post-RYGB) were divided into three weight categories; (weight maintainers, n = 9; low weight regainers, n = 10; and high weight regainers, n = 10). Appetite, smell function, eating behaviours and food reward were measured in response to a standardized meal. Results: Weight regain increased significantly in association with time after surgery (rs = 0.768, p = 0.016). High regainers gained on average 8.6 kg/year, compared to low regainers and maintainers, 3.8 ± 0.9 kg/year and 0.9 ± 0.9 kg/year, respectively (p < 0.001). Dietary restraint (using the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire) was significantly higher in weight maintainers and low regainers compared to high regainers using clinical subscales (p < 0.05). Weight regain was associated with higher “liking” of high-fat sweet foods (measured with the Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire) among high weight regainers. Conclusion: Weight regain after RYGB may be associated with higher preferences for high-fat sweet foods, whereas, higher dietary restraint may be associated with lower wanting of high-fat sweet foods among weight maintainers. Findings provide insight into why some patients after RYGB regain weight, while others maintain their weight. Future research is needed to further explore the relationships between appetite-related factors and weight regain after RYGB employing a longitudinal study design.

Anestesisjuksköterskans åtgärder inför den postoperativa vården : En journalgranskningsstudie med fokus på smärta, illamående och vårdtid hos patienter som genomgått Gastric Bypass-operationer

Pettersson, Nils, Häggström, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nästan hälften av alla vuxna svenskar är överviktiga eller lider av fetma vilket tillsammans med dess följdsjukdomar kostar samhället flera miljarder kronor per år. Trots att behandlande överviktsoperationer (främst gastric bypass [GBP]) blir allt vanligare i Sverige, är patientens hälsotillstånd intra-, och postoperativt relativt outforskat vad gäller smärta, postoperativt illamående och kräkning [PONV], vårdtid samt det ökande lidandet detta medför.   Syfte och Metod: Syftet är att beskriva mängden analgetika och antiemetika som ges till patienter som genomgår GBP-operationer, från premedicinering till utskrivning på den postoperativa vårdavdelningen. Vidare undersöks om anestesisjuksköterskan positivt kan påverka den postoperativa vården med avseende på smärtlindring, PONV och vårdtid då detta kopplas till lidande. En kvantitativ deskriptiv retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie gällande totalt 68 patienter genomfördes.   Resultat: Gavs lokalanestetika i operationssåret under operation minskade både behovet av analgetika postoperativt (p&lt;0,05) och den postoperativa vårdtiden (p&lt;0,05). Om antiemetika gavs intraoperativt minskade användningen av antiemetika postoperativt (p&lt;0,001). Ju större dos antiemetika/kg/min som gavs intraoperativt desto kortare tid på den postoperativa vårdavdelningen (p&lt;0,001). Detta gällde oavsett om patienten fått lokalanestetika (p&lt;0,01) eller inte (p&lt;0,05).   Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskan har stora möjligheter att på flera plan positivt påverka tiden direkt efter operation. Intraoperativ administrering av lokalanestetika och antiemetika har avgörande roller för den fortsatta vården hos patienter som genomgår GBP-operationer, både vad gäller smärta, PONV, vårdtid och det lidande som detta kan medföra. Antiemetika doseras till synes enligt rutin och inte i förhållande till vikt, men ger viktberoende effekter. Mer forskning inom området efterfrågas. / Objectives: Almost 50 % of Swedish adults are overweight or obese, which costs the society billions annually. Although surgical treatments of obesity (primarily gastric bypass [GBP]) are increasing in Sweden, the patient's perioperative health status are relatively unexplored in terms of pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting [PONV], length of postoperative observation ward [POW] stay and the increasing suffering this entails. The authors aim to describe the amount of perioperative analgesics and antiemetics that GBP patients receive, and investigate how the nurse anesthetist can affect the postoperative care. Method: A quantitative descriptive retrospective study with a total of 68 patients was conducted. Result: The need for postoperative analgesics (p&lt;.05) and the length of stay in the POW (p&lt;.05) were both reduced whenever local anesthetics were given during surgery. If antiemetics were given intraoperatively, the use of antiemetics postoperatively was reduced; (p&lt;.001). A greater intraoperative dose antiemetic/kg/minute reduced the length of stay in the POW (p&lt;.001) regardless whether the patients received local anesthetics (p&lt;.01) or not (p&lt;.05). Conclusion: The nurse anesthetist can positively impact the immediate time after surgery. Intraoperative administration of  antiemetics and local anesthetics have crucial roles for the continued care of the GBP patient in terms of suffering connected to pain, PONV and length of stay in the POW. Antiemetics are seemingly dosed based on a routine and not on the patient's weight. More research in this area are requested.

Efeito do exercício físico aeróbio em mulheres submetidas à gastroplastia Bypass y de Roux / Effect of aerobic exercise in women undergoing gastric Bypass Roux-em-y

Marcela Grisólia Grisoste Zwarg 04 May 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do exercício aeróbio em mulheres obesas, pós gastroplastia Bypass Y de Roux. Dentre os objetivos específicos, comparou o percentual de gordura por dobras cutâneas, antes e após o programa de treinamento e o peso corporal em Kg pré e pós intervenção. A amostra foi composta por 11 mulheres com média de 31,45 anos (± 8,27) e a altura de 1,63 metros (± 0,03), durante 12 semanas, realizaram 60 minutos de exercício físico aeróbio (caminhada/corrida), 5 vezes na semana, com FC controlada. A média da prescrição da FCM foi entre 142,18 bpm (± 2,63) e 157,90 bpm (± 3,41), correspondendo a 55 e 70% da FCM. Antes do início e após o término do programa de treinamento, foi avaliado o método duplamente indireto de composição corporal. Dentre as medidas antropométricas foram coletadas a estatura; o peso; as circunferências e as dobras cutâneas. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo programa estatístico SPSS versão 16.0. Os resultados da estatística descritiva foram expressos como média e desvio padrão (± dp) e, em todas as análises, foi adotado como nível de significância p<0,05. A adesão ao programa de exercício físico aeróbio durante 12 semanas foi um procedimento eficaz e significante para a redução do peso corporal, para o IMC, as circunferências de cintura e quadril, o RCQ e para o percentual de gordura corporal. Foi possível obter um efeito significativo na composição corporal, apesar de não se ter controlado outros tratamentos convencionais, tais como hábitos nutricionais, medicamentosos e terapias comportamentais / This study has evaluated the effect that aerobic exercise has in obese women after the gastric bypass Y de Roux Amongst the specific objectives, it compared the fat percentage by skinfold thickness before and after the training program and the body weight in kilograms before and after intervention The sample was built of 11 women of 31,45 years old (± 8,27) on average and heights of 1,63 (± 0,03) on average on a 12 Week period they performed 60 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, running) 5 times a week with heart rate controlled. The average of the FCM prescription was between 142,18 bpm (± 2,63) and 157,90 bpm (± 3,41) equivalent to 55 and 70% of FCM Before the beginning and after the end of the training program they assessed the double indirect method of body composition. Amongs the anthropometric measures they collected data as tallness, weight, circumference, and skinfolds. The data analysis was accomplished by the statistics program SSPS version 16.0 The results from the descriptive statistics were expressed as average and standard deviation (± SD) and for all the analysis the significance level used was p<0,05 he adhesion to the aerobic exercise program. The adhesion on a 12-week period was an efficient and significant procedure to body weight loss to the IMC to waist and hip circumference the RCQ and to the percentage of body fat It was possible to obtain a significant effect on the body composition, despite not having checked other conventional treatments such as nutritional habits, drugs and behavioral therapies

Den nya kroppen - En litteraturstudie om livet efter bariatrisk kirurgi

Aziegbe Molin, Olivia, Lynch, Susanna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bariatrisk kirurgi är i stora delar av världen en frekvent använd metod för individer med grav fetma och har goda effekter på fetma-relaterade sjukdomar. Operationen och viktnedgången utgör dock en omställning för kroppen och biverkningar är vanliga. Forskning har även visat på en förhöjd förekomst av psykisk ohälsa som självskadebeteende, missbruk och suicid i patientgruppen jämfört med normalbefolkningen. Hög förekomst av biverkningar och av psykisk ohälsa synliggör behovet av fortsatt forskning riktad mot patientgruppens sammantagna upplevda hälsa och dagliga liv. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur patienter upplever sitt dagliga liv efter genomgången bariatrisk kirurgi. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes baserat på tio kvalitativa artiklar från databaserna Cinahl, Psycinfo och PubMed som beskrev patienternas daliga liv 1-8 år efter operation. Artiklarna analyserades och genererade ett övergripande tema och fyra kategorier. Resultat: Resultatet visade att livet efter bariatrisk kirurgi präglades av förändring och anpassning och innefattade fyra kategorier; Fysisk förändring; förändrad självbild, förändrat socialt liv samt sjukvårdens betydelse. Konklusion: Resultatet av litteraturstudien och tidigare forskning pekar mot att bariatrisk kirurgi kan ha en stor inverkan på patientens dagliga liv. Viktnedgången öppnade upp för nya möjligheter men livet verkade förbli problematiskt inom ett flertal områden för många patienter. Begrepp som patientundervisning, anpassad kost, psykisk hälsa, sexualitet, självbild och användandet av smärtskattningsinstrument har visats vara av relevans i samband med omvårdnad av den bariatriska patienten. / Background: Bariatric surgery is frequently performed on individuals with severe obesity due to the positive effects on obesity related diseases. The surgery and the weight loss itself however pose a large transition for the body and side effects are common. In addition, research has shown a higher prevalence of self harm, addiction and suicide in the postoperative group. Side effects and decreased mental health in post-surgical bariatric patients, calls for additional research regarding the overall health and daily life in this group. Aim: The study aimed to explore how patients experience life after going through bariatric surgery. Method: A literature review was performed based on ten qualitative studies from the databases Cinahl, Psycinfo and Pubmed which described patients' daily life 18 years after surgery. The studies were analysed and generated one main theme and four different categories. Result: The result showed that life after bariatric surgery was characterized by change and adaption and generated four cathegories; Physical change, changed self image, changed social life and the role of health care. Conclusion: The results of the literature review and previous research suggests that bariatric surgery had a great impact on the patients daily life. Even though the weight loss made way for new opportunities, life after surgery seemed to remain difficult for many patients. Patient education, nutrition, mental health, sexuality, self image and the use of pain assessment tools has proven to be of relevance when caring for the bariatric patient.

Absorption av levotyroxin och omeprazol eftergastric bypass – en litteraturstudie

Akbari, Rukhsara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Gastric bypass är en operationsmetod som leder till en fysiologisk förändring i magtarmkanalen av perorala läkemedel, i syfte till att främja viktnedgång. Tidigare studier har stärkt teorin om att ett förändrat upptag av två vanligt förekommande läkemedel i kliniken, levotyroxin och omeprazol, sker som en följd av gastric bypass operation. Absorptionen av dessa läkemedel är kliniskt relevanta då den terapeutiska effekten är avgörande för behandlingen och därmed hälsan hos en bred patientgrupp inom sjukvården.  Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att reda ut hur absorptionen av levotyroxin och omeprazol påverkas efter en gastric bypass operation.  Metod: Detta är en litterturstudie baserat på åtta orginalstudier, fyra om läkemedlet omeprazol och fyra studier om läkemedlet levotyroxin. Artiklarna identifierades efter sökningar i PubMed och Embase under april 2021. Inklusionskriterier var gastric bypass som operationsmetod samt att publikationsdatumet är inom de senaste 20 åren. Barn, äldre och patienter med samtidigt vitaminkonsumtion exkluderades.  Resultat: Av levotyroxinartiklarna konkluderar två av dessa att en minskad absorption av läkemedlet sker efter gastric bypass. De två resterande artiklar redovisade ingen förändring gällande absorptionen. Artiklar som studerade levotyroxin upptaget i form av flytande beredning efter gastric bypass, påvisade ökat läkemedelsupptag i flytande form gentemot tablettform. I de fyra artiklar som studerades omeprazol och dess absorption, styrktes en minskad läkemedlsabsorption i två av de artiklarna, samt en observerad avsaknad av signifikant skillnad i de två resterande artiklarna.  Slutsats: Ett fullständigt svar till frågeställningen om levotyroxin coh omeprazol leder till minskat läkemedelsupptag efter gastric bypass, kan inte återfås av denna litterturstudie på grund av motstridiga resultat. Detta resultat indikerar däremot behovet av en individuell farmakoterapi då variationen mellan olika individer gällande faktorer såsom BMI och kön, kan påverka läkemedelsupptaget.

Depression Screening for Bariatric Surgical Patients

Stidham, Cova Teresa 01 January 2019 (has links)
Obesity in the United States has increased to epidemic numbers over the last decade. Practitioners need to reverse the trend. To address the problem of depression in obesity, a practice guideline from a bariatric clinic for under-served populations was proposed to an expert panel. The Spell Out on First Use (PHQ-9) screening is a valid and reliable self-screening tool to assist the practitioner in determining the level of depression if any. The PHQ-9 has nine questions. No formal screening existed at the bariatric clinic, and the practice guideline (with algorithm and revised workflow) was proposed for use at the clinic. The expert panel consisted of the medical director, a surgeon, a psychiatrist, and a nurse practitioner at the clinic. The expert panel reviewed the materials and made one recommendation: to implement the PHQ-9 upon intake when the patient is being admitted to the program, and the panel recommends administering PHQ-9 prior to assessment by practitioners All panel members were in agreement about full implementation of the practice guideline, provided that an educational program on the revised workflow in the clinic was first presented. The expert panel also reviewed and approved the algorithm and the treatment pathways identified for patients to use in the practice after the results of the PHQ-9 are compiled. It is expected that use of the depression screening tool and recommended guidelines in the bariatric clinic will result in more effective treatment for the patients and thus better outcomes-a significant positive social change.

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