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Levodopa pharmacokinetics -from stomach to brain : A study on patients with Parkinson’s diseaseNord, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders and it is caused by a loss of dopamine (DA) producing neurons in the basal ganglia in the brain. The PD patient suffers from motor symptoms such as tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity and treatment with levodopa (LD), the precursor of DA, has positive effects on these symptoms. Several factors affect the availability of orally given LD. Gastric emptying (GE) is one factor and it has been shown to be delayed in PD patients resulting in impaired levodopa uptake. Different enzymes metabolize LD on its way from the gut to the brain resulting in less LD available in the brain and more side effects from the metabolites. By adding dopa decarboxylase inhibitors (carbidopa or benserazide) or COMT-inhibitors (e.g. entacapone) the bioavailability of LD increases significantly and more LD can pass the blood-brain-barrier and be converted to DA in the brain. It has been considered of importance to avoid high levodopa peaks in the brain because this seems to induce changes in postsynaptic dopaminergic neurons causing disabling motor complications in PD patients. More continuously given LD, e.g. duodenal or intravenous (IV) infusions, has been shown to improve these motor complications. Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN DBS) has also been proven to improve motor complications and to make it possible to reduce the LD dosage in PD patients. In this doctoral thesis the main purpose is to study the pharmacokinetics of LD in patients with PD and motor complications; in blood and subcutaneous tissue and study the effect of GE and PD stage on LD uptake and the effect of continuously given LD (CDS) on LD uptake and GE; in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when adding the peripheral enzyme inhibitors entacapone and carbidopa to LD infusion IV; in brain during STN DBSand during oral or IV LD treatment. To conclude, LD uptake is more favorable in PD patients with less severe disease and GE is delayed in PD patients. No obvious relation between LD uptake and GE or between GE and PD stage is seen and CDS decreases the LD levels. Entacapone increases the maximal concentration of LD in blood and CSF. This is more evident with additional carbidopa and important to consider in avoiding high LD peaks in brain during PD treatment. LD in brain increases during both oral and IV LD treatment and the DA levels follows LD well indicating that PD patients still have capacity to metabolize LD to DA despite probable pronounced nigral degeneration. STN DBS seems to increase putaminal DA levels and together with IV LD treatment also increases LD in brain possibly explaining why it is possible to decrease LD medication after STN DBS surgery. / Parkinsons sjukdom (PS) är en av de vanligaste s.k. neurodegenerativasjukdomarna och orsakas av förlust av dopamin(DA)producerande nervceller i hjärnan. Detta orsakar motoriska symptom såsom skakningar, stelhet och förlångsammade rörelser. Levodopa (LD) är ett ämne, som kan omvandlas till DA i hjärnan och ge symptomlindring och det är oftast förstahandsval vid behandling av patienter med PS. Flera faktorer påverkar tillgängligheten av LD, bl.a. den hastighet som magsäcken tömmer sig med och denna verkar förlångsammad hos personer med PS vilket ger sämre tillgänglighet av LD i blodet och därmed i hjärnan. LD bryts även ner i hög grad av olika enzym ute i kroppen vilket leder till mindre mängd LD som hamnar i hjärnan och till fler nedbrytningsprodukter som orsakar biverkningar. Tillägg av enzymhämmare leder till ökad mängd LD som kan nå hjärnan och omvandlas till DA. Det anses viktigt att undvika höga toppar av LD i hjärnan då dessa verkar bidra till utvecklandet av besvärliga motoriska komplikationer hos patienter med PS. Om LD ges mer kontinuerligt, exempelvis som en kontinuerlig infusion in i tarmen eller i blodet, så minskar dessa motoriska komplikationer. Inopererande av stimulatorer i vissa delar av hjärnan (DBS) har också visat sig minska dessa motoriska komplikationer och även resultera i att man kan minska LD-dosen. Huvudsyftet med den här avhandlingen är att studera LD hos patienter med PS; i blod och fettvävnad då LD ges i tablettform och se om det finns något samband med LD-upptag och hastigheten på magsäckstömningen (MT) och om kontinuerligt given LD påverkar LD-upptaget eller MT; i blod och i ryggmärgsvätska då enzymhämmarna entakapon och karbidopa tillsätts LD; i hjärna vid behandling med DBS och då LD ges både som tablett och som infusion i blodet. Sammanfattningsvis kan vi se att LD-upptaget är mer gynnsamt hos patienter med PS i tidigare skede av sjukdomens komplikationsfas. MT är förlångsammad hos patienter med PS och det är inget tydligt samband mellan LD-upptag och MT eller mellan MT och sjukdomsgrad. Kontinuerligt given LD minskar LDnivåerna. Enzymhämmaren entakapon ökar den maximala koncentrationen av LD i blod och ryggmärgsvätska och effekten är mer tydlig vid tillägg av karbidopa vilket är viktigt att ta i beaktande vid behandling av PS för att undvika höga toppar av LD i hjärnan. LD ökar i hjärnan då man behandlar med LD i tablettform och som infusion i blodet och DA-nivåerna i hjärnan följer LD väl vilket visar på att patienter med PS fortfarande kan omvandla LD till DA trots trolig uttalad brist av de DA-producerande nervcellerna i hjärnan. DBS verkar öka DA i vissa områden i hjärnan och tillsammans med LD-infusion i blodet verkar det även öka LD i hjärnan och det kan förklara varför man kan sänka LDdosen efter DBS-operation.
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Personers upplevelser av att anpassa sitt liv utifrån sin kroniska inflammatoriska tarmsjukdom (IBD)Blom, Sandra, Wenhov, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) inkluderar Ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom som kännetecknas av återkommande inflammation i tarmen. Etiologin för sjukdomarna är fortfarande okänd och forskning visar en ökning, framför allt i Europa. För att främja hälsa trots en livslång sjukdom behöver individen ta ansvar för att anpassa sin sjukdom genom egenvård, detta för att förebygga exacerbation. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa personers upplevelser av att anpassa sitt liv utifrån sin kroniska inflammatoriska tarmsjukdom. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserat på 12 kvalitativa studier. Databaserna som användes vid artikelsökningarna var PubMed och CINAHL. Sökbegränsningarna var engelska, människor och 10 år. Resultat: En återkommande upplevelse bland personerna med IBD var att livet blev begränsat både gällde skola- och arbetsliv, det sociala livet och kosten. För att anpassa sitt liv med en IBD-sjukdom upplevde personerna att kunskap och stöd från andra var betydande. För att hålla sjukdomen i remission upplevdes behandlingar och kostanpassningar vara en viktig fördel. Upplevelsen av sig själv förändrades där en känsla av att inte vara normal var vanligt, att acceptera och hitta mening i livet var en viktig anpassning och resulterade i ett bättre mentalt välbefinnande. Slutsats: Sjukdomen upplevdes skapa begränsningar i det dagliga livet och ändrade självbilden hos personerna. Att acceptera sitt liv med IBD ansågs vara en viktig anpassning för att skapa möjlighet till att leva sitt liv utan dessa upplevda begränsningar. Enligt författarna kommer resultatet ge sjuksköterskor en ökad förståelse gällande omvårdnaden för personer med en IBD-sjukdom samt möjliggöra en fungerande egenvård för dessa personer. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease who are characterized by recurrent inflammation in the bowel. The etiology of the diseases is still unknown, and research shows that it’s increasing, especially in Europe. To promote health despite a lifelong illness, the individual needs to take responsibility for their self-care to keep the disease in check. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe persons experience of adapting their life with their inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A descriptive literature study based on 12 qualitative studies. The databases used were PubMed and CINAHL. The study's limitations were English, humans, and 10 years. Results: A recurring experience among people with IBD was that life was limited in school, work, social life and diet. Knowledge and support from others were important to adapt to a life with IBD. To keep the disease in remission, treatments and dietary adjustments were perceived as an important advantage. The experience of yourself changed, where a feeling of not being normal was common. Patients who were able to accept their disease, and who also transcended to find a higher purpose, ultimately improved their mental health. Conclusion: The disease creates limitations in daily life and changes the self-image of people. Accepting a life with IBD was an important adjustment to create the opportunity to live one's life without these perceived limitations. According to the authors, the results will give nurses an increased understanding of caregiving and improved self-care for people with IBD.
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Effekt av vonoprazan vid behandling av erosiv esofagit : Ett nytt syrahämmande läkemedel som hämmar protonpumpen / Effect of vonoprazan in the treatment of erosive esophagitis : A novel proton pump inhibitor for acid suppressionAl Ahdab, Moimnai January 2024 (has links)
Erosiv esofagit (EE) innebär uppkomst av inflammation och slemhinneskador i matstrupen. Den huvudsakliga orsaken till EE är gastroesofageal reflux (GERD), då det sura maginnehållet stöts upp i matstrupen. Bristande funktion av nedre esofagussfinktern (LES) och diafragmabråck kan också orsaka EE. Obehandlad EE kan leda till komplikationer såsom Barretts esofagus (BE), adenocarcinom, förträngning av matstrupen och gastrointestinala blödningar. Diagnostiken sker med hjälp av endoskopi. Behandlingen av EE går bland annat ut på att påskynda läkning av slemhinneskador i matstrupen. Den består huvudsakligen av läkemedelsterapi och livsstil- och kostförändringar, men även kirurgi kan vara en möjlig behandling. Läkemedelsterapi består av syrahämmande läkemedel som hämmar produktionen av magsyra. Protonpumpshämmare (PPI), till exempel lansoprazol (LPZ), är standardbehandlingen vid syrarelaterade sjukdomar, bland annat EE. PPI har dock begränsningar och upp till 20 % med svårare EE uppnår inte läkning. Vonoprazan (VPZ) tillhör kalium kompetitivasyrablockerare (P-CAB) och är ett nytt syrahämmande läkemedel som är godkänt i bland annat Japan och USA för behandling av EE. Syftet med detta litteraturarbete var att undersöka effekten av 20 mg VPZ jämfört med 30 mg LPZ efter åtta veckors behandling av EE, genom att ta del av publicerade kliniska studier. Fyra olika RCT-studier hämtade från databasen PubMed användes i detta litteraturarbete. Alla fyra studier resulterade i att VPZ inte var sämre än LPZ vid behandling av EE i upp till åtta veckor. Fler patienter i VPZ-gruppen uppnådde läkning av EE i samtliga studier. Dessutom visade VPZ ha bättre effekt hos patienter med svårare EE. Number Needed to Treat (NNT) för de olika studierna varierade mycket, därför kunde inte den användas för att beskriva den kliniska effekten av VPZ vid behandling av EE. Både VPZ och LPZ tolererades väl. Slutsatsen var att VPZ 20 mg en gång dagligen var inte sämre än LPZ 30 mg en gång dagligen vid behandling av EE i 8 veckor. VPZ var effektiv och visade bättre resultat än LPZ när det gäller EE-läkning. Detta gäller speciellt patienter med svårare EE. Båda läkemedlen tolererades väl.
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The Non-Invasive Liver Biopsy : Determining Hepatic Function in Diffuse and Focal LiverDiseaseForsgren, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
The liver is one of the largest organs within the human body and it handles many vital tasks such as nutrient processing, toxin removal, and synthesis of important proteins. The number of people suffering from chronic liver disease is on the rise, likely due to the present ‘western’ lifestyle. As disease develops in the liver there are pathophysiological manifestations within the liver parenchyma that are both common and important to monitor. These manifestations include inflammation, fatty infiltration (steatosis), excessive scar tissue formation (fibrosis and cirrhosis), and iron loading. Importantly, as the disease progresses there is concurrent loss of liver function. Furthermore, postoperative liver function insufficiency is an important concern when planning surgical treatment of the liver, because it is associated with both morbidity and mortality. Liver function can also be hampered due to drug-induced injuries, an important aspect to consider in drug-development. Currently, an invasive liver needle biopsy is required to determine the aetiology and to stage or grade the pathophysiological manifestations. There are important limitations with the biopsy, which include, risk of serious complications, mortality, morbidity, inter- and intra-observer variability, sampling error, and sampling variability. Cleary, it would be beneficial to be able investigate the pathophysiological manifestations accurately, non-invasively, and on regional level. Current available laboratory liver function blood panels are typically insufficient and often only indicate damage at a late stage. Thus, it would be beneficial to have access to biomarkers that are both sensitive and responds to early changes in liver function in both clinical settings and for the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies. The main aim of this thesis was to develop and evaluate methods that can be used for a ‘non-invasive liver biopsy’ using magnetic resonance (MR). We also aimed to develop sensitive methods for measure liver function based on gadoxetate-enhanced MR imaging (MRI). The presented work is primarily based on a prospective study on c. 100 patients suffering from chronic liver disease of varying aetiologies recruited due to elevated liver enzyme levels, without clear signs of decompensated cirrhosis. Our results show that the commonly used liver fat cut-off for diagnosing steatosis should be lowered from 5% to 3% when using MR proton-density fat fraction (PDFF). We also show that MR elastography (MRE) is superior in staging fibrosis. Finally we presented a framework for quantifying liver function based on gadoxetate-enhanced MRI. The method is based on clinical images and a clinical approved contrast agent (gadoxetate). The framework consists of; state-of the-art image reconstruction and correction methods, a mathematical model, and a precise model parametrization method. The model was developed and validated on healthy subjects. Thereafter the model was found applicable on the chronic liver disease cohort as well as validated using gadoxetate levels in biopsy samples and blood samples. The liver function parameters correlated with clinical markers for liver function and liver fibrosis (used as a surrogate marker for liver function). In summary, it should be possible to perform a non-invasive liver biopsy using: MRI-PDFF for liver fat and iron loading, MRE for liver fibrosis and possibly also inflammation, and measure liver function using the presented framework for analysing gadoxetate-enhanced MRI. With the exception of an MREtransducer no additional hardware is required on the MR scanner. The liver function method is likely to be useful both in a clinical setting and in pharmaceutical trials.
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Clinical and Experimental Studies on Inflammatory Bowel Disease with special emphasis on Collagenous ColitisWagner, Michael January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes studies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and collagenous colitis (CC). We investigated mucosal eosinophil and neutrophil granulocytes and T-cells involved in the inflammatory processes and aimed at determining whether these processes are reflected in the faecal (F) contents of specific proteins secreted by cells in the intestinal mucosa. Thus, we measured eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil protein X (EPX) and the neutrophil derived myeloperoxidase (MPO) and calprotectin (C); and in addition, chromogranin A (CgA), Chromogranin B (CgB) and secretoneurin (SN), derived from EEC cells and cells in the enteric nervous system. We found that a normalised FC level can serve as a surrogate marker for successful treatment in patients with IBD, but persistently high FC levels need further evaluation (study I). Furthermore, FC and F-MPO appear to relate better than F-EPX to treatment outcome in IBD. We evaluated F-ECP, F-EPX, F-MPO and FC as markers of disease activity and treatment outcome in patients with CC (study III) and concluded that F-ECP was the best discriminator of detecting active CC. Normalised F-ECP and F-EPX could serve as markers of successful treatment. We showed that the inflammation in CC is characterised by activated eosinophils, but that there is no neutrophil activity (study II). T-cells have a lower grade of activity in active CC than in control subjects. During budesonide treatment the normal activation of eosinophils and T-cells is restored, with concomitant clinical remission. The findings in studies II and III indicate that the eosinophils have an essential role in the pathophysiology of CC. Markedly higher values of F-CgA, F-CgB and F-SN were found in patients with CC than in those with IBD and controls (study IV) indicating a crucial role for the intestinal neuro-endocrine system in the pathogenesis of collagenous colitis.
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Elevated IgG4 is associated with higher risk for cholangitis, cirrhosis, ERCP and liver-transplantation among patients with primary sclerosing cholangitisCarlsson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare inflammatory chronic liver disease that causes damage to the intra- and or extrahepatic bile ducts leading to cholestasis. As the disease proceeds the development of cirrhosis and eventually liver failure occurs. This study aims to determine the role of IgG subclasses in the prognosis of PSC and its outcome. A retrospective analysis was performed of 183 patients followed at the Department of Upper Abdominal Diseases at the Karolinska University Hospital. Factors that were analysed were sex, age at PSC diagnosis, total IgG values, IgG subclasses values and events of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colectomy, cirrhosis, cholangitis, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), liver transplantation and cholangiocarcinoma. This study showed that high IgG4 levels were associated with a higher incidence of cirrhosis, liver transplantation, cholangitis and ERCP, while low IgG4 levels were associated with a prior IBD diagnosis. In conclusion, elevated IgG4 levels were associated with a higher occurrence of cirrhosis, cholangitis, ERCP and liver transplantation. It seems that IgG4 could be of importance for outcome prediction in PSC.
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The emotional motor system and gastrointestinal symptomsKarling, Pontus January 2008 (has links)
There is a significant comorbidity between anxiety/depression and functional gastrointestinal syndromes, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia. The pathophysiological link between emotions and the gut is not known. A model of an emotional motor system (EMS) which reacts to interoceptive and exteroceptive stress has been proposed. EMS consists of specific brain structures including anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus and mediates their communication to the rest of the body (including the gastrointestinal tract) through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and by a pain modulation system. The aim of this thesis was to test the EMS model by studying the relationship between symptoms of anxiety and depression and IBS-like symptoms in patients with recurrent unipolar depression, in patients with IBS and in a sample of a normal Swedish population. The peripheral limb of EMS (ANS, HPA axis and the pain modulations system) was tested in patients with IBS and control subjects. Spectral heart rate variability was used to investigate ANS function in patients with refractory IBS and in healthy controls. The HPA axis function was tested by a weight adjusted low dose dexamethasone suppression test in control subjects. The influence of catecholamine degradation on pain modulation was tested by analyzing val158met catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) polymorphism in patients with IBS and in control subjects. We found a significant relationship between symptoms of anxiety/depression and IBS-like symptoms in patients with recurrent unipolar depression, in patients with IBS and in a sample of the normal population. Interestingly, patients with recurrent unipolar depression in remission had no more IBS-like symptoms than controls, indicating that the gastrointestinal symptoms may resolve when depression is treated to remission. Patients with IBS have an increased mid-frequency power in rest and in supine position (after tilt test) compared to healthy controls indicating an increased sympathetic ANS drive. The symptoms of diarrhea and early satiety has in the litterature been associated to the stimulation of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) receptors and was also in our study related to HPA axis function tested by a low dose dexamethasone test. Interestingly both hypo- and hyperfunction of the HPA axis was related to these symptoms in control subjects. The val158met COMT polymorphism was associated to IBS-like symptoms. Control subjects with IBS-like symptoms (defined by the upper quartile in total GSRS-IBS score) had a higher frequency of the met/met and a significantly lower frequency of the val/met genotype. Also patients with IBS tended to have a lower frequency of the heterozygous val/met genotype so we conclude that this genotype may be protective against IBS/IBS like symptoms. In addition, the val/val genotype in patients with IBS was associated to diarrhea symptoms. Conclusions: Our results support the model of an emotional motor system in the genesis of functional gastrointestinal symptoms by the finding of the association of IBS-like symptoms and mood disturbances, and by finding alterations in the peripheral limbs of EMS (ANS, HPA axis and catecholamines) in subjects with IBS and IBS-like symptoms.
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How to create and analyze a Heart Failure Registry with emphasis on Anemia and Quality of LifeJonsson, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
Background and aims Heart failure (HF) is a major cause of serious morbidity and death in the population and one of the leading medical causes of hospitalization among people older than 60 years. The aim of this thesis was to describe how to create and how to analyze a Heart Failure Registry with emphasis on Anemia and Quality of Life. (Paper I) We described the creation of the Swedish Heart Failure Registry (SwedeHF) as an instrument, which may help to optimize the handling of HF patients and show how the registry can be used to improve the management of patients with HF. (Paper II) In order to show how to analyze a HF registry we investigated the prevalence of anemia, its predictors, and its association with mortality and morbidity in a large cohort of unselected patients with HFrEF included in the SwedeHF, and to explore if there are subgroups of HF patients identifying high--‐risk patients in need of treatment. (Paper III) In order to show another way of analyzing a HF registry we assessed the prevalence of, associations with, and prognostic impact of anemia in patients with HFmrEF and HFpEF. (Paper IV) Finally we examined the usefulness of EQ--‐ 5D as a measure of patient--‐reported outcomes among HF patients using different analytical models and data from the SwedeHF, and comparing results about HRQoL for patients with HFpEF and HFrEF. Methods An observational study based on the SwedeHF database, consisting of about 70 variables, was undertaken to describe how a registry is created and can be used (Paper I). One comorbidity (anemia) was applied to different types of HF patients, HFrEF (EF <40%) (II) and HFmrEF (EF 40--‐49% ) or HFpEF (> 50%) (III) analyzing the data with different statistical methods. The usefulness of EQ--‐5D as measure of patient--‐ reported outcomes was studied and the results about HRQoL were compared for patients with HFpEF and HFrEF (IV). Results In the first paper (Paper I) we showed how to create a HF registry and presented some characteristics of the patients included, however not adjusted since this was not the purpose of the study. In the second paper (Paper II) we studied anemia in patients with HFrEF and found that the prevalence of anemia in HFrEF were 34 % and the most important independent predictors were higher age, male gender and renal dysfunction. One--‐year survival was 75 % with anemia vs. 81 % without (p<0,001). In the matched cohort after propensity score the hazard ratio associated with anemia was for all--‐cause death 1.34. Anemia was associated with greater risk with lower age, male gender, EF 30--‐39%, and NYHA--‐class I--‐II. In the third paper (Paper III) we studied anemia in other types of HF patients and found that the prevalence in the overall cohort in patients with EF > 40% was 42 %, in HFmrEF 38 % and in HFpEF (45%). Independent associations with anemia were HFpEF, male sex, higher age, worse New York Heart Association class and renal function, systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg, heart rate ≥70 bpm, diabetes, and absence of atrial fibrillation. One--‐year survival with vs. without anemia was 74% vs. 89% in HFmrEF and 71% vs. 84% in HFpEF (p<0.001 for all). Thus very similar results in paper II and III but in different types of HF patients. In the fourth paper (Paper IV) we studied the usefulness of EQ--‐5D in two groups of patients with HF (HFpEF and HFrEF)) and found that the mean EQ--‐5D index showed small reductions in both groups at follow--‐up. The patients in the HFpEF group reported worsening in all five dimensions, while those in the HFrEF group reported worsening in only three. The Paretian classification showed that 24% of the patients in the HFpEF group and 34% of those in the HFrEF group reported overall improvement while 43% and 39% reported overall worsening. Multiple logistic regressions showed that treatment in a cardiology clinic affected outcome in the HFrEF group but not in the HFpEF group (Paper IV). Conclusions The SwedeHF is a valuable tool for improving the management of patients with HF, since it enables participating centers to focus on their own potential for improving diagnoses and medical treatment, through the online reports (Paper I). Anemia is associated with higher age, male gender and renal dysfunction and increased risk of mortality and morbidity (II, III). The influence of anemia on mortality was significantly greater in younger patients in men and in those with more stable HF (Paper II, III). The usefulness of EQ--‐5D is dependent on the analytical method used. While the index showed minor differences between groups, analyses of specific dimensions showed different patterns of change in the two groups of patients (HFpEF and HFrEF). The Paretian classification identified subgroups that improved or worsened, and can therefore help to identify needs for improvement in health services (Paper IV).
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Kan hemprovtagning ge likvärdiga resultat som sedvanlig provtagning vid analys av F-Kalprotektin med Phadia?Petersson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Kalprotektin är ett protein som bygger upp 60 % av neutrofila granulocyters granula. Vid inflammationer i tarmen vandrar neutrofila granulocyter ut genom mukosan och följer med faeces ut ur kroppen. Proteinet är kalciumbindande och surt och dessa egenskaper utnyttjas i moderna extraktionskit för att mäta mängden kalprotektin i faeces (F-kalprotektin). Thermofisher är ett företag som utvecklat en metod för analys av F-kalprotektin och den kallas för EliA Extraction kit 2 där Kalprotektin extraheras med hjälp av bufferten i röret och analyseras därefter av Phadia 250. Syftet med studien var att utföra en metodjämförelse mellan två metoder. I den första metoden kommer den rutinmetod som används på laboratoriet användas för att upparbeta faeces. I den andra kommer patienterna som skickar sin faeces direkt samlade i extraktionsrören till analys. Syftet är att jämföra analysresultaten för att se om de är lika. Studien utfördes på 26 vuxna patienter varav 11 var kvinnor och 15 var män. Innan analys av prover analyserades tre kontroller för att kontrollera om metoden för analys av F-kalprotektin fick analyseras. Under studien utfördes fyra olika inom-serie precision på fyra olika patienter med 25 replikat för att beräkna variationskoefficienten (CV). Metodens CV varierade mellan 19 - 27 %. Efter att en reparation på instrumentet utförts analyserades två prover med inom-serie precision och CV blev 8 – 13 %. Metodernas resultat hade stark korrelation (R = 0,9055) och vid beräkning av resultat med Mann-Whitney U-test sågs ingen signifikant skillnad (p = 0,3059). Det fanns dock en del prover som hade stor skillnad på resultatet vilket kan ge fel diagnos/klassning. För att kunna bedöma om den nya metoden kan användas som ett alternativ till rutinmetoden måste en större population analyseras. / Calprotectin is a protein that makes up 60 % of the granules of neutrophilic granulocytes. In inflammation of the intestine, neutrophilic granulocytes migrate out through the mucosa and follow the feces out of the body. The protein is calcium-binding and acidic and these properties are used in modern extraction kits to measure the amount of calprotectin in feces (F-calprotectin). Thermofisher is a company that has developed a method for analysis of F-calprotectin and it is called EliA Extraction kit 2 which is analyzed by Phadia 250. The purpose of the study was to perform a method comparison between two methods. In the first method, the routine method used in the laboratory will be used to process feces. In the second, the patients who send their feces directly collected in the extraction tubes come for analysis. The purpose is to compare the analysis results to see if they are similar. The study was performed on 26 individuals of which 11 were women and 15 were men. Before analyzing, three controls were analyzed to check the method of analysis of F-calprotectin. A negative check and a positive check as well as a calibration check. During the study, four different within-run precision were performed on four different patients with 25 replicates to calculate the coefficient of variation (CV). The CV of the method varied between 19 – 27 %. After a repair on the instrument was performed, the CV was 8 – 13 %. The results of the methods had a strong correlation (R = 0.9055) and when calculating the results with Mann-Whitney U-test, no significant difference was seen (p = 0.3059). In order to be able to assess whether the new method can be used as an alternative to the routine method, a larger population must be analyzed.
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