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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekstrinsieke bevorderingshindernisse by die onderwyseres / Mariska Ewart

Ewart, Mariska January 2014 (has links)
Research problem: The research revolved around the problem: What extrinsic barriers play a role in the promotion of the female educator and to what extent are these barriers experienced? Research objectives: Arising from the problem, the aim of the research firstly was to determine from the literature what the nature of extrinsic promotion barriers were within and outside the school. Secondly, to establish empirically the extent to which extrinsic barriers influenced the career promotion of female educators in secondary schools. Thirdly, to determine what the relation was between biographic variables and different extrinsic promotion barriers. Research Design: * Literature study - In the literature overview in Chapters 2 and 3 the different extrinsic promotion barriers to female educators were investigated. It transpired that the following aspects/factors in the literature occur as extrinsic promotion barriers, namely networks, mentorships, appointment procedures, organisation climate and the female educator’s career profile. These identified aspects/factors formed the basis for the compilation of a structured questionnaire. * Empirical investigation - A quantitative research approach in the post-positivistic paradigm was followed in this research. The data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire consisting of five constructs divided into 50 questions/items. The questionnaire was distributed to female educators on post level 2 and higher (n=365) of which a feedback response of (n=305; 83.6%) was obtained. This questionnaire was used to determine to what extent extrinsic barriers influence the career promotion of the female educator and to establish the relation between certain biographical variables and the different extrinsic promotion barriers. Cronbach Alpha coefficients, means, standard deviations (SD), rankings and frequencies, percentages of the responses to the questionnaire, hierarchic linear models and practical significance (d-values) were calculated. During the discussion of the results, descriptive statistics were used. Main findings: It was evident from the research that the respondents did not experience to a medium and to a large extent any aspect regarding networks, mentorship, appointment procedures, organizational culture and the educators’ career profile as extrinsic promotion barriers. Recommendations: Finally, recommendations were firstly made to the Department of Basic Education, secondly to the female educator and thirdly for further studies focussing on extrinsic promotion barriers to the female educator. Recommendations to the Department of Basic Education: * The DoBE has to provide and distribute policy documents about gender equility to members of the SGB and especialy female teachers. * The DoBE need to train the persons involved in the appointment process (SGB members and educating staff) to understand the policy documents and juridical framework of the appointment process and to apply it correctly. Such training could be considered as a prerequisite to be elected to the SGB. Recommendation to the female educator: * Female educators who hold promotion posts, and those that aspire for promotion posts, must be afforded the opportunity to indicate what they wish to be trained in. Recommendations for further research: * That research of a qualitative nature by means of interviews and focus group discussions should be undertaken on extrinsic promotion barriers found in this study and possible other extrinsic promotion barriers. Such research could be expanded by doing a mixed-methods investigation in two or three provinces. * It became evident from this research that the majority of female educators are heads of department (post level 2) and the minority of female educators fill posts on higher post levels (3 and 4). Research needs to be done on what extrinsic promotion barriers are obstructing female educators from being promoted to principal posts and vice-principal posts. / MEd (Education Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Je úmrtí matky důležitější pro dívky a úmrtí otce pro chlapce? Analýza z rozvojových zemí / Is Maternal Death more important for Girls and Paternal Death for Boys? An Analysis from Developing Countries

Klepetko, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Parental death has the potential to deteriorate various outcomes of children in the developing world. One of such outcomes is education: when a parent dies, resources are reduced, psychological distress increased, so is the necessity to replace the parent in some of their duties. Literature commonly distinguishes impacts of maternal and paternal death on education of children. Nevertheless, no papers focus directly on the interaction between gender of the deceased parent and of the orphaned child. This thesis tests empirically the hypothesis that maternal death is more important for girls and paternal death for boys. The reasoning is that mothers typically spend more time caring about little children and about household generally, so after maternal death it is necessary to find a substitute for this role and it is more likely to find one among the daughters than among the sons. Subsequently, the daughter is at a higher risk of dropping out of school due to higher responsibilities at home. Fathers, on the contrary, are primarily income-earners, so after paternal death it becomes more likely that one of the sons replaces the deceased father on labour market than one of the daughters. The son then becomes more likely to stop attending school than any of the daughters. Using cross-sectional data from...

Essays on corruption and development issues

Lauw, Erven January 2015 (has links)
Corruption is widely considered to have adverse effects on economic development through its negative impact on the volume and quality of public investment and the efficiency of government services. Conversely, many of these macro variables are determinants of corruption. However, there are few studies of this two-way interaction at the macro level. This thesis aims to extend the current literature on corruption and development by explicit investigation of two diverse channels through which corruption and economic development interact, namely women's share in politics and pollution. For each variable, the thesis presents a theoretical model in which corruption and economic development are determined endogenously in a dynamic general equilibrium framework. We have four main results. First, female bureaucrats commit fewer corrupt acts than male bureaucrats because they have lower incentives to be corrupt. Second, corruption affects pollution directly by reducing pollution abatement resources and indirectly through its impact on development. As pollution and development appear to have an inverse U-shaped relationship, the total effect of corruption on pollution depends on the economy's level of income. Third, we confirm a simultaneous relationship between corruption and development. Fourth, for sufficiently low income levels, corruption and poverty may be permanent features of the economy. In addition to the two theoretical models, the thesis also presents an empirical investigation of the causal effect of women's share in parliament on corruption using panel data and gender quotas as instruments for women's share in parliament. Our results overturn the consensus since we find no causal effect of women's share in parliament on corruption, except in a particular case of Africa with reserved seats quotas.

Por trás de cada pessoa existe uma história: lideranças, relações solidárias e reconhecimento como base para transformações psíquicas e sociais / Not informed by the author

Jongh, Carolina Alves de 02 October 2018 (has links)
Com a intenção de contribuir para os estudos na temática da liderança sob a perspectiva das relações que se estabelecem em organizações sociais, essa pesquisa trata de transformações psíquicas e sociais a partir da lógica do cotidiano e das histórias cruzadas de pessoas que lidam diariamente com as consequências das desigualdades sociais em suas vidas. Tendo como primeiro plano as histórias e perspectivas de cinco mulheres de dois empreendimentos solidários da cidade de São Paulo, o Ângela de Cara Limpa e a União Popular de Mulheres do Campo Limpo e Adjacências, o processo foi sendo elaborado ao longo das interações que se estabeleceram entre nós. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de entrevistas e observação participante e a perspectiva adotada na análise foi a das singularidades de cada história e de cada empreendimento. Essas histórias, ainda que únicas, permitem observar situações e sentimentos, bem como transformações e possibilidades de futuro, marcados por diversas contradições. As reflexões tratam de quatro principais tópicos de análise: identidade, Economia Solidária, reconhecimento e liderança. A identidade é observada como um processo permanente de formação e transformação, a partir de condições materiais e históricas dadas. Nessas condições, desigualdade social e desigualdade de gênero são marcadores presentes, influenciando constantemente nas percepções individuais, coletivas e nas tomadas de decisão em relação a suas vidas. A Economia Solidária surge como uma alternativa à falta de emprego, renda e qualidade de vida. Embora a busca primeira a essas organizações seja pela renda, é a solidariedade que se mostra mais presente nas histórias. A solidariedade também é um dos muitos aspectos que favorece a luta pelo reconhecimento no processo de busca de pertencimento na sociedade. A reinvindicação de direitos e sentir-se entre iguais, são alguns dos fatores que aparecem na luta por reconhecimento dessas mulheres. Por fim, as lideranças mostram-se não como a única fonte de inspiração e manutenção dessas iniciativas sociais, mas são fundamentais, deixando suas marcas e inspirações, e sendo marcadas e inspiradas por outros, num processo de construção constante. Mais do que buscar direções únicas, essa pesquisa traz possibilidades e perspectivas para a atuação com comunidades e mulheres. As conclusões e recomendações para o campo apontam a perspectiva das relações e do compromisso na busca pela redução das desigualdades sociais / Seeking to contribute to studies on the leadership theme from the perspective of the relationships established in social organizations, this research deals with psychic and social transformations based on the logic of daily life and the cross stories of people who deal everyday with the consequences of social inequalities in their lives. The interactions established among us made the process exclusive. The stories and perspectives are about five women from two solidarity economy enterprises in the city of São Paulo: Angela de Cara Limpa and União Popular de Mulheres do Campo Limpo e Adjacências. The research took place from interviews and participant observations. The analysis adopted the perspective of the singularities of each story and each organization. These stories, although unique, allow us to observe situations and feelings, as well as transformations and possibilities of the future, marked by several contradictions. The reflections deal with four main topics of analysis: identity, solidarity economy, recognition and leadership. Identity observed as a permanent process of formation and transformation, given material and historical conditions. Under these conditions, social inequality and gender inequality are present markers, constantly influencing individual, collective perceptions and life decision-makings. Solidarity economy emerges as an alternative to lack of employment, income or quality of life. Although the first search in these organizations is for income, solidarity is the main present aspect in the stories. Solidarity is also one of many aspects that favors the struggle for recognition in the process of seeking belonging in society. The claim of rights and feel equal, are some of the factors that appear in the struggle for recognition of these women. Finally, the leaderships are not the only source of inspiration and maintenance of these social initiatives. They are fundamental in leaving their marks and inspirations, and being marked and inspired by others, in a constant construction process. More than seeking unique directions, this research offers possibilities and perspectives of working with communities and women. The conclusions and recommendations point to the perspective of relationships and commitment in the search for the reduction of social inequalities

Quais valores? Disputas morais e monetárias em ações de alimentos - uma etnografia em varas de família- / What values? Moral and monetary disputes in alimony - an ethnography in family courts-

Perrone, Tatiana Santos 22 February 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa que orienta esta dissertação foi realizada no período de março a dezembro de 2008 no Fórum de Santo Amaro e na Vara Distrital de Parelheiros com mulheres que entraram com ações de alimentos contra os pais de seus filhos. As 35 mulheres entrevistadas apontaram para a multiplicidade do conflito que as fazem entrar com este tipo de ação e para a multiplicidade de papéis sociais que desempenham, embora tanto conflito quanto papéis sejam simplificados e padronizados durante as audiências de conciliação. O espaço dessas audiências se restringe à discussão do valor monetário da pensão alimentícia, o que contribui para a celeridade processual e para um certo tipo de reprodução de desigualdade de gênero, pois a paternidade é restringida à obrigação de arcar com uma parcela do sustento material do filho, enquanto da maternidade se espera não só a outra parcela desse sustento material como, em muitos casos, toda a responsabilidade pelos sustentos moral e afetivo. Como a ação de alimentos é normalmente acionada após a dissolução de uma união consensual, o conflito que costuma deflagrá-la envolve questões como divisão de bens, violência doméstica, guarda e visitas das crianças, questões estas que são vistas pelas mulheres como tão ou mais importantes do que o estabelecimento de um valor monetário de pensão alimentícia, pois abarcam a dimensão afetiva da paternidade e o reconhecimento de insultos morais de que muitas mulheres se declaram vítimas. Essas dimensões morais e afetivas do conflito não são discutidas em audiências de conciliação, sendo algumas delas objetos de outras ações judiciais. O conflito, portanto, sentido como único pelas partes, é fragmentado pelo Judiciário para que se chegue a uma solução. Apesar disto, a abordagem aprofundada de dois casos mostra que o acesso à justiça, por meio deste tipo de ação, pode ser sentido como positivo pelas mulheres, pois o contato com o Judiciário acaba por resignificar seu lugar, fazendo com que se reconheçam, mais enfaticamente, como sujeitos de direitos. / This dissertation was originated by a research carried out from March to December 2008, at Santo Amaros Court and Parelheiros District Court, with women who have filed lawsuits against their childrens fathers for child support. The 35 interviewed women pointed out the conflict multiplicity to make them file this kind of lawsuit and the social roles diversity they have to perform, although both conflict and roles are simplified and standardized during the conciliation hearings. Those hearing spaces are restricted to the discussion of the child support amount, thus contributing to procedural speed. But the reproduction of gender inequality is also reinforced, for fatherhood is understood to cover only part of the childs maintenance, while motherhood covers financial support and also, in many cases, all the moral and affective responsibility. As the child support process is usually filed after a domestic partnership has been dissolved, the conflict that often starts the lawsuit is also related to issues like distribution of property, domestic violence, and child custody and access. These issues are perceived by the women as equally or more important that the settlement of child support, for they entail the affective dimension of parenthood and the recognition of the moral offenses that many women claim to be victim of. Those moral and affective dimensions of the conflict are not discussed in conciliation hearings, while some of them are objects of other law proceedings. The conflict, thus, experienced as a whole by the parties, is divided by the Judiciary to be successfully settled. In spite of that, the deep analysis of two cases shows that access to justice, by means of this kind of legal action, is experienced as positive by the women, for the contact with the Judiciary actually reframes their places, causing them to recognize themselves, more strongly, as subjects of rights.

Políticas de promoção de igualdade de gênero nas últimas décadas : uma análise do conselho nacional de direito da mulher e pró-igualdade de gênero /

Costa, Larissa Marim da January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Aurélio Gumieri Valério / Resumo: A discussão acerca dos fatores geradores da exclusão social e as desigualdades de oportunidades de acesso ao trabalho, emprego e renda é um tema relevante para a análise das condições necessárias. Sendo assim, pessoas excluídas terão condições de adquirir um olhar crítico sobre a sociedade e bem como desenvolvam a capacidade de buscar seu reconhecimento, atuando como agentes sociais, com o direito a participar do desenvolvimento do país, que devem ser para todos no Brasil. A problemática da exclusão social de mulheres nas relações de trabalho remontam a história da organização social, que na sua formação, teve como base a exploração, a desigualdade, a discriminação e a imposição de um papel submisso a população feminina. Dessa forma, torna-se relevante a discussão sobre as desigualdades nas relações de trabalho, tendo em vista, a preponderância da discriminação entre homens e mulheres em remunerações desiguais, as discriminações nas admissões, promoções ou qualificações. Nesse contexto é que se inserem as políticas públicas de promoção da igualdade de gênero nas relações de trabalho, as quais surgiram a partir de propostas e reivindicações emanadas dos movimentos sociais, com o objetivo de transformar valores, ideias, comportamentos e atitudes, a fim de estabelecerem o princípio da isonomia de gênero, expresso na lei brasileira. Ademais, a questão relativa à isonomia entre mulheres e homens não é apenas uma questão de direitos humanos, mas também uma condição de justiça socia... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The discussion about the factors that generate social exclusion and the inequalities of access to work, employment and income is a relevant topic for analyzing the conditions necessary for excluded people to be able to acquire a critical eye on society as well as as they develop the capacity to seek their recognition and to act as social agents, with the right to participate in the development of the country, which should belong to everyone. In Brazil, the problem of the social exclusion of women in labor relations goes back to the history of the country's social organization, which in its formation was based on exploitation, inequality, discrimination and the imposition of a submissive role for the female population . In this way, the discussion on gender inequalities in labor relations becomes relevant, considering the prevalence of discrimination between men and women, regarding unequal remuneration in occupations of the same category, discrimination in admission, promotion or qualification . In this context, public policies for the promotion of gender equality in labor relations are inserted, which have emerged from proposals and claims emanating from social movements, with the aim of transforming values, ideas, behaviors and attitudes, in order to establish the principle of gender equality as expressed in Brazilian law. In addition, the issue of equality between women and men is not only a question of human rights, but also a condition of social justice, as well as a nec... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Perceptions of Women in Political Leadership Positions in Nigeria

Anigwe, Annette 01 January 2014 (has links)
Researchers have demonstrated that the Nigerian government has failed to protect women's rights and advance gender equality in political leadership; consequently, women's political participation in Nigeria remains low. Although international laws grant women political participation rights, little is known about the struggles and experiences Nigerian women face in their quest to participate in the political life of Nigeria. The purpose of this basic interpretative qualitative study was to explore and describe the perceptions and experiences of Nigerian women on gender equality and other issues affecting their political leadership. The theoretical framework used was Eagly's social role theory and Ayman and Korabik's leadership categorization theory. The research questions focused on how women describe their participation in the political sector and their obstacles. Ten purposefully selected Nigerian women in Nigerian political leadership were interviewed. Data analysis included coding, categorizing, and analyzing themes. The resulting 7 themes were underrepresentation, gender inequality, male dominance, women's empowerment, spousal support/approval, financial support, and legislation reform. The findings indicated that women were still underrepresented in the political sector of government and lacked full political power as they strived for equality to become political leaders. The implications for positive social change are to educate the public, inform policy makers, and create legislative initiatives to support an equitable society in Nigeria in which women can participate fully in the political process.

The effects of gender inequality on rural households livelihoods diversification : a case study of Sebayeng village, Polokwane, Limpopo Province

Mokgokong, Madikana Jackinah January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Admin. (Development)) --University of Limpopo, 2010 / Feminist studies show that gender inequality is an impediment for livelihoods diversification among rural households. Whereas women are understood to be the designers, planners and managers of livelihoods for household survival, their roles in diversification of the means of earning a living are generally undermined through a myriad of social and cultural laws, values, norms and beliefs. Despite the publicity, attempts and efforts in redressing gender inequality in a demographic South Africa, the dissertation argues that gender inequality in rural areas has remained persistent, posing an obstacle to the capacity of households to diversify their livelihoods. The study uses survey results from Sebayeng Village in order to demonstrate that the community’s perceptions of women’s roles perpetuate the status quo wherein women’s capacity to diversify livelihoods are undermined. The survey involved 200 households that were sampled through the simple random design. The respondents consisted of 56.5% females and 43.5% males. The survey results demonstrate that gender inequality remains deep in Sebayeng Village and that such inequality negatively affects the ability of households to diversify their livelihoods. Therefore, this study tends to confirm the general principle that gender inequality renders women as unexplored resources in rural development. To that extent, the study concludes that one of the tests for the success in gender transformation in South Africa is in releasing the energies of women in the sphere of livelihoods diversification.

The construction of gender inequality within households in the context of a democratic dispensation:A case study of Makanye village, Limpopo Province

Mokoele, Ngoako Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2013 / Gender inequality has always been a problem in the developing countries, and South Africa is no exception. There is pragmatic evidence about the level of gender inequality within households pre 1994 which was very high due to the discrimination and gender violence that were present within the country. Moreover, tradition and culture helped in the manifestation of gender inequality. However, the South African government has enacted to curb the manifestation of gender inequality within both the households and in the labour market. The Constitution of South Africa, 1996, Domestic Violence Act, 1998, Employment Equity Act (EEA), 1998, Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and Affirmative Action policy are the Acts and policies that were enacted to reduce gender inequality in the country. Women’s representation in the labour market was very low. Women also could not make decision within the households. The study investigates the construction of gender inequality within the households in the context of democratic dispensation in a rural community of Makanye village in Limpopo Province. The study argues that the past traditional and cultural customs in rural Makanye village created patriarchal structures and household hierarchies where women were at the bottom of the hierarchy. Thus, the hierarchical and patriarchal structures helped in the manifestation of gender inequality within the households. The findings of the survey from Makanye village proved that the women are still not fully liberated from the past oppression and marginalisation. The persistence of domestic violence within Makanye village indicates that women are still given the lowest status within the households. In other words, the past patriarchal structures and hierarchies are still visible in rural areas and not many women are taking part in decision making within the households. The multiple roles women play within the households remains a huge challenge in rural areas. The persistence of gender inequality in Makanye village helps in the manifestation of poverty. The implementation of Affirmative Action policy and Employment Equity Act, 1998 will result in the achievement of gender equality in the labour market and within households.In conclusion, the improper implementation of Affirmative Action Policy and EEA, 1998 in South Africa will empower women, making them become independent, thus eradicating gender inequality and poverty

Factors influencing men’s involvement in reproductive health in Arusha and Arumeru districts, Tanzania

Mmbando, Zebadia Paul January 2010 (has links)
<p>The study findings were thematically grouped into three themes including the coordination and partnerships, culture and implementation challenges. Poor coordination and failure of systems in place appeared to characterise the many challenges. Gender inequalities and masculine dominated cultural practices like polygamy and widow inheritance are associated with consequences of ill health among women / including high HIV/AIDS prevalence, early marriage, high teenage pregnancies and high maternal mortality. Although these practices are in favor of men, they hardly protect them from the wrath of poor RH like STDS, HIV/AIDS, stressful big families and vast poverty. Hence, Tanzanian men are also victims of their own behavior.</p>

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