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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Femicides in Turkey : Understanding Femicides through the Social, Political, and Gendered Context

Akbal, Gül January 2021 (has links)
Turkey and its authoritarian policies are in the headlines: the topic of Syrian refugees and the EU – Turkey deal, gross human rights violations, repression against opposition parties, and last but not least the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention in March 2021. Heavy protests of feminist activist groups are demanding the end of gender-based violence and femicide.Against this background, the thesis investigates the reasons for the rapidly rising number of femicides in Turkey since 2008. It is argued that femicides are not isolated, individualized acts. Rather, they need to be grasped by the present social, political, and gendered context of Turkey. A contextual intersectional analysis is applied to examine the multifaceted and multilayered political phenomenon of femicides.The analysis reveals that femicides are not caused by single-issue factors, but rather by a variety of interlocking determinants such as deeply entrenched gender roles and patriarchal structures, gender-based violence, the regulatory landscape and the creation of political conditions that institutionalize gender hierarchy and violence.The unique contribution of this paper is the adoption of a decolonial view that incorporates a view to the resistance practices embedded into practices of repression and violence.

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - Den moderna tidens slavhandel : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska ideella organisationer arbetar med stöd och skydd till människohandelsoffer

Gröholt, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
We live in a world where slavery has taken on a new form. Even though the type of slavery we learn about in the history books has been abolished, slavery continues today through, among other things, the sex trade. This study is a qualitative informant study that aims to find out how Swedish non-profit organizations provide support and protection to women who have been subjected to human trafficking for sexual purposes, and what explanatory models exist for why human trafficking for sexual purposes takes place today. The study has also examined which areas for improvement can be identified in the work for support and protection of victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes. The study is based on semi-structured interviews from 4 different Swedish non-profit organizations that in various ways are active actors in the work with human trafficking for sexual purposes. The results shed light on the fact that there is a demand for sexual services that propel the industry of human trafficking for sexual purposes forward. This type of crime can also be explained as a type of gender-based violence that is rooted in a patriarchal and unequal society. Civil society has an important and crucial role to play in combating this type of crime and, not least, in providing support and protection to victims of trafficking. A human trafficking victim has both urgent and long-term needs that need to be met. The study describes civil society's support and protection efforts that human trafficking victims are offered and what conditions they have in Sweden to provide it.

Sexual Violence in South Africa : Religious leaders as local norm entrepreneurs

Nordquist, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Sexual violence against women is a broad and serious problem all over the world, but South Africa is one of the countries that stand out with their high statistics, where women are mostly targeted and exposed to this violation. At the same time, there are many women’s and human right’s organisations in South Africa working to address sexual violence and support survivors and fighting for equality between men and women. In this study, five organisations have been interviewed, whereof four of them are working with religious leaders as an approach to fights sexual violence. The result and analysis suggest the importance of both women’s and human rights organisations as norm entrepreneurs, as well as the importance of religious leaders as local actors to facilitate the work of internalizing gender equality and fight sexual violence. The mentoring and support from organisations and the work with religious leaders have shown positive progress in several areas of their work to localize and internalize gender equality. However, the organisations are facing limitations in their work with religious leaders which might limit the progress of localization and internalization.

When darkness falls: Women's safety in refugee camps : A systematic literature review on the role of energy solutions for women

Thorgren, Andrea, Ghasemi Niavarani, Mona January 2021 (has links)
Since the end of the 1990s, the number of forcibly displaced people has increased from 33 million to 80 million at the end of 2019. The living conditions within the refugee camps have progressed beyond emergency assistance, with the main objective being to provide short-term protection in refugee camps designed for short-term stays. However, the average time spent in a refugee camp is 20 years, and refugees often lack food security and power supply to meet basic needs such as cooking or lighting. Refugee settlements are stressful and unstable environments, especially for women and girls, who are vulnerable to various sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) forms. A systematic literature review of eight peer-reviewed articles and seven semi-structured interviews are used in this study to assess the effectiveness of humanitarian energy initiatives in reducing SGBV against women in refugee camps. In this thesis, a feminist lens is used to shed more light and unlock place-based challenges to sustainable energy solutions. Our study's findings indicate that establishing a link between sexual and gender-based violence and energy is difficult, and we cannot rule out the possibility of an existing link. We assert, however, that the most effective approach to reducing SGBV among refugee women is not through energy interventions but through a combination of mixed long-term solutions that address the root causes of violence.

“No Honor in Honor Killings” Critical Discourse Analysis of the responses in social media to ‘Honor’ related killings events via Hashtag activism in the Arab-speaking region

Alkowatly, Lina January 2020 (has links)
The patriarchal societies in the MENA region have their entire social framework around the protection and regulation of female sexuality. The woman’s male relatives have to make sure that her honor is under their control and fulfills the patriarchal family demands. Women’s failure to stick to the code of honor may result in aggressive reactions that may mount to honor killings and this had happened in 2019 to Israa Gharyeb. The murder of the 21-year-old girl sent a shockwave of protests not just in the Palestinian society where the crime had happened but also across the Arab region. Activists on social media and the streets are sending a clear and strong message that murdering women will not be hidden anymore. Accordingly, this thesis sheds the light on the Twitter hashtag # كلنا_اسراء_غریب (we are all Israa) to reflect on the participants’ responses to both crime event and the traditional discourse on “Honor killings.” Theoretically, the paper offers a rereading of the theory of critical discourse analyses on the notions of ideology, power, and dominance. Empirically, this paper will analyze 460 tweets by conducting critical discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis.

Blind to faith: Participation of faith leaders in a gender-based violence prevention project in Liberia

Keen, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls is a major challenge across the world which requires engaged and sustained action to see change (Abramowitz and Moran, 2012). Communication for Development approaches are often used in GBV-prevention programmes because they provide a means of engaging people at a community-level, whether that is through one-way behaviour-change messages on mass media or through participatory community projects engaging people in dialogue. Through analysis of the Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) Project on ‘Engaging Faith-Based Organizations to Prevent Violence Against Women & Girls and Increase Survivors’ Access to Services (2015-2017)’, this degree project explores the question of whether engaging with the faith-realities of communities will increase the depth of participation amongst participants. The ERD project focusses on equipping faith leaders, both Muslim and Christian, to engage in activity which shares GBV-prevention messages with their congregations and points victims and survivors to relevant support services. From the available data, it is not possible to conclusively argue that engagement with the faith context enhanced the depth of participation. However, applying three of Freire’s concepts, namely conversion to the people, dialogue and context, I argue that the ERD project aligns with Freire’s conceptualisation of participation more closely than similar projects that are ‘faith blind’.

Honouring the stories of student-survivors: trauma informed practice in post-secondary sexualized violence policy review

Rogers, Kenya 31 August 2020 (has links)
Rape culture permeates the landscape of post-secondary education throughout Canada. In recent years, student-survivors and advocates have been influential in the creation of provincial legislation mandating colleges and universities to develop stand-alone sexualized violence policies. In British Columbia these policies are to be institutionally reviewed every three years, but there is no clear legislative direction as to how these reviews should be conducted, or how survivors and advocates voices will be included. My thesis examines the impacts of campus sexualized violence and the integral role that student-survivors and their stories play in transforming rape culture. Through the voices of nine University of Victoria student-survivors and five community-based service providers, I demonstrate that student-survivors and those who support them act as both change-agents and subject matter-experts regarding campus rape culture; as such, their inclusion in policy development and review is essential. However, my thesis also demonstrates that student-survivors and advocates navigate an increasingly corporatized post-secondary environment, whereby the stories of student-survivors are considered dangerous to the campus brand and reputation. In taking seriously the trauma associated with sexualized violence and the consequences of the corporate campus, my thesis offers a Trauma Informed Consultation Guideline. This guideline provides a trauma-informed and community based approach to consulting student-survivors in policy review with the intention of creating safer opportunities for story to inform future policy directions. / Graduate

The Afghan Women’s Writing Project: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Poetry and Narrative as Conflict Resolution Tools

Naghib, Saghar L. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Afghan Women’s Writing Project (AWWP) emerged in 2009 as a platform through which Afghan women could express their lived experiences and perspectives on a range of culturally relevant issues while retaining their anonymity. The purpose of this research was to understand poetry as a conflict resolution tool that Afghan women are using to be active participants in the social, political and cultural dialogue that is determining their rights. This research focused on three questions: 1) How do Afghan women describe the state of womanhood in Afghanistan? 2) How do Afghan women describe the conflict they experience in their everyday lives? 3) How might poetry and narrative be used to manage the conflict that Afghan women are facing? This research presents a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of one hundred published poems from the AWWP poetry database. Data analysis included open coding, thematic analysis, and the use of van Dijk’s six-step CDA model to evaluate the semantic macrostructures, local meanings, linguistic markers, global and local discourse forms, linguistic realizations, analysis of context, and the researcher’s own interpretive analysis. The findings identify and explain the major themes derived from the study as well as describe how Afghan women feel about womanhood and conflict. The major themes included: child brides/forced marriage, hijab/burqa/niqab, women’s resistance, parents as protectors and/or perpetrators, the power of writing and stress as a result of conflict. This dissertation concludes with a discussion of implications for sustainable norm change using poetry, directions for future research, and recommendations for policy and programming.

Victims by default: producing asylum narratives of adolescent girls

Moustaka, Dimitra January 2021 (has links)
This research focuses on unaccompanied or separated adolescent girls who have survived gender-based violence and have sought asylum in Greece. It seeks to explore the interpretations and identities that asylum and psychosocial professionals assign to the girls and to research whether and how the process of the asylum interview may shape the narrative of violence and victimhood of the girls and predefine their self-representation.  The research draws from different theoretical frameworks in exploring the power of the state as reflected in the official discourses on vulnerability and the legal processes of granting asylum; the stereotypical ideations of victimhood and the gendered character it often entails; the intersection of gender, age, migration, and the lived experience of violence.  Two methodological approaches are implemented; semi-structured interviews conducted with five professionals and autoethnography. The data from the interviews were thematically codified and analyzed, while the autoethnographic data fed the construction of two case studies. The recurring themes identified commonly shape a set of concluding remarks and make apparent the need for further research in the field.

Gender-based Violence : A Comparative Study of Gender-based Violence in Afghanistan and Armenia

Otendal, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Despite the amount of studies conducted in the field and actions taken, gender-based violence continues to be rampant in both Afghanistan and Armenia. This study investigates potential causes and factors as to why the two societies look and function the way it does. By conducting a comparative case study by using a most similar system design, the aim with the thesis is to gain a broader understanding of why the women of Afghanistan and Armenia are suffering to these levels. Experiences of Afghan and Armenian women will be studied together with the legal and social construction of the countries. The study is primarily based on the theoretical framework of factors contributing to gender-based violence. The combination of sources that have been selected and used have done so in order to create as fair and representative a picture of Afghan and Armenian society and the experiences of the women living there as possible.

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