Spelling suggestions: "subject:"generalized anxiety disorder"" "subject:"eneralized anxiety disorder""
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Generalized anxiety disorder and health care utilizationKujanpää, T. (Tero) 02 August 2016 (has links)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health problem, which is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry, problems that are difficult to control. In the general population, the 12-month prevalence of GAD is 2-3%, with the lifetime prevalence being about 5%. However, GAD is more prevalent among primary care utilizers i.e. approximately 5-8% of them suffer from this disorder. Earlier studies have revealed GAD to be associated with a high utilization of health care resources.
There were four goals of the present study; i) to investigate the prevalence of GAD among Finnish health care high utilizers, ii) to examine the association between GAD and utilization of different health care services at the population level, iii) to determine whether there would be any association between frequent utilization of health care services, GAD and somatic symptoms and iv) to compare the costs associated with GAD in secondary care in Finland with those attributable to major depressive disorder (MDD). In addition, the Finnish translation of the 7-item GAD scale (GAD-7) was validated.
In a sample (n=150) of health care high utilizers in northern Finland, the prevalence of GAD was found to be 4%; GAD-7 was a valid instrument for detecting GAD in these subjects.
In Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, there was a significant association between GAD and health care utilization. Those subjects who screened positive for GAD with GAD-7 made 112% more total health care visits than other individuals. The results were statistically significant when controlled for potential confounders. Both GAD symptoms and physical symptoms were risk factors for frequent attendance of health care services, and the individuals who tested positive for GAD exhibited a higher rate of physical symptoms.
Secondary care costs of all patients with a new diagnosis of GAD or MDD were calculated 2 years before and after the diagnosis date using the information from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Registers and National Hospital Benchmarking Database. Patients with a history of earlier depression or anxiety disorder had markedly higher costs compared with patients without psychiatric comorbidities. The highest mean individual costs (€19,538) during the 4-year follow-up were observed among patients with new onset of GAD but with a history of other anxiety disorders or MDD. / Tiivistelmä
Yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö on mielenterveyden häiriö, jolle on ominaista ylenmääräinen ahdistuneisuus ja huolestuneisuus, joita on vaikea kontrolloida. Väestöstä noin 2 % on kärsinyt siitä vuoden aikana ja 5 % elinaikanaan. Perusterveydenhuoltoon hakeutuvilla potilailla sen on todettu olevan muuta väestöä yleisempi n. 5-8 %:n täyttäessä diagnostiset kriteerit. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat viitanneet yleistyneestä ahdistuneisuushäiriöstä kärsivien käyttävän usein runsaasti terveyspalveluita.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää yleistyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön esiintyvyyttä terveyspalveluita paljon käyttävillä suomalaisilla henkilöillä, yleistyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön yhteyttä erilaisten terveyspalveluiden käyttöön väestötasolla, yleistyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön ja somaattisten oireiden yhteyttä terveyspalveluiden suurkäyttöön ja yleistyneeseen ahdistuneisuushäiriöön erikoissairaanhoidossa liittyviä kustannuksia vertaillen niitä masennukseen liittyviin kustannuksiin. Samalla validoitiin yleistyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön seulontaan kehitetyn GAD-7 seulan suomenkielinen käännös.
Joukossa pohjoissuomalaisia (n=150) terveyspalveluita paljon käyttäviä henkilöitä 4 %:lla todettiin yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö. Heillä GAD-7-kysely osoittautui toimivaksi seulontatyökaluksi.
Pohjois-Suomen 1966 syntymäkohortissa väestötasolla tutkittaessa todettiin yleistyneeseen ahdistuneisuushäiriöön liittyvän runsasta terveyspalveluiden käyttöä. GAD-7-kyselyssä positiivisen testituloksen saaneilla oli kokonaisuudessaan 112 % enemmän terveyspalveluiden käyttöä. Tulokset olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä myös huomioitaessa mahdolliset sekoittavat tekijät. Lisäksi sekä yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö että somaattiset oireet liittyivät terveyspalveluiden suurkäyttöön.
Sairaaloiden poistoilmoitusrekisteriä ja kansallista sairaaloiden vertailutietokantaa hyödyntäen laskettiin uusien yleistyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön ja masennuksen diagnoosin saaneiden potilaiden erikoissairaanhoidon kokonaiskustannukset 2 vuotta ennen ja jälkeen diagnoosin. Erityisen suuret kustannukset olivat niillä uuden diagnoosin saaneilla, joilla oli historiassa aiempi masennus tai ahdistuneisuushäiriö. Suurimmat keskimääräiset erikoissairaanhoidon kustannukset (19 538 €) todettiin niillä yliestyneen ahdistuneisuushäiriön diagnoosin saaneilla, joilla aiemmin oli todettu jokin muu ahdistuneisuushäiriö tai masennus.
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The short- and long-term effect of duloxetine on painful physical symptoms in patients with generalized anxiety disorder: Results from three clinical trialsBeesdo, Katja, Hartford, James, Russell, James, Spann, Melissa, Ball, Susan, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2009 (has links)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is associated with painful physical symptoms (PPS). These post hoc analyses of previous trial data assessed PPS and their response to duloxetine treatment in GAD patients. Studies 1 and 2 (n = 840) were 9- to 10-week efficacy trials; study 3 (n = 887) was a relapse prevention trial comprising a 26-week open-label treatment phase and a 26-week double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment continuation phase. Mean baseline visual analog scale scores (VAS, 0–100; n = 1727) ranged from 26 to 37 for overall pain, headache, back pain, shoulder pain, interference with daily activities, and time in pain while awake. In studies 1 and 2, improvement on all VAS scores was greater in duloxetine-treated than in placebo-treated patients (p ≤ 0.01). In study 3, pain symptoms worsened in responders switched to placebo compared with those maintained on duloxetine (p ≤ 0.02). In conclusion, duloxetine was efficacious in the short- and long-term treatment of PPS, which are common in GAD patients.
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”Allergi mot ovisshet” : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie av målgruppens egna upplevelser av generaliserat ångestsyndrom (GAD) / "Allergy to uncertainty" : A qualitative documentary study of the target group's own experiences of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)Jörgensen, Sofie, Rootzén, Andréas January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to gain an increased understanding of generalized anxiety disorder based on how the target group describe their experiences. The data was gathered through podcasts where people with GAD talked about their life situation, what strategies they use to manage general anxiety and what they think relieves general anxiety. The gathered data was then analyzed through a thematic analysis where four main themes were developed; a constant worry, managing stigma, controlling or avoiding and only relive, not cure. These themes were analyzed based on Goffman's theory of stigma and Gidden's theory of the risk society. The results show that people with GAD live with a constant anxiety that affects their entire life situation, such as their work, leisure, and social relationships. Their anxiety can be likened to an allergy to uncertainty as it´s triggered by something they cannot control. They feel stigmatized by others and feel that they often need to hide their stigma by living behind a facade. To deal with generalized anxiety, three different strategies are used, which are trying to control everything, avoiding anxiety by not exposing oneself to things that cause concern or by keeping oneself busy. However, these strategies can aggravate the condition but there are many things that can relieve general anxiety. The most prominent factors are medicine, therapy, emotional support and self-help such as exercise and meditation. But the results show that the symptoms persist despite great efforts and several treatments, which indicates that more research and more effective interventions are required. The study concludes that GAD is not only a problem that exists within the individual but also in interpersonal relationships and in the society. It also concludes that there must be a change in the structures of society regarding mental illness, and that interventions should not only be directed towards the individual but also towards the relatives. This because the results show that relatives are also affected and that their influence can both aggravate and improve the individual's condition. / Den här studien syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för generaliserat ångestsyndrom utifrån hur målgruppen själva beskriver sina upplevelser. Empirin samlades in genom poddar där personer med GAD berättade om sin livssituation, vilka strategier de använder för att hantera generell ångest och vad de anser lindrar generell ångest. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys där fyra huvudteman togs fram; en konstant oro, hantera stigma, kontrollera eller undvika och endast lindra inte bota. Dessa teman analyserades utifrån Goffmans stigmateori och Giddens risksamhällesteori. Resultatet visar att personer med GAD lever med en konstant oro som påverkar hela deras livssituation, så som deras arbete, fritid och sociala relationer. Deras oro kan liknas med en allergi mot ovisshet då den triggas av sådant de inte kan kontrollera. De upplever sig stigmatiserade av andra och känner att de ofta behöver dölja sitt stigma genom att leva bakom en fasad. För att hantera generaliserad ångest används tre olika strategier vilka är att försöka kontrollera allt eller att undvika ångesten genom att inte utsätta sig för sådant som väcker oro eller att ständigt aktivera sig. Dessa strategier kan dock förvärra tillståndet, men det finns mycket som kan lindra generell ångest. De mest framträdande faktorerna är medicin, terapi, emotionellt stöd och självhjälp, som exempelvis meditation och träning. Resultatet visar dock att symtomen kvarstår trots stora ansträngningar och flertalet behandlingar vilket tyder på att mer forskning och effektivare interventioner krävs. Studien konkluderar att GAD inte enbart är ett problem som existerar inom individen utan även i mellanmänskliga relationer och i samhället som helhet. Därmed dras också slutsatsen att det måste ske en förändring i samhällsstrukturerna avseende psykisk ohälsa och att interventioner inte enbart bör riktas mot individen utan även anhöriga. Detta då resultatet visar att anhöriga också påverkas och att deras inflytande både kan förvärra och förbättra individens tillstånd.
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Sociala medier, självkänsla och ångestsymptom hos högstadieflickorRaderius, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
Det finns en växande oro för den inverkan som sociala medier har på ungas psykiska hälsa. Sociala jämförelser och orealistiska skönhetsideal nämns ofta i relation till sådana samband. Flickor i tonåren rapporterar högre förekomst av psykiska besvär samt lägre självkänsla än pojkar. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka högstadieflickors användning av sociala medier (med fokus på Instagram och Snapchat) och huruvida denna är associerad med generaliserad ångest. Medieringsanalys användes för att testa om självkänsla kunde förklara det potentiella sambandet bland ett slumpmässigt urval unga flickor i Stockholms län (N = 1161; medelålder = 14 år). Urvalet baseras på sekundärdata från en studie av Nationellt centrum för suicidforskning och prevention (NASP). För att mäta ångest användes Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7). Självkänsla mättes med Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Resultatet visade på små effekter men indikerar att det finns ett samband mellan flickornas ångest och tid på sociala medier, och att drygt hälften (51%) av sambandet kan förklaras genom att tid på sociala medier indirekt påverkade deras självkänsla negativt (β = 0,13; p < 0,001). Vidare antydde resultatet att flickor, vars självkänsla påverkades av sociala medier, ökade sin ångest med 1,16 GAD-poäng för varje extra 2,54 timmar på sociala medier, i kontrast till en ökning av 0,56 GAD-poäng hos flickorna med mer stabil självkänsla. Genom att få en ökad förståelse för det eventuella sambandet mellan flickors upplevda ångest och användning av sociala medier kan preventiva åtgärder, som exempelvis stärker deras självkänsla, utvecklas som ett led i att minska potentiella skadeverkningar av sociala medier.
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Composite International Diagnostic Interview screening scales for DSM-IV anxiety and mood disordersKessler, Ronald C., Calabrese, Joseph R., Farley, P. A., Gruber, Michael J., Jewell, Mark A., Katon, Wayne, Keck Jr., Paul E., Nierenberg, Andrew A., Sampson, Nancy A., Shear, M. K., Shillington, Alicia C., Stein, Murray B., Thase, Michael Edward, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 26 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background Lack of coordination between screening studies for common mental disorders in primary care and community epidemiological samples impedes progress in clinical epidemiology. Short screening scales based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), the diagnostic interview used in community epidemiological surveys throughout the world, were developed to address this problem.
Method Expert reviews and cognitive interviews generated CIDI screening scale (CIDI-SC) item pools for 30-day DSM-IV-TR major depressive episode (MDE), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD) and bipolar disorder (BPD). These items were administered to 3058 unselected patients in 29 US primary care offices. Blinded SCID clinical reinterviews were administered to 206 of these patients, oversampling screened positives.
Results Stepwise regression selected optimal screening items to predict clinical diagnoses. Excellent concordance [area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)] was found between continuous CIDI-SC and DSM-IV/SCID diagnoses of 30-day MDE (0.93), GAD (0.88), PD (0.90) and BPD (0.97), with only 9–38 questions needed to administer all scales. CIDI-SC versus SCID prevalence differences are insignificant at the optimal CIDI-SC diagnostic thresholds (χ2 1 = 0.0–2.9, p = 0.09–0.94). Individual-level diagnostic concordance at these thresholds is substantial (AUC 0.81–0.86, sensitivity 68.0–80.2%, specificity 90.1–98.8%). Likelihood ratio positive (LR+) exceeds 10 and LR− is 0.1 or less at informative thresholds for all diagnoses.
Conclusions CIDI-SC operating characteristics are equivalent (MDE, GAD) or superior (PD, BPD) to those of the best alternative screening scales. CIDI-SC results can be compared directly to general population CIDI survey results or used to target and streamline second-stage CIDIs.
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Worry Exposure versus Applied Relaxation in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety DisorderHoyer, Jürgen, Beesdo, Katja, Gloster, Andrew T., Runge, Juliane, Höfler, Michael, Becker, Eni S. January 2009 (has links)
Background: Worry exposure (WE) is a core element of cognitive-behavioral treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Its efficacy as a stand-alone treatment method (without further cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions) has never been tested.We aimed to examine whether WE alone is as efficacious as the empirically supported stand-alone treatment for GAD, applied relaxation (AR). Methods: In a randomized controlled study, 73 outpatients meeting DSM-IV criteria for GAD as primary diagnosis were allocated to either WE or AR or a waiting list control group; in a 2nd randomization procedure the waiting list subjects were reallocated to WE or AR. The treatment was manualized (15 sessions with WE or AR), included 6-month and 1-year follow-ups, as well as last observation carried forward and completer analyses, and was controlled for allegiance effects.The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Scale were used as primary outcome measures. Self-report scales of anxiety, worrying and depression including negative metacognition about worrying and thought suppression served as secondary outcome measures. Results: The dropout rate was moderate. The pre-/posttreatment effects were high for the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (standardized mean difference >1) and for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (standardized mean difference >0.87). The proportion of patients reaching high end state functioning was 48% (WE) and 56% (AR). WE and AR did not differ with regard to dropout rate or treatment effects. The treatment effects were stable at 6 month and 1 year follow-up. Conclusion: This is the first study to show that a stand-alone exposure in sensu technique – WE – is efficacious in the treatment of GAD. Both AR and WE seem to represent effective principles of change in GAD. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Duloxetine treatment for relapse prevention in adults with generalized anxiety disorder: A double-blind placebo-controlled trialDavidson, Jonathan R.T., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Llorca, Pierre-Michel, Erickson, Janelle, Detke, Michael, Ball, Susan G., Russell, James M. January 2008 (has links)
The objective was to examine duloxetine 60–120mg/day treatment for relapse prevention in adults with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Adult patients (N=887; mean age=43.3 years; 61.0% female) with DSM-IV-TR-defined GAD diagnosis were treated with duloxetine for 26 weeks. Patients who completed open-label phase and were treatment responders (≥50% reduction in Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale total score to ≤11 and “much”/“very much improved” ratings for the last 2 visits of open-label phase) were randomly assigned to receive duloxetine or placebo for a 26-week double-blind continuation phase. Relapse was defined as ≥2-point increase in illness severity ratings or by discontinuation due to lack of efficacy. During the double-blind phase, placebo-treated patients (N=201) relapsed more frequently (41.8%) than duloxetine-treated patients (13.7%, N=204, P≤0.001) and worsened on each outcome measure (P≤0.001, all comparisons). Duloxetine 60–120 mg/day treatment was efficacious and reduced risk of relapse in patients with GAD.
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Impact of Whole Food and Supplementation on Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review of the LiteratureFrench, Russell W. 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Composite International Diagnostic Interview screening scales for DSM-IV anxiety and mood disordersKessler, Ronald C., Calabrese, Joseph R., Farley, P. A., Gruber, Michael J., Jewell, Mark A., Katon, Wayne, Keck Jr., Paul E., Nierenberg, Andrew A., Sampson, Nancy A., Shear, M. K., Shillington, Alicia C., Stein, Murray B., Thase, Michael Edward, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2012 (has links)
Background Lack of coordination between screening studies for common mental disorders in primary care and community epidemiological samples impedes progress in clinical epidemiology. Short screening scales based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), the diagnostic interview used in community epidemiological surveys throughout the world, were developed to address this problem.
Method Expert reviews and cognitive interviews generated CIDI screening scale (CIDI-SC) item pools for 30-day DSM-IV-TR major depressive episode (MDE), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD) and bipolar disorder (BPD). These items were administered to 3058 unselected patients in 29 US primary care offices. Blinded SCID clinical reinterviews were administered to 206 of these patients, oversampling screened positives.
Results Stepwise regression selected optimal screening items to predict clinical diagnoses. Excellent concordance [area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)] was found between continuous CIDI-SC and DSM-IV/SCID diagnoses of 30-day MDE (0.93), GAD (0.88), PD (0.90) and BPD (0.97), with only 9–38 questions needed to administer all scales. CIDI-SC versus SCID prevalence differences are insignificant at the optimal CIDI-SC diagnostic thresholds (χ2 1 = 0.0–2.9, p = 0.09–0.94). Individual-level diagnostic concordance at these thresholds is substantial (AUC 0.81–0.86, sensitivity 68.0–80.2%, specificity 90.1–98.8%). Likelihood ratio positive (LR+) exceeds 10 and LR− is 0.1 or less at informative thresholds for all diagnoses.
Conclusions CIDI-SC operating characteristics are equivalent (MDE, GAD) or superior (PD, BPD) to those of the best alternative screening scales. CIDI-SC results can be compared directly to general population CIDI survey results or used to target and streamline second-stage CIDIs.
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Cost Effectiveness of Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Adolescence: A Comparison by Provider Type and Therapy ModalityReynolds, Kathryn Evelyn 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is frequently found in primary care settings and is highly prevalent among adolescents. The purpose of this study was to examine the cost effectiveness by provider type and therapy modality in treating adolescents (ages 13-17) with a GAD diagnosis (DSM-IV 300.02). A national insurance company in the United States provided outpatient and unidentifiable data for adolescent GAD cases (n = 2,932). These cases were used to analyze the cost effectiveness, total cost, treatment length, dropout, and readmission rates for the treatment of adolescents with GAD. Descriptive statistics signify that the mean cost of treatment for GAD in the first episode of care across all provider types is $439.28. Results revealed significant differences in cost effectiveness, total cost, treatment length, and readmission rates by provider type and therapy modality. MFTs and counselors were most cost effective, had the lowest total cost and number of sessions, as well as the lowest readmission rate among the provider types. In contrast, MSWs and psychologists were the least cost effective, had the highest number of sessions and the highest readmission rate. Therapy modality comparisons indicated that family therapy is most cost effective followed by individual, then mixed therapy modalities. Significantly fewer sessions were found when conducting family therapy upon treating adolescents with GAD. There were no significant differences in dropout by provider type, therapy modality or age group. The results of total cost by gender were also insignificant. Professional and clinical implications and future directions for research will be discussed.
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